new datepicker in encounter
[openemr.git] / interface / reports / inventory_activity.php
1 <?php
2 // Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Rod Roark <>
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // Report columns:
10 // Product Name (blank where repeated)
11 // Warehouse Name (blank where repeated) or Total for Product
12 // Starting Inventory (detail lines: date)
13 // Ending Inventory (detail lines: invoice ID)
14 // Sales
15 // Distributions
16 // Purchases
17 // Transfers
20 $sanitize_all_escapes=true;
24 $fake_register_globals=false;
27 require_once("../globals.php");
28 require_once("$srcdir/");
29 require_once("$srcdir/");
30 require_once("$srcdir/");
32 // Specify if product or warehouse is the first column.
33 $product_first = (!empty($_POST['form_by']) && $_POST['form_by'] == 'w') ? 0 : 1;
35 $last_warehouse_id = '~';
36 $last_product_id = 0;
38 function esc4Export($str) {
39 return str_replace('"', '\\"', $str);
42 // Get ending inventory for the report's end date.
43 // Optionally restricts by product ID and/or warehouse ID.
44 function getEndInventory($product_id = 0, $warehouse_id = '~') {
45 global $form_from_date, $form_to_date, $form_product;
47 $whidcond = '';
48 if ($warehouse_id !== '~') {
49 $whidcond = $warehouse_id === '' ?
50 "AND ( di.warehouse_id IS NULL OR di.warehouse_id = '' )" :
51 "AND di.warehouse_id = '$warehouse_id'";
54 $prodcond = '';
55 if ($form_product) $product_id = $form_product;
56 if ($product_id) {
57 $prodcond = "AND di.drug_id = '$product_id'";
60 // Get sum of current inventory quantities + destructions done after the
61 // report end date (which is effectively a type of transaction).
62 $eirow = sqlQuery("SELECT sum(di.on_hand) AS on_hand " .
63 "FROM drug_inventory AS di WHERE " .
64 "( di.destroy_date IS NULL OR di.destroy_date > '$form_to_date' ) " .
65 "$prodcond $whidcond");
67 // Get sum of sales/adjustments/purchases after the report end date.
68 $sarow = sqlQuery("SELECT sum(ds.quantity) AS quantity " .
69 "FROM drug_sales AS ds, drug_inventory AS di WHERE " .
70 "ds.sale_date > '$form_to_date' AND " .
71 "di.inventory_id = ds.inventory_id " .
72 "$prodcond $whidcond");
74 // Get sum of transfers out after the report end date.
75 $xfrow = sqlQuery("SELECT sum(ds.quantity) AS quantity " .
76 "FROM drug_sales AS ds, drug_inventory AS di WHERE " .
77 "ds.sale_date > '$form_to_date' AND " .
78 "di.inventory_id = ds.xfer_inventory_id " .
79 "$prodcond $whidcond");
81 return $eirow['on_hand'] + $sarow['quantity'] - $xfrow['quantity'];
84 function thisLineItem($product_id, $warehouse_id, $patient_id, $encounter_id,
85 $rowprod, $rowwh, $transdate, $qtys, $irnumber='')
87 global $warehouse, $product, $secqtys, $priqtys, $grandqtys;
88 global $whleft, $prodleft; // left 2 columns, blank where repeated
89 global $last_warehouse_id, $last_product_id, $product_first;
90 global $form_action;
92 $invnumber = empty($irnumber) ? ($patient_id ? "$patient_id.$encounter_id" : "") : $irnumber;
94 // Product name for this detail line item.
95 if (empty($rowprod)) $rowprod = 'Unnamed Product';
97 // Warehouse name for this line item.
98 if (empty($rowwh)) $rowwh = 'None';
100 // If new warehouse or product...
101 if ($warehouse_id != $last_warehouse_id || $product_id != $last_product_id) {
103 // If there was anything to total...
104 if (($product_first && $last_warehouse_id != '~') || (!$product_first && $last_product_id)) {
106 $secei = getEndInventory($last_product_id, $last_warehouse_id);
108 // Print second-column totals.
