2 -- Comment Meta Language Constructs:
5 -- argument: table_name
6 -- behavior: if the table_name does not exist, the block will be executed
9 -- argument: table_name
10 -- behavior: if the table_name does exist, the block will be executed
13 -- arguments: table_name colname
14 -- behavior: if the table and column exist, the block will be executed
17 -- arguments: table_name colname
18 -- behavior: if the table exists but the column does not, the block will be executed
21 -- arguments: table_name colname value
22 -- behavior: If the table table_name does not have a column colname with a data type equal to value, then the block will be executed
25 -- arguments: table_name colname value
26 -- behavior: If the table table_name does not have a row where colname = value, the block will be executed.
29 -- arguments: table_name colname value colname2 value2
30 -- behavior: If the table table_name does not have a row where colname = value AND colname2 = value2, the block will be executed.
33 -- arguments: table_name colname value colname2 value2 colname3 value3
34 -- behavior: If the table table_name does not have a row where colname = value AND colname2 = value2 AND colname3 = value3, the block will be executed.
37 -- arguments: table_name colname value colname2 value2 colname3 value3 colname4 value4
38 -- behavior: If the table table_name does not have a row where colname = value AND colname2 = value2 AND colname3 = value3 AND colname4 = value4, the block will be executed.
41 -- desc: This is a very specialized function to allow adding items to the list_options table to avoid both redundant option_id and title in each element.
42 -- arguments: table_name colname value colname2 value2 colname3 value3
43 -- behavior: The block will be executed if both statements below are true:
44 -- 1) The table table_name does not have a row where colname = value AND colname2 = value2.
45 -- 2) The table table_name does not have a row where colname = value AND colname3 = value3.
48 -- arguments: table_name colname value colname2 value2
49 -- behavior: If the table table_name does have a row where colname = value AND colname2 = value2, the block will be executed.
52 -- arguments: table_name colname value colname2 value2 colname3 value3
53 -- behavior: If the table table_name does have a row where colname = value AND colname2 = value2 AND colname3 = value3, the block will be executed.
56 -- desc: This function is most often used for dropping of indexes/keys.
57 -- arguments: table_name colname
58 -- behavior: If the table and index exist the relevant statements are executed, otherwise not.
61 -- desc: This function will allow adding of indexes/keys.
62 -- arguments: table_name colname
63 -- behavior: If the index does not exist, it will be created
66 -- all blocks are terminated with a #EndIf statement.
69 -- Custom function for creating Reaction List
71 -- #IfNotListOccupation
72 -- Custom function for creating Occupation List
74 -- #IfTextNullFixNeeded
75 -- desc: convert all text fields without default null to have default null.
79 -- desc: Execute SQL if the table has been created with given engine specified.
80 -- arguments: table_name engine
81 -- behavior: Use when engine conversion requires more than one ALTER TABLE
83 -- #IfInnoDBMigrationNeeded
84 -- desc: find all MyISAM tables and convert them to InnoDB.
86 -- behavior: can take a long time.
88 #IfMissingColumn list_options edit_options
89 ALTER TABLE `list_options` ADD `edit_options` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
92 #IfMissingColumn list_options timestamp
96 #IfNotTable multiple_db
97 CREATE TABLE `multiple_db` (
98 `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
99 `namespace` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
100 `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
102 `dbname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
103 `host` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'localhost',
104 `port` smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '3306',
106 UNIQUE KEY `namespace` (namespace),
111 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id page_validation option_id therapy_groups_add#addGroup
112 INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `notes`, `activity`) VALUES ('page_validation', 'therapy_groups_add#addGroup', '/interface/therapy_groups/index.php?method=addGroup', 120, '{group_name:{presence: true}}', 1);
115 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id page_validation option_id therapy_groups_edit#editGroup
116 INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `notes`, `activity`) VALUES ('page_validation', 'therapy_groups_edit#editGroup', '/interface/therapy_groups/index.php?method=groupDetails', 125, '{group_name:{presence: true}}', 1);
119 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id page_validation option_id tg_add#add-participant-form
120 INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `notes`, `activity`) VALUES ('page_validation', 'tg_add#add-participant-form', '/interface/therapy_groups/index.php?method=groupParticipants', 130, '{participant_name:{presence: true}, group_patient_start:{presence: true}}', 1);
123 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id page_validation option_id add_edit_event#theform_groups
