1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3 %%%%% Defaults for instrument names, short names, cue names, etc.
4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7 %%% Clef definitions, either old-style (using the Breitkopf style) or new style
8 FlClef = \clef "treble"
11 ObClef = \clef "treble"
14 ClIClef = \clef "treble"
16 FagClef = \clef "bass"
19 CFagClef = \clef "bass"
20 CorClef = \clef "treble"
23 TrbClef = \clef "tenor"
26 TrbIIIClef = \clef "bass"
27 TbeIClef = \clef "treble"
28 TbeIIClef = \clef "treble"
29 TimClef = \clef "bass"
30 VClef = \clef "treble"
36 VcBClef = \clef "bass"
39 SClef = \clef "treble"
40 AClef = \clef "treble"
41 TClef = \clef "treble_8"
43 SingstimmeClef = \clef "treble"
48 OIClef = \clef "treble"
49 OIIClef = \clef "bass"
50 OIaClef = \clef "treble"
51 OIIaClef = \clef "bass"
52 OIbClef = \clef "treble"
53 OIIbClef = \clef "bass"
55 PIClef = \clef "treble"
56 PIIClef = \clef "bass"
60 FlInstrumentName = "Flauti"
61 FlIInstrumentName = "Flauto I"
62 FlIIInstrumentName = "Flauto II"
63 ObInstrumentName = "Oboi"
64 ObIInstrumentName = "Oboe I"
65 ObIIInstrumentName = "Oboe II"
66 ClInstrumentName = "Clarinetti"
67 ClIInstrumentName = "Clarinetto I"
68 ClIIInstrumentName = "Clarinetto II"
69 FagInstrumentName = "Fagotti"
70 FagIInstrumentName = "Fagotto I"
71 FagIIInstrumentName = "Fagotto II"
72 CFagInstrumentName = "Contrafagotto"
73 CorInstrumentName = "Corni"
74 CorIInstrumentName = "Corno I"
75 CorIIInstrumentName = "Corno II"
76 TrbInstrumentName = "Tromboni"
77 TrbIInstrumentName = "Trombone I"
78 TrbIIInstrumentName = "Trombone II"
79 TrbIIIInstrumentName = "Trombone III"
80 TbeInstrumentName = "Trombe"
81 TbeIInstrumentName = "Tromba I"
82 TbeIIInstrumentName = "Tromba II"
83 TimInstrumentName = "Timpani"
84 VIInstrumentName = "Violino I"
85 VIIInstrumentName = "Violino II"
86 VaInstrumentName = "Viola"
87 VaIInstrumentName = "Viola I"
88 VaIIInstrumentName = "Viola II"
89 VcBInstrumentName = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.2) \center-column { "Cello e" "Contrabasso"}}
90 VcInstrumentName ="Violoncello"
91 CbInstrumentName ="Basso"
92 % ChInstrumentName = "Coro"