109 if ($form_action == 'export') {
110 // Export:
111 if (! $_POST['form_details']) {
112 if ($product_first) {
113 echo '"' . esc4Export($product) . '"';
114 echo ',"' . esc4Export($warehouse) . '"';
115 } else {
116 echo '"' . esc4Export($warehouse) . '"';
117 echo ',"' . esc4Export($product) . '"';
119 echo ',"' . ($secei - $secqtys[0] - $secqtys[1] - $secqtys[2] - $secqtys[3] - $secqtys[4]) . '"'; // start inventory
120 echo ',"' . $secqtys[0] . '"'; // sales
121 echo ',"' . $secqtys[1] . '"'; // distributions
122 echo ',"' . $secqtys[2] . '"'; // purchases
123 echo ',"' . $secqtys[3] . '"'; // transfers
124 echo ',"' . $secqtys[4] . '"'; // adjustments
125 echo ',"' . $secei . '"'; // end inventory
126 echo "\n";
129 else {
130 // Not export:
132 <tr bgcolor="#ddddff">
133 <?php if ($product_first) { ?>
134 <td class="detail">
135 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($prodleft); $prodleft = " "; ?>
136 </td>
137 <td class="detail" colspan='3'>
138 <?php if ($_POST['form_details']) echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Total for')) . ' '; echo htmlspecialchars($warehouse); ?>
139 </td>
140 <?php } else { ?>
141 <td class="detail">
142 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($whleft); $whleft = " "; ?>
143 </td>
144 <td class="detail" colspan='3'>
145 <?php if ($_POST['form_details']) echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Total for')) . ' '; echo htmlspecialchars($product); ?>
146 </td>
147 <?php } ?>
148 <td class="dehead" align="right">
149 <?php echo $secei - $secqtys[0] - $secqtys[1] - $secqtys[2] - $secqtys[3] - $secqtys[4]; ?>
150 </td>
151 <td class="dehead" align="right">
152 <?php echo $secqtys[0]; ?>
153 </td>
154 <td class="dehead" align="right">
155 <?php echo $secqtys[1]; ?>
156 </td>
157 <td class="dehead" align="right">
158 <?php echo $secqtys[2]; ?>
159 </td>
160 <td class="dehead" align="right">
161 <?php echo $secqtys[3]; ?>
162 </td>
163 <td class="dehead" align="right">
164 <?php echo $secqtys[4]; ?>
165 </td>
166 <td class="dehead" align="right">
167 <?php echo $secei; ?>
168 </td>
169 </tr>
170 <?php
171 } // End not csv export
173 $secqtys = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
174 if ($product_first ) {
175 $whleft = $warehouse = $rowwh;
176 $last_warehouse_id = $warehouse_id;
177 } else {
178 $prodleft = $product = $rowprod;
179 $last_product_id = $product_id;
183 // If first column is changing, time for its totals.
184 if (($product_first && $product_id != $last_product_id) ||
185 (!$product_first && $warehouse_id != $last_warehouse_id))
187 if (($product_first && $last_product_id) ||
188 (!$product_first && $last_warehouse_id != '~'))
190 $priei = $product_first ? getEndInventory($last_product_id) :
191 getEndInventory(0, $last_warehouse_id);
192 // Print first column total.
193 if ($form_action != 'export') {
196 <tr bgcolor="#ffdddd">
197 <td class="detail">
198 &nbsp;
199 </td>
200 <td class="detail" colspan="3">
201 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Total for')) . ' '; echo htmlspecialchars($product_first ? $product : $warehouse); ?>
202 </td>
203 <td class="dehead" align="right">
204 <?php echo $priei - $priqtys[0] - $priqtys[1] - $priqtys[2] - $priqtys[3] - $priqtys[4]; ?>
205 </td>
206 <td class="dehead" align="right">
207 <?php echo $priqtys[0]; ?>
208 </td>
209 <td class="dehead" align="right">
210 <?php echo $priqtys[1]; ?>
211 </td>
212 <td class="dehead" align="right">
213 <?php echo $priqtys[2]; ?>
214 </td>
215 <td class="dehead" align="right">
216 <?php echo $priqtys[3]; ?>
217 </td>
218 <td class="dehead" align="right">
219 <?php echo $priqtys[4]; ?>
220 </td>
221 <td class="dehead" align="right">
222 <?php echo $priei; ?>
223 </td>
224 </tr>
225 <?php
226 } // End not csv export
228 $priqtys = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
229 if ($product_first) {
230 $prodleft = $product = $rowprod;
231 $last_product_id = $product_id;
232 } else {
233 $whleft = $warehouse = $rowwh;
234 $last_warehouse_id = $warehouse_id;
238 // Detail line.
