bug fix march continued (#1921)
[openemr.git] / interface / billing / billing_report.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Billing Report Program
5 * @package OpenEMR
6 * @link http://www.open-emr.org
7 * @author Terry Hill <terry@lilysystems.com>
8 * @author Brady Miller <brady.g.miller@gmail.com>
9 * @author Jerry Padgett <sjpadgett@gmail.com>
10 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Terry Hill <terry@lillysystems.com>
11 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 Brady Miller <brady.g.miller@gmail.com>
12 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Jerry Padgett <sjpadgett@gmail.com>
13 * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3
16 require_once "../globals.php";
17 require_once "../../library/acl.inc";
18 require_once "../../custom/code_types.inc.php";
19 require_once "$srcdir/patient.inc";
20 require_once "$srcdir/../interface/reports/report.inc.php"; // Criteria Section common php page
21 require_once "$srcdir/billrep.inc";
22 require_once "$srcdir/options.inc.php";
23 require_once "adjustment_reason_codes.php";
25 use OpenEMR\Core\Header;
27 $EXPORT_INC = "$webserver_root/custom/BillingExport.php";
28 // echo $GLOBALS['daysheet_provider_totals'];
30 $daysheet = false;
31 $daysheet_total = false;
32 $provider_run = false;
34 if ($GLOBALS['use_custom_daysheet'] != 0) {
35 $daysheet = true;
36 if ($GLOBALS['daysheet_provider_totals'] == 1) {
37 $daysheet_total = true;
38 $provider_run = false;
40 if ($GLOBALS['daysheet_provider_totals'] == 0) {
41 $daysheet_total = false;
42 $provider_run = true;
46 $alertmsg = '';
48 if (isset($_POST['mode'])) {
49 if (!verifyCsrfToken($_POST["csrf_token_form"])) {
50 csrfNotVerified();
53 if ($_POST['mode'] == 'export') {
54 $sql = ReturnOFXSql();
55 $db = get_db();
56 $results = $db->Execute($sql);
57 $billings = array();
58 if ($results->RecordCount() == 0) {
59 echo "<fieldset id='error_info' style='border:1px solid #ff5d5a !Important; background-color: #ff5d5a !Important; color: #fff ! Important; font-weight: bold; font-family:sans-serif; border-radius:5px; padding:20px 5px !Important;'>";
60 echo xlt("No Bills Found to Include in OFX Export") . "<br>";
61 echo "</fieldset>";
62 } else {
63 while (!$results->EOF) {
64 $billings[] = $results->fields;
65 $results->MoveNext();
67 $ofx = new OFX($billings);
68 header("Pragma: public");
69 header("Expires: 0");
70 header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
71 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=openemr_ofx.ofx");
72 header("Content-Type: text/xml");
73 echo $ofx->get_OFX();
74 exit();
79 // global variables:
80 $from_date = isset($_POST['from_date']) ? $_POST['from_date'] : date('Y-m-d');
81 $to_date = isset($_POST['to_date']) ? $_POST['to_date'] : '';
82 $code_type = isset($_POST['code_type']) ? $_POST['code_type'] : 'all';
83 $unbilled = isset($_POST['unbilled']) ? $_POST['unbilled'] : 'on';
84 $my_authorized = isset($_POST["authorized"]) ? $_POST["authorized"] : '';
86 // This tells us if only encounters that appear to be missing a "25" modifier
87 // are to be reported.
88 $missing_mods_only = (isset($_POST['missing_mods_only']) && !empty($_POST['missing_mods_only']));
90 $left_margin = isset($_POST["left_margin"]) ? $_POST["left_margin"] : $GLOBALS['cms_left_margin_default'];
91 $top_margin = isset($_POST["top_margin"]) ? $_POST["top_margin"] : $GLOBALS['cms_top_margin_default'];
92 if ($ub04_support) {
93 $left_ubmargin = isset($_POST["left_ubmargin"]) ? $_POST["left_ubmargin"] : $GLOBALS['left_ubmargin_default'];
94 $top_ubmargin = isset($_POST["top_ubmargin"]) ? $_POST["top_ubmargin"] : $GLOBALS['top_ubmargin_default'];
96 $ofrom_date = $from_date;
97 $oto_date = $to_date;
98 $ocode_type = $code_type;
99 $ounbilled = $unbilled;
100 $oauthorized = $my_authorized;
102 <!DOCTYPE html >
103 <html>
104 <head>
106 <?php Header::setupHeader(['datetime-picker', 'common']); ?>
107 <style>
108 /*.subbtn { margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px }*/
109 .btn-group-pinch > .btn:nth-last-child(4):not(.dropdown-toggle) {
110 border-top-right-radius: 3px !Important;
111 border-bottom-right-radius: 3px !Important;
113 </style>
114 <script>
115 function select_all() {
116 for ($i = 0; $i < document.update_form.length; $i++) {
117 $name = document.update_form[$i].name;
118 if ($name.substring(0, 7) == "claims[" && $name.substring($name.length -
119 6) == "[bill]") {
120 document.update_form[$i].checked = true;
123 set_button_states();
126 function set_button_states() {
127 var f = document.update_form;
128 var count0 = 0; // selected and not billed or queued
129 var count1 = 0; // selected and queued
130 var count2 = 0; // selected and billed
131 for ($i = 0; $i < f.length; ++$i) {
132 $name = f[$i].name;
133 if ($name.substring(0, 7) == "claims[" && $name.substring($name.length -
134 6) == "[bill]" && f[$i].checked == true) {
135 if (f[$i].value == '0') ++count0;
136 else if (f[$i].value == '1' || f[$i].value == '5') ++count1;
137 else ++count2;
140 var can_generate = (count0 > 0 || count1 > 0 || count2 > 0);
141 var can_mark = (count1 > 0 || count0 > 0 || count2 > 0);
142 var can_bill = (count0 == 0 && count1 == 0 && count2 > 0);
143 <?php if (file_exists($EXPORT_INC)) { ?>
144 f.bn_external.disabled = !can_generate;
145 <?php } else { ?>
146 f.bn_x12_support.disabled = !can_generate;
147 <?php if ($GLOBALS['support_encounter_claims']) { ?>
148 f.bn_x12_encounter.disabled = !can_generate;
149 <?php } ?>
150 f.bn_process_hcfa_support.disabled = !can_generate;
151 <?php if ($GLOBALS['preprinted_cms_1500']) { ?>
152 f.bn_process_hcfa_form.disabled = !can_generate;
153 <?php } ?>
154 <?php if ($GLOBALS['ub04_support']) { ?>
155 f.bn_process_ub04_support.disabled = !can_generate;
156 <?php } ?>
157 f.bn_hcfa_txt_file.disabled = !can_generate;
158 f.bn_reopen.disabled = !can_bill;
159 <?php } ?>
160 f.bn_mark.disabled = !can_mark;
163 // Process a click to go to an encounter.
164 function toencounter(pid, pubpid, pname, enc, datestr, dobstr) {
165 top.restoreSession();
166 encurl = 'patient_file/encounter/encounter_top.php?set_encounter=' + enc +
167 '&pid=' + pid;
168 parent.left_nav.setPatient(pname, pid, pubpid, '', dobstr);
169 <?php if ($GLOBALS['new_tabs_layout']) { ?>
170 parent.left_nav.setEncounter(datestr, enc, 'enc');
171 parent.left_nav.loadFrame('enc2', 'enc', encurl);
172 <?php } else { ?>
173 var othername = (window.name == 'RTop') ? 'RBot' : 'RTop';
174 parent.left_nav.setEncounter(datestr, enc, othername);
175 parent.frames[othername].location.href = '../' + encurl;
176 <?php } ?>
179 // Process a click to go to an patient.
