Use getopt to handle options in makehrtf
[openal-soft.git] / utils / makehrtf.c
1 /*
2 * HRTF utility for producing and demonstrating the process of creating an
3 * OpenAL Soft compatible HRIR data set.
5 * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Christopher Fitzgerald
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
21 * Or visit:
23 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 * A big thanks goes out to all those whose work done in the field of
26 * binaural sound synthesis using measured HRTFs makes this utility and the
27 * OpenAL Soft implementation possible.
29 * The algorithm for diffuse-field equalization was adapted from the work
30 * done by Rio Emmanuel and Larcher Veronique of IRCAM and Bill Gardner of
31 * MIT Media Laboratory. It operates as follows:
33 * 1. Take the FFT of each HRIR and only keep the magnitude responses.
34 * 2. Calculate the diffuse-field power-average of all HRIRs weighted by
35 * their contribution to the total surface area covered by their
36 * measurement.
37 * 3. Take the diffuse-field average and limit its magnitude range.
38 * 4. Equalize the responses by using the inverse of the diffuse-field
39 * average.
40 * 5. Reconstruct the minimum-phase responses.
41 * 5. Zero the DC component.
42 * 6. IFFT the result and truncate to the desired-length minimum-phase FIR.
44 * The spherical head algorithm for calculating propagation delay was adapted
45 * from the paper:
47 * Modeling Interaural Time Difference Assuming a Spherical Head
48 * Joel David Miller
49 * Music 150, Musical Acoustics, Stanford University
50 * December 2, 2001
52 * The formulae for calculating the Kaiser window metrics are from the
53 * the textbook:
55 * Discrete-Time Signal Processing
56 * Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer
57 * Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series
58 * 1999
61 #include "config.h"
63 #define _UNICODE
64 #include <stdio.h>
65 #include <stdlib.h>
66 #include <stdarg.h>
67 #include <string.h>
68 #include <limits.h>
69 #include <ctype.h>
70 #include <math.h>
71 #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H
72 #include <strings.h>
73 #endif
74 #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT
75 #include <unistd.h>
76 #else
77 #include "getopt.h"
78 #endif
80 // Rely (if naively) on OpenAL's header for the types used for serialization.
81 #include "AL/al.h"
82 #include "AL/alext.h"
84 #ifndef M_PI
85 #define M_PI (3.14159265358979323846)
86 #endif
88 #ifndef HUGE_VAL
89 #define HUGE_VAL (1.0 / 0.0)
90 #endif
93 #ifdef _WIN32
94 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
95 #include <windows.h>
97 static char *ToUTF8(const wchar_t *from)
99 char *out = NULL;
100 int len;
101 if((len=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, from, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) > 0)
103 out = calloc(sizeof(*out), len);
104 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, from, -1, out, len, NULL, NULL);
105 out[len-1] = 0;
107 return out;
110 static WCHAR *FromUTF8(const char *str)
112 WCHAR *out = NULL;
113 int len;
115 if((len=MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0)) > 0)
117 out = calloc(sizeof(WCHAR), len);
118 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, out, len);
119 out[len-1] = 0;
121 return out;
125 static FILE *my_fopen(const char *fname, const char *mode)
127 WCHAR *wname=NULL, *wmode=NULL;
128 FILE *file = NULL;
130 wname = FromUTF8(fname);
131 wmode = FromUTF8(mode);
132 if(!wname)
133 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to convert UTF-8 filename: \"%s\"\n", fname);
134 else if(!wmode)
135 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to convert UTF-8 mode: \"%s\"\n", mode);
136 else
137 file = _wfopen(wname, wmode);
139 free(wname);
140 free(wmode);
142 return file;
144 #define fopen my_fopen
145 #endif
147 // The epsilon used to maintain signal stability.
148 #define EPSILON (1e-9)
150 // Constants for accessing the token reader's ring buffer.
151 #define TR_RING_BITS (16)
152 #define TR_RING_SIZE (1 << TR_RING_BITS)
153 #define TR_RING_MASK (TR_RING_SIZE - 1)
155 // The token reader's load interval in bytes.
156 #define TR_LOAD_SIZE (TR_RING_SIZE >> 2)
158 // The maximum identifier length used when processing the data set
159 // definition.
160 #define MAX_IDENT_LEN (16)
162 // The maximum path length used when processing filenames.
163 #define MAX_PATH_LEN (256)
165 // The limits for the sample 'rate' metric in the data set definition and for
166 // resampling.
167 #define MIN_RATE (32000)
168 #define MAX_RATE (96000)
170 // The limits for the HRIR 'points' metric in the data set definition.
171 #define MIN_POINTS (16)
172 #define MAX_POINTS (8192)
174 // The limits to the number of 'azimuths' listed in the data set definition.
175 #define MIN_EV_COUNT (5)
176 #define MAX_EV_COUNT (128)
178 // The limits for each of the 'azimuths' listed in the data set definition.
179 #define MIN_AZ_COUNT (1)
180 #define MAX_AZ_COUNT (128)
182 // The limits for the listener's head 'radius' in the data set definition.
183 #define MIN_RADIUS (0.05)
184 #define MAX_RADIUS (0.15)
186 // The limits for the 'distance' from source to listener in the definition
187 // file.
188 #define MIN_DISTANCE (0.5)
189 #define MAX_DISTANCE (2.5)
191 // The maximum number of channels that can be addressed for a WAVE file
192 // source listed in the data set definition.
193 #define MAX_WAVE_CHANNELS (65535)
195 // The limits to the byte size for a binary source listed in the definition
196 // file.
197 #define MIN_BIN_SIZE (2)
198 #define MAX_BIN_SIZE (4)
200 // The minimum number of significant bits for binary sources listed in the
201 // data set definition. The maximum is calculated from the byte size.
202 #define MIN_BIN_BITS (16)
204 // The limits to the number of significant bits for an ASCII source listed in
205 // the data set definition.
206 #define MIN_ASCII_BITS (16)
207 #define MAX_ASCII_BITS (32)
209 // The limits to the FFT window size override on the command line.
210 #define MIN_FFTSIZE (65536)
211 #define MAX_FFTSIZE (131072)
213 // The limits to the equalization range limit on the command line.
214 #define MIN_LIMIT (2.0)
215 #define MAX_LIMIT (120.0)
217 // The limits to the truncation window size on the command line.
218 #define MIN_TRUNCSIZE (16)
219 #define MAX_TRUNCSIZE (512)
221 // The limits to the custom head radius on the command line.
222 #define MIN_CUSTOM_RADIUS (0.05)
223 #define MAX_CUSTOM_RADIUS (0.15)
225 // The truncation window size must be a multiple of the below value to allow
226 // for vectorized convolution.
227 #define MOD_TRUNCSIZE (8)
229 // The defaults for the command line options.
230 #define DEFAULT_FFTSIZE (65536)
231 #define DEFAULT_EQUALIZE (1)
232 #define DEFAULT_SURFACE (1)
233 #define DEFAULT_LIMIT (24.0)
234 #define DEFAULT_TRUNCSIZE (32)
236 #define DEFAULT_CUSTOM_RADIUS (0.0)
238 // The four-character-codes for RIFF/RIFX WAVE file chunks.
239 #define FOURCC_RIFF (0x46464952) // 'RIFF'
240 #define FOURCC_RIFX (0x58464952) // 'RIFX'
241 #define FOURCC_WAVE (0x45564157) // 'WAVE'
242 #define FOURCC_FMT (0x20746D66) // 'fmt '
243 #define FOURCC_DATA (0x61746164) // 'data'
244 #define FOURCC_LIST (0x5453494C) // 'LIST'
245 #define FOURCC_WAVL (0x6C766177) // 'wavl'
246 #define FOURCC_SLNT (0x746E6C73) // 'slnt'
248 // The supported wave formats.
249 #define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM (0x0001)
250 #define WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT (0x0003)
253 // The maximum propagation delay value supported by OpenAL Soft.
254 #define MAX_HRTD (63.0)
256 // The OpenAL Soft HRTF format marker. It stands for minimum-phase head
257 // response protocol 01.
258 #define MHR_FORMAT ("MinPHR01")
262 // Sample and channel type enum values
263 typedef enum SampleTypeT {
264 ST_S16 = 0,
265 ST_S24 = 1
266 } SampleTypeT;
268 typedef enum ChannelTypeT {
269 CT_LEFTONLY = 0,
271 } ChannelTypeT;
273 // Byte order for the serialization routines.
274 typedef enum ByteOrderT {
275 BO_NONE,
277 BO_BIG
278 } ByteOrderT;
280 // Source format for the references listed in the data set definition.
281 typedef enum SourceFormatT {
282 SF_NONE,
283 SF_WAVE, // RIFF/RIFX WAVE file.
284 SF_BIN_LE, // Little-endian binary file.
285 SF_BIN_BE, // Big-endian binary file.
286 SF_ASCII // ASCII text file.
287 } SourceFormatT;
289 // Element types for the references listed in the data set definition.
290 typedef enum ElementTypeT {
291 ET_NONE,
292 ET_INT, // Integer elements.
293 ET_FP // Floating-point elements.
294 } ElementTypeT;
296 // Head model used for calculating the impulse delays.
297 typedef enum HeadModelT {
298 HM_NONE,
299 HM_DATASET, // Measure the onset from the dataset.
300 HM_SPHERE // Calculate the onset using a spherical head model.
301 } HeadModelT;
303 // Desired output format from the command line.
304 typedef enum OutputFormatT {
305 OF_NONE,
306 OF_MHR // OpenAL Soft MHR data set file.
307 } OutputFormatT;
309 // Unsigned integer type.
310 typedef unsigned int uint;
312 // Serialization types. The trailing digit indicates the number of bits.
313 typedef ALubyte uint8;
314 typedef ALint int32;
315 typedef ALuint uint32;
316 typedef ALuint64SOFT uint64;
318 // Token reader state for parsing the data set definition.
319 typedef struct TokenReaderT {
320 FILE *mFile;
321 const char *mName;
322 uint mLine;
323 uint mColumn;
324 char mRing[TR_RING_SIZE];
325 size_t mIn;
326 size_t mOut;
327 } TokenReaderT;
329 // Source reference state used when loading sources.
330 typedef struct SourceRefT {
331 SourceFormatT mFormat;
332 ElementTypeT mType;
333 uint mSize;
334 int mBits;
335 uint mChannel;
336 uint mSkip;
337 uint mOffset;
338 char mPath[MAX_PATH_LEN+1];
339 } SourceRefT;
341 // The HRIR metrics and data set used when loading, processing, and storing
342 // the resulting HRTF.
343 typedef struct HrirDataT {
344 uint mIrRate;
345 SampleTypeT mSampleType;
346 ChannelTypeT mChannelType;
347 uint mIrCount;
348 uint mIrSize;
349 uint mIrPoints;
350 uint mFftSize;
351 uint mEvCount;
352 uint mEvStart;
353 uint mAzCount[MAX_EV_COUNT];
354 uint mEvOffset[MAX_EV_COUNT];
355 double mRadius;
356 double mDistance;
357 double *mHrirs;
358 double *mHrtds;
359 double mMaxHrtd;
360 } HrirDataT;
362 // The resampler metrics and FIR filter.
363 typedef struct ResamplerT {
364 uint mP, mQ, mM, mL;
365 double *mF;
366 } ResamplerT;
369 /****************************************
370 *** Complex number type and routines ***
371 ****************************************/
373 typedef struct {
374 double Real, Imag;
375 } Complex;
377 static Complex MakeComplex(double r, double i)
379 Complex c = { r, i };
380 return c;
383 static Complex c_add(Complex a, Complex b)
385 Complex r;
386 r.Real = a.Real + b.Real;
387 r.Imag = a.Imag + b.Imag;
388 return r;
391 static Complex c_sub(Complex a, Complex b)
393 Complex r;
394 r.Real = a.Real - b.Real;
395 r.Imag = a.Imag - b.Imag;
396 return r;
399 static Complex c_mul(Complex a, Complex b)
401 Complex r;
402 r.Real = a.Real*b.Real - a.Imag*b.Imag;
403 r.Imag = a.Imag*b.Real + a.Real*b.Imag;
404 return r;
407 static Complex c_muls(Complex a, double s)
409 Complex r;
410 r.Real = a.Real * s;
411 r.Imag = a.Imag * s;
412 return r;
415 static double c_abs(Complex a)
417 return sqrt(a.Real*a.Real + a.Imag*a.Imag);
420 static Complex c_exp(Complex a)
422 Complex r;
423 double e = exp(a.Real);
424 r.Real = e * cos(a.Imag);
425 r.Imag = e * sin(a.Imag);
426 return r;
429 /*****************************
430 *** Token reader routines ***
431 *****************************/
433 /* Whitespace is not significant. It can process tokens as identifiers, numbers
434 * (integer and floating-point), strings, and operators. Strings must be
435 * encapsulated by double-quotes and cannot span multiple lines.
