added msp remit codes to invoice and x-12
[openemr.git] / interface / fax / fax_dispatch.php
1 <?php
2 // Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Rod Roark <>
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 require_once("../globals.php");
10 require_once("$srcdir/");
11 require_once("$srcdir/");
12 require_once("$srcdir/");
13 require_once("$srcdir/");
14 require_once("$srcdir/");
16 if ($_GET['file']) {
17 $mode = 'fax';
18 $filename = $_GET['file'];
19 $filepath = $GLOBALS['hylafax_basedir'] . '/recvq/' . $filename;
21 else if ($_GET['scan']) {
22 $mode = 'scan';
23 $filename = $_GET['scan'];
24 $filepath = $GLOBALS['scanner_output_directory'] . '/' . $filename;
26 else {
27 die("No filename was given.");
30 $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.'));
31 $filebase = basename("/$filename", $ext);
32 $faxcache = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/faxcache/$mode/$filebase";
34 $info_msg = "";
36 // This function builds an array of document categories recursively.
37 // Kittens are the children of cats, you know. :-)
39 function getKittens($catid, $catstring, &$categories) {
40 $cres = sqlStatement("SELECT id, name FROM categories " .
41 "WHERE parent = $catid ORDER BY name");
42 $childcount = 0;
43 while ($crow = sqlFetchArray($cres)) {
44 ++$childcount;
45 getKittens($crow['id'], ($catstring ? "$catstring / " : "") .
46 ($catid ? $crow['name'] : ''), $categories);
48 // If no kitties, then this is a leaf node and should be listed.
49 if (!$childcount) $categories[$catid] = $catstring;
52 // This merges the tiff files for the selected pages into one tiff file.
54 function mergeTiffs() {
55 global $faxcache;
56 $msg = '';
57 $inames = '';
58 $tmp1 = array();
59 $tmp2 = 0;
60 // form_images are the checkboxes to the right of the images.
61 foreach ($_POST['form_images'] as $inbase) {
62 $inames .= ' ' . escapeshellarg("$inbase.tif");
64 if (!$inames) die(xl("Internal error - no pages were selected!"));
65 $tmp0 = exec("cd '$faxcache'; tiffcp $inames temp.tif", $tmp1, $tmp2);
66 if ($tmp2) {
67 $msg .= "tiffcp returned $tmp2: $tmp0 ";
69 return $msg;
72 // If we are submitting...
74 if ($_POST['form_save']) {
75 $action_taken = false;
76 $tmp1 = array();
77 $tmp2 = 0;
79 if ($_POST['form_cb_copy']) {
80 $patient_id = (int) $_POST['form_pid'];
81 if (!$patient_id) die(xl('Internal error - patient ID was not provided!'));
82 // Compute the name of the target directory and make sure it exists.
83 $docdir = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/$patient_id";
84 exec("mkdir -p '$docdir'");
86 // If copying to patient documents...
88 if ($_POST['form_cb_copy_type'] == 1) {
89 // Compute a target filename that does not yet exist.
90 $ffname = trim($_POST['form_filename']);
91 $i = strrpos($ffname, '.');
92 if ($i) $ffname = trim(substr($ffname, 0, $i));
93 if (!$ffname) $ffname = $filebase;
94 $ffmod = '';
95 $ffsuff = '.pdf';
96 // If the target filename exists, modify it until it doesn't.
97 $count = 0;
98 while (is_file("$docdir/$ffname$ffmod$ffsuff")) {
99 ++$count;
100 $ffmod = "_$count";
102 $target = "$docdir/$ffname$ffmod$ffsuff";
103 $docdate = fixDate($_POST['form_docdate']);
105 // Create the target PDF. Note that we are relying on the .tif files for
106 // the individual pages to already exist in the faxcache directory.
108 $info_msg .= mergeTiffs();
109 // The -j option here requires that libtiff is configured with libjpeg.
110 // It could be omitted, but the output PDFs would then be quite large.