124 INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`,`option_id`,`title`,`seq`,`is_default`,`option_value`,`mapping`,`notes`,`codes`,`toggle_setting_1`,`toggle_setting_2`,`activity`,`subtype`)
125 VALUES ('page_validation','add_edit_event#theform_groups','/interface/main/calendar/add_edit_event.php?group=true',150,0,0,'','{form_group:{presence: true}}','',0,0,1,'');
128 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id page_validation option_id common#new-encounter-form
129 INSERT INTO `list_options` (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `notes`, `activity`) VALUES ('page_validation', 'common#new-encounter-form', '/interface/forms/newGroupEncounter/common.php', 160, '{pc_catid:{exclusion: ["_blank"]}}', 1);
132 #IfNotTable therapy_groups
133 CREATE TABLE `therapy_groups` (
134 `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
135 `group_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
136 `group_start_date` date NOT NULL ,
137 `group_end_date` date,
138 `group_type` tinyint NOT NULL,
139 `group_participation` tinyint NOT NULL,
140 `group_status` int(11) NOT NULL,
142 `group_guest_counselors` varchar(255),
143 PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`)
147 #IfNotTable therapy_groups_participants
148 CREATE TABLE `therapy_groups_participants` (
149 `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
150 `pid` int(11) NOT NULL ,
151 `group_patient_status` int(11) NOT NULL,
152 `group_patient_start` date NOT NULL ,
153 `group_patient_end` date,
154 `group_patient_comment` text,
155 PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`pid`)
159 #IfNotTable therapy_groups_participant_attendance
160 CREATE TABLE `therapy_groups_participant_attendance` (
161 `form_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
162 `pid` int(11) NOT NULL ,
163 `meeting_patient_comment` text ,
164 `meeting_patient_status` varchar(15),
165 PRIMARY KEY (`form_id`,`pid`)
169 #IfNotTable therapy_groups_counselors
170 CREATE TABLE `therapy_groups_counselors`(
171 `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
172 `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
173 PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`,`user_id`)
177 #IfMissingColumn openemr_postcalendar_events pc_gid
178 ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_events ADD pc_gid int(11) DEFAULT 0;
181 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id groupstat
182 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`) VALUES ('lists', 'groupstat', 'Group Statuses', '13', '0', '0');
183 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`) VALUES ('groupstat', '-', '- None', '10', '0', '0', 'FEFDCF|0');
184 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`) VALUES ('groupstat', '=', '= Took Place', '20', '0', '0', 'FF2414|0');
185 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`) VALUES ('groupstat', '>', '> Did Not Take Place', '30', '0', '0', 'BFBFBF|0');
186 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`) VALUES ('groupstat', '<', '< Not Reported', '40', '0', '0', 'FEFDCF|0');
189 #IfNotRow openemr_postcalendar_categories pc_catname Group Therapy
190 INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_categories (`pc_catname`, `pc_catcolor`, `pc_recurrspec`, `pc_duration` ,`pc_cattype` , `pc_active` , `pc_seq`)
191 VALUES ('Group Therapy' , '#BFBFBF' , 'a:5:{s:17:"event_repeat_freq";s:1:"0";s:22:"event_repeat_freq_type";s:1:"0";s:19:"event_repeat_on_num";s:1:"1";s:19:"event_repeat_on_day";s:1:"0";s:20:"event_repeat_on_freq";s:1:"0";}', '3600', '3', '1', '90');
195 #IfNotTable form_groups_encounter
196 CREATE TABLE `form_groups_encounter` (
197 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
198 `date` datetime default NULL,
201 `facility_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
202 `group_id` bigint(20) default NULL,
203 `encounter` bigint(20) default NULL,
204 `onset_date` datetime default NULL,
205 `sensitivity` varchar(30) default NULL,
207 `pc_catid` int(11) NOT NULL default '5' COMMENT 'event category from openemr_postcalendar_categories',
208 `last_level_billed` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0=none, 1=ins1, 2=ins2, etc',
209 `last_level_closed` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '0=none, 1=ins1, 2=ins2, etc',
210 `last_stmt_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
211 `stmt_count` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
212 `provider_id` INT(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'default and main provider for this visit',
213 `supervisor_id` INT(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'supervising provider, if any, for this visit',
214 `invoice_refno` varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
215 `referral_source` varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
216 `billing_facility` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
217 `external_id` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,
218 `pos_code` tinyint(4) default NULL,
219 `counselors` VARCHAR (255),
220 `appt_id` INT(11) default NULL,
222 KEY `pid_encounter` (`group_id`, `encounter`),
223 KEY `encounter_date` (`date`)
227 #IfMissingColumn forms therapy_group_id
228 ALTER TABLE `forms` ADD `therapy_group_id` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL;