438 // Setup the reader on the given file. The filename can be NULL if no error
439 // output is desired.
440 static void TrSetup(FILE *fp, const char *filename, TokenReaderT *tr)
442 const char *name = NULL;
444 if(filename)
446 const char *slash = strrchr(filename, '/');
447 if(slash)
449 const char *bslash = strrchr(slash+1, '\\');
450 if(bslash) name = bslash+1;
451 else name = slash+1;
453 else
455 const char *bslash = strrchr(filename, '\\');
456 if(bslash) name = bslash+1;
457 else name = filename;
461 tr->mFile = fp;
462 tr->mName = name;
463 tr->mLine = 1;
464 tr->mColumn = 1;
465 tr->mIn = 0;
466 tr->mOut = 0;
469 // Prime the reader's ring buffer, and return a result indicating that there
470 // is text to process.
471 static int TrLoad(TokenReaderT *tr)
473 size_t toLoad, in, count;
475 toLoad = TR_RING_SIZE - (tr->mIn - tr->mOut);
476 if(toLoad >= TR_LOAD_SIZE && !feof(tr->mFile))
478 // Load TR_LOAD_SIZE (or less if at the end of the file) per read.
479 toLoad = TR_LOAD_SIZE;
480 in = tr->mIn&TR_RING_MASK;
481 count = TR_RING_SIZE - in;
482 if(count < toLoad)
484 tr->mIn += fread(&tr->mRing[in], 1, count, tr->mFile);
485 tr->mIn += fread(&tr->mRing[0], 1, toLoad-count, tr->mFile);
487 else
488 tr->mIn += fread(&tr->mRing[in], 1, toLoad, tr->mFile);
490 if(tr->mOut >= TR_RING_SIZE)
492 tr->mOut -= TR_RING_SIZE;
493 tr->mIn -= TR_RING_SIZE;
496 if(tr->mIn > tr->mOut)
497 return 1;
498 return 0;
501 // Error display routine. Only displays when the base name is not NULL.
502 static void TrErrorVA(const TokenReaderT *tr, uint line, uint column, const char *format, va_list argPtr)
504 if(!tr->mName)
505 return;
506 fprintf(stderr, "Error (%s:%u:%u): ", tr->mName, line, column);
507 vfprintf(stderr, format, argPtr);
510 // Used to display an error at a saved line/column.
511 static void TrErrorAt(const TokenReaderT *tr, uint line, uint column, const char *format, ...)
513 va_list argPtr;
515 va_start(argPtr, format);
516 TrErrorVA(tr, line, column, format, argPtr);
517 va_end(argPtr);
520 // Used to display an error at the current line/column.
521 static void TrError(const TokenReaderT *tr, const char *format, ...)
523 va_list argPtr;
525 va_start(argPtr, format);
526 TrErrorVA(tr, tr->mLine, tr->mColumn, format, argPtr);
527 va_end(argPtr);
530 // Skips to the next line.
531 static void TrSkipLine(TokenReaderT *tr)
533 char ch;
535 while(TrLoad(tr))
537 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
538 tr->mOut++;
539 if(ch == '\n')
541 tr->mLine++;
542 tr->mColumn = 1;
543 break;
545 tr->mColumn ++;
549 // Skips to the next token.
550 static int TrSkipWhitespace(TokenReaderT *tr)
552 char ch;
554 while(TrLoad(tr))
556 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
557 if(isspace(ch))
559 tr->mOut++;
560 if(ch == '\n')
562 tr->mLine++;
563 tr->mColumn = 1;
565 else
566 tr->mColumn++;
568 else if(ch == '#')
569 TrSkipLine(tr);
570 else
571 return 1;
573 return 0;
576 // Get the line and/or column of the next token (or the end of input).
577 static void TrIndication(TokenReaderT *tr, uint *line, uint *column)
579 TrSkipWhitespace(tr);
580 if(line) *line = tr->mLine;
581 if(column) *column = tr->mColumn;
584 // Checks to see if a token is the given operator. It does not display any
585 // errors and will not proceed to the next token.
586 static int TrIsOperator(TokenReaderT *tr, const char *op)
588 size_t out, len;
589 char ch;
591 if(!TrSkipWhitespace(tr))
592 return 0;
593 out = tr->mOut;
594 len = 0;
595 while(op[len] != '\0' && out < tr->mIn)
597 ch = tr->mRing[out&TR_RING_MASK];
598 if(ch != op[len]) break;
599 len++;
600 out++;
602 if(op[len] == '\0')
603 return 1;
604 return 0;
607 /* The TrRead*() routines obtain the value of a matching token type. They
608 * display type, form, and boundary errors and will proceed to the next
609 * token.
612 // Reads and validates an identifier token.
613 static int TrReadIdent(TokenReaderT *tr, const uint maxLen, char *ident)
615 uint col, len;
616 char ch;
618 col = tr->mColumn;
619 if(TrSkipWhitespace(tr))
621 col = tr->mColumn;
622 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
623 if(ch == '_' || isalpha(ch))
625 len = 0;
626 do {
627 if(len < maxLen)
628 ident[len] = ch;
629 len++;
630 tr->mOut++;
631 if(!TrLoad(tr))
632 break;
633 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
634 } while(ch == '_' || isdigit(ch) || isalpha(ch));
636 tr->mColumn += len;
637 if(len < maxLen)
639 ident[len] = '\0';
640 return 1;
642 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Identifier is too long.\n");
643 return 0;
646 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected an identifier.\n");
647 return 0;
650 // Reads and validates (including bounds) an integer token.
651 static int TrReadInt(TokenReaderT *tr, const int loBound, const int hiBound, int *value)
653 uint col, digis, len;
654 char ch, temp[64+1];
656 col = tr->mColumn;
657 if(TrSkipWhitespace(tr))
659 col = tr->mColumn;
660 len = 0;
661 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
662 if(ch == '+' || ch == '-')
664 temp[len] = ch;
665 len++;
666 tr->mOut++;
668 digis = 0;
669 while(TrLoad(tr))
671 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
672 if(!isdigit(ch)) break;
673 if(len < 64)
674 temp[len] = ch;
675 len++;
676 digis++;
677 tr->mOut++;
679 tr->mColumn += len;
680 if(digis > 0 && ch != '.' && !isalpha(ch))
682 if(len > 64)
684 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Integer is too long.");
685 return 0;
687 temp[len] = '\0';
688 *value = strtol(temp, NULL, 10);
689 if(*value < loBound || *value > hiBound)
691 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected a value from %d to %d.\n", loBound, hiBound);
692 return (0);
694 return (1);
697 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected an integer.\n");
698 return 0;
701 // Reads and validates (including bounds) a float token.
702 static int TrReadFloat(TokenReaderT *tr, const double loBound, const double hiBound, double *value)
704 uint col, digis, len;
705 char ch, temp[64+1];
707 col = tr->mColumn;
708 if(TrSkipWhitespace(tr))
710 col = tr->mColumn;
711 len = 0;
712 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
713 if(ch == '+' || ch == '-')
715 temp[len] = ch;
716 len++;
717 tr->mOut++;
720 digis = 0;
721 while(TrLoad(tr))
723 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
724 if(!isdigit(ch)) break;
725 if(len < 64)
726 temp[len] = ch;
727 len++;
728 digis++;
729 tr->mOut++;
731 if(ch == '.')
733 if(len < 64)
734 temp[len] = ch;
735 len++;
736 tr->mOut++;
738 while(TrLoad(tr))
740 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
741 if(!isdigit(ch)) break;
742 if(len < 64)
743 temp[len] = ch;
744 len++;
745 digis++;
746 tr->mOut++;
748 if(digis > 0)
750 if(ch == 'E' || ch == 'e')
752 if(len < 64)
753 temp[len] = ch;
754 len++;
755 digis = 0;
756 tr->mOut++;
757 if(ch == '+' || ch == '-')
759 if(len < 64)
760 temp[len] = ch;
761 len++;
762 tr->mOut++;
764 while(TrLoad(tr))
766 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
767 if(!isdigit(ch)) break;
768 if(len < 64)
769 temp[len] = ch;
770 len++;
771 digis++;
772 tr->mOut++;
775 tr->mColumn += len;
776 if(digis > 0 && ch != '.' && !isalpha(ch))
778 if(len > 64)
780 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Float is too long.");
781 return 0;
783 temp[len] = '\0';
784 *value = strtod(temp, NULL);
785 if(*value < loBound || *value > hiBound)
787 TrErrorAt (tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected a value from %f to %f.\n", loBound, hiBound);
788 return 0;
790 return 1;
793 else
794 tr->mColumn += len;
796 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected a float.\n");
797 return 0;
800 // Reads and validates a string token.
801 static int TrReadString(TokenReaderT *tr, const uint maxLen, char *text)
803 uint col, len;
804 char ch;
806 col = tr->mColumn;
807 if(TrSkipWhitespace(tr))
809 col = tr->mColumn;
810 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
811 if(ch == '\"')
813 tr->mOut++;
814 len = 0;
815 while(TrLoad(tr))
817 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
818 tr->mOut++;
819 if(ch == '\"')
820 break;
821 if(ch == '\n')
823 TrErrorAt (tr, tr->mLine, col, "Unterminated string at end of line.\n");
824 return 0;
826 if(len < maxLen)
827 text[len] = ch;
828 len++;
830 if(ch != '\"')
832 tr->mColumn += 1 + len;
833 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Unterminated string at end of input.\n");
834 return 0;
836 tr->mColumn += 2 + len;
837 if(len > maxLen)
839 TrErrorAt (tr, tr->mLine, col, "String is too long.\n");
840 return 0;
842 text[len] = '\0';
843 return 1;
846 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected a string.\n");
847 return 0;
850 // Reads and validates the given operator.
851 static int TrReadOperator(TokenReaderT *tr, const char *op)
853 uint col, len;
854 char ch;
856 col = tr->mColumn;
857 if(TrSkipWhitespace(tr))
859 col = tr->mColumn;
860 len = 0;
861 while(op[len] != '\0' && TrLoad(tr))
863 ch = tr->mRing[tr->mOut&TR_RING_MASK];
864 if(ch != op[len]) break;
865 len++;
866 tr->mOut++;
868 tr->mColumn += len;
869 if(op[len] == '\0')
870 return 1;
872 TrErrorAt(tr, tr->mLine, col, "Expected '%s' operator.\n", op);
873 return 0;
876 /* Performs a string substitution. Any case-insensitive occurrences of the
877 * pattern string are replaced with the replacement string. The result is
878 * truncated if necessary.
880 static int StrSubst(const char *in, const char *pat, const char *rep, const size_t maxLen, char *out)
882 size_t inLen, patLen, repLen;
883 size_t si, di;
884 int truncated;
886 inLen = strlen(in);
887 patLen = strlen(pat);
888 repLen = strlen(rep);
889 si = 0;
890 di = 0;
891 truncated = 0;
892 while(si < inLen && di < maxLen)
894 if(patLen <= inLen-si)
896 if(strncasecmp(&in[si], pat, patLen) == 0)
898 if(repLen > maxLen-di)
900 repLen = maxLen - di;
901 truncated = 1;
903 strncpy(&out[di], rep, repLen);
904 si += patLen;
905 di += repLen;
908 out[di] = in[si];
909 si++;
910 di++;
912 if(si < inLen)
913 truncated = 1;
914 out[di] = '\0';
915 return !truncated;
919 /*********************
920 *** Math routines ***
921 *********************/
923 // Provide missing math routines for MSVC versions < 1800 (Visual Studio 2013).
