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6 <title>OpenEMR v3.0.1 Users Guide</title>
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13 <h1>OpenEMR Users Guide (version 3.1.0)</h1>
14 <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
15 <ul>
16 <li><a href="01.html">Getting Started</a></li>
17 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC1" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
18 <li><a href="02.html">Main Screen & Navigation</a></li>
19 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC2" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
20 <li><a href="03.html">Setting Up Your Clinic</a></li>
21 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC3" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
22 <li><a href="04.html">Adding a New Patient</a></li>
23 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC4" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
24 <li><a href="05.html">Using the Calendar</a></li>
25 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC5" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
26 <li><a href="06.html">New Encounters & Coding</a></li>
27 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC6" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
28 <li><a href="07.html">Issues & Immunizations</a></li>
29 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC7" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
30 <li><a href="08.html">Patient Notes & Transactions</a></li>
31 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC8" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
32 <li><a href="09.html">Basic Billing</a></li>
33 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC9" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
34 <li><a href="10.html">Accounting & Receivables</a></li>
35 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC10" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
36 <li><a href="11.html">Reporting</a></li>
37 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC11" -->
38 <li>General Reports</li>
39 <li>Billing Reports</li>
40 <li>Patient Reports</li>
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42 <li><a href="index.html">Index</a></li>
43 </ul>
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51 <h2>Reporting</h2>
52 <p>Within OpenEMR there are a wide array of reports you can generate which may be useful for your practice. These include general reports such as appointment and encounter reports, billing reports, and patient specific reporting.</p>
53 <img src="Reporting/01-reports.png" />
54 <h3>General Reports</h3>
55 <p>Most general reporting tools can be found by selecting 'Reports' from the navigation menu at left. If you are using the Tree View scheme, the list of available reports is divided into a hierarchical list within the navigation menu.</p>
56 <img src="Reporting/02-reports_list.png" />
57 <p>Examples of some commonly used reports:</p>
58 <p>The Superbill Report presents you with a dialog for selecting a date range. </p>
59 <img src="Reporting/03-reports-superbill.png" />
60 <p>Clicking 'Submit' produces a report for each encounter in the date range, and shows patient demographics and insurance information </p>
61 <img src="Reporting/04-reports-superbill2.png" />
62 <p>As well as the billing codes and amounts. </p>
63 <img src="Reporting/05-reports-superbill3.png" />
64 <p>The Appointments Report gives you a list of appointments for a given provider, or for all providers, in a specified date range. It can be sorted by clicking on any of the four column headings. </p>
65 <img src="Reporting/06-reports-appointments.png" />
66 <p>The Appointments and Encounters Report gives you a useful cross-reference of appointments with their corresponding encounters. This allows you to easily spot many types of errors, such as appointments with missing encounters, encounters with missing appointments, missing charges, and authorizations or justifications that are required but not done. </p>
67 <img src="Reporting/07-reports-appointments_encounters.png" />
68 <p>The Insurance Distribution report shows you how many patients seen over a given time period use each kind of insurance. </p>
69 <img src="Reporting/08-reports-insurance_distribution.png" />
70 <p>The Indigent Patients report lists all encounters for patients that were seen without insurance. (None shown here.)</p>
71 <img src="Reporting/09-reports-indigent_patients.png" />
72 <h3>Billing Reports</h3>
73 <p>From the main Billing page select 'Reports'.</p>
74 <img src="Reporting/11-reports-billing_report.png" />
75 <p>This is the Cash Receipts report. It breaks down gross income by provider for a given time period. </p>
76 <img src="Reporting/12-reports-billing_report2.png" />
77 <p>The user can also elect to see a detailed breakdown of cash receipts, itemizing each procedure for which a charge was made. </p>
78 <img src="Reporting/13-reports-billing_report3.png" />
79 <h3>Patient Reports</h3>
80 <p>When a patient is active within the system, the user has the option of generating a report for that specific patient. To do so, click on 'Pt Report' which is now visible in the navigation menu (found under 'Patient/Client – Medical Record' in Tree View).</p>
81 <img src="Reporting/14-reports-patient_report.png" />
82 <p>The user can choose to include or omit a wide variety of patient information. When satisfied with your selections, click 'Generate Report'.</p>
83 <img src="Reporting/15-reports-patient_report2.png" />
84 <p>This produces a report including all the specified patient information.</p>
85 <img src="Reporting/16-reports-patient_report3.png" /><br><br>
86 <img src="Reporting/17-reports-patient_report4.png" /><br><br>
87 <img src="Reporting/18-reports-patient_report5.png" /><br><br>
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