Moved patient picture, if present, to top.
[openemr.git] / contrib / forms / patient_intake_history / view.php
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
3 "">
5 <?php
7 include_once("../../globals.php");
9 include_once("$srcdir/");
11 include_once("$srcdir/");
13 include_once("$srcdir/");
19 <html>
21 <head>
22 <?php html_header_show();?>
24 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $css_header;?>" type="text/css">
26 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../acog.css" type="text/css">
28 <script language="JavaScript" src="../../acog.js" type="text/JavaScript"></script>
30 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
32 window.onload = initialize;
34 </script>
36 </head>
40 <body class="body_top">
44 <?php
46 $fres=sqlStatement("select * from patient_data where pid='".$pid."'");
48 if ($fres){
50 $patient = sqlFetchArray($fres);
54 $fres=sqlStatement("select * from form_patient_intake_history where id=$id");
56 if ($fres){
58 $fdata = sqlFetchArray($fres);
62 $fres=sqlStatement("select * from form_patient_intake_history_ros where id=".$fdata['linked_ros_id']);
64 if ($fres){
66 $fros = sqlFetchArray($fres);
72 <form action="<?php echo $rootdir;?>/forms/patient_intake_history/save.php?mode=update&id=<?php echo $id; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="my_form">
74 <?php
76 $addmenu = <<<EOL
78 <blockquote>
80 <small><strong>Local sections: </strong><br>
82 <a href="#gh">Gynecologic history</a> |
84 <a href="#oh">Obstetric history</a> | <a href="#cm">Current medications</a> |
86 <a href="#fh">Family history</a> | <a href="#sh">Social history</a> |
88 <a href="#pp">Personal profile</a> |
90 <a href="#ih">Personal past history of illnesses</a> | <a href="#op">Operations/Hospitalizations</a> |
92 <a href="#ii">Injuries/Illnesses</a> | <a href="#im">Immunizations/Test</a> |
94 <a href="#ros">Review of systems</a></small>
96 </blockquote>
98 EOL;
102 <?php include("../../"); ?>
104 <table width="50%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
106 <tr>
108 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody3">For office use only </td>
110 </tr>
112 <tr>
114 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody3"> <input name="pih_patient" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_patient'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
116 New patient </td>
118 </tr>
120 <tr>
122 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody3"><input name="pih_patient" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_patient'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
124 Established patient </td>
126 </tr>
128 <tr>
130 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody3"><input name="pih_consultation" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_consultation'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
132 Consultation</td>
134 </tr>
136 <tr>
138 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody3"><input name="pih_report_sent" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_report_sent'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
140 Report sent
142 <input name="pih_report_sent_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_report_sent_date'}; ?>"></td>
144 </tr>
146 </table>
148 <?php
150 $tip1 = <<<EOL
152 <strong>Patient Intake History</strong> is an optional form
154 giving practices the flexibility to have patients complete
156 their own history at or before the visit. It uses language
158 that a patient is likely to understand and includes ample
160 space for physician notes. Space at the end of the form
162 allows physicians to review the history and sign off for 4
164 years. At year 5, the patient should be asked to complete
166 a new Patient Intake History.
168 EOL;
170 $tip1 = strtr($tip1, "\n\r", " ");
174 <div class="srvChapter">Patient Intake history <a href="#" onMouseOver="toolTip('<?php echo $tip1; ?>', 300)" onMouseOut="toolTip();"><img src="../../pic/mark_q.png" width="13" height="13" border="0" align="texttop"></a></div>
176 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
178 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
180 <tr>
182 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2" style="border-bottom: 2px solid black"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
184 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
186 <td width="40%" class="bordR">Patient name <br>
188 <input name="pname" type="text" class="fullin" id="pname" value="<?php
190 echo $patient{'fname'}.' '.$patient{'mname'}.' '.$patient{'lname'};
192 ?>"></td>
194 <td width="20%" class="bordR">birth date
196 <br>
198 <input name="pbdate" type="text" class="fullin" id="pbdate" value="<?php
200 echo $patient{'DOB'};
202 ?>" size="12"> </td>
204 <td width="20%" class="bordR">ID No<br>
206 <input name="pih_pid" type="text" class="fullin" id="pih_pid" size="12" value="<?php
208 echo $patient{'id'};
210 ?>"></td>
212 <td width="20%">date<br>
214 <input name="pih_date" type="text" class="fullin" id="pih_date" value="<?php
216 echo date('Y-m-d');
218 ?>" size="12"></td>
220 </tr>
222 </table>
224 </td>
226 </tr>
228 <tr>
230 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
232 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
234 <td colspan="3" class="fibody2">Address:
236 <input name="address" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'address'}; ?>"></td>
238 </tr>
240 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
242 <td width="50%" class="fibody2" id="bordR">City:
244 <input name="city" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 250px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'city'}; ?>"></td>
246 <td width="50%" colspan="2" class="fibody2">State/ZIP:
248 <input name="state" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 250px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'state'}; ?>"></td>
250 </tr>
252 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
254 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR">Home telephone:
256 <span style="width:auto">
258 <input name="home_phone" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 120px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'home_phone'}; ?>">
260 </span></td>
262 <td colspan="2" class="fibody2">Work telephone:
264 <input name="work_phone" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 120px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'work_phone'}; ?>"></td>
266 </tr>
268 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
270 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR">Employer:
272 <input name="employer" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 80%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'employer'}; ?>"></td>
274 <td width="25%" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Insurance
276 <input name="insurance" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 120px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'insurance'}; ?>"></td>
278 <td width="25%" class="fibody2">Policy No:
280 <input name="policy_no" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 120px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'policy_no'}; ?>"></td>
282 </tr>
284 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
286 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR">Name you would like us to use: <input name="name_to_use" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 50%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'name_to_use'}; ?>"> </td>
288 <td colspan="2" class="fibody2">Primary language:
290 <input name="primary_language" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 150px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'primary_language'}; ?>"></td>
292 </tr>
294 </table></td>
296 </tr>
298 <tr>
300 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
302 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
304 <td width="40%" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Name of spouse/partner: </td>
306 <td colspan="2" class="fibody2">Emergency contact:
308 <input name="partner_emergency_contact" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'partner_emergency_contact'}; ?>"></td>
310 </tr>
312 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
314 <td rowspan="2" valign="top" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><textarea name="partner_name" rows="2" wrap="VIRTUAL" class="fullin2" style="height:100%"><?php echo $fdata{'partner_name'}; ?></textarea></td>
316 <td colspan="2" class="fibody2">Relationship:
318 <input name="relationship" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:80%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'relationship'}; ?>"></td>
320 </tr>
322 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
324 <td width="30%" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Home telephone:
326 <input name="partner_home_phone" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 120px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'partner_home_phone'}; ?>"></td>
328 <td width="30%" class="fibody2">Work telephone:
330 <input name="partner_work_phone" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 120px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'partner_work_phone'}; ?>"></td>
332 </tr>
334 </table></td>
336 </tr>
338 <tr>
340 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
342 <tr>
344 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Referred by:
346 <input name="referred_by" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 85%;" value="<?php echo $fdata{'referred_by'}; ?>"></td>
348 </tr>
350 <tr>
352 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Why have you come to the office today?
354 <input name="why_come_to_office" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'why_come_to_office'}; ?>"></td>
356 </tr>
358 <tr>
360 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">If you are here for the annual examination is this a
362 <input name="primary_care_visit" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'primary_care_visit'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
364 Primary care visit or
366 <input name="primary_care_visit" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'primary_care_visit'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
368 Gynecology only </td>
370 </tr>
372 <tr>
374 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Is this a new problem?
376 <input name="new_problem" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'new_problem'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
378 yes &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
380 <input name="new_problem" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'new_problem'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
382 no</td>
384 </tr>
386 <tr>
388 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Please, describe your problem, including, where it is, how severe it is, and how long it has lasted <br>
390 <textarea name="problem_description" rows="6" class="fullin2" ><?php echo $fdata{'problem_description'}; ?></textarea></td>
392 </tr>
394 </table></td>
396 </tr>
398 </table>
400 </div>
402 <h2 align="center"><small>If you are uncomfortable answering any questions, leave them blank; you can discuss them with your doctor or nurse.</small></h2>
404 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
406 <h2 align="center"><a name="gh"></a>Gynecologic history <br>
408 </h2>
410 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
412 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
414 <tr>
416 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
418 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
420 <td width="50%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">&nbsp;</td>
422 <td width="50%" align="center" class="ficaption2">Physicians notes </td>
424 </tr>
426 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
428 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Last normal menstrual period (first day)
430 <input name="last_period_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'last_period_date'}; ?>"></td>
432 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_1" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_1'}; ?>"></td>
434 </tr>
436 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
438 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Age periods began:
440 <input name="periods_began" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'periods_began'}; ?>"></td>
442 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_2" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_2'}; ?>"></td>
444 </tr>
446 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
448 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Length of periods (number of days of bleeding):
450 <input name="period_lenght" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'period_lenght'}; ?>"></td>
452 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_3" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_3'}; ?>"></td>
454 </tr>
456 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
458 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Number of days between periods:
460 <input name="period_days_between" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'period_days_between'}; ?>"></td>
462 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_4" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_4'}; ?>"></td>
464 </tr>
466 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
468 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Any recent changes in periods?
470 <input name="period_changes" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'period_changes'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
474 <input name="pih_gh_recent_changes_periods" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_gh_recent_changes_periods'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
476 No</td>
478 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_5" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_5'}; ?>"></td>
480 </tr>
482 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
484 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Are you currently sexually active?
