Feat openemr fix 7480 7494 email prescription (#7495)
[openemr.git] / config / config.yaml
1 ---
2 # Use %KEY-NAME% in this file and it will be replaced with the value of
3 # $GLOBALS['KEY-NAME'] if it exists. If the key name does not exist, this script
4 # won't work (Need to build in proper error handling @TODO RD 2017-05-16
6 # Example usage:
7 # assets: Top-level key name (Required)
8 #     asset-short-name: Short name
9 #         basePath: %assets_static_relative%/full/path/to/deepest/common/file
10 #         script: null filename or null
11 #         link: jquery-ui.min.css filename or null
12 #         autoload: true (defaults to false)
13 #         loadInFile: relative path to file, load always in specific file (defaults to false) for custom assets.
14 assets:
15     jquery:
16         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery/dist/'
17         script: jquery.min.js
18         autoload: true
19         allowNoLoad: true
20     bootstrap:
21         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/bootstrap/dist/'
22         script: js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js
23         # Bootstrap is included in main themes via SASS
24         #  So will only use below css link if no_main-theme token is provided.
25         #  TODO - incorporate this mechanism for rtl when rtl bootrap SASS mechanism is up and running
26         link: css/bootstrap.min.css
27         autoload: true
28         allowNoLoad: true
29         # RTL only for no_main-theme which is rare
30         rtl:
31             basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/bootstrap-rtl/dist/'
32             link: css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css
33     # keep utility and javaScript translations near top of load order.
34     i18next:
35         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/i18next/dist/umd/'
36         script: i18next.min.js
37     i18next-xhr-backend:
38         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/i18next-xhr-backend/dist/umd/'
39         script: i18nextXHRBackend.min.js
40     i18next-browser-languagedetector:
41         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/i18next-browser-languagedetector/dist/umd/'
42         script: i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector.min.js
43     il8formatting:
44         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/xl/'
45         script: formatting.js
46     utility:
47         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
48         script: utility.js
49         autoload: true
50         allowNoLoad: true
51     main-theme:
52         alreadyBuilt: true
53         link: '%css_header%'
54         autoload: true
55         allowNoLoad: true
56     # The compact theme asset follows the allowNoLoad setting of the main-theme asset
57     # ie. no-main-theme token will also skip the compact-theme
58     compact-theme:
59         alreadyBuilt: true
60         link: '%compact_header%'
61         autoload: true
62         allowNoLoad: true
63     tabs-theme:
64         basePath: '%webroot%/public/themes/'
65         link: '%theme_tabs_layout%'
66         rtl:
67             basePath: '%webroot%/public/themes/'
68             link: rtl_%theme_tabs_layout%
69     pdf-style:
70         basePath: '%webroot%/public/themes/'
71         link: style_pdf.css
72     portal-theme:
73       alreadyBuilt: true
74       link: '%portal_css_header%'
75     knockout:
76         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/knockout/build/output/'
77         script: knockout-latest.js
78     jquery-ui:
79         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui/'
80         script: jquery-ui.min.js
81     jquery-ui-theme:
82         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui/'
83         link: jquery-ui.theme.css
84     jquery-ui-base:
85         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/base/'
86         link: jquery-ui.min.css
87     jquery-ui-darkness:
88         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/ui-darkness/'
89         link: jquery-ui.min.css
90     jquery-ui-sunny:
91         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/sunny/'
92         link: jquery-ui.min.css
93     jquery-ui-redmond:
94         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/redmond/'
95         link: jquery-ui.min.css
96     jquery-ui-cupertino:
97         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/cupertino/'
98         link: jquery-ui.min.css
99     jquery-ui-lightness:
100         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/ui-lightness/'
101         link: jquery-ui.min.css
102     jquery-ui-excite-bike:
103         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-ui-themes/themes/excite-bike/'
104         link: jquery-ui.min.css
105     datatables:
106         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net/js/'
107         script: jquery.dataTables.min.js
108     datatables-colreorder:
109         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%'
110         link: /datatables.net-colreorder-dt/css/colReorder.dataTables.min.css
111         script: /datatables.net-colreorder/js/dataTables.colReorder.min.js
112     datatables-dt:
113         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net-dt/css/'
114         link: jquery.dataTables.min.css
115     datatables-bs:
116         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net-bs4/'
117         script: js/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.js
118         link: css/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.css
119     datatables-jqui:
120         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net-jqui/js/'
121         script: dataTables.jqueryui.min.js
122     datatables-jqui-theme:
123         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net-jqui/css/'
124         link: dataTables.jqueryui.min.css
125     datatables-scroller:
