Put the decoder options in a group box
[openal-soft.git] / utils / alsoft-config / mainwindow.ui
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <ui version="4.0">
3 <class>MainWindow</class>
4 <widget class="QMainWindow" name="MainWindow">
5 <property name="geometry">
6 <rect>
7 <x>0</x>
8 <y>0</y>
9 <width>564</width>
10 <height>454</height>
11 </rect>
12 </property>
13 <property name="minimumSize">
14 <size>
15 <width>564</width>
16 <height>454</height>
17 </size>
18 </property>
19 <property name="windowTitle">
20 <string>OpenAL Soft Configuration</string>
21 </property>
22 <property name="windowIcon">
23 <iconset theme="preferences-desktop-sound">
24 <normaloff/>
25 </iconset>
26 </property>
27 <widget class="QWidget" name="centralWidget">
28 <widget class="QPushButton" name="applyButton">
29 <property name="geometry">
30 <rect>
31 <x>470</x>
32 <y>405</y>
33 <width>81</width>
34 <height>25</height>
35 </rect>
36 </property>
37 <property name="text">
38 <string>Apply</string>
39 </property>
40 <property name="icon">
41 <iconset theme="dialog-ok-apply">
42 <normaloff/>
43 </iconset>
44 </property>
45 </widget>
46 <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabWidget">
47 <property name="geometry">
48 <rect>
49 <x>10</x>
50 <y>0</y>
51 <width>541</width>
52 <height>401</height>
53 </rect>
54 </property>
55 <property name="currentIndex">
56 <number>0</number>
57 </property>
58 <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_3">
59 <attribute name="title">
60 <string>Playback</string>
61 </attribute>
62 <widget class="QComboBox" name="sampleFormatCombo">
63 <property name="geometry">
64 <rect>
65 <x>120</x>
66 <y>50</y>
67 <width>78</width>
68 <height>22</height>
69 </rect>
70 </property>
71 <property name="toolTip">
72 <string>The output sample type. Currently, all mixing is done with 32-bit
73 float and converted to the output sample type as needed.</string>
74 </property>
75 <property name="sizeAdjustPolicy">
76 <enum>QComboBox::AdjustToContents</enum>
77 </property>
78 </widget>
79 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
80 <property name="geometry">
81 <rect>
82 <x>10</x>
83 <y>50</y>
84 <width>101</width>
85 <height>21</height>
86 </rect>
87 </property>
88 <property name="text">
89 <string>Sample Format:</string>
90 </property>
91 <property name="alignment">
92 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
93 </property>
94 </widget>
95 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
96 <property name="geometry">
97 <rect>
98 <x>10</x>
99 <y>20</y>
100 <width>101</width>
101 <height>21</height>
102 </rect>
103 </property>
104 <property name="text">
105 <string>Channels:</string>
106 </property>
107 <property name="alignment">
108 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
109 </property>
110 </widget>
111 <widget class="QComboBox" name="channelConfigCombo">
112 <property name="geometry">
113 <rect>
114 <x>120</x>
115 <y>20</y>
116 <width>78</width>
117 <height>22</height>
118 </rect>
119 </property>
120 <property name="toolTip">
121 <string>The output channel configuration. Note that not all backends
122 can properly detect the channel configuration and may default
123 to stereo output.</string>
124 </property>
125 <property name="sizeAdjustPolicy">
126 <enum>QComboBox::AdjustToContents</enum>
127 </property>
128 </widget>
129 <widget class="QComboBox" name="sampleRateCombo">
130 <property name="geometry">
131 <rect>
132 <x>370</x>
133 <y>20</y>
134 <width>96</width>
135 <height>22</height>
136 </rect>
137 </property>
138 <property name="toolTip">
139 <string>The playback/mixing sample rate.</string>
140 </property>
141 <property name="editable">
142 <bool>true</bool>
143 </property>
144 <property name="insertPolicy">
145 <enum>QComboBox::NoInsert</enum>
146 </property>
147 <property name="sizeAdjustPolicy">
148 <enum>QComboBox::AdjustToContents</enum>
149 </property>
150 <item>
151 <property name="text">
152 <string>Autodetect</string>
153 </property>
154 </item>
155 <item>
156 <property name="text">
157 <string>8000</string>
158 </property>
159 </item>
160 <item>
161 <property name="text">
162 <string>11025</string>
163 </property>
164 </item>
165 <item>
166 <property name="text">
167 <string>16000</string>
168 </property>
169 </item>
170 <item>
171 <property name="text">
172 <string>22050</string>
173 </property>
174 </item>
175 <item>
176 <property name="text">
177 <string>32000</string>
178 </property>
179 </item>
180 <item>
181 <property name="text">
182 <string>44100</string>
183 </property>
184 </item>
185 <item>
186 <property name="text">
187 <string>48000</string>
188 </property>
189 </item>
190 </widget>
191 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_7">
192 <property name="geometry">
193 <rect>
194 <x>280</x>
195 <y>20</y>
196 <width>81</width>
197 <height>21</height>
198 </rect>
199 </property>
200 <property name="text">
201 <string>Sample Rate:</string>
202 </property>
203 <property name="alignment">
204 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
205 </property>
206 </widget>
207 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_14">
208 <property name="geometry">
209 <rect>
210 <x>280</x>
211 <y>50</y>
212 <width>81</width>
213 <height>21</height>
214 </rect>
215 </property>
216 <property name="text">
217 <string>Stereo Mode:</string>
218 </property>
219 <property name="alignment">
220 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
221 </property>
222 </widget>
223 <widget class="QComboBox" name="stereoModeCombo">
224 <property name="geometry">
225 <rect>
226 <x>370</x>
227 <y>50</y>
228 <width>78</width>
229 <height>22</height>
230 </rect>
231 </property>
232 <property name="toolTip">
233 <string>How to treat stereo output. As headphones, HRTF or crossfeed
234 filters may be used to improve binaural quality, which may not
235 otherwise be suitable for speakers.</string>
236 </property>
237 </widget>
238 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
239 <property name="geometry">
240 <rect>
241 <x>-11</x>
242 <y>200</y>
243 <width>551</width>
244 <height>181</height>
245 </rect>
246 </property>
247 <property name="title">
248 <string>Advanced Settings</string>
249 </property>
250 <property name="alignment">
251 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
252 </property>
253 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3">
254 <property name="geometry">
255 <rect>
256 <x>20</x>
257 <y>30</y>
258 <width>511</width>
259 <height>91</height>
260 </rect>
261 </property>
262 <property name="title">
263 <string>Buffer Metrics</string>
264 </property>
265 <property name="alignment">
266 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
267 </property>
268 <widget class="QWidget" name="widget" native="true">
269 <property name="geometry">
270 <rect>
271 <x>260</x>
272 <y>20</y>
273 <width>241</width>
274 <height>51</height>
275 </rect>
276 </property>
277 <property name="toolTip">
