libdmx: Add fso-specs to DEPENDS
[openembedded.git] / recipes / xorg-xserver /
2 DEPENDS = "tslib xproto libxdmcp xextproto xtrans libxau virtual/libx11 libxext libxrandr fixesproto damageproto libxfont resourceproto compositeproto calibrateproto recordproto videoproto scrnsaverproto xpext xsp libxkbfile dbus"
4 PROVIDES = "virtual/xserver"
5 PACKAGES =+ "xserver-kdrive-xomap"
6 SECTION = "x11/base"
7 DESCRIPTION = "X server from"
8 DESCRIPTION_xserver-kdrive-xomap = "X server for the OMAP in the Nokia 800"
10 PR = "r3"
11 PE = "1"
13 COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "nokia(800|770)"
15 FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/xserver /etc/dbus-1/* ${bindir}/Xomap"
17 SRC_URI = " \
18 file://kmode.patch;patch=1 \
19 file://disable-apm.patch;patch=1 \
20 file://no-serial-probing.patch;patch=1 \
21 file://fbdev-not-fix.patch;patch=1 \
22 file://enable-builtin-fonts.patch;patch=1 \
23 file://xcalibrate.patch;patch=1 \
24 file://fixups.patch;patch=1 \
25 file://button_only.patch;patch=1 \
26 file://calibrateext.patch;patch=1 \
27 file://fix-picturestr-include-order.patch;patch=1 \
28 file://xcalibrate_coords.patch;patch=1 \
29 file://report-correct-randr10.patch;patch=1"
30 # file://kdrive-evdev.patch;patch=1 \
31 # file://kdrive-use-evdev.patch;patch=1 \
32 # file://optional-xkb.patch;patch=1 \
33 # file://disable-xf86-dga-xorgcfg.patch;patch=1 \
34 # file://enable-tslib.patch;patch=1 \
35 # file://xfbdev-fb-opt.patch;patch=1"
37 S = "${WORKDIR}/xorg-server-"
39 inherit autotools pkgconfig
41 EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-composite --enable-kdrive --enable-builtin-fonts \
42 --disable-dga --disable-dri --disable-xinerama \
43 --disable-xf86misc --disable-xf86vidmode \
44 --disable-xorg --disable-xorgcfg \
45 --disable-dmx --enable-xcalibrate \
46 --disable-xkb --disable-xnest --disable-xvfb \
47 --disable-xevie --disable-xprint --disable-xtrap \
48 --with-default-font-path=built-ins \
49 ac_cv_file__usr_share_sgml_X11_defs_ent=no \
50 --enable-xomap"
52 do_configure_prepend() {
53 sed -i -e 's/tslib-0.0/tslib-1.0/' ${S}/
56 SRC_URI[md5sum] = "19a246ea30233ef3c5fe16248b771862"
57 SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "211f4d13d8cd726b10553534a4d0f0267b18d39dd30b2f5bc6dfcde9f6d6b8c9"