93 SingstimmeInstrumentName = "Singstimme"
94 SInstrumentName = "Soprano"
95 AInstrumentName = "Alto"
96 TInstrumentName = "Tenore"
97 BInstrumentName = "Basso"
98 SSoloInstrumentName = "Soprano Solo"
99 TSoloInstrumentName = "Tenore Solo"
100 BSoloInstrumentName = "Basso Solo"
101 ASoloInstrumentName = "Alto Solo"
102 OInstrumentName = "Organo"
103 OIInstrumentName = "Organo I"
104 OIIInstrumentName = "Organo II"
105 BCInstrumentName = "Basso Continuo"
106 OrganInstrumentName = "Organo"
107 ContinuoInstrumentName = \OrganInstrumentName
108 PInstrumentName = "Piano"
110 ChInstrumentTitle = "Coro"
112 OriginalScoreTitle = "Originalpartitur"
113 FullScoreTitle = "Partitur / Full score"
114 LongScoreTitle = "Partitur / Full score"
115 OrganScoreTitle = "Orgelauszug / Organ score"
116 VocalScoreTitle = "Klavierauszug / Vocal score"
117 ParticellTitle = "Vokalparticell / Vocal particell"
118 ChoralScoreTitle = "Chorstimmen / Choral score"
119 SoloChoralScoreTitle = "Chorstimmen mit Soli / Choral score with solo parts"
120 SoloScoreTitle = "Solostimmen / Solo parts"
123 FlShortInstrumentName = "Fl."
124 FlIShortInstrumentName = "Fl. I"
125 FlIIShortInstrumentName = "Fl. II"
126 ObShortInstrumentName = "Ob."
127 ObIShortInstrumentName = "Ob. I"
128 ObIIShortInstrumentName = "Ob. II"
129 ClShortInstrumentName = "Cl."
130 ClIShortInstrumentName = "Cl.I"
131 ClIIShortInstrumentName = "Cl.II"
132 FagShortInstrumentName = "Fag."
133 FagIShortInstrumentName = "Fag. I"
134 FagIIShortInstrumentName = "Fag. II"
135 CFagShortInstrumentName = "Cfag."
136 CorShortInstrumentName = "Cor."
137 CorIShortInstrumentName = "Cor.I"
138 CorIIShortInstrumentName = "Cor.II"
139 TrbShortInstrumentName = "Tr."
140 TrbIShortInstrumentName = "Tr. I"
141 TrbIIShortInstrumentName = "Tr. II"
142 TrbIIIShortInstrumentName = "Tr. III"
143 TbeShortInstrumentName = "Tbe."
144 TbeIShortInstrumentName = "Tbe.I"
145 TbeIIShortInstrumentName = "Tbe.II"
146 TimShortInstrumentName = "Tim."
147 VIShortInstrumentName = "V.I"
148 VIIShortInstrumentName = "V.II"
149 VaShortInstrumentName = "Va."
150 VaIShortInstrumentName = "Va.I"
151 VaIIShortInstrumentName = "Va.II"
152 VcBShortInstrumentName = \markup{\column{"Vc." "e B."}}
153 VcShortInstrumentName = "Vc."
154 CbShortInstrumentName = "B."
155 % ChShortInstrumentName = "C."
156 SShortInstrumentName = "S."
157 % SShortInstrumentName = ##f
158 AShortInstrumentName = "A."
159 TShortInstrumentName = "T."
160 BShortInstrumentName = "B."
161 SSoloShortInstrumentName = "S.Solo"
162 ASoloShortInstrumentName = "A.Solo"
163 TSoloShortInstrumentName = "T.Solo"
164 BSoloShortInstrumentName = "B.Solo"
165 OShortInstrumentName = "Org."
166 OIShortInstrumentName = "Org. I"
167 OIIShortInstrumentName = "Org. II"
168 OrganShortInstrumentName = "Org."
169 BCShortInstrumentName = "B.C."
170 ContinuoShortInstrumentName = \OrganShortInstrumentName
206 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
207 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
209 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
210 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
214 #(define-markup-command (scoreNumber layout props nr) (markup?)
215 (interpret-markup layout props (markup (format "~a-~a" scorenumber nr)))
218 OriginalScoreNumber = "0"
219 FullScoreNumber = "1"
220 LongScoreNumber = "1a"
221 VocalScoreNumber = "2"
222 OrganScoreNumber = "2"
223 ParticellNumber = "3"
225 ChoralScoreNumber = "10"
231 SingstimmeNumber = "15"
232 SoloChoralScoreNumber = "15a"
233 SoloScoreNumber = "15"
240 OrganNumber = \ONumber
244 ContinuoNumber = \BCNumber
246 InstrumentsNumber = "25"
284 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
285 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
287 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
288 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
290 FlMidiInstrument = "flute"
291 FlIMidiInstrument = "flute"
292 FlIIMidiInstrument = "flute"
293 ObMidiInstrument = "oboe"
294 ObIMidiInstrument = "oboe"
295 ObIIMidiInstrument = "oboe"
296 ClMidiInstrument = "clarinet"
297 ClIMidiInstrument = "clarinet"
298 ClIIMidiInstrument = "clarinet"
299 FagMidiInstrument = "bassoon"
300 FagIMidiInstrument = "bassoon"
301 FagIIMidiInstrument = "bassoon"
302 CFagMidiInstrument = "bassoon"
303 CorMidiInstrument = "french horn"
304 CorIMidiInstrument = "french horn"
305 CorIIMidiInstrument = "french horn"
306 TrbMidiInstrument = "trombone"
307 TrbIMidiInstrument = "trombone"
308 TrbIIMidiInstrument = "trombone"
309 TrbIIIMidiInstrument = "trombone"
310 TbeMidiInstrument = "trumpet"
311 TbeIMidiInstrument = "trumpet"
312 TbeIIMidiInstrument = "trumpet"
313 TimMidiInstrument = "timpani"
314 VIMidiInstrument = "violin"
315 VIIMidiInstrument = "violin"
316 VaMidiInstrument = "viola"
317 VaIMidiInstrument = "viola"
318 VaIIMidiInstrument = "viola"
319 VcBMidiInstrument = "cello"
320 VcMidiInstrument ="cello"
321 CbMidiInstrument ="contrabass"
323 SMidiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
325 % ChMidiInstrument = "choir aahs"
326 % SMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
327 % AMidiInstrument = "choir aahs"
328 % TMidiInstrument = "voice oohs"
329 % BMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
330 SMidiInstrument = "voice aahs"
331 AMidiInstrument = \SMidiInstrument
332 TMidiInstrument = "voice oohs"
333 BMidiInstrument = "voice oohs"
334 SMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
335 AMidiInstrument = "choir aahs"
336 TMidiInstrument = "voice oohs"
337 BMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
338 SSoloMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
339 TSoloMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
340 BSoloMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
341 ASoloMidiInstrument = "synth voice"
342 OMidiInstrument = "church organ"