180 function topatient(pid, pubpid, pname, enc, datestr, dobstr) {
181 top.restoreSession();
182 paturl = 'patient_file/summary/demographics_full.php?pid=' + pid;
183 parent.left_nav.setPatient(pname, pid, pubpid, '', dobstr);
184 <?php if ($GLOBALS['new_tabs_layout']) { ?>
185 parent.left_nav.loadFrame('ens1', 'enc',
186 'patient_file/history/encounters.php?pid=' + pid);
187 parent.left_nav.loadFrame('dem1', 'pat', paturl);
188 <?php } else { ?>
189 var othername = (window.name == 'RTop') ? 'RBot' : 'RTop';
190 parent.frames[othername].location.href = '../' + paturl;
191 <?php } ?>
194 function popMBO(pid, enc, mboid) {
195 if (!window.focus) return true;
196 if (!ProcessBeforeSubmitting()) return false;
197 top.restoreSession();
198 let qstring = "&pid=" + pid + "&enc=" + enc + "&id=" + mboid;
199 let href = "<?php echo $GLOBALS['web_root']?>/interface/patient_file/encounter/view_form.php?formname=misc_billing_options&isBilling=1" + qstring;
200 dlgopen(href, 'mbopop', 'modal-lg', 750, false, '', {
201 sizeHeight: 'full' // override min height auto size.
203 return true;
206 function popUB04(pid, enc) {
207 if (!window.focus) return true;
208 if (!ProcessBeforeSubmitting()) return false;
209 top.restoreSession();
210 let href = "<?php echo $GLOBALS['web_root']?>/interface/billing/ub04_form.php?pid=" + pid + "&enc=" + enc;
211 dlgopen(href, 'ub04pop', 1175, 750, false, '', {
212 sizeHeight: 'full' // override min height auto size.
214 return true;
216 </script>
217 <script>
218 var EncounterDateArray = new Array;
219 var CalendarCategoryArray = new Array;
220 var EncounterIdArray = new Array;
221 var EncounterNoteArray = new Array;
223 function SubmitTheScreen() { //Action on Update List link
224 if (!ProcessBeforeSubmitting()) return false;
225 $("#update-tooltip").replaceWith("<i class='fa fa-refresh fa-spin fa-1x' style=\"color:red\"></i>");
226 top.restoreSession();
227 document.the_form.mode.value = 'change';
228 document.the_form.target = '_self';
229 document.the_form.action = 'billing_report.php';
230 document.the_form.submit();
231 return true;
234 function SubmitTheScreenPrint() { //Action on View Printable Report link
235 if (!ProcessBeforeSubmitting()) return false;
236 top.restoreSession();
237 document.the_form.target = 'new';
238 document.the_form.action = 'print_billing_report.php';
239 document.the_form.submit();
240 return true;
243 function SubmitTheEndDayPrint() { //Action on View End of Day Report link
244 if (!ProcessBeforeSubmitting()) return false;
245 top.restoreSession();
246 document.the_form.target = 'new';
247 <?php if ($GLOBALS['use_custom_daysheet'] == 1) { ?>
248 document.the_form.action = 'print_daysheet_report_num1.php';
249 <?php } ?>
250 <?php if ($GLOBALS['use_custom_daysheet'] == 2) { ?>
251 document.the_form.action = 'print_daysheet_report_num2.php';
252 <?php } ?>
253 <?php if ($GLOBALS['use_custom_daysheet'] == 3) { ?>
254 document.the_form.action = 'print_daysheet_report_num3.php';
255 <?php } ?>
256 document.the_form.submit();
257 return true;
260 function SubmitTheScreenExportOFX() { //Action on Export OFX link
261 if (!ProcessBeforeSubmitting()) return false;
262 top.restoreSession();
263 document.the_form.mode.value = 'export';
264 document.the_form.target = '_self';
265 document.the_form.action = 'billing_report.php';
266 document.the_form.submit();
267 return true;
270 function TestExpandCollapse() { //Checks whether the Expand All, Collapse All labels need to be placed.If any result set is there these will be placed.
271 var set = -1;
272 for (i = 1; i <= document.getElementById("divnos").value; i++) {
273 var ele = document.getElementById("divid_" + i);
274 if (ele) {
275 set = 1;
276 break;
279 if (set == -1) {
280 if (document.getElementById("ExpandAll")) {
281 document.getElementById("ExpandAll").innerHTML = '';
282 document.getElementById("CollapseAll").innerHTML = '';
287 function expandcollapse(atr) {
288 if (atr == "expand") { //Called in the Expand All, Collapse All links(All items will be expanded or collapsed)
289 for (i = 1; i <= document.getElementById("divnos").value; i++) {
290 var mydivid = "divid_" + i;
291 var myspanid = "spanid_" + i;
292 var ele = document.getElementById(mydivid);
293 var text = document.getElementById(myspanid);
294 if (ele) {
295 ele.style.display = "inline";
296 text.innerHTML =
297 "<?php echo xla('Collapse'); ?>";
300 } else {
301 for (i = 1; i <= document.getElementById("divnos").value; i++) {
302 var mydivid = "divid_" + i;
303 var myspanid = "spanid_" + i;
304 var ele = document.getElementById(mydivid);
305 var text = document.getElementById(myspanid);
306 if (ele) {
307 ele.style.display = "none";
308 text.innerHTML =
309 "<?php echo xla('Expand'); ?>";
315 function divtoggle(spanid, divid) { //Called in the Expand, Collapse links(This is for a single item)
316 var ele = document.getElementById(divid);
317 if (ele) {
318 var text = document.getElementById(spanid);
319 if (ele.style.display == "inline") {
320 ele.style.display = "none";
321 text.innerHTML =
322 "<?php echo xla('Expand'); ?>";
323 } else {
324 ele.style.display = "inline";
325 text.innerHTML =
326 "<?php echo xla('Collapse'); ?>";
331 function MarkAsCleared(Type) {
332 CheckBoxBillingCount = 0;
333 for (var CheckBoxBillingIndex = 0; ; CheckBoxBillingIndex++) {
334 CheckBoxBillingObject = document.getElementById('CheckBoxBilling' +
335 CheckBoxBillingIndex);
336 if (!CheckBoxBillingObject) break;
337 if (CheckBoxBillingObject.checked) {
338 ++CheckBoxBillingCount;
341 if (Type == 1) {
342 Message = '<?php echo xla('After saving your batch, click[View Log] to check for errors.'); ?>';
344 if (Type == 2) {
345 Message = '<?php echo xla('After saving the PDF, click[View Log] to check for errors.'); ?>';
347 if (Type == 3) {
348 Message = '<?php echo xla('After saving the TEXT file(s), click[View Log] to check for errors.'); ?>';
350 if (confirm(Message + "\n\n\n<?php echo xls('Total'); ?>" + ' ' +
351 CheckBoxBillingCount + ' ' +
352 "<?php echo xls('Selected'); ?>\n" +
353 "<?php echo xls('Would You Like them to be Marked as Cleared.'); ?>\n" +
354 "<?php echo xls('Click OK to Clear or Cancel to continue processing.'); ?>"
355 )) {
356 document.getElementById('HiddenMarkAsCleared').value = 'yes';
357 } else {
358 document.getElementById('HiddenMarkAsCleared').value = '';
361 </script>
362 <?php require_once "$srcdir/../interface/reports/report.script.php"; ?>
363 <!-- Criteria Section common javascript page-->
364 <!-- =============Included for Insurance ajax criteria==== -->
365 <?php require_once "{$GLOBALS['srcdir']}/ajax/payment_ajax_jav.inc.php"; ?>
366 <style>
367 #ajax_div_insurance {
368 position: absolute;
369 z-index: 10;
370 background-color: #FBFDD0;
371 border: 1px solid #ccc;
372 padding: 10px;
374 button[type="submit"].subbtn-warning {
375 background: #ec971f !important;
376 color: black !important;
378 button[type="submit"].subbtn-warning:hover {
379 background: #da8104 !important;
380 color: #fff !important;
382 @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
383 [class*="col-"] {
384 width: 100%;
385 text-align: left !Important;
388 .table {
389 margin: auto;
391 @media (min-width: 992px) {
392 .modal-lg {
393 width: 1000px !Important;
396 .table th, .table td {
397 border-top: none !important;
399 .form-control {
400 font-family: "FontAwesome"
402 ul > li {
403 line-height: 1.86em;
405 a, a:visited, a:hover {
406 text-decoration: none;
407 color: #000000;
409 </style>
410 <script>
411 document.onclick = TakeActionOnHide;
412 </script>
413 <!-- =============Included for Insurance ajax criteria==== -->
414 <?php
415 //to determine and set the form to open in the desired state - expanded or centered, any selection the user makes will
416 //become the user-specific default for that page. collectAndOrganizeExpandSetting() contains a single array as an
417 //argument, containing one or more elements, the name of the current file is the first element, if there are linked
418 // files they should be listed thereafter, please add _xpd suffix to the file name
419 $arr_files_php = array("billing_report_xpd");
420 $current_state = collectAndOrganizeExpandSetting($arr_files_php);
421 require_once("$srcdir/expand_contract_inc.php");
423 <title><?php echo xlt('Billing Manager'); ?></title>
424 </head>
425 <body class="body_top" onLoad="TestExpandCollapse()">
426 <div class="<?php echo $container;?> expandable">
427 <div class="row">
428 <div class="col-sm-12">
429 <div class="page-header">
430 <h2>
431 <?php echo xlt('Billing Manager') ?> <i id="exp_cont_icon" class="fa <?php echo attr($expand_icon_class);?> oe-superscript-small expand_contract"
432 title="<?php echo attr($expand_title); ?>" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i id="show_hide" class="fa fa-eye-slash fa-2x small"
433 title="<?php echo xla('Click to Hide'); ?>"></i>
434 </h2>
435 </div>
436 </div>
437 </div>
438 <div class="row">
439 <div class="col-sm-12">
440 <form name='the_form' method='post' action='billing_report.php' onsubmit='return top.restoreSession()' style="display:inline">
441 <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token_form" value="<?php echo attr(collectCsrfToken()); ?>" />
442 <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='change'>
443 <div class="col-xs-9">
444 <!-- ============================================================================================================================================= -->
445 <!-- Criteria section Starts -->
446 <!-- ============================================================================================================================================= -->
447 <?php
448 // The following are the search criteria per page.All the following variable which ends with 'Master' need to be filled properly.