924 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1800
925 static double round(double val)
927 if(val < 0.0)
928 return ceil(val-0.5);
929 return floor(val+0.5);
932 static double fmin(double a, double b)
934 return (a<b) ? a : b;
937 static double fmax(double a, double b)
939 return (a>b) ? a : b;
941 #endif
943 // Simple clamp routine.
944 static double Clamp(const double val, const double lower, const double upper)
946 return fmin(fmax(val, lower), upper);
949 // Performs linear interpolation.
950 static double Lerp(const double a, const double b, const double f)
952 return a + (f * (b - a));
955 static inline uint dither_rng(uint *seed)
957 *seed = (*seed * 96314165) + 907633515;
958 return *seed;
961 // Performs a triangular probability density function dither. It assumes the
962 // input sample is already scaled.
963 static inline double TpdfDither(const double in, uint *seed)
965 static const double PRNG_SCALE = 1.0 / UINT_MAX;
966 uint prn0, prn1;
968 prn0 = dither_rng(seed);
969 prn1 = dither_rng(seed);
970 return round(in + (prn0*PRNG_SCALE - prn1*PRNG_SCALE));
973 // Allocates an array of doubles.
974 static double *CreateArray(size_t n)
976 double *a;
978 if(n == 0) n = 1;
979 a = calloc(n, sizeof(double));
980 if(a == NULL)
982 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Out of memory.\n");
983 exit(-1);
985 return a;
988 // Frees an array of doubles.
989 static void DestroyArray(double *a)
990 { free(a); }
992 /* Fast Fourier transform routines. The number of points must be a power of
993 * two. In-place operation is possible only if both the real and imaginary
994 * parts are in-place together.
997 // Performs bit-reversal ordering.
998 static void FftArrange(const uint n, const Complex *in, Complex *out)
1000 uint rk, k, m;
1002 if(in == out)
1004 // Handle in-place arrangement.
1005 rk = 0;
1006 for(k = 0;k < n;k++)
1008 if(rk > k)
1010 Complex temp = in[rk];
1011 out[rk] = in[k];
1012 out[k] = temp;
1014 m = n;
1015 while(rk&(m >>= 1))
1016 rk &= ~m;
1017 rk |= m;
1020 else
1022 // Handle copy arrangement.
1023 rk = 0;
1024 for(k = 0;k < n;k++)
1026 out[rk] = in[k];
1027 m = n;
1028 while(rk&(m >>= 1))
1029 rk &= ~m;
1030 rk |= m;
1035 // Performs the summation.
1036 static void FftSummation(const int n, const double s, Complex *cplx)
1038 double pi;
1039 int m, m2;
1040 int i, k, mk;
1042 pi = s * M_PI;
1043 for(m = 1, m2 = 2;m < n; m <<= 1, m2 <<= 1)
1045 // v = Complex (-2.0 * sin (0.5 * pi / m) * sin (0.5 * pi / m), -sin (pi / m))
1046 double sm = sin(0.5 * pi / m);
1047 Complex v = MakeComplex(-2.0*sm*sm, -sin(pi / m));
1048 Complex w = MakeComplex(1.0, 0.0);
1049 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
1051 for(k = i;k < n;k += m2)
1053 Complex t;
1054 mk = k + m;
1055 t = c_mul(w, cplx[mk]);
1056 cplx[mk] = c_sub(cplx[k], t);
1057 cplx[k] = c_add(cplx[k], t);
1059 w = c_add(w, c_mul(v, w));
1064 // Performs a forward FFT.
1065 static void FftForward(const uint n, const Complex *in, Complex *out)
1067 FftArrange(n, in, out);
1068 FftSummation(n, 1.0, out);
1071 // Performs an inverse FFT.
1072 static void FftInverse(const uint n, const Complex *in, Complex *out)
1074 double f;
1075 uint i;
1077 FftArrange(n, in, out);
1078 FftSummation(n, -1.0, out);
1079 f = 1.0 / n;
1080 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1081 out[i] = c_muls(out[i], f);
1084 /* Calculate the complex helical sequence (or discrete-time analytical signal)
1085 * of the given input using the Hilbert transform. Given the natural logarithm
1086 * of a signal's magnitude response, the imaginary components can be used as
1087 * the angles for minimum-phase reconstruction.
1089 static void Hilbert(const uint n, const Complex *in, Complex *out)
1091 uint i;
1093 if(in == out)
1095 // Handle in-place operation.
1096 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1097 out[i].Imag = 0.0;
1099 else
1101 // Handle copy operation.
1102 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1103 out[i] = MakeComplex(in[i].Real, 0.0);
1105 FftInverse(n, out, out);
1106 for(i = 1;i < (n+1)/2;i++)
1107 out[i] = c_muls(out[i], 2.0);
1108 /* Increment i if n is even. */
1109 i += (n&1)^1;
1110 for(;i < n;i++)
1111 out[i] = MakeComplex(0.0, 0.0);
1112 FftForward(n, out, out);
1115 /* Calculate the magnitude response of the given input. This is used in
1116 * place of phase decomposition, since the phase residuals are discarded for
1117 * minimum phase reconstruction. The mirrored half of the response is also
1118 * discarded.
1120 static void MagnitudeResponse(const uint n, const Complex *in, double *out)
1122 const uint m = 1 + (n / 2);
1123 uint i;
1124 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
1125 out[i] = fmax(c_abs(in[i]), EPSILON);
1128 /* Apply a range limit (in dB) to the given magnitude response. This is used
1129 * to adjust the effects of the diffuse-field average on the equalization
1130 * process.
1132 static void LimitMagnitudeResponse(const uint n, const double limit, const double *in, double *out)
1134 const uint m = 1 + (n / 2);
1135 double halfLim;
1136 uint i, lower, upper;
1137 double ave;
1139 halfLim = limit / 2.0;
1140 // Convert the response to dB.
1141 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
1142 out[i] = 20.0 * log10(in[i]);
1143 // Use six octaves to calculate the average magnitude of the signal.
1144 lower = ((uint)ceil(n / pow(2.0, 8.0))) - 1;
1145 upper = ((uint)floor(n / pow(2.0, 2.0))) - 1;
1146 ave = 0.0;
1147 for(i = lower;i <= upper;i++)
1148 ave += out[i];
1149 ave /= upper - lower + 1;
1150 // Keep the response within range of the average magnitude.
1151 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
1152 out[i] = Clamp(out[i], ave - halfLim, ave + halfLim);
1153 // Convert the response back to linear magnitude.
1154 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
1155 out[i] = pow(10.0, out[i] / 20.0);
1158 /* Reconstructs the minimum-phase component for the given magnitude response
1159 * of a signal. This is equivalent to phase recomposition, sans the missing
1160 * residuals (which were discarded). The mirrored half of the response is
1161 * reconstructed.
1163 static void MinimumPhase(const uint n, const double *in, Complex *out)
1165 const uint m = 1 + (n / 2);
1166 double *mags;
1167 uint i;
1169 mags = CreateArray(n);
1170 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
1172 mags[i] = fmax(EPSILON, in[i]);
1173 out[i] = MakeComplex(log(mags[i]), 0.0);
1175 for(;i < n;i++)
1177 mags[i] = mags[n - i];
1178 out[i] = out[n - i];
1180 Hilbert(n, out, out);
1181 // Remove any DC offset the filter has.
1182 mags[0] = EPSILON;
1183 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1185 Complex a = c_exp(MakeComplex(0.0, out[i].Imag));
1186 out[i] = c_mul(MakeComplex(mags[i], 0.0), a);
1188 DestroyArray(mags);
1192 /***************************
1193 *** Resampler functions ***
1194 ***************************/
1196 /* This is the normalized cardinal sine (sinc) function.
1198 * sinc(x) = { 1, x = 0
1199 * { sin(pi x) / (pi x), otherwise.
1201 static double Sinc(const double x)
1203 if(fabs(x) < EPSILON)
1204 return 1.0;
1205 return sin(M_PI * x) / (M_PI * x);
1208 /* The zero-order modified Bessel function of the first kind, used for the
1209 * Kaiser window.
1211 * I_0(x) = sum_{k=0}^inf (1 / k!)^2 (x / 2)^(2 k)
1212 * = sum_{k=0}^inf ((x / 2)^k / k!)^2
1214 static double BesselI_0(const double x)
1216 double term, sum, x2, y, last_sum;
1217 int k;
1219 // Start at k=1 since k=0 is trivial.
1220 term = 1.0;
1221 sum = 1.0;
1222 x2 = x/2.0;
1223 k = 1;
1225 // Let the integration converge until the term of the sum is no longer
1226 // significant.
1227 do {
1228 y = x2 / k;
1229 k++;
1230 last_sum = sum;
1231 term *= y * y;
1232 sum += term;
1233 } while(sum != last_sum);
1234 return sum;
1237 /* Calculate a Kaiser window from the given beta value and a normalized k
1238 * [-1, 1].
1240 * w(k) = { I_0(B sqrt(1 - k^2)) / I_0(B), -1 <= k <= 1
1241 * { 0, elsewhere.
1243 * Where k can be calculated as:
1245 * k = i / l, where -l <= i <= l.
1247 * or:
1249 * k = 2 i / M - 1, where 0 <= i <= M.
1251 static double Kaiser(const double b, const double k)
1253 if(!(k >= -1.0 && k <= 1.0))
1254 return 0.0;
1255 return BesselI_0(b * sqrt(1.0 - k*k)) / BesselI_0(b);
1258 // Calculates the greatest common divisor of a and b.
1259 static uint Gcd(uint x, uint y)
1261 while(y > 0)
1263 uint z = y;
1264 y = x % y;
1265 x = z;
1267 return x;
1270 /* Calculates the size (order) of the Kaiser window. Rejection is in dB and
1271 * the transition width is normalized frequency (0.5 is nyquist).
1273 * M = { ceil((r - 7.95) / (2.285 2 pi f_t)), r > 21
1274 * { ceil(5.79 / 2 pi f_t), r <= 21.
1277 static uint CalcKaiserOrder(const double rejection, const double transition)
1279 double w_t = 2.0 * M_PI * transition;
1280 if(rejection > 21.0)
1281 return (uint)ceil((rejection - 7.95) / (2.285 * w_t));
1282 return (uint)ceil(5.79 / w_t);
1285 // Calculates the beta value of the Kaiser window. Rejection is in dB.
1286 static double CalcKaiserBeta(const double rejection)
1288 if(rejection > 50.0)
1289 return 0.1102 * (rejection - 8.7);
1290 if(rejection >= 21.0)
1291 return (0.5842 * pow(rejection - 21.0, 0.4)) +
1292 (0.07886 * (rejection - 21.0));
1293 return 0.0;
1296 /* Calculates a point on the Kaiser-windowed sinc filter for the given half-
1297 * width, beta, gain, and cutoff. The point is specified in non-normalized
1298 * samples, from 0 to M, where M = (2 l + 1).
1300 * w(k) 2 p f_t sinc(2 f_t x)
1302 * x -- centered sample index (i - l)
1303 * k -- normalized and centered window index (x / l)
1304 * w(k) -- window function (Kaiser)
1305 * p -- gain compensation factor when sampling
1306 * f_t -- normalized center frequency (or cutoff; 0.5 is nyquist)
1308 static double SincFilter(const int l, const double b, const double gain, const double cutoff, const int i)
1310 return Kaiser(b, (double)(i - l) / l) * 2.0 * gain * cutoff * Sinc(2.0 * cutoff * (i - l));
1313 /* This is a polyphase sinc-filtered resampler.
1315 * Upsample Downsample
1317 * p/q = 3/2 p/q = 3/5
1319 * M-+-+-+-> M-+-+-+->
1320 * -------------------+ ---------------------+
1321 * p s * f f f f|f| | p s * f f f f f |
1322 * | 0 * 0 0 0|0|0 | | 0 * 0 0 0 0|0| |
1323 * v 0 * 0 0|0|0 0 | v 0 * 0 0 0|0|0 |
1324 * s * f|f|f f f | s * f f|f|f f |
1325 * 0 * |0|0 0 0 0 | 0 * 0|0|0 0 0 |
1326 * --------+=+--------+ 0 * |0|0 0 0 0 |
1327 * d . d .|d|. d . d ----------+=+--------+
1328 * d . . . .|d|. . . .