231 #IfMissingColumn registry patient_encounter
232 ALTER TABLE `registry` ADD `patient_encounter` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
235 #IfMissingColumn registry therapy_group_encounter
236 ALTER TABLE `registry` ADD `therapy_group_encounter` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
240 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id attendstat
241 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`) VALUES ('lists', 'attendstat', 'Group Attendance Statuses', '15', '0', '0');
242 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`, `toggle_setting_1`) VALUES ('attendstat', '-', '- Not Reported', '10', '0', '0', 'FEFDCF|0', '0');
243 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`, `toggle_setting_1`) VALUES ('attendstat', '@', '@ Attended', '20', '0', '0', 'FF2414|0', '1');
244 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`, `toggle_setting_1`) VALUES ('attendstat', '?', '? Did Not Attend', '30', '0', '0', 'BFBFBF|0', '1');
245 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`, `toggle_setting_1`) VALUES ('attendstat', '~', '~ Late Arrival', '40', '0', '0', 'BFBFBF|0', '1');
246 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `option_value`, `notes`, `toggle_setting_1`) VALUES ('attendstat', 'x', 'x Cancelled', '50', '0', '0', 'FEFDCF|0', '0');
249 #IfNotRow registry directory group_attendance
250 INSERT INTO registry (name, state, directory, sql_run, unpackaged, date, priority, category, nickname, patient_encounter, therapy_group_encounter) VALUES ('Group Attendance Form', 1, 'group_attendance', 1, 1, '2015-10-15 00:00:00', 0, 'Clinical', '',0,1);
253 #IfNotRow registry directory newGroupEncounter
254 INSERT INTO registry (name, state, directory, sql_run, unpackaged, date, priority, category, nickname, patient_encounter, therapy_group_encounter) VALUES ('New Group Encounter Form', 1, 'newGroupEncounter', 1, 1, '2015-10-15 00:00:00', 0, 'Clinical', '',0,1);
257 #IfNotTable form_therapy_groups_attendance
258 CREATE TABLE `form_therapy_groups_attendance` (
259 id bigint(20) auto_increment,
263 groupname varchar(255),
264 authorized tinyint(4),
265 encounter_id int(11),
271 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id files_white_list
272 INSERT INTO list_options (`list_id`, `option_id`, `title`) VALUES ('lists', 'files_white_list', 'Files type white list');
275 #IfNotTable onsite_documents
276 CREATE TABLE `onsite_documents` (
278 `pid` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
279 `facility` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
280 `provider` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
281 `encounter` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
282 `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
283 `doc_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
284 `patient_signed_status` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
285 `patient_signed_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
286 `authorize_signed_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
287 `accept_signed_status` smallint(5) NOT NULL,
288 `authorizing_signator` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
289 `review_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
290 `denial_reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
291 `authorized_signature` text,
292 `patient_signature` text,
293 `full_document` blob,
294 `file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
295 `file_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
300 #IfNotTable onsite_mail
301 CREATE TABLE `onsite_mail` (
302 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
303 `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
304 `owner` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
305 `user` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
306 `groupname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
307 `activity` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
308 `authorized` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
309 `header` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
310 `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
312 `recipient_id` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
313 `recipient_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
314 `sender_id` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
315 `sender_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
316 `assigned_to` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
317 `deleted` tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'flag indicates note is deleted',
318 `delete_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
319 `mtype` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
320 `message_status` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'New',
321 `mail_chain` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
322 `reply_mail_chain` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
323 `is_msg_encrypted` tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Whether messsage encrypted 0-Not encrypted, 1-Encrypted',
329 #IfNotTable onsite_messages
330 CREATE TABLE `onsite_messages` (
331 `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
332 `username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
