1 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'ab_location';
2 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('ab_location','proc' ,'Procedure at this site' , 1);
3 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('ab_location','ma' ,'Followup procedure from this site' , 2);
4 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('ab_location','part' ,'Followup procedure from partner site', 3);
5 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('ab_location','oth' ,'Followup procedure from other site' , 4);
7 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'lbfnames';
8 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lbfnames','LBFgcac','IPPF GCAC',1);
9 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lbfnames','LBFsrh' ,'IPPF SRH' ,2);
11 DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'LBFsrh';
12 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext15' ,'1Gynecology' ,'Menstrual History' , 1,22,1, 0, 0,'genmenhist' ,1,3,'','H','');
13 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','men_hist' ,'1Gynecology' ,'Recent Menstrual History' , 2,21,1, 2, 0,'menhist' ,1,3,'','','Recent Menstrual History');
14 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','men_compl' ,'1Gynecology' ,'Menstrual Complications' , 3,21,1, 2, 0,'men_compl' ,1,3,'','','Menstrual Complications');
15 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','pap_hist' ,'1Gynecology' ,'Pap Smear Recent History' , 4,22,1, 0, 0,'pap_hist' ,1,3,'','','Pap Smear Recent History');
16 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','gyn_exams' ,'1Gynecology' ,'Gynecological Tests' , 5,23,1, 0, 0,'gyn_exams' ,1,1,'','','Gynecological test results');
17 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','pr_status' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'Pregnancy Status Confirmed' , 1, 1,1, 0, 0,'pr_status' ,1,3,'','','Pregnancy Status Confirmed');
18 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','gest_age_by','2Obstetrics' ,'Gestational Age Confirmed By' , 2, 1,1, 0, 0,'gest_age_by' ,1,3,'','','Gestational Age Confirmed By');
19 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext12' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'Blood Group' , 3, 1,1, 0, 0,'bloodgroup' ,1,3,'','H','');
20 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext13' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'RH Factor' , 4, 1,1, 0, 0,'rh_factor' ,1,3,'','H','');
21 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','obs_exams' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'Obstetric Tests' , 5,23,1, 0, 0,'obs_exams' ,1,1,'','','Obstetric test results');
22 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext16' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'Obstetric History' , 6,22,1, 0, 0,'genobshist' ,1,1,'','H','');
23 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','pr_outcome' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'Outcome of Last Pregnancy' , 7,21,1, 2, 0,'pr_outcome' ,1,3,'','','Outcome of Last Pregnancy');
24 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','pr_compl' ,'2Obstetrics' ,'Pregnancy Complications' , 8,21,1, 2, 0,'pr_compl' ,1,3,'','','Pregnancy Complications');
25 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext17' ,'3Basic RH (female only)' ,'Abortion Basic History' , 1,22,1, 0, 0,'genabohist' ,1,1,'','H','');
26 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','abo_exams' ,'3Basic RH (female only)' ,'Abortion Tests' , 2,23,1, 0, 0,'abo_exams' ,1,1,'','','Abortion test results');
27 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext18' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','HIV/AIDS Basic History' , 1,21,1, 0, 0,'genhivhist' ,1,1,'','H','');
28 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','hiv_exams' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','HIV/AIDS Tests' , 2,23,1, 0, 0,'hiv_exams' ,1,1,'','','HIV/AIDS test results');
29 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext19' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','ITS/ITR Basic History' , 3,21,1, 0, 0,'genitshist' ,1,1,'','H','');
30 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','its_exams' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','ITS/ITR Tests' , 4,23,1, 0, 0,'its_exams' ,1,1,'','','ITS/ITR test results');
31 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext20' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','Fertility Basic History' , 5,21,1, 0, 0,'genferhist' ,1,1,'','H','');
32 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','fer_exams' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','Fertility Tests' , 6,23,1, 0, 0,'fer_exams' ,1,1,'','','Infertility/subfertility test results');
33 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','fer_causes' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','Causes of Infertility' , 7,21,1, 2, 0,'fer_causes' ,1,3,'','','Causes of Infertility');
34 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','fer_treat' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','Infertility Treatment' , 8,21,1, 2, 0,'fer_treat' ,1,3,'','','Infertility Treatment');
35 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','usertext21' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','Urology Basic History' , 9,21,1, 0, 0,'genurohist' ,1,1,'','H','');
36 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','uro_exams' ,'4Basic RH (female and male)','Urology Tests' ,10,23,1, 0, 0,'uro_exams' ,1,1,'','','Urology test results');
37 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFsrh','uro_disease','4Basic RH (female and male)','Male Genitourinary diseases' ,11,21,1, 2, 0,'uro_disease' ,1,3,'','','Male Genitourinary diseases');
39 DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'GCA';
40 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','reason' ,'2Counseling' ,'Reason for Termination' , 1,21,1, 0, 0,'abreasons' ,1,3,'','' ,'Reasons for Termination of Pregnancy');
41 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','exp_p_i' ,'2Counseling' ,'Explanation of Procedures/Issues', 2,21,1, 2, 0,'exp_p_i' ,1,3,'','' ,'Explanation of Procedures and Issues');
42 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','exp_pop' ,'2Counseling' ,'Explanation of Pregnancy Options', 3,21,1, 2, 0,'exp_pop' ,1,3,'','' ,'Explanation of Pregnancy Options');
43 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','ab_contraind' ,'2Counseling' ,'Contraindications' , 4,21,1, 2, 0,'ab_contraind',1,3,'','' ,'Contraindications');
44 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','screening' ,'2Counseling' ,'Screening for SRHR Concerns' , 5,21,1, 2, 0,'screening' ,1,3,'','' ,'Screening for SRHR Concerns');
45 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','in_ab_proc' ,'3Admission' ,'Induced Abortion Procedure' , 2, 1,1, 0, 0,'in_ab_proc' ,1,3,'','' ,'Abortion Procedure Accepted or Performed');