111 $tmp0 = exec("tiff2pdf -j -p letter -o '$target' '$faxcache/temp.tif'", $tmp1, $tmp2);
113 if ($tmp2) {
114 $info_msg .= "tiff2pdf returned $tmp2: $tmp0 ";
116 else {
117 $newid = generate_id();
118 $fsize = filesize($target);
119 $catid = (int) $_POST['form_category'];
120 // Update the database.
121 $query = "INSERT INTO documents ( " .
122 "id, type, size, date, url, mimetype, foreign_id, docdate" .
123 " ) VALUES ( " .
124 "'$newid', 'file_url', '$fsize', NOW(), 'file://$target', " .
125 "'application/pdf', $patient_id, '$docdate' " .
126 ")";
127 sqlStatement($query);
128 $query = "INSERT INTO categories_to_documents ( " .
129 "category_id, document_id" .
130 " ) VALUES ( " .
131 "'$catid', '$newid' " .
132 ")";
133 sqlStatement($query);
134 } // end not error
136 // If we are posting a note...
137 if ($_POST['form_cb_note'] && !$info_msg) {
138 // Build note text in a way that identifies the new document.
139 // See pnotes_full.php which uses this to auto-display the document.
140 $note = "$ffname$ffmod$ffsuff";
141 for ($tmp = $catid; $tmp;) {
142 $catrow = sqlQuery("SELECT name, parent FROM categories WHERE id = '$tmp'");
143 $note = $catrow['name'] . "/$note";
144 $tmp = $catrow['parent'];
146 $note = "New scanned document $newid: $note";
147 $form_note_message = trim($_POST['form_note_message']);
148 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $form_note_message = stripslashes($form_note_message);
149 if ($form_note_message) $note .= "\n" . $form_note_message;
150 // addPnote() will do its own addslashes().
151 $noteid = addPnote($_POST['form_pid'], $note, $userauthorized, '1',
152 $_POST['form_note_type'], $_POST['form_note_to']);
153 // Link the new patient note to the document.
154 setGpRelation(1, $newid, 6, $noteid);
155 } // end post patient note
156 } // end copy to documents
158 // Otherwise creating a scanned encounter note...
160 else {
162 // Get desired $encounter_id.
163 $encounter_id = 0;
164 if (empty($_POST['form_copy_sn_visit'])) {
165 $info_msg .= "This patient has no visits! ";
166 } else {
167 $encounter_id = 0 + $_POST['form_copy_sn_visit'];
170 if (!$info_msg) {
171 // Merge the selected pages.
172 $info_msg .= mergeTiffs();
173 $tmp_name = "$faxcache/temp.tif";
176 if (!$info_msg) {
177 // The following is cloned from contrib/forms/scanned_notes/new.php:
179 $query = "INSERT INTO form_scanned_notes ( " .
180 "notes " .
181 ") VALUES ( " .
182 "'" . $_POST['form_copy_sn_comments'] . "' " .
183 ")";
184 $formid = sqlInsert($query);
185 addForm($encounter_id, "Scanned Notes", $formid, "scanned_notes",
186 $patient_id, $userauthorized);
188 $imagedir = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/$patient_id/encounters";
189 $imagepath = "$imagedir/${encounter_id}_$formid.jpg";
190 echo $imagedir;
191 die;
192 if (! is_dir($imagedir)) {
193 $tmp0 = exec('mkdir -p "'.$imagedir.'"', $tmp1, $tmp2);
194 if ($tmp2) die("mkdir returned $tmp2: $tmp0");
195 exec("touch '$imagedir/index.html'");
197 if (is_file($imagepath)) unlink($imagepath);
198 // TBD: There may be a faster way to create this file, given that
199 // we already have a jpeg for each page in faxcache.
200 $cmd = "convert -resize 800 -density 96 '$tmp_name' -append '$imagepath'";
201 $tmp0 = exec($cmd, $tmp1, $tmp2);
202 if ($tmp2) die("\"$cmd\" returned $tmp2: $tmp0");
205 // If we are posting a patient note...
206 if ($_POST['form_cb_note'] && !$info_msg) {
207 $note = "New scanned encounter note for visit on " . substr($erow['date'], 0, 10);
208 $form_note_message = trim($_POST['form_note_message']);
209 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $form_note_message = stripslashes($form_note_message);
210 if ($form_note_message) $note .= "\n" . $form_note_message;
211 // addPnote() will do its own addslashes().