1329 * q->
1330 * q-+-+-+->
1332 * P_f(i,j) = q i mod p + pj
1333 * P_s(i,j) = floor(q i / p) - j
1334 * d[i=0..N-1] = sum_{j=0}^{floor((M - 1) / p)} {
1335 * { f[P_f(i,j)] s[P_s(i,j)], P_f(i,j) < M
1336 * { 0, P_f(i,j) >= M. }
1339 // Calculate the resampling metrics and build the Kaiser-windowed sinc filter
1340 // that's used to cut frequencies above the destination nyquist.
1341 static void ResamplerSetup(ResamplerT *rs, const uint srcRate, const uint dstRate)
1343 double cutoff, width, beta;
1344 uint gcd, l;
1345 int i;
1347 gcd = Gcd(srcRate, dstRate);
1348 rs->mP = dstRate / gcd;
1349 rs->mQ = srcRate / gcd;
1350 /* The cutoff is adjusted by half the transition width, so the transition
1351 * ends before the nyquist (0.5). Both are scaled by the downsampling
1352 * factor.
1354 if(rs->mP > rs->mQ)
1356 cutoff = 0.475 / rs->mP;
1357 width = 0.05 / rs->mP;
1359 else
1361 cutoff = 0.475 / rs->mQ;
1362 width = 0.05 / rs->mQ;
1364 // A rejection of -180 dB is used for the stop band. Round up when
1365 // calculating the left offset to avoid increasing the transition width.
1366 l = (CalcKaiserOrder(180.0, width)+1) / 2;
1367 beta = CalcKaiserBeta(180.0);
1368 rs->mM = l*2 + 1;
1369 rs->mL = l;
1370 rs->mF = CreateArray(rs->mM);
1371 for(i = 0;i < ((int)rs->mM);i++)
1372 rs->mF[i] = SincFilter((int)l, beta, rs->mP, cutoff, i);
1375 // Clean up after the resampler.
1376 static void ResamplerClear(ResamplerT *rs)
1378 DestroyArray(rs->mF);
1379 rs->mF = NULL;
1382 // Perform the upsample-filter-downsample resampling operation using a
1383 // polyphase filter implementation.
1384 static void ResamplerRun(ResamplerT *rs, const uint inN, const double *in, const uint outN, double *out)
1386 const uint p = rs->mP, q = rs->mQ, m = rs->mM, l = rs->mL;
1387 const double *f = rs->mF;
1388 uint j_f, j_s;
1389 double *work;
1390 uint i;
1392 if(outN == 0)
1393 return;
1395 // Handle in-place operation.
1396 if(in == out)
1397 work = CreateArray(outN);
1398 else
1399 work = out;
1400 // Resample the input.
1401 for(i = 0;i < outN;i++)
1403 double r = 0.0;
1404 // Input starts at l to compensate for the filter delay. This will
1405 // drop any build-up from the first half of the filter.
1406 j_f = (l + (q * i)) % p;
1407 j_s = (l + (q * i)) / p;
1408 while(j_f < m)
1410 // Only take input when 0 <= j_s < inN. This single unsigned
1411 // comparison catches both cases.
1412 if(j_s < inN)
1413 r += f[j_f] * in[j_s];
1414 j_f += p;
1415 j_s--;
1417 work[i] = r;
1419 // Clean up after in-place operation.
1420 if(in == out)
1422 for(i = 0;i < outN;i++)
1423 out[i] = work[i];
1424 DestroyArray(work);
1428 /*************************
1429 *** File source input ***
1430 *************************/
1432 // Read a binary value of the specified byte order and byte size from a file,
1433 // storing it as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
1434 static int ReadBin4(FILE *fp, const char *filename, const ByteOrderT order, const uint bytes, uint32 *out)
1436 uint8 in[4];
1437 uint32 accum;
1438 uint i;
1440 if(fread(in, 1, bytes, fp) != bytes)
1442 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad read from file '%s'.\n", filename);
1443 return 0;
1445 accum = 0;
1446 switch(order)
1448 case BO_LITTLE:
1449 for(i = 0;i < bytes;i++)
1450 accum = (accum<<8) | in[bytes - i - 1];
1451 break;
1452 case BO_BIG:
1453 for(i = 0;i < bytes;i++)
1454 accum = (accum<<8) | in[i];
1455 break;
1456 default:
1457 break;
1459 *out = accum;
1460 return 1;
1463 // Read a binary value of the specified byte order from a file, storing it as
1464 // a 64-bit unsigned integer.
1465 static int ReadBin8(FILE *fp, const char *filename, const ByteOrderT order, uint64 *out)
1467 uint8 in [8];
1468 uint64 accum;
1469 uint i;
1471 if(fread(in, 1, 8, fp) != 8)
1473 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad read from file '%s'.\n", filename);
1474 return 0;
1476 accum = 0ULL;
1477 switch(order)
1479 case BO_LITTLE:
1480 for(i = 0;i < 8;i++)
1481 accum = (accum<<8) | in[8 - i - 1];
1482 break;
1483 case BO_BIG:
1484 for(i = 0;i < 8;i++)
1485 accum = (accum<<8) | in[i];
1486 break;
1487 default:
1488 break;
1490 *out = accum;
1491 return 1;
1494 /* Read a binary value of the specified type, byte order, and byte size from
1495 * a file, converting it to a double. For integer types, the significant
1496 * bits are used to normalize the result. The sign of bits determines
1497 * whether they are padded toward the MSB (negative) or LSB (positive).
1498 * Floating-point types are not normalized.
1500 static int ReadBinAsDouble(FILE *fp, const char *filename, const ByteOrderT order, const ElementTypeT type, const uint bytes, const int bits, double *out)
1502 union {
1503 uint32 ui;
1504 int32 i;
1505 float f;
1506 } v4;
1507 union {
1508 uint64 ui;
1509 double f;
1510 } v8;
1512 *out = 0.0;
1513 if(bytes > 4)
1515 if(!ReadBin8(fp, filename, order, &v8.ui))
1516 return 0;
1517 if(type == ET_FP)
1518 *out = v8.f;
1520 else
1522 if(!ReadBin4(fp, filename, order, bytes, &v4.ui))
1523 return 0;
1524 if(type == ET_FP)
1525 *out = v4.f;
1526 else
1528 if(bits > 0)
1529 v4.ui >>= (8*bytes) - ((uint)bits);
1530 else
1531 v4.ui &= (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32+bits));
1533 if(v4.ui&(uint)(1<<(abs(bits)-1)))
1534 v4.ui |= (0xFFFFFFFF << abs (bits));
1535 *out = v4.i / (double)(1<<(abs(bits)-1));
1538 return 1;
1541 /* Read an ascii value of the specified type from a file, converting it to a
1542 * double. For integer types, the significant bits are used to normalize the
1543 * result. The sign of the bits should always be positive. This also skips
1544 * up to one separator character before the element itself.
1546 static int ReadAsciiAsDouble(TokenReaderT *tr, const char *filename, const ElementTypeT type, const uint bits, double *out)
1548 if(TrIsOperator(tr, ","))
1549 TrReadOperator(tr, ",");
1550 else if(TrIsOperator(tr, ":"))
1551 TrReadOperator(tr, ":");
1552 else if(TrIsOperator(tr, ";"))
1553 TrReadOperator(tr, ";");
1554 else if(TrIsOperator(tr, "|"))
1555 TrReadOperator(tr, "|");
1557 if(type == ET_FP)
1559 if(!TrReadFloat(tr, -HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VAL, out))
1561 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad read from file '%s'.\n", filename);
1562 return 0;
1565 else
1567 int v;
1568 if(!TrReadInt(tr, -(1<<(bits-1)), (1<<(bits-1))-1, &v))
1570 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad read from file '%s'.\n", filename);
1571 return 0;
1573 *out = v / (double)((1<<(bits-1))-1);
1575 return 1;
1578 // Read the RIFF/RIFX WAVE format chunk from a file, validating it against
1579 // the source parameters and data set metrics.
1580 static int ReadWaveFormat(FILE *fp, const ByteOrderT order, const uint hrirRate, SourceRefT *src)
1582 uint32 fourCC, chunkSize;
1583 uint32 format, channels, rate, dummy, block, size, bits;
1585 chunkSize = 0;
1586 do {
1587 if (chunkSize > 0)
1588 fseek (fp, (long) chunkSize, SEEK_CUR);
1589 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, &fourCC) ||
1590 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 4, &chunkSize))
1591 return 0;
1592 } while(fourCC != FOURCC_FMT);
1593 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 2, & format) ||
1594 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 2, & channels) ||
1595 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 4, & rate) ||
1596 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 4, & dummy) ||
1597 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 2, & block))
1598 return (0);
1599 block /= channels;
1600 if(chunkSize > 14)
1602 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 2, &size))
1603 return 0;
1604 size /= 8;
1605 if(block > size)
1606 size = block;
1608 else
1609 size = block;
1610 if(format == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE)
1612 fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_CUR);
1613 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 2, &bits))
1614 return 0;
1615 if(bits == 0)
1616 bits = 8 * size;
1617 fseek(fp, 4, SEEK_CUR);
1618 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 2, &format))
1619 return 0;
1620 fseek(fp, (long)(chunkSize - 26), SEEK_CUR);
1622 else
1624 bits = 8 * size;
1625 if(chunkSize > 14)
1626 fseek(fp, (long)(chunkSize - 16), SEEK_CUR);
1627 else
1628 fseek(fp, (long)(chunkSize - 14), SEEK_CUR);
1630 if(format != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM && format != WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)
1632 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported WAVE format in file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1633 return 0;
1635 if(src->mChannel >= channels)
1637 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Missing source channel in WAVE file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1638 return 0;
1640 if(rate != hrirRate)
1642 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Mismatched source sample rate in WAVE file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1643 return 0;
1645 if(format == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM)
1647 if(size < 2 || size > 4)
1649 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported sample size in WAVE file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1650 return 0;
1652 if(bits < 16 || bits > (8*size))
1654 fprintf (stderr, "Error: Bad significant bits in WAVE file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1655 return 0;
1657 src->mType = ET_INT;
1659 else
1661 if(size != 4 && size != 8)
1663 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported sample size in WAVE file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1664 return 0;
1666 src->mType = ET_FP;
1668 src->mSize = size;
1669 src->mBits = (int)bits;
1670 src->mSkip = channels;
1671 return 1;
1674 // Read a RIFF/RIFX WAVE data chunk, converting all elements to doubles.
1675 static int ReadWaveData(FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const ByteOrderT order, const uint n, double *hrir)
1677 int pre, post, skip;
1678 uint i;
1680 pre = (int)(src->mSize * src->mChannel);
1681 post = (int)(src->mSize * (src->mSkip - src->mChannel - 1));
1682 skip = 0;
1683 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1685 skip += pre;
1686 if(skip > 0)
1687 fseek(fp, skip, SEEK_CUR);
1688 if(!ReadBinAsDouble(fp, src->mPath, order, src->mType, src->mSize, src->mBits, &hrir[i]))
1689 return 0;
1690 skip = post;
1692 if(skip > 0)
1693 fseek(fp, skip, SEEK_CUR);
1694 return 1;
1697 // Read the RIFF/RIFX WAVE list or data chunk, converting all elements to
1698 // doubles.
