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1 %------------------------------------------------------------------%
2 % Opéra Libre -- %
3 % %
4 % (c) Valentin Villenave, 2008 %
5 % %
6 %------------------------------------------------------------------%
8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Common Layout %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
10 %% Paper size -----------------------------------------------------%
11 % #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
13 %% Page breaking --------------------------------------------------%
14 #(define page-breaking ly:optimal-breaking)
16 %% Staff size -----------------------------------------------------%
17 #(set-global-staff-size 14)
19 %% Time Signatures layouts ----------------------------------------%
21 % FIXME: move to
23 CoolSignatures = {
24 \override TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
25 \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #3
26 \override TimeSignature #'break-align-symbol = ##f
27 \override TimeSignature #'X-offset = #ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self
28 \override TimeSignature #'self-alignment-X = #0
29 \override TimeSignature #'after-line-breaking = #shift-right-at-line-begin
32 topTimeSig = {
33 \CoolSignatures
34 \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #4
37 middleTimeSig = {
38 \CoolSignatures
39 % \override TimeSignature #'break-visibility = ##(#f #t #f)
40 \override TimeSig.TimeSignature #'font-size = #3
41 \override TimeSig.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 5)
44 PianoDynamics = {
45 \override Dynamics.TimeSignature #'font-size = #1
46 \override Dynamics.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1.5 . 1.5 )
51 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Functions initialization %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
53 #(use-modules (srfi srfi-39)(ice-9 regex))
54 #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
58 #(define page-layout-parser #f)
60 includePageLayoutFile =
61 #(define-music-function (parser location) ()
62 (_i "If page breaks and tweak dump is not asked, and the file
63 <basename> exists, include it.")
64 (if (not (ly:get-option 'dump-tweaks))
65 (let ((tweak-filename (format #f ""
66 (ly:parser-output-name parser))))
67 (if (access? tweak-filename R_OK)
68 (begin
69 (ly:message "Including tweak file ~a" tweak-filename)
70 (set! page-layout-parser (ly:parser-clone parser))
71 (ly:parser-parse-string page-layout-parser
72 (format #f "\\include \"~a\""
73 tweak-filename))))))
74 (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))
82 %%% -*- Mode: scheme -*-
83 %%% The following functions were provided by
84 %%% Nicolas Sceaux <>
87 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Score Inclusion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
89 %% Scheme functions -----------------------------------------------%
91 #(define *composer* (make-parameter ""))
92 #(define *category* (make-parameter ""))
93 #(define *opus* (make-parameter ""))
94 #(define *piece* (make-parameter ""))
96 #(define-public (include-pathname name)
97 (let ((hierarchy (list (*composer*)
98 (*category*)
99 (*opus*)
100 (*piece*))))
101 (string-append
102 (apply string-append
103 (map (lambda (dir)
104 (if (string-null? dir)
106 (string-append dir "/")))
107 hierarchy))
108 name
109 ".ly")))
111 #(define-public (include-score parser name)
112 (collect-music-for-book
113 parser
114 (make-music 'Music
115 'page-marker #t
116 'page-label (string->symbol name)))
117 (parameterize ((*piece* name))
118 (ly:parser-parse-string
119 (ly:parser-clone parser)
120 (format #f "\\include \"~a\""
121 (include-pathname "score")))))
124 %%% Separate parts
126 #(define *all-part-specs* (make-parameter (list)))
127 #(define *part-specs* (make-parameter #f))
128 #(define *part* (make-parameter #f))
129 #(define *part-name* (make-parameter ""))
130 #(define *note-filename* (make-parameter #f))
131 #(define *instrument-name* (make-parameter #f))
132 #(define *score-ragged* (make-parameter #f))
133 #(define *score-indent* (make-parameter #f))
134 #(define *score-extra-music* (make-parameter #f))
135 #(define *tag* (make-parameter #f))
137 #(define-public (include-part-score parser
138 name
139 score-filename
140 from-templates)
141 (collect-music-for-book
142 parser
143 (make-music 'Music
144 'page-marker #t
145 'page-label (string->symbol name)))
146 (parameterize ((*piece* name))
147 (ly:parser-parse-string
148 (ly:parser-clone parser)
149 (format #f "\\include \"~a\""
150 (if from-templates
151 (string-append "templates/" score-filename ".ly")
152 (include-pathname score-filename))))))
154 #(define (make-piece piece-spec default-note-filename)
155 "Return an associative list defining a part piece, with the following keys:
156 - name the piece name.
157 - score the part piece filename (without directory, nor extension)
158 Default: \"score\"
159 - from-template should the score filename be found in templates directory?