486 <input name="sexually_active" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'sexually_active'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
490 <input name="sexually_active" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'sexually_active'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
492 No</td>
494 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_6" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_6'}; ?>"></td>
496 </tr>
498 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
500 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">have you ever had sex?
502 <input name="ever_had_sex" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'ever_had_sex'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
506 <input name="ever_had_sex" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'ever_had_sex'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
508 No</td>
510 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_7" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_7'}; ?>"></td>
512 </tr>
514 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
516 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Number of sexual partners (Lifetime):
518 <input name="number_of_partners" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'number_of_partners'}; ?>"></td>
520 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_8" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_8'}; ?>"></td>
522 </tr>
524 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
526 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Sexual partners are
528 <input name="partners" type="radio" value="men" <?php echo (($fdata{'partners'} == 'men')?' checked ':''); ?>>
530 Men
532 <input name="partners" type="radio" value="women" <?php echo (($fdata{'partners'} == 'women')?' checked ':''); ?>>
534 Women
536 <input name="partners" type="radio" value="both" <?php echo (($fdata{'partners'} == 'both')?' checked ':''); ?>>
538 Both </td>
540 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_9" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_9'}; ?>"></td>
542 </tr>
544 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
546 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Present method of birth control:
548 <input name="present_birth_control" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'present_birth_control'}; ?>"></td>
550 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_10" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_10'}; ?>"></td>
552 </tr>
554 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
556 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Have you ever used an intrauterine device (IUD) or birth control pills ?
558 <input name="pills_iud" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pills_iud'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
562 <input name="pills_iud" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pills_iud'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
564 No </td>
566 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_11" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_11'}; ?>"></td>
568 </tr>
570 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
572 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">if yes, for how long?
574 <input name="pills_how_long" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pills_how_long'}; ?>"></td>
576 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_12" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_12'}; ?>"></td>
578 </tr>
580 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
582 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">When was your last PAP test?
584 <input name="pap_test" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 90px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pap_test'}; ?>"></td>
586 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_13" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_13'}; ?>"></td>
588 </tr>
590 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
592 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Do you do breast self examinations?
594 <input name="breast_self_exam" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'breast_self_exam'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
598 <input name="breast_self_exam" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'breast_self_exam'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
600 No</td>
602 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_14" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_14'}; ?>"></td>
604 </tr>
606 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
608 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Have you been exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES)?
610 <input name="des" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'des'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
614 <input name="des" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'des'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
616 No </td>
618 <td class="fibody2"><input name="gh_notes_15" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gh_notes_15'}; ?>"></td>
620 </tr>
622 </table></td>
624 </tr>
626 </table>
628 </div>
630 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
632 <h2 align="center"><a name="oh"></a>Obstetric history <br>
634 </h2>
636 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color:#FFFFFF;">
638 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
640 <tr>
642 <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
644 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
646 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">&nbsp;</td>
648 <td width="50" align="center" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Number</td>
650 <td width="30%" align="center" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">&nbsp;</td>
652 <td width="50" align="center" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Number</td>
654 <td width="30%" align="center" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">&nbsp;</td>
656 <td width="50" align="center" nowrap class="ficaption2">Number</td>
658 </tr>
660 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
662 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Pregnancies</td>
664 <td width="50" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_pregnancies" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_pregnancies'}; ?>"></td>
666 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">abortions</td>
668 <td width="50" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_abortions" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_abortions'}; ?>"></td>
670 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">miscarriages</td>
672 <td width="50" nowrap class="fibody2"><input name="oh_miscarriages" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_miscarriages'}; ?>"></td>
674 </tr>
676 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
678 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">premature births(&lt;37 weeks) </td>
680 <td width="50" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_premature_births" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_premature_births'}; ?>"></td>
682 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">live births </td>
684 <td width="50" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_live_births" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_live_births'}; ?>"></td>
686 <td width="30%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">living children </td>
688 <td width="50" nowrap class="fibody2"><input name="oh_living_children" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_living_children'}; ?>"></td>
690 </tr>
692 </table></td>
694 </tr>
696 <tr>
698 <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
700 <tr align="center" valign="middle">
702 <td class="ficaption2" id="bordR">No</td>
704 <td class="ficaption2" id="bordR">birth date </td>
706 <td class="ficaption2" id="bordR">weight at birth </td>
708 <td class="ficaption2" id="bordR">baby's sex </td>
710 <td class="ficaption2" id="bordR">weeks pregnant </td>
712 <td class="ficaption2" id="bordR">type of delivery (<small>vaginal, cesarian etc.</small>) </td>
714 <td class="ficaption2">physician's notes</td>
716 </tr>
718 <?php
720 $bi = 0;
722 while ($bi<4) {
724 $n = $bi+1;
726 list ($oh_ch_date, $oh_ch_width, $oh_ch_sex, $oh_ch_weeks, $oh_ch_delivery, $oh_ch_notes) = explode('|~', $fdata["oh_ch_rec_".$bi] );
728 print <<<EOL
730 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
732 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">$n.</td>
734 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_ch_date_${bi}" type="text" value="${oh_ch_date}" class="fullin2"></td>
736 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_ch_width_${bi}" type="text" value="${oh_ch_width}" class="fullin2"></td>
738 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_ch_sex_${bi}" type="text" value="${oh_ch_sex}" class="fullin2"></td>
740 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_ch_weeks_${bi}" type="text" value="${oh_ch_weeks}" class="fullin2"></td>
742 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="oh_ch_delivery_${bi}" type="text" value="${oh_ch_delivery}" class="fullin2"></td>
744 <td nowrap class="fibody2"><input name="oh_ch_notes_${bi}" type="text" value="${oh_ch_notes}" class="fullin2"></td>
746 </tr>
748 EOL;
750 $bi++;
756 </table></td>
758 </tr>
760 <tr>
762 <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
764 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
766 <td width="23%" nowrap class="fibody2">Any pregnancy complications? </td>
768 <td class="fibody2"><input name="oh_complications" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_complications'}; ?>"></td>
770 </tr>
772 </table></td>
774 </tr>
776 <tr>
778 <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
780 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
782 <td colspan="2" class="fibody2"><input name="oh_diabetes" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'oh_diabetes'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
784 diabetes
786 <input name="oh_hipertension" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'oh_hipertension'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
788 hypertension/high blood pressure
790 <input name="oh_preemclampsia" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'oh_preemclampsia'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
792 preeclampsia/foxemia
794 <input name="oh_complic_other" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'oh_complic_other'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
796 other </td>
798 </tr>
800 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
802 <td width="472" nowrap class="fibody2">any history of depression before or after pregnancy?
804 <input name="oh_depression" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'oh_depression'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
808 <input name="oh_depression" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'oh_depression'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
810 yes, How treated </td>
812 <td class="fibody2"><input name="oh_depression_treated" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'oh_depression_treated'}; ?>"></td>
814 </tr>
816 </table></td>
818 </tr>
820 </table>
822 </div>
824 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
826 <h2 align="center"><a name="cm"></a>Current medications <br>
828 <small>(Including hormones, vitamins, herbs, nonprescription medications) </small><br>
830 </h2>
832 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
834 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
836 <tr align="center">
838 <td valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Drug name </td>
840 <td valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Dosage</td>
842 <td valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Who prescribed </td>
844 <td valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Drug name </td>
846 <td valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Dosage</td>
848 <td valign="top" class="ficaption2">Who prescribed</td>
850 </tr>
852 <?php
854 $bi = 0;
856 while ($bi<5) {
858 $bi2 = $bi+5;
860 list ($pres_drug, $pres_dosage, $pres_who) = explode('|~', $fdata["pres_drug_rec_".$bi] );
862 list ($pres_drug1, $pres_dosage1, $pres_who1) = explode('|~', $fdata["pres_drug_rec_".$bi2] );
864 print <<<EOL
866 <tr>
868 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pres_drug_${bi}" value="${pres_dosage}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
870 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pres_dosage_${bi}" value="${pres_drug}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
872 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pres_who_${bi}" value="${pres_who}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
874 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pres_drug_${bi2}" value="${pres_drug1}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
876 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pres_dosage_${bi2}" value="${pres_dosage1}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
878 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody2"><input name="pres_who_${bi2}" type="text" value="${pres_who1}" class="fullin2"></td>
880 </tr>
882 EOL;
884 $bi++;
890 </table>
892 </div>
894 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
896 <h2 align="center"><a name="fh"></a>Family history <br>
898 </h2>
900 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
902 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
904 <tr>
906 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
908 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
910 <td width="50%" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Mother:
912 <input name="fh_mother" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_mother'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
914 living
916 <input name="fh_mother" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_mother'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
918 deceased - cause:
920 <input name="fh_mother_dec_cause" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 20%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_mother_dec_cause'}; ?>">
922 Age:
924 <input name="fh_mother_dec_age" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_mother_dec_age'}; ?>"></td>
926 <td width="50%" nowrap class="fibody2">father:
928 <input name="fh_father" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_father'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
930 living
932 <input name="fh_father" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_father'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
934 deceased - cause:
936 <input name="fh_father_dec_cause" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 20%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_father_dec_cause'}; ?>">
938 Age:
940 <input name="fh_father_dec_age" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_father_dec_age'}; ?>"></td>
942 </tr>
944 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
946 <td nowrap class="fibody2">Siblings:
948 <input name="fh_sibl_living" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_sibl_living'}; ?>">
950 , num.deceased:
952 <input name="fh_sib_deceased" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_sib_deceased'}; ?>">
954 , cause(s)/age(s): </td>
956 <td nowrap class="fibody2"><input name="fh_sib_dec_cause" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_sib_dec_cause'}; ?>"></td>
958 </tr>
960 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
962 <td nowrap class="fibody2">Children:
964 <input name="fh_children_living" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_children_living'}; ?>">
966 , num.deceased:
968 <input name="fh_children_deceased" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_children_deceased'}; ?>">
970 , cause(s)/age(s):</td>
972 <td nowrap class="fibody2"><input name="fh_children_dec_cause" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_children_dec_cause'}; ?>"></td>
974 </tr>
976 </table></td>
978 </tr>
980 <tr>
982 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
984 <tr valign="bottom">