239 if ($_POST['form_details'] && $product_id && ($qtys[0] + $qtys[1] + $qtys[2] + $qtys[3] + $qtys[4])) {
240 if ($form_action == 'export') {
241 if ($product_first) {
242 echo '"' . esc4Export($product ) . '"';
243 echo ',"' . esc4Export($warehouse) . '"';
244 } else {
245 echo '"' . esc4Export($warehouse) . '"';
246 echo ',"' . esc4Export($product) . '"';
248 echo ',"' . oeFormatShortDate($transdate) . '"';
249 echo ',"' . esc4Export($invnumber) . '"';
250 echo ',"' . $qtys[0] . '"'; // sales
251 echo ',"' . $qtys[1] . '"'; // distributions
252 echo ',"' . $qtys[2] . '"'; // purchases
253 echo ',"' . $qtys[3] . '"'; // transfers
254 echo ',"' . $qtys[4] . '"'; // adjustments
255 echo "\n";
257 else {
259 <tr>
260 <?php if ($product_first) { ?>
261 <td class="detail">
262 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($prodleft); $prodleft = " "; ?>
263 </td>
264 <td class="detail">
265 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($whleft); $whleft = " "; ?>
266 </td>
267 <?php } else { ?>
268 <td class="detail">
269 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($whleft); $whleft = " "; ?>
270 </td>
271 <td class="detail">
272 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($prodleft); $prodleft = " "; ?>
273 </td>
274 <?php } ?>
275 <td class="dehead">
276 <?php echo oeFormatShortDate($transdate); ?>
277 </td>
278 <td class="detail">
279 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($invnumber); ?>
280 </td>
281 <td class="detail">
282 &nbsp;
283 </td>
284 <td class="dehead" align="right">
285 <?php echo $qtys[0]; ?>
286 </td>
287 <td class="dehead" align="right">
288 <?php echo $qtys[1]; ?>
289 </td>
290 <td class="dehead" align="right">
291 <?php echo $qtys[2]; ?>
292 </td>
293 <td class="dehead" align="right">
294 <?php echo $qtys[3]; ?>
295 </td>
296 <td class="dehead" align="right">
297 <?php echo $qtys[4]; ?>
298 </td>
299 <td class="detail">
300 &nbsp;
301 </td>
302 </tr>
303 <?php
304 } // End not csv export
305 } // end details
306 for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
307 $secqtys[$i] += $qtys[$i];
308 $priqtys[$i] += $qtys[$i];
309 $grandqtys[$i] += $qtys[$i];
311 } // end function
313 if (! acl_check('acct', 'rep')) die(htmlspecialchars(xl("Unauthorized access.")));
315 // this is "" or "submit" or "export".
316 $form_action = $_POST['form_action'];
318 $form_from_date = fixDate($_POST['form_from_date'], date('Y-m-d'));
319 $form_to_date = fixDate($_POST['form_to_date'] , date('Y-m-d'));
320 $form_product = $_POST['form_product'];
322 if ($form_action == 'export') {
323 header("Pragma: public");
324 header("Expires: 0");
325 header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
326 header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
327 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=inventory_activity.csv");
328 header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
329 // CSV headers:
330 if ($product_first) {
331 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Product' )) . '",';
332 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Warehouse')) . '",';
333 } else {
334 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Warehouse')) . '",';
335 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Product' )) . '",';
337 if ($_POST['form_details']) {
338 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Date' )) . '",';
339 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Invoice' )) . '",';
340 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Sales' )) . '",';
341 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Distributions')) . '",';
342 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Purchases' )) . '",';
343 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Transfers' )) . '",';
344 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Adjustments' )) . '"' . "\n";
346 else {
347 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Start' )) . '",';
348 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Sales' )) . '",';
349 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Distributions')) . '",';
350 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Purchases' )) . '",';
351 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Transfers' )) . '",';
352 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('Adjustments' )) . '",';
353 echo '"' . esc4export(xl('End' )) . '"' . "\n";
355 } // end export
356 else {
358 <html>
359 <head>
360 <?php html_header_show();?>
361 <title><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Inventory Activity')) ?></title>
363 <link rel='stylesheet' href='<?php echo $css_header ?>' type='text/css'>
365 <style type="text/css">
366 /* specifically include & exclude from printing */
