updated readme for reporting issue/bugs and security vulnerabilities
[openemr.git] / composer.json
2     "name" : "openemr/openemr",
3     "description" : "OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source electronic health records and medical practice management application",
4     "license" : "GPL",
5     "support" : {
6         "website" : "http://www.open-emr.org/",
7         "issues" : "https://github.com/openemr/openemr/issues",
8         "forum" : "https://community.open-emr.org/",
9         "wiki" : "http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Wiki_Home_Page",
10         "source" : "http://github.com/openemr/openemr"
11     },
12     "require" : {
13         "php" : ">=5.6.0",
14         "mpdf/mpdf" : "7.1.0",
15         "adldap2/adldap2" : "8.1.5",
16         "smarty/smarty" : "2.6.31",
17         "adodb/adodb-php" : "5.20.12",
18         "phpmailer/phpmailer" : "6.0.5",
19         "rospdf/pdf-php" : "0.12.46",
20         "phpseclib/phpseclib" : "2.0.11",
21         "zendframework/zendframework" : "2.5.3",
22         "dompdf/dompdf" : "0.8.2",
23         "doctrine/common" : "2.7.3",
24         "doctrine/couchdb" : "1.0-beta4",
25         "doctrine/orm" : "2.5.14",
26         "twig/twig" : "1.35.3",
27         "vlucas/phpdotenv" : "2.4.0",
28         "symfony/config" : "2.8.42",
29         "symfony/dependency-injection" : "2.8.42",
30         "symfony/event-dispatcher" : "2.8.42",
31         "symfony/http-foundation" : "2.8.42",
32         "symfony/yaml" : "2.8.42",
33         "ezyang/htmlpurifier" : "4.10.0",
34         "knplabs/knp-snappy" : "1.0.4",
35         "stripe/stripe-php" : "6.10.0",
36         "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "1.3.1"
37     },
38     "require-dev" : {
39     },
40     "repositories" : [{
41         "type" : "vcs",
42         "url" : "https://github.com/openemr/wkhtmltopdf-openemr"
43         }
44     ],
45     "autoload" : {
46         "exclude-from-classmap" : [
47             "library/classes/ClinicalTypes/",
48             "library/classes/rulesets/",
49             "library/classes/smtp/",
50             "library/classes/Prescription.class.php"
51         ],
52         "classmap" : [
53             "library/classes"
54         ],
55         "files" : [
56             "library/htmlspecialchars.inc.php",
57             "library/formdata.inc.php",
58             "library/sanitize.inc.php",
59             "library/formatting.inc.php",
60             "library/date_functions.php",
61             "library/validation/validate_core.php",
62             "library/translation.inc.php"
63         ],
64         "psr-4" : {
65             "OpenEMR\\Common\\" : "common",
66             "OpenEMR\\Entities\\" : "entities",
67             "OpenEMR\\Services\\" : "services",
68             "OpenEMR\\Repositories\\" : "repositories",
69             "OpenEMR\\Encounter\\Services\\" : "interface/patient_file/encounter/Services",
70             "OpenEMR\\Admin\\" : "library/admin/src",
71             "OpenEMR\\Core\\" : "library/core/src",
72             "OpenEMR\\Menu\\" : "library/menu/src",
73             "OpenEMR\\Calendar\\" : "library/calendar/src",
74             "OpenEMR\\Sample\\" : "library/sample/src",
75             "OpenEMR\\Reminder\\" : "library/reminder/src",
76             "OpenEMR\\Billing\\" : "library/billing/src",
77             "OpenEMR\\Pdf\\" : "library/pdf/src",
78             "OpenEMR\\Tabs\\" : "library/tabs/src",
79             "OpenEMR\\Rx\\Weno\\" : "library/weno/src"
80         }
81     }