eRx captured and displayed in AMC report,
[openemr.git] / library / adodb / drivers /
1 <?php
2 /*
3 V5.14 8 Sept 2011 (c) 2000-2011 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
4 Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
5 Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
6 the BSD license will take precedence.
7 Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
9 Latest version is available at
11 Native mssql driver. Requires mssql client. Works on Windows.
13 To configure for Unix, see
16 $stream = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, $index, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_STREAM(SQLSRV_ENC_BINARY));
17 stream_filter_append($stream, "convert.iconv.ucs-2/utf-8"); // Voila, UTF-8 can be read directly from $stream
21 // security - hide paths
22 if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
24 if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_configure')) {
25 die("mssqlnative extension not installed");
28 if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_set_error_handling')) {
29 function sqlsrv_set_error_handling($constant) {
30 sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", $constant);
33 if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_log_set_severity')) {
34 function sqlsrv_log_set_severity($constant) {
35 sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", $constant);
38 if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems')) {
39 function sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems($constant) {
40 sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", $constant);
45 //----------------------------------------------------------------
46 // MSSQL returns dates with the format Oct 13 2002 or 13 Oct 2002
47 // and this causes tons of problems because localized versions of
48 // MSSQL will return the dates in dmy or mdy order; and also the
49 // month strings depends on what language has been configured. The
50 // following two variables allow you to control the localization
51 // settings - Ugh.
54 // ----------------------
55 // To configure datetime, look for and modify sqlcommn.loc,
56 // typically found in c:\mssql\install
57 // Also read :
58 //;EN-US;q220918
59 // Alternatively use:
60 // CONVERT(char(12),datecol,120)
62 // Also if your month is showing as month-1,
63 // e.g. Jan 13, 2002 is showing as 13/0/2002, then see
64 //
65 // it's a localisation problem.
66 //----------------------------------------------------------------
69 // has datetime converstion to YYYY-MM-DD format, and also mssql_fetch_assoc
70 if (ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4300) {
71 // docs say 4.2.0, but testing shows only since 4.3.0 does it work!
72 ini_set('mssql.datetimeconvert',0);
73 } else {
74 global $ADODB_mssql_mths; // array, months must be upper-case
75 $ADODB_mssql_date_order = 'mdy';
76 $ADODB_mssql_mths = array(
77 'JAN'=>1,'FEB'=>2,'MAR'=>3,'APR'=>4,'MAY'=>5,'JUN'=>6,
78 'JUL'=>7,'AUG'=>8,'SEP'=>9,'OCT'=>10,'NOV'=>11,'DEC'=>12);
81 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 // Call this to autoset $ADODB_mssql_date_order at the beginning of your code,
83 // just after you connect to the database. Supports mdy and dmy only.
84 // Not required for PHP 4.2.0 and above.
85 function AutoDetect_MSSQL_Date_Order($conn)
87 global $ADODB_mssql_date_order;
88 $adate = $conn->GetOne('select getdate()');
89 if ($adate) {
90 $anum = (int) $adate;
91 if ($anum > 0) {
92 if ($anum > 31) {
93 //ADOConnection::outp( "MSSQL: YYYY-MM-DD date format not supported currently");
94 } else
95 $ADODB_mssql_date_order = 'dmy';
96 } else
97 $ADODB_mssql_date_order = 'mdy';
101 class ADODB_mssqlnative extends ADOConnection {
102 var $databaseType = "mssqlnative";
103 var $dataProvider = "mssqlnative";
104 var $replaceQuote = "''"; // string to use to replace quotes
105 var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'";
106 var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
107 var $hasInsertID = true;
108 var $substr = "substring";
109 var $length = 'len';
110 var $hasAffectedRows = true;
111 var $poorAffectedRows = false;
112 var $metaDatabasesSQL = "select name from sys.sysdatabases where name <> 'master'";