278 <string>The number of update periods. Higher values create a larger
279 mix ahead, which helps protect against skips when the CPU is
280 under load, but increases the delay between a sound getting
281 mixed and being heard.</string>
282 </property>
283 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_11">
284 <property name="geometry">
285 <rect>
286 <x>20</x>
287 <y>0</y>
288 <width>201</width>
289 <height>21</height>
290 </rect>
291 </property>
292 <property name="text">
293 <string>Period Count</string>
294 </property>
295 <property name="alignment">
296 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
297 </property>
298 </widget>
299 <widget class="QSlider" name="periodCountSlider">
300 <property name="geometry">
301 <rect>
302 <x>80</x>
303 <y>20</y>
304 <width>160</width>
305 <height>23</height>
306 </rect>
307 </property>
308 <property name="minimum">
309 <number>1</number>
310 </property>
311 <property name="maximum">
312 <number>16</number>
313 </property>
314 <property name="singleStep">
315 <number>1</number>
316 </property>
317 <property name="pageStep">
318 <number>2</number>
319 </property>
320 <property name="value">
321 <number>1</number>
322 </property>
323 <property name="tracking">
324 <bool>true</bool>
325 </property>
326 <property name="orientation">
327 <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
328 </property>
329 <property name="tickPosition">
330 <enum>QSlider::TicksBelow</enum>
331 </property>
332 <property name="tickInterval">
333 <number>1</number>
334 </property>
335 </widget>
336 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="periodCountEdit">
337 <property name="geometry">
338 <rect>
339 <x>20</x>
340 <y>20</y>
341 <width>51</width>
342 <height>22</height>
343 </rect>
344 </property>
345 <property name="placeholderText">
346 <string>4</string>
347 </property>
348 </widget>
349 </widget>
350 <widget class="QWidget" name="widget_2" native="true">
351 <property name="geometry">
352 <rect>
353 <x>10</x>
354 <y>20</y>
355 <width>241</width>
356 <height>51</height>
357 </rect>
358 </property>
359 <property name="toolTip">
360 <string>The update period size, in sample frames. This is the number of
361 frames needed for each mixing update.</string>
362 </property>
363 <widget class="QSlider" name="periodSizeSlider">
364 <property name="geometry">
365 <rect>
366 <x>60</x>
367 <y>20</y>
368 <width>160</width>
369 <height>23</height>
370 </rect>
371 </property>
372 <property name="minimum">
373 <number>0</number>
374 </property>
375 <property name="maximum">
376 <number>8192</number>
377 </property>
378 <property name="singleStep">
379 <number>64</number>
380 </property>
381 <property name="pageStep">
382 <number>1024</number>
383 </property>
384 <property name="value">
385 <number>0</number>
386 </property>
387 <property name="tracking">
388 <bool>true</bool>
389 </property>
390 <property name="orientation">
391 <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
392 </property>
393 <property name="tickPosition">
394 <enum>QSlider::TicksBelow</enum>
395 </property>
396 <property name="tickInterval">
397 <number>512</number>
398 </property>
399 </widget>
400 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_10">
401 <property name="geometry">
402 <rect>
403 <x>10</x>
404 <y>0</y>
405 <width>201</width>
406 <height>21</height>
407 </rect>
408 </property>
409 <property name="text">
410 <string>Period Samples</string>
411 </property>
412 <property name="alignment">
413 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
414 </property>
415 </widget>
416 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="periodSizeEdit">
417 <property name="geometry">
418 <rect>
419 <x>0</x>
420 <y>20</y>
421 <width>51</width>
422 <height>22</height>
423 </rect>
424 </property>
425 <property name="placeholderText">
426 <string>1024</string>
427 </property>
428 </widget>
429 </widget>
430 </widget>
431 <widget class="QComboBox" name="stereoPanningComboBox">
432 <property name="geometry">
433 <rect>
434 <x>130</x>
435 <y>130</y>
436 <width>131</width>
437 <height>22</height>
438 </rect>
439 </property>
440 <property name="toolTip">
441 <string>Selects the panning method for non-HRTF stereo
442 mixing. UHJ creates stereo-compatible two-channel
443 output, which encodes some surround information.
444 Pair-Wise uses standard pair-wise panning between
445 -30 and +30 degrees. The default is UHJ.</string>
446 </property>
447 </widget>
448 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_19">
449 <property name="geometry">
450 <rect>
451 <x>20</x>
452 <y>130</y>
453 <width>101</width>
454 <height>21</height>
455 </rect>
456 </property>
457 <property name="text">
458 <string>Stereo Panning:</string>
459 </property>
460 <property name="alignment">
461 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
462 </property>
463 </widget>
464 </widget>
465 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_4">
466 <property name="geometry">
467 <rect>
468 <x>60</x>
469 <y>80</y>
470 <width>421</width>
471 <height>81</height>
472 </rect>
473 </property>
474 <property name="title">
475 <string>Resampler Quality</string>
476 </property>
477 <property name="alignment">
478 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
479 </property>
480 <widget class="QLabel" name="resamplerLabel">
481 <property name="geometry">
482 <rect>
483 <x>50</x>
484 <y>50</y>
485 <width>321</width>
486 <height>21</height>
487 </rect>
488 </property>
489 <property name="text">
490 <string>Default</string>
491 </property>
492 <property name="alignment">
493 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
494 </property>
495 </widget>
496 <widget class="QSlider" name="resamplerSlider">
497 <property name="geometry">
498 <rect>
499 <x>80</x>
500 <y>30</y>
501 <width>251</width>
502 <height>23</height>
503 </rect>
504 </property>
505 <property name="orientation">
506 <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
507 </property>
508 </widget>
509 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_9">
510 <property name="geometry">
511 <rect>
512 <x>20</x>
513 <y>30</y>
514 <width>51</width>
515 <height>21</height>
516 </rect>
517 </property>
518 <property name="text">
519 <string>Speed</string>
520 </property>
521 <property name="alignment">
522 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
523 </property>
524 </widget>
525 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_15">
526 <property name="geometry">
527 <rect>
528 <x>340</x>
529 <y>30</y>
530 <width>51</width>
531 <height>21</height>
532 </rect>
533 </property>
534 <property name="text">
535 <string>Quality</string>
536 </property>
537 </widget>
538 </widget>
539 </widget>
540 <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_6">
541 <attribute name="title">
542 <string>Renderer</string>
543 </attribute>
544 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="decoderHQModeCheckBox">
545 <property name="geometry">
546 <rect>
547 <x>10</x>
548 <y>20</y>
