If the patient_data is null Patient Portal get the pid for new patient is as null...
[openemr.git] / templates / prescription / general_lookup.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 {php}html_header_show();{/php}
4 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{php}echo $GLOBALS['css_header']; {/php}" type="text/css">
5 <script language="Javascript">
6 {literal}
7 function my_process () {
8 // Pass the variable
9 {/literal}
10 parent.iframetopardiv(document.lookup.drug.value);
11 parent.opener.document.prescribe.drug.value = document.lookup.drug.value;
12 // Close the window
13 window.self.close();
14 {literal}
16 {/literal}
17 </script>
18 {literal}
19 <style type="text/css" title="mystyles" media="all">
20 <!--
21 td {
22 font-size:8pt;
23 font-family:helvetica;
25 input {
26 font-size:8pt;
27 font-family:helvetica;
29 select {
30 font-size:8pt;
31 font-family:helvetica;
33 a {
34 font-size:8pt;
35 font-family:helvetica;
37 textarea {
38 font-size:8pt;
39 font-family:helvetica;
41 -->
42 </style>
43 {/literal}
44 </head>
45 <body onload="javascript:document.lookup.drug.focus();">
46 <div style="" class="drug_lookup" id="newlistitem">
47 <form NAME="lookup" ACTION="{$FORM_ACTION}" METHOD="POST" onsubmit="return top.restoreSession()" style="margin:0px">
49 {if $drug_options}
50 <div>
51 {html_options name="drug" values=$drug_values options=$drug_options}<br/>
52 </div>
53 <div>
54 <a href="javascript:;" onClick="my_process(); return true;">Select</a> |
55 <a href="javascript:;" class="button" onClick="parent.cancelParlookup();">Cancel</a> |
56 <a href="{$CONTROLLER_THIS}" onclick="top.restoreSession()">{xl t='New Search'}</a>
57 </div>
58 {else}
61 <input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="varname" VALUE=""/>
62 <input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="formname" VALUE=""/>
63 <input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="submitname" VALUE=""/>
64 <input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="action" VALUE="{xl t='Search'}">
65 <div ALIGN="CENTER" CLASS="infobox">
66 <input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="drug" VALUE="{$drug}"/>
67 <input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="action" VALUE="{xl t='Search'}" class="button"/>
68 <input TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="{xl t='Cancel'}" class="button" onClick="parent.cancelParlookup();"/>
69 </div>
70 <input type="hidden" name="process" value="{$PROCESS}" />
72 {/if}</form>
73 </div>
74 </body>
75 </html>