fixing a bunch of undefined variables
[openemr.git] / interface / patient_file / deleter.php
1 <?php
2 // Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Rod Roark <>
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 require_once("../globals.php");
10 require_once("$srcdir/");
11 require_once("$srcdir/");
12 require_once("$srcdir/");
14 $patient = $_REQUEST['patient'];
15 $encounterid = $_REQUEST['encounterid'];
16 $formid = $_REQUEST['formid'];
17 $issue = $_REQUEST['issue'];
18 $document = $_REQUEST['document'];
19 $payment = $_REQUEST['payment'];
20 $billing = $_REQUEST['billing'];
21 $transaction = $_REQUEST['transaction'];
23 $info_msg = "";
25 // Delete rows, with logging, for the specified table using the
26 // specified WHERE clause.
28 function row_delete($table, $where) {
29 $tres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where");
30 $count = 0;
31 while ($trow = sqlFetchArray($tres)) {
32 $logstring = "";
33 foreach ($trow as $key => $value) {
34 if (! $value || $value == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') continue;
35 if ($logstring) $logstring .= " ";
36 $logstring .= $key . "='" . addslashes($value) . "'";
38 newEvent("delete", $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, "$table: $logstring");
39 ++$count;
41 if ($count) {
42 $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $where";
43 echo $query . "<br>\n";
44 sqlStatement($query);
48 // Deactivate rows, with logging, for the specified table using the
49 // specified SET and WHERE clauses.
51 function row_modify($table, $set, $where) {
52 if (sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where")) {
53 newEvent("deactivate", $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, "$table: $where");
54 $query = "UPDATE $table SET $set WHERE $where";
55 echo $query . "<br>\n";
56 sqlStatement($query);
60 // We use this to put dashes, colons, etc. back into a timestamp.
62 function decorateString($fmt, $str) {
63 $res = '';
64 while ($fmt) {
65 $fc = substr($fmt, 0, 1);
66 $fmt = substr($fmt, 1);
67 if ($fc == '.') {
68 $res .= substr($str, 0, 1);
69 $str = substr($str, 1);
70 } else {
71 $res .= $fc;
74 return $res;
77 // Delete and undo product sales for a given patient or visit.
78 // This is special because it has to replace the inventory.
80 function delete_drug_sales($patient_id, $encounter_id=0) {
81 $where = $encounter_id ? "ds.encounter = '$encounter_id'" :
82 " = '$patient_id' AND ds.encounter != 0";
83 sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_sales AS ds, drug_inventory AS di " .
84 "SET di.on_hand = di.on_hand + ds.quantity " .
85 "WHERE $where AND di.inventory_id = ds.inventory_id");
86 if ($encounter_id) {
87 row_delete("drug_sales", "encounter = '$encounter_id'");
89 else {
90 row_delete("drug_sales", "pid = '$patient_id'");
94 // Delete a form's data from its form-specific table.
96 function form_delete($formdir, $formid) {
97 $formdir = ($formdir == 'newpatient') ? 'encounter' : $formdir;
98 if (substr($formdir,0,3) == 'LBF')
99 row_delete("lbf_data", "form_id = '$formid'");
100 else
101 row_delete("form_$formdir", "id = '$formid'");
104 // Delete a specified document including its associated relations and file.
106 function delete_document($document) {
107 $trow = sqlQuery("SELECT url FROM documents WHERE id = '$document'");
108 $url = $trow['url'];
109 row_delete("categories_to_documents", "document_id = '$document'");
110 row_delete("documents", "id = '$document'");
111 row_delete("gprelations", "type1 = 1 AND id1 = '$document'");
112 if (substr($url, 0, 7) == 'file://') {
113 @unlink(substr($url, 7));
117 <html>
118 <head>
119 <?php html_header_show();?>
120 <title><?php xl('Delete Patient, Encounter, Form, Issue, Document, Payment, Billing or Transaction','e'); ?></title>
121 <link rel="stylesheet" href='<?php echo $css_header ?>' type='text/css'>
123 <style>
124 td { font-size:10pt; }
125 </style>
127 <script language="javascript">
128 function submit_form()
130 document.deletefrm.submit();
132 </script>
133 </head>
135 <body class="body_top">
136 <?php
137 // If the delete is confirmed...