549 <width>181</width>
550 <height>21</height>
551 </rect>
552 </property>
553 <property name="toolTip">
554 <string>Enables high-quality ambisonic rendering. This mode is
555 capable of frequency-dependent processing, creating a
556 better reproduction of 3D sound rendering over
557 surround sound speakers. Enabling this also requires
558 specifying decoder configuration files for the
559 appropriate speaker configuration you intend to use.</string>
560 </property>
561 <property name="layoutDirection">
562 <enum>Qt::RightToLeft</enum>
563 </property>
564 <property name="text">
565 <string>High Quality Mode:</string>
566 </property>
567 </widget>
568 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="decoderDistCompCheckBox">
569 <property name="geometry">
570 <rect>
571 <x>10</x>
572 <y>50</y>
573 <width>181</width>
574 <height>21</height>
575 </rect>
576 </property>
577 <property name="toolTip">
578 <string>This applies the necessary delays and attenuation
579 to make the speakers behave as though they are
580 all equidistant, which is important for proper
581 playback of 3D sound rendering. Requires the high
582 quality ambisonic renderer, as well as the proper
583 distances to be specified in the decoder
584 configuration file.</string>
585 </property>
586 <property name="layoutDirection">
587 <enum>Qt::RightToLeft</enum>
588 </property>
589 <property name="text">
590 <string>Distance Compensation:</string>
591 </property>
592 <property name="checked">
593 <bool>true</bool>
594 </property>
595 </widget>
596 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_8">
597 <property name="geometry">
598 <rect>
599 <x>-10</x>
600 <y>100</y>
601 <width>551</width>
602 <height>191</height>
603 </rect>
604 </property>
605 <property name="title">
606 <string>Decoder Configurations</string>
607 </property>
608 <property name="alignment">
609 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
610 </property>
611 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="decoderQuadLineEdit">
612 <property name="geometry">
613 <rect>
614 <x>150</x>
615 <y>30</y>
616 <width>281</width>
617 <height>21</height>
618 </rect>
619 </property>
620 </widget>
621 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_25">
622 <property name="geometry">
623 <rect>
624 <x>20</x>
625 <y>30</y>
626 <width>121</width>
627 <height>21</height>
628 </rect>
629 </property>
630 <property name="text">
631 <string>Quadrophonic:</string>
632 </property>
633 <property name="alignment">
634 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
635 </property>
636 </widget>
637 <widget class="QPushButton" name="decoderQuadButton">
638 <property name="geometry">
639 <rect>
640 <x>440</x>
641 <y>30</y>
642 <width>91</width>
643 <height>21</height>
644 </rect>
645 </property>
646 <property name="text">
647 <string>Browse...</string>
648 </property>
649 </widget>
650 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="decoder51LineEdit">
651 <property name="geometry">
652 <rect>
653 <x>150</x>
654 <y>60</y>
655 <width>281</width>
656 <height>21</height>
657 </rect>
658 </property>
659 </widget>
660 <widget class="QPushButton" name="decoder51Button">
661 <property name="geometry">
662 <rect>
663 <x>440</x>
664 <y>60</y>
665 <width>91</width>
666 <height>21</height>
667 </rect>
668 </property>
669 <property name="text">
670 <string>Browse...</string>
671 </property>
672 </widget>
673 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_26">
674 <property name="geometry">
675 <rect>
676 <x>20</x>
677 <y>60</y>
678 <width>121</width>
679 <height>21</height>
680 </rect>
681 </property>
682 <property name="text">
683 <string>5.1 Surround (Side):</string>
684 </property>
685 <property name="alignment">
686 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
687 </property>
688 </widget>
689 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_27">
690 <property name="geometry">
691 <rect>
692 <x>20</x>
693 <y>90</y>
694 <width>121</width>
695 <height>21</height>
696 </rect>
697 </property>
698 <property name="text">
699 <string>5.1 Surround (Rear):</string>
700 </property>
701 <property name="alignment">
702 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
703 </property>
704 </widget>
705 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="decoder51RearLineEdit">
706 <property name="geometry">
707 <rect>
708 <x>150</x>
709 <y>90</y>
710 <width>281</width>
711 <height>21</height>
712 </rect>
713 </property>
714 </widget>
715 <widget class="QPushButton" name="decoder51RearButton">
716 <property name="geometry">
717 <rect>
718 <x>440</x>
719 <y>90</y>
720 <width>91</width>
721 <height>21</height>
722 </rect>
723 </property>
724 <property name="text">
725 <string>Browse...</string>
726 </property>
727 </widget>
728 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_28">
729 <property name="geometry">
730 <rect>
731 <x>20</x>
732 <y>120</y>
733 <width>121</width>
734 <height>21</height>
735 </rect>
736 </property>
737 <property name="text">
738 <string>6.1 Surround:</string>
739 </property>
740 <property name="alignment">
741 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
742 </property>
743 </widget>
744 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="decoder61LineEdit">
745 <property name="geometry">
746 <rect>
747 <x>150</x>
748 <y>120</y>
749 <width>281</width>
750 <height>21</height>
751 </rect>
752 </property>
753 </widget>
754 <widget class="QPushButton" name="decoder61Button">
755 <property name="geometry">
756 <rect>
757 <x>440</x>
758 <y>120</y>
759 <width>91</width>
760 <height>21</height>
761 </rect>
762 </property>
763 <property name="text">
764 <string>Browse...</string>
765 </property>
766 </widget>
767 <widget class="QPushButton" name="decoder71Button">
768 <property name="geometry">
769 <rect>
770 <x>440</x>
771 <y>150</y>
772 <width>91</width>
773 <height>21</height>
774 </rect>
775 </property>
776 <property name="text">
777 <string>Browse...</string>
778 </property>
779 </widget>
780 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="decoder71LineEdit">
781 <property name="geometry">
782 <rect>
783 <x>150</x>
784 <y>150</y>
785 <width>281</width>
786 <height>21</height>
787 </rect>
788 </property>
789 </widget>
790 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_29">
791 <property name="geometry">
792 <rect>
793 <x>20</x>
794 <y>150</y>
795 <width>121</width>
796 <height>21</height>
797 </rect>
798 </property>
799 <property name="text">
800 <string>7.1 Surround:</string>
801 </property>
802 <property name="alignment">
803 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
804 </property>
805 </widget>
806 </widget>
807 </widget>
808 <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_5">
809 <attribute name="title">
810 <string>HRTF</string>
811 </attribute>
812 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2">
813 <property name="geometry">
814 <rect>
815 <x>-10</x>
816 <y>200</y>
817 <width>551</width>