113 var $metaTablesSQL="select name,case when type='U' then 'T' else 'V' end from sysobjects where (type='U' or type='V') and (name not in ('sysallocations','syscolumns','syscomments','sysdepends','sysfilegroups','sysfiles','sysfiles1','sysforeignkeys','sysfulltextcatalogs','sysindexes','sysindexkeys','sysmembers','sysobjects','syspermissions','sysprotects','sysreferences','systypes','sysusers','sysalternates','sysconstraints','syssegments','REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS','CHECK_CONSTRAINTS','CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE','CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE','VIEWS','VIEW_TABLE_USAGE','VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE','SCHEMATA','TABLES','TABLE_CONSTRAINTS','TABLE_PRIVILEGES','COLUMNS','COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE','COLUMN_PRIVILEGES','DOMAINS','DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS','KEY_COLUMN_USAGE','dtproperties'))";
114 var $metaColumnsSQL = # xtype==61 is datetime
115 "select,,c.length,
116 (case when c.xusertype=61 then 0 else c.xprec end),
117 (case when c.xusertype=61 then 0 else c.xscale end)
118 from syscolumns c join systypes t on t.xusertype=c.xusertype join sysobjects o on where'%s'";
119 var $hasTop = 'top'; // support mssql SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE
120 var $hasGenID = true;
121 var $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)';
122 var $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()';
123 var $maxParameterLen = 4000;
124 var $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative';
125 var $uniqueSort = true;
126 var $leftOuter = '*=';
127 var $rightOuter = '=*';
128 var $ansiOuter = true; // for mssql7 or later
129 var $identitySQL = 'select SCOPE_IDENTITY()'; // 'select SCOPE_IDENTITY'; # for mssql 2000
130 var $uniqueOrderBy = true;
131 var $_bindInputArray = true;
132 var $_dropSeqSQL = "drop table %s";
134 function ADODB_mssqlnative()
136 if ($this->debug) {
137 error_log("<pre>");
138 sqlsrv_set_error_handling( SQLSRV_ERRORS_LOG_ALL );
139 sqlsrv_log_set_severity( SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL );
140 sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems(SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL);
141 sqlsrv_configure('warnings_return_as_errors', 0);
142 } else {
143 sqlsrv_set_error_handling(0);
144 sqlsrv_log_set_severity(0);
145 sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems(SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL);
146 sqlsrv_configure('warnings_return_as_errors', 0);
150 function ServerInfo()
152 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
153 if ($this->fetchMode === false) {
154 $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
156 } else
157 $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
158 $arrServerInfo = sqlsrv_server_info($this->_connectionID);
159 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;
160 $arr['description'] = $arrServerInfo['SQLServerName'].' connected to '.$arrServerInfo['CurrentDatabase'];
161 $arr['version'] = $arrServerInfo['SQLServerVersion'];//ADOConnection::_findvers($arr['description']);
162 return $arr;
165 function IfNull( $field, $ifNull )
167 return " ISNULL($field, $ifNull) "; // if MS SQL Server
170 function _insertid()
173 // Returns the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in
174 // the same scope. A scope is a module -- a stored procedure, trigger,
175 // function, or batch. Thus, two statements are in the same scope if
176 // they are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch.
177 return $this->GetOne($this->identitySQL);
180 function _affectedrows()
182 return sqlsrv_rows_affected($this->_queryID);
185 function CreateSequence($seq='adodbseq',$start=1)
187 if($this->debug) error_log("<hr>CreateSequence($seq,$start)");
188 sqlsrv_begin_transaction($this->_connectionID);
189 $start -= 1;
190 $this->Execute("create table $seq (id int)");//was float(53)
191 $ok = $this->Execute("insert into $seq with (tablock,holdlock) values($start)");
192 if (!$ok) {
193 if($this->debug) error_log("<hr>Error: ROLLBACK");
194 sqlsrv_rollback($this->_connectionID);
195 return false;
197 sqlsrv_commit($this->_connectionID);
198 return true;
201 function GenID($seq='adodbseq',$start=1)
203 if($this->debug) error_log("<hr>GenID($seq,$start)");
204 sqlsrv_begin_transaction($this->_connectionID);
205 $ok = $this->Execute("update $seq with (tablock,holdlock) set id = id + 1");
206 if (!$ok) {
207 $this->Execute("create table $seq (id int)");