334 `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
335 `date` datetime NOT NULL,
336 `sender_id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'who sent id',
337 `recip_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'who to id array',
339 ) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT='Portal messages' AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
342 #IfNotTable onsite_online
343 CREATE TABLE `onsite_online` (
344 `hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
345 `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
346 `last_update` datetime NOT NULL,
347 `username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
348 `userid` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
353 #IfNotTable onsite_portal_activity
354 CREATE TABLE `onsite_portal_activity` (
355 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
356 `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
357 `patient_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
358 `activity` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
359 `require_audit` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
360 `pending_action` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
361 `action_taken` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
362 `status` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
363 `narrative` longtext,
364 `table_action` longtext,
365 `table_args` longtext,
366 `action_user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
367 `action_taken_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
374 #IfNotTable onsite_signatures
375 CREATE TABLE `onsite_signatures` (
376 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
377 `status` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'waiting',
378 `type` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
379 `created` int(11) NOT NULL,
380 `lastmod` datetime NOT NULL,
381 `pid` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
382 `encounter` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
383 `user` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
384 `activity` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
385 `authorized` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
386 `signator` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
389 `sig_hash` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
390 `ip` varchar(46) NOT NULL,
392 UNIQUE KEY `pid` (`pid`,`user`),
393 KEY `encounter` (`encounter`)
397 #IfNotRow categories name Onsite Portal
398 INSERT INTO categories select (select MAX(id) from categories) + 1, 'Onsite Portal', '', 1, rght, rght + 5 from categories where name = 'Categories';
399 INSERT INTO categories select (select MAX(id) from categories) + 1, 'Patient', '', (select id from categories where name = 'Onsite Portal'), rght + 1, rght + 2 from categories where name = 'Categories';
400 INSERT INTO categories select (select MAX(id) from categories) + 1, 'Reviewed', '', (select id from categories where name = 'Onsite Portal'), rght + 3, rght + 4 from categories where name = 'Categories';
401 UPDATE categories SET rght = rght + 6 WHERE name = 'Categories';
402 UPDATE categories_seq SET id = (select MAX(id) from categories);
405 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id apptstat option_id ^
406 INSERT INTO list_options ( `list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default`, `notes` ) VALUES ('apptstat','^','^ Pending',70,0,'FEFDCF|0');
409 #IfMissingColumn registry aco_spec
410 ALTER TABLE `registry` ADD `aco_spec` varchar(63) NOT NULL default 'encounters|notes';
411 UPDATE `registry` SET `aco_spec` = 'patients|appt' WHERE directory = 'newpatient';
412 UPDATE `registry` SET `aco_spec` = 'patients|appt' WHERE directory = 'newGroupEncounter';
413 UPDATE `registry` SET `aco_spec` = 'encounters|coding' WHERE directory = 'fee_sheet';
414 UPDATE `registry` SET `aco_spec` = 'encounters|coding' WHERE directory = 'misc_billing_options';
415 UPDATE `registry` SET `aco_spec` = 'patients|lab' WHERE directory = 'procedure_order';
418 #IfNotColumnType lbf_data field_value longtext
419 ALTER TABLE `lbf_data` CHANGE `field_value` `field_value` longtext;
422 #IfMissingColumn issue_types aco_spec
423 ALTER TABLE `issue_types` ADD `aco_spec` varchar(63) NOT NULL default 'patients|med';
426 #IfMissingColumn categories aco_spec
427 ALTER TABLE `categories` ADD `aco_spec` varchar(63) NOT NULL default 'patients|docs';
430 #IfNotRow background_services name ccdaservice
431 INSERT INTO `background_services` (`name`, `title`, `execute_interval`, `function`, `require_once`, `sort_order`) VALUES ('ccdaservice', 'C-CDA Node Service', 1, 'runCheck', '/ccdaservice/ssmanager.php', 95);
432 ALTER TABLE `background_services` CHANGE `running` `running` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1' COMMENT 'True indicates managed service is busy. Skip this interval.';
435 #IfNotColumnType onsite_mail owner varchar(128)
436 ALTER TABLE `onsite_mail` CHANGE `owner` `owner` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL;
439 #IfNotColumnType openemr_postcalendar_events int(11)
440 ALTER TABLE `openemr_postcalendar_events` CHANGE `pc_facility` `pc_facility` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'facility id for this event';