Added qgit package installation to developer appliance and cvs demo scripts.
[openemr.git] / contrib / forms / physical_examination / view.php
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
3 "">
5 <?php
7 include_once("../../globals.php");
9 include_once("$srcdir/");
11 include_once("$srcdir/");
13 include_once("$srcdir/");
17 <html>
19 <head>
20 <?php html_header_show();?>
22 <title>Physical examination</title>
24 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $css_header;?>" type="text/css">
26 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../acog.css" type="text/css">
28 <script language="JavaScript" src="../../acog.js" type="text/JavaScript"></script>
30 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
32 window.onload = initialize;
34 </script>
36 </head>
40 <body class="body_top">
44 <?php
46 $tip1 = <<<EOL
48 The <b>Physical Examination</b> section
50 should be completed by the physician each time a
52 physical examination is provided. The form offers prompts to
54 aid in documenting the services that are provided. This form
56 is based on the 1997 CMS (formerly, HCFA) guidelines for
58 the female genitourinary system examination and can be
60 used to document any level of examination.<br><br>
64 The female genitourinary examination template includes 9 organ systems/body areas with 3 shaded boxes and 6 unshaded boxes. The shading only becomes important when a comprehensive
66 examination is performed. For all other levels of examination, the total number of bulleted elements documented in the medical record will determine the level that can be
68 reported.<br><br>
70 <table border=1>
84 </table>
86 EOL;
88 $tip1 = strtr($tip1, "\n\r", " ");
92 <div class="srvChapter">Physical examination <a href="#" onMouseOver="toolTip('<?php echo $tip1; ?>', 300)" onMouseOut="toolTip();"><img src="../../pic/mark_q.png" width="13" height="13" border="0" align="texttop"></a></div>
94 <?php
96 $fres=sqlStatement("select * from patient_data where pid='".$pid."'");
98 if ($fres){
100 $patient = sqlFetchArray($fres);
104 $fres=sqlStatement("select * from form_physical_examination where id=$id");
106 if ($fres){
108 $fdata = sqlFetchArray($fres);
114 <form action="<?php echo $rootdir;?>/forms/physical_examination/save.php?mode=update&id=<?php echo $id; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="my_form">
116 <?php include("../../"); ?>
118 <div style="border: solid 2px black; background-color: white;">
120 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
122 <tr>
124 <td align="left" valign="top" style="border-bottom: 2px solid black;"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
126 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
128 <td width="40%" class="bordR">Patient name <br>
130 <input name="pname" type="text" class="fullin" id="pname" value="<?php
132 echo $patient{'fname'}.' '.$patient{'mname'}.' '.$patient{'lname'};
134 ?>"></td>
136 <td width="20%" class="bordR">birth date
138 <br>
140 <input name="pbdate" type="text" class="fullin" id="pbdate" value="<?php
142 echo $patient{'DOB'};
144 ?>" size="12"> </td>
146 <td width="20%" class="bordR">ID No<br>
148 <input name="pe_id" type="text" class="fullin" id="pe_id" size="12" value="<?php
150 echo $patient{'id'};
152 ?>"></td>
154 <td width="20%">date<br>
156 <input name="pe_date" type="text" class="fullin" id="pe_date" value="<?php
158 echo date('Y-m-d');
160 ?>" size="12"></td>
162 </tr>
164 </table></td>
166 </tr>
168 <tr>
170 <td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#EDEDED"><h2>Constitutional</h2>
172 <li>Vital signs (record <u><strong>&gt;</strong></u> 3 vital signs)</li>
174 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
176 <tr align="left" valign="top" class="fibody">
178 <td width="14%" nowrap>Height<br>
180 <input name="height" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'height'}; ?>"></td>
182 <td width="14%" nowrap>Weight<br>
184 <input name="weight" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'weight'}; ?>"></td>
186 <td width="14%" nowrap>BMI<br>
188 <input name="bmi" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'bmi'}; ?>"></td>
190 <td nowrap>Blood pressure (sitting) <br>
192 <input name="blood_pressure" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'blood_pressure'}; ?>"></td>
194 <td width="14%" nowrap>Temperature<br>
196 <input name="temperature" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'temperature'}; ?>"></td>
198 <td width="14%" nowrap>Pulse<br>
200 <input name="pulse" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'pulse'}; ?>"></td>
202 <td width="14%" nowrap>Respiration<br>
204 <input name="respiration" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'respiration'}; ?>"></td>
206 </tr>
208 </table>
210 <li>General appearance (Note all that apply):</li> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
212 <tr class="fibody">
214 <td width="150" nowrap><input name="general_well_developed" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_well_developed'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
216 Well-developed
218 </td>
220 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="general_well_developed" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_well_developed'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
222 Other
224 </td>
226 <td width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
228 <td>&nbsp;</td>
230 <td width="120"><input name="general_no_deformities" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_no_deformities'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
232 No deformities
234 </td>
236 <td width="100"><input name="general_no_deformities" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_no_deformities'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
238 Other
240 </td>
242 <td>&nbsp;</td>
244 </tr>
246 <tr class="fibody">
248 <td width="150" nowrap><input name="general_well_nourished" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_well_nourished'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
250 Well-nourished
252 </td>
254 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="general_well_nourished" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_well_nourished'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