46 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','ab_types' ,'3Admission' ,'Abortion Types' , 3,21,1, 2, 0,'ab_types' ,1,3,'','' ,'Abortion Types');
47 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','pr_status' ,'4Preparatory' ,'Pregnancy Status Confirmed' , 1, 1,1, 0, 0,'pr_status' ,1,3,'','' ,'Pregnancy Status Confirmed');
48 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','gest_age_by' ,'4Preparatory' ,'Gestational Age Confirmed By' , 2, 1,1, 0, 0,'gest_age_by' ,1,3,'','' ,'Gestational Age Confirmed By');
49 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','usertext12' ,'4Preparatory' ,'Blood Group' , 3, 1,1, 0, 0,'bloodgroup' ,1,3,'','H','');
50 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','usertext13' ,'4Preparatory' ,'RH Factor' , 4, 1,1, 0, 0,'rh_factor' ,1,3,'','H','');
51 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','prep_procs' ,'4Preparatory' ,'Preparation Procedures' , 6,21,1, 0, 0,'prep_procs' ,1,3,'','' ,'Preparation Procedures');
52 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','pre_op' ,'5Intervention','Pre-Surgery Procedures' , 1,21,1, 2, 0,'pre_op' ,1,3,'','' ,'Pre-Surgery Procedures');
53 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','anesthesia' ,'5Intervention','Anesthesia' , 2, 1,1, 0, 0,'anesthesia' ,1,3,'','' ,'Type of Anesthesia Used');
54 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','side_eff' ,'5Intervention','Immediate Side Effects' , 3,21,1, 2, 0,'side_eff' ,1,3,'','' ,'Immediate Side Effects (observed at intervention');
55 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','post_op' ,'5Intervention','Post-Surgery Procedures' , 5,21,1, 2, 0,'post_op' ,1,3,'','' ,'Post-Surgery Procedures');
56 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('GCA','qc_ind' ,'6Followup' ,'Quality of Care Indicators' , 1,21,1, 0, 0,'qc_ind' ,1,3,'','' ,'Quality of Care Indicators');
58 DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'LBFgcac';
59 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','client_status','1Basic Information','Client Status' , 1,27,2, 0, 0,'clientstatus',1,1,'','' ,'Client Status');
60 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','ab_location' ,'1Basic Information','Type of Visit' , 2,27,2, 0, 0,'ab_location' ,1,1,'','' ,'Nature of this visit');
61 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','in_ab_proc' ,'1Basic Information','Associated Induced Procedure', 3,27,1, 0, 0,'in_ab_proc' ,1,3,'','' ,'Applies regardless of when or where done');
62 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','complications','2Complications','Complications' , 1,21,1, 2, 0,'complication',1,3,'','' ,'Post-Abortion Complications');
63 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','main_compl' ,'2Complications','Main Complication' , 2, 1,1, 2, 0,'complication',1,3,'','' ,'Primary Complication');
64 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','contrameth' ,'3Contraception','New Method' , 1,21,1, 2, 0,'contrameth' ,1,3,'','' ,'New method adopted');
66 #IfNotRow list_options list_id occupations
67 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('occupations','oth','Other', 1);
68 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'lists' AND option_id = 'occupations';
69 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lists','occupations','Occupations',61);
72 UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 26, list_id = 'occupations' WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'occupation';
73 UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 26, title = 'Religion' WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'userlist5';
74 UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 26, title = 'Monthly Income' WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'userlist3';
75 UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 26 WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'ethnoracial';
76 UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 26 WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'language';
77 UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 26 WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'status';
78 UPDATE layout_options SET uor = 0 WHERE form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'providerID';
79 UPDATE layout_options SET seq = 3 WHERE form_id = 'REF' AND field_id = 'refer_external' AND seq = 5;
80 UPDATE layout_options SET seq = 4 WHERE form_id = 'REF' AND field_id = 'refer_to' AND seq = 3;
81 UPDATE layout_options SET seq = 5 WHERE form_id = 'REF' AND field_id = 'body' AND seq = 4;
83 UPDATE layout_options AS a, list_options AS i SET a.group_name = '1Basic Data', a.title = 'Transgender', a.seq = 13, a.data_type = 26, a.uor = 1, a.description = 'Transgender', i.title = 'Transgender' WHERE a.form_id = 'DEM' AND a.field_id = 'userlist6' AND a.uor = 0 AND i.list_id = 'lists' AND i.option_id = 'userlist6';
85 UPDATE list_options SET title = 'Retention of Product' WHERE title = 'Incomplete Abortion or Retention of Prod';
87 UPDATE list_options SET title = 'Surgical - MVA/EVA' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND title = 'Surgical - MVA';
89 DELETE FROM list_options where list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'abs';
90 DELETE FROM list_options where list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'eva';
91 DELETE FROM list_options where list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'oth';
92 DELETE FROM list_options where list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'wd';
94 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522231' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 's_dnc';
95 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522232' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 's_dne';
96 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522233' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 's_mva';
97 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522239' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 's_oth';
98 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522242' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 'm_mis';
99 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522241' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 'm_mm';
100 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':2522249' WHERE list_id = 'in_ab_proc' AND option_id = 'm_oth';
102 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11214' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'con';
103 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11215' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'dia';
104 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':14521' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'ec';
105 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':13119' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'fab';