367 @media print {
368 #report_parameters {visibility: hidden; display: none;}
369 #report_parameters_daterange {visibility: visible; display: inline;}
370 #report_results {margin-top: 30px;}
372 /* specifically exclude some from the screen */
373 @media screen {
374 #report_parameters_daterange {visibility: hidden; display: none;}
376 body { font-family:sans-serif; font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal }
377 .dehead { color:#000000; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold }
378 .detail { color:#000000; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal }
380 table.mymaintable, table.mymaintable td, table.mymaintable th {
381 border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
382 border-collapse: collapse;
384 table.mymaintable td, table.mymaintable th {
385 padding: 1pt 4pt 1pt 4pt;
387 </style>
389 <style type="text/css">@import url(../../library/dynarch_calendar.css);</style>
390 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dynarch_calendar.js"></script>
391 <?php include_once("{$GLOBALS['srcdir']}/"); ?>
392 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/dynarch_calendar_setup.js"></script>
393 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/textformat.js?v=<?php echo $v_js_includes; ?>"></script>
394 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $GLOBALS['assets_static_relative']; ?>/jquery-min-1-9-1/index.js"></script>
395 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../library/js/report_helper.js?v=<?php echo $v_js_includes; ?>"></script>
397 <script language='JavaScript'>
399 var mypcc = '<?php echo $GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] ?>';
401 $(document).ready(function() {
402 oeFixedHeaderSetup(document.getElementById('mymaintable'));
403 var win = top.printLogSetup ? top :;
404 win.printLogSetup(document.getElementById('printbutton'));
407 function mysubmit(action) {
408 var f = document.forms[0];
409 f.form_action.value = action;
410 top.restoreSession();
411 f.submit();
414 </script>
416 </head>
418 <body leftmargin='0' topmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' class='body_top'>
420 <center>
422 <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Inventory Activity'))?></h2>
424 <form method='post' action='inventory_activity.php?product=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($product_first, ENT_QUOTES); ?>'>
426 <div id="report_parameters">
427 <!-- form_action is set to "submit" or "export" at form submit time -->
428 <input type='hidden' name='form_action' value='' />
429 <table>
430 <tr>
431 <td width='50%'>
432 <table class='text'>
433 <tr>
434 <td class='label'>
435 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('By')); ?>:
436 </td>
437 <td nowrap>
438 <select name='form_by'>
439 <option value='p'><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Product')); ?></option>
440 <option value='w'<?php if (!$product_first) echo ' selected'; ?>><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Warehouse')); ?></option>
441 </select>
442 </td>
443 <td class='label'>
444 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('From')); ?>:
445 </td>
446 <td nowrap>
447 <input type='text' name='form_from_date' id="form_from_date" size='10'
448 value='<?php echo htmlspecialchars($form_from_date, ENT_QUOTES) ?>'
449 title='<?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('yyyy-mm-dd'), ENT_QUOTES) ?>'
450 onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)'>
451 <img src='../pic/show_calendar.gif' align='absbottom' width='24' height='22'
452 id='img_from_date' border='0' alt='[?]' style='cursor:pointer'
453 title='<?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Click here to choose a date'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>'>
454 </td>
455 <td class='label'>
456 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('To')); ?>:
457 </td>
458 <td nowrap>
459 <input type='text' name='form_to_date' id="form_to_date" size='10'
460 value='<?php echo htmlspecialchars($form_to_date, ENT_QUOTES) ?>'
461 title='<?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('yyyy-mm-dd'), ENT_QUOTES) ?>'
462 onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)'>
463 <img src='../pic/show_calendar.gif' align='absbottom' width='24' height='22'
464 id='img_to_date' border='0' alt='[?]' style='cursor:pointer'
465 title='<?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Click here to choose a date'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>'>
466 </td>
467 </tr>
468 <tr>
469 <td class='label'>
470 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('For'), ENT_NOQUOTES); ?>:
471 </td>
472 <td nowrap>
473 <?php
474 // Build a drop-down list of products.