256 Other
258 </td>
260 <td width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
262 <td>&nbsp;</td>
264 <td width="120"><input name="general_well_groomed" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_well_groomed'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
266 Well-groomed
268 </td>
270 <td width="100"><input name="general_well_groomed" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_well_groomed'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
272 Other
274 </td>
276 <td>&nbsp;</td>
278 </tr>
280 <tr class="fibody">
282 <td width="150" nowrap><input name="general_normal_habitus" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_normal_habitus'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
284 Normal habitus</td>
286 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="general_normal_habitus" type="radio" value="2" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_normal_habitus'} == '2')?' checked ':''); ?>>
288 Obese</td>
290 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="general_normal_habitus" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'general_normal_habitus'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
292 Other</td>
294 <td>&nbsp;</td>
296 <td width="120">&nbsp;</td>
298 <td width="100">&nbsp;</td>
300 <td>&nbsp;</td>
302 </tr>
304 </table> </td>
306 </tr>
308 <tr>
310 <td align="left" valign="top"><h2>Neck</h2>
312 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
314 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
316 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Neck</li></td>
318 <td width="90" nowrap> <input name="neck_neck" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'neck_neck'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
320 Normal</td>
322 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="neck_neck" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neck_neck'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
324 ABNormal</td>
326 <td><input name="neck_neck_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'neck_neck_data'}; ?>"></td>
328 </tr>
330 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
332 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Thyroid</li></td>
334 <td width="90" nowrap>
336 <input name="neck_thyroid" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'neck_thyroid'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
338 Normal</td>
340 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="neck_thyroid" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neck_thyroid'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
342 ABNormal</td>
344 <td><input name="neck_thyroid_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'neck_thyroid_data'}; ?>"></td>
346 </tr>
348 </table> </td>
350 </tr>
352 <tr>
354 <td align="left" valign="top"><h2>Respiratory</h2>
356 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
358 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
360 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Respiratory effort </li></td>
362 <td nowrap>
364 <input name="respiratory_effort" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'respiratory_effort'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
366 Normal</td>
368 <td nowrap><input name="respiratory_effort" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'respiratory_effort'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
370 ABNormal</td>
372 <td><input name="respiratory_effort_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'respiratory_effort_data'}; ?>"></td>
374 </tr>
376 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
378 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Auscultated lungs </li></td>
380 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="auscultated_lungs" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'auscultated_lungs'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
382 Normal</td>
384 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="auscultated_lungs" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'auscultated_lungs'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
386 ABNormal</td>
388 <td><input name="auscultated_lungs_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'auscultated_lungs_data'}; ?>"></td>
390 </tr>
392 </table> </td>
394 </tr>
396 <tr>
398 <td align="left" valign="top"><h2>Cardiovascular</h2>
400 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
402 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
404 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Auscultated heart </li></td>
406 <td width="90" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
408 <td width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
410 <td>&nbsp;</td>
412 </tr>
414 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
416 <td width="150" nowrap><blockquote> Sounds</blockquote></td>
418 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="auscultated_heart_sounds" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'auscultated_heart_sounds'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
420 Normal</td>
422 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="auscultated_heart_sounds" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'auscultated_heart_sounds'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
424 ABNormal</td>
426 <td><input name="auscultated_heart_sounds_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'auscultated_heart_sounds_data'}; ?>"></td>
428 </tr>
430 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
432 <td nowrap><blockquote> Murmurs</blockquote></td>
434 <td nowrap><input name="auscultated_heart_murmurs" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'auscultated_heart_murmurs'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
436 Normal</td>
438 <td nowrap><input name="auscultated_heart_murmurs" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'auscultated_heart_murmurs'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
440 ABNormal</td>
442 <td><input name="auscultated_heart_murmurs_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'auscultated_heart_murmurs_data'}; ?>"></td>
