New use RxNORM table for drug lookups. (#4399)
[openemr.git] / composer.json
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3     "version": "6.0.0",
4     "description": "OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source electronic health records and medical practice management application",
5     "license": "GPL",
6     "support": {
7         "website": "",
8         "issues": "",
9         "forum": "",
10         "wiki": "",
11         "source": ""
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23         "laminas/laminas-db": "2.12.0",
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26         "laminas/laminas-filter": "2.11.0",
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28         "laminas/laminas-inputfilter": "2.12.0",
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35         "laminas/laminas-servicemanager": "3.6.4",
36         "laminas/laminas-soap": "2.9.0",
37         "laminas/laminas-stdlib": "3.3.1",
38         "laminas/laminas-xmlrpc": "2.10.0",
39         "league/omnipay": "3.1.0",
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43         "paragonie/multi-factor": "0.2.2",
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63         "nyholm/psr7-server": "1.0.1",
64         "lcobucci/jwt": "dev-345php8 as 3.4.9",
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67         "google/apiclient": "2.9.1"
68     },
69     "config": {
70         "platform": {
71             "php": "7.3"
72         }
73     },
74     "require-dev": {
75         "phpunit/phpunit": "9.*",
76         "symfony/panther": "1.*"
77     },
78     "repositories": [
79         {
80             "type": "vcs",
81             "url": ""
82         },
83         {
84             "type": "vcs",
85             "url": ""
86         }
87     ],
88     "autoload": {
89         "exclude-from-classmap": [
90             "src/Common/Compatibility/Checker.php",
91             "library/classes/ClinicalTypes/",
92             "library/classes/rulesets/",
93             "library/classes/smtp/"
94         ],
95         "classmap": [
96             "library/classes"
97         ],
98         "files": [
99             "library/",
100             "library/",
101             "library/",
102             "library/",
103             "library/date_functions.php",
104             "library/validation/validate_core.php",
105             "library/"
106         ],
107         "psr-4": {
108             "OpenEMR\\": "src"
109         }
110     },
111     "autoload-dev": {
112         "psr-4": {
113             "OpenEMR\\Tests\\": "tests\\Tests"
114         }
115     }