476 $query = "SELECT drug_id, name FROM drugs ORDER BY name, drug_id";
477 $pres = sqlStatement($query);
478 echo " <select name='form_product'>\n";
479 echo " <option value=''>-- " . htmlspecialchars(xl('All Products')) . " --\n";
480 while ($prow = sqlFetchArray($pres)) {
481 $drug_id = $prow['drug_id'];
482 echo " <option value='$drug_id'";
483 if ($drug_id == $form_product) echo " selected";
484 echo ">" . htmlspecialchars($prow['name']) . "\n";
486 echo " </select>\n";
488 </td>
489 <td class='label'>
490 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Details')); ?>:
491 </td>
492 <td colspan='3' nowrap>
493 <input type='checkbox' name='form_details' value='1'<?php if ($_POST['form_details']) echo " checked"; ?> />
494 </td>
495 </tr>
496 </table>
497 </td>
498 <td align='left' valign='middle'>
499 <table style='border-left:1px solid; width:100%; height:100%'>
500 <tr>
501 <td valign='middle'>
502 <a href='#' class='css_button' onclick='mysubmit("submit")' style='margin-left:1em'>
503 <span><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Submit')); ?></span>
504 </a>
505 <?php if ($form_action) { ?>
506 <a href='#' class='css_button' id='printbutton' style='margin-left:1em'>
507 <span><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Print')); ?></span>
508 </a>
509 <a href='#' class='css_button' onclick='mysubmit("export")' style='margin-left:1em'>
510 <span><?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('CSV Export')); ?></span>
511 </a>
512 <?php } ?>
513 </td>
514 </tr>
515 </table>
516 </td>
517 </tr>
518 </table>
519 </div>
521 <?php if ($form_action) { // if submit (already not export here) ?>
523 <div id="report_results">
524 <table width='98%' id='mymaintable' class='mymaintable'>
525 <thead>
526 <tr bgcolor="#dddddd">
527 <td class="dehead">
528 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($product_first ? xl('Product') : xl('Warehouse')); ?>
529 </td>
530 <?php if ($_POST['form_details']) { ?>
531 <td class="dehead">
532 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($product_first ? xl('Warehouse') : xl('Product')); ?>
533 </td>
534 <td class="dehead">
535 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Date')); ?>
536 </td>
537 <td class="dehead">
538 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Invoice')); ?>
539 </td>
540 <?php } else { ?>
541 <td class="dehead" colspan="3">
542 <?php echo htmlspecialchars($product_first ? xl('Warehouse') : xl('Product')); ?>
543 </td>
544 <?php } ?>
545 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
546 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Start')); ?>
547 </td>
548 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
549 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Sales')); ?>
550 </td>
551 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
552 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Distributions')); ?>
553 </td>
554 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
555 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Purchases')); ?>
556 </td>
557 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
558 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Transfers')); ?>
559 </td>
560 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
561 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Adjustments')); ?>
562 </td>
563 <td class="dehead" align="right" width="8%">
564 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('End')); ?>
565 </td>
566 </tr>
567 </thead>
568 <tbody>
569 <?php
570 } // end if submit
571 } // end not export
573 if ($form_action) { // if submit or export
574 $from_date = $form_from_date;
575 $to_date = $form_to_date;
577 $product = "";
578 $prodleft = "";
579 $warehouse = "";
580 $whleft = "";
581 $grandqtys = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
582 $priqtys = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
583 $secqtys = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
584 $last_inventory_id = 0;
586 $query = "SELECT s.sale_id, s.sale_date, s.quantity, s.fee,, s.encounter, " .
587 "s.xfer_inventory_id, s.distributor_id,, lo.title, " .
588 "di.drug_id, di.warehouse_id, di.inventory_id, di.destroy_date, di.on_hand, " .
589 "fe.invoice_refno " .
590 "FROM drug_inventory AS di " .
591 "JOIN drugs AS d ON d.drug_id = di.drug_id " .
592 "LEFT JOIN drug_sales AS s ON " .
593 "s.sale_date >= '$from_date' AND s.sale_date <= '$to_date' AND " .
594 "s.drug_id = di.drug_id AND " .
595 "( s.inventory_id = di.inventory_id OR s.xfer_inventory_id = di.inventory_id ) " .
