Add orchestrallily to the latex search path, so we can directly load editionkainhofer.sty
[orchestrallily.git] / Templates / EK_Full / TeX_Score.tex
1 \documentclass[a4paper,10pt,naustrian,twoside]{report}
2 \usepackage<$ if scoretype == "Vocal" $>[vocalscore]<$ endif $>{editionkainhofer}
3 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Settings.itex}
5 \hypersetup{
6 pdftitle={\scoreTitle, \<< scoretype >>ScoreType},
9 \scoretype{\<< scoretype >>ScoreType}
10 \scorenumber{\scoreNumber\<< scoretype >>ScoreNumber}
11 \<< scoretype >>ScoreSettings
13 \begin{document}
14 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Coverpage.itex}
15 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Preface_Long.itex}
17 <$ for s in scores $>
18 <$- if s.noTOC is not sameas true -$>
19 \phantomsection
20 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\<< scoretype >>ScoreType}
21 <$ endif -$>
22 <$ if (1 < scores|length) or (s.basename is not sameas basename) -$>
23 \basename{<< s.basename >>}
24 <$ endif -$>
25 \includescore{Score_<< scoretype >>}
26 <$- endfor $>
28 <$ if createCriticalComments is sameas true -$>
29 \cleardoublepage
30 \backmatter
31 \appendix
32 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_KritBericht.itex}
33 <$- endif $>
35 \input{TeX_<< basename >>_Include_Backpage.itex}
36 \end{document}