160 Is #t when #:score has been explicitely specified, #f otherwise.
161 - ragged the value of the layout ragged-last variable
162 Default: #f
163 - indent the value of the layout indent variable
164 Default: #f (which means that the globally defined indent is used)
165 - tag the tag to be used when including the 'global.ily' file:
166 \\keepWithTag #tag \\global
167 Default: #f (do not use a tag)
168 - notes the note filename (without directory, nor extension)
169 Default: default-note-filename
170 - instrument the instrumnt name to be printed before the first staff
171 Default: #f (do not print instrument name)
173 `piece-spec' should be a list, which first-element is the peice name,
174 then consisting of alterning keywords and values, the keywords being any
175 combination from the following list:
176 #:score #:ragged #:indent #:tag #:notes #:instrument #:silence #:music
177 where #:silence, when associated to a true value, forces the printing of rests
178 #:music allows to include some extra music"
179 (let ((name (car piece-spec))
180 (score "score")
181 (from-templates #t)
182 (ragged #f)
183 (indent #f)
184 (tag #f)
185 (notes default-note-filename)
186 (instrument #f)
187 (music #f))
188 (let parse-props ((props (cdr piece-spec)))
189 (if (not (or (null? props) (null? (cdr props))))
190 (begin
191 (case (car props)
192 ((#:notes) (set! notes (cadr props)))
193 ((#:ragged) (set! ragged (cadr props)))
194 ((#:indent) (set! indent (cadr props)))
195 ((#:tag) (set! tag (cadr props)))
196 ((#:score)
197 (set! score (cadr props))
198 (set! from-templates #f))
199 ((#:instrument) (set! instrument (cadr props)))
200 ((#:music) (set! music (cadr props)))
201 ((#:silence)
202 (if (cadr props)
203 (begin
204 (set! score "score-silence")
205 (set! ragged #t)
206 (set! notes "silence")
207 (set! from-templates #t)))))
208 (parse-props (cddr props)))))
209 `((name . ,name)
210 (score . ,score)
211 (from-templates . ,from-templates)
212 (ragged . ,ragged)
213 (indent . ,indent)
214 (tag . ,tag)
215 (notes . ,notes)
216 (instrument . ,instrument)
217 (music . ,music))))
219 %% Music functions ------------------------------------------------%
221 %%% \includeScore "piece"
222 %%% set the current piece to `piece', and parse the file
223 %%% "<piece pathname>/score.ily"
225 %%% Functions parsing a file and returning its music:
227 %%% \global
228 %%% Return the music of the current piece "global.ily" file,
229 %%% parsing it if that has not been done yet.
231 setPart =
232 #(define-music-function (parser location name) (string?)
233 (define (add-piece! pieces-htable piece-spec forced default-note-filename instrument)
234 (let ((piece-name (car piece-spec)))
235 (if (or forced (not (hashq-ref pieces-htable piece-name #f)))
236 (let ((piece (make-piece piece-spec default-note-filename)))
237 (if (and instrument
238 (not (assoc-ref piece 'instrument)))
239 (assoc-set! piece 'instrument instrument))
240 (hashq-set! pieces-htable piece-name piece)))))
241 (let* ((part-key (string->symbol name))
242 (spec (assoc part-key (*all-part-specs*))))
243 (if spec
244 (let ((part-name (cadr spec))
245 (fallbacks (caddr spec))
246 (default-notes (cadddr spec))
247 (piece-specs (cddddr spec)))
248 (*part* part-key)
249 (*part-name* part-name)
250 (*part-specs* (make-hash-table 150))
251 (for-each (lambda (piece-spec)
252 (add-piece! (*part-specs*) piece-spec #t default-notes #f))
253 piece-specs)
254 (for-each (lambda (fallback)
255 (let* ((key (car fallback))
256 (instrument (cadr fallback))
257 (spec (assoc key (*all-part-specs*))))
258 (if spec
259 (let ((default-notes (cadddr spec))
260 (piece-specs (cddddr spec)))
261 (for-each (lambda (piece-spec)
262 (add-piece! (*part-specs*) piece-spec #f default-notes instrument))
263 piece-specs)))))
264 fallbacks))
265 (ly:warning "No `~a' part defined for this opus" part-key)))
266 (make-music 'Music 'void #t))
269 %%% Music functions
272 global =
273 #(define-music-function (parser location) ()
274 (let* ((global-symbol (string->symbol (format "global~a~a" (*opus*) (*piece*))))
275 (global-music (ly:parser-lookup parser global-symbol))
276 (start-overrides (ly:parser-lookup parser 'staffStart)))
277 (if (not (ly:music? global-music))
278 (let* ((global-file (include-pathname "global")))
279 (if (not (ly:music? start-overrides))
280 (set! start-overrides (make-music 'Music)))
281 (set! global-music #{ \notemode { $start-overrides \include $global-file } #})
282 (ly:parser-define! parser global-symbol global-music)))
283 (ly:music-deep-copy global-music)))
285 includeNotes =
286 #(define-music-function (parser location pathname) (string?)
287 (let ((include-file (include-pathname pathname)))
288 #{ \notemode { \include $include-file } #}))
290 includeLyrics =
291 #(define-music-function (parser location pathname) (string?)