449 // Each item is seperated by a comma(,).
450 // $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayMaster ==>It is the display on screen for the set of criteria.
451 // $ThisPageSearchCriteriaKeyMaster ==>Corresponding database fields in the same order.
452 // $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDataTypeMaster ==>Corresponding data type in the same order.
453 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster = array();
454 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster = array();
455 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaQueryDropDownMaster = array();
456 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaQueryDropDownMasterDefault = array();
457 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaQueryDropDownMasterDefaultKey = array();
458 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaIncludeMaster = array();
460 if ($daysheet) {
461 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayMaster = array(
462 xl("Date of Service"),
463 xl("Date of Entry"),
464 xl("Date of Billing"),
465 xl("Claim Type"),
466 xl("Patient Name"),
467 xl("Patient Id"),
468 xl("Insurance Company"),
469 xl("Encounter"),
470 xl("Whether Insured"),
471 xl("Charge Coded"),
472 xl("Billing Status"),
473 xl("Authorization Status"),
474 xl("Last Level Billed"),
475 xl("X12 Partner"),
476 xl("User")
478 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaKeyMaster = "form_encounter.date,billing.date,claims.process_time,claims.target,patient_data.fname," . "form_encounter.pid,claims.payer_id,form_encounter.encounter,insurance_data.provider,billing.id,billing.billed," . "billing.authorized,form_encounter.last_level_billed,billing.x12_partner_id,billing.user";
479 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDataTypeMaster = "datetime,datetime,datetime,radio,text_like," . "text,include,text,radio,radio,radio," . "radio_like,radio,query_drop_down,text";
480 } else {
481 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayMaster = array(
482 xl("Date of Service"),
483 xl("Date of Entry"),
484 xl("Date of Billing"),
485 xl("Claim Type"),
486 xl("Patient Name"),
487 xl("Patient Id"),
488 xl("Insurance Company"),
489 xl("Encounter"),
490 xl("Whether Insured"),
491 xl("Charge Coded"),
492 xl("Billing Status"),
493 xl("Authorization Status"),
494 xl("Last Level Billed"),
495 xl("X12 Partner")
497 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaKeyMaster = "form_encounter.date,billing.date,claims.process_time,claims.target,patient_data.fname," . "form_encounter.pid,claims.payer_id,form_encounter.encounter,insurance_data.provider,billing.id,billing.billed," . "billing.authorized,form_encounter.last_level_billed,billing.x12_partner_id";
498 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDataTypeMaster = "datetime,datetime,datetime,radio,text_like," . "text,include,text,radio,radio,radio," . "radio_like,radio,query_drop_down";
500 // The below section is needed if there is any 'radio' or 'radio_like' type in the $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDataTypeMaster
501 // $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster,$ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster ==>For each radio data type this pair comes.
502 // The key value 'all' indicates that no action need to be taken based on this.For that the key must be 'all'.Display value can be any thing.
503 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster[1] = array(
504 xl("All"),
505 xl("eClaims"),
506 xl("Paper")
507 ); // Display Value
508 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster[1] = "all,standard,hcfa"; // Key
509 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster[2] = array(
510 xl("All"),
511 xl("Insured"),
512 xl("Non-Insured")
513 ); // Display Value
514 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster[2] = "all,1,0"; // Key
515 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster[3] = array(
516 xl("All"),
517 xl("Coded"),
518 xl("Not Coded")
519 ); // Display Value
520 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster[3] = "all,not null,null"; // Key
521 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster[4] = array(
522 xl("All"),
523 xl("Unbilled"),
524 xl("Billed"),
525 xl("Denied")
526 ); // Display Value
527 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster[4] = "all,0,1,7"; // Key
528 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster[5] = array(
529 xl("All"),
530 xl("Authorized"),
531 xl("Unauthorized")
533 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster[5] = "%,1,0";
534 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDisplayRadioMaster[6] = array(
535 xl("All"),
536 xl("None"),
537 xl("Ins 1"),
538 xl("Ins 2 or Ins 3")
540 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaRadioKeyMaster[6] = "all,0,1,2";
541 // The below section is needed if there is any 'query_drop_down' type in the $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDataTypeMaster
542 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaQueryDropDownMaster[1] = "SELECT name,id FROM x12_partners;";
543 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaQueryDropDownMasterDefault[1] = xl("All"); // Only one item will be here
544 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaQueryDropDownMasterDefaultKey[1] = "all"; // Only one item will be here
545 // The below section is needed if there is any 'include' type in the $ThisPageSearchCriteriaDataTypeMaster
546 // Function name is added here.Corresponding include files need to be included in the respective pages as done in this page.
547 // It is labled(Included for Insurance ajax criteria)(Line:-279-299).
