HTML users guide from Tony McCormick
[openemr.git] / Documentation / User_Guide / 01.html
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6 <title>OpenEMR v3.0.1 Users Guide</title>
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13 <h1>OpenEMR Users Guide (version 3.0.1)</h1>
14 <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
15 <ul>
16 <li><a href="01.html">Getting Started</a></li>
17 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC1" -->
18 <li>Getting to the Login Page</li>
19 <li>Logging In</li>
20 <li>Changing Passwords</li>
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22 <li><a href="02.html">Main Screen & Navigation</a></li>
23 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC2" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
24 <li><a href="03.html">Setting Up Your Clinic</a></li>
25 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC3" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
26 <li><a href="04.html">Adding a New Patient</a></li>
27 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC4" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
28 <li><a href="05.html">Using the Calendar</a></li>
29 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC5" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
30 <li><a href="06.html">New Encounters & Coding</a></li>
31 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC6" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
32 <li><a href="07.html">Issues & Immunizations</a></li>
33 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC7" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
34 <li><a href="08.html">Patient Notes & Transactions</a></li>
35 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC8" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
36 <li><a href="09.html">Basic Billing</a></li>
37 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC9" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
38 <li><a href="10.html">Accounting & Receivables</a></li>
39 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC10" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
40 <li><a href="11.html">Reporting</a></li>
41 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC11" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
42 <li><a href="index.html">Index</a></li>
43 </ul>
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51 <h2>Getting Started</h2>
52 <h3>Getting to the Login Page</h3>
53 <p>In your browser's address bar you will need to enter the location of your OpenEMR installation. For most users this address will consist of the name of your server followed by a forward leaning slash, "openemr" and another forward leaning slash. This should look like this:</p>
54 <p>http://MyServerName/openemr/</p>
55 <p>Be sure to check with your Administrator, as the location of your OpenEMR installation may be different. As an example the OpenEMR live demo is located at:</p>
56 <p>Once you have entered the correct address, you should be presented with the login screen:</p>
57 <img src="Getting Started/01-login.png" />
58 <h3>Logging In</h3>
59 <p>The login screen contains two input boxes: Username and Password. The first time you log in to a fresh installation of OpenEMR you will need to log in as "admin" with a password of "pass". Your administrator may provide with a your own username and password. ( Note that the OpenEMR login is case-sensitive.) Once you have entered the correct username and password, simply click the 'Login' button or press 'Enter'.</p>
60 <h3>Changing Passwords</h3>
61 <p>If this is your first time logging in to OpenEMR it is recommended that you change your password to something more secure. To do this select 'Password' from the navigation list on the left.</p>
62 <img src="Getting Started/05-password.png" />
63 <p>This will bring up the “Password Change” screen. Enter your new password into the two input boxes, make sure you type the same thing into each box. And remember that OpenEMR's username and passwords are case sensitive!</p>
64 <p>Once you've done this, click the 'Save Changes' button. You will then be required to login again with your new password.</p>
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