mips32, convert miniprograms with code definition
[openocd.git] / contrib / rpc_examples / ocdrpc.hs
1 -- OpenOCD RPC example, covered by GNU GPLv3 or later
2 -- Copyright (C) 2014 Paul Fertser
3 --
4 -- Example output:
5 -- $ ./ocdrpc
6 -- Halting the target, full log output captured:
7 -- target state: halted
8 -- target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread
9 -- xPSR: 0x21000000 pc: 0x00003352 msp: 0x20000fe8
11 -- Read memory, parse the result and show as a list of strings:
12 -- ["0x20001000","0x0000334d","0x00002abb","0x0000118f","0x00002707","0x00002707","0x00002707","0x00000000","0x00000000","0x00000000","0x00000000","0x00002707","0x00002707","0x00000000","0x00002707","0x00002781"]
13 -- Resuming
15 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
16 module Main where
18 import Prelude
19 import Control.Applicative
20 import Network.Socket
21 import System.IO.Streams.Core hiding (connect)
22 import System.IO.Streams.Network
23 import System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec
24 import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
25 import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
26 import Data.ByteString.Char8 hiding (putStrLn, concat, map)
27 import Text.Printf
29 ocdReply = manyTill anyChar (char '\x1a')
31 ocdExec (oistream, oostream) command = do
32 write (Just $ pack $ command ++ "\x1a") oostream
33 parseFromStream ocdReply oistream
35 -- For each line: dispose of address, then match hex values
36 mdwParser = (manyTill anyChar (string ": ") *>
37 hexadecimal `sepBy` char ' ')
38 `sepBy` string " \n"
40 ocdMdw :: (InputStream ByteString, OutputStream ByteString) -> Integer -> Integer -> IO [Integer]
41 ocdMdw s start count = do
42 s <- ocdExec s $ "ocd_mdw " ++ show start ++ " " ++ show count
43 case parseOnly mdwParser (pack s) of
44 Right r -> return $ concat r
46 main = do
47 osock <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
48 haddr <- inet_addr ""
49 connect osock (SockAddrInet 6666 haddr)
50 ostreams <- socketToStreams osock
51 putStrLn "Halting the target, full log output captured:"
52 ocdExec ostreams "capture \"halt\"" >>= putStrLn
53 putStrLn "Read memory, parse the result and show as a list of strings:"
54 ocdMdw ostreams 0 16 >>= putStrLn . (show :: [String] -> String) . map (printf "0x%08x")
55 putStrLn "Resuming"
56 ocdExec ostreams "resume"