986 <td width="120" align="left" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Illness</td>
988 <td width="30" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">yes</td>
990 <td width="250" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">which relative(s) and age of onset </td>
992 <td align="center" class="ficaption2">Physician's notes </td>
994 </tr>
996 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
998 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">diabetes</td>
1000 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_diabetes" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_diabetes'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1002 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_diabetes_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_diabetes_info'}; ?>"></td>
1004 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_1" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_1'}; ?>"></td>
1006 </tr>
1008 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1010 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Stroke</td>
1012 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_stroke" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_stroke'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1014 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_stroke_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_stroke_info'}; ?>"></td>
1016 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_2" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_2'}; ?>"></td>
1018 </tr>
1020 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1022 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Heart dIsease </td>
1024 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_heart_disease" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_heart_disease'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1026 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"> <input name="fh_heart_disease_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_heart_disease_info'}; ?>"></td>
1028 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_3" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_3'}; ?>"></td>
1030 </tr>
1032 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1034 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Blood clots in lungs or legs </td>
1036 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fhbllod_clots" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fhbllod_clots'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1038 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fhbllod_clots_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fhbllod_clots_info'}; ?>"></td>
1040 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_4" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_4'}; ?>"></td>
1042 </tr>
1044 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1046 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">High blood pressure </td>
1048 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_high_pressure" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_high_pressure'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1050 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_high_pressure_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_high_pressure_info'}; ?>"></td>
1052 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_5" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_5'}; ?>"></td>
1054 </tr>
1056 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1058 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">High cholesterol</td>
1060 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_high_cholesterol" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_high_cholesterol'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1062 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_high_cholesterol_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_high_cholesterol_info'}; ?>"></td>
1064 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_6" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_6'}; ?>"></td>
1066 </tr>
1068 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1070 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Osteoporosis (weak bones) </td>
1072 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_osteoporosis" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_osteoporosis'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1074 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_osteoporosis_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_osteoporosis_info'}; ?>"></td>
1076 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_7" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_7'}; ?>"></td>
1078 </tr>
1080 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1082 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Hepatitis</td>
1084 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_hepatitis" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_hepatitis'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1086 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_hepatitis_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_hepatitis_info'}; ?>"></td>
1088 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_8" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_8'}; ?>"></td>
1090 </tr>
1092 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1094 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">HIV / AIDS</td>
1096 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_hiv" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_hiv'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1098 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_hiv_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_hiv_info'}; ?>"></td>
1100 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_9" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_9'}; ?>"></td>
1102 </tr>
1104 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1106 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Tuberculosis</td>
1108 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_tuberculosis" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_tuberculosis'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1110 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_tuberculosis_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_tuberculosis_info'}; ?>"></td>
1112 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_10" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_10'}; ?>"></td>
1114 </tr>
1116 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1118 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Birth defects </td>
1120 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="dh_birth_defects" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'dh_birth_defects'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1122 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="dh_birth_defects_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'dh_birth_defects_info'}; ?>"></td>
1124 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_11" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_11'}; ?>"></td>
1126 </tr>
1128 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1130 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Alcohol or drug problems </td>
1132 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_alcohol_drugs" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_alcohol_drugs'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1134 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_alcohol_drugs_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_alcohol_drugs_info'}; ?>"></td>
1136 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_12" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_12'}; ?>"></td>
1138 </tr>
1140 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1142 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Breast cancer </td>
1144 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_breast_cancer" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_breast_cancer'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1146 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_breast_cancer_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_breast_cancer_info'}; ?>"></td>
1148 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_13" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_13'}; ?>"></td>
1150 </tr>
1152 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1154 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Colon cancer </td>
1156 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_colon_cancer" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_colon_cancer'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1158 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_colon_cancer_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_colon_cancer_info'}; ?>"></td>
1160 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_14" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_14'}; ?>"></td>
1162 </tr>
1164 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1166 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Ovarian cancer </td>
1168 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_ovarian_cancer" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_ovarian_cancer'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1170 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_ovarian_cancer" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_ovarian_cancer'}; ?>"></td>
1172 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_15" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_15'}; ?>"></td>
1174 </tr>
1176 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1178 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Uterine cancer </td>
1180 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_uterine_cancer" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_uterine_cancer'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1182 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_uterine_cancer_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_uterine_cancer_info'}; ?>"></td>
1184 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_16" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_16'}; ?>"></td>
1186 </tr>
1188 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1190 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Mental illness/Depression </td>
1192 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_mental_illness" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_mental_illness'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1194 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_mental_illness_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_mental_illness_info'}; ?>"></td>
1196 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_17" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_17'}; ?>"></td>
1198 </tr>
1200 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1202 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Alzheimer's disease </td>
1204 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_alzheimer" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_alzheimer'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1206 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_alzheimer_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_alzheimer_info'}; ?>"></td>
1208 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_18" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_18'}; ?>"></td>
1210 </tr>
1212 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1214 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Other</td>
1216 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_other_illness" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'fh_other_illness'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1218 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="fh_other_illness_info" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_other_illness_info'}; ?>"></td>
1220 <td class="fibody2"><input name="fh_notes_19" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'fh_notes_19'}; ?>"></td>
1222 </tr>
1224 </table></td>
1226 </tr>
1228 </table>
1230 </div>
1232 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
1234 <h2 align="center"><a name="sh"></a>Social history <br>
1236 </h2>
1238 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
1240 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
1242 <tr>
1244 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
1246 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1248 <td width="400" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">&nbsp;</td>
1250 <td width="30" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">yes</td>
1252 <td width="30" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">no</td>
1254 <td align="center" class="ficaption2">physician's notes </td>
1256 </tr>
1258 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1260 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Ever smoked? current smoking: packs/day:
1262 <input name="sh_smoked_packs" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_smoked_packs'}; ?>">
1264 , years:
1266 <input name="sh_smoked_years" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_smoked_years'}; ?>"></td>
1268 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_smoked" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_smoked'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1270 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_smoked" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_smoked'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1272 <td class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_1" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_1'}; ?>"></td>
1274 </tr>
1276 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1278 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">alcohol: drinks/day:
1280 <input name="sh_alcohol_drinks_day" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_alcohol_drinks_day'}; ?>">
1284 drinks/week:
1286 <input name="sh_alcohol_drinks_week" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_alcohol_drinks_week'}; ?>">
1290 type of drink:
1292 <input name="sh_alcohol_drinks_type" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_alcohol_drinks_type'}; ?>"></td>
1294 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_alcohol" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_alcohol'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1296 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_alcohol" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_alcohol'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1298 <td class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_2" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_2'}; ?>"></td>
1300 </tr>
1302 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1304 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Drug use </td>
1306 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_drug" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_drug'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1308 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_drug" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_drug'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1310 <td class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_3" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_3'}; ?>"></td>
1312 </tr>
1314 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1316 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">seat belt use </td>
1318 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_seat_belt" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_seat_belt'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1320 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_seat_belt" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_seat_belt'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1322 <td class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_4" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_4'}; ?>"></td>
1324 </tr>
1326 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1328 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">regular exercise: how long and how often?