212 addPnote($patient_id, $note, $userauthorized, '1',
213 $_POST['form_note_type'], $_POST['form_note_to']);
214 } // end post patient note
217 $action_taken = true;
219 } // end copy to chart
221 if ($_POST['form_cb_forward']) {
222 $form_from = trim($_POST['form_from']);
223 $form_to = trim($_POST['form_to']);
224 $form_fax = trim($_POST['form_fax']);
225 $form_message = trim($_POST['form_message']);
226 $form_finemode = $_POST['form_finemode'] ? '-m' : '-l';
228 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
229 $form_from = stripslashes($form_from);
230 $form_to = stripslashes($form_to);
231 $form_message = stripslashes($form_message);
234 // Generate a cover page using enscript. This can be a cool thing
235 // to do, as enscript is very powerful.
237 $tmp1 = array();
238 $tmp2 = 0;
239 $tmpfn1 = tempnam("/tmp", "fax1");
240 $tmpfn2 = tempnam("/tmp", "fax2");
241 $tmph = fopen($tmpfn1, "w");
242 $cpstring = '';
243 $fh = fopen($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/faxcover.txt", 'r');
244 while (!feof($fh)) $cpstring .= fread($fh, 8192);
245 fclose($fh);
246 $cpstring = str_replace('{CURRENT_DATE}' , date('F j, Y'), $cpstring);
247 $cpstring = str_replace('{SENDER_NAME}' , $form_from , $cpstring);
248 $cpstring = str_replace('{RECIPIENT_NAME}', $form_to , $cpstring);
249 $cpstring = str_replace('{RECIPIENT_FAX}' , $form_fax , $cpstring);
250 $cpstring = str_replace('{MESSAGE}' , $form_message , $cpstring);
251 fwrite($tmph, $cpstring);
252 fclose($tmph);
253 $tmp0 = exec("cd $webserver_root/custom; " . $GLOBALS['hylafax_enscript'] .
254 " -o $tmpfn2 $tmpfn1", $tmp1, $tmp2);
255 if ($tmp2) {
256 $info_msg .= "enscript returned $tmp2: $tmp0 ";
258 unlink($tmpfn1);
260 // Send the fax as the cover page followed by the selected pages.
261 $info_msg .= mergeTiffs();
262 $tmp0 = exec("sendfax -A -n $form_finemode -d " .
263 escapeshellarg($form_fax) . " $tmpfn2 '$faxcache/temp.tif'",
264 $tmp1, $tmp2);
265 if ($tmp2) {
266 $info_msg .= "sendfax returned $tmp2: $tmp0 ";
268 unlink($tmpfn2);
270 $action_taken = true;
271 } // end forward
273 $form_cb_delete = $_POST['form_cb_delete'];
275 // If deleting selected, do it and then check if any are left.
276 if ($form_cb_delete == '1' && !$info_msg) {
277 foreach ($_POST['form_images'] as $inbase) {
278 unlink("$faxcache/$inbase.jpg");
279 $action_taken = true;
281 // Check if any .jpg files remain... if not we'll clean up.
282 if ($action_taken) {
283 $dh = opendir($faxcache);
284 if (! $dh) die("Cannot read $faxcache");
285 $form_cb_delete = '2';
286 while (false !== ($jfname = readdir($dh))) {
287 if (preg_match('/\.jpg$/', $jfname)) $form_cb_delete = '1';
289 closedir($dh);
291 } // end delete 1
293 if ($form_cb_delete == '2' && !$info_msg) {
294 // Delete the tiff file, with archiving if desired.
295 if ($GLOBALS['hylafax_archdir'] && $mode == 'fax') {
296 rename($filepath, $GLOBALS['hylafax_archdir'] . '/' . $filename);
297 } else {
298 unlink($filepath);
300 // Erase its cache.