1699 static int ReadWaveList(FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const ByteOrderT order, const uint n, double *hrir)
1701 uint32 fourCC, chunkSize, listSize, count;
1702 uint block, skip, offset, i;
1703 double lastSample;
1705 for (;;) {
1706 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, & fourCC) ||
1707 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 4, & chunkSize))
1708 return (0);
1710 if(fourCC == FOURCC_DATA)
1712 block = src->mSize * src->mSkip;
1713 count = chunkSize / block;
1714 if(count < (src->mOffset + n))
1716 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad read from file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1717 return 0;
1719 fseek(fp, (long)(src->mOffset * block), SEEK_CUR);
1720 if(!ReadWaveData(fp, src, order, n, &hrir[0]))
1721 return 0;
1722 return 1;
1724 else if(fourCC == FOURCC_LIST)
1726 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, &fourCC))
1727 return 0;
1728 chunkSize -= 4;
1729 if(fourCC == FOURCC_WAVL)
1730 break;
1732 if(chunkSize > 0)
1733 fseek(fp, (long)chunkSize, SEEK_CUR);
1735 listSize = chunkSize;
1736 block = src->mSize * src->mSkip;
1737 skip = src->mOffset;
1738 offset = 0;
1739 lastSample = 0.0;
1740 while(offset < n && listSize > 8)
1742 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, &fourCC) ||
1743 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 4, &chunkSize))
1744 return 0;
1745 listSize -= 8 + chunkSize;
1746 if(fourCC == FOURCC_DATA)
1748 count = chunkSize / block;
1749 if(count > skip)
1751 fseek(fp, (long)(skip * block), SEEK_CUR);
1752 chunkSize -= skip * block;
1753 count -= skip;
1754 skip = 0;
1755 if(count > (n - offset))
1756 count = n - offset;
1757 if(!ReadWaveData(fp, src, order, count, &hrir[offset]))
1758 return 0;
1759 chunkSize -= count * block;
1760 offset += count;
1761 lastSample = hrir [offset - 1];
1763 else
1765 skip -= count;
1766 count = 0;
1769 else if(fourCC == FOURCC_SLNT)
1771 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, order, 4, &count))
1772 return 0;
1773 chunkSize -= 4;
1774 if(count > skip)
1776 count -= skip;
1777 skip = 0;
1778 if(count > (n - offset))
1779 count = n - offset;
1780 for(i = 0; i < count; i ++)
1781 hrir[offset + i] = lastSample;
1782 offset += count;
1784 else
1786 skip -= count;
1787 count = 0;
1790 if(chunkSize > 0)
1791 fseek(fp, (long)chunkSize, SEEK_CUR);
1793 if(offset < n)
1795 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad read from file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1796 return 0;
1798 return 1;
1801 // Load a source HRIR from a RIFF/RIFX WAVE file.
1802 static int LoadWaveSource(FILE *fp, SourceRefT *src, const uint hrirRate, const uint n, double *hrir)
1804 uint32 fourCC, dummy;
1805 ByteOrderT order;
1807 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, &fourCC) ||
1808 !ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, &dummy))
1809 return 0;
1810 if(fourCC == FOURCC_RIFF)
1811 order = BO_LITTLE;
1812 else if(fourCC == FOURCC_RIFX)
1813 order = BO_BIG;
1814 else
1816 fprintf(stderr, "Error: No RIFF/RIFX chunk in file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1817 return 0;
1820 if(!ReadBin4(fp, src->mPath, BO_LITTLE, 4, &fourCC))
1821 return 0;
1822 if(fourCC != FOURCC_WAVE)
1824 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not a RIFF/RIFX WAVE file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1825 return 0;
1827 if(!ReadWaveFormat(fp, order, hrirRate, src))
1828 return 0;
1829 if(!ReadWaveList(fp, src, order, n, hrir))
1830 return 0;
1831 return 1;
1834 // Load a source HRIR from a binary file.
1835 static int LoadBinarySource(FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const ByteOrderT order, const uint n, double *hrir)
1837 uint i;
1839 fseek(fp, (long)src->mOffset, SEEK_SET);
1840 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1842 if(!ReadBinAsDouble(fp, src->mPath, order, src->mType, src->mSize, src->mBits, &hrir[i]))
1843 return 0;
1844 if(src->mSkip > 0)
1845 fseek(fp, (long)src->mSkip, SEEK_CUR);
1847 return 1;
1850 // Load a source HRIR from an ASCII text file containing a list of elements
1851 // separated by whitespace or common list operators (',', ';', ':', '|').
1852 static int LoadAsciiSource(FILE *fp, const SourceRefT *src, const uint n, double *hrir)
1854 TokenReaderT tr;
1855 uint i, j;
1856 double dummy;
1858 TrSetup(fp, NULL, &tr);
1859 for(i = 0;i < src->mOffset;i++)
1861 if(!ReadAsciiAsDouble(&tr, src->mPath, src->mType, (uint)src->mBits, &dummy))
1862 return (0);
1864 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1866 if(!ReadAsciiAsDouble(&tr, src->mPath, src->mType, (uint)src->mBits, &hrir[i]))
1867 return 0;
1868 for(j = 0;j < src->mSkip;j++)
1870 if(!ReadAsciiAsDouble(&tr, src->mPath, src->mType, (uint)src->mBits, &dummy))
1871 return 0;
1874 return 1;
1877 // Load a source HRIR from a supported file type.
1878 static int LoadSource(SourceRefT *src, const uint hrirRate, const uint n, double *hrir)
1880 int result;
1881 FILE *fp;
1883 if (src->mFormat == SF_ASCII)
1884 fp = fopen(src->mPath, "r");
1885 else
1886 fp = fopen(src->mPath, "rb");
1887 if(fp == NULL)
1889 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open source file '%s'.\n", src->mPath);
1890 return 0;
1892 if(src->mFormat == SF_WAVE)
1893 result = LoadWaveSource(fp, src, hrirRate, n, hrir);
1894 else if(src->mFormat == SF_BIN_LE)
1895 result = LoadBinarySource(fp, src, BO_LITTLE, n, hrir);
1896 else if(src->mFormat == SF_BIN_BE)
1897 result = LoadBinarySource(fp, src, BO_BIG, n, hrir);
1898 else
1899 result = LoadAsciiSource(fp, src, n, hrir);
1900 fclose(fp);
1901 return result;
1905 /***************************
1906 *** File storage output ***
1907 ***************************/
1909 // Write an ASCII string to a file.
1910 static int WriteAscii(const char *out, FILE *fp, const char *filename)
1912 size_t len;
1914 len = strlen(out);
1915 if(fwrite(out, 1, len, fp) != len)
1917 fclose(fp);
1918 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad write to file '%s'.\n", filename);
1919 return 0;
1921 return 1;
1924 // Write a binary value of the given byte order and byte size to a file,
1925 // loading it from a 32-bit unsigned integer.
1926 static int WriteBin4(const ByteOrderT order, const uint bytes, const uint32 in, FILE *fp, const char *filename)
1928 uint8 out[4];
1929 uint i;
1931 switch(order)
1933 case BO_LITTLE:
1934 for(i = 0;i < bytes;i++)
1935 out[i] = (in>>(i*8)) & 0x000000FF;
1936 break;
1937 case BO_BIG:
1938 for(i = 0;i < bytes;i++)
1939 out[bytes - i - 1] = (in>>(i*8)) & 0x000000FF;
1940 break;
1941 default:
1942 break;
1944 if(fwrite(out, 1, bytes, fp) != bytes)
1946 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad write to file '%s'.\n", filename);
1947 return 0;
1949 return 1;
1952 // Store the OpenAL Soft HRTF data set.
1953 static int StoreMhr(const HrirDataT *hData, const int experimental, const char *filename)
1955 uint e, step, end, n, j, i;
1956 uint dither_seed;
1957 FILE *fp;
1958 int v;
1960 if((fp=fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
1962 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open MHR file '%s'.\n", filename);
1963 return 0;
1965 if(!WriteAscii(experimental ? MHR_FORMAT_EXPERIMENTAL : MHR_FORMAT, fp, filename))
1966 return 0;
1967 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 4, (uint32)hData->mIrRate, fp, filename))
1968 return 0;
1969 if(experimental)
1971 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 1, (uint32)hData->mSampleType, fp, filename))
1972 return 0;
1973 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 1, (uint32)hData->mChannelType, fp, filename))
1974 return 0;
1976 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 1, (uint32)hData->mIrPoints, fp, filename))
1977 return 0;
1978 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 1, (uint32)hData->mEvCount, fp, filename))
1979 return 0;
1980 for(e = 0;e < hData->mEvCount;e++)
1982 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 1, (uint32)hData->mAzCount[e], fp, filename))
1983 return 0;
1985 step = hData->mIrSize;
1986 end = hData->mIrCount * step;
1987 n = hData->mIrPoints;
1988 dither_seed = 22222;
1989 for(j = 0;j < end;j += step)
1991 const double scale = (!experimental || hData->mSampleType == ST_S16) ? 32767.0 :
1992 ((hData->mSampleType == ST_S24) ? 8388607.0 : 0.0);
1993 const int bps = (!experimental || hData->mSampleType == ST_S16) ? 2 :
1994 ((hData->mSampleType == ST_S24) ? 3 : 0);
1995 double out[MAX_TRUNCSIZE];
1996 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
1997 out[i] = TpdfDither(scale * hData->mHrirs[j+i], &dither_seed);
1998 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2000 v = (int)Clamp(out[i], -scale-1.0, scale);
2001 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, bps, (uint32)v, fp, filename))
2002 return 0;
2005 for(j = 0;j < hData->mIrCount;j++)
2007 v = (int)fmin(round(hData->mIrRate * hData->mHrtds[j]), MAX_HRTD);
2008 if(!WriteBin4(BO_LITTLE, 1, (uint32)v, fp, filename))
2009 return 0;
2011 fclose(fp);
2012 return 1;
2016 /***********************
2017 *** HRTF processing ***
2018 ***********************/
2020 // Calculate the onset time of an HRIR and average it with any existing
2021 // timing for its elevation and azimuth.
2022 static void AverageHrirOnset(const double *hrir, const double f, const uint ei, const uint ai, const HrirDataT *hData)
2024 double mag;
2025 uint n, i, j;
2027 mag = 0.0;
2028 n = hData->mIrPoints;
2029 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2030 mag = fmax(fabs(hrir[i]), mag);
2031 mag *= 0.15;
2032 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2034 if(fabs(hrir[i]) >= mag)
2035 break;
2037 j = hData->mEvOffset[ei] + ai;
2038 hData->mHrtds[j] = Lerp(hData->mHrtds[j], ((double)i) / hData->mIrRate, f);
2041 // Calculate the magnitude response of an HRIR and average it with any
2042 // existing responses for its elevation and azimuth.
2043 static void AverageHrirMagnitude(const double *hrir, const double f, const uint ei, const uint ai, const HrirDataT *hData)
2045 uint n, m, i, j;
2046 Complex *cplx;
2047 double *mags;
2049 n = hData->mFftSize;
2050 cplx = calloc(sizeof(*cplx), n);
2051 mags = calloc(sizeof(*mags), n);
2052 for(i = 0;i < hData->mIrPoints;i++)
2053 cplx[i] = MakeComplex(hrir[i], 0.0);
2054 for(;i < n;i++)
2055 cplx[i] = MakeComplex(0.0, 0.0);
2056 FftForward(n, cplx, cplx);
2057 MagnitudeResponse(n, cplx, mags);
2058 m = 1 + (n / 2);
2059 j = (hData->mEvOffset[ei] + ai) * hData->mIrSize;
2060 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
2061 hData->mHrirs[j+i] = Lerp(hData->mHrirs[j+i], mags[i], f);
2062 free(mags);
2063 free(cplx);
2066 /* Calculate the contribution of each HRIR to the diffuse-field average based
2067 * on the area of its surface patch. All patches are centered at the HRIR
2068 * coordinates on the unit sphere and are measured by solid angle.
2070 static void CalculateDfWeights(const HrirDataT *hData, double *weights)
2072 double evs, sum, ev, up_ev, down_ev, solidAngle;
2073 uint ei;
2075 evs = 90.0 / (hData->mEvCount - 1);
2076 sum = 0.0;
2077 for(ei = hData->mEvStart;ei < hData->mEvCount;ei++)
2079 // For each elevation, calculate the upper and lower limits of the
2080 // patch band.
2081 ev = -90.0 + (ei * 2.0 * evs);
2082 if(ei < (hData->mEvCount - 1))
2083 up_ev = (ev + evs) * M_PI / 180.0;
2084 else
2085 up_ev = M_PI / 2.0;
2086 if(ei > 0)
2087 down_ev = (ev - evs) * M_PI / 180.0;
2088 else
2089 down_ev = -M_PI / 2.0;
2090 // Calculate the area of the patch band.
2091 solidAngle = 2.0 * M_PI * (sin(up_ev) - sin(down_ev));
2092 // Each weight is the area of one patch.
2093 weights[ei] = solidAngle / hData->mAzCount [ei];
2094 // Sum the total surface area covered by the HRIRs.