1330 <input name="sh_exercise_info" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 150px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_exercise_info'}; ?>"></td>
1332 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_exercise" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_exercise'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1334 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_exercise" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_exercise'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1336 <td width="400" class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_5" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_5'}; ?>"></td>
1338 </tr>
1340 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1342 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Dairy product intake and/or calcium supplements: daily intake:
1344 <input name="sh_dairy_daily" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_dairy_daily'}; ?>"></td>
1346 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_dairy" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_dairy'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1348 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_dairy" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_dairy'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1350 <td width="400" class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_6" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_6'}; ?>"></td>
1352 </tr>
1354 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1356 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">health hazards at home or work? </td>
1358 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_hazards" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_hazards'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1360 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_hazards" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_hazards'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1362 <td width="400" class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_7" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_7'}; ?>"></td>
1364 </tr>
1366 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1368 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">have you been sexually abused, threatened or hurt by anyone? </td>
1370 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_abuse" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_abuse'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1372 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_abuse" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_abuse'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1374 <td width="400" class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_8" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_8'}; ?>"></td>
1376 </tr>
1378 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1380 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">do you have an advance directive (living will)?</td>
1382 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_living_will" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_living_will'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1384 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_living_will" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_living_will'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1386 <td class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_9" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_9'}; ?>"></td>
1388 </tr>
1390 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1392 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Are you an organ donor? </td>
1394 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_donor" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_donor'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1396 <td align="center" valign="middle" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_donor" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_donor'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1398 <td class="fibody2"><input name="sh_notes_10" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'sh_notes_10'}; ?>"></td>
1400 </tr>
1402 </table></td>
1404 </tr>
1406 </table>
1408 </div>
1410 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
1412 <h2 align="center"><a name="pp"></a>Personal profile <br>
1414 </h2>
1416 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
1418 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
1420 <tr>
1422 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Sexual orientation:
1424 <input name="pih_pp_orientation" type="radio" value="hetero" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_orientation'} == 'hetero')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1426 heterosexual
1428 <input name="pih_pp_orientation" type="radio" value="homo" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_orientation'} == 'homo')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1430 homosexual
1432 <input name="pih_pp_orientation" type="radio" value="bi" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_orientation'} == 'bi')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1434 bisexual </td>
1436 </tr>
1438 <tr>
1440 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Marital status:
1442 <input name="pih_pp_status" type="radio" value="married" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_status'} == 'married')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1444 married
1446 &nbsp;&nbsp;
1448 <input name="pih_pp_status" type="radio" value="partner" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_status'} == 'partner')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1450 living with partner&nbsp;&nbsp; <input name="pih_pp_status" type="radio" value="single" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_status'} == 'single')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1452 single
1454 &nbsp;&nbsp;
1456 <input name="pih_pp_status" type="radio" value="widowed" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_status'} == 'widowed')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1458 widowed&nbsp;&nbsp; <input name="pih_pp_status" type="radio" value="divorced" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_status'} == 'divorced')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1460 divorced </td>
1462 </tr>
1464 <tr>
1466 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Number of living children:
1468 <input name="pp_living_children" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pp_living_children'}; ?>"></td>
1470 </tr>
1472 <tr>
1474 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Number of people in household:
1476 <input name="pp_number_household" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pp_number_household'}; ?>"></td>
1478 </tr>
1480 <tr>
1482 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">School completed:
1484 <input name="pih_pp_education" type="radio" value="highschool" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_education'} == 'highschool')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1486 high school
1488 <input name="pih_pp_education" type="radio" value="aadegree" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_education'} == 'aadegree')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1490 some college/AA degree
1492 <input name="pih_pp_education" type="radio" value="college" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_education'} == 'college')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1494 college
1496 <input name="pih_pp_education" type="radio" value="gdegree" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_education'} == 'gdegree')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1498 graduate degree
1500 <input name="pih_pp_education" type="radio" value="other" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_pp_education'} == 'other')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1502 other </td>
1504 </tr>
1506 <tr>
1508 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2">Current or most recent job:
1510 <input name="pp_current_job" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 77%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pp_current_job'}; ?>"></td>
1512 </tr>
1514 <tr>
1516 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody3">Travel outside the United States?
1518 <input name="pp_travel_outside_us" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pp_travel_outside_us'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1520 yes
1522 <input name="pp_travel_outside_us" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pp_travel_outside_us'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1524 no.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Location(s): <span class="fibody2">
1526 <input name="pp_travel_outside_locations" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:50%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pp_travel_outside_locations'}; ?>">
1528 </span></td>
1530 </tr>
1532 </table>
1534 </div>
1536 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
1538 <h2 align="center"><a name="ih"></a>Personal past history of illnesses <br>
1540 </h2>
1542 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
1544 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
1546 <tr>
1548 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
1550 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1552 <td width="200" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">major illnesses </td>
1554 <td width="100" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">yes (date) </td>
1556 <td width="30" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">no</td>
1558 <td width="58" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Not sure </td>
1560 <td align="center" class="ficaption2">Physician's notes </td>
1562 </tr>
1564 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1566 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Asthma</td>
1568 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_asthma" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_asthma'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1570 <input name="pih_ih_asthma_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_asthma_date'}; ?>"></td>
1572 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_asthma" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_asthma'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1574 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_asthma" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_asthma'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1576 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_1" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_1'}; ?>"></td>
1578 </tr>
1580 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1582 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Pneumonia/lungs disease </td>
1584 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_pneumonia" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_pneumonia'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1586 <input name="pih_ih_pneumonia_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_pneumonia_date'}; ?>"></td>
1588 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_pneumonia" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_pneumonia'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1590 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_pneumonia" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_pneumonia'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1592 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_2" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_2'}; ?>"></td>
1594 </tr>
1596 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1598 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Kidney infections/stones </td>
1600 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_kidney" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_kidney'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1602 <input name="pih_ih_kidney_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_kidney_date'}; ?>"></td>
1604 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_kidney" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_kidney'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1606 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_kidney" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_kidney'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1608 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_3" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_3'}; ?>"></td>
1610 </tr>
1612 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1614 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Tuberculosis</td>
1616 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_tuber" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_tuber'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1618 <input name="pih_ih_tuber_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_tuber_date'}; ?>"></td>
1620 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_tuber" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_tuber'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1622 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_tuber" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_tuber'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1624 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_4" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_4'}; ?>"></td>
1626 </tr>
1628 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1630 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Fibroids</td>
1632 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_fibroids" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_fibroids'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1634 <input name="pih_ih_fibroids_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_fibroids_date'}; ?>"></td>
1636 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_fibroids" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_fibroids'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1638 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_fibroids" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_fibroids'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1640 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_5" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_5'}; ?>"></td>
1642 </tr>
1644 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1646 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Sexually transmitted disease/chlamydia </td>
1648 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_sexually" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_sexually'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1650 <input name="pih_ih_sexually_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_sexually_date'}; ?>"></td>
1652 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_sexually" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_sexually'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1654 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_sexually" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_sexually'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1656 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_6" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_6'}; ?>"></td>
1658 </tr>
1660 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1662 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Infertility</td>
1664 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_infertil" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_infertil'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1666 <input name="pih_ih_infertil_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_infertil_date'}; ?>"></td>
1668 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_infertil" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_infertil'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1670 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_infertil" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_infertil'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1672 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_7" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_7'}; ?>"></td>
1674 </tr>
1676 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1678 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">HIV / AIDS </td>
1680 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_hiv" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_hiv'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1682 <input name="pih_ih_hiv_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_hiv_date'}; ?>"></td>
1684 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_hiv" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_hiv'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1686 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_hiv" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_hiv'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1688 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_8" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_8'}; ?>"></td>
1690 </tr>
1692 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1694 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Heart attack / Disease </td>
1696 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_heart" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_heart'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1698 <input name="pih_ih_heart_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_heart_date'}; ?>"></td>
1700 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_heart" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_heart'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1702 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_heart" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_heart'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1704 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_9" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_9'}; ?>"></td>
1706 </tr>
1708 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1710 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Diabetes</td>
1712 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_diabetes" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_diabetes'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1714 <input name="pih_ih_diabetes_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_diabetes_date'}; ?>"></td>
1716 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_diabetes" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_diabetes'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1718 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_diabetes" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_diabetes'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1720 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_10" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_10'}; ?>"></td>
1722 </tr>
1724 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1726 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">High blood pressure </td>
1728 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_high_pressure" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_high_pressure'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1730 <input name="pih_ih_high_pressure_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_high_pressure_date'}; ?>"></td>
1732 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_high_pressure" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_high_pressure'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1734 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_high_pressure" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_high_pressure'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1736 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_11" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_11'}; ?>"></td>
1738 </tr>
1740 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1742 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Stroke</td>
1744 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_stroke" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_stroke'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1746 <input name="pih_ih_stroke_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_stroke_date'}; ?>"></td>
1748 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_stroke" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_stroke'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1750 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_stroke" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_stroke'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1752 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_12" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_12'}; ?>"></td>
1754 </tr>
1756 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1758 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Rheumatic fever </td>
1760 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_rheumatic" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_rheumatic'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1762 <input name="pih_ih_rheumatic_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_rheumatic_date'}; ?>"></td>
1764 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_rheumatic" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_rheumatic'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1766 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_rheumatic" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_rheumatic'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1768 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_13" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_13'}; ?>"></td>
1770 </tr>
1772 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1774 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Blood clots in lungs or legs </td>
1776 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_blood_clots" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_blood_clots'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1778 <input name="pih_ih_blood_clots_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_blood_clots_date'}; ?>"></td>
1780 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_blood_clots" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_blood_clots'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1782 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_blood_clots" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_blood_clots'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1784 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_14" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_14'}; ?>"></td>
1786 </tr>
1788 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1790 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Eating disorders </td>
1792 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_eating_disorder" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_eating_disorder'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1794 <input name="pih_ih_eating_disorder_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_eating_disorder_date'}; ?>"></td>