818 <height>181</height>
819 </rect>
820 </property>
821 <property name="title">
822 <string>Advanced Settings</string>
823 </property>
824 <property name="alignment">
825 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
826 </property>
827 <property name="checkable">
828 <bool>false</bool>
829 </property>
830 <property name="checked">
831 <bool>false</bool>
832 </property>
833 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_6">
834 <property name="geometry">
835 <rect>
836 <x>20</x>
837 <y>30</y>
838 <width>511</width>
839 <height>141</height>
840 </rect>
841 </property>
842 <property name="title">
843 <string>HRTF Profile Paths</string>
844 </property>
845 <property name="alignment">
846 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
847 </property>
848 <widget class="QListWidget" name="hrtfFileList">
849 <property name="geometry">
850 <rect>
851 <x>20</x>
852 <y>20</y>
853 <width>391</width>
854 <height>81</height>
855 </rect>
856 </property>
857 <property name="toolTip">
858 <string>A list of additional paths containing HRTF data sets.</string>
859 </property>
860 <property name="dragDropMode">
861 <enum>QAbstractItemView::InternalMove</enum>
862 </property>
863 <property name="alternatingRowColors">
864 <bool>true</bool>
865 </property>
866 <property name="selectionMode">
867 <enum>QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection</enum>
868 </property>
869 <property name="textElideMode">
870 <enum>Qt::ElideNone</enum>
871 </property>
872 </widget>
873 <widget class="QPushButton" name="hrtfAddButton">
874 <property name="geometry">
875 <rect>
876 <x>420</x>
877 <y>20</y>
878 <width>81</width>
879 <height>25</height>
880 </rect>
881 </property>
882 <property name="text">
883 <string>Add...</string>
884 </property>
885 <property name="icon">
886 <iconset theme="list-add">
887 <normaloff/>
888 </iconset>
889 </property>
890 <property name="flat">
891 <bool>false</bool>
892 </property>
893 </widget>
894 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="defaultHrtfPathsCheckBox">
895 <property name="geometry">
896 <rect>
897 <x>180</x>
898 <y>110</y>
899 <width>151</width>
900 <height>21</height>
901 </rect>
902 </property>
903 <property name="toolTip">
904 <string>Include the default system paths in addition to any
905 listed above.</string>
906 </property>
907 <property name="text">
908 <string>Include Default Paths</string>
909 </property>
910 <property name="checked">
911 <bool>true</bool>
912 </property>
913 </widget>
914 <widget class="QPushButton" name="hrtfRemoveButton">
915 <property name="geometry">
916 <rect>
917 <x>420</x>
918 <y>50</y>
919 <width>81</width>
920 <height>25</height>
921 </rect>
922 </property>
923 <property name="text">
924 <string>Remove</string>
925 </property>
926 <property name="icon">
927 <iconset theme="list-remove">
928 <normaloff/>
929 </iconset>
930 </property>
931 </widget>
932 </widget>
933 </widget>
934 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_16">
935 <property name="geometry">
936 <rect>
937 <x>40</x>
938 <y>50</y>
939 <width>71</width>
940 <height>21</height>
941 </rect>
942 </property>
943 <property name="text">
944 <string>HRTF Mode:</string>
945 </property>
946 <property name="alignment">
947 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
948 </property>
949 </widget>
950 <widget class="QComboBox" name="hrtfStateComboBox">
951 <property name="geometry">
952 <rect>
953 <x>130</x>
954 <y>50</y>
955 <width>161</width>
956 <height>22</height>
957 </rect>
958 </property>
959 <property name="toolTip">
960 <string>Forces HRTF processing on or off, or leaves it to the
961 application or system to determine if it should be used.</string>
962 </property>
963 <property name="sizeAdjustPolicy">
964 <enum>QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow</enum>
965 </property>
966 <item>
967 <property name="text">
968 <string>Application preference</string>
969 </property>
970 </item>
971 <item>
972 <property name="text">
973 <string>Force on</string>
974 </property>
975 </item>
976 <item>
977 <property name="text">
978 <string>Force off</string>
979 </property>
980 </item>
981 </widget>
982 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_12">
983 <property name="geometry">
984 <rect>
985 <x>20</x>
986 <y>20</y>
987 <width>91</width>
988 <height>21</height>
989 </rect>
990 </property>
991 <property name="text">
992 <string>Preferred HRTF:</string>
993 </property>
994 <property name="alignment">
995 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
996 </property>
997 </widget>
998 <widget class="QComboBox" name="preferredHrtfComboBox">
999 <property name="geometry">
1000 <rect>
1001 <x>130</x>
1002 <y>20</y>
1003 <width>161</width>
1004 <height>22</height>
1005 </rect>
1006 </property>
1007 <property name="toolTip">
1008 <string>The default HRTF to use if the application doesn't request one.</string>
1009 </property>
1010 </widget>
1011 </widget>
1012 <widget class="QWidget" name="tab">
1013 <attribute name="title">
1014 <string>Backends</string>
1015 </attribute>
1016 <widget class="QListWidget" name="backendListWidget">
1017 <property name="geometry">
1018 <rect>
1019 <x>0</x>
1020 <y>11</y>
1021 <width>111</width>
1022 <height>361</height>
1023 </rect>
1024 </property>
1025 <property name="alternatingRowColors">
1026 <bool>true</bool>
1027 </property>
1028 <item>
1029 <property name="text">
1030 <string>General</string>
1031 </property>
1032 </item>
1033 <item>
1034 <property name="text">
1035 <string>PulseAudio</string>
1036 </property>
1037 </item>
1038 <item>
1039 <property name="text">
1040 <string>JACK</string>
1041 </property>
1042 </item>
1043 <item>
1044 <property name="text">
1045 <string>ALSA</string>
1046 </property>
1047 </item>
1048 <item>
1049 <property name="text">
1050 <string>OSS</string>
1051 </property>
1052 </item>
1053 <item>
1054 <property name="text">
1055 <string>Solaris</string>
1056 </property>
1057 </item>
1058 <item>
1059 <property name="text">
1060 <string>Wave Writer</string>
1061 </property>
1062 </item>
1063 </widget>
1064 <widget class="QStackedWidget" name="backendStackedWidget">
1065 <property name="geometry">
1066 <rect>
1067 <x>110</x>
1068 <y>10</y>
1069 <width>421</width>
1070 <height>361</height>
1071 </rect>
1072 </property>
1073 <property name="currentIndex">
1074 <number>0</number>
1075 </property>
1076 <widget class="QWidget" name="page">
1077 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="backendCheckBox">
1078 <property name="geometry">
1079 <rect>
1080 <x>20</x>
1081 <y>190</y>
1082 <width>391</width>
1083 <height>21</height>
1084 </rect>
1085 </property>
1086 <property name="toolTip">
1087 <string>When checked, allows all other available backends not listed in the priority or disabled lists.</string>
1088 </property>
1089 <property name="text">
1090 <string>Allow Other Backends</string>
1091 </property>
1092 <property name="checked">
1093 <bool>true</bool>
1094 </property>
1095 </widget>