444 </tr>
446 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
448 <td nowrap><li>Perirheral vascular </li></td>
450 <td nowrap><input name="peripheral_vascular" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'peripheral_vascular'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
452 Normal</td>
454 <td nowrap><input name="peripheral_vascular" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'peripheral_vascular'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
456 ABNormal</td>
458 <td><input name="peripheral_vascular_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'peripheral_vascular_data'}; ?>"></td>
460 </tr>
462 </table> </td>
464 </tr>
466 <tr>
468 <td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#EDEDED"><h2>Gastrointestinal</h2>
470 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
472 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
474 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Abdomen</li></td>
476 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="gastr_abdomen" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_abdomen'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
478 Normal</td>
480 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="gastr_abdomen" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_abdomen'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
482 ABNormal</td>
484 <td><input name="gastr_abdomen_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gastr_abdomen_data'}; ?>"></td>
486 </tr>
488 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
490 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Hernia</li></td>
492 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="gastr_hernia" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_hernia'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
494 none</td>
496 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="gastr_hernia" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_hernia'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
498 present</td>
500 <td><input name="gastr_hernia_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gastr_hernia_data'}; ?>"></td>
502 </tr>
504 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
506 <td nowrap><li>Liver/Spleen</li></td>
508 <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
510 <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
512 <td>&nbsp;</td>
514 </tr>
516 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
518 <td nowrap><blockquote> Liver </blockquote></td>
520 <td nowrap><input name="gastr_liver" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_liver'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
522 Normal</td>
524 <td nowrap><input name="gastr_liver" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_liver'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
526 ABNormal</td>
528 <td><input name="gastr_liver_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gastr_liver_data'}; ?>"></td>
530 </tr>
532 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
534 <td nowrap><blockquote> Spleen </blockquote></td>
536 <td nowrap><input name="gastr_spleen" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_spleen'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
538 Normal</td>
540 <td nowrap><input name="gastr_spleen" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_spleen'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
542 ABNormal</td>
544 <td><input name="gastr_spleen_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gastr_spleen_data'}; ?>"></td>
546 </tr>
548 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
550 <td nowrap><li><a name="sg"></a>Stool guaIac, if indic.</li></td>
552 <td nowrap><input name="gastr_stool_guaiac" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_stool_guaiac'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
554 positive</td>
556 <td nowrap><input name="gastr_stool_guaiac" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gastr_stool_guaiac'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
558 negative</td>
560 <td><input name="gastr_stool_guaiac_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gastr_stool_guaiac_data'}; ?>"></td>
562 </tr>
564 </table> </td>
566 </tr>
568 <tr>
570 <td align="left" valign="top"><h2>Lymphatic</h2>
572 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
574 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
576 <td colspan="4" nowrap><li>Palpation of nodes (Choose all, that are applicable) </li></td>
578 </tr>
580 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
582 <td width="150" nowrap><blockquote> Neck </blockquote></td>
584 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="lymph_neck" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_neck'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
586 Normal</td>
588 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="lymph_neck" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_neck'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
590 ABNormal</td>
592 <td><input name="lymph_neck_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'lymph_neck_data'}; ?>"></td>
594 </tr>
596 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
598 <td nowrap><blockquote> Axilla </blockquote></td>
600 <td nowrap><input name="lymph_axilla" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_axilla'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
602 Normal</td>
604 <td nowrap><input name="lymph_axilla" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_axilla'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
606 ABNormal</td>
608 <td><input name="lymph_axilla_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'lymph_axilla_data'}; ?>"></td>
610 </tr>
612 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
614 <td nowrap><blockquote> Groin </blockquote></td>
616 <td nowrap><input name="lymph_groin" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_groin'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
618 Normal</td>
620 <td nowrap><input name="lymph_groin" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_groin'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