106 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11216' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'fc';
107 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11113' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'pat';
108 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11112' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'imp';
109 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11111' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'inj';
110 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11317' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'iud';
111 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11110' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'or';
112 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11215' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'cap';
113 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':11216' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'sp';
114 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':12.18' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'vsc';
115 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = ':00000' WHERE list_id = 'contrameth' AND option_id = 'no';
117 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = 'F' WHERE list_id = 'sex' AND option_id = 'Female';
118 UPDATE list_options SET mapping = 'M' WHERE list_id = 'sex' AND option_id = 'Male';
120 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id userlist2 mapping 1
121 UPDATE list_options SET title = 'Education' WHERE list_id = 'lists' AND option_id = 'userlist2';
122 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'userlist2';
123 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, mapping ) VALUES ('userlist2','1','Illiterate',1,0,'0');
124 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, mapping ) VALUES ('userlist2','2','Basic Schooling',2,1,'1');
125 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, mapping ) VALUES ('userlist2','3','Advanced Schooling',3,0,'2');
128 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name (New Patient)
129 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( '(New Patient)' );
131 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Active Encounter
132 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Active Encounter' );
134 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Active Patient
135 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Active Patient' );
137 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Active Patient:
138 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Active Patient:' );
140 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Add Copay
141 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Add Copay' );
143 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Add Drug
144 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Add Drug' );
146 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Add Patient Record
147 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Add Patient Record' );
149 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Appointments and Encounters
150 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Appointments and Encounters' );
152 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Appointments and Visits
153 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Appointments and Visits' );
155 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Appt-Enc
156 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Appt-Enc' );
158 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Cash Rec
159 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Cash Rec' );
161 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Cash Receipts
162 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Cash Receipts' );
164 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Chart
165 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Chart' );
167 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Chief Complaint
168 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Chief Complaint' );
170 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Chief Compliant
171 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Chief Compliant' );
173 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Client
174 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Client' );
176 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name CO-PAY
177 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'CO-PAY' );
179 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Collections
180 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Collections' );
182 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name COPAY
183 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'COPAY' );
185 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name CPT4
186 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'CPT4' );
188 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Encounter
189 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Encounter' );
191 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Encounter Forms to Include in this Report:
192 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Encounter Forms to Include in this Report:' );
194 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Encounters
195 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Encounters' );
197 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Encounters Report
198 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Encounters Report' );
200 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Facility
201 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Facility' );
203 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Fee Sheet
204 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Fee Sheet' );
206 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Find Patient
207 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Find Patient' );
209 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name ID
210 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'ID' );
212 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name IPPF SRH Data
213 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'IPPF SRH Data' );
215 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name IPPF SRH Data for
216 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'IPPF SRH Data for' );
218 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Last
219 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Last' );
221 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name New Encounter
222 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'New Encounter' );
224 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name New Encounter Form
225 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'New Encounter Form' );
227 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name New Patient