1096 <widget class="QListWidget" name="disabledBackendList">
1097 <property name="geometry">
1098 <rect>
1099 <x>220</x>
1100 <y>30</y>
1101 <width>191</width>
1102 <height>151</height>
1103 </rect>
1104 </property>
1105 <property name="toolTip">
1106 <string>Disabled backend driver list.</string>
1107 </property>
1108 </widget>
1109 <widget class="QListWidget" name="enabledBackendList">
1110 <property name="geometry">
1111 <rect>
1112 <x>20</x>
1113 <y>30</y>
1114 <width>191</width>
1115 <height>151</height>
1116 </rect>
1117 </property>
1118 <property name="toolTip">
1119 <string>The backend driver list order. Unknown backends and
1120 duplicated names are ignored.</string>
1121 </property>
1122 <property name="dragDropMode">
1123 <enum>QAbstractItemView::InternalMove</enum>
1124 </property>
1125 </widget>
1126 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
1127 <property name="geometry">
1128 <rect>
1129 <x>230</x>
1130 <y>10</y>
1131 <width>171</width>
1132 <height>20</height>
1133 </rect>
1134 </property>
1135 <property name="text">
1136 <string>Disabled Backends:</string>
1137 </property>
1138 </widget>
1139 <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
1140 <property name="geometry">
1141 <rect>
1142 <x>30</x>
1143 <y>10</y>
1144 <width>171</width>
1145 <height>20</height>
1146 </rect>
1147 </property>
1148 <property name="text">
1149 <string>Priority Backends:</string>
1150 </property>
1151 </widget>
1152 </widget>
1153 <widget class="QWidget" name="page_2">
1154 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="pulseAutospawnCheckBox">
1155 <property name="geometry">
1156 <rect>
1157 <x>20</x>
1158 <y>10</y>
1159 <width>141</width>
1160 <height>21</height>
1161 </rect>
1162 </property>
1163 <property name="toolTip">
1164 <string>Automatically spawn a PulseAudio server if one
1165 is not already running.</string>
1166 </property>
1167 <property name="text">
1168 <string>AutoSpawn Server</string>
1169 </property>
1170 <property name="checked">
1171 <bool>true</bool>
1172 </property>
1173 </widget>
1174 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="pulseAllowMovesCheckBox">
1175 <property name="geometry">
1176 <rect>
1177 <x>20</x>
1178 <y>40</y>
1179 <width>161</width>
1180 <height>21</height>
1181 </rect>
1182 </property>
1183 <property name="toolTip">
1184 <string>Allows moving PulseAudio streams to different
1185 devices during playback or capture. Note that the
1186 device specifier and device format will not change
1187 to match the new device.</string>
1188 </property>
1189 <property name="text">
1190 <string>Allow Moving Streams</string>
1191 </property>
1192 </widget>
1193 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="pulseFixRateCheckBox">
1194 <property name="geometry">
1195 <rect>
1196 <x>20</x>
1197 <y>70</y>
1198 <width>121</width>
1199 <height>21</height>
1200 </rect>
1201 </property>
1202 <property name="toolTip">
1203 <string>When checked, fix the OpenAL device's sample
1204 rate to match the PulseAudio device.</string>
1205 </property>
1206 <property name="text">
1207 <string>Fix Sample Rate</string>
1208 </property>
1209 </widget>
1210 </widget>
1211 <widget class="QWidget" name="page_7">
1212 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="jackAutospawnCheckBox">
1213 <property name="geometry">
1214 <rect>
1215 <x>20</x>
1216 <y>10</y>
1217 <width>141</width>
1218 <height>21</height>
1219 </rect>
1220 </property>
1221 <property name="text">
1222 <string>AutoSpawn Server</string>
1223 </property>
1224 </widget>
1225 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_7">
1226 <property name="geometry">
1227 <rect>
1228 <x>10</x>
1229 <y>40</y>
1230 <width>401</width>
1231 <height>80</height>
1232 </rect>
1233 </property>
1234 <property name="toolTip">
1235 <string>The update buffer size, in samples, that the backend
1236 will keep buffered to handle the server's real-time
1237 processing requests. Must be a power of 2.</string>
1238 </property>
1239 <property name="title">
1240 <string>Buffer Size</string>
1241 </property>
1242 <property name="alignment">
1243 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
1244 </property>
1245 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="jackBufferSizeLine">
1246 <property name="geometry">
1247 <rect>
1248 <x>320</x>
1249 <y>30</y>
1250 <width>71</width>
1251 <height>21</height>
1252 </rect>
1253 </property>
1254 <property name="placeholderText">
1255 <string>0</string>
1256 </property>
1257 </widget>
1258 <widget class="QSlider" name="jackBufferSizeSlider">
1259 <property name="geometry">
1260 <rect>
1261 <x>10</x>
1262 <y>30</y>
1263 <width>301</width>
1264 <height>23</height>
1265 </rect>
1266 </property>
1267 <property name="maximum">
1268 <number>13</number>
1269 </property>
1270 <property name="singleStep">
1271 <number>1</number>
1272 </property>
1273 <property name="pageStep">
1274 <number>4</number>
1275 </property>
1276 <property name="orientation">
1277 <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
1278 </property>
1279 <property name="tickPosition">
1280 <enum>QSlider::TicksBelow</enum>
1281 </property>
1282 <property name="tickInterval">
1283 <number>1</number>
1284 </property>
1285 </widget>
1286 </widget>
1287 </widget>
1288 <widget class="QWidget" name="page_3">
1289 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_17">
1290 <property name="geometry">
1291 <rect>
1292 <x>10</x>
1293 <y>30</y>
1294 <width>141</width>
1295 <height>21</height>
1296 </rect>
1297 </property>
1298 <property name="text">
1299 <string>Default Playback Device:</string>
1300 </property>
1301 <property name="alignment">
1302 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1303 </property>
1304 </widget>
1305 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="alsaDefaultDeviceLine">
1306 <property name="geometry">
1307 <rect>
1308 <x>160</x>
1309 <y>30</y>
1310 <width>231</width>
1311 <height>21</height>
1312 </rect>
1313 </property>
1314 <property name="placeholderText">
1315 <string>default</string>
1316 </property>
1317 </widget>
1318 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_18">
1319 <property name="geometry">
1320 <rect>
1321 <x>10</x>
1322 <y>60</y>
1323 <width>141</width>
1324 <height>21</height>
1325 </rect>
1326 </property>
1327 <property name="text">
1328 <string>Default Capture Device:</string>
1329 </property>
1330 <property name="alignment">
1331 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1332 </property>
1333 </widget>
1334 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="alsaDefaultCaptureLine">
1335 <property name="geometry">
1336 <rect>
1337 <x>160</x>
1338 <y>60</y>
1339 <width>231</width>
1340 <height>21</height>
1341 </rect>
1342 </property>
1343 <property name="placeholderText">
1344 <string>default</string>
1345 </property>
1346 </widget>
1347 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="alsaResamplerCheckBox">
1348 <property name="geometry">
