added option to report on one billing code
[openemr.git] / interface / billing / sl_receipts_report.php
1 <?
2 // This module was written for one of my clients to report on cash
3 // receipts by practitioner. It is not as complete as it should be
4 // but I wanted to make the code available to the project because
5 // many other practices have this same need. -
7 include_once("../globals.php");
8 include_once("../../library/");
9 include_once("../../library/");
10 include_once("../../library/");
12 // This determines if a particular procedure code corresponds to receipts
13 // for the "Clinic" column as opposed to receipts for the practitioner. Each
14 // practice will have its own policies in this regard, so you'll probably
15 // have to customize this function. If you use the "fee sheet" encounter
16 // form then the code below may work for you.
18 include_once("../forms/fee_sheet/codes.php");
19 function is_clinic($code) {
20 global $bcodes;
21 return ($bcodes['CPT4'][xl('Lab')][$code] ||
22 $bcodes['CPT4'][xl('Immunizations')][$code] ||
23 $bcodes['HCPCS'][xl('Therapeutic Injections')][$code]);
26 function bucks($amount) {
27 if ($amount)
28 printf("%.2f", $amount);
31 if (! acl_check('acct', 'rep')) die(xl("Unauthorized access."));
33 SLConnect();
35 $form_use_edate = $_POST['form_use_edate'];
36 $form_billcode = trim($_POST['form_billcode']);
38 <html>
39 <head>
40 <title><?xl('Receipts for Medical Services','e')?></title>
41 </head>
43 <body leftmargin='0' topmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'>
44 <center>
46 <h2><?xl('Cash Receipts','e')?></h2>
48 <form method='post' action='sl_receipts_report.php'>
50 <table border='0' cellpadding='3'>
52 <tr>
53 <td>
55 if (acl_check('acct', 'rep_a')) {
56 // Build a drop-down list of providers.
58 $query = "select id, lname, fname from users where " .
59 "authorized = 1 order by lname, fname";
60 $res = sqlStatement($query);
61 echo " <select name='form_doctor'>\n";
62 echo " <option value=''>All Providers\n";
63 while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
64 $provid = $row['id'];
65 echo " <option value='$provid'";
66 if ($provid == $_POST['form_doctor']) echo " selected";
67 echo ">" . $row['lname'] . ", " . $row['fname'] . "\n";
69 echo " </select>\n";
70 } else {
71 echo "<input type='hidden' name='form_doctor' value='" . $_SESSION['authUserID'] . "'>";
74 &nbsp;<select name='form_use_edate'>
75 <option value='0'>Payment Date</option>
76 <option value='1'<?php if ($form_use_edate) echo ' selected' ?>>Invoice Date</option>
77 </select>
78 &nbsp;<?xl('From:','e')?>
79 <input type='text' name='form_from_date' size='10' value='<? echo $_POST['form_from_date']; ?>' title='MM/DD/YYYY'>
80 &nbsp;To:
81 <input type='text' name='form_to_date' size='10' value='<? echo $_POST['form_to_date']; ?>' title='MM/DD/YYYY'>
82 &nbsp;Code:
83 <input type='text' name='form_billcode' size='5' value='<? echo $form_billcode; ?>' title='Optional billing code'>
84 &nbsp;
85 <input type='checkbox' name='form_details' value='1'<? if ($_POST['form_details']) echo " checked"; ?>><?xl('Details','e')?>
86 &nbsp;
87 <input type='submit' name='form_refresh' value="<?xl('Refresh','e')?>">
88 </td>
89 </tr>
91 <tr>
92 <td height="1">
93 </td>
94 </tr>
96 </table>
98 <table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='2' width='98%'>
100 <tr bgcolor="#dddddd">
101 <td class="dehead">
102 <?xl('Practitioner','e')?>
103 </td>
104 <td class="dehead">
105 <?xl('Date','e')?>
106 </td>
107 <td class="dehead">
108 <?xl('Invoice','e')?>
109 </td>
110 <?php if ($form_billcode) { ?>
111 <td class="dehead" align='right'>
112 <?xl('InvAmt','e')?>
113 </td>
114 <?php } ?>
115 <?php if ($form_billcode) { ?>
116 <td class="dehead">
117 <?xl('Insurance','e')?>
118 </td>
119 <?php } ?>
120 <td class="dehead">
121 <?xl('Procedure','e')?>
122 </td>
123 <td class="dehead" align="right">
124 <?xl('Prof.','e')?>
125 </td>
126 <td class="dehead" align="right">
127 <?xl('Clinic','e')?>
128 </td>
129 </tr>
131 $chart_id_cash = SLQueryValue("select id from chart where accno = '$sl_cash_acc'");
132 if ($sl_err) die($sl_err);
134 if ($_POST['form_refresh']) {
135 $form_doctor = $_POST['form_doctor'];
136 $from_date = fixDate($_POST['form_from_date']);
137 $to_date = fixDate($_POST['form_to_date']);
139 if ($form_billcode) {
140 $query = "SELECT acc_trans.amount, acc_trans.transdate, " .
141 "acc_trans.memo, acc_trans.project_id, " .
142 "ar.invnumber, ar.employee_id, invoice.fxsellprice " .
143 "FROM acc_trans, ar, invoice WHERE " .