548 $ThisPageSearchCriteriaIncludeMaster[1] = "InsuranceCompanyDisplay"; // This is php function defined in the file 'report.inc.php'
550 if (!isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) {// default case
551 $_REQUEST['final_this_page_criteria'][0] = "(form_encounter.date between '" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00") . "' and '" . date("Y-m-d 23:59:59") . "')";
552 $_REQUEST['final_this_page_criteria'][1] = "billing.billed = '0'";
553 $_REQUEST['final_this_page_criteria_text'][0] = xl("Date of Service = Today");
554 $_REQUEST['final_this_page_criteria_text'][1] = xl("Billing Status = Unbilled");
555 $_REQUEST['date_master_criteria_form_encounter_date'] = "today";
556 $_REQUEST['master_from_date_form_encounter_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
557 $_REQUEST['master_to_date_form_encounter_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
558 $_REQUEST['radio_billing_billed'] = 0;
561 <div class="hideaway">
562 <?php require_once "$srcdir/../interface/reports/criteria.tab.php"; ?>
563 </div>
564 <?php
565 // ============================================================================================================================================= -->
566 // Criteria section Ends -->
567 // ============================================================================================================================================= -->
570 </div>
571 <div class="form-group col-xs-3 hideaway">
572 <fieldset>
573 <legend><?php echo xlt('Select Action'); ?></legend>
574 <div class="form-group col-xs-12">
575 <div class='text'>
576 <ul>
577 <li><a class="link_submit" href="#"
578 onclick="javascript:return SubmitTheScreen();"><strong><?php echo xlt('Update List') ?></strong>
579 </a><i id='update-tooltip' class="fa fa-info-circle text-primary" aria-hidden="true"></i></li>
580 <li><a class='link_submit' href="#"
581 onclick="javascript:return SubmitTheScreenExportOFX();"><strong><?php echo xlt('Export OFX'); ?></strong></a>
582 </li>
583 <li><a class='link_submit' href="#" onclick="javascript:return SubmitTheScreenPrint();"><strong><?php echo xlt('View Printable Report'); ?></strong></a>
584 </li>
585 <span>
586 <?php if ($daysheet) { ?>
587 <li><a class='link_submit' href="#"
588 onclick="javascript:return SubmitTheEndDayPrint();"><strong><?php echo xlt('End Of Day Report') . ' - ' ?></strong></a>
589 <?php if ($daysheet_total) { ?>
590 <span class="text"><strong><?php echo xlt('Totals'); ?></strong></span>
591 <input name="end_of_day_totals_only" type="checkbox" value="1"></li>
592 <?php } ?>
593 <?php if ($provider_run) { ?>
594 <span class="text"><strong><?php echo xlt('Provider'); ?></strong></span>
595 <input name="end_of_day_provider_only" type="checkbox" value="1"></li>
596 <?php } ?>
597 <?php } ?>
598 </span>
599 <?php if (!file_exists($EXPORT_INC)) { ?>
600 <li><a href='#' id="view-log-link" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" class='link_submit'
601 title='<?php xla('See messages from the last set of generated claims'); ?>'><strong><?php echo xlt('View Log'); ?></strong></a>
602 </li>
603 <?php } ?>
604 <li><a class="link_submit"
605 href="JavaScript:void(0);" onclick="select_all(); return false;"><strong><?php echo xlt('Select All'); ?></strong></a>
606 </li>
607 </ul>
608 <ul>
609 </div>
610 </div>
611 </fieldset>
612 </div>
613 </form>
614 </div>
615 </div>
616 <div class="row">
617 <div class="col-sm-12">
618 <form class="form-inline" name='update_form' method='post' action='billing_process.php' onsubmit='return top.restoreSession()' style="display:inline">
619 <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token_form" value="<?php echo attr(collectCsrfToken()); ?>" />
620 <?php //can change position of buttons by creating a class 'position-override' and adding rule text-alig:center or right as the case may be in individual stylesheets ?>
621 <div class="form-group clearfix">
622 <div class="btn-group btn-group-pinch position-override" role="group">
623 <div class="btn-group">
624 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"
625 name="bn_x12_support"
626 title="<?php echo xla('A claim must be selected to enable this menu.') ?>"><?php echo xla('X12 OPTIONS') ?>
627 <span class="caret"></span></button>
628 <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
629 <?php if (file_exists($EXPORT_INC)) { ?>
630 <li>
631 <button type="submit" data-open-popup="true" class="btn btn-default btn-download"
632 name="bn_external"
633 title="<?php echo xla('Export to external billing system') ?>"
634 value="<?php echo xla("Export Billing") ?>"><?php echo xla("Export Billing") ?></button>
635 </li>
636 <li>
637 <button type="submit" data-open-popup="true" class="btn btn-default btn-download"
638 name="bn_mark"
639 title="<?php echo xla('Mark as billed but skip billing') ?>"><?php echo xla("Mark as Cleared") ?></button>
640 </li>
641 <?php } else { ?>
642 <li>
643 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download" name="bn_x12"
644 onclick="MarkAsCleared(1)"
645 title="<?php echo xla('Generate and download X12 batch') ?>"><?php echo xla('Generate X12') ?></button>
646 </li>
647 <?php } ?>
648 <?php if ($GLOBALS['ub04_support']) { ?>
649 <li>
650 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download" name="bn_ub04_x12"
651 title="<?php echo xla('Generate Institutional X12 837I') ?>"><?php echo xla('Generate X12 837I') ?></button>
652 </li>
653 <?php } ?>
654 <?php if ($GLOBALS['support_encounter_claims']) { ?>
655 <li>
656 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download" name="bn_x12_encounter"
657 onclick="MarkAsCleared(1)"
658 title="<?php echo xla('Generate and download X12 encounter claim batch') ?>"><?php echo xla('Generate X12 Encounter') ?></button>
659 </li>
660 <?php } ?>
661 </ul>
662 </div>
663 <div class="btn-group">
664 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"
665 name="bn_process_hcfa_support"
666 title="<?php echo xla('A claim must be selected to enable this menu.') ?>"><?php echo xla('HCFA FORM') ?>
667 <span class="caret"></span></button>
668 <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
669 <li>
670 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download" name="bn_process_hcfa"
671 onclick="MarkAsCleared(2)"
672 title="<?php echo xla('Generate and download CMS 1500 paper claims') ?>"><?php echo xla('CMS 1500 PDF') ?></button>
673 </li>
674 <?php if ($GLOBALS['preprinted_cms_1500']) { ?>
675 <li>
676 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download"
677 name="bn_process_hcfa_form" onclick="MarkAsCleared(2)"
678 title="<?php echo xla('Generate and download CMS 1500 paper claims on Preprinted form') ?>"><?php echo xla('CMS 1500 incl FORM') ?></button>
679 </li>
680 <?php } ?>
681 <li>
682 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download" name="bn_hcfa_txt_file"
683 onclick="MarkAsCleared(3)"
684 title="<?php echo xla('Making batch text files for uploading to Clearing House and will mark as billed') ?>"><?php echo xla('CMS 1500 TEXT') ?></button>
685 </li>
686 </ul>
687 </div>
688 <?php if ($GLOBALS['ub04_support']) { ?>
689 <div class="btn-group">
690 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"
691 name="bn_process_ub04_support"
692 title="<?php echo xla('A claim must be selected to enable this menu.') ?>"><?php echo xla('UB04 FORM') ?>
693 <span class="caret"></span></button>
694 <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
695 <li>
696 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download"
697 name="bn_process_ub04_form"
698 title="<?php echo xla('Generate and download UB-04 CMS1450 with form') ?>"><?php echo xla('UB04 FORM PDF') ?></button>
699 </li>
700 <li>
701 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-download" name="bn_process_ub04"
702 title="<?php echo xla('Generate and download UB-04 CMS1450') ?>"><?php echo xla('UB04 TEXT PDF') ?></button>
703 </li>
704 </ul>
705 </div>
706 <?php } ?>
707 <button class="btn btn-default btn-download" data-open-popup="true" name="bn_mark"