228 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'New Patient' );
230 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Past Encounters and Documents
231 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Past Encounters and Documents' );
233 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient
234 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient' );
236 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Appointment
237 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Appointment' );
239 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Encounter Form
240 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Encounter Form' );
242 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Notes
243 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Notes' );
245 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Number
246 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Number' );
248 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Record Report
249 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Record Report' );
251 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Report
252 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Report' );
254 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient Transactions
255 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient Transactions' );
257 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Patient/Client
258 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Patient/Client' );
260 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name PID
261 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'PID' );
263 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Prepay
264 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Prepay' );
266 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Provider
267 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Provider' );
269 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Pt Notes/Auth
270 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Pt Notes/Auth' );
272 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Rendering
273 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Rendering' );
275 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Rx
276 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Rx' );
278 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Sales by Item
279 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Sales by Item' );
281 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Save Patient Demographic
282 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Save Patient Demographic' );
284 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Search or Add Patient
285 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Search or Add Patient ' );
287 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Select Patient
288 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Select Patient' );
290 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Select Patient by Last
291 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Select Patient by Last' );
293 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Sensitivity
294 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Sensitivity' );
296 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name SSN
297 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'SSN' );
299 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Superbill
300 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Superbill' );
302 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name This Encounter
303 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'This Encounter' );
305 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Transact
306 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Transact' );
308 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name User & Group Administration
309 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'User & Group Administration' );
311 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name View Comprehensive Patient Report
312 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'View Comprehensive Patient Report' );
314 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Procedures
315 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Procedures' );
317 #IfNotRow lang_constants constant_name Layout Based
318 insert into lang_constants ( constant_name ) values ( 'Layout Based' );
321 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'New Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = '(New Patient)' and ld.cons_id is null;
322 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Active visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Active Encounter' and ld.cons_id is null;
323 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Active Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Active Patient' and ld.cons_id is null;
324 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Active Client:' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Active Patient:' and ld.cons_id is null;
325 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Add Payment' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Add Copay' and ld.cons_id is null;
326 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Add Product' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Add Drug' and ld.cons_id is null;
327 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Create a new OpenEMR record' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Add Patient Record' and ld.cons_id is null;
328 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Appointments and Visits' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Appointments and Encounters' and ld.cons_id is null;
329 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Charges by Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Appointments and Visits' and ld.cons_id is null;
330 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Appt-Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Appt-Enc' and ld.cons_id is null;
331 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Svcs Provider Cash Rec' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Cash Rec' and ld.cons_id is null;
332 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Service Provider Cash Receipts' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Cash Receipts' and ld.cons_id is null;
333 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'System ID' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Chart' and ld.cons_id is null;
334 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Reason of Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Chief Complaint' and ld.cons_id is null;
335 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Reason of Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Chief Compliant' and ld.cons_id is null;