1796 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_eating_disorder" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_eating_disorder'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1798 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_eating_disorder" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_eating_disorder'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1800 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_15" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_15'}; ?>"></td>
1802 </tr>
1804 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1806 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Autoimmune disease (Lupus)</td>
1808 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_autoimmune" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_autoimmune'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1810 <input name="pih_ih_autoimmune_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_autoimmune_date'}; ?>"></td>
1812 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_autoimmune" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_autoimmune'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1814 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_autoimmune" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_autoimmune'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1816 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_16" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_16'}; ?>"></td>
1818 </tr>
1820 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1822 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Chickenpox</td>
1824 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_chickenpox" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_chickenpox'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1826 <input name="pih_ih_chickenpox_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_chickenpox_date'}; ?>"></td>
1828 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_chickenpox" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_chickenpox'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1830 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_chickenpox" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_chickenpox'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1832 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_17" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_17'}; ?>"></td>
1834 </tr>
1836 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1838 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Cancer</td>
1840 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_cancer" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_cancer'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1842 <input name="pih_ih_cancer_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_cancer_date'}; ?>"></td>
1844 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_cancer" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_cancer'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1846 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_cancer" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_cancer'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1848 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_18" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_18'}; ?>"></td>
1850 </tr>
1852 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1854 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Reflux / Hiatal hernia / Ulcers </td>
1856 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_reflux" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_reflux'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1858 <input name="pih_ih_reflux_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_reflux_date'}; ?>"></td>
1860 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_reflux" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_reflux'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1862 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_reflux" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_reflux'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1864 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_19" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_19'}; ?>"></td>
1866 </tr>
1868 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1870 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Depression / Anxiety </td>
1872 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_depression" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_depression'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1874 <input name="pih_ih_depression_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_depression_date'}; ?>"></td>
1876 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_depression" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_depression'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1878 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_depression" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_depression'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1880 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_20" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_20'}; ?>"></td>
1882 </tr>
1884 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1886 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Anemia</td>
1888 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_anemia" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_anemia'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1890 <input name="pih_ih_anemia_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_anemia_date'}; ?>"></td>
1892 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_anemia" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_anemia'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1894 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_anemia" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_anemia'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1896 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_21" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_21'}; ?>"></td>
1898 </tr>
1900 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1902 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Blood transfusions </td>
1904 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_blood_transf" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_blood_transf'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1906 <input name="pih_ih_blood_transf_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_blood_transf_date'}; ?>"></td>
1908 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_blood_transf" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_blood_transf'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1910 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_blood_transf" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_blood_transf'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1912 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_22" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_22'}; ?>"></td>
1914 </tr>
1916 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1918 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Seizures / Convulsions /Epilepsy </td>
1920 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_seizures" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_seizures'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1922 <input name="pih_ih_seizures_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_seizures_date'}; ?>"></td>
1924 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_seizures" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_seizures'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1926 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_seizures" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_seizures'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1928 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_23" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_23'}; ?>"></td>
1930 </tr>
1932 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1934 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Bowel problems </td>
1936 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_bowel_problems" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_bowel_problems'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1938 <input name="pih_ih_bowel_problems_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_bowel_problems_date'}; ?>"></td>
1940 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_bowel_problems" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_bowel_problems'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1942 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_bowel_problems" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_bowel_problems'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1944 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_24" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_24'}; ?>"></td>
1946 </tr>
1948 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1950 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Glaucoma</td>
1952 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_glaucoma" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_glaucoma'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1954 <input name="pih_ih_glaucoma_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_glaucoma_date'}; ?>"></td>
1956 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_glaucoma" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_glaucoma'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1958 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_glaucoma" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_glaucoma'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1960 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_25" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_25'}; ?>"></td>
1962 </tr>
1964 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1966 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Cataracts</td>
1968 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_cataracts" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_cataracts'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1970 <input name="pih_ih_cataracts_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_cataracts_date'}; ?>"></td>
1972 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_cataracts" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_cataracts'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1974 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_cataracts" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_cataracts'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1976 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_26" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_26'}; ?>"></td>
1978 </tr>
1980 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1982 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Arthritis / Joint pain / Back problems </td>
1984 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_joint_pain" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_joint_pain'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
1986 <input name="pih_ih_joint_pain_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_joint_pain_date'}; ?>"></td>
1988 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_joint_pain" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_joint_pain'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1990 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_joint_pain" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_joint_pain'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
1992 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_27" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_27'}; ?>"></td>
1994 </tr>
1996 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
1998 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Broken bones </td>
2000 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_broken_bones" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_broken_bones'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2002 <input name="pih_ih_broken_bones_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_broken_bones_date'}; ?>"></td>
2004 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_broken_bones" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_broken_bones'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2006 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_broken_bones" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_broken_bones'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2008 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_28" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_28'}; ?>"></td>
2010 </tr>
2012 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2014 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Hepatitis / Yellow jaundice / Liver disease </td>
2016 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_hepatitis" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_hepatitis'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2018 <input name="pih_ih_hepatitis_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_hepatitis_date'}; ?>"></td>
2020 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_hepatitis" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_hepatitis'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2022 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_hepatitis" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_hepatitis'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2024 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_29" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_29'}; ?>"></td>
2026 </tr>
2028 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2030 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Thyroid disease </td>
2032 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_thyroid" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_thyroid'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2034 <input name="pih_ih_thyroid_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_thyroid_date'}; ?>"></td>
2036 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_thyroid" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_thyroid'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2038 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_thyroid" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_thyroid'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2040 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_30" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_30'}; ?>"></td>
2042 </tr>
2044 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2046 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Gallbladder disease </td>
2048 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_galibladder" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_galibladder'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2050 <input name="pih_ih_galibladder_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_galibladder_date'}; ?>"></td>
2052 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_galibladder" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_galibladder'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2054 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_galibladder" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_galibladder'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2056 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_31" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_31'}; ?>"></td>
2058 </tr>
2060 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2062 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Headaches</td>
2064 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_headaches" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_headaches'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2066 <input name="pih_ih_headaches_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_headaches_date'}; ?>"></td>
2068 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_headaches" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_headaches'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2070 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_headaches" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_headaches'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2072 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_32" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_32'}; ?>"></td>
2074 </tr>
2076 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2078 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">DES Exposure </td>
2080 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_des" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_des'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2082 <input name="pih_ih_des_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_des_date'}; ?>"></td>
2084 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_des" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_des'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2086 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_des" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_des'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2088 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_33" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_33'}; ?>"></td>
2090 </tr>
2092 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2094 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Bleeding disorders </td>
2096 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_bleeding_disorders" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_bleeding_disorders'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2098 <input name="pih_ih_bleeding_disorders_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_bleeding_disorders_date'}; ?>"></td>
2100 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_bleeding_disorders" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_bleeding_disorders'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2102 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_bleeding_disorders" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_bleeding_disorders'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2104 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_34" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_34'}; ?>"></td>
2106 </tr>
2108 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2110 <td nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">other</td>
2112 <td class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_other" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_other'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
2114 <input name="pih_ih_other_date" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_other_date'}; ?>"></td>
2116 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_other" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_other'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2118 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="pih_ih_other" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_ih_other'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2120 <td class="fibody2"><input name="ih_notes_35" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'ih_notes_35'}; ?>"></td>
2122 </tr>
2124 <tr align="left" valign="bottom">
2126 <td colspan="5" nowrap class="fibody3"><textarea name="pih_ih_extended_info" rows="4" wrap="VIRTUAL" class="fullin2" ><?php echo $fdata{'pih_ih_extended_info'}; ?></textarea></td>
2128 </tr>
2130 </table></td>
2132 </tr>
2134 </table>
2136 </div>
2138 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
2140 <h2 align="center"><a name="op"></a>Operations/Hospitalizations<br>
2142 </h2>
2144 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
2146 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
2148 <tr>
2150 <td width="50%" align="left" valign="bottom" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Reason</td>
2152 <td width="90" align="center" valign="bottom" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Date</td>
2154 <td align="center" valign="bottom" class="ficaption2">Hospital</td>
2156 </tr>
2158 <?php
2160 $ii = 0;
2162 while ($ii<6){
2164 list ($op_reason, $op_date, $op_hospital)= explode('|~', $fdata["op_rec_".$ii] );
2166 print <<<EOL
2168 <tr>
2170 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="op_reason_${ii}" value="${op_reason}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2172 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="op_date_${ii}" value="${op_date}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2174 <td align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody2"><input name="op_hospital_${ii}" value="${op_hospital}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2176 </tr>
2178 EOL;
2180 $ii++;
2186 </table>
2188 </div>
2190 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
2192 <h2 align="center"><a name="ii"></a>Injuries/Illnesses<br>
2194 </h2>
2196 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
2198 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
2200 <tr valign="bottom">
2202 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Type</td>
2204 <td width="90" align="center" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">date</td>
2206 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Type</td>
2208 <td width="90" align="center" nowrap class="ficaption2">date</td>
2210 </tr>
2212 <?php
2214 $ii = 0;
2216 while ($ii<6){
2218 $ij = $ii+6;
2220 list ($ii_type, $ii_date)= explode('|~', $fdata["ii_rec_".$ii] );
2222 list ($ii_type1, $ii_date1)= explode('|~', $fdata["ii_rec_".$ij] );
2226 print <<<EOL
2228 <tr valign="bottom">
2230 <td align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="ii_type_${ii}" value="${ii_type}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2232 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="ii_date_${ii}" value="${ii_date}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2234 <td align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR"><input name="ii_type_${ij}" value="${ii_type1}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2236 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2"><input name="ii_date_${ij}" value="${ii_date1}" type="text" class="fullin2"></td>
2238 </tr>
2240 EOL;
2242 $ii++;
2248 </table>
2250 </div>
2252 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
2254 <h2 align="center"><a name="im"></a>Immunizations/Test<br>
2256 </h2>
2258 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
2260 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
2262 <tr valign="bottom">
2264 <td align="left" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">Type</td>
2266 <td width="90" align="center" class="ficaption2" id="bordR">date</td>
2268 <td align="left" nowrap class="ficaption2" id="bordR">type</td>
2270 <td width="90" align="center" class="ficaption2">date</td>
2272 </tr>
2274 <tr valign="bottom">
2276 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Tetanus-Diphteria booster </td>
2278 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">
