[opera_libre.git] / definitions /
1 %------------------------------------------------------------------%
2 % Opéra Libre -- %
3 % %
4 % (c) Valentin Villenave, 2008 %
5 % %
6 %------------------------------------------------------------------%
8 %%% The following functions were provided by
9 %%% Nicolas Sceaux <>
10 %%%
11 %%% Markup commands
12 %%% ===============
13 %%% \vspace <amount>
14 %%% like \hspace, but for vertical space
15 %%%
16 %%% \smallCaps <string>
17 %%% like built-in \smallCaps, but dealing with accented letters
18 %%%
19 %%% \when-property <symbol> <markup>
20 %%% if symbol is find in properties, interpret the markup
21 %%% otherwise, return an empty stencil
22 %%%
23 %%% \line-width-ratio <ratio> <markup>
24 %%% interpret markup with a line-width set to current line-width * ratio
25 %%%
26 %%% \copyright
27 %%% build a copyight line, using the maintainer and copyrightYear
28 %%% header variables.
29 %%%
30 %%% \wordwrap-center <markup-list>
31 %%% like wordwrap, but center align the lines
32 %%%
33 %%% Markup lines commands
34 %%% =====================
35 %%% \wordwrap-center-lines <markup-list>
36 %%% make a markup list composed centered lines of text.
41 #(define-markup-command (vspace layout props amount) (number?)
42 "This produces a invisible object taking vertical space."
43 (let ((amount (* amount 3.0)))
44 (if (> amount 0)
45 (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons 0 amount))
46 (ly:make-stencil "" (cons -1 1) (cons amount amount)))))
48 #(define-markup-command (copyright layout props) ()
49 (let* ((maintainer (chain-assoc-get 'header:maintainer props))
50 (this-year (+ 1900 (tm:year (gmtime (current-time)))))
51 (year (string->number (or (chain-assoc-get 'header:copyrightYear props)
52 (number->string this-year)))))
53 (interpret-markup layout props
54 (markup "Copyright ©"
55 (if (= year this-year)
56 (format #f "~a" this-year)
57 (format #f "~a-~a" year this-year))
58 maintainer))))
60 #(define-markup-command (when-property layout props symbol markp) (symbol? markup?)
61 (if (chain-assoc-get symbol props)
62 (interpret-markup layout props markp)
63 (ly:make-stencil '() '(1 . -1) '(1 . -1))))
65 #(define-markup-command (line-width-ratio layout props width-ratio arg) (number? markup?)
66 (interpret-markup layout props
67 (markup #:override (cons 'line-width (* width-ratio (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props)))
68 arg)))
70 #(define-markup-list-command (wordwrap-center-lines layout props args)
71 (markup-list?)
72 (map (lambda (stencil)
73 (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:fill-line (#:stencil stencil))))
74 (interpret-markup-list layout props (make-wordwrap-lines-markup-list args))))
76 #(define-markup-command (wordwrap-center layout props args) (markup-list?)
77 (interpret-markup layout props
78 (make-column-markup
79 (make-wordwrap-center-lines-markup-list args))))
82 #(define (page-ref-aux layout props label gauge next)
83 (let* ((gauge-stencil (interpret-markup layout props gauge))
84 (x-ext (ly:stencil-extent gauge-stencil X))
85 (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent gauge-stencil Y)))
86 (ly:make-stencil
87 `(delay-stencil-evaluation
88 ,(delay (ly:stencil-expr
89 (let* ((table (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'label-page-table))
90 (label-page (and (list? table) (assoc label table)))
91 (page-number (and label-page (cdr label-page)))
92 (page-markup (if page-number
93 (markup #:concat ((format "~a" page-number) next))
94 "?"))
95 (page-stencil (interpret-markup layout props page-markup))
96 (gap (- (interval-length x-ext)
97 (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent page-stencil X)))))
98 (interpret-markup layout props
99 (markup #:concat (page-markup #:hspace gap)))))))
100 x-ext
101 y-ext)))
103 #(define-markup-command (page-refI layout props label next)
104 (symbol? markup?)