126         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net-scroller/js/'
127         script: dataTables.scroller.min.js
128     datatables-scroller-jqui-theme:
129         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/datatables.net-scroller-jqui/css/'
130         link: scroller.jqueryui.min.css
131     fontawesome:
132         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/'
133         link: all.min.css
134     datetime-picker:
135         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jquery-datetimepicker/build/'
136         script: jquery.datetimepicker.full.min.js
137         link: jquery.datetimepicker.min.css
138     datetime-picker-translated:
139         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/xl/'
140         script: jquery-datetimepicker-2-5-4-translated.js
141     report-helper:
142         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
143         script: report_helper.js
144     opener:
145         basePath: '%webroot%/interface/main/tabs/js/'
146         script: include_opener.js
147     topdialog:
148         basePath: '%webroot%/library/'
149         script: topdialog.js
150     common:
151         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
152         script: common.js
153     textformat:
154         basePath: '%webroot%/library/'
155         script: textformat.js
156         autoload: true
157         allowNoLoad: true
158     dialog:
159         basePath: '%webroot%/library/'
160         script: dialog.js
161         autoload: true
162         allowNoLoad: true
163     select2:
164         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/select2/dist/'
165         script: js/select2.full.min.js
166         link:
167             - css/select2.min.css
168             # BS4 theme moved to main theme assets to allow fluidity
169     jscolor:
170         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/@eastdesire/jscolor/'
171         script: jscolor.min.js
172     esign:
173         basePath: '%webroot%/library/ESign/'
174         script: js/jquery.esign.js
175         link: css/esign.css
176     esign-theme-only:
177         basePath: '%webroot%/library/ESign/'
178         link: css/esign.css
179     dygraphs:
180         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/modified/dygraphs-2-0-0/'
181         script: dygraph.js
182         link: dygraph.css
183     moment:
184         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/moment/min/'
185         script: moment.min.js
186     purecss:
187         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/purecss/build/'
188         link: pure-min.css
189     angular:
190         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/angular/'
191         script: angular.min.js
192     angular-sanitize:
193         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/angular-sanitize/'
194         script: angular-sanitize.min.js
195     backbone:
196         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/backbone/'
197         script: backbone-min.js
198     checklist-model:
199         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/checklist-model/'
200         script: checklist-model.js
201     underscore:
202         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/underscore/'
203         script: underscore-min.js
204     ckeditor:
205         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/ckeditor4/'
206         script: ckeditor.js
207     search-highlight:
208         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
209         script: SearchHighlight.js
210     track-anything:
211         basePath: '%webroot%/interface/forms/track_anything/'
212         link: style.css
213     konva:
214         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/konva/'
215         script: konva.min.js
216     magic-wand:
217         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/magic-wand-js/js/'
218         script: magic-wand-min.js
219     jszip:
220         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jszip/dist/'
221         script: jszip.min.js
222     jspdf:
223         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/jspdf/dist/'
224         script: jspdf.umd.min.js
225     jstiff:
226       basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/tiff/'
227       script: tiff.min.js
228     dwv:
229         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/dwv/'
230         script:
231             - decoders/pdfjs/jpx.js
232             - decoders/pdfjs/util.js
233             - decoders/pdfjs/arithmetic_decoder.js
234             - decoders/pdfjs/jpg.js
235             - decoders/rii-mango/lossless-min.js
236             - dist/dwv.min.js
237     sortablejs:
238       basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/sortablejs/'
239       script: Sortable.min.js
240     hotkeys:
241         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/hotkeys-js/'
242         script:
243             - dist/hotkeys.min.js
244     reason-code-widget:
245         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
246         script: reasonCodeWidget.js
247     erx:
248         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
249         script: erx_javascript.js
250     checkpwd_validation:
251         basePath: '%webroot%/interface/usergroup/'
252         script: checkpwd_validation.js
253     u2f_api:
254         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/'
255         script: u2f-api.js
256     chart:
257         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/'
258         script:
259             - chart.js/dist/chart.umd.js
260             - chartjs-adapter-date-fns/dist/chartjs-adapter-date-fns.bundle.js
261     select2-translated:
262         basePath: '%webroot%/library/js/xl/'
263         script: select2-translated.js
264     dompurify:
265         basePath: '%assets_static_relative%/'
266         script: dompurify/dist/purify.js