708 title="<?php echo xla('Post to accounting and mark as billed') ?>"
709 type="submit"><?php echo xla('Mark as Cleared') ?></button>
710 <button class="btn btn-default btn-undo" data-open-popup="true" name="bn_reopen"
711 title="<?php echo xla('Mark as not billed') ?>"
712 type="submit"><?php echo xla('Re-Open') ?></button>
713 </div>
714 <div class="input-group">
715 <label for="left_margin"><?php echo xlt('CMS 1500 Margins Left'); ?>:</label>
716 <input type='text' size='2' id='left_margin' name='left_margin'
717 value='<?php echo attr($left_margin); ?>'
718 title='<?php echo xla('HCFA left margin in points'); ?>'/>
719 <label for="top_margin"><?php echo xlt('Top'); ?>:</label>
720 <input type='text' size='2' id='top_margin' name='top_margin'
721 value='<?php echo attr($top_margin); ?>'
722 title='<?php echo xla('HCFA top margin in points'); ?>'/>
723 </div>
724 <?php if ($ub04_support) { ?>
725 <div class="input-group">
726 <label for="left_ubmargin"><?php echo xlt('UB04 Margins Left'); ?>:</label>
727 <input type='text' size='2' id='left_ubmargin' name='left_ubmargin'
728 value='<?php echo attr($left_ubmargin); ?>'
729 title='<?php echo xla('UB04 left margin in points'); ?>'/>
730 <label for="top_ubmargin"><?php echo xlt('Top'); ?>:</label>
731 <input type='text' size='2' id='top_ubmargin' name='top_ubmargin'
732 value='<?php echo attr($top_ubmargin); ?>'
733 title='<?php echo xla('UB04 top margin in points'); ?>'/>
734 </div>
735 <?php } ?>
736 </div>
737 <input id='HiddenMarkAsCleared' name='HiddenMarkAsCleared' type='hidden' value="">
738 <input name='mode' type='hidden' value="bill">
739 <input name='authorized' type='hidden' value="<?php echo attr($my_authorized); ?>">
740 <input name='unbilled' type='hidden' value="<?php echo attr($unbilled); ?>">
741 <input name='code_type' type='hidden' value="%">
742 <input name='to_date' type='hidden' value="<?php echo attr($to_date); ?>">
743 <input name='from_date' type='hidden' value="<?php echo attr($from_date); ?>">
744 <?php
745 if ($my_authorized == "on") {
746 $my_authorized = "1";
747 } else {
748 $my_authorized = "%";
750 if ($unbilled == "on") {
751 $unbilled = "0";
752 } else {
753 $unbilled = "%";
755 $list = getBillsListBetween("%");
757 <input name='bill_list' type='hidden' value="<?php echo attr($list); ?>"> <!-- new form for uploading -->
758 <?php
759 if (!isset($_POST["mode"])) {
760 if (!isset($_POST["from_date"])) {
761 $from_date = date("Y-m-d");
762 } else {
763 $from_date = $_POST["from_date"];
765 if (empty($_POST["to_date"])) {
766 $to_date = '';
767 } else {
768 $to_date = $_POST["to_date"];
770 if (!isset($_POST["code_type"])) {
771 $code_type = "all";
772 } else {
773 $code_type = $_POST["code_type"];
775 if (!isset($_POST["unbilled"])) {
776 $unbilled = "on";
777 } else {
778 $unbilled = $_POST["unbilled"];
780 if (!isset($_POST["authorized"])) {
781 $my_authorized = "on";
782 } else {
783 $my_authorized = $_POST["authorized"];
785 } else {
786 $from_date = $_POST["from_date"];
787 $to_date = $_POST["to_date"];
788 $code_type = $_POST["code_type"];
789 $unbilled = $_POST["unbilled"];
790 $my_authorized = $_POST["authorized"];
793 if ($my_authorized == "on") {
794 $my_authorized = "1";
795 } else {
796 $my_authorized = "%";
799 if ($unbilled == "on") {
800 $unbilled = "0";
801 } else {
802 $unbilled = "%";
805 if (isset($_POST["mode"]) && $_POST["mode"] == "bill") {
806 billCodesList($list);
809 <div class="table-responsive">
810 <table class="table table-condensed">
811 <?php
812 $divnos = 0;
813 if ($ret = getBillsBetween("%")) {
814 if (is_array($ret)) {
816 <tr>
817 <td colspan='9' align="right">
818 <table width="250" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
819 <tr>
820 <td width="100" id='ExpandAll'><a
821 onclick="expandcollapse('expand');" class='small'
822 href="JavaScript:void(0);"><?php echo '(' . xla('Expand All') . ')' ?></a>
823 </td>
824 <td width="100" id='CollapseAll'><a
825 onclick="expandcollapse('collapse');" class='small'
826 href="JavaScript:void(0);"><?php echo '(' . xla('Collapse All') . ')' ?></a>
827 </td>
828 <td width="50">&nbsp;</td>
829 </tr>
830 </table>
831 </td>
832 </tr>
833 <?php
835 $loop = 0;
836 $oldcode = "";
837 $last_encounter_id = "";
838 $lhtml = "";
839 $rhtml = "";
840 $lcount = 0;
841 $rcount = 0;
842 $bgcolor = "";
843 $skipping = false;
845 $mmo_empty_mod = false;
846 $mmo_num_charges = 0;
848 foreach ($ret as $iter) {
849 // We include encounters here that have never been billed. However
850 // if it had no selected billing items but does have non-selected
851 // billing items, then it is not of interest.
852 if (!$iter['id']) {
853 $res = sqlQuery(
854 "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM billing WHERE " .
855 "encounter = ? AND " .
856 "pid=? AND " .
857 "activity = 1",
858 array(
859 $iter['enc_encounter'],
860 $iter['enc_pid']
863 if ($res['count'] > 0) {
864 continue;
868 $this_encounter_id = $iter['enc_pid'] . "-" . $iter['enc_encounter'];
870 if ($last_encounter_id != $this_encounter_id) {
871 // This dumps all HTML for the previous encounter.
873 if ($lhtml) {
874 while ($rcount < $lcount) {
875 $rhtml .= "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td colspan='9'></td></tr>";
876 ++$rcount;
878 // This test handles the case where we are only listing encounters
879 // that appear to have a missing "25" modifier.
880 if (!$missing_mods_only || ($mmo_empty_mod && $mmo_num_charges > 1)) {
881 if ($DivPut == 'yes') {
882 $lhtml .= '</div>';
883 $DivPut = 'no';
885 echo "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n<td rowspan='" . attr($rcount) . "' valign='top'>\n$lhtml</td>$rhtml\n";
886 echo "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td colspan='9' height='5'></td></tr>\n\n";
887 ++$encount;
891 $lhtml = "";
892 $rhtml = "";
893 $mmo_empty_mod = false;
894 $mmo_num_charges = 0;
896 // If there are ANY unauthorized items in this encounter and this is
897 // the normal case of viewing only authorized billing, then skip the
898 // entire encounter.
900 $skipping = false;
901 if ($my_authorized == '1') {
902 $res = sqlQuery(
903 "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM billing WHERE " .
904 "encounter = ? AND " .
905 "pid=? AND " .
906 "activity = 1 AND authorized = 0",
907 array(
908 $iter['enc_encounter'],
909 $iter['enc_pid']
912 if ($res['count'] > 0) {
913 $skipping = true;
914 $last_encounter_id = $this_encounter_id;
915 continue;
918 // Is there a MBO
920 $mboid = sqlQuery("SELECT forms.form_id FROM forms WHERE forms.encounter = ? AND forms.authorized = 1 AND forms.formdir = 'misc_billing_options' AND forms.deleted != 1 LIMIT 1", array($iter['enc_encounter']));
921 $iter['mboid'] = $mboid ? attr($mboid['form_id']) : 0;
923 $name = getPatientData($iter['enc_pid'], "fname, mname, lname, pubpid, billing_note, DATE_FORMAT(DOB,'%Y-%m-%d') as DOB_YMD");
925 // Check if patient has primary insurance and a subscriber exists for it.
926 // If not we will highlight their name in red.
927 // TBD: more checking here.
929 $res = sqlQuery(
930 "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM insurance_data WHERE " .
931 "pid = ? AND " .
932 "type='primary' AND " .
933 "subscriber_lname IS NOT NULL AND " .
934 "subscriber_lname != '' LIMIT 1",
935 array(
936 $iter['enc_pid']
939 $namecolor = ($res['count'] > 0) ? "black" : "#ff7777";
941 $bgcolor = "#" . (($encount & 1) ? "FFFAEF" : "F8F8FF");
942 echo "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td colspan='9' height='5'></td></tr>\n";
943 $lcount = 1;
944 $rcount = 0;
945 $oldcode = "";
947 $ptname = $name['fname'] . " " . $name['lname'];
948 $raw_encounter_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($iter['enc_date']));
949 $billing_note = $name['billing_note'];
950 // Add Encounter Date to display with "To Encounter" button 2/17/09 JCH
951 $lhtml .= "<span class=bold><font color='$namecolor'>" . text($ptname) . "</font></span><span class=small>&nbsp;(" . text($iter['enc_pid']) . "-" . text($iter['enc_encounter']) . ")</span>";
953 // Encounter details are stored to javacript as array.