596 "LEFT JOIN list_options AS lo ON lo.list_id = 'warehouse' AND " .
597 "lo.option_id = di.warehouse_id AND lo.activity = 1 " .
598 "LEFT JOIN form_encounter AS fe ON = AND fe.encounter = s.encounter " .
599 "WHERE ( di.destroy_date IS NULL OR di.destroy_date >= '$form_from_date' )";
601 // If a product was specified.
602 if ($form_product) {
603 $query .= " AND di.drug_id = '$form_product'";
606 if ($product_first) {
607 $query .= " ORDER BY, d.drug_id, lo.title, di.warehouse_id, " .
608 "di.inventory_id, s.sale_date, s.sale_id";
609 } else {
610 $query .= " ORDER BY lo.title, di.warehouse_id,, d.drug_id, " .
611 "di.inventory_id, s.sale_date, s.sale_id";
614 $res = sqlStatement($query);
615 while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
617 // If new lot and it was destroyed during the reporting period,
618 // generate a pseudo-adjustment for that.
619 if ($row['inventory_id'] != $last_inventory_id) {
620 $last_inventory_id = $row['inventory_id'];
621 if (!empty($row['destroy_date']) && $row['on_hand'] != 0
622 && $row['destroy_date'] <= $form_to_date)
624 thisLineItem($row['drug_id'], $row['warehouse_id'], 0,
625 0, $row['name'], $row['title'], $row['destroy_date'],
626 array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - $row['on_hand']),
627 xl('Destroyed'));
631 $qtys = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
632 if ($row['sale_id']) {
633 if ($row['xfer_inventory_id']) {
634 // A transfer sale item will appear twice, once with each lot.
635 if ($row['inventory_id'] == $row['xfer_inventory_id'])
636 $qtys[3] = $row['quantity'];
637 else
638 $qtys[3] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
640 else if ($row['pid'])
641 $qtys[0] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
642 else if ($row['distributor_id'])
643 $qtys[1] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
644 else if ($row['fee'] != 0)
645 $qtys[2] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
646 else // no pid, distributor, source lot or fee: must be an adjustment
647 $qtys[4] = 0 - $row['quantity'];
649 thisLineItem($row['drug_id'], $row['warehouse_id'], $row['pid'] + 0,
650 $row['encounter'] + 0, $row['name'], $row['title'], $row['sale_date'],
651 $qtys, $row['invoice_refno']);
654 // Generate totals for last product and warehouse.
655 thisLineItem(0, '~', 0, 0, '', '', '0000-00-00', array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
657 // Grand totals line.
658 if ($form_action != 'export') { // if submit
659 $grei = getEndInventory();
661 <tr bgcolor="#dddddd">
662 <td class="detail" colspan="4">
663 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(xl('Grand Total')); ?>
664 </td>
665 <td class="dehead" align="right">
666 <?php echo $grei - $grandqtys[0] - $grandqtys[1] - $grandqtys[2] - $grandqtys[3] - $grandqtys[4]; ?>
667 </td>
668 <td class="dehead" align="right">
669 <?php echo $grandqtys[0]; ?>
670 </td>
671 <td class="dehead" align="right">
672 <?php echo $grandqtys[1]; ?>
673 </td>
674 <td class="dehead" align="right">
675 <?php echo $grandqtys[2]; ?>
676 </td>
677 <td class="dehead" align="right">
678 <?php echo $grandqtys[3]; ?>
679 </td>
680 <td class="dehead" align="right">
681 <?php echo $grandqtys[4]; ?>
682 </td>
683 <td class="dehead" align="right">
684 <?php echo $grei; ?>
685 </td>
686 </tr>
687 <?php
688 } // End if submit
689 } // end if submit or export
691 if ($form_action != 'export') {
692 if ($form_action) {
694 </tbody>
695 </table>
696 </div>
697 <?php
698 } // end if ($form_action)
701 </form>
702 </center>
703 </body>
705 <!-- stuff for the popup calendar -->
706 <script language="Javascript">
707 Calendar.setup({inputField:"form_from_date", ifFormat:"%Y-%m-%d", button:"img_from_date"});
708 Calendar.setup({inputField:"form_to_date", ifFormat:"%Y-%m-%d", button:"img_to_date"});
709 </script>
711 </html>
712 <?php
713 } // End not export