105 (page-ref-aux layout props label "0" next))
107 #(define-markup-command (page-refII layout props label next)
108 (symbol? markup?)
109 (page-ref-aux layout props label "00" next))
111 #(define-markup-command (page-refIII layout props label next)
112 (symbol? markup?)
113 (page-ref-aux layout props label "000" next))
115 #(define-markup-command (super layout props arg) (markup?)
116 (ly:stencil-translate-axis
117 (interpret-markup
118 layout
119 (cons `((font-size . ,(- (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0) 3))) props)
120 arg)
121 (* 0.25 (chain-assoc-get 'baseline-skip props))
124 #(define-markup-list-command (paragraph paper props text) (markup-list?)
125 (let ((indentation (markup #:pad-to-box (cons 0 3) (cons 0 0) #:null)))
126 (interpret-markup-list paper props
127 (make-override-lines-markup-list '(baseline-skip . 0)
128 (make-justified-lines-markup-list (cons indentation text))))))
130 #(define-markup-list-command (columns paper props text) (markup-list?)
131 (interpret-markup-list paper props
132 (make-override-lines-markup-list '(baseline-skip . 1)
133 (make-column-lines-markup-list text))))
135 #(define-markup-command (boxed-justify layout props text) (markup-list?)
136 (interpret-markup layout props
137 (make-override-markup '(box-padding . 1)
138 (make-box-markup
139 (make-column-markup
140 (make-justified-lines-markup-list text))))))
142 %%% Guile does not deal with accented letters
143 #(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
144 %%;; actually defined below, in a closure
145 #(define-public string-upper-case #f)
146 #(define accented-char-upper-case? #f)
147 #(define accented-char-lower-case? #f)
149 %%;; an accented character is seen as two characters by guile
150 #(let ((lower-case-accented-string "éèêëáàâäíìîïóòôöúùûüçœæ")
151 (upper-case-accented-string "ÉÈÊËÁÀÂÄÍÌÎÏÓÒÔÖÚÙÛÜÇŒÆ"))
152 (define (group-by-2 chars result)
153 (if (or (null? chars) (null? (cdr chars)))
154 (reverse! result)
155 (group-by-2 (cddr chars)
156 (cons (string (car chars) (cadr chars))
157 result))))
158 (let ((lower-case-accented-chars
159 (group-by-2 (string->list lower-case-accented-string) (list)))
160 (upper-case-accented-chars
161 (group-by-2 (string->list upper-case-accented-string) (list))))
162 (set! string-upper-case
163 (lambda (str)
164 (define (replace-chars str froms tos)
165 (if (null? froms)
167 (replace-chars (regexp-substitute/global #f (car froms) str
168 'pre (car tos) 'post)
169 (cdr froms)
170 (cdr tos))))
171 (string-upcase (replace-chars str
172 lower-case-accented-chars
173 upper-case-accented-chars))))
174 (set! accented-char-upper-case?
175 (lambda (char1 char2)
176 (member (string char1 char2) upper-case-accented-chars string=?)))
177 (set! accented-char-lower-case?
178 (lambda (char1 char2)
179 (member (string char1 char2) lower-case-accented-chars string=?)))))
181 #(define-markup-command (smallCaps layout props text) (markup?)
182 "Turn @code{text}, which should be a string, to small caps.