622 ABNormal</td>
624 <td><input name="lymph_groin_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'lymph_groin_data'}; ?>"></td>
626 </tr>
628 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
630 <td nowrap><blockquote> Other site </blockquote></td>
632 <td nowrap><input name="lymph_other" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_other'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
634 Normal</td>
636 <td nowrap><input name="lymph_other" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'lymph_other'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
638 ABNormal</td>
640 <td><input name="lymph_other_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'lymph_other_data'}; ?>"></td>
642 </tr>
644 </table> </td>
646 </tr>
648 <tr>
650 <td align="left" valign="top"><h2>Skin</h2>
652 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
654 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
656 <td width="150" nowrap><li>inspected/palpated</li></td>
658 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="skin_inspected" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'skin_inspected'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
660 Normal</td>
662 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="skin_inspected" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'skin_inspected'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
664 ABNormal</td>
666 <td><input name="skin_inspected_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'skin_inspected_data'}; ?>"></td>
668 </tr>
670 </table> </td>
672 </tr>
674 <tr>
676 <td align="left" valign="top"><h2>Neurologic/psychiatric</h2>
678 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
680 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
682 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Orientation</li></td>
684 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="neur_orient_time" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_orient_time'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
686 Time</td>
688 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="neur_orient_place" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_orient_place'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
690 Place</td>
692 <td width="100"><input name="neur_orient_person" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_orient_person'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
694 Person
696 </td>
698 <td width="100"><input name="neur_orient_comments" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_orient_comments'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
702 </td>
704 <td>&nbsp;</td>
706 </tr>
708 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
710 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Mood and affect </li></td>
712 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="neur_mood_normal" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_mood_normal'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
714 Normal</td>
716 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="neur_mood_depressed" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_mood_depressed'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
718 Depressed</td>
720 <td width="100"><input name="neur_mood_anxious" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_mood_anxious'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
722 Anxious
724 </td>
726 <td width="100"><input name="neur_mood_agitated" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_mood_agitated'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
728 Agitated
730 </td>
732 <td><input name="neur_mood_other" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'neur_mood_other'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
734 Other
736 </td>
738 </tr>
740 </table> </td>
742 </tr>
744 <tr>
746 <td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#EDEDED"><h2>Gynecologic (at least 7) </h2>
748 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
750 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
752 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Breasts</li></td>
754 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="gynec_breasts" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_breasts'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
756 Normal</td>
758 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="gynec_breasts" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_breasts'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
760 ABNormal</td>
762 <td><input name="gynec_breasts_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_breasts_data'}; ?>"></td>
764 <td width="231" rowspan="12" align="center" valign="middle">
766 <img src="<?php
768 echo "$rootdir/forms/$formname/";
770 ?>genit01.gif" width="231" height="222"></td>
772 </tr>
774 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
776 <td nowrap><li>External genitalia </li></td>
778 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_ext_genitalia" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_ext_genitalia'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
780 Normal</td>
782 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_ext_genitalia" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_ext_genitalia'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
784 ABNormal</td>
786 <td><input name="gynec_ext_genitalia_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_ext_genitalia_data'}; ?>"></td>
788 </tr>
790 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
792 <td nowrap><li>Urethral meatus </li></td>
794 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_urethral_meatus" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_urethral_meatus'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
796 Normal</td>
798 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_urethral_meatus" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_urethral_meatus'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
800 ABNormal</td>
802 <td><input name="gynec_urethral_meatus_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_urethral_meatus_data'}; ?>"></td>
804 </tr>