292 (let ((include-file (include-pathname pathname)))
293 #{ \lyricmode { \include $include-file } #}))
295 includeScore =
296 #(define-music-function (parser location name) (string?)
297 (if (*part*)
298 ;; a part score
299 (let ((piece (hashq-ref (*part-specs*)
300 (string->symbol name)
301 (make-piece (list (string->symbol name)
302 #:silence #t)
303 "silence"))))
304 (parameterize ((*score-ragged* (assoc-ref piece 'ragged))
305 (*note-filename* (assoc-ref piece 'notes))
306 (*instrument-name* (assoc-ref piece 'instrument))
307 (*score-indent* (assoc-ref piece 'indent))
308 (*tag* (assoc-ref piece 'tag))
309 (*score-extra-music* (assoc-ref piece 'music)))
310 (include-part-score parser
311 name
312 (assoc-ref piece 'score)
313 (assoc-ref piece 'from-templates))))
314 ;; conductor score
315 (include-score parser name))
316 (make-music 'Music 'void #t))
318 %%% -*- Mode: scheme -*-
320 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
322 %%% Tagging commands
325 #(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
326 #(define* (has-some-member? list1 list2 #:key (test eqv?))
327 "Return a true value iif there exists an element of list1 that also
328 belongs to list2 under test."
329 (if (null? list1)
331 (or (member (car list1) list2 test)
332 (has-some-member? (cdr list1) list2 #:test test))))
334 #(define (symbol-or-symbols? x)
335 (or (null? x)
336 (symbol? x)
337 (and (list? x) (every symbol? x))))
339 keepWithTag =
340 #(define-music-function (parser location tags music)
341 (symbol-or-symbols? ly:music?)
342 (music-filter
343 (lambda (m)
344 (let ((m.tags (ly:music-property m 'tags)))
345 (cond ((symbol? tags)
346 (or (null? m.tags) (memq tags m.tags)))
347 ((null? tags)
348 (null? m.tags))
349 ((list? tags)
350 (or (null? m.tags) (has-some-member? tags m.tags)))
351 (else #t))))
352 music))
354 tag =
355 #(define-music-function (parser location tags arg)
356 (symbol-or-symbols? ly:music?)
357 "Add @var{tags} (a single tag or a list of tags) to the @code{tags}
358 property of @var{arg}."
359 (set! (ly:music-property arg 'tags)
360 (if (symbol? tags)
361 (cons tags (ly:music-property arg 'tags))
362 (append tags (ly:music-property arg 'tags))))
363 arg)
366 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
368 %%% smaller notes
371 smallNotes =
372 #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
373 (let ((first-chord-already-found #f)
374 (last-chord #f)
375 (start-beam (make-music 'BeamEvent
376 'span-direction -1))
377 (end-beam (make-music 'BeamEvent
378 'span-direction 1))
379 (note-count 0))
380 ;; Add [ beaming directive to the first chord
381 (music-map (lambda (event)
382 (cond ((eqv? (ly:music-property event 'name) 'EventChord)
383 (cond ((not first-chord-already-found)
384 ;; the first ChordEvent: add start beam
385 (set! first-chord-already-found #t)
386 (set! (ly:music-property event 'elements)
387 (cons start-beam
388 (ly:music-property event 'elements))))
389 (else (set! last-chord event))))
390 ((eqv? (ly:music-property event 'name) 'NoteEvent)
391 (set! note-count (1+ note-count))))
392 event)
393 music)
394 ;; Add ] beaming directive to the last chord
395 (set! (ly:music-property last-chord 'elements)
396 (cons end-beam (ly:music-property last-chord 'elements)))
397 ;; If there are 3 notes, add a *2/3 duration factor
398 (if (= note-count 3)
399 (music-map (lambda (event)
400 (if (eqv? (ly:music-property event 'name) 'NoteEvent)
401 (let* ((duration (ly:music-property event 'duration))
402 (dot-count (ly:duration-dot-count duration))
403 (log (ly:duration-log duration)))
404 (set! (ly:music-property event 'duration)
405 (ly:make-duration log dot-count 2 3))))
406 event)
407 music)))
409 \override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #-3
410 \override Voice.Stem #'font-size = #-3
411 \override Voice.NoteHead #'font-size = #-3
412 \override Voice.Accidental #'font-size = #-4
413 $music
414 \revert Voice.NoteHead #'font-size
415 \revert Voice.Stem #'font-size
416 \revert Voice.NoteHead #'font-size
417 \revert Voice.Accidental #'font-size
422 %%% Misc utilities
425 instrumentName =
426 #(define-music-function (parser location name) (markup?)
427 #{ \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \large $name #})
429 characterName =
430 #(define-music-function (parser location name) (markup?)
431 #{ \set Staff . instrumentName = \markup \large \smallCaps $name #})