954 $result4 = sqlStatement(
955 "SELECT fe.encounter,fe.date,fe.billing_note,openemr_postcalendar_categories.pc_catname FROM form_encounter AS fe " .
956 " LEFT JOIN openemr_postcalendar_categories ON fe.pc_catid=openemr_postcalendar_categories.pc_catid WHERE fe.pid = ? ORDER BY fe.date DESC",
957 array(
958 $iter['enc_pid']
961 if (sqlNumRows($result4) > 0) {
963 } ?>
964 <script>
965 Count = 0;
966 EncounterDateArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>] = new Array;
967 CalendarCategoryArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>] = new Array;
968 EncounterIdArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>] = new Array;
969 EncounterNoteArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>] = new Array;
970 <?php
971 while ($rowresult4 = sqlFetchArray($result4)) {
973 EncounterIdArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>][Count] = '<?php echo attr($rowresult4['encounter']); ?>';
974 EncounterDateArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>][Count] = '<?php echo attr(oeFormatShortDate(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($rowresult4['date'])))); ?>';
975 CalendarCategoryArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>][Count] = '<?php echo attr(xl_appt_category($rowresult4['pc_catname'])); ?>';
976 EncounterNoteArray[<?php echo attr($iter['enc_pid']); ?>][Count] = '<?php echo attr($rowresult4['billing_note']); ?>';
977 Count++;
978 <?php
979 $enc_billing_note = $rowresult4['billing_note'];
982 </script>
983 <?php
984 $lhtml .= "<div class='button-group'>";
985 // Not sure why the next section seems to do nothing except post "To Encounter" button 2/17/09 JCH
986 $lhtml .= "<a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default\" role=\"button\" " . "href=\"javascript:window.toencounter(" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . ",'" . attr(addslashes($name['pubpid'])) . "','" . attr(addslashes($ptname)) . "'," . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_encounter'])) . ",'" . attr(addslashes(oeFormatShortDate($raw_encounter_date))) . "',' " . attr(xls('DOB')) . ": " . attr(addslashes(oeFormatShortDate($name['DOB_YMD']))) . " " . attr(xls('Age')) . ": " . attr(addslashes(getPatientAge($name['DOB_YMD']))) . "');
987 top.window.parent.left_nav.setPatientEncounter(EncounterIdArray[" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "],EncounterDateArray[" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "], CalendarCategoryArray[" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "])\">" . xlt('Encounter') . " " . text(oeFormatShortDate($raw_encounter_date)) . "</a>";
989 // Changed "To xxx" buttons to allow room for encounter date display 2/17/09 JCH
990 $lhtml .= "<a class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default\" role=\"button\" " . "href=\"javascript:window.topatient(" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . ",'" . attr(addslashes($name['pubpid'])) . "','" . attr(addslashes($ptname)) . "'," . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_encounter'])) . ",'" . attr(addslashes(oeFormatShortDate($raw_encounter_date))) . "',' " . attr(xls('DOB')) . ": " . attr(addslashes(oeFormatShortDate($name['DOB_YMD']))) . " " . attr(xls('Age')) . ": " . attr(addslashes(getPatientAge($name['DOB_YMD']))) . "');
991 top.window.parent.left_nav.setPatientEncounter(EncounterIdArray[" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "],EncounterDateArray[" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "], CalendarCategoryArray[" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "])\">" . xlt('Patient') . "</a>";
992 $is_edited = $iter['mboid'] ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-default';
993 $title = $iter['mboid'] ? xlt("This claim has HCFA 1500 miscellaneous billing options") : xlt("Click to add HCFA 1500 miscellaneous billing options");
994 $lhtml .= "<a class='btn btn-xs $is_edited' role='button' title='" . attr($title) . "' onclick='popMBO(" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "," . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_encounter'])) . "," . attr(addslashes($iter['mboid'])) . "); return false;'>" . xlt('MBO ') . "</a>";
995 if ($ub04_support && isset($iter['billed'])) {
996 $c = sqlQuery(
997 "SELECT submitted_claim AS status FROM claims WHERE " .
998 "encounter_id = ? AND " .
999 "patient_id=? " .
1000 "ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1",
1001 array(
1002 $iter['enc_encounter'],
1003 $iter['enc_pid']
1006 $is_edited = $c['status'] ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-warning';
1007 $bname = $c['status'] ? xl('Reviewed') : xl('Review UB04');
1008 $lhtml .= "<a class='btn btn-xs $is_edited' role='button' onclick='popUB04(" . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_pid'])) . "," . attr(addslashes($iter['enc_encounter'])) . "); return false;'>" . text($bname) . "</a>";
1010 $lhtml .= "</div>";
1011 $divnos = $divnos + 1;
1012 $lhtml .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a onclick='divtoggle(\"spanid_" . attr(addslashes($divnos)) . "\",\"divid_" . attr(addslashes($divnos)) . "\");' class='small' id='aid_" . attr($divnos) . "' href=\"JavaScript:void(0);" . "\">(<span id=spanid_" . attr($divnos) . " class=\"indicator\">" . xlt('Expand') . '</span>)<br></a>';
1013 if ($GLOBALS['notes_to_display_in_Billing'] == 2 || $GLOBALS['notes_to_display_in_Billing'] == 3) {
1014 $lhtml .= '<span style="margin-left: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: red">' . text($billing_note) . '</span>';
1017 if ($iter['id']) {
1018 $lcount += 2;
1019 $lhtml .= "<br />\n";
1020 $lhtml .= "&nbsp;<span class='form-group'>" . xlt('Bill') . ": ";
1021 $lhtml .= "<select name='claims[" . attr($this_encounter_id) . "][payer]' style='background-color:$bgcolor'>";
1023 $query = "SELECT id.provider AS id, id.type, id.date, " .
1024 "ic.x12_default_partner_id AS ic_x12id, ic.name AS provider " .
1025 "FROM insurance_data AS id, insurance_companies AS ic WHERE " .
1026 "ic.id = id.provider AND " .
1027 "id.pid = ? AND " .
1028 "id.date <= ? " .
1029 "ORDER BY id.type ASC, id.date DESC";
1031 $result = sqlStatement(
1032 $query,
1033 array(
1034 $iter['enc_pid'],
1035 $raw_encounter_date
1038 $count = 0;
1039 $default_x12_partner = $iter['ic_x12id'];
1040 $prevtype = '';
1042 while ($row = sqlFetchArray($result)) {
1043 if (strcmp($row['type'], $prevtype) == 0) {
1044 continue;
1046 $prevtype = $row['type'];
1047 if (strlen($row['provider']) > 0) {
1048 // This preserves any existing insurance company selection, which is
1049 // important when EOB posting has re-queued for secondary billing.