301 if (is_dir($faxcache)) {
302 $dh = opendir($faxcache);
303 while (($tmp = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
304 if (is_file("$faxcache/$tmp")) unlink("$faxcache/$tmp");
306 closedir($dh);
307 rmdir($faxcache);
309 $action_taken = true;
310 } // end delete 2
312 if (!$action_taken && !$info_msg)
313 $info_msg = xl('You did not choose any actions.');
315 if ($info_msg || $form_cb_delete != '1') {
316 // Close this window and refresh the fax list.
317 echo "<html>\n<body>\n<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
318 if ($info_msg) echo " alert('$info_msg');\n";
319 echo " if (!opener.closed && opener.refreshme) opener.refreshme();\n";
320 echo " window.close();\n";
321 echo "</script>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
322 exit();
324 } // end submit logic
326 // If we get this far then we are displaying the form.
328 // Find out if the scanned_notes form is installed and active.
330 $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM registry WHERE " .
331 "directory LIKE 'scanned_notes' AND state = 1 AND sql_run = 1");
332 $using_scanned_notes = $tmp['count'];
334 // If the image cache does not yet exist for this fax, build it.
335 // This will contain a .tif image as well as a .jpg image for each page.
337 echo $faxcache;
339 if (! is_dir($faxcache)) {
340 $tmp0 = exec('mkdir -p "'.$faxcache.'"', $tmp1, $tmp2);
341 if ($tmp2) die("mkdir returned $tmp2: $tmp0");
342 if (strtolower($ext) != '.tif') {
343 // convert's default density for PDF-to-TIFF conversion is 72 dpi which is
344 // not very good, so we upgrade it to "fine mode" fax quality. It's really
345 // better and faster if the scanner produces TIFFs instead of PDFs.
346 $tmp0 = exec("convert -density 203x196 '$filepath' '$faxcache/deleteme.tif'", $tmp1, $tmp2);
347 if ($tmp2) die("convert returned $tmp2: $tmp0");
348 $tmp0 = exec("cd '$faxcache'; tiffsplit 'deleteme.tif'; rm -f 'deleteme.tif'", $tmp1, $tmp2);
349 if ($tmp2) die("tiffsplit/rm returned $tmp2: $tmp0");
350 } else {
351 $tmp0 = exec("cd '$faxcache'; tiffsplit '$filepath'", $tmp1, $tmp2);
352 if ($tmp2) die("tiffsplit returned $tmp2: $tmp0");
354 $tmp0 = exec("cd '$faxcache'; mogrify -resize 750x970 -format jpg *.tif", $tmp1, $tmp2);
355 if ($tmp2) die("mogrify returned $tmp2: $tmp0; ext is '$ext'; filepath is '$filepath'");
358 // Get the categories list.
359 $categories = array();
360 getKittens(0, '', $categories);
362 // Get the users list.
363 $ures = sqlStatement("SELECT username, fname, lname FROM users " .
364 "WHERE active = 1 AND ( info IS NULL OR info NOT LIKE '%Inactive%' ) " .
365 "ORDER BY lname, fname");
367 <html>
368 <head>
369 <?php if (function_exists(html_header_show)) html_header_show(); ?>
370 <title><?php xl('Dispatch Received Document','e'); ?></title>
371 <link rel="stylesheet" href='<?php echo $css_header ?>' type='text/css'>
373 <style>
375 td, input, select, textarea {
376 font-size: 10pt;
379 .itemtitle {
380 font-weight: bold;
383 div.section {
384 border: solid;
385 border-width: 1px;
386 border-color: #0000ff;
387 margin-left: 2em;
388 padding: 1em;
391 </style>
393 <style type="text/css">@import url(../../library/dynarch_calendar.css);</style>
395 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/topdialog.js"></script>
396 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dialog.js"></script>
397 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/textformat.js"></script>
398 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dynarch_calendar.js"></script>
399 <?php include_once("{$GLOBALS['srcdir']}/"); ?>
400 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dynarch_calendar_setup.js"></script>
401 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/js/jquery-1.2.2.min.js"></script>
403 <script language="JavaScript">
405 var mypcc = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] ?>';
407 <?php require($GLOBALS['srcdir'] . "/restoreSession.php"); ?>
409 function divclick(cb, divid) {
410 var divstyle = document.getElementById(divid).style;
411 if (cb.checked) {
412 if (divid == 'div_copy_doc') {
413 document.getElementById('div_copy_sn').style.display = 'none';
415 else if (divid == 'div_copy_sn') {
416 document.getElementById('div_copy_doc').style.display = 'none';
418 divstyle.display = 'block';
419 } else {
420 divstyle.display = 'none';
422 return true;
425 // This is for callback by the find-patient popup.
