Add back popup dialogs for tabs U.I. (#1434)
[openemr.git] / interface / clickmap / template / general_new.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <script type="text/javascript" src="{php}echo $GLOBALS['assets_static_relative']{/php}/jquery-min-1-4-3/index.js"></script>
4 <script type="text/javascript" src="{php}echo $GLOBALS['webroot'];{/php}/library/js/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.min.js"></script>
5 <script type="text/javascript" src="{php}echo $GLOBALS['webroot'];{/php}/library/js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
6 <script type="text/javascript" src="{php}echo $GLOBALS['webroot'];{/php}/library/js/clickmap.js"></script>
8 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$form->template_dir}/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.css" />
9 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$form->template_dir}/css/clickmap.css" />
10 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{php}echo $GLOBALS['css_header'];{/php}" />
11 </head>
12 <body>
13 <div class="outer-container">
14 <div id="container" class="container graphic-pain-map">
15 <img src="{$form->image}"/>
16 </div>
17 <div id="legend" class="legend graphic-pain-map">
18 <div class="body">
19 <ul></ul>
20 </div>
21 </div>
22 </div>
23 <p style="clear:both">
25 <div class="nav">
26 <button id="btn_save">{xl t="Save"}</button>
27 <button id="btn_clear">{xl t="Clear"}</button>
28 <button id="cancel">{xl t="Cancel"}</button>
29 <p>
30 {xl t="Click a spot on the graphic to add a new annotation, click it again to remove it"} <br/>
31 {xl t="The 'Clear' button will remove all annotations."}
32 </p>
33 </div>
35 <div class="dialog-form" style="display:none">
36 <fieldset>
37 <label for="label">{xl t="Label"}</label>
38 <input type="text" name="label" id="label" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all label" />
39 <label for="options"></label>
40 <select name="options">
41 </select>
42 <label for="detail">{xl t="Detail"}</label>
43 <textarea name="detail" id="detail" class="textarea ui-widget-content ui-corner-all detail"></textarea>
44 </fieldset>
45 </div>
47 <div class="marker-template" style="display:none">
48 <span class='count'></span>
49 </div>
51 <script type="text/javascript">
52 var cancellink = '{$DONT_SAVE_LINK}';
53 {literal}
54 $(document).ready( function() {
55 $("#cancel").click(function() { location.href=cancellink; });
56 var optionsLabel = {/literal}{$form->optionsLabel}{literal};
57 var options = {/literal}{$form->optionList}{literal};
58 var data = {/literal}{$form->data}{literal};
59 var hideNav = {/literal}{$form->hideNav}{literal};
61 clickmap( {
62 hideNav: hideNav,
63 data: data,
64 dropdownOptions: { label: optionsLabel, options: options },
65 container: $("#container")
66 } );
67 });
68 {/literal}
69 </script>
71 <form id="submitForm" name="submitForm" method="post" action="{$form->saveAction}" onsubmit="return top.restoreSession()">
72 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$form->get_id()}" />
73 <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{$form->get_pid()}" />
74 <input type="hidden" name="process" value="true" />
75 <input type="hidden" name="data" id="data" value=""/>
76 </form>
77 </body>
79 </html>