2095 sum += solidAngle;
2097 // Normalize the weights given the total surface coverage.
2098 for(ei = hData->mEvStart;ei < hData->mEvCount;ei++)
2099 weights[ei] /= sum;
2102 /* Calculate the diffuse-field average from the given magnitude responses of
2103 * the HRIR set. Weighting can be applied to compensate for the varying
2104 * surface area covered by each HRIR. The final average can then be limited
2105 * by the specified magnitude range (in positive dB; 0.0 to skip).
2107 static void CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage(const HrirDataT *hData, const int weighted, const double limit, double *dfa)
2109 uint ei, ai, count, step, start, end, m, j, i;
2110 double *weights;
2112 weights = CreateArray(hData->mEvCount);
2113 if(weighted)
2115 // Use coverage weighting to calculate the average.
2116 CalculateDfWeights(hData, weights);
2118 else
2120 // If coverage weighting is not used, the weights still need to be
2121 // averaged by the number of HRIRs.
2122 count = 0;
2123 for(ei = hData->mEvStart;ei < hData->mEvCount;ei++)
2124 count += hData->mAzCount [ei];
2125 for(ei = hData->mEvStart;ei < hData->mEvCount;ei++)
2126 weights[ei] = 1.0 / count;
2128 ei = hData->mEvStart;
2129 ai = 0;
2130 step = hData->mIrSize;
2131 start = hData->mEvOffset[ei] * step;
2132 end = hData->mIrCount * step;
2133 m = 1 + (hData->mFftSize / 2);
2134 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
2135 dfa[i] = 0.0;
2136 for(j = start;j < end;j += step)
2138 // Get the weight for this HRIR's contribution.
2139 double weight = weights[ei];
2140 // Add this HRIR's weighted power average to the total.
2141 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
2142 dfa[i] += weight * hData->mHrirs[j+i] * hData->mHrirs[j+i];
2143 // Determine the next weight to use.
2144 ai++;
2145 if(ai >= hData->mAzCount[ei])
2147 ei++;
2148 ai = 0;
2151 // Finish the average calculation and keep it from being too small.
2152 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
2153 dfa[i] = fmax(sqrt(dfa[i]), EPSILON);
2154 // Apply a limit to the magnitude range of the diffuse-field average if
2155 // desired.
2156 if(limit > 0.0)
2157 LimitMagnitudeResponse(hData->mFftSize, limit, dfa, dfa);
2158 DestroyArray(weights);
2161 // Perform diffuse-field equalization on the magnitude responses of the HRIR
2162 // set using the given average response.
2163 static void DiffuseFieldEqualize(const double *dfa, const HrirDataT *hData)
2165 uint step, start, end, m, j, i;
2167 step = hData->mIrSize;
2168 start = hData->mEvOffset[hData->mEvStart] * step;
2169 end = hData->mIrCount * step;
2170 m = 1 + (hData->mFftSize / 2);
2171 for(j = start;j < end;j += step)
2173 for(i = 0;i < m;i++)
2174 hData->mHrirs[j+i] /= dfa[i];
2178 // Perform minimum-phase reconstruction using the magnitude responses of the
2179 // HRIR set.
2180 static void ReconstructHrirs(const HrirDataT *hData)
2182 uint step, start, end, n, j, i;
2183 uint pcdone, lastpc;
2184 Complex *cplx;
2186 pcdone = lastpc = 0;
2187 printf("%3d%% done.", pcdone);
2188 fflush(stdout);
2190 step = hData->mIrSize;
2191 start = hData->mEvOffset[hData->mEvStart] * step;
2192 end = hData->mIrCount * step;
2193 n = hData->mFftSize;
2194 cplx = calloc(sizeof(*cplx), n);
2195 for(j = start;j < end;j += step)
2197 MinimumPhase(n, &hData->mHrirs[j], cplx);
2198 FftInverse(n, cplx, cplx);
2199 for(i = 0;i < hData->mIrPoints;i++)
2200 hData->mHrirs[j+i] = cplx[i].Real;
2201 pcdone = (j+step-start) * 100 / (end-start);
2202 if(pcdone != lastpc)
2204 lastpc = pcdone;
2205 printf("\r%3d%% done.", pcdone);
2206 fflush(stdout);
2209 free(cplx);
2210 printf("\n");
2213 // Resamples the HRIRs for use at the given sampling rate.
2214 static void ResampleHrirs(const uint rate, HrirDataT *hData)
2216 uint n, step, start, end, j;
2217 ResamplerT rs;
2219 ResamplerSetup(&rs, hData->mIrRate, rate);
2220 n = hData->mIrPoints;
2221 step = hData->mIrSize;
2222 start = hData->mEvOffset[hData->mEvStart] * step;
2223 end = hData->mIrCount * step;
2224 for(j = start;j < end;j += step)
2225 ResamplerRun(&rs, n, &hData->mHrirs[j], n, &hData->mHrirs[j]);
2226 ResamplerClear(&rs);
2227 hData->mIrRate = rate;
2230 /* Given an elevation index and an azimuth, calculate the indices of the two
2231 * HRIRs that bound the coordinate along with a factor for calculating the
2232 * continous HRIR using interpolation.
2234 static void CalcAzIndices(const HrirDataT *hData, const uint ei, const double az, uint *j0, uint *j1, double *jf)
2236 double af;
2237 uint ai;
2239 af = ((2.0*M_PI) + az) * hData->mAzCount[ei] / (2.0*M_PI);
2240 ai = ((uint)af) % hData->mAzCount[ei];
2241 af -= floor(af);
2243 *j0 = hData->mEvOffset[ei] + ai;
2244 *j1 = hData->mEvOffset[ei] + ((ai+1) % hData->mAzCount [ei]);
2245 *jf = af;
2248 // Synthesize any missing onset timings at the bottom elevations. This just
2249 // blends between slightly exaggerated known onsets. Not an accurate model.
2250 static void SynthesizeOnsets(HrirDataT *hData)
2252 uint oi, e, a, j0, j1;
2253 double t, of, jf;
2255 oi = hData->mEvStart;
2256 t = 0.0;
2257 for(a = 0;a < hData->mAzCount[oi];a++)
2258 t += hData->mHrtds[hData->mEvOffset[oi] + a];
2259 hData->mHrtds[0] = 1.32e-4 + (t / hData->mAzCount[oi]);
2260 for(e = 1;e < hData->mEvStart;e++)
2262 of = ((double)e) / hData->mEvStart;
2263 for(a = 0;a < hData->mAzCount[e];a++)
2265 CalcAzIndices(hData, oi, a * 2.0 * M_PI / hData->mAzCount[e], &j0, &j1, &jf);
2266 hData->mHrtds[hData->mEvOffset[e] + a] = Lerp(hData->mHrtds[0], Lerp(hData->mHrtds[j0], hData->mHrtds[j1], jf), of);
2271 /* Attempt to synthesize any missing HRIRs at the bottom elevations. Right
2272 * now this just blends the lowest elevation HRIRs together and applies some
2273 * attenuation and high frequency damping. It is a simple, if inaccurate
2274 * model.
2276 static void SynthesizeHrirs (HrirDataT *hData)
2278 uint oi, a, e, step, n, i, j;
2279 double lp[4], s0, s1;
2280 double of, b;
2281 uint j0, j1;
2282 double jf;
2284 if(hData->mEvStart <= 0)
2285 return;
2286 step = hData->mIrSize;
2287 oi = hData->mEvStart;
2288 n = hData->mIrPoints;
2289 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2290 hData->mHrirs[i] = 0.0;
2291 for(a = 0;a < hData->mAzCount[oi];a++)
2293 j = (hData->mEvOffset[oi] + a) * step;
2294 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2295 hData->mHrirs[i] += hData->mHrirs[j+i] / hData->mAzCount[oi];
2297 for(e = 1;e < hData->mEvStart;e++)
2299 of = ((double)e) / hData->mEvStart;
2300 b = (1.0 - of) * (3.5e-6 * hData->mIrRate);
2301 for(a = 0;a < hData->mAzCount[e];a++)
2303 j = (hData->mEvOffset[e] + a) * step;
2304 CalcAzIndices(hData, oi, a * 2.0 * M_PI / hData->mAzCount[e], &j0, &j1, &jf);
2305 j0 *= step;
2306 j1 *= step;
2307 lp[0] = 0.0;
2308 lp[1] = 0.0;
2309 lp[2] = 0.0;
2310 lp[3] = 0.0;
2311 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2313 s0 = hData->mHrirs[i];
2314 s1 = Lerp(hData->mHrirs[j0+i], hData->mHrirs[j1+i], jf);
2315 s0 = Lerp(s0, s1, of);
2316 lp[0] = Lerp(s0, lp[0], b);
2317 lp[1] = Lerp(lp[0], lp[1], b);
2318 lp[2] = Lerp(lp[1], lp[2], b);
2319 lp[3] = Lerp(lp[2], lp[3], b);
2320 hData->mHrirs[j+i] = lp[3];
2324 b = 3.5e-6 * hData->mIrRate;
2325 lp[0] = 0.0;
2326 lp[1] = 0.0;
2327 lp[2] = 0.0;
2328 lp[3] = 0.0;
2329 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2331 s0 = hData->mHrirs[i];
2332 lp[0] = Lerp(s0, lp[0], b);
2333 lp[1] = Lerp(lp[0], lp[1], b);
2334 lp[2] = Lerp(lp[1], lp[2], b);
2335 lp[3] = Lerp(lp[2], lp[3], b);
2336 hData->mHrirs[i] = lp[3];
2338 hData->mEvStart = 0;
2341 // The following routines assume a full set of HRIRs for all elevations.
2343 // Normalize the HRIR set and slightly attenuate the result.
2344 static void NormalizeHrirs (const HrirDataT *hData)
2346 uint step, end, n, j, i;
2347 double maxLevel;
2349 step = hData->mIrSize;
2350 end = hData->mIrCount * step;
2351 n = hData->mIrPoints;
2352 maxLevel = 0.0;
2353 for(j = 0;j < end;j += step)
2355 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2356 maxLevel = fmax(fabs(hData->mHrirs[j+i]), maxLevel);
2358 maxLevel = 1.01 * maxLevel;
2359 for(j = 0;j < end;j += step)
2361 for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
2362 hData->mHrirs[j+i] /= maxLevel;
2366 // Calculate the left-ear time delay using a spherical head model.
2367 static double CalcLTD(const double ev, const double az, const double rad, const double dist)
2369 double azp, dlp, l, al;
2371 azp = asin(cos(ev) * sin(az));
2372 dlp = sqrt((dist*dist) + (rad*rad) + (2.0*dist*rad*sin(azp)));
2373 l = sqrt((dist*dist) - (rad*rad));
2374 al = (0.5 * M_PI) + azp;
2375 if(dlp > l)
2376 dlp = l + (rad * (al - acos(rad / dist)));
2377 return (dlp / 343.3);
2380 // Calculate the effective head-related time delays for each minimum-phase
2381 // HRIR.
2382 static void CalculateHrtds (const HeadModelT model, const double radius, HrirDataT *hData)
2384 double minHrtd, maxHrtd;
2385 uint e, a, j;
2386 double t;
2388 minHrtd = 1000.0;
2389 maxHrtd = -1000.0;
2390 for(e = 0;e < hData->mEvCount;e++)
2392 for(a = 0;a < hData->mAzCount[e];a++)
2394 j = hData->mEvOffset[e] + a;
2395 if(model == HM_DATASET)
2396 t = hData->mHrtds[j] * radius / hData->mRadius;
2397 else
2398 t = CalcLTD((-90.0 + (e * 180.0 / (hData->mEvCount - 1))) * M_PI / 180.0,
2399 (a * 360.0 / hData->mAzCount [e]) * M_PI / 180.0,
2400 radius, hData->mDistance);
2401 hData->mHrtds[j] = t;
2402 maxHrtd = fmax(t, maxHrtd);
2403 minHrtd = fmin(t, minHrtd);
2406 maxHrtd -= minHrtd;
2407 for(j = 0;j < hData->mIrCount;j++)
2408 hData->mHrtds[j] -= minHrtd;
2409 hData->mMaxHrtd = maxHrtd;
2413 // Process the data set definition to read and validate the data set metrics.
