1 use vars qw($userspath $spool $memberfile $templates $sendmail $language $sid $latex %printer $gzip $oemr_ar_acc $oemr_cash_acc $oemr_due_days $oemr_username $oemr_services_partnumber $oemr_sales_tax $oemr_state $oemr_geo_zone);
3 # path to user configuration files
6 # spool directory for batch printing
9 # templates base directory
10 $templates = "templates";
13 $memberfile = "users/members";
15 # location of sendmail
16 $sendmail = "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
18 # set language for login and admin
21 # Some constants relevant to OpenEMR import.
23 $oemr_username = 'admin'; # sql-ledger user to post as
24 $oemr_ar_acc = '1200'; # account number for accounts receivable
25 $oemr_cash_acc = '1060'; # account number for checking (copay deposits)
27 # In SQL-Ledger you must create a services item for medical services
28 # before you do any OpenEMR billing. Specify its "part number" here:
30 $oemr_services_partnumber = 'MS';
32 # This is the number of days added to the OpenEMR transaction date to
33 # produce the invoice due date when there is insurance. This affects the
34 # patient portion of the outstanding balance shown in the OpenEMR patient
35 # summary, and of course SQL-Ledger's aging reports and statements.
39 # These are for defining *only* US state sales tax for your clinic.
40 # This feature currently requires SQL-Ledger 2.8.x.
42 # This is the sql-ledger sales tax account number for location of clinic (from chart of accounts)
43 # You will need to first set up your tax rates in sql-ledger and then define the chart id here.
44 # I used 2310 since that is the first default chart id for taxes in sql-ledger.
45 # If you do not want to use this then leave $oemr_sales_tax as an empty string.
48 #$oemr_sales_tax = '2310'; # Commented out by default
50 # Your state for which you need to collect sales tax, the geo_zone code is from the
51 # openemr mysql database of the same name.
53 $oemr_geo_zone = '12';
57 #$ENV{"ORACLE_HOME"} = "/usr/local/oracle";
59 # if you have latex installed set to 1
63 %printer = ( Laser => 'lpr -Plaser',
64 Epson => 'lpr -PEpson',
67 # program to use for file compression
68 $gzip = "gzip -S .gz";
70 # if the server can't find gzip, latex, dvips or pdflatex, add the path
71 $ENV{PATH} .= ":/usr/local/bin";
73 # on mac os X using Fink's Perl libs, add the path
74 #$ENV{PERL5LIB} .= ":/sw/lib/perl5";
76 # DB2, Default dataset is expected to be LEDGER
77 #$ENV{DB2INSTANCE} = "db2inst1";
78 #$ENV{DB2_HOME} = "/opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/";