426 function setpatient(pid, lname, fname, dob) {
427 var f = document.forms[0];
428 f.form_patient.value = lname + ', ' + fname;
429 f.form_pid.value = pid;
430 <?php if ($using_scanned_notes) { ?>
431 // This loads the patient's list of recent encounters:
432 f.form_copy_sn_visit.options.length = 0;
433 f.form_copy_sn_visit.options[0] = new Option('Loading...', '0');
434 $.getScript("fax_dispatch_newpid.php?p=" + pid);
435 <?php } ?>
438 // This invokes the find-patient popup.
439 function sel_patient() {
440 dlgopen('../main/calendar/find_patient_popup.php', '_blank', 500, 400);
443 // Check for errors when the form is submitted.
444 function validate() {
445 var f = document.forms[0];
447 if (f.form_cb_copy.checked) {
448 if (! f.form_pid.value) {
449 alert('You have not selected a patient!');
450 return false;
454 if (f.form_cb_forward.checked) {
455 var s = f.form_fax.value;
456 if (! s) {
457 alert('A fax number is required!');
458 return false;
460 var digcount = 0;
461 for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
462 var c = s.charAt(i);
463 if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
464 ++digcount;
466 else if (digcount == 0 || c != '-') {
467 alert('Invalid character(s) in fax number!');
468 return false;
471 if (digcount == 7) {
472 if (s.charAt(0) < '2') {
473 alert('Local phone number starts with an invalid digit!');
474 return false;
477 else if (digcount == 11) {
478 if (s.charAt(0) != '1') {
479 alert('11-digit number must begin with 1!');
480 return false;
483 else if (digcount == 10) {
484 if (s.charAt(0) < '2') {
485 alert('10-digit number starts with an invalid digit!');
486 return false;
488 f.form_fax.value = '1' + s;
490 else {
491 alert('Invalid number of digits in fax telephone number!');
492 return false;
496 if (f.form_cb_copy.checked || f.form_cb_forward.checked) {
497 var check_count = 0;
498 for (var i = 0; i < f.elements.length; ++i) {
499 if (f.elements[i].name == 'form_images[]' && f.elements[i].checked)
500 ++check_count;
502 if (check_count == 0) {
503 alert('No pages have been selected!');
504 return false;
508 top.restoreSession();
509 return true;
512 function allCheckboxes(issel) {
513 var f = document.forms[0];
514 for (var i = 0; i < f.elements.length; ++i) {
515 if (f.elements[i].name == 'form_images[]') f.elements[i].checked = issel;
519 </script>
521 </head>
523 <body class="body_top" onunload='imclosing()'>
525 <center><h2><?php xl('Dispatch Received Document','e'); ?></h2></center>
527 <form method='post' name='theform'
528 action='fax_dispatch.php?<?php echo ($mode == 'fax') ? 'file' : 'scan'; ?>=<?php echo $filename ?>' onsubmit='return validate()'>
530 <p><input type='checkbox' name='form_cb_copy' value='1'
531 onclick='return divclick(this,"div_copy");' />
532 <b><?php xl('Copy Pages to Patient Chart','e'); ?></b></p>
534 <div id='div_copy' class='section' style='display:none;'>
535 <table>
536 <tr>
537 <td class='itemtitle' width='1%' nowrap><?php xl('Patient','e'); ?></td>
538 <td>
539 <input type='text' size='10' name='form_patient' style='width:100%'
540 value=' (<?php xl('Click to select'); ?>)' onclick='sel_patient()'
541 title='Click to select patient' readonly />
542 <input type='hidden' name='form_pid' value='0' />
543 </td>
544 </tr>
545 <tr>
546 <td colspan='2' style='padding-top:0.5em;'>
547 <input type='radio' name='form_cb_copy_type' value='1'
548 onclick='return divclick(this,"div_copy_doc");' checked />
