Revert " Use 'which' to find m4"
[openembedded.git] / recipes / cpufreqd /
1 DESCRIPTION = "cpufreqd is meant to be a replacement of the speedstep \
2 applet you can find in Windows. It monitors battery level, CPU usage, \
3 AC state, and running programs and adjusts the frequency governor \
4 according to a set of rules specified in the config file."
5 SECTION = "console/utils"
8 SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/cpufreqd/cpufreqd-${PV}.tar.gz \
9 file://nonrootinstall.patch"
11 inherit autotools
13 FILES_${PN} = "${sbindir} ${sysconfdir} ${libdir}/libsys_*.so"
14 FILES_${PN}-dev = "${libdir}/*.la ${libdir}/*.a"
16 SRC_URI[md5sum] = "d06dcf3e3b2f8eb25216431ec055aa4b"
17 SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c64eb1923366934357c917ff9a94237a8157de24a1fd96e0f91c4d5dfad83026"