1050 $lhtml .= "<option value=\"" . attr(substr($row['type'], 0, 1) . $row['id']) . "\"";
1051 if (($count == 0 && !$iter['payer_id']) || $row['id'] == $iter['payer_id']) {
1052 $lhtml .= " selected";
1053 if (!is_numeric($default_x12_partner)) {
1054 $default_x12_partner = $row['ic_x12id'];
1057 $lhtml .= ">" . text($row['type']) . ": " . text($row['provider']) . "</option>";
1059 $count++;
1062 $lhtml .= "<option value='-1'>" . xlt("Unassigned") . "</option>\n";
1063 $lhtml .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
1064 $lhtml .= "&nbsp;<span class='form-group'>X12: ";
1065 $lhtml .= "<select name='claims[" . attr($this_encounter_id) . "][partner]' style='background-color:$bgcolor'>";
1066 $x = new X12Partner();
1067 $partners = $x->_utility_array($x->x12_partner_factory());
1068 foreach ($partners as $xid => $xname) {
1069 $lhtml .= '<option label="' . attr($xname) . '" value="' . attr($xid) . '"';
1070 if ($xid == $default_x12_partner) {
1071 $lhtml .= "selected";
1073 $lhtml .= '>' . text($xname) . '</option>';
1075 $lhtml .= "<option value='-1' label='Unassigned'>" . xlt("Unassigned") . "</option>\n";
1076 $lhtml .= "</select></span>";
1077 $DivPut = 'yes';
1079 if ($GLOBALS['notes_to_display_in_Billing'] == 1 || $GLOBALS['notes_to_display_in_Billing'] == 3) {
1080 $lhtml .= "<br><span style='margin-left: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: green'>" . text($enc_billing_note) . "</span>";
1082 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;<div id='divid_$divnos' style='display:none'>" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($iter['date'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($iter['date'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("Encounter was coded");
1084 $query = "SELECT * FROM claims WHERE patient_id = ? AND encounter_id = ? ORDER BY version";
1085 $cres = sqlStatement(
1086 $query,
1087 array(
1088 $iter['enc_pid'],
1089 $iter['enc_encounter']
1093 $lastcrow = false;
1095 while ($crow = sqlFetchArray($cres)) {
1096 $query = "SELECT id.type, ic.name " .
1097 "FROM insurance_data AS id, insurance_companies AS ic WHERE " .
1098 "id.pid = ? AND " .
1099 "id.provider = ? AND " .
1100 "id.date <= ? AND " .
1101 "ic.id = id.provider " .
1102 "ORDER BY id.type ASC, id.date DESC";
1104 $irow = sqlQuery(
1105 $query,
1106 array(
1107 $iter['enc_pid'],
1108 $crow['payer_id'],
1109 $raw_encounter_date
1113 if ($crow['bill_process']) {
1114 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($crow['bill_time'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($crow['bill_time'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("Queued for") . " " . text($irow['type']) . " " . text($crow['target']) . " " . xlt("billing to ") . text($irow['name']);
1115 ++$lcount;
1116 } elseif ($crow['status'] < 6) {
1117 if ($crow['status'] > 1) {
1118 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($crow['bill_time'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($crow['bill_time'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("Marked as cleared");
1119 ++$lcount;
1120 } else {
1121 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($crow['bill_time'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($crow['bill_time'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("Re-opened");
1122 ++$lcount;
1124 } elseif ($crow['status'] == 6) {
1125 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($crow['bill_time'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($crow['bill_time'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("This claim has been forwarded to next level.");
1126 ++$lcount;
1127 } elseif ($crow['status'] == 7) {
1128 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($crow['bill_time'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($crow['bill_time'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("This claim has been denied.Reason:-");
1129 if ($crow['process_file']) {
1130 $code_array = explode(',', $crow['process_file']);
1131 foreach ($code_array as $code_key => $code_value) {
1132 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
1133 $reason_array = explode('_', $code_value);
1134 if (!isset($adjustment_reasons[$reason_array[3]])) {
1135 $lhtml .= xlt("For code") . ' [' . text($reason_array[0]) . '] ' . xlt("and modifier") . ' [' . text($reason_array[1]) . '] ' . xlt("the Denial code is") . ' [' . text($reason_array[2]) . ' ' . text($reason_array[3]) . ']';
1136 } else {
1137 $lhtml .= xlt("For code") . ' [' . text($reason_array[0]) . '] ' . xlt("and modifier") . ' [' . text($reason_array[1]) . '] ' . xlt("the Denial Group code is") . ' [' . text($reason_array[2]) . '] ' . xlt("and the Reason is") . ':- ' . text($adjustment_reasons[$reason_array[3]]);
1140 } else {
1141 $lhtml .= xlt("Not Specified.");
1143 ++$lcount;
1146 if ($crow['process_time']) {
1147 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . text(oeFormatShortDate(substr($crow['process_time'], 0, 10))) . text(substr($crow['process_time'], 10, 6)) . " " . xlt("Claim was generated to file") . " " . "<a href='get_claim_file.php?key=" . attr($crow['process_file']) . "&csrf_token_form=" . attr(urlencode(collectCsrfToken())) . "' onclick='top.restoreSession()'>" . text($crow['process_file']) . "</a>";
1148 ++$lcount;
1151 $lastcrow = $crow;
1152 } // end while ($crow = sqlFetchArray($cres))
1154 if ($lastcrow && $lastcrow['status'] == 4) {
1155 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . xlt("This claim has been closed.");
1156 ++$lcount;
1159 if ($lastcrow && $lastcrow['status'] == 5) {
1160 $lhtml .= "<br>\n&nbsp;" . xlt("This claim has been canceled.");
1161 ++$lcount;
1163 } // end if ($iter['id'])
1164 } // end if ($last_encounter_id != $this_encounter_id)
1166 if ($skipping) {
1167 continue;
1170 // Collect info related to the missing modifiers test.
1171 if ($iter['fee'] > 0) {
1172 ++$mmo_num_charges;
1173 $tmp = substr($iter['code'], 0, 3);
1174 if (($tmp == '992' || $tmp == '993') && empty($iter['modifier'])) {
1175 $mmo_empty_mod = true;
1179 ++$rcount;
1181 if ($rhtml) {
1182 $rhtml .= "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n";
1184 $rhtml .= "<td width='50'>";
1185 if ($iter['id'] && $oldcode != $iter['code_type']) {
1186 $rhtml .= "<span class=text>" . text($iter['code_type']) . ": </span>";
1189 $oldcode = $iter['code_type'];
1190 $rhtml .= "</td>\n";
1191 $justify = "";
1193 if ($iter['id'] && $code_types[$iter['code_type']]['just']) {
1194 $js = explode(":", $iter['justify']);
1195 $counter = 0;
1196 foreach ($js as $j) {
1197 if (!empty($j)) {
1198 if ($counter == 0) {
1199 $justify .= " (<b>" . text($j) . "</b>)";
1200 } else {
1201 $justify .= " (" . text($j) . ")";
1203 $counter++;
1208 $rhtml .= "<td><span class='text'>" . ($iter['code_type'] == 'COPAY' ? text(oeFormatMoney($iter['code'])) : text($iter['code']));
1209 if ($iter['modifier']) {
1210 $rhtml .= ":" . text($iter['modifier']);
1212 $rhtml .= "</span><span style='font-size:8pt;'>$justify</span></td>\n";
1214 $rhtml .= '<td align="right"><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1215 if ($iter['id'] && $iter['fee'] > 0) {
1216 $rhtml .= text(oeFormatMoney($iter['fee']));
1218 $rhtml .= "</span></td>\n";
1219 $rhtml .= '<td><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1220 if ($iter['id']) {
1221 $rhtml .= getProviderName(empty($iter['provider_id']) ? text($iter['enc_provider_id']) : text($iter['provider_id']));
1223 $rhtml .= "</span></td>\n";
1224 $rhtml .= '<td><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1225 if ($GLOBALS['display_units_in_billing'] != 0) {
1226 if ($iter['id']) {
1227 $rhtml .= xlt("Units") . ":" . text($iter{"units"});
1230 $rhtml .= "</span></td>\n";
1231 $rhtml .= '<td width=100>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="font-size:8pt;">';
1232 if ($iter['id']) {
1233 $rhtml .= text(oeFormatSDFT(strtotime($iter{"date"})));
1235 $rhtml .= "</span></td>\n";
1236 // This error message is generated if the authorized check box is not checked
1237 if ($iter['id'] && $iter['authorized'] != 1) {
1238 $rhtml .= "<td><span class=alert>" . xlt("Note: This code has not been authorized.") . "</span></td>\n";
1239 } else {
1240 $rhtml .= "<td></td>\n";
1242 if ($iter['id'] && $last_encounter_id != $this_encounter_id) {
1243 $tmpbpr = $iter['bill_process'];
1244 if ($tmpbpr == '0' && $iter['billed']) {
1245 $tmpbpr = '2';
1247 $rhtml .= "<td><input type='checkbox' value='" . attr($tmpbpr) . "' name='claims[" . attr($this_encounter_id) . "][bill]' onclick='set_button_states()' id='CheckBoxBilling" . attr($CheckBoxBilling * 1) . "'>&nbsp;</td>\n";
1248 $CheckBoxBilling++;
1249 } else {
1250 $rhtml .= "<td></td>\n";
1252 if ($last_encounter_id != $this_encounter_id) {
1253 $rhtml2 = "";
1254 $rowcnt = 0;
1255 $resMoneyGot = sqlStatement(
1256 "SELECT pay_amount AS PatientPay,date(post_time) AS date FROM ar_activity WHERE " .