2280 <input name="imm_tetanus" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_tetanus'}; ?>">
2282 </td>
2284 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Influenza vaccine (Flu shot) </td>
2286 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody2">
2288 <input name="imm_influenza" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_influenza'}; ?>">
2290 </td>
2292 </tr>
2294 <tr valign="bottom">
2296 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">hepatitis a vaccine </td>
2298 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">
2300 <input name="imm_hepatitis_a" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_hepatitis_a'}; ?>">
2302 </td>
2304 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Hepatitis B vaccine </td>
2306 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody2">
2308 <input name="imm_hepatitis_b" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_hepatitis_b'}; ?>">
2310 </td>
2312 </tr>
2314 <tr valign="bottom">
2316 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine </td>
2318 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">
2320 <input name="imm_varicella" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_varicella'}; ?>">
2322 </td>
2324 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">pneumococcal (pneumonia) vaccine </td>
2326 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody2">
2328 <input name="imm_pneumococcal" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_pneumococcal'}; ?>">
2330 </td>
2332 </tr>
2334 <tr valign="bottom">
2336 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine </td>
2338 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">
2340 <input name="imm_mmr" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_mmr'}; ?>">
2342 </td>
2344 <td align="left" nowrap class="fibody2" id="bordR">Tuberculosis (TB) Skin test:
2346 <input name="imm_tuberculosis_skin" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_tuberculosis_skin'}; ?>">
2348 , result:
2350 <input name="imm_tuberculosis_result" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:40px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_tuberculosis_result'}; ?>"></td>
2352 <td align="left" valign="bottom" nowrap class="fibody2">
2354 <input name="imm_tuberculosis" type="text" class="fullin2" value="<?php echo $fdata{'imm_tuberculosis'}; ?>">
2356 </td>
2358 </tr>
2360 </table>
2362 </div>
2364 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
2366 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
2368 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
2370 <tr>
2372 <td align="left" valign="top" class="fibody3">Physician's notes: <br>
2374 <textarea name="imm_extended_info" rows="6" wrap="VIRTUAL" class="fullin2" ><?php echo $fdata{'imm_extended_info'}; ?></textarea></td>
2376 </tr>
2378 </table>
2380 </div>
2382 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
2384 <a name="ros">
2386 <h2 align="center"><a ></a>Review of systems<br>
2388 <small>Please check (x), if any of the following symptoms
2390 apply to you now or since adulthood</small> </h2>
2392 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
2394 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
2396 <tr>
2398 <td width="300" align="left" valign="top" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2400 <td width="58" align="center" valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >now</td>
2402 <td width="58" align="center" valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >past</td>
2404 <td width="58" align="center" valign="top" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >not sure </td>
2406 <td align="center" valign="top" class="ficaption2">physician's notes </td>
2408 </tr>
2410 <tr valign="bottom">
2412 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >1. Constitutional </td>
2414 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2416 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2418 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2420 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2422 </tr>
2424 <tr valign="bottom">
2426 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Weight loss </td>
2428 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_weight_loss_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_weight_loss_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2430 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_weight_loss_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_weight_loss_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2432 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_weight_loss_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_weight_loss_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2434 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_1" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_1'}; ?>"></td>
2436 </tr>
2438 <tr valign="bottom">
2440 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Weight gain </td>
2442 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_weight_gain_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_weight_gain_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2444 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_weight_gain_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_weight_gain_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2446 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_weight_gain_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_weight_gain_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2448 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_2" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_2'}; ?>"></td>
2450 </tr>
2452 <tr valign="bottom">
2454 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Fever</td>
2456 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_fever_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_fever_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2458 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_fever_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_fever_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2460 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_fever_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_fever_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2462 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_3" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_3'}; ?>"></td>
2464 </tr>
2466 <tr valign="bottom">
2468 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Fatigue</td>
2470 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_fatigue_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_fatigue_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2472 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_fatigue_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_fatigue_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2474 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_fatigue_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_fatigue_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2476 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_4" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_4'}; ?>"></td>
2478 </tr>
2480 <tr valign="bottom">
2482 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Change in height </td>
2484 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_height_change_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_height_change_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2486 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_height_change_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_height_change_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2488 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_height_change_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_height_change_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2490 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_5" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_5'}; ?>"></td>
2492 </tr>
2494 <tr valign="bottom">
2496 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >2. Eyes </td>
2498 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2500 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2502 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2504 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2506 </tr>
2508 <tr valign="bottom">
2510 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Double vision </td>
2512 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dvision_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dvision_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2514 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dvision_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dvision_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2516 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dvision_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dvision_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2518 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_6" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_6'}; ?>"></td>
2520 </tr>
2522 <tr valign="bottom">
2524 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Spots before eyes </td>
2526 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_spots_eyes_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_spots_eyes_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2528 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_spots_eyes_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_spots_eyes_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2530 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_spots_eyes_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_spots_eyes_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2532 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_7" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_7'}; ?>"></td>
2534 </tr>
2536 <tr valign="bottom">
2538 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Vision changes </td>
2540 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_vis_changes_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_vis_changes_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2542 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_vis_changes_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_vis_changes_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2544 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_vis_changes_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_vis_changes_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2546 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_8" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_8'}; ?>"></td>
2548 </tr>
2550 <tr valign="bottom">
2552 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Glasses/contacts</td>
2554 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_glasses_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_glasses_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2556 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_glasses_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_glasses_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2558 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_glasses_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_glasses_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2560 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_9" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_9'}; ?>"></td>
2562 </tr>
2564 <tr valign="bottom">
2566 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >3. Ear, nose and throat </td>
2568 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2570 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2572 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2574 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2576 </tr>
2578 <tr valign="bottom">
2580 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Earaches</td>
2582 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_earaches_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_earaches_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2584 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_earaches_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_earaches_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2586 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_earaches_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_earaches_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2588 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_10" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_10'}; ?>"></td>
2590 </tr>
2592 <tr valign="bottom">
2594 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Ringing in ears </td>
2596 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_ringing_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_ringing_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2598 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_ringing_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_ringing_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2600 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_ringing_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_ringing_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2602 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_11" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_11'}; ?>"></td>
2604 </tr>
2606 <tr valign="bottom">
2608 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Hearing problems</td>
2610 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hearing_problems_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hearing_problems_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2612 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hearing_problems_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hearing_problems_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2614 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hearing_problems_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hearing_problems_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2616 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_12" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_12'}; ?>"></td>
2618 </tr>
2620 <tr valign="bottom">
2622 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Sinus problems </td>
2624 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sinus_problems_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sinus_problems_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2626 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sinus_problems_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sinus_problems_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2628 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sinus_problems_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sinus_problems_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2630 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_13" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_13'}; ?>"></td>
2632 </tr>
2634 <tr valign="bottom">
2636 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Sore throat </td>
2638 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sore_throat_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sore_throat_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2640 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sore_throat_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sore_throat_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2642 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sore_throat_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sore_throat_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2644 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_14" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_14'}; ?>"></td>
2646 </tr>
2648 <tr valign="bottom">
2650 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Mouth sores </td>
2652 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_mouth_sores_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_mouth_sores_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2654 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_mouth_sores_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_mouth_sores_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2656 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_mouth_sores_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_mouth_sores_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2658 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_15" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_15'}; ?>"></td>
2660 </tr>
2662 <tr valign="bottom">
2664 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Dental problems </td>
2666 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dental_problems_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dental_problems_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2668 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dental_problems_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dental_problems_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2670 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dental_problems_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dental_problems_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2672 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_16" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_16'}; ?>"></td>
2674 </tr>
2676 <tr valign="bottom">
2678 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >4. Cardiovascular </td>
2680 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2682 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2684 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2686 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2688 </tr>
2690 <tr valign="bottom">
2692 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Chest pain on pressure </td>
2694 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_chest_pain_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_chest_pain_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2696 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_chest_pain_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_chest_pain_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2698 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_chest_pain_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_chest_pain_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2700 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_17" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_17'}; ?>"></td>
2702 </tr>
2704 <tr valign="bottom">
2706 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Difficulty breathing on exertion </td>
2708 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_difficulty_breathing_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_difficulty_breathing_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2710 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_difficulty_breathing_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_difficulty_breathing_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2712 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_difficulty_breathing_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_difficulty_breathing_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2714 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_18" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_18'}; ?>"></td>
2716 </tr>
2718 <tr valign="bottom">
2720 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Swelling on legs </td>
2722 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_swelling_legs_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_swelling_legs_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2724 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_swelling_legs_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_swelling_legs_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2726 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_swelling_legs_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_swelling_legs_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2728 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_19" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_19'}; ?>"></td>
2730 </tr>
2732 <tr valign="bottom">
2734 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Rapid or irregular heartbeat </td>
2736 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_rapid_heartbeat_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_rapid_heartbeat_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2738 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_rapid_heartbeat_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_rapid_heartbeat_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2740 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_rapid_heartbeat_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_rapid_heartbeat_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2742 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_20" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_20'}; ?>"></td>
2744 </tr>
2746 <tr valign="bottom">
2748 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >5. Respiratory </td>
2750 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2752 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2754 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2756 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2758 </tr>
2760 <tr valign="bottom">
2762 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Painful breathing </td>
2764 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_breathing_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_breathing_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2766 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_breathing_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_breathing_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2768 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_breathing_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_breathing_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2770 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_21" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_21'}; ?>"></td>
2772 </tr>
2774 <tr valign="bottom">
2776 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Wheezing</td>
2778 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_wheezing_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_wheezing_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2780 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_wheezing_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_wheezing_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2782 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_wheezing_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_wheezing_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2784 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_22" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_22'}; ?>"></td>
2786 </tr>
2788 <tr valign="bottom">
2790 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Spitting up blood </td>