549 <b><?php xl('Patient Document','e'); ?></b>&nbsp;
550 <?php if ($using_scanned_notes) { ?>
551 <input type='radio' name='form_cb_copy_type' value='2'
552 onclick='return divclick(this,"div_copy_sn");' />
553 <b><?php xl('Scanned Encounter Note','e'); ?></b>
554 <?php } ?>
555 <div id='div_copy_doc' class='section' style='margin-top:0.5em;'>
556 <table width='100%'>
557 <tr>
558 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Category','e'); ?></td>
559 <td>
560 <select name='form_category' style='width:100%'>
561 <?php
562 foreach ($categories as $catkey => $catname) {
563 echo " <option value='$catkey'";
564 echo ">$catname</option>\n";
567 </select>
568 </td>
569 </tr>
570 <tr>
571 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Filename','e'); ?></td>
572 <td>
573 <input type='text' size='10' name='form_filename' style='width:100%'
574 value='<?php echo "$filebase.pdf" ?>'
575 title='Name for this document in the patient chart' />
576 </td>
577 </tr>
578 <tr>
579 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Document Date','e'); ?></td>
580 <td>
581 <input type='text' size='10' name='form_docdate' id='form_docdate'
582 value='<?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?>'
583 title='<?php xl('yyyy-mm-dd date associated with this document','e'); ?>'
584 onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)' />
585 <img src='../pic/show_calendar.gif' align='absbottom' width='24' height='22'
586 id='img_docdate' border='0' alt='[?]' style='cursor:pointer'
587 title='<?php xl('Click here to choose a date','e'); ?>' />
588 </td>
589 </tr>
590 </table>
591 </div><!-- end div_copy_doc -->
592 <div id='div_copy_sn' class='section' style='display:none;margin-top:0.5em;'>
593 <table width='100%'>
594 <tr>
595 <td class='itemtitle' width='1%' nowrap><?php xl('Visit Date','e'); ?></td>
596 <td>
597 <select name='form_copy_sn_visit' style='width:100%'>
598 </select>
599 </td>
600 </tr>
601 <tr>
602 <td class='itemtitle' width='1%' nowrap><?php xl('Comments','e'); ?></td>
603 <td>
604 <textarea name='form_copy_sn_comments' rows='3' cols='30' style='width:100%'
605 title='Comments associated with this scanned note'
606 /></textarea>
607 </td>
608 </tr>
609 </table>
610 </div><!-- end div_copy_sn -->
611 </td>
612 </tr>
613 <tr>
614 <td colspan='2' style='padding-top:0.5em;'>
615 <input type='checkbox' name='form_cb_note' value='1'
616 onclick='return divclick(this,"div_note");' />
617 <b><?php xl('Create Patient Note','e'); ?></b>
618 <div id='div_note' class='section' style='display:none;margin-top:0.5em;'>
619 <table>
620 <tr>
621 <td class='itemtitle' width='1%' nowrap><?php xl('Type','e'); ?></td>
622 <td>
623 <?php
624 // Added 6/2009 by BM to incorporate the patient notes into the list_options listings
625 generate_form_field(array('data_type'=>1,'field_id'=>'note_type','list_id'=>'note_type','empty_title'=>'SKIP'), '');
627 </td>
628 </tr>
629 <tr>
630 <td class='itemtitle' width='1%' nowrap>To</td>
631 <td>
632 <select name='form_note_to' style='width:100%'>
633 <?php
634 while ($urow = sqlFetchArray($ures)) {
635 echo " <option value='" . $urow['username'] . "'";
636 echo ">" . $urow['lname'];
637 if ($urow['fname']) echo ", " . $urow['fname'];
638 echo "</option>\n";
641 <option value=''>** <?php xl('Close','e'); ?> **</option>
642 </select>
643 </td>
644 </tr>
645 <tr>
646 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Message','e'); ?></td>