2414 static int ProcessMetrics(TokenReaderT *tr, const uint fftSize, const uint truncSize, HrirDataT *hData)
2416 int hasRate = 0, hasPoints = 0, hasAzimuths = 0;
2417 int hasRadius = 0, hasDistance = 0;
2418 char ident[MAX_IDENT_LEN+1];
2419 uint line, col;
2420 double fpVal;
2421 uint points;
2422 int intVal;
2424 while(!(hasRate && hasPoints && hasAzimuths && hasRadius && hasDistance))
2426 TrIndication(tr, & line, & col);
2427 if(!TrReadIdent(tr, MAX_IDENT_LEN, ident))
2428 return 0;
2429 if(strcasecmp(ident, "rate") == 0)
2431 if(hasRate)
2433 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Redefinition of 'rate'.\n");
2434 return 0;
2436 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "="))
2437 return 0;
2438 if(!TrReadInt(tr, MIN_RATE, MAX_RATE, &intVal))
2439 return 0;
2440 hData->mIrRate = (uint)intVal;
2441 hasRate = 1;
2443 else if(strcasecmp(ident, "points") == 0)
2445 if (hasPoints) {
2446 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Redefinition of 'points'.\n");
2447 return 0;
2449 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "="))
2450 return 0;
2451 TrIndication(tr, &line, &col);
2452 if(!TrReadInt(tr, MIN_POINTS, MAX_POINTS, &intVal))
2453 return 0;
2454 points = (uint)intVal;
2455 if(fftSize > 0 && points > fftSize)
2457 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Value exceeds the overridden FFT size.\n");
2458 return 0;
2460 if(points < truncSize)
2462 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Value is below the truncation size.\n");
2463 return 0;
2465 hData->mIrPoints = points;
2466 if(fftSize <= 0)
2468 hData->mFftSize = DEFAULT_FFTSIZE;
2469 hData->mIrSize = 1 + (DEFAULT_FFTSIZE / 2);
2471 else
2473 hData->mFftSize = fftSize;
2474 hData->mIrSize = 1 + (fftSize / 2);
2475 if(points > hData->mIrSize)
2476 hData->mIrSize = points;
2478 hasPoints = 1;
2480 else if(strcasecmp(ident, "azimuths") == 0)
2482 if(hasAzimuths)
2484 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Redefinition of 'azimuths'.\n");
2485 return 0;
2487 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "="))
2488 return 0;
2489 hData->mIrCount = 0;
2490 hData->mEvCount = 0;
2491 hData->mEvOffset[0] = 0;
2492 for(;;)
2494 if(!TrReadInt(tr, MIN_AZ_COUNT, MAX_AZ_COUNT, &intVal))
2495 return 0;
2496 hData->mAzCount[hData->mEvCount] = (uint)intVal;
2497 hData->mIrCount += (uint)intVal;
2498 hData->mEvCount ++;
2499 if(!TrIsOperator(tr, ","))
2500 break;
2501 if(hData->mEvCount >= MAX_EV_COUNT)
2503 TrError(tr, "Exceeded the maximum of %d elevations.\n", MAX_EV_COUNT);
2504 return 0;
2506 hData->mEvOffset[hData->mEvCount] = hData->mEvOffset[hData->mEvCount - 1] + ((uint)intVal);
2507 TrReadOperator(tr, ",");
2509 if(hData->mEvCount < MIN_EV_COUNT)
2511 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Did not reach the minimum of %d azimuth counts.\n", MIN_EV_COUNT);
2512 return 0;
2514 hasAzimuths = 1;
2516 else if(strcasecmp(ident, "radius") == 0)
2518 if(hasRadius)
2520 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Redefinition of 'radius'.\n");
2521 return 0;
2523 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "="))
2524 return 0;
2525 if(!TrReadFloat(tr, MIN_RADIUS, MAX_RADIUS, &fpVal))
2526 return 0;
2527 hData->mRadius = fpVal;
2528 hasRadius = 1;
2530 else if(strcasecmp(ident, "distance") == 0)
2532 if(hasDistance)
2534 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Redefinition of 'distance'.\n");
2535 return 0;
2537 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "="))
2538 return 0;
2539 if(!TrReadFloat(tr, MIN_DISTANCE, MAX_DISTANCE, & fpVal))
2540 return 0;
2541 hData->mDistance = fpVal;
2542 hasDistance = 1;
2544 else
2546 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Expected a metric name.\n");
2547 return 0;
2549 TrSkipWhitespace (tr);
2551 return 1;
2554 // Parse an index pair from the data set definition.
2555 static int ReadIndexPair(TokenReaderT *tr, const HrirDataT *hData, uint *ei, uint *ai)
2557 int intVal;
2558 if(!TrReadInt(tr, 0, (int)hData->mEvCount, &intVal))
2559 return 0;
2560 *ei = (uint)intVal;
2561 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, ","))
2562 return 0;
2563 if(!TrReadInt(tr, 0, (int)hData->mAzCount[*ei], &intVal))
2564 return 0;
2565 *ai = (uint)intVal;
2566 return 1;
2569 // Match the source format from a given identifier.
2570 static SourceFormatT MatchSourceFormat(const char *ident)
2572 if(strcasecmp(ident, "wave") == 0)
2573 return SF_WAVE;
2574 if(strcasecmp(ident, "bin_le") == 0)
2575 return SF_BIN_LE;
2576 if(strcasecmp(ident, "bin_be") == 0)
2577 return SF_BIN_BE;
2578 if(strcasecmp(ident, "ascii") == 0)
2579 return SF_ASCII;
2580 return SF_NONE;
2583 // Match the source element type from a given identifier.
2584 static ElementTypeT MatchElementType(const char *ident)
2586 if(strcasecmp(ident, "int") == 0)
2587 return ET_INT;
2588 if(strcasecmp(ident, "fp") == 0)
2589 return ET_FP;
2590 return ET_NONE;
2593 // Parse and validate a source reference from the data set definition.
2594 static int ReadSourceRef(TokenReaderT *tr, SourceRefT *src)
2596 char ident[MAX_IDENT_LEN+1];
2597 uint line, col;
2598 int intVal;
2600 TrIndication(tr, &line, &col);
2601 if(!TrReadIdent(tr, MAX_IDENT_LEN, ident))
2602 return 0;
2603 src->mFormat = MatchSourceFormat(ident);
2604 if(src->mFormat == SF_NONE)
2606 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Expected a source format.\n");
2607 return 0;
2609 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "("))
2610 return 0;
2611 if(src->mFormat == SF_WAVE)
2613 if(!TrReadInt(tr, 0, MAX_WAVE_CHANNELS, &intVal))
2614 return 0;
2615 src->mType = ET_NONE;
2616 src->mSize = 0;
2617 src->mBits = 0;
2618 src->mChannel = (uint)intVal;
2619 src->mSkip = 0;
2621 else
2623 TrIndication(tr, &line, &col);
2624 if(!TrReadIdent(tr, MAX_IDENT_LEN, ident))
2625 return 0;
2626 src->mType = MatchElementType(ident);
2627 if(src->mType == ET_NONE)
2629 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Expected a source element type.\n");
2630 return 0;
2632 if(src->mFormat == SF_BIN_LE || src->mFormat == SF_BIN_BE)
2634 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, ","))
2635 return 0;
2636 if(src->mType == ET_INT)
2638 if(!TrReadInt(tr, MIN_BIN_SIZE, MAX_BIN_SIZE, &intVal))
2639 return 0;
2640 src->mSize = (uint)intVal;
2641 if(!TrIsOperator(tr, ","))
2642 src->mBits = (int)(8*src->mSize);
2643 else
2645 TrReadOperator(tr, ",");
2646 TrIndication(tr, &line, &col);
2647 if(!TrReadInt(tr, -2147483647-1, 2147483647, &intVal))
2648 return 0;
2649 if(abs(intVal) < MIN_BIN_BITS || ((uint)abs(intVal)) > (8*src->mSize))
2651 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Expected a value of (+/-) %d to %d.\n", MIN_BIN_BITS, 8*src->mSize);
2652 return 0;
2654 src->mBits = intVal;
2657 else
2659 TrIndication(tr, &line, &col);
2660 if(!TrReadInt(tr, -2147483647-1, 2147483647, &intVal))
2661 return 0;
2662 if(intVal != 4 && intVal != 8)
2664 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Expected a value of 4 or 8.\n");
2665 return 0;
2667 src->mSize = (uint)intVal;
2668 src->mBits = 0;
2671 else if(src->mFormat == SF_ASCII && src->mType == ET_INT)
2673 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, ","))
2674 return 0;
2675 if(!TrReadInt(tr, MIN_ASCII_BITS, MAX_ASCII_BITS, &intVal))
2676 return 0;
2677 src->mSize = 0;
2678 src->mBits = intVal;
2680 else
2682 src->mSize = 0;
2683 src->mBits = 0;
2686 if(!TrIsOperator(tr, ";"))
2687 src->mSkip = 0;
2688 else
2690 TrReadOperator(tr, ";");
2691 if(!TrReadInt (tr, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, &intVal))
2692 return 0;
2693 src->mSkip = (uint)intVal;
2696 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, ")"))
2697 return 0;
2698 if(TrIsOperator(tr, "@"))
2700 TrReadOperator(tr, "@");
2701 if(!TrReadInt(tr, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, &intVal))
2702 return 0;
2703 src->mOffset = (uint)intVal;
2705 else
2706 src->mOffset = 0;
2707 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, ":"))
2708 return 0;
2709 if(!TrReadString(tr, MAX_PATH_LEN, src->mPath))
2710 return 0;
2711 return 1;
2714 // Process the list of sources in the data set definition.
2715 static int ProcessSources(const HeadModelT model, TokenReaderT *tr, HrirDataT *hData)
2717 uint *setCount, *setFlag;
2718 uint line, col, ei, ai;
2719 SourceRefT src;
2720 double factor;
2721 double *hrir;
2722 int count;
2724 printf("Loading sources...");
2725 fflush(stdout);
2727 count = 0;
2728 setCount = (uint*)calloc(hData->mEvCount, sizeof(uint));
2729 setFlag = (uint*)calloc(hData->mIrCount, sizeof(uint));
2730 hrir = CreateArray(hData->mIrPoints);
2731 while(TrIsOperator(tr, "["))
2733 TrIndication(tr, & line, & col);
2734 TrReadOperator(tr, "[");
2735 if(!ReadIndexPair(tr, hData, &ei, &ai))
2736 goto error;
2737 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "]"))
2738 goto error;
2739 if(setFlag[hData->mEvOffset[ei] + ai])
2741 TrErrorAt(tr, line, col, "Redefinition of source.\n");
2742 goto error;
2744 if(!TrReadOperator(tr, "="))
2745 goto error;
2747 factor = 1.0;
2748 for(;;)
2750 if(!ReadSourceRef(tr, &src))
2751 goto error;
2753 // TODO: Would be nice to display 'x of y files', but that would
2754 // require preparing the source refs first to get a total count
2755 // before loading them.
2756 ++count;
2757 printf("\rLoading sources... %d file%s", count, (count==1)?"":"s");
2758 fflush(stdout);
2760 if(!LoadSource(&src, hData->mIrRate, hData->mIrPoints, hrir))
2761 goto error;
2763 if(model == HM_DATASET)
2764 AverageHrirOnset(hrir, 1.0 / factor, ei, ai, hData);
2765 AverageHrirMagnitude(hrir, 1.0 / factor, ei, ai, hData);
2766 factor += 1.0;
2767 if(!TrIsOperator(tr, "+"))
2768 break;
2769 TrReadOperator(tr, "+");
2771 setFlag[hData->mEvOffset[ei] + ai] = 1;
2772 setCount[ei]++;
2774 printf("\n");
2776 ei = 0;
2777 while(ei < hData->mEvCount && setCount[ei] < 1)
2778 ei++;
2779 if(ei < hData->mEvCount)
2781 hData->mEvStart = ei;
2782 while(ei < hData->mEvCount && setCount[ei] == hData->mAzCount[ei])
2783 ei++;
2784 if(ei >= hData->mEvCount)
2786 if(!TrLoad(tr))
2788 DestroyArray(hrir);
2789 free(setFlag);
2790 free(setCount);
2791 return 1;
2793 TrError(tr, "Errant data at end of source list.\n");
2795 else
2796 TrError(tr, "Missing sources for elevation index %d.\n", ei);
2798 else
2799 TrError(tr, "Missing source references.\n");
2801 error:
2802 DestroyArray(hrir);
2803 free(setFlag);
2804 free(setCount);
2805 return 0;
2808 /* Parse the data set definition and process the source data, storing the
2809 * resulting data set as desired. If the input name is NULL it will read
2810 * from standard input.