208 $ok = $this->Execute("insert into $seq with (tablock,holdlock) values($start)");
209 if (!$ok) {
210 if($this->debug) error_log("<hr>Error: ROLLBACK");
211 sqlsrv_rollback($this->_connectionID);
212 return false;
214 sqlsrv_commit($this->_connectionID);
215 return $start;
217 $num = $this->GetOne("select id from $seq");
218 sqlsrv_commit($this->_connectionID);
219 if($this->debug) error_log(" Returning: $num");
220 return $num;
223 // Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D
224 function SQLDate($fmt, $col=false)
226 if (!$col) $col = $this->sysTimeStamp;
227 $s = '';
229 $len = strlen($fmt);
230 for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {
231 if ($s) $s .= '+';
232 $ch = $fmt[$i];
233 switch($ch) {
234 case 'Y':
235 case 'y':
236 $s .= "datename(yyyy,$col)";
237 break;
238 case 'M':
239 $s .= "convert(char(3),$col,0)";
240 break;
241 case 'm':
242 $s .= "replace(str(month($col),2),' ','0')";
243 break;
244 case 'Q':
245 case 'q':
246 $s .= "datename(quarter,$col)";
247 break;
248 case 'D':
249 case 'd':
250 $s .= "replace(str(day($col),2),' ','0')";
251 break;
252 case 'h':
253 $s .= "substring(convert(char(14),$col,0),13,2)";
254 break;
256 case 'H':
257 $s .= "replace(str(datepart(hh,$col),2),' ','0')";
258 break;
260 case 'i':
261 $s .= "replace(str(datepart(mi,$col),2),' ','0')";
262 break;
263 case 's':
264 $s .= "replace(str(datepart(ss,$col),2),' ','0')";
265 break;
266 case 'a':
267 case 'A':
268 $s .= "substring(convert(char(19),$col,0),18,2)";
269 break;
271 default:
272 if ($ch == '\\') {
273 $i++;
274 $ch = substr($fmt,$i,1);
276 $s .= $this->qstr($ch);
277 break;
280 return $s;
284 function BeginTrans()
286 if ($this->transOff) return true;
287 $this->transCnt += 1;
288 if ($this->debug) error_log('<hr>begin transaction');
289 sqlsrv_begin_transaction($this->_connectionID);
290 return true;
293 function CommitTrans($ok=true)
295 if ($this->transOff) return true;
296 if ($this->debug) error_log('<hr>commit transaction');
297 if (!$ok) return $this->RollbackTrans();
298 if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1;
299 sqlsrv_commit($this->_connectionID);
300 return true;
302 function RollbackTrans()
304 if ($this->transOff) return true;
305 if ($this->debug) error_log('<hr>rollback transaction');
306 if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1;
307 sqlsrv_rollback($this->_connectionID);
308 return true;
311 function SetTransactionMode( $transaction_mode )
313 $this->_transmode = $transaction_mode;
314 if (empty($transaction_mode)) {
316 return;
318 if (!stristr($transaction_mode,'isolation')) $transaction_mode = 'ISOLATION LEVEL '.$transaction_mode;
319 $this->Execute("SET TRANSACTION ".$transaction_mode);
323 Usage:
325 $this->BeginTrans();
326 $this->RowLock('table1,table2',' and'); # lock row 33 for both tables
328 # some operation on both tables table1 and table2
330 $this->CommitTrans();
332 See
334 function RowLock($tables,$where,$col='1 as adodbignore')
336 if ($col == '1 as adodbignore') $col = 'top 1 null as ignore';
337 if (!$this->transCnt) $this->BeginTrans();
338 return $this->GetOne("select $col from $tables with (ROWLOCK,HOLDLOCK) where $where");
341 function SelectDB($dbName)
343 $this->database = $dbName;
344 $this->databaseName = $dbName; # obsolete, retained for compat with older adodb versions
345 if ($this->_connectionID) {
346 $rs = $this->Execute('USE '.$dbName);
347 if($rs) {
348 return true;
349 } else return false;
351 else return false;
354 function ErrorMsg()
356 $retErrors = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL);
357 if($retErrors != null) {
358 foreach($retErrors as $arrError) {
359 $this->_errorMsg .= "SQLState: ".$arrError[ 'SQLSTATE']."\n";
360 $this->_errorMsg .= "Error Code: ".$arrError[ 'code']."\n";
361 $this->_errorMsg .= "Message: ".$arrError[ 'message']."\n";
363 } else {
364 $this->_errorMsg = "No errors found";
366 return $this->_errorMsg;
369 function ErrorNo()
371 if ($this->_logsql && $this->_errorCode !== false) return $this->_errorCode;
372 $err = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL);
373 if($err[0]) return $err[0]['code'];
374 else return -1;
377 // returns true or false
378 function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
380 if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_connect')) return null;
381 $connectionInfo = array("Database"=>$argDatabasename,'UID'=>$argUsername,'PWD'=>$argPassword);