647 <td>
648 <textarea name='form_note_message' rows='3' cols='30' style='width:100%'
649 title='Your comments' /></textarea>
650 </td>
651 </tr>
652 </table>
653 </div><!-- end div_note -->
654 </td>
655 </tr>
656 </table>
657 </div><!-- end div_copy -->
659 <p><input type='checkbox' name='form_cb_forward' value='1'
660 onclick='return divclick(this,"div_forward");' />
661 <b><?php xl('Forward Pages via Fax','e'); ?></b></p>
663 <div id='div_forward' class='section' style='display:none;'>
664 <table>
665 <tr>
666 <td class='itemtitle' width='1%' nowrap><?php xl('From','e'); ?></td>
667 <td>
668 <input type='text' size='10' name='form_from' style='width:100%'
669 title='Type your name here' />
670 </td>
671 </tr>
672 <tr>
673 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('To','e'); ?></td>
674 <td>
675 <input type='text' size='10' name='form_to' style='width:100%'
676 title='Type the recipient name here' />
677 </td>
678 </tr>
679 <tr>
680 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Fax','e'); ?></td>
681 <td>
682 <input type='text' size='10' name='form_fax' style='width:100%'
683 title='The fax phone number to send this to' />
684 </td>
685 </tr>
686 <tr>
687 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Message','e'); ?></td>
688 <td>
689 <textarea name='form_message' rows='3' cols='30' style='width:100%'
690 title='Your comments to include with this message' /></textarea>
691 </td>
692 </tr>
693 <tr>
694 <td class='itemtitle' nowrap><?php xl('Quality','e'); ?></td>
695 <td>
696 <input type='radio' name='form_finemode' value='' /><?php xl('Normal','e'); ?> &nbsp;
697 <input type='radio' name='form_finemode' value='1' checked /><?php xl('Fine','e'); ?> &nbsp;
698 </td>
699 </tr>
700 </table>
701 </div><!-- end div_forward -->
703 <p><b><?php xl('Delete Pages','e'); ?>:</b>&nbsp;
704 <input type='radio' name='form_cb_delete' value='2' />All&nbsp;
705 <input type='radio' name='form_cb_delete' value='1' checked />Selected&nbsp;
706 <input type='radio' name='form_cb_delete' value='0' />None
707 </p>
709 <center>
711 <input type='submit' name='form_save' value='<?php xl('OK','e'); ?>' />
712 &nbsp; &nbsp;
713 <input type='button' value='<?php xl('Cancel','e'); ?>' onclick='window.close()' />
714 &nbsp; &nbsp;
715 <input type='button' value='<?php xl('Select All','e'); ?>' onclick='allCheckboxes(true)' />
716 &nbsp; &nbsp;
717 <input type='button' value='<?php xl('Clear All','e'); ?>' onclick='allCheckboxes(false)' />
718 </p>
720 <p><br /><b><?php xl('Please select the desired pages to copy or forward:','e'); ?></b></p>
721 <table>
723 <?php
724 $dh = opendir($faxcache);
725 if (! $dh) die("Cannot read $faxcache");
726 $page = 0;
727 while (false !== ($jfname = readdir($dh))) {
728 if (preg_match("/^(.*)\.jpg/", $jfname, $matches)) {
729 ++$page;
730 $jfnamebase = $matches[1];
731 echo " <tr>\n";
732 echo " <td valign='top'>\n";
733 echo " <img src='../../sites/" . $_SESSION['site_id'] . "/faxcache/$mode/$filebase/$jfname' />\n";
734 echo " </td>\n";
735 echo " <td align='center' valign='top'>\n";
736 echo " <input type='checkbox' name='form_images[]' value='$jfnamebase' checked />\n";
737 echo " <br />$page\n";
738 echo " </td>\n";
739 echo " </tr>\n";
742 closedir($dh);
745 </table>
746 </center>
747 </form>
749 <script language='JavaScript'>
750 Calendar.setup({inputField:"form_docdate", ifFormat:"%Y-%m-%d", button:"img_docdate"});
751 </script>
753 </body>
754 </html>