this used to be search.html, it is the original search template and is used by older...
[openemr.git] / interface / main / calendar / modules / PostCalendar / pntemplates / default / user / search_orig.html
1 [-*Smarty*-]
2 [-* we want to include out stylesheet for this view*-]
3 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/header.html"-]
4 [-fetch file="$TPL_STYLE_PATH/search.css" assign="css"-]
5 [-eval var=$css-]
6 <!-- main navigation -->
7 [-*Load the Language Definitions*-]
8 [-config_load file="lang.$USER_LANG"-]
9 [-*Main Navigation*-]
10 [-*include file="$TPL_NAME/views/global/small_navigation.html"*-]
11 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid black;"><tr><td>
12 <form name="search" action="[-$FORM_ACTION-]" method="POST" onsubmit="return top.restoreSession()">
13 <br />
14 [-#_PC_SEARCH_KEYWORDS#-]: <input type="text" name="pc_keywords" value="" />
15 <select name="pc_keywords_andor">
16 <option value="AND">[-#_PC_SEARCH_AND#-]</option>
17 <option value="OR">[-#_PC_SEARCH_OR#-]</option>
18 </select>
19 [-#_PC_SEARCH_IN#-]:
20 <select name="pc_category">
21 <option value="">[-#_PC_SEARCH_ANY_CATEGORY#-]</option>
23 </select>
24 [-if $USE_TOPICS-]
25 <select name="pc_topic">
26 <option value="">[-#_PC_SEARCH_ANY_TOPIC#-]</option>
28 </select>
29 [-/if-]
30 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="[-#_PC_SUBMIT#-]" />
31 </form>
32 </td></tr></table>
35 <br />
36 [-*We should have results and should display them*-]
37 [-counter start=0 print=false assign="eventCount"-]
38 [-pc_sort_events var="S_EVENTS" sort="category" order="asc" value=$A_EVENTS-]
39 [-foreach name=dates item=date key=cdate from=$S_EVENTS-]
40 [-if $date|@count > 0-]
41 [-assign var="dayname" value=$cdate|date_format:"%w"-]
42 [-assign var="day" value=$cdate|date_format:"%d"|string_format:"%1d"-]
43 [-assign var="month" value=$cdate|date_format:"%m"|string_format:"%1d"-]
44 [-assign var="month" value=$month-1-]
45 [-assign var="year" value=$cdate|date_format:"%Y"|string_format:"%4d"-]
46 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="dayheader">
47 <tr>
48 <td width="100%">
49 <a href="[-pc_url action=day date=$cdate-]" onclick="top.restoreSession()">
50 [-if $USE_INT_DATES eq true-]
51 [-pc_date_format date=$cdate format="%A, %d %B %Y"-]
52 [-else-]
53 [-pc_date_format date=$cdate format="%A, %B %d %Y"-]
54 [-/if-]</a>
55 </td>
56 </tr>
57 </table>
58 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="calcontainer">
59 <tr>
60 <td width="100%" class="eventslist">
61 [-assign var="oldCat" value=""-]
62 [-foreach name=events item=event from=$date-]
63 [-counter-]
64 [-assign var="cCat" value=$event.catname-]
65 [-if $oldCat != $cCat-]
66 [-if $ != true-]
67 </div>
68 [-/if-]
69 <div width="100%" style="padding: 2px; background-color: [-$event.catcolor-];">
70 [-$event.catname-]
71 </div>
72 <div width="100%" style="padding: 2px; border:solid 1px [-$event.catcolor-];">
73 [-/if-]
74 [-if $24HOUR_TIME-]
75 [-assign var="timestamp" value=$event.startTime|date_format:"%H:%M"-]
76 [-else-]
77 [-assign var="timestamp" value=$event.startTime|date_format:"%I:%M %p"-]
78 [-/if-]
79 [-if $event.alldayevent != true-]
80 [-$timestamp-]
81 [-/if-]
82 <a href="[-pc_url action=detail eid=$event.eid date=$cdate-]" onclick="top.restoreSession()"
83 [-pc_popup delay="500"
84 bgcolor=$event.catcolor
85 caption=$event.title
86 text=$event.hometext-]>
87 [-$event.title|strip_tags-]</a>
88 [-if $event.alldayevent != true-]
89 ([-$event.duration_hours-]:[-$event.duration_minutes-])
90 [-/if-]
91 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/user/patient_line.html" event=$event show_patient=true show_icons=true show_provider=true-]
92 <br />
93 [-assign var="oldCat" value=$event.catname-]
94 [-if $]
95 [-* we need to close out the <div> tag *-]
96 </div>
97 [-/if-]
98 [-/foreach-]
99 </td>
100 </tr>
101 </table>
102 [-/if-]
103 [-/foreach-]
104 [-if $eventCount == 0-]
106 [-/if-]
107 [-/if-]
108 [-*include file="$TPL_NAME/views/footer.html"*-]