382 if ($this->debug) error_log("<hr>connecting... hostname: $argHostname params: ".var_export($connectionInfo,true));
383 //if ($this->debug) error_log("<hr>_connectionID before: ".serialize($this->_connectionID));
384 if(!($this->_connectionID = sqlsrv_connect($argHostname,$connectionInfo))) {
385 if ($this->debug) error_log( "<hr><b>errors</b>: ".print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
386 return false;
388 //if ($this->debug) error_log(" _connectionID after: ".serialize($this->_connectionID));
389 //if ($this->debug) error_log("<hr>defined functions: <pre>".var_export(get_defined_functions(),true)."</pre>");
390 return true;
393 // returns true or false
394 function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
396 //return null;//not implemented. NOTE: Persistent connections have no effect if PHP is used as a CGI program. (FastCGI!)
397 return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename);
400 function Prepare($sql)
402 $stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $this->_connectionID, $sql);
403 if (!$stmt) return $sql;
404 return array($sql,$stmt);
407 // returns concatenated string
408 // MSSQL requires integers to be cast as strings
409 // automatically cast every datatype to VARCHAR(255)
410 // @author David Rogers (introspectshun)
411 function Concat()
413 $s = "";
414 $arr = func_get_args();
416 // Split single record on commas, if possible
417 if (sizeof($arr) == 1) {
418 foreach ($arr as $arg) {
419 $args = explode(',', $arg);
421 $arr = $args;
424 array_walk($arr, create_function('&$v', '$v = "CAST(" . $v . " AS VARCHAR(255))";'));
425 $s = implode('+',$arr);
426 if (sizeof($arr) > 0) return "$s";
428 return '';
432 Unfortunately, it appears that mssql cannot handle varbinary > 255 chars
433 So all your blobs must be of type "image".
435 Remember to set in php.ini the following...
437 ; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.
438 mssql.textlimit = 0 ; zero to pass through
440 ; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.
441 mssql.textsize = 0 ; zero to pass through
443 function UpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')
446 if (strtoupper($blobtype) == 'CLOB') {
447 $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $column='" . $val . "' WHERE $where";
448 return $this->Execute($sql) != false;
450 $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $column=0x".bin2hex($val)." WHERE $where";
451 return $this->Execute($sql) != false;
454 // returns query ID if successful, otherwise false
455 function _query($sql,$inputarr=false)
457 $this->_errorMsg = false;
458 if (is_array($inputarr)) {
459 $rez = sqlsrv_query($this->_connectionID,$sql,$inputarr);
460 } else if (is_array($sql)) {
461 $rez = sqlsrv_query($this->_connectionID,$sql[1],$inputarr);
462 } else {
463 $rez = sqlsrv_query($this->_connectionID,$sql);
465 if ($this->debug) error_log("<hr>running query: ".var_export($sql,true)."<hr>input array: ".var_export($inputarr,true)."<hr>result: ".var_export($rez,true));
466 if(!$rez) $rez = false;
467 return $rez;
470 // returns true or false
471 function _close()
473 if ($this->transCnt) $this->RollbackTrans();
474 $rez = @sqlsrv_close($this->_connectionID);
475 $this->_connectionID = false;
476 return $rez;
479 // mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
480 static function UnixDate($v)
482 return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixDate($v);
485 static function UnixTimeStamp($v)
487 return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixTimeStamp($v);
490 function &MetaIndexes($table,$primary=false, $owner = false)
492 $table = $this->qstr($table);
494 $sql = "SELECT AS ind_name, AS col_name, USER_NAME(O.uid) AS Owner, c.colid, k.Keyno,
495 CASE WHEN I.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 254 AND (I.status & 2048 = 2048 OR I.Status = 16402 AND O.XType = 'V') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsPK,
496 CASE WHEN I.status & 2 = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsUnique
497 FROM dbo.sysobjects o INNER JOIN dbo.sysindexes I ON =
498 INNER JOIN dbo.sysindexkeys K ON = AND I.Indid = K.Indid
499 INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns c ON = AND K.colid = C.Colid
500 WHERE LEFT(, 8) <> '_WA_Sys_' AND o.status >= 0 AND O.Name LIKE $table
501 ORDER BY, I.Name, K.keyno";