336 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Cliente' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Client' and ld.cons_id is null;
337 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Payment' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'CO-PAY' and ld.cons_id is null;
338 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Collection Report' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Collections' and ld.cons_id is null;
339 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Payment' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'COPAY' and ld.cons_id is null;
340 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'C3' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'CPT4' and ld.cons_id is null;
341 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Encounter' and ld.cons_id is null;
342 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Visit Forms to include in this Report:' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Encounter Forms to Include in this Report:' and ld.cons_id is null;
343 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Visits' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Encounters' and ld.cons_id is null;
344 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Visits Report' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Encounters Report' and ld.cons_id is null;
345 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Clinic ID' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Facility' and ld.cons_id is null;
346 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Tally Sheet' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Fee Sheet' and ld.cons_id is null;
347 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Find Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Find Patient' and ld.cons_id is null;
348 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'ID' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'ID' and ld.cons_id is null;
349 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'GCAC Form (example)' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'IPPF SRH Data' and ld.cons_id is null;
350 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'GCAC Form (example) for' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'IPPF SRH Data for' and ld.cons_id is null;
351 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Last name' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Last' and ld.cons_id is null;
352 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'New Encounter' and ld.cons_id is null;
353 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'New Visit Form' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'New Encounter Form' and ld.cons_id is null;
354 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'New Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'New Patient' and ld.cons_id is null;
355 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Past Visits and Documents' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Past Encounters and Documents' and ld.cons_id is null;
356 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient' and ld.cons_id is null;
357 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client Appointment' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Appointment' and ld.cons_id is null;
358 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client Visit Form' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Encounter Form' and ld.cons_id is null;
359 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client Notes' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Notes' and ld.cons_id is null;
360 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client number' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Number' and ld.cons_id is null;
361 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client Record Report' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Record Report' and ld.cons_id is null;
362 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client Report' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Report' and ld.cons_id is null;
363 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Referrals and Other Transactions' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient Transactions' and ld.cons_id is null;
364 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Patient/Client' and ld.cons_id is null;
365 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client ID (assign by the system)' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'PID' and ld.cons_id is null;
366 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Payments' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Prepay' and ld.cons_id is null;
367 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Service Provider' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Provider' and ld.cons_id is null;
368 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Client notes/Auth' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Pt Notes/Auth' and ld.cons_id is null;
369 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Default' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Rendering' and ld.cons_id is null;
370 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Prescp & Disp' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Rx' and ld.cons_id is null;
371 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Sales by Item' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Sales by Item' and ld.cons_id is null;
372 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Save Demographic Client Data' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Save Patient Demographic' and ld.cons_id is null;
373 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Search or Add Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Search or Add Patient ' and ld.cons_id is null;
374 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Select Client' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Select Patient' and ld.cons_id is null;
375 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Select Client by Last' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Select Patient by Last' and ld.cons_id is null;
376 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Risk' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Sensitivity' and ld.cons_id is null;
377 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'National ID' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'SSN' and ld.cons_id is null;
378 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Tally Sheet' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Superbill' and ld.cons_id is null;
379 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'This Visit' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'This Encounter' and ld.cons_id is null;
380 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Referrals' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Transact' and ld.cons_id is null;