183 @example
184 \\markup \\small-caps \"Text between double quotes\"
185 @end example"
186 (define (string-list->markup strings lower)
187 (let ((final-string (string-upper-case
188 (apply string-append (reverse strings)))))
189 (if lower
190 (markup #:fontsize -2 final-string)
191 final-string)))
192 (define (make-small-caps rest-chars currents current-is-lower prev-result)
193 (if (null? rest-chars)
194 (make-concat-markup (reverse! (cons (string-list->markup
195 currents current-is-lower)
196 prev-result)))
197 (let* ((ch1 (car rest-chars))
198 (ch2 (and (not (null? (cdr rest-chars))) (cadr rest-chars)))
199 (this-char-string (string ch1))
200 (is-lower (char-lower-case? ch1))
201 (next-rest-chars (cdr rest-chars)))
202 (cond ((and ch2 (accented-char-lower-case? ch1 ch2))
203 (set! this-char-string (string ch1 ch2))
204 (set! is-lower #t)
205 (set! next-rest-chars (cddr rest-chars)))
206 ((and ch2 (accented-char-upper-case? ch1 ch2))
207 (set! this-char-string (string ch1 ch2))
208 (set! is-lower #f)
209 (set! next-rest-chars (cddr rest-chars))))
210 (if (or (and current-is-lower is-lower)
211 (and (not current-is-lower) (not is-lower)))
212 (make-small-caps next-rest-chars
213 (cons this-char-string currents)
214 is-lower
215 prev-result)
216 (make-small-caps next-rest-chars
217 (list this-char-string)
218 is-lower
219 (if (null? currents)
220 prev-result
221 (cons (string-list->markup
222 currents current-is-lower)
223 prev-result)))))))
224 (interpret-markup layout props
225 (if (string? text)
226 (make-small-caps (string->list text) (list) #f (list))
227 text)))
230 %%% Markup commands
232 #(define-markup-command (rehearsal-number layout props text) (string?)
233 (interpret-markup layout props
234 (markup #:huge #:bold text)))
236 #(define-markup-command (rehearsal-number-toc layout props text) (string?)
237 (let* ((gauge-stencil (interpret-markup layout props "8-88"))
238 (x-ext (ly:stencil-extent gauge-stencil X))
239 (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent gauge-stencil Y))
240 (stencil (interpret-markup layout props text))
241 (gap (- (interval-length x-ext)
242 (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)))))
243 (interpret-markup layout props
244 (markup #:concat (#:hspace gap text #:hspace 1)))))
246 #(define-markup-command (act layout props arg) (markup?)
247 (interpret-markup layout props
248 (if (*part*)
249 (markup #:pad-markup 2 #:fill-line (#:fontsize 6 arg))
250 (markup #:column (#:vspace 3
251 #:pad-markup 3 #:fill-line (#:fontsize 6 arg))))))
253 #(define-markup-command (scene layout props arg) (markup?)
254 (interpret-markup layout props
255 (if (*part*)
256 (markup #:pad-markup 0.5 #:fill-line (#:fontsize 4 arg))
257 (markup #:column (#:vspace 1
258 #:fill-line (#:fontsize 4 arg)
259 #:vspace 1)))))
261 #(define-markup-command (scene-description layout props arg) (markup?)
262 (interpret-markup layout props
263 (if (*part*)
264 empty-markup
265 (markup #:column (#:fill-line (#:override '(line-width . 80)
266 #:fontsize 2 arg)
267 #:vspace 1)))))
269 #(define-markup-command (title layout props arg) (markup?)
270 (interpret-markup layout props
271 (markup #:fill-line (#:override '(line-width . 80)
272 #:fontsize 2 arg))))
274 #(define-markup-command (small-title layout props arg) (markup?)
275 (interpret-markup layout props
276 (markup #:fill-line (#:override '(line-width . 80)
277 #:fontsize 0 #:italic arg))))
280 #(define-markup-command (characteri paper props name) (markup?)
281 (interpret-markup paper props
282 (markup #:huge #:smallCaps name)))
284 #(define-markup-command (character paper props name) (markup?)
285 (interpret-markup paper props
286 (markup #:null #:translate (cons -4 2) #:characteri name)))
288 #(define-markup-command (character-text paper props name text) (markup? markup?)
289 (interpret-markup paper props
290 (markup #:null #:translate (cons -4 2)
291 #:line (#:characteri name #:huge " " #:huge #:italic text))))
293 #(define-public (make-character-mark clefs name)
294 #{ << { \set Staff.forceClef = ##t \clef #$clefs
295 \once \override Staff . Clef #'full-size-change = ##t }
296 s1*0 ^\markup \character $name >> #})