503 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
504 $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
506 if ($this->fetchMode !== FALSE) {
507 $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(FALSE);
510 $rs = $this->Execute($sql);
511 if (isset($savem)) {
512 $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
514 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;
516 if (!is_object($rs)) {
517 return FALSE;
520 $indexes = array();
521 while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) {
522 if (!$primary && $row[5]) continue;
524 $indexes[$row[0]]['unique'] = $row[6];
525 $indexes[$row[0]]['columns'][] = $row[1];
527 return $indexes;
530 function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false)
532 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
534 $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
536 $table = $this->qstr(strtoupper($table));
538 $sql =
539 "select object_name(constid) as constraint_name,
540 col_name(fkeyid, fkey) as column_name,
541 object_name(rkeyid) as referenced_table_name,
542 col_name(rkeyid, rkey) as referenced_column_name
543 from sysforeignkeys
544 where upper(object_name(fkeyid)) = $table
545 order by constraint_name, referenced_table_name, keyno";
547 $constraints =& $this->GetArray($sql);
549 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;
551 $arr = false;
552 foreach($constraints as $constr) {
553 //print_r($constr);
554 $arr[$constr[0]][$constr[2]][] = $constr[1].'='.$constr[3];
556 if (!$arr) return false;
558 $arr2 = false;
560 foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
561 foreach($v as $a => $b) {
562 if ($upper) $a = strtoupper($a);
563 $arr2[$a] = $b;
566 return $arr2;
569 //From: Fernando Moreira <>
570 function MetaDatabases()
572 $this->SelectDB("master");
573 $rs =& $this->Execute($this->metaDatabasesSQL);
574 $rows = $rs->GetRows();
575 $ret = array();
576 for($i=0;$i<count($rows);$i++) {
577 $ret[] = $rows[$i][0];
579 $this->SelectDB($this->database);
580 if($ret)
581 return $ret;
582 else
583 return false;
586 // "Stein-Aksel Basma" <>
587 // tested with MSSQL 2000
588 function &MetaPrimaryKeys($table)
590 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
592 $schema = '';
593 $this->_findschema($table,$schema);
594 if (!$schema) $schema = $this->database;
595 if ($schema) $schema = "and k.table_catalog like '$schema%'";
597 $sql = "select distinct k.column_name,ordinal_position from information_schema.key_column_usage k,
598 information_schema.table_constraints tc
599 where tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name and tc.constraint_type =
600 'PRIMARY KEY' and k.table_name = '$table' $schema order by ordinal_position ";
602 $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
604 $a = $this->GetCol($sql);
605 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;
607 if ($a && sizeof($a)>0) return $a;
608 $false = false;
609 return $false;
613 function &MetaTables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
615 if ($mask) {
616 $save = $this->metaTablesSQL;
617 $mask = $this->qstr(($mask));
618 $this->metaTablesSQL .= " AND name like $mask";
620 $ret =& ADOConnection::MetaTables($ttype,$showSchema);
622 if ($mask) {
623 $this->metaTablesSQL = $save;
625 return $ret;
629 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
630 Class Name: Recordset
631 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
633 class ADORecordset_mssqlnative extends ADORecordSet {
635 var $databaseType = "mssqlnative";
636 var $canSeek = false;
637 var $fieldOffset = 0;
638 // _mths works only in non-localised system
640 function ADORecordset_mssqlnative($id,$mode=false)
642 if ($mode === false) {
643 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
644 $mode = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
647 $this->fetchMode = $mode;
648 return $this->ADORecordSet($id,$mode);
652 function _initrs()
654 global $ADODB_COUNTRECS;
655 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("(before) ADODB_COUNTRECS: {$ADODB_COUNTRECS} _numOfRows: {$this->_numOfRows} _numOfFields: {$this->_numOfFields}");
656 /*$retRowsAff = sqlsrv_rows_affected($this->_queryID);//"If you need to determine the number of rows a query will return before retrieving the actual results, appending a SELECT COUNT ... query would let you get that information, and then a call to next_result would move you to the "real" results."