1257 "pid = ? AND encounter = ? AND payer_type=0 AND account_code='PCP'",
1258 array(
1259 $iter['enc_pid'],
1260 $iter['enc_encounter']
1263 // new fees screen copay gives account_code='PCP'
1264 if (sqlNumRows($resMoneyGot) > 0) {
1265 $lcount += 2;
1266 $rcount++;
1268 // checks whether a copay exists for the encounter and if exists displays it.
1269 while ($rowMoneyGot = sqlFetchArray($resMoneyGot)) {
1270 $rowcnt++;
1271 $PatientPay = $rowMoneyGot['PatientPay'];
1272 $date = $rowMoneyGot['date'];
1273 if ($PatientPay > 0) {
1274 if ($rhtml) {
1275 $rhtml2 .= "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n";
1277 $rhtml2 .= "<td width='50'>";
1278 $rhtml2 .= "<span class='text'>" . xlt('COPAY') . ": </span>";
1279 $rhtml2 .= "</td>\n";
1280 $rhtml2 .= "<td><span class='text'>" . text(oeFormatMoney($PatientPay)) . "</span><span style='font-size:8pt;'>&nbsp;</span></td>\n";
1281 $rhtml2 .= '<td align="right"><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1282 $rhtml2 .= "</span></td>\n";
1283 $rhtml2 .= '<td><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1284 $rhtml2 .= "</span></td>\n";
1285 $rhtml2 .= '<td><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
1286 $rhtml2 .= "</span></td>\n";
1287 $rhtml2 .= '<td width=100>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="font-size:8pt;">';
1288 $rhtml2 .= text(oeFormatSDFT(strtotime($date)));
1289 $rhtml2 .= "</span></td>\n";
1290 if ($iter['id'] && $iter['authorized'] != 1) {
1291 $rhtml2 .= "<td><span class=alert>" . xlt("Note: This copay was entered against billing that has not been authorized. Please review status.") . "</span></td>\n";
1292 } else {
1293 $rhtml2 .= "<td></td>\n";
1295 if (!$iter['id'] && $rowcnt == 1) {
1296 $rhtml2 .= "<td><input type='checkbox' value='0' name='claims[" . attr($this_encounter_id) . "][bill]' onclick='set_button_states()' id='CheckBoxBilling" . attr($CheckBoxBilling * 1) . "'>&nbsp;</td>\n";
1297 $CheckBoxBilling++;
1298 } else {
1299 $rhtml2 .= "<td></td>\n";
1303 $rhtml .= $rhtml2;
1305 $rhtml .= "</tr>\n";
1306 $last_encounter_id = $this_encounter_id;
1307 } // end foreach
1309 if ($lhtml) {
1310 while ($rcount < $lcount) {
1311 $rhtml .= "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td colspan='9'></td></tr>";
1312 ++$rcount;
1314 if (!$missing_mods_only || ($mmo_empty_mod && $mmo_num_charges > 1)) {
1315 if ($DivPut == 'yes') {
1316 $lhtml .= '</div>';
1317 $DivPut = 'no';
1319 echo "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n<td rowspan='" . attr($rcount) . "' valign='top' width='25%'>\n$lhtml</td>$rhtml\n";
1320 echo "<tr bgcolor='$bgcolor'><td colspan='9' height='5'></td></tr>\n";
1327 </table>
1328 </form>
1329 </div>
1330 </div>
1331 </div><!--end of container div -->
1332 <div class="row">
1333 <div class="col-sm-12">
1334 <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
1335 <div class="modal-dialog oe-modal-dialog modal-lg">
1336 <div class="modal-content oe-modal-content">
1337 <div class="modal-header clearfix">
1338 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true"
1339 style="color:#000000; font-size:1.5em;">×</span>
1340 </button>
1341 </div>
1342 <div class="modal-body">
1343 <iframe src="" id="targetiframe" style="height:650px; width:100%; overflow-x: hidden; border:none"
1344 allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
1345 </div>
1346 <div class="modal-footer" style="margin-top:0px;">
1347 <button class="btn btn-link btn-cancel pull-right" data-dismiss="modal"
1348 type="button"><?php echo xlt('close'); ?></button>
1349 </div>
1350 </div>
1351 </div>
1352 </div>
1353 </div>
1354 </div>
1355 <script>
1356 $(document).ready(function () {
1357 $('#help-href').click(function () {
1358 document.getElementById('targetiframe').src = '';
1360 $('#view-log-link').click(function () {
1361 document.getElementById('targetiframe').src = 'customize_log.php';
1364 </script>
1365 <script>
1366 $('#show_hide').click(function () {
1367 var elementTitle = $('#show_hide').prop('title');
1368 var hideTitle = '<?php echo xla('Click to Hide'); ?>';
1369 var showTitle = '<?php echo xla('Click to Show'); ?>';
1370 $('.hideaway').toggle('1000');
1371 $(this).toggleClass('fa-eye-slash fa-eye');
1372 if (elementTitle == hideTitle) {
1373 elementTitle = showTitle;
1374 } else if (elementTitle == showTitle) {
1375 elementTitle = hideTitle;
1377 $('#show_hide').prop('title', elementTitle);
1379 </script>
1380 <script>
1381 set_button_states();
1382 <?php
1383 if ($alertmsg) {
1384 echo "alert('" . addslashes($alertmsg) . "');\n";
1387 $(document).ready(function () {
1388 $('button[type="submit"]').click(function () {
1389 top.restoreSession();
1390 $(this).attr('data-clicked', true);
1393 $('form[name="update_form"]').submit(function (e) {
1394 var clickedButton = $("button[type=submit][data-clicked='true'")[0];
1395 // clear clicked button indicator
1396 $('button[type="submit"]').attr('data-clicked', false);
1398 if (!clickedButton || $(clickedButton).attr("data-open-popup") !== "true") {
1399 $(this).removeAttr("target");
1400 return top.restoreSession();
1401 } else {
1402 top.restoreSession();
1403 var w = window.open('about:blank', 'Popup_Window', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=300,left = 312,top = 234');
1404 this.target = 'Popup_Window';
1408 $('.datepicker').datetimepicker({
1409 <?php $datetimepicker_timepicker = false; ?>
1410 <?php $datetimepicker_showseconds = false; ?>
1411 <?php $datetimepicker_formatInput = false; ?>
1412 <?php require $GLOBALS['srcdir'] . '/js/xl/jquery-datetimepicker-2-5-4.js.php'; ?>
1413 <?php // can add any additional javascript settings to datetimepicker here; need to prepend first setting with a comma ?>
1416 </script>
1417 <script>
1418 $(document).ready(function () {
1419 $('#update-tooltip').tooltip({title: "<?php echo xla('Click Update List to display billing information filtered by the selected Current Criteria'); ?>"});
1421 </script>
1422 <script>
1423 <?php
1424 // jQuery script to change expanded/centered state dynamically
1425 require_once("../expand_contract_js.php")
1427 </script>
1428 <input type="hidden" name="divnos" id="divnos" value="<?php echo attr($divnos) ?>"/>
1429 <input type='hidden' name='ajax_mode' id='ajax_mode' value=''/>
1430 </body>
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