1349 <rect>
1350 <x>20</x>
1351 <y>100</y>
1352 <width>191</width>
1353 <height>21</height>
1354 </rect>
1355 </property>
1356 <property name="toolTip">
1357 <string>Allow use of ALSA's software resampler. This lets
1358 the OpenAL device to be set to a different sample
1359 rate than the backend device, but incurs another
1360 resample pass on top of OpenAL's resampler.</string>
1361 </property>
1362 <property name="text">
1363 <string>Allow Resampler</string>
1364 </property>
1365 </widget>
1366 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="alsaMmapCheckBox">
1367 <property name="geometry">
1368 <rect>
1369 <x>210</x>
1370 <y>100</y>
1371 <width>191</width>
1372 <height>21</height>
1373 </rect>
1374 </property>
1375 <property name="toolTip">
1376 <string>Accesses the audio device buffer through an mmap,
1377 potentially avoiding an extra sample buffer copy
1378 during updates.</string>
1379 </property>
1380 <property name="text">
1381 <string>MMap Buffer</string>
1382 </property>
1383 <property name="checked">
1384 <bool>true</bool>
1385 </property>
1386 </widget>
1387 </widget>
1388 <widget class="QWidget" name="page_4">
1389 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_20">
1390 <property name="geometry">
1391 <rect>
1392 <x>10</x>
1393 <y>30</y>
1394 <width>141</width>
1395 <height>21</height>
1396 </rect>
1397 </property>
1398 <property name="text">
1399 <string>Default Playback Device:</string>
1400 </property>
1401 <property name="alignment">
1402 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1403 </property>
1404 </widget>
1405 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="ossDefaultDeviceLine">
1406 <property name="geometry">
1407 <rect>
1408 <x>160</x>
1409 <y>30</y>
1410 <width>151</width>
1411 <height>21</height>
1412 </rect>
1413 </property>
1414 <property name="placeholderText">
1415 <string>/dev/dsp</string>
1416 </property>
1417 </widget>
1418 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_21">
1419 <property name="geometry">
1420 <rect>
1421 <x>10</x>
1422 <y>60</y>
1423 <width>141</width>
1424 <height>21</height>
1425 </rect>
1426 </property>
1427 <property name="text">
1428 <string>Default Capture Device:</string>
1429 </property>
1430 <property name="alignment">
1431 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1432 </property>
1433 </widget>
1434 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="ossDefaultCaptureLine">
1435 <property name="geometry">
1436 <rect>
1437 <x>160</x>
1438 <y>60</y>
1439 <width>151</width>
1440 <height>21</height>
1441 </rect>
1442 </property>
1443 <property name="placeholderText">
1444 <string>/dev/dsp</string>
1445 </property>
1446 </widget>
1447 <widget class="QPushButton" name="ossPlaybackPushButton">
1448 <property name="geometry">
1449 <rect>
1450 <x>320</x>
1451 <y>30</y>
1452 <width>91</width>
1453 <height>21</height>
1454 </rect>
1455 </property>
1456 <property name="text">
1457 <string>Browse...</string>
1458 </property>
1459 </widget>
1460 <widget class="QPushButton" name="ossCapturePushButton">
1461 <property name="geometry">
1462 <rect>
1463 <x>320</x>
1464 <y>60</y>
1465 <width>91</width>
1466 <height>21</height>
1467 </rect>
1468 </property>
1469 <property name="text">
1470 <string>Browse...</string>
1471 </property>
1472 </widget>
1473 </widget>
1474 <widget class="QWidget" name="page_5">
1475 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="solarisDefaultDeviceLine">
1476 <property name="geometry">
1477 <rect>
1478 <x>160</x>
1479 <y>30</y>
1480 <width>151</width>
1481 <height>21</height>
1482 </rect>
1483 </property>
1484 <property name="placeholderText">
1485 <string>/dev/audio</string>
1486 </property>
1487 </widget>
1488 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_22">
1489 <property name="geometry">
1490 <rect>
1491 <x>10</x>
1492 <y>30</y>
1493 <width>141</width>
1494 <height>21</height>
1495 </rect>
1496 </property>
1497 <property name="text">
1498 <string>Default Playback Device:</string>
1499 </property>
1500 <property name="alignment">
1501 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1502 </property>
1503 </widget>
1504 <widget class="QPushButton" name="solarisPlaybackPushButton">
1505 <property name="geometry">
1506 <rect>
1507 <x>320</x>
1508 <y>30</y>
1509 <width>91</width>
1510 <height>21</height>
1511 </rect>
1512 </property>
1513 <property name="text">
1514 <string>Browse...</string>
1515 </property>
1516 </widget>
1517 </widget>
1518 <widget class="QWidget" name="page_6">
1519 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_23">
1520 <property name="geometry">
1521 <rect>
1522 <x>10</x>
1523 <y>30</y>
1524 <width>71</width>
1525 <height>21</height>
1526 </rect>
1527 </property>
1528 <property name="text">
1529 <string>Output File:</string>
1530 </property>
1531 <property name="alignment">
1532 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1533 </property>
1534 </widget>
1535 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="waveOutputLine">
1536 <property name="geometry">
1537 <rect>
1538 <x>90</x>
1539 <y>30</y>
1540 <width>221</width>
1541 <height>21</height>
1542 </rect>
1543 </property>
1544 </widget>
1545 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_24">
1546 <property name="geometry">
1547 <rect>
1548 <x>0</x>
1549 <y>90</y>
1550 <width>421</width>
1551 <height>71</height>
1552 </rect>
1553 </property>
1554 <property name="text">
1555 <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Warning: The specified output file will be OVERWRITTEN WITHOUT&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;QUESTION when the Wave Writer device is opened.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
1556 </property>
1557 </widget>
1558 <widget class="QPushButton" name="waveOutputButton">
1559 <property name="geometry">
1560 <rect>
1561 <x>320</x>
1562 <y>30</y>
1563 <width>91</width>
1564 <height>21</height>
1565 </rect>
1566 </property>
1567 <property name="text">
1568 <string>Browse...</string>
1569 </property>
1570 </widget>
1571 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="waveBFormatCheckBox">
1572 <property name="geometry">
1573 <rect>
1574 <x>120</x>
1575 <y>60</y>
1576 <width>191</width>
1577 <height>21</height>
1578 </rect>
1579 </property>
1580 <property name="text">
1581 <string>Create .amb (B-Format) files</string>
1582 </property>
1583 </widget>
1584 </widget>
1585 </widget>
1586 </widget>
1587 <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_2">
1588 <attribute name="title">
1589 <string>Resources</string>
1590 </attribute>
1591 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="srcCountLineEdit">
1592 <property name="geometry">
1593 <rect>
1594 <x>190</x>
1595 <y>20</y>
1596 <width>51</width>
1597 <height>22</height>
1598 </rect>
1599 </property>
1600 <property name="toolTip">
1601 <string>The maximum number of allocatable sources. Lower values may
1602 help for systems with apps that try to play more sounds than