381 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'User Administration' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'User & Group Administration' and ld.cons_id is null;
382 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'View Comprehensive Client Report' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'View Comprehensive Patient Report' and ld.cons_id is null;
383 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Diagnostic Labs & Orders' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Procedures' and ld.cons_id is null;
384 insert into lang_definitions ( cons_id, lang_id, definition ) select lc.cons_id, 1, 'Program' from lang_constants as lc left join lang_definitions as ld on ld.cons_id = lc.cons_id and ld.lang_id = 1 where lc.constant_name = 'Layout Based' and ld.cons_id is null;
386 UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_categories SET pc_catname = '1 Admission', pc_catcolor = '#FFFFFF' WHERE pc_catid = 10 AND pc_catname = 'New Patient';
387 UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_categories SET pc_catname = '2 Re-Visit', pc_catcolor = '#CCFFFF' WHERE pc_catid = 9 AND pc_catname = 'Established Patient';
388 #IfNotRow openemr_postcalendar_categories pc_catid 12
389 INSERT INTO `openemr_postcalendar_categories` VALUES (12,'3 Counselling Only','#FFFFCC','Counselling',1,NULL,'a:5:{s:17:\"event_repeat_freq\";s:1:\"1\";s:22:\"event_repeat_freq_type\";s:1:\"4\";s:19:\"event_repeat_on_num\";s:1:\"1\";s:19:\"event_repeat_on_day\";s:1:\"0\";s:20:\"event_repeat_on_freq\";s:1:\"0\";}',0,900,0,3,2,0,0);
391 #IfNotRow openemr_postcalendar_categories pc_catid 13
392 INSERT INTO `openemr_postcalendar_categories` VALUES (13,'4 Supply/Re-Supply','#CCCCCC','Supply/Re-Supply',1,NULL,'a:5:{s:17:\"event_repeat_freq\";s:1:\"1\";s:22:\"event_repeat_freq_type\";s:1:\"4\";s:19:\"event_repeat_on_num\";s:1:\"1\";s:19:\"event_repeat_on_day\";s:1:\"0\";s:20:\"event_repeat_on_freq\";s:1:\"0\";}',0,900,0,3,2,0,0);
394 #IfNotRow openemr_postcalendar_categories pc_catid 14
395 INSERT INTO `openemr_postcalendar_categories` VALUES (14,'5 Administrative','#FFFFFF','Supply/Re-Supply',1,NULL,'a:5:{s:17:\"event_repeat_freq\";s:1:\"1\";s:22:\"event_repeat_freq_type\";s:1:\"4\";s:19:\"event_repeat_on_num\";s:1:\"1\";s:19:\"event_repeat_on_day\";s:1:\"0\";s:20:\"event_repeat_on_freq\";s:1:\"0\";}',0,900,0,3,2,0,0);
398 #IfNotRow globals gl_name full_new_patient_form
399 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'full_new_patient_form' , 0, '3' );
401 #IfNotRow globals gl_name patient_search_results_style
402 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'patient_search_results_style', 0, '1' );
404 #IfNotRow globals gl_name simplified_demographics
405 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'simplified_demographics' , 0, '1' );
407 #IfNotRow globals gl_name online_support_link
408 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'online_support_link' , 0, '' );
410 #IfNotRow globals gl_name units_of_measurement
411 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'units_of_measurement' , 0, '2' );
413 #IfNotRow globals gl_name specific_application
414 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'specific_application' , 0, '2' );
416 #IfNotRow globals gl_name inhouse_pharmacy
417 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'inhouse_pharmacy' , 0, '2' );
419 #IfNotRow globals gl_name configuration_import_export
420 INSERT INTO globals ( gl_name, gl_index, gl_value ) VALUES ( 'configuration_import_export' , 0, '1' );
423 #IfNotRow code_types ct_id 11
424 DELETE FROM code_types;
425 INSERT INTO code_types (ct_key, ct_id, ct_seq, ct_mod, ct_just, ct_fee, ct_rel, ct_nofs, ct_diag ) VALUES ('MA' ,12, 1, 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0);
426 INSERT INTO code_types (ct_key, ct_id, ct_seq, ct_mod, ct_just, ct_fee, ct_rel, ct_nofs, ct_diag ) VALUES ('IPPF',11, 2, 0, '', 0, 0, 1, 0);
427 INSERT INTO code_types (ct_key, ct_id, ct_seq, ct_mod, ct_just, ct_fee, ct_rel, ct_nofs, ct_diag ) VALUES ('ICD9', 2, 3, 2, '', 0, 0, 0, 1);
428 INSERT INTO code_types (ct_key, ct_id, ct_seq, ct_mod, ct_just, ct_fee, ct_rel, ct_nofs, ct_diag ) VALUES ('ACCT',13, 4, 0, '', 0, 0, 1, 0);
431 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id LBFgcac field_id gc_rreason
432 DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'LBFgcac';
433 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','client_status','1Basic Information','Client Status' , 1,27,2, 0, 0,'clientstatus',1,1,'','' ,'Client Status');
434 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','ab_location' ,'1Basic Information','Type of Visit' , 2,27,2, 0, 0,'ab_location' ,1,1,'','' ,'Nature of this visit');
435 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','in_ab_proc' ,'1Basic Information','Associated Induced Procedure', 3,27,1, 0, 0,'in_ab_proc' ,1,3,'','' ,'Applies regardless of when or where done');
436 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','complications','2Complications','Complications' , 1,21,1, 2, 0,'complication',1,3,'','' ,'Post-Abortion Complications');
437 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','main_compl' ,'2Complications','Main Complication' , 2, 1,1, 2, 0,'complication',1,3,'','' ,'Primary Complication');
438 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','gc_rreason' ,'3IPPA CAC Section','Reason when Rejected/Referred', 1, 1,0, 0, 0,'gc_rreason' ,1,3,'','','Reason for rejecting or referring services');
439 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','gc_reason' ,'3IPPA CAC Section','Main Reason for MR Services' , 1, 1,0, 0, 0,'gc_reason' ,1,3,'','' ,'Main reason for requesting MR services');
440 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','gc_condition' ,'3IPPA CAC Section','Aborted Conception Condition' , 2, 1,0, 0 ,0,'gc_condition',1,3,'','' ,'Condition of Aborted Conception');
441 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','gc_efforts' ,'3IPPA CAC Section','Efforts Prior to Visit' , 3, 1,0, 0, 0,'gc_efforts' ,1,3,'','' ,'Other efforts conducted before visiting the clinic');
442 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('LBFgcac','gc_complaint' ,'3IPPA CAC Section','Complaint from Client' , 4, 1,0, 0, 0,'gc_complaint',1,3,'','' ,'Complaint from Client');
445 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id gc_rreason
446 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lists','gc_rreason','GCAC Reason to Reject/Refer Services',88);
447 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'gc_rreason';
448 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_rreason','1' ,'Service not available', 1);
449 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_rreason','2' ,'Cost of service' , 2);
450 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_rreason','3' ,'Single' , 3);
451 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_rreason','4' ,'Medical reason' , 4);