139 if ($_POST['form_submit']) {
141 if ($patient) {
142 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
143 row_modify("billing" , "activity = 0", "pid = '$patient'");
144 row_modify("pnotes" , "deleted = 1" , "pid = '$patient'");
145 // row_modify("prescriptions" , "active = 0" , "patient_id = '$patient'");
146 row_delete("prescriptions" , "patient_id = '$patient'");
147 row_delete("claims" , "patient_id = '$patient'");
148 delete_drug_sales($patient);
149 row_delete("payments" , "pid = '$patient'");
150 row_delete("ar_activity" , "pid = '$patient'");
151 row_delete("openemr_postcalendar_events", "pc_pid = '$patient'");
152 row_delete("immunizations" , "patient_id = '$patient'");
153 row_delete("issue_encounter", "pid = '$patient'");
154 row_delete("lists" , "pid = '$patient'");
155 row_delete("transactions" , "pid = '$patient'");
156 row_delete("employer_data" , "pid = '$patient'");
157 row_delete("history_data" , "pid = '$patient'");
158 row_delete("insurance_data" , "pid = '$patient'");
160 $res = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE pid = '$patient'");
161 while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
162 form_delete($row['formdir'], $row['form_id']);
164 row_delete("forms", "pid = '$patient'");
166 // integration_mapping is used for sql-ledger and is virtually obsolete now.
167 $row = sqlQuery("SELECT id FROM patient_data WHERE pid = '$patient'");
168 row_delete("integration_mapping", "local_table = 'patient_data' AND " .
169 "local_id = '" . $row['id'] . "'");
171 // Delete all documents for the patient.
172 $res = sqlStatement("SELECT id FROM documents WHERE foreign_id = '$patient'");
173 while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
174 delete_document($row['id']);
177 // This table exists only for athletic teams.
178 $tmp = sqlQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'daily_fitness'");
179 if (!empty($tmp)) {
180 row_delete("daily_fitness", "pid = '$patient'");
183 row_delete("patient_data", "pid = '$patient'");
185 else if ($encounterid) {
186 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
187 row_modify("billing", "activity = 0", "encounter = '$encounterid'");
188 delete_drug_sales(0, $encounterid);
189 row_delete("ar_activity", "encounter = '$encounterid'");
190 row_delete("claims", "encounter_id = '$encounterid'");
191 row_delete("issue_encounter", "encounter = '$encounterid'");
192 $res = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE encounter = '$encounterid'");
193 while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
194 form_delete($row['formdir'], $row['form_id']);
196 row_delete("forms", "encounter = '$encounterid'");
198 else if ($formid) {
199 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
200 $row = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = '$formid'");
201 $formdir = $row['formdir'];
202 if (! $formdir) die("There is no form with id '$formid'");
203 form_delete($formdir, $row['form_id']);
204 row_delete("forms", "id = '$formid'");
206 else if ($issue) {
207 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
208 row_delete("issue_encounter", "list_id = '$issue'");
209 row_delete("lists", "id = '$issue'");
211 else if ($document) {
212 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
213 delete_document($document);
215 else if ($payment) {
216 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
217 list($patient_id, $timestamp) = explode(".", $payment);
218 $timestamp = decorateString('....-..-.. ..:..:..', $timestamp);
219 $payres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM payments WHERE " .
220 "pid = '$patient_id' AND dtime = '$timestamp'");
221 while ($payrow = sqlFetchArray($payres)) {
222 if ($payrow['amount1'] != 0) {
223 // Mark the payment as inactive.
224 row_modify("billing", "activity = 0",
225 "pid = '$patient_id' AND " .
226 "encounter = '" . $payrow['encounter'] . "' AND " .
227 "code_type = 'COPAY' AND " .
228 "fee = '" . (0 - $payrow['amount1']) . "' AND " .
229 "LEFT(date, 10) = '" . substr($timestamp, 0, 10) . "' AND " .
230 "activity = 1 LIMIT 1");
232 if ($payrow['amount2'] != 0) {
233 if ($GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['enabled'] === 2) {
234 $thissrc = '';
235 if ($payrow['method']) {
236 $thissrc .= $payrow['method'];
237 if ($payrow['source']) $thissrc .= ' ' . $payrow['source'];
239 $thissrc .= ' front office reversal';
240 $session_id = 0; // Is this OK?
241 arPostPayment($patient_id, $payrow['encounter'], $session_id,
242 0 - $payrow['amount2'], '', 0, $thissrc, 0);
244 else {
245 // Look up the matching invoice and post an offsetting payment.
246 slInitialize();
247 $invnum = "$patient_id." . $payrow['encounter'];
248 $thissrc = 'Pt/';
249 if ($payrow['method']) {
250 $thissrc .= $payrow['method'];
251 if ($payrow['source']) $thissrc .= ' ' . $payrow['source'];
253 $thissrc .= ' front office reversal';
254 $trans_id = SLQueryValue("SELECT id FROM ar WHERE " .
255 "ar.invnumber = '$invnum' LIMIT 1");
256 if ($trans_id) {
257 slPostPayment($trans_id, 0 - $payrow['amount2'], date('Y-m-d'),
258 $thissrc, '', 0, 0);
259 } else {
260 $info_msg .= "Invoice '$invnum' not found; could not delete its " .