2792 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_spitting_blood_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_spitting_blood_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2794 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_spitting_blood_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_spitting_blood_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2796 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_spitting_blood_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_spitting_blood_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2798 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_23" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_23'}; ?>"></td>
2800 </tr>
2802 <tr valign="bottom">
2804 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Shortness of breath </td>
2806 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_breath_shortness_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_breath_shortness_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2808 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_breath_shortness_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_breath_shortness_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2810 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_breath_shortness_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_breath_shortness_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2812 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_24" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_24'}; ?>"></td>
2814 </tr>
2816 <tr valign="bottom">
2818 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Chronic cough </td>
2820 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_chronic_cough_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_chronic_cough_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2822 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_chronic_cough_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_chronic_cough_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2824 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_chronic_cough_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_chronic_cough_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2826 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_25" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_25'}; ?>"></td>
2828 </tr>
2830 <tr valign="bottom">
2832 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >6. Gastrointestinal </td>
2834 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2836 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2838 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2840 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2842 </tr>
2844 <tr valign="bottom">
2846 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Frequent diarrhea </td>
2848 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_diarrhea_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_diarrhea_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2850 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_diarrhea_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_diarrhea_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2852 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_diarrhea_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_diarrhea_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2854 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_26" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_26'}; ?>"></td>
2856 </tr>
2858 <tr valign="bottom">
2860 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Bloody stool </td>
2862 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_bloody_stool_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_bloody_stool_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2864 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_bloody_stool_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_bloody_stool_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2866 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_bloody_stool_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_bloody_stool_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2868 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_27" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_27'}; ?>"></td>
2870 </tr>
2872 <tr valign="bottom">
2874 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Nausea / vomiting indigestion </td>
2876 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_nausea_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_nausea_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2878 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_nausea_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_nausea_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2880 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_nausea_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_nausea_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2882 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_28" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_28'}; ?>"></td>
2884 </tr>
2886 <tr valign="bottom">
2888 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Constipation</td>
2890 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_constipation_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_constipation_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2892 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_constipation_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_constipation_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2894 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_constipation_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_constipation_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2896 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_29" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_29'}; ?>"></td>
2898 </tr>
2900 <tr valign="bottom">
2902 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Involuntary loss of gas or stool </td>
2904 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_gas_loss_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_gas_loss_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2906 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_gas_loss_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_gas_loss_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2908 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_gas_loss_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_gas_loss_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2910 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_30" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_30'}; ?>"></td>
2912 </tr>
2914 <tr valign="bottom">
2916 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >7. Genitourinary </td>
2918 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2920 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2922 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
2924 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
2926 </tr>
2928 <tr valign="bottom">
2930 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Blood in urine </td>
2932 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_blood_urine_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_blood_urine_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2934 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_blood_urine_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_blood_urine_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2936 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_blood_urine_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_blood_urine_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2938 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_31" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_31'}; ?>"></td>
2940 </tr>
2942 <tr valign="bottom">
2944 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Pain with urination </td>
2946 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pain_urination_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pain_urination_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2948 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pain_urination_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pain_urination_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2950 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pain_urination_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pain_urination_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2952 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_32" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_32'}; ?>"></td>
2954 </tr>
2956 <tr valign="bottom">
2958 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Strong urgency to urinate </td>
2960 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_urgency_urinate_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_urgency_urinate_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2962 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_urgency_urinate_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_urgency_urinate_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2964 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_urgency_urinate_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_urgency_urinate_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2966 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_33" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_33'}; ?>"></td>
2968 </tr>
2970 <tr valign="bottom">
2972 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Frequent urination </td>
2974 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_frequent_urination_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_frequent_urination_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2976 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_frequent_urination_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_frequent_urination_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2978 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_frequent_urination_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_frequent_urination_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2980 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_34" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_34'}; ?>"></td>
2982 </tr>
2984 <tr valign="bottom">
2986 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Incomplete emtying </td>
2988 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_incomplete_emptying_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_incomplete_emptying_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2990 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_incomplete_emptying_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_incomplete_emptying_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2992 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_incomplete_emptying_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_incomplete_emptying_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
2994 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_35" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_35'}; ?>"></td>
2996 </tr>
2998 <tr valign="bottom">
3000 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Involuntary/Unintended urine loss </td>
3002 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_unint_urine_loss_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_unint_urine_loss_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3004 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_unint_urine_loss_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_unint_urine_loss_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3006 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_unint_urine_loss_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_unint_urine_loss_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3008 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_36" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_36'}; ?>"></td>
3010 </tr>
3012 <tr valign="bottom">
3014 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Urine loss when coughing or lifting </td>
3016 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_lifting_urine_loss_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_lifting_urine_loss_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3018 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_lifting_urine_loss_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_lifting_urine_loss_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3020 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_lifting_urine_loss_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_lifting_urine_loss_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3022 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_37" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_37'}; ?>"></td>
3024 </tr>
3026 <tr valign="bottom">
3028 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Abnormal bleeding</td>
3030 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_abnormal_bleeding_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_abnormal_bleeding_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3032 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_abnormal_bleeding_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_abnormal_bleeding_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3034 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_abnormal_bleeding_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_abnormal_bleeding_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3036 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_38" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_38'}; ?>"></td>
3038 </tr>
3040 <tr valign="bottom">
3042 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Painful periods </td>
3044 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_periods_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_periods_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3046 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_periods_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_periods_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3048 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_periods_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_periods_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3050 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_39" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_39'}; ?>"></td>
3052 </tr>
3054 <tr valign="bottom">
3056 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) </td>
3058 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pms_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pms_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3060 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pms_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pms_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3062 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pms_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pms_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3064 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_40" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_40'}; ?>"></td>
3066 </tr>
3068 <tr valign="bottom">
3070 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Painful intercourse </td>
3072 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_intercourse_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_intercourse_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3074 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_intercourse_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_intercourse_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3076 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_painful_intercourse_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_painful_intercourse_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3078 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_41" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_41'}; ?>"></td>
3080 </tr>
3082 <tr valign="bottom">
3084 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Abnormal vaginal discharge </td>
3086 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_vaginal_discharge_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_vaginal_discharge_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3088 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_vaginal_discharge_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_vaginal_discharge_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3090 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_vaginal_discharge_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_vaginal_discharge_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3092 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_42" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_42'}; ?>"></td>
3094 </tr>
3096 <tr valign="bottom">
3098 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >8. Musculoskeletal </td>
3100 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3102 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3104 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3106 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3108 </tr>
3110 <tr valign="bottom">
3112 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Muscle weakness </td>
3114 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_muscle_weakness_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_muscle_weakness_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3116 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_muscle_weakness_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_muscle_weakness_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3118 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_muscle_weakness_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_muscle_weakness_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3120 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_43" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_43'}; ?>"></td>
3122 </tr>
3124 <tr valign="bottom">
3126 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Muscle or joint pain </td>
3128 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_muscle_pain_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_muscle_pain_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3130 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_muscle_pain_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_muscle_pain_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3132 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_muscle_pain_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_muscle_pain_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3134 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_44" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_44'}; ?>"></td>
3136 </tr>
3138 <tr valign="bottom">
3140 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >9a. Skin </td>
3142 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3144 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3146 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3148 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3150 </tr>
3152 <tr valign="bottom">
3154 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Rash</td>
3156 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_rash_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_rash_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3158 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_rash_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_rash_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3160 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_rash_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_rash_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3162 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_45" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_45'}; ?>"></td>
3164 </tr>
3166 <tr valign="bottom">
3168 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Sores</td>
3170 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sores_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sores_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3172 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sores_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sores_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3174 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_sores_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_sores_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3176 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_46" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_46'}; ?>"></td>
3178 </tr>
3180 <tr valign="bottom">
3182 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Dry skin </td>
3184 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dry_skin_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dry_skin_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3186 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dry_skin_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dry_skin_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3188 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dry_skin_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dry_skin_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3190 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_47" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_47'}; ?>"></td>
3192 </tr>
3194 <tr valign="bottom">
3196 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Moles (growth or changes) </td>
3198 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_moles_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_moles_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3200 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_moles_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_moles_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3202 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_moles_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_moles_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3204 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_48" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_48'}; ?>"></td>
3206 </tr>
3208 <tr valign="bottom">
3210 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >9b. Breasts </td>
3212 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3214 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3216 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3218 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3220 </tr>
3222 <tr valign="bottom">
3224 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Pain in breast </td>
3226 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pain_breast_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pain_breast_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3228 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pain_breast_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pain_breast_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3230 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_pain_breast_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_pain_breast_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3232 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_49" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_49'}; ?>"></td>
