added dropzone asset for Sherwin planned drag and drop support
[openemr.git] / vendor / doctrine / cache / build.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <project name="DoctrineCommonCache" default="build" basedir=".">
3     <property file="" />
5     <target name="php">
6         <exec executable="which" outputproperty="php_executable">
7             <arg value="php" />
8         </exec>
9     </target>
11     <target name="prepare">
12         <mkdir dir="build" />
13     </target>
15     <target name="build" depends="check-git-checkout-clean,prepare,php,composer">
16         <exec executable="${php_executable}">
17             <arg value="build/composer.phar" />
18             <arg value="archive" />
19             <arg value="--dir=build" />
20         </exec>
21     </target>
23     <target name="composer" depends="php,composer-check,composer-download">
24         <exec executable="${php_executable}">
25             <arg value="build/composer.phar" />
26             <arg value="install" />
27         </exec>
28     </target>
30     <target name="composer-check" depends="prepare">
31         <available file="build/composer.phar" property="composer.present"/>
32     </target>
34     <target name="composer-download" unless="composer.present">
35         <exec executable="wget">
36             <arg value="-Obuild/composer.phar" />
37             <arg value="" />
38         </exec>
39     </target>
41     <target name="make-release" depends="check-git-checkout-clean,prepare,php">
42         <replace file="${project.version_file}" token="-DEV" value="" failOnNoReplacements="true" />
43         <exec executable="git" failonerror="true" outputproperty="current_git_branch">
44             <arg value="rev-parse" />
45             <arg value="--abbrev-ref" />
46             <arg value="HEAD" />
47         </exec>
48         <exec executable="${php_executable}" outputproperty="doctrine.current_version" failonerror="true">
49             <arg value="-r" />
50             <arg value="require_once '${project.version_file}';echo ${project.version_class}::VERSION;" />
51         </exec>
52         <exec executable="${php_executable}" outputproperty="doctrine.next_version" failonerror="true">
53             <arg value="-r" />
54             <arg value="$parts = explode('.', str_ireplace(array('-DEV', '-ALPHA', '-BETA'), '', '${doctrine.current_version}'));
55                 if (count($parts) != 3) {
56                     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Version is assumed in format x.y.z, ${doctrine.current_version} given');
57                 }
58                 if ('${current_git_branch}' === 'master') {
59                     $parts[1]++;
60                 } else {
61                     $parts[2]++;
62                 }
63                 echo implode('.', $parts);
64             " />
65         </exec>
67         <git-commit file="${project.version_file}" message="Release ${doctrine.current_version}" />
68         <git-tag version="${doctrine.current_version}" />
69         <replace file="${project.version_file}" token="${doctrine.current_version}" value="${doctrine.next_version}-DEV" />
70         <git-commit file="${project.version_file}" message="Bump version to ${doctrine.next_version}" />
71     </target>
73     <target name="check-git-checkout-clean">
74         <exec executable="git" failonerror="true">
75             <arg value="diff-index" />
76             <arg value="--quiet" />
77             <arg value="HEAD" />
78         </exec>
79     </target>
81     <macrodef name="git-commit">
82         <attribute name="file" default="NOT SET"/>
83         <attribute name="message" default="NOT SET"/>
85         <sequential>
86             <exec executable="git">
87                 <arg value="add" />
88                 <arg value="@{file}" />
89             </exec>
90             <exec executable="git">
91                 <arg value="commit" />
92                 <arg value="-m" />
93                 <arg value="@{message}" />
94             </exec>
95         </sequential>
96     </macrodef>
98     <macrodef name="git-tag">
99         <attribute name="version" default="NOT SET" />
101         <sequential>
102             <exec executable="git">
103                 <arg value="tag" />
104                 <arg value="-m" />
105                 <arg value="v@{version}" />
106                 <arg value="v@{version}" />
107             </exec>
108         </sequential>
109     </macrodef>
110 </project>