452 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_rreason','5' ,'No responsible person', 5);
453 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_rreason','6' ,'Weeks of pregnancy' , 6);
456 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id gc_reason
457 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lists','gc_reason','GCAC Main Reason for MR Services',88);
458 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'gc_reason';
459 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','1' ,'Have already enough children' , 1);
460 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','2' ,'The children are still babies' , 2);
461 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','3' ,'Too young to have baby' , 3);
462 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','4' ,'Too old to have other child' , 4);
463 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','5' ,'Not / not yet married' , 5);
464 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','6' ,'Still goes to school / college' , 6);
465 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','7' ,'Engage with Official' , 7);
466 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','8' ,'Could not stand pain / sickness of pregnancy', 8);
467 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_reason','9' ,'Others' , 9);
470 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id gc_condition
471 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lists','gc_condition','GCAC Aborted Conception Condition',88);
472 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'gc_condition';
473 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_condition','1' ,'Fresh' , 1);
474 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_condition','2' ,'Dark' , 2);
475 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_condition','3' ,'Sticky', 3);
476 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_condition','4' ,'Others', 4);
477 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_condition','5' ,'N/A' , 0);
480 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id gc_efforts
481 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lists','gc_efforts','GCAC Prior Efforts',88);
482 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'gc_efforts';
483 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_efforts','1' ,'None' , 1);
484 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_efforts','2' ,'Drinking herbs / medicines' , 2);
485 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_efforts','3' ,'Had been taken care by paramedic' , 3);
486 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_efforts','4' ,'Massage / went to traditional birth attendant', 4);
487 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_efforts','5' ,'Other efforts' , 5);
488 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_efforts','6' ,'Emergency' , 6);
491 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id gc_complaint
492 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('lists','gc_complaint','GCAC Complaint from Client',88);
493 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'gc_complaint';
494 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_complaint','1' ,'Facility' , 1);
495 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_complaint','2' ,'Time of Queue' , 2);
496 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_complaint','3' ,'Charge of Service', 3);
497 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq ) VALUES ('gc_complaint','4' ,'None' , 4);
500 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id clientstatus option_id defer
501 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'clientstatus';
502 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('clientstatus','maaa' ,'MA Client Accepting Abortion', 1,0,0);
503 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('clientstatus','mara' ,'MA Client Refusing Abortion' , 2,0,0);
504 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('clientstatus','refin' ,'Inbound Referral' , 3,0,0);
505 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('clientstatus','self' ,'Self Referred' , 4,0,0);
506 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('clientstatus','defer' ,'Deferring / Undecided' , 5,0,0);
509 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id ab_location option_id na
510 DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = 'ab_location';
511 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('ab_location','proc' ,'Procedure at this site' , 1,0,0);
512 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('ab_location','ma' ,'Followup procedure from this site' , 2,0,0);
513 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('ab_location','part' ,'Followup procedure from partner site', 3,0,0);
514 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value ) VALUES ('ab_location','oth' ,'Followup procedure from other site' , 4,0,0);
517 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id REF field_id reply_related_code
518 DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = 'REF';
519 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_date' ,'1Referral','Referral Date' , 5, 4,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'C','D','Date of referral');
520 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_from' ,'1Referral','Referred By' ,10,10,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Referral By');
521 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_external' ,'1Referral','External Referral' ,15, 1,2, 0, 0,'boolean' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'External referral?');
522 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_to' ,'1Referral','Referred To' ,20,14,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Referral To');
523 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','body' ,'1Referral','Reason' ,25, 3,2,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Reason for referral');
524 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_risk_level' ,'1Referral','Risk Level' ,30, 1,1, 0, 0,'risklevel',1,1,'' ,'' ,'Level of urgency');
525 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_vitals' ,'1Referral','Include Vital Signs' ,35, 1,1, 0, 0,'boolean' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Include vitals data?');
526 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_reply_date' ,'1Referral','Expected Reply Date' ,40, 4,2, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'D','Expected date of reply');
527 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_related_code','1Referral','Requested Service' ,45,15,2,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Billing Code for Requested Service');
528 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','refer_diag' ,'1Referral','Preliminary Diagnosis' ,50, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'X','Referrer diagnosis');