2812 static int ProcessDefinition(const char *inName, const uint outRate, const uint fftSize, const int equalize, const int surface, const double limit, const uint truncSize, const HeadModelT model, const double radius, const OutputFormatT outFormat, const int experimental, const char *outName)
2814 char rateStr[8+1], expName[MAX_PATH_LEN];
2815 TokenReaderT tr;
2816 HrirDataT hData;
2817 double *dfa;
2818 FILE *fp;
2820 hData.mIrRate = 0;
2821 hData.mSampleType = ST_S24;
2822 hData.mChannelType = CT_LEFTONLY;
2823 hData.mIrPoints = 0;
2824 hData.mFftSize = 0;
2825 hData.mIrSize = 0;
2826 hData.mIrCount = 0;
2827 hData.mEvCount = 0;
2828 hData.mRadius = 0;
2829 hData.mDistance = 0;
2830 fprintf(stdout, "Reading HRIR definition...\n");
2831 if(inName != NULL)
2833 fp = fopen(inName, "r");
2834 if(fp == NULL)
2836 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open definition file '%s'\n", inName);
2837 return 0;
2839 TrSetup(fp, inName, &tr);
2841 else
2843 fp = stdin;
2844 TrSetup(fp, "<stdin>", &tr);
2846 if(!ProcessMetrics(&tr, fftSize, truncSize, &hData))
2848 if(inName != NULL)
2849 fclose(fp);
2850 return 0;
2852 hData.mHrirs = CreateArray(hData.mIrCount * hData.mIrSize);
2853 hData.mHrtds = CreateArray(hData.mIrCount);
2854 if(!ProcessSources(model, &tr, &hData))
2856 DestroyArray(hData.mHrtds);
2857 DestroyArray(hData.mHrirs);
2858 if(inName != NULL)
2859 fclose(fp);
2860 return 0;
2862 if(inName != NULL)
2863 fclose(fp);
2864 if(equalize)
2866 dfa = CreateArray(1 + (hData.mFftSize/2));
2867 fprintf(stdout, "Calculating diffuse-field average...\n");
2868 CalculateDiffuseFieldAverage(&hData, surface, limit, dfa);
2869 fprintf(stdout, "Performing diffuse-field equalization...\n");
2870 DiffuseFieldEqualize(dfa, &hData);
2871 DestroyArray(dfa);
2873 fprintf(stdout, "Performing minimum phase reconstruction...\n");
2874 ReconstructHrirs(&hData);
2875 if(outRate != 0 && outRate != hData.mIrRate)
2877 fprintf(stdout, "Resampling HRIRs...\n");
2878 ResampleHrirs(outRate, &hData);
2880 fprintf(stdout, "Truncating minimum-phase HRIRs...\n");
2881 hData.mIrPoints = truncSize;
2882 fprintf(stdout, "Synthesizing missing elevations...\n");
2883 if(model == HM_DATASET)
2884 SynthesizeOnsets(&hData);
2885 SynthesizeHrirs(&hData);
2886 fprintf(stdout, "Normalizing final HRIRs...\n");
2887 NormalizeHrirs(&hData);
2888 fprintf(stdout, "Calculating impulse delays...\n");
2889 CalculateHrtds(model, (radius > DEFAULT_CUSTOM_RADIUS) ? radius : hData.mRadius, &hData);
2890 snprintf(rateStr, 8, "%u", hData.mIrRate);
2891 StrSubst(outName, "%r", rateStr, MAX_PATH_LEN, expName);
2892 switch(outFormat)
2894 case OF_MHR:
2895 fprintf(stdout, "Creating MHR data set file...\n");
2896 if(!StoreMhr(&hData, experimental, expName))
2898 DestroyArray(hData.mHrtds);
2899 DestroyArray(hData.mHrirs);
2900 return 0;
2902 break;
2903 default:
2904 break;
2906 DestroyArray(hData.mHrtds);
2907 DestroyArray(hData.mHrirs);
2908 return 1;
2911 static void PrintHelp(const char *argv0, FILE *ofile)
2913 fprintf(ofile, "Usage: %s <command> [<option>...]\n\n", argv0);
2914 fprintf(ofile, "Commands:\n");
2915 fprintf(ofile, " -m, --make-mhr Makes an OpenAL Soft compatible HRTF data set.\n");
2916 fprintf(ofile, " Defaults output to: ./oalsoft_hrtf_%%r.mhr\n");
2917 fprintf(ofile, " -h, --help Displays this help information.\n\n");
2918 fprintf(ofile, "Options:\n");
2919 fprintf(ofile, " -r <rate> Change the data set sample rate to the specified value and\n");
2920 fprintf(ofile, " resample the HRIRs accordingly.\n");
2921 fprintf(ofile, " -f <points> Override the FFT window size (default: %u).\n", DEFAULT_FFTSIZE);
2922 fprintf(ofile, " -e {on|off} Toggle diffuse-field equalization (default: %s).\n", (DEFAULT_EQUALIZE ? "on" : "off"));
2923 fprintf(ofile, " -s {on|off} Toggle surface-weighted diffuse-field average (default: %s).\n", (DEFAULT_SURFACE ? "on" : "off"));
2924 fprintf(ofile, " -l {<dB>|none} Specify a limit to the magnitude range of the diffuse-field\n");
2925 fprintf(ofile, " average (default: %.2f).\n", DEFAULT_LIMIT);
2926 fprintf(ofile, " -w <points> Specify the size of the truncation window that's applied\n");
2927 fprintf(ofile, " after minimum-phase reconstruction (default: %u).\n", DEFAULT_TRUNCSIZE);
2928 fprintf(ofile, " -d {dataset| Specify the model used for calculating the head-delay timing\n");
2929 fprintf(ofile, " sphere} values (default: %s).\n", ((DEFAULT_HEAD_MODEL == HM_DATASET) ? "dataset" : "sphere"));
2930 fprintf(ofile, " -c <size> Use a customized head radius measured ear-to-ear in meters.\n");
2931 fprintf(ofile, " -i <filename> Specify an HRIR definition file to use (defaults to stdin).\n");
2932 fprintf(ofile, " -o <filename> Specify an output file. Overrides command-selected default.\n");
2933 fprintf(ofile, " Use of '%%r' will be substituted with the data set sample rate.\n");
2936 #ifdef _WIN32
2937 #define main my_main
2938 int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
2940 static char **arglist;
2941 static void cleanup_arglist(void)
2943 int i;
2944 for(i = 0;arglist[i];i++)
2945 free(arglist[i]);
2946 free(arglist);
2949 int wmain(int argc, const wchar_t *wargv[])
2951 int i;
2953 atexit(cleanup_arglist);
2954 arglist = calloc(sizeof(*arglist), argc);
2955 for(i = 0;i < argc;i++)
2956 arglist[i] = ToUTF8(wargv[i]);
2958 return main(argc, arglist);
2960 #endif
2962 // Standard command line dispatch.
2963 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
2965 const char *inName = NULL, *outName = NULL;
2966 OutputFormatT outFormat;
2967 uint outRate, fftSize;
2968 int equalize, surface;
2969 int experimental;
2970 char *end = NULL;
2971 HeadModelT model;
2972 uint truncSize;
2973 double radius;
2974 double limit;
2975 int opt;
2977 if(argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)
2979 fprintf(stdout, "HRTF Processing and Composition Utility\n\n");
2980 PrintHelp(argv[0], stdout);
2981 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
2984 if(strcmp(argv[1], "--make-mhr") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-m") == 0)
2986 outName = "./oalsoft_hrtf_%r.mhr";
2987 outFormat = OF_MHR;
2989 else
2991 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid command '%s'.\n\n", argv[1]);
2992 PrintHelp(argv[0], stderr);
2993 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
2996 outRate = 0;
2997 fftSize = 0;
2998 equalize = DEFAULT_EQUALIZE;
2999 surface = DEFAULT_SURFACE;
3000 limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
3001 truncSize = DEFAULT_TRUNCSIZE;
3002 model = DEFAULT_HEAD_MODEL;
3004 experimental = 0;
3006 optind = 2;
3007 while((opt=getopt(argc, argv, "r:f:e:s:k:w:d:c:e:i:o:xh")) != -1)
3009 switch(opt)
3011 case 'r':
3012 outRate = strtoul(optarg, &end, 10);
3013 if(end[0] != '\0' || outRate < MIN_RATE || outRate > MAX_RATE)
3015 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected a value from %u to %u for '-r'.\n", MIN_RATE, MAX_RATE);
3016 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3018 break;
3020 case 'f':
3021 fftSize = strtoul(optarg, &end, 10);
3022 if(end[0] != '\0' || (fftSize&(fftSize-1)) || fftSize < MIN_FFTSIZE || fftSize > MAX_FFTSIZE)
3024 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected a power-of-two value from %u to %u for '-f'.\n", MIN_FFTSIZE, MAX_FFTSIZE);
3025 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3027 break;
3029 case 'e':
3030 if(strcmp(optarg, "on") == 0)
3031 equalize = 1;
3032 else if(strcmp(optarg, "off") == 0)
3033 equalize = 0;
3034 else
3036 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected 'on' or 'off' for '-e'.\n");
3037 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3039 break;
3041 case 's':
3042 if(strcmp(optarg, "on") == 0)
3043 surface = 1;
3044 else if(strcmp(optarg, "off") == 0)
3045 surface = 0;
3046 else
3048 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected 'on' or 'off' for '-s'.\n");
3049 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3051 break;
3053 case 'l':
3054 if(strcmp(optarg, "none") == 0)
3055 limit = 0.0;
3056 else
3058 limit = strtod(optarg, &end);
3059 if(end[0] != '\0' || limit < MIN_LIMIT || limit > MAX_LIMIT)
3061 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected 'none' or a value from %.2f to %.2f for '-l'.\n", MIN_LIMIT, MAX_LIMIT);
3062 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3065 break;
3067 case 'w':
3068 truncSize = strtoul(optarg, &end, 10);
3069 if(end[0] != '\0' || truncSize < MIN_TRUNCSIZE || truncSize > MAX_TRUNCSIZE || (truncSize%MOD_TRUNCSIZE))
3071 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected a value from %u to %u in multiples of %u for '-w'.\n", MIN_TRUNCSIZE, MAX_TRUNCSIZE, MOD_TRUNCSIZE);
3072 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3074 break;
3076 case 'd':
3077 if(strcmp(optarg, "dataset") == 0)
3078 model = HM_DATASET;
3079 else if(strcmp(optarg, "sphere") == 0)
3080 model = HM_SPHERE;
3081 else
3083 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected 'dataset' or 'sphere' for '-d'.\n");
3084 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3086 break;
3088 case 'c':
3089 radius = strtod(optarg, &end);
3090 if(end[0] != '\0' || radius < MIN_CUSTOM_RADIUS || radius > MAX_CUSTOM_RADIUS)
3092 fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expected a value from %.2f to %.2f for '-c'.\n", MIN_CUSTOM_RADIUS, MAX_CUSTOM_RADIUS);
3093 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3095 break;
3097 case 'i':
3098 inName = optarg;
3099 break;
3101 case 'o':
3102 outName = optarg;
3103 break;
3105 case 'x':
3106 experimental = 1;
3107 break;
3109 case 'h':
3110 PrintHelp(argv[0], stdout);
3111 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
3113 default: /* '?' */
3114 PrintHelp(argv[0], stderr);
3115 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
3119 if(!ProcessDefinition(inName, outRate, fftSize, equalize, surface, limit,
3120 truncSize, model, radius, outFormat, experimental,
3121 outName))
3122 return -1;
3123 fprintf(stdout, "Operation completed.\n");
3125 return EXIT_SUCCESS;