3234 </tr>
3236 <tr valign="bottom">
3238 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Nipple discharge </td>
3240 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_nipple_discharge_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_nipple_discharge_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3242 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_nipple_discharge_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_nipple_discharge_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3244 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_nipple_discharge_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_nipple_discharge_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3246 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_50" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_50'}; ?>"></td>
3248 </tr>
3250 <tr valign="bottom">
3252 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Lumps</td>
3254 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_lumps_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_lumps_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3256 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_lumps_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_lumps_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3258 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_lumps_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_lumps_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3260 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_51" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_51'}; ?>"></td>
3262 </tr>
3264 <tr valign="bottom">
3266 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >10. Neurologic </td>
3268 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3270 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3272 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3274 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3276 </tr>
3278 <tr valign="bottom">
3280 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Dizziness</td>
3282 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dizziness_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dizziness_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3284 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dizziness_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dizziness_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3286 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_dizziness_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_dizziness_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3288 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_52" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_52'}; ?>"></td>
3290 </tr>
3292 <tr valign="bottom">
3294 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Seizures</td>
3296 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_seizures_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_seizures_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3298 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_seizures_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_seizures_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3300 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_seizures_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_seizures_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3302 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_53" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_53'}; ?>"></td>
3304 </tr>
3306 <tr valign="bottom">
3308 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Numbness</td>
3310 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_numbness_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_numbness_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3312 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_numbness_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_numbness_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3314 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_numbness_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_numbness_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3316 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_54" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_54'}; ?>"></td>
3318 </tr>
3320 <tr valign="bottom">
3322 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Trouble walking </td>
3324 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_trouble_walking_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_trouble_walking_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3326 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_trouble_walking_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_trouble_walking_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3328 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_trouble_walking_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_trouble_walking_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3330 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_55" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_55'}; ?>"></td>
3332 </tr>
3334 <tr valign="bottom">
3336 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Memory problems </td>
3338 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_memory_problems_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_memory_problems_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3340 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_memory_problems_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_memory_problems_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3342 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_memory_problems_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_memory_problems_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3344 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_56" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_56'}; ?>"></td>
3346 </tr>
3348 <tr valign="bottom">
3350 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Frequent headaches </td>
3352 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_freq_headaches_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_freq_headaches_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3354 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_freq_headaches_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_freq_headaches_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3356 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_freq_headaches_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_freq_headaches_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3358 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_57" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_57'}; ?>"></td>
3360 </tr>
3362 <tr valign="bottom">
3364 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >11. Psychiatric </td>
3366 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3368 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3370 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3372 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3374 </tr>
3376 <tr valign="bottom">
3378 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Depression or frequent crying </td>
3380 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_depression_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_depression_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3382 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_depression_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_depression_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3384 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_depression_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_depression_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3386 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_58" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_58'}; ?>"></td>
3388 </tr>
3390 <tr valign="bottom">
3392 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Anxiety</td>
3394 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_anxiety_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_anxiety_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3396 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_anxiety_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_anxiety_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3398 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_anxiety_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_anxiety_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3400 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_59" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_59'}; ?>"></td>
3402 </tr>
3404 <tr valign="bottom">
3406 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >12. Endocrine </td>
3408 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3410 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3412 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3414 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3416 </tr>
3418 <tr valign="bottom">
3420 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Hair loss </td>
3422 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hair_loss_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hair_loss_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3424 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hair_loss_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hair_loss_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3426 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hair_loss_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hair_loss_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3428 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_60" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_60'}; ?>"></td>
3430 </tr>
3432 <tr valign="bottom">
3434 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Heat/cold intolerance </td>
3436 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_heat_cold_intolerance_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_heat_cold_intolerance_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3438 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_heat_cold_intolerance_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_heat_cold_intolerance_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3440 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_heat_cold_intolerance_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_heat_cold_intolerance_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3442 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_61" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_61'}; ?>"></td>
3444 </tr>
3446 <tr valign="bottom">
3448 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Abnormal thirst </td>
3450 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_abnormal_thirst_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_abnormal_thirst_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3452 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_abnormal_thirst_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_abnormal_thirst_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3454 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_abnormal_thirst_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_abnormal_thirst_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3456 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_62" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_62'}; ?>"></td>
3458 </tr>
3460 <tr valign="bottom">
3462 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Hot flashes </td>
3464 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hot_flashes_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hot_flashes_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3466 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hot_flashes_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hot_flashes_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3468 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_hot_flashes_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_hot_flashes_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3470 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_63" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_63'}; ?>"></td>
3472 </tr>
3474 <tr valign="bottom">
3476 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >13. Hematologic/Lymphatic </td>
3478 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3480 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3482 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3484 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3486 </tr>
3488 <tr valign="bottom">
3490 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Frequent bruises </td>
3492 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_frequent_bruises_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_frequent_bruises_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3494 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_frequent_bruises_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_frequent_bruises_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3496 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_frequent_bruises_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_frequent_bruises_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3498 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_64" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_64'}; ?>"></td>
3500 </tr>
3502 <tr valign="bottom">
3504 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Cuts do not stop bleeding </td>
3506 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_cuts_bleeding_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_cuts_bleeding_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3508 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_cuts_bleeding_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_cuts_bleeding_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3510 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_cuts_bleeding_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_cuts_bleeding_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3512 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_65" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_65'}; ?>"></td>
3514 </tr>
3516 <tr valign="bottom">
3518 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Enlarged Lymph nodes (glands) </td>
3520 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_enlarged_nodes_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_enlarged_nodes_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3522 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_enlarged_nodes_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_enlarged_nodes_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3524 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_enlarged_nodes_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_enlarged_nodes_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3526 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_66" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_66'}; ?>"></td>
3528 </tr>
3530 <tr valign="bottom">
3532 <td align="left" class="ficaption2" id="bordR" >14. Allergic/immunologic </td>
3534 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3536 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3538 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" >&nbsp;</td>
3540 <td align="left" class="fibody2">&nbsp;</td>
3542 </tr>
3544 <tr valign="bottom">
3546 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Medication allergies </td>
3548 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_med_allergy_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_med_allergy_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3550 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_med_allergy_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_med_allergy_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3552 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_med_allergy_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_med_allergy_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3554 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_68" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_68'}; ?>"></td>
3556 </tr>
3558 <tr valign="bottom">
3560 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >If any, please list allergy and type of reaction: </td>
3562 <td colspan="4" align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_med_allergy_reaction" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_med_allergy_reaction'}; ?>"></td>
3564 </tr>
3566 <tr valign="bottom">
3568 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Latex allergy </td>
3570 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_latex_allergy_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_latex_allergy_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3572 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_latex_allergy_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_latex_allergy_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3574 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_latex_allergy_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_latex_allergy_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3576 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_69" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_69'}; ?>"></td>
3578 </tr>
3580 <tr valign="bottom">
3582 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Other allergies </td>
3584 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_other_allergy_now" value="1" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_other_allergy_now'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3586 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_other_allergy_now" value="2" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_other_allergy_now'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3588 <td align="center" class="fibody2" id="bordR" ><input type="radio" name="ros_other_allergy_now" value="3" <?php echo (($fros{'ros_other_allergy_now'} == '3')?' checked ':''); ?>></td>
3590 <td align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_notes_70" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_notes_70'}; ?>"></td>
3592 </tr>
3594 <tr valign="bottom">
3596 <td align="left" class="fibody4" id="bordR" >Please list allergy and type of reaction: </td>
3598 <td colspan="4" align="left" class="fibody2"><input type="text" class="fullin2" name="ros_other_allergy_reaction_" value="<?php echo $fros{'ros_other_allergy_reaction_'}; ?>"></td>
3600 </tr>
3602 </table>
3604 </div>
3606 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
3608 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
3610 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
3612 <tr valign="bottom">
3614 <td colspan="2" align="left" class="fibody2">Form completed by
3616 <input name="pih_completed_by" type="radio" value="patient" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_completed_by'} == 'patient')?' checked ':''); ?>>
3618 patient
3620 <input name="pih_completed_by" type="radio" value="nurse" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_completed_by'} == 'nurse')?' checked ':''); ?>>
3622 office nurse
3624 <input name="pih_completed_by" type="radio" value="physician" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_completed_by'} == 'physician')?' checked ':''); ?>>
3626 physician
3628 <input name="pih_completed_by" type="radio" value="other" <?php echo (($fdata{'pih_completed_by'} == 'other')?' checked ':''); ?>>
3630 other:
3632 <input name="pih_completed_by_other" type="text" class="fullin" style="width: 40%" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_completed_by_other'}; ?>"></td>
3634 </tr>
3636 <tr valign="bottom">
3638 <td height="46" colspan="2" align="left" class="fibody2">Signature of patient:</td>
3640 </tr>
3642 <tr valign="bottom">
3644 <td width="39%" height="46" align="left" class="fibody3" id="bordR">Date reviewed by physician with patient
3646 <input name="pih_date_reviewed_1" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_date_reviewed_1'}; ?>"></td>
3648 <td width="61%" height="46" align="left" class="fibody3">Physician signature: </td>
3650 </tr>
3652 <tr valign="bottom">
3654 <td colspan="2" align="left" class="ficaption3" style="border-top: 2px solid black; border-bottom: 2px solid black;">Annual review of history </td>
3656 </tr>
3658 <tr valign="bottom">
3660 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Date reviewed: <span class="fibody3">
3662 <input name="pih_date_reviewed_2" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_date_reviewed_2'}; ?>">
3664 </span></td>
3666 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2">Physician signature: </td>
3668 </tr>
3670 <tr valign="bottom">
3672 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Date reviewed: <span class="fibody3">
3674 <input name="pih_date_reviewed_3" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_date_reviewed_3'}; ?>">
3676 </span> </td>
3678 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2">Physician signature: </td>
3680 </tr>
3682 <tr valign="bottom">
3684 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Date reviewed: <span class="fibody3">
3686 <input name="pih_date_reviewed_4" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_date_reviewed_4'}; ?>">
3688 </span> </td>
3690 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2">Physician signature: </td>
3692 </tr>
3694 <tr valign="bottom">
3696 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Date reviewed: <span class="fibody3">
3698 <input name="pih_date_reviewed_5" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_date_reviewed_5'}; ?>">
3700 </span> </td>
3702 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2">Physician signature: </td>
3704 </tr>
3706 <tr valign="bottom">
3708 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2" id="bordR">Date reviewed: <span class="fibody3">
3710 <input name="pih_date_reviewed_6" type="text" class="fullin" style="width:70px" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pih_date_reviewed_6'}; ?>">
3712 </span> </td>
3714 <td height="46" align="left" class="fibody2">Physician signature: </td>
3716 </tr>
3718 </table>
3720 </div>
3722 <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
3724 <table width="100%" border="0">
3726 <tr><td align="left" width="120"> <a href="javascript:top.restoreSession();document.my_form.submit();" class="link_submit">[Save Data]</a> </td>
3728 <td align="left" nowrap> <a href="<?php echo $rootdir; ?>/patient_file/encounter/print_form.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>&formname=<?php echo $formname; ?>"
3730 target="_blank" class="link_submit" onclick="top.restoreSession()">[Printable form]</a> </td>
3732 <td align="right"> <a href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['form_exit_url']; ?>" class="link_submit"
3734 onclick="top.restoreSession()">[Don't Save]</a> </td></tr>
3736 </table>
3738 </form>
3740 <?php
3742 formFooter();
3746 </body>
3748 </html>