657 error_log("rowsaff: ".serialize($retRowsAff));
658 $this->_numOfRows = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS)? $retRowsAff:-1;*/
659 $this->_numOfRows = -1;//not supported
660 $fieldmeta = sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_queryID);
661 $this->_numOfFields = ($fieldmeta)? count($fieldmeta):-1;
662 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("(after) _numOfRows: {$this->_numOfRows} _numOfFields: {$this->_numOfFields}");
666 //Contributed by "Sven Axelsson" <>
667 // get next resultset - requires PHP 4.0.5 or later
668 function NextRecordSet()
670 if (!sqlsrv_next_result($this->_queryID)) return false;
671 $this->_inited = false;
672 $this->bind = false;
673 $this->_currentRow = -1;
674 $this->Init();
675 return true;
678 /* Use associative array to get fields array */
679 function Fields($colname)
681 if ($this->fetchMode != ADODB_FETCH_NUM) return $this->fields[$colname];
682 if (!$this->bind) {
683 $this->bind = array();
684 for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
685 $o = $this->FetchField($i);
686 $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i;
690 return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]];
693 /* Returns: an object containing field information.
694 Get column information in the Recordset object. fetchField() can be used in order to obtain information about
695 fields in a certain query result. If the field offset isn't specified, the next field that wasn't yet retrieved by
696 fetchField() is retrieved. */
698 function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
700 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("<hr>fetchfield: $fieldOffset, fetch array: <pre>".print_r($this->fields,true)."</pre> backtrace: ".adodb_backtrace(false));
701 if ($fieldOffset != -1) $this->fieldOffset = $fieldOffset;
702 $arrKeys = array_keys($this->fields);
703 if(array_key_exists($this->fieldOffset,$arrKeys) && !array_key_exists($arrKeys[$this->fieldOffset],$this->fields)) {
704 $f = false;
705 } else {
706 $f = new ADOFetchObj();
707 $f->name = $arrKeys[$this->fieldOffset];
708 if($fieldOffset == -1) $this->fieldOffset++;
711 if (empty($f)) {
712 $f = false;//PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference
714 return $f;
717 function _seek($row)
719 return false;//There is no support for cursors in the driver at this time. All data is returned via forward-only streams.
722 // speedup
723 function MoveNext()
725 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("movenext()");
726 //if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("eof (beginning): ".$this->EOF);
727 if ($this->EOF) return false;
729 $this->_currentRow++;
730 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("_currentRow: ".$this->_currentRow);
732 if ($this->_fetch()) return true;
733 $this->EOF = true;
734 //if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("eof (end): ".$this->EOF);
736 return false;
740 // INSERT UPDATE DELETE returns false even if no error occurs in 4.0.4
741 // also the date format has been changed from YYYY-mm-dd to dd MMM YYYY in 4.0.4. Idiot!