1603 the CPU can handle.</string>
1604 </property>
1605 <property name="inputMask">
1606 <string/>
1607 </property>
1608 <property name="maxLength">
1609 <number>3</number>
1610 </property>
1611 <property name="frame">
1612 <bool>true</bool>
1613 </property>
1614 <property name="placeholderText">
1615 <string>256</string>
1616 </property>
1617 </widget>
1618 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
1619 <property name="geometry">
1620 <rect>
1621 <x>10</x>
1622 <y>20</y>
1623 <width>171</width>
1624 <height>21</height>
1625 </rect>
1626 </property>
1627 <property name="text">
1628 <string>Number of Sound Sources:</string>
1629 </property>
1630 <property name="alignment">
1631 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1632 </property>
1633 </widget>
1634 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
1635 <property name="geometry">
1636 <rect>
1637 <x>10</x>
1638 <y>50</y>
1639 <width>171</width>
1640 <height>21</height>
1641 </rect>
1642 </property>
1643 <property name="text">
1644 <string>Number of Effect Slots:</string>
1645 </property>
1646 <property name="alignment">
1647 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1648 </property>
1649 </widget>
1650 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="effectSlotLineEdit">
1651 <property name="geometry">
1652 <rect>
1653 <x>190</x>
1654 <y>50</y>
1655 <width>51</width>
1656 <height>22</height>
1657 </rect>
1658 </property>
1659 <property name="toolTip">
1660 <string>The maximum number of Auxiliary Effect Slots an app can
1661 create. A slot can use a non-negligible amount of CPU time if
1662 an effect is set on it even if no sources are feeding it, so this
1663 may help when apps use more than the system can handle.</string>
1664 </property>
1665 <property name="inputMask">
1666 <string/>
1667 </property>
1668 <property name="maxLength">
1669 <number>1</number>
1670 </property>
1671 <property name="frame">
1672 <bool>true</bool>
1673 </property>
1674 <property name="placeholderText">
1675 <string>4</string>
1676 </property>
1677 </widget>
1678 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_8">
1679 <property name="geometry">
1680 <rect>
1681 <x>10</x>
1682 <y>80</y>
1683 <width>171</width>
1684 <height>21</height>
1685 </rect>
1686 </property>
1687 <property name="text">
1688 <string>Number of Source Sends:</string>
1689 </property>
1690 <property name="alignment">
1691 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
1692 </property>
1693 </widget>
1694 <widget class="QLineEdit" name="srcSendLineEdit">
1695 <property name="geometry">
1696 <rect>
1697 <x>190</x>
1698 <y>80</y>
1699 <width>51</width>
1700 <height>22</height>
1701 </rect>
1702 </property>
1703 <property name="toolTip">
1704 <string>The number of auxiliary sends per source. When not specified,
1705 it allows the app to request how many it wants. The maximum
1706 value currently possible is 4.</string>
1707 </property>
1708 <property name="maxLength">
1709 <number>1</number>
1710 </property>
1711 <property name="placeholderText">
1712 <string>Auto</string>
1713 </property>
1714 </widget>
1715 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="cpuExtGroupBox">
1716 <property name="geometry">
1717 <rect>
1718 <x>10</x>
1719 <y>120</y>
1720 <width>511</width>
1721 <height>121</height>
1722 </rect>
1723 </property>
1724 <property name="toolTip">
1725 <string>Enables use of specific CPU extensions. Certain methods may
1726 utilize CPU extensions when detected, and disabling these can
1727 be useful for preventing those extensions from being used.</string>
1728 </property>
1729 <property name="title">
1730 <string>CPU Extensions</string>
1731 </property>
1732 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableSSECheckBox">
1733 <property name="geometry">
1734 <rect>
1735 <x>100</x>
1736 <y>20</y>
1737 <width>71</width>
1738 <height>31</height>
1739 </rect>
1740 </property>
1741 <property name="text">
1742 <string>SSE</string>
1743 </property>
1744 <property name="checked">
1745 <bool>true</bool>
1746 </property>
1747 </widget>
1748 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableSSE2CheckBox">
1749 <property name="geometry">
1750 <rect>
1751 <x>180</x>
1752 <y>20</y>
1753 <width>71</width>
1754 <height>31</height>
1755 </rect>
1756 </property>
1757 <property name="text">
1758 <string>SSE2</string>
1759 </property>
1760 <property name="checked">
1761 <bool>true</bool>
1762 </property>
1763 </widget>
1764 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableNeonCheckBox">
1765 <property name="geometry">
1766 <rect>
1767 <x>100</x>
1768 <y>50</y>
1769 <width>71</width>
1770 <height>31</height>
1771 </rect>
1772 </property>
1773 <property name="text">
1774 <string>Neon</string>
1775 </property>
1776 <property name="checked">
1777 <bool>true</bool>
1778 </property>
1779 </widget>
1780 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableSSE41CheckBox">
1781 <property name="geometry">
1782 <rect>
1783 <x>340</x>
1784 <y>20</y>
1785 <width>71</width>
1786 <height>31</height>
1787 </rect>
1788 </property>
1789 <property name="text">
1790 <string>SSE4.1</string>
1791 </property>
1792 <property name="checked">
1793 <bool>true</bool>
1794 </property>
1795 </widget>
1796 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableSSE3CheckBox">
1797 <property name="geometry">
1798 <rect>
1799 <x>260</x>
1800 <y>20</y>
1801 <width>71</width>
1802 <height>31</height>
1803 </rect>
1804 </property>
1805 <property name="text">
1806 <string>SSE3</string>
1807 </property>
1808 <property name="checked">
1809 <bool>true</bool>
1810 </property>
1811 </widget>
1812 <widget class="QLabel" name="cpuExtDisabledLabel">
1813 <property name="geometry">
1814 <rect>
1815 <x>101</x>
1816 <y>80</y>
1817 <width>311</width>
1818 <height>31</height>
1819 </rect>
1820 </property>
1821 <property name="text">
1822 <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;No support enabled for CPU Extensions&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
1823 </property>
1824 </widget>
1825 </widget>
1826 </widget>
1827 <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_4">
1828 <attribute name="title">
1829 <string>Effects</string>
1830 </attribute>
1831 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="emulateEaxCheckBox">
1832 <property name="geometry">
1833 <rect>
1834 <x>10</x>
1835 <y>60</y>
1836 <width>161</width>
1837 <height>21</height>
1838 </rect>
1839 </property>
1840 <property name="toolTip">
1841 <string>Uses a simpler reverb method to emulate the EAX reverb
1842 effect. This may slightly improve performance at the cost of
1843 some quality.</string>
1844 </property>
1845 <property name="layoutDirection">
1846 <enum>Qt::RightToLeft</enum>
1847 </property>
1848 <property name="text">
1849 <string>Emulate EAX Reverb:</string>
1850 </property>
1851 </widget>
1852 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_5">
1853 <property name="geometry">
1854 <rect>