529 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_date' ,'2Counter-Referral','Reply Date' , 5, 4,1, 0, 0,'' ,1,1,'' ,'D','Date of reply');
530 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_from' ,'2Counter-Referral','Reply From' ,10, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Who replied?');
531 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_init_diag' ,'2Counter-Referral','Presumed Diagnosis' ,15, 2,0,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Presumed diagnosis by specialist');
532 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_final_diag' ,'2Counter-Referral','Final Diagnosis' ,20, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Final diagnosis by specialist');
533 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_documents' ,'2Counter-Referral','Documents' ,25, 2,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Where may related scanned or paper documents be found?');
534 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_findings' ,'2Counter-Referral','Findings' ,30, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Findings by specialist');
535 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_services' ,'2Counter-Referral','Services Provided' ,35, 3,0,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Service provided by specialist');
536 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_related_code','2Counter-Referral','Service Provided' ,40,15,1,30,255,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Billing Code for actual services provided');
537 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_recommend' ,'2Counter-Referral','Recommendations' ,45, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Recommendations by specialist');
538 INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES ('REF','reply_rx_refer' ,'2Counter-Referral','Prescriptions/Referrals',50, 3,1,30, 3,'' ,1,1,'' ,'' ,'Prescriptions and/or referrals by specialist');
541 #IfNotRow code_types ct_key REF
542 INSERT INTO code_types (ct_key, ct_id, ct_seq, ct_mod, ct_just, ct_fee, ct_rel, ct_nofs, ct_diag) VALUES ('REF',16, 5, 0, '', 0, 1, 1, 0);
545 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext11
546 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext11 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
548 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext12
549 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext12 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
551 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext13
552 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext13 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
554 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext14
555 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext14 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
557 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext15
558 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext15 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
560 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext16
561 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext16 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
563 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext17
564 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext17 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
566 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext18
567 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext18 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
569 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext19
570 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext19 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
572 #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext20
573 ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD usertext20 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
576 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext11
577 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext11', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 11', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
579 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext12
580 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext12', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 12', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
582 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext13
583 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext13', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 13', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
585 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext14
586 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext14', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 14', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
588 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext15
589 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext15', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 15', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
591 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext16
592 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext16', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 16', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
594 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext17
595 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext17', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 17', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
597 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext18
598 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext18', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 18', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
600 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext19
601 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext19', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 19', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
603 #IfNotRow2D layout_options form_id DEM field_id usertext20
604 INSERT INTO `layout_options` VALUES ('DEM', 'usertext20', '6Misc', 'User Defined Text 20', 8,2,0,10,63,'',1,1,'','','User Defined');
607 #IfNotRow2D list_options list_id lists option_id actorest
608 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('lists','actorest','Actual or Estimated', 1,0);
609 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('actorest','act' ,'Actual' ,10,1);
610 INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES ('actorest','est' ,'Estimated',20,0);
611 UPDATE layout_options SET group_name = '1Who', title='', seq = 7, data_type = 1,
612 uor = 1, fld_length = 0, list_id = 'actorest', titlecols = 0, datacols = 0,
613 description = 'Indicates if DOB is estimated' WHERE
614 form_id = 'DEM' AND field_id = 'usertext3' AND uor = 0;