742 function _fetch($ignore_fields=false)
744 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("_fetch()");
745 if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_BOTH) {
746 if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_NUM) {
747 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("fetch mode: both");
748 $this->fields = @sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->_queryID,SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH);
749 } else {
750 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("fetch mode: assoc");
751 $this->fields = @sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->_queryID,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);
754 if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0) {
755 foreach($this->fields as $k=>$v) {
756 $this->fields[strtolower($k)] = $v;
758 } else if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 1) {
759 foreach($this->fields as $k=>$v) {
760 $this->fields[strtoupper($k)] = $v;
763 } else {
764 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("fetch mode: num");
765 $this->fields = @sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->_queryID,SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC);
767 if(is_array($this->fields) && array_key_exists(1,$this->fields) && !array_key_exists(0,$this->fields)) {//fix fetch numeric keys since they're not 0 based
768 $arrFixed = array();
769 foreach($this->fields as $key=>$value) {
770 if(is_numeric($key)) {
771 $arrFixed[$key-1] = $value;
772 } else {
773 $arrFixed[$key] = $value;
776 //if($this->connection->debug) error_log("<hr>fixing non 0 based return array, old: ".print_r($this->fields,true)." new: ".print_r($arrFixed,true));
777 $this->fields = $arrFixed;
779 if(is_array($this->fields)) {
780 foreach($this->fields as $key=>$value) {
781 if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, 'format')) {//is DateTime object
782 $this->fields[$key] = $value->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");
786 if($this->fields === null) $this->fields = false;
787 if ($this->connection->debug) error_log("<hr>after _fetch, fields: <pre>".print_r($this->fields,true)." backtrace: ".adodb_backtrace(false));
788 return $this->fields;
791 /* close() only needs to be called if you are worried about using too much memory while your script
792 is running. All associated result memory for the specified result identifier will automatically be freed. */
793 function _close()
795 $rez = sqlsrv_free_stmt($this->_queryID);
796 $this->_queryID = false;
797 return $rez;
800 // mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
801 static function UnixDate($v)
803 return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixDate($v);
806 static function UnixTimeStamp($v)
808 return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixTimeStamp($v);
813 class ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative extends ADORecordSet_array {
814 function ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative($id=-1,$mode=false)
816 $this->ADORecordSet_array($id,$mode);
819 // mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
820 static function UnixDate($v)
823 if (is_numeric(substr($v,0,1)) && ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4200) return parent::UnixDate($v);
825 global $ADODB_mssql_mths,$ADODB_mssql_date_order;
827 //Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
828 if ($ADODB_mssql_date_order == 'dmy') {
829 if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4})|" ,$v, $rr)) {
830 return parent::UnixDate($v);
832 if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
834 $theday = $rr[1];
835 $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[2]),0,3);
836 } else {
837 if (!preg_match( "|^([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4})|" ,$v, $rr)) {
838 return parent::UnixDate($v);
840 if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
842 $theday = $rr[2];
843 $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[1]),0,3);
845 $themth = $ADODB_mssql_mths[$themth];
846 if ($themth <= 0) return false;
847 // h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
848 return mktime(0,0,0,$themth,$theday,$rr[3]);
851 static function UnixTimeStamp($v)
854 if (is_numeric(substr($v,0,1)) && ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4200) return parent::UnixTimeStamp($v);
856 global $ADODB_mssql_mths,$ADODB_mssql_date_order;
858 //Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
859 if ($ADODB_mssql_date_order == 'dmy') {
860 if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4}) +([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}) *([apAP]{0,1})|"
861 ,$v, $rr)) return parent::UnixTimeStamp($v);
862 if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
864 $theday = $rr[1];
865 $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[2]),0,3);
866 } else {
867 if (!preg_match( "|^([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4}) +([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}) *([apAP]{0,1})|"
868 ,$v, $rr)) return parent::UnixTimeStamp($v);
869 if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
871 $theday = $rr[2];
872 $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[1]),0,3);
875 $themth = $ADODB_mssql_mths[$themth];
876 if ($themth <= 0) return false;
878 switch (strtoupper($rr[6])) {
879 case 'P':
880 if ($rr[4]<12) $rr[4] += 12;
881 break;
882 case 'A':
883 if ($rr[4]==12) $rr[4] = 0;
884 break;
885 default:
886 break;
888 // h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
889 return mktime($rr[4],$rr[5],0,$themth,$theday,$rr[3]);
894 Code Example 1:
896 select object_name(constid) as constraint_name,
897 object_name(fkeyid) as table_name,
898 col_name(fkeyid, fkey) as column_name,
899 object_name(rkeyid) as referenced_table_name,
900 col_name(rkeyid, rkey) as referenced_column_name
901 from sysforeignkeys
902 where object_name(fkeyid) = x
903 order by constraint_name, table_name, referenced_table_name, keyno
905 Code Example 2:
906 select constraint_name,
907 column_name,
908 ordinal_position
909 from information_schema.key_column_usage
910 where constraint_catalog = db_name()
911 and table_name = x
912 order by constraint_name, ordinal_position