Update latex to use xelatex instead of pdflatex..
[orchestrallily.git] / Templates / EK_Full / TeX_Instruments.tex
1 \documentclass[a4paper,10pt,naustrian,twoside]{report}
2 \usepackage[<< ",".join (tex_options) >>]{editionkainhofer}
3 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Settings.itex}
5 \hypersetup{
6 pdftitle={\scoreTitle, \<< scoretype >>Type},
9 \makeatletter
10 \frontpageinstrumentation{\@instrumentation}
11 \frontpageeditor{\@editor}
12 \makeatother
14 \scoretype{\<< scoretype >>Type}
15 \scorenumber{\scoreNumber\<< scoretype >>Number}
16 % \ismn{XXXXXXXX}
18 \todos{
19 \begin{center}
20 \null
21 \vfill
22 \section*{\Huge Inhalt / Contents}
23 \begin{Large}
24 <$ for w in works -$>
25 <$ if 1 < works|length -$>
26 \subsection*{<< w.title >>}
27 <$- endif $>
28 <$ for i in w.instruments -$>
29 \<< i >>Name\\
30 <$ endfor -$>
31 <$ endfor $>
32 \end{Large}
33 \end{center}
34 \vfill
35 \vfill
36 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Material.itex}
37 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Sources.itex}
38 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Copyrightbox.itex}
41 \pagestyle{empty}
43 \begin{document}
44 \makefrontpage
46 % Remove the \iffalse if you want all instrumental parts to be included here
47 \iffalse
48 <$ set j = joiner ("
50 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
52 \cleardoublepage
55 ") -$>
56 <$ for w in works -$>
57 << j() ->>
58 <$ if 1 < works|length -$>
59 \basename{<< w.basename >>}
60 <$ if w.noTOC is not sameas true -$>
61 \phantomsection
62 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{<< w.title >>}
63 <$- endif $>
64 <$- endif $>
66 <$ for i in w.instruments -$>
67 \phantomsection
68 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\<< i >>Name}
69 \includescore{Instrument_<< i >>}
70 <$ endfor -$>
71 <$ endfor $>
72 \fi
74 \pagebreak
75 \pagestyle{empty}
76 \thispagestyle{empty}
79 \begin{preface}
80 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_About.itex}
81 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Bio.itex}
82 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Text.itex}
83 \end{preface}
84 <$ if createCriticalComments $>
85 \iffalse
86 \cleardoublepage
87 \backmatter
88 \appendix
89 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_KritBericht.itex}
90 \fi
91 <$ endif $>
92 \thispagestyle{empty}
93 \pagebreak
94 \thispagestyle{empty}
95 \backpage
96 \end{document}