144 "acc_trans.chart_id = $chart_id_cash AND " .
145 "acc_trans.memo ILIKE '$form_billcode' AND " .
146 " = acc_trans.trans_id AND " .
147 "invoice.trans_id = acc_trans.trans_id AND " .
148 "invoice.serialnumber ILIKE acc_trans.memo AND " .
149 "invoice.fxsellprice >= 0.00 AND ";
151 else {
152 $query = "select acc_trans.amount, acc_trans.transdate, acc_trans.memo, " .
153 "ar.invnumber, ar.employee_id from acc_trans, ar where " .
154 "acc_trans.chart_id = $chart_id_cash and " .
155 " = acc_trans.trans_id and ";
158 if ($form_use_edate) {
159 $query .= "ar.transdate >= '$from_date' and " .
160 "ar.transdate <= '$to_date'";
161 } else {
162 $query .= "acc_trans.transdate >= '$from_date' and " .
163 "acc_trans.transdate <= '$to_date'";
166 if ($form_doctor) {
167 $tmp = sqlQuery("select foreign_id from integration_mapping where " .
168 "foreign_table = 'salesman' and local_id = $form_doctor");
169 // $emplid = SLQueryValue("select id from employee where employeenumber = " .
170 // $tmp['foreign_id']);
171 $emplid = $tmp['foreign_id'];
172 $query .= " and ar.employee_id = $emplid";
175 $query .= " order by ar.employee_id, acc_trans.transdate, ar.invnumber, acc_trans.memo";
177 echo "<!-- $query -->\n";
179 $t_res = SLQuery($query);
180 if ($sl_err) die($sl_err);
182 $docname = "";
183 $docnameleft = "";
184 $docid = 0;
185 $doctotal1 = 0;
186 $grandtotal1 = 0;
187 $doctotal2 = 0;
188 $grandtotal2 = 0;
190 for ($irow = 0; $irow < SLRowCount($t_res); ++$irow) {
191 $row = SLGetRow($t_res, $irow);
193 // Get insurance company name
194 $insconame = '';
195 if ($form_billcode && $row['project_id']) {
196 $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT name FROM insurance_companies WHERE " .
197 "id = '" . $row['project_id'] . "'");
198 $insconame = $tmp['name'];
201 $amount1 = 0;
202 $amount2 = 0;
203 if (is_clinic($row['memo']))
204 $amount2 -= $row['amount'];
205 else
206 $amount1 -= $row['amount'];
208 if ($docid != $row['employee_id']) {
209 if ($docid) {
210 // Print doc totals.
213 <tr bgcolor="#ddddff">
214 <td class="detail" colspan="<?php echo $form_billcode ? '6' : '4'; ?>">
215 <? echo xl('Totals for ') . $docname ?>
216 </td>
217 <td class="dehead" align="right">
218 <? bucks($doctotal1) ?>
219 </td>
220 <td class="dehead" align="right">
221 <? bucks($doctotal2) ?>
222 </td>
223 </tr>
226 $doctotal1 = 0;
227 $doctotal2 = 0;
228 $docid = $row['employee_id'];
229 $docname = SLQueryValue("select name from employee where id = $docid");
230 $docnameleft = $docname;
233 if ($_POST['form_details']) {
236 <tr>
237 <td class="detail">
238 <? echo $docnameleft; $docnameleft = "&nbsp;" ?>
239 </td>
240 <td class="detail">
241 <? echo $row['transdate'] ?>
242 </td>
243 <td class="detail">
244 <? echo $row['invnumber'] ?>
245 </td>
246 <?php if ($form_billcode) { ?>
247 <td class="detail" align='right'>
248 <?php bucks($row['fxsellprice']) ?>
249 </td>
250 <?php } ?>
251 <?php if ($form_billcode) { ?>
252 <td class="detail">
253 <?php echo $insconame ?>
254 </td>
255 <?php } ?>
256 <td class="detail">
257 <? echo $row['memo'] ?>
258 </td>
259 <td class="detail" align="right">
260 <? bucks($amount1) ?>
261 </td>
262 <td class="detail" align="right">
263 <? bucks($amount2) ?>
264 </td>
265 </tr>
268 $doctotal1 += $amount1;
269 $doctotal2 += $amount2;
270 $grandtotal1 += $amount1;
271 $grandtotal2 += $amount2;
275 <tr bgcolor="#ddddff">
276 <td class="detail" colspan="<?php echo $form_billcode ? '6' : '4'; ?>">
277 <?echo xl('Totals for ') . $docname ?>
278 </td>
279 <td class="dehead" align="right">
280 <? bucks($doctotal1) ?>
281 </td>
282 <td class="dehead" align="right">
283 <? bucks($doctotal2) ?>
284 </td>
285 </tr>
287 <tr bgcolor="#ffdddd">
288 <td class="detail" colspan="<?php echo $form_billcode ? '6' : '4'; ?>">
289 <?xl('Grand Totals','e')?>
290 </td>
291 <td class="dehead" align="right">
292 <? bucks($grandtotal1) ?>
293 </td>
294 <td class="dehead" align="right">
295 <? bucks($grandtotal2) ?>
296 </td>
297 </tr>
301 SLClose();
304 </table>
305 </form>
306 </center>
307 </body>
308 </html>