1 Pennington Firm (PennFirm.com) OpenEMR Package Creation Instructions
2 #This document is used by OpenEMR developers. It describes how to
3 #backup the temporary development OpenEMR databases.
5 This is a step by step guide on creating a package for upload.
7 1. If the structure of the SQL database is changed in any way, create a
10 mysqldump -u<user> -p<password> --databases <dbase list> > database.sql
12 From there, remove any lines that shouldn't be there. Use your favorite
15 Try | grep -v INSERT, then add:
17 INSERT INTO groups VALUES (1,'Default','admin');
19 INSERT INTO users VALUES (1,'admin','1a1dc91c907325c69271ddf0c944bc72',1,NULL,NULL,"Administrator");
22 Drop this file in the /sql dir.
24 2. Increment the version. Document the major changes in the HISTORY
25 file. If this isn't going to be a public release (i.e., a backup
26 snapshot) don't change the version, but add the date (YYYYMMDD format)
27 to the version, and don't touch the HISTORY file.
29 3. Create the tarballs and zips. Just create two files, in the naming
30 format openemr-<version>.<extention>. One tar.gz, one zip.
31 from the openemr/ dir:
32 tar -zcvpf openemr-<date>-release.tar.gz openemr
33 zip -rT9v openemr-<date>-release.zip openemr
35 4. Upload and/or archive. Public releases go to the webserver, backup
36 snapshots just get archived. Public releases should also get tossed on