261 "payment of \$" . $payrow['amount2'] . ". ";
263 SLClose();
266 row_delete("payments", "id = '" . $payrow['id'] . "'");
269 else if ($billing) {
270 if (!acl_check('acct','disc')) die("Not authorized!");
271 list($patient_id, $encounter_id) = explode(".", $billing);
272 if ($GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['enabled'] === 2) {
273 sqlStatement("DELETE FROM ar_activity WHERE " .
274 "pid = '$patient_id' AND encounter = '$encounter_id'");
275 sqlStatement("DELETE ar_session FROM ar_session LEFT JOIN " .
276 "ar_activity ON ar_session.session_id = ar_activity.session_id " .
277 "WHERE ar_activity.session_id IS NULL");
278 row_modify("billing", "activity = 0",
279 "pid = '$patient_id' AND " .
280 "encounter = '$encounter_id' AND " .
281 "code_type = 'COPAY' AND " .
282 "activity = 1");
283 sqlStatement("UPDATE form_encounter SET last_level_billed = 0, " .
284 "last_level_closed = 0, stmt_count = 0, last_stmt_date = NULL " .
285 "WHERE pid = '$patient_id' AND encounter = '$encounter_id'");
287 else {
288 slInitialize();
289 $trans_id = SLQueryValue("SELECT id FROM ar WHERE ar.invnumber = '$billing' LIMIT 1");
290 if ($trans_id) {
291 newEvent("delete", $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], 1, "Invoice $billing from SQL-Ledger");
292 SLQuery("DELETE FROM acc_trans WHERE trans_id = '$trans_id'");
293 if ($sl_err) die($sl_err);
294 SLQuery("DELETE FROM invoice WHERE trans_id = '$trans_id'");
295 if ($sl_err) die($sl_err);
296 SLQuery("DELETE FROM ar WHERE id = '$trans_id'");
297 if ($sl_err) die($sl_err);
298 } else {
299 $info_msg .= "Invoice '$billing' not found!";
301 SLClose();
303 sqlStatement("UPDATE drug_sales SET billed = 0 WHERE " .
304 "pid = '$patient_id' AND encounter = '$encounter_id'");
305 updateClaim(true, $patient_id, $encounter_id, -1, -1, 1, 0, ''); // clears for rebilling
307 else if ($transaction) {
308 if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) die("Not authorized!");
309 row_delete("transactions", "id = '$transaction'");
311 else {
312 die("Nothing was recognized to delete!");
315 if (! $info_msg) $info_msg = xl('Delete successful.');
317 // Close this window and tell our opener that it's done.
319 echo "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
320 if ($info_msg) echo " alert('$info_msg');\n";
321 if ($encounterid) //this code need to be same as 'parent.imdeleted($encounterid)' when the popup is div like
323 echo "window.opener.imdeleted($encounterid);\n";
325 else
327 echo "parent.imdeleted();\n";
329 echo "</script></body></html>\n";
330 exit();
334 <form method='post' name="deletefrm" action='deleter.php?patient=<?php echo $patient ?>&encounterid=<?php echo $encounterid ?>&formid=<?php echo $formid ?>&issue=<?php echo $issue ?>&document=<?php echo $document ?>&payment=<?php echo $payment ?>&billing=<?php echo $billing ?>&transaction=<?php echo $transaction ?>' onsubmit="javascript:alert('1');document.deleform.submit();">
336 <p class="text">&nbsp;<br><?php xl('Do you really want to delete','e'); ?>
338 <?php
339 if ($patient) {
340 echo xl('patient') . " $patient";
341 } else if ($encounterid) {
342 echo xl('encounter') . " $encounterid";
343 } else if ($formid) {
344 echo xl('form') . " $formid";
345 } else if ($issue) {
346 echo xl('issue') . " $issue";
347 } else if ($document) {
348 echo xl('document') . " $document";
349 } else if ($payment) {
350 echo xl('payment') . " $payment";
351 } else if ($billing) {
352 echo xl('invoice') . " $billing";
353 } else if ($transaction) {
354 echo xl('transaction') . " $transaction";
356 ?> <?php xl('and all subordinate data? This action will be logged','e'); ?>!</p>
358 <center>
360 <p class="text">&nbsp;<br>
361 <a href="#" onclick="submit_form()" class="css_button"><span><?php xl('Yes, Delete and Log','e'); ?></span></a>
362 <input type='hidden' name='form_submit' value=<?php xl('Yes, Delete and Log','e','\'','\''); ?>/>
363 <a href='#' class="css_button" onclick='parent.$.fn.fancybox.close();'><span><?php echo xl('No, Cancel');?></span></a>
364 </p>
366 </center>
367 </form>
368 </body>
369 </html>