806 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
808 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Urethra</li></td>
810 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="gynec_urethra" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_urethra'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
812 Normal</td>
814 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="gynec_urethra" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_urethra'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
816 ABNormal</td>
818 <td><input name="gynec_urethra_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_urethra_data'}; ?>"></td>
820 </tr>
822 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
824 <td nowrap><li>Bladder</li></td>
826 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_bladder" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_bladder'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
828 Normal</td>
830 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_bladder" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_bladder'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
832 ABNormal</td>
834 <td><input name="gynec_bladder_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_bladder_data'}; ?>"></td>
836 </tr>
838 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
840 <td nowrap><li>Vagina/Pelvic support</li></td>
842 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_vagina_support" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_vagina_support'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
844 Normal</td>
846 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_vagina_support" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_vagina_support'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
848 ABNormal</td>
850 <td><input name="gynec_vagina_support_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_vagina_support_data'}; ?>"></td>
852 </tr>
854 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
856 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Cervix</li></td>
858 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="gynec_cervix" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_cervix'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
860 Normal</td>
862 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="gynec_cervix" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_cervix'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
864 ABNormal</td>
866 <td><input name="gynec_cervix_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_cervix_data'}; ?>"></td>
868 </tr>
870 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
872 <td nowrap><li>Uterus</li></td>
874 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_uterus" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_uterus'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
876 Normal</td>
878 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_uterus" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_uterus'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
880 ABNormal</td>
882 <td><input name="gynec_uterus_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_uterus_data'}; ?>"></td>
884 </tr>
886 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
888 <td nowrap><li>Adnexa/Parametria</li></td>
890 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_adnexa" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_adnexa'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
892 Normal</td>
894 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_adnexa" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_adnexa'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
896 ABNormal</td>
898 <td><input name="gynec_adnexa_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_adnexa_data'}; ?>"></td>
900 </tr>
902 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
904 <td width="150" nowrap><li>Anus/Perineum</li></td>
906 <td width="90" nowrap><input name="gynec_anus" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_anus'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
908 Normal</td>
910 <td width="100" nowrap><input name="gynec_anus" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_anus'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
912 ABNormal</td>
914 <td><input name="gynec_anus_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_anus_data'}; ?>"></td>
916 </tr>
918 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
920 <td nowrap><li>Rectal</li></td>
922 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_rectal" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_rectal'} == '0')?' checked ':''); ?>>
924 Normal</td>
926 <td nowrap><input name="gynec_rectal" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo (($fdata{'gynec_rectal'} == '1')?' checked ':''); ?>>
928 ABNormal</td>
930 <td><input name="gynec_rectal_data" type="text" class="fullin" value="<?php echo $fdata{'gynec_rectal_data'}; ?>"></td>
932 </tr>
934 <tr align="left" valign="bottom" class="fibody">
936 <td colspan="4" nowrap><br>
938 (See also &quot;<a href="#sg">Stool guaiac</a>&quot; above ) </td>
940 </tr>
942 </table> </td>
944 </tr>
946 <tr class="fibody">
948 <td align="left" valign="top" style="border-bottom:2px solid black;border-top:2px solid black;">Total number of bulleted elements examined
950 <input name="tot_num_examined" type="text" value="<?php echo $fdata{'tot_num_examined'}; ?>"></td>
952 </tr>
954 </table>
956 <br>
958 </div>
960 <table width="100%" border="0">
962 <tr><td align="left" width="120"> <a href="javascript:top.restoreSession();document.my_form.submit();" class="link_submit">[Save Data]</a> </td>
964 <td align="left" nowrap> <a href="<?php echo $rootdir; ?>/patient_file/encounter/print_form.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>&formname=<?php echo $formname; ?>"
966 target="_blank" class="link_submit" onclick="top.restoreSession()">[Printable form]</a> </td>
968 <td align="right"> <a href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['form_exit_url']; ?>" class="link_submit"
970 onclick="top.restoreSession()">[Don't Save]</a> </td></tr>
972 </table>
974 </form>
976 <?php
978 formFooter();
982 </body>
984 </html>