1855 <x>10</x>
1856 <y>100</y>
1857 <width>511</width>
1858 <height>191</height>
1859 </rect>
1860 </property>
1861 <property name="toolTip">
1862 <string>Specifies which effects apps can recognize. Disabling effects
1863 can help for apps that try to use ones that are too intensive
1864 for the system to handle.</string>
1865 </property>
1866 <property name="title">
1867 <string>Enabled Effects</string>
1868 </property>
1869 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableEaxReverbCheck">
1870 <property name="geometry">
1871 <rect>
1872 <x>70</x>
1873 <y>30</y>
1874 <width>131</width>
1875 <height>21</height>
1876 </rect>
1877 </property>
1878 <property name="text">
1879 <string>EAX Reverb</string>
1880 </property>
1881 <property name="checked">
1882 <bool>true</bool>
1883 </property>
1884 </widget>
1885 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableStdReverbCheck">
1886 <property name="geometry">
1887 <rect>
1888 <x>70</x>
1889 <y>60</y>
1890 <width>131</width>
1891 <height>21</height>
1892 </rect>
1893 </property>
1894 <property name="text">
1895 <string>Standard Reverb</string>
1896 </property>
1897 <property name="checked">
1898 <bool>true</bool>
1899 </property>
1900 </widget>
1901 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableChorusCheck">
1902 <property name="geometry">
1903 <rect>
1904 <x>70</x>
1905 <y>90</y>
1906 <width>131</width>
1907 <height>21</height>
1908 </rect>
1909 </property>
1910 <property name="text">
1911 <string>Chorus</string>
1912 </property>
1913 <property name="checked">
1914 <bool>true</bool>
1915 </property>
1916 </widget>
1917 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableDistortionCheck">
1918 <property name="geometry">
1919 <rect>
1920 <x>70</x>
1921 <y>150</y>
1922 <width>131</width>
1923 <height>21</height>
1924 </rect>
1925 </property>
1926 <property name="text">
1927 <string>Distortion</string>
1928 </property>
1929 <property name="checked">
1930 <bool>true</bool>
1931 </property>
1932 </widget>
1933 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableEchoCheck">
1934 <property name="geometry">
1935 <rect>
1936 <x>320</x>
1937 <y>30</y>
1938 <width>131</width>
1939 <height>21</height>
1940 </rect>
1941 </property>
1942 <property name="text">
1943 <string>Echo</string>
1944 </property>
1945 <property name="checked">
1946 <bool>true</bool>
1947 </property>
1948 </widget>
1949 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableEqualizerCheck">
1950 <property name="geometry">
1951 <rect>
1952 <x>320</x>
1953 <y>60</y>
1954 <width>131</width>
1955 <height>21</height>
1956 </rect>
1957 </property>
1958 <property name="text">
1959 <string>Equalizer</string>
1960 </property>
1961 <property name="checked">
1962 <bool>true</bool>
1963 </property>
1964 </widget>
1965 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableFlangerCheck">
1966 <property name="geometry">
1967 <rect>
1968 <x>320</x>
1969 <y>90</y>
1970 <width>131</width>
1971 <height>21</height>
1972 </rect>
1973 </property>
1974 <property name="text">
1975 <string>Flanger</string>
1976 </property>
1977 <property name="checked">
1978 <bool>true</bool>
1979 </property>
1980 </widget>
1981 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableModulatorCheck">
1982 <property name="geometry">
1983 <rect>
1984 <x>320</x>
1985 <y>120</y>
1986 <width>131</width>
1987 <height>21</height>
1988 </rect>
1989 </property>
1990 <property name="text">
1991 <string>Ring Modulator</string>
1992 </property>
1993 <property name="checked">
1994 <bool>true</bool>
1995 </property>
1996 </widget>
1997 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableDedicatedCheck">
1998 <property name="geometry">
1999 <rect>
2000 <x>320</x>
2001 <y>150</y>
2002 <width>131</width>
2003 <height>21</height>
2004 </rect>
2005 </property>
2006 <property name="toolTip">
2007 <string>Enables both the Dedicated Dialog and Dedicated LFE effects
2008 added by the ALC_EXT_DEDICATED extension.</string>
2009 </property>
2010 <property name="text">
2011 <string>Dedicated ...</string>
2012 </property>
2013 <property name="checked">
2014 <bool>true</bool>
2015 </property>
2016 </widget>
2017 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="enableCompressorCheck">
2018 <property name="geometry">
2019 <rect>
2020 <x>70</x>
2021 <y>120</y>
2022 <width>111</width>
2023 <height>21</height>
2024 </rect>
2025 </property>
2026 <property name="text">
2027 <string>Compressor</string>
2028 </property>
2029 <property name="checked">
2030 <bool>true</bool>
2031 </property>
2032 </widget>
2033 </widget>
2034 <widget class="QLabel" name="label_13">
2035 <property name="geometry">
2036 <rect>
2037 <x>10</x>
2038 <y>20</y>
2039 <width>141</width>
2040 <height>21</height>
2041 </rect>
2042 </property>
2043 <property name="text">
2044 <string>Default Reverb Effect:</string>
2045 </property>
2046 <property name="alignment">
2047 <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
2048 </property>
2049 </widget>
2050 <widget class="QComboBox" name="defaultReverbComboBox">
2051 <property name="geometry">
2052 <rect>
2053 <x>160</x>
2054 <y>20</y>
2055 <width>131</width>
2056 <height>22</height>
2057 </rect>
2058 </property>
2059 <property name="sizeAdjustPolicy">
2060 <enum>QComboBox::AdjustToContents</enum>
2061 </property>
2062 <item>
2063 <property name="text">
2064 <string>None</string>
2065 </property>
2066 </item>
2067 <item>
2068 <property name="text">
2069 <string>Generic</string>
2070 </property>
2071 </item>
2072 <item>
2073 <property name="text">
2074 <string>PaddedCell</string>
2075 </property>
2076 </item>
2077 <item>
2078 <property name="text">
2079 <string>Room</string>
2080 </property>
2081 </item>
2082 <item>
2083 <property name="text">
2084 <string>Bathroom</string>
2085 </property>
2086 </item>
2087 <item>
2088 <property name="text">
2089 <string>Livingroom</string>
2090 </property>
2091 </item>
2092 <item>
2093 <property name="text">
2094 <string>Stoneroom</string>
2095 </property>
2096 </item>
2097 <item>
2098 <property name="text">
2099 <string>Auditorium</string>
2100 </property>
2101 </item>
2102 <item>
2103 <property name="text">
2104 <string>ConcertHall</string>
2105 </property>
2106 </item>
2107 <item>
2108 <property name="text">
2109 <string>Cave</string>
2110 </property>
2111 </item>
2112 <item>
2113 <property name="text">
2114 <string>Arena</string>
2115 </property>
2116 </item>
2117 <item>
2118 <property name="text">
2119 <string>Hangar</string>
2120 </property>
2121 </item>
2122 <item>
2123 <property name="text">
2124 <string>CarpetedHallway</string>
2125 </property>
2126 </item>
2127 <item>
2128 <property name="text">
2129 <string>Hallway</string>
2130 </property>
2131 </item>
2132 <item>
2133 <property name="text">
2134 <string>StoneCorridor</string>
2135 </property>
2136 </item>
2137 <item>
2138 <property name="text">
2139 <string>Alley</string>
2140 </property>
2141 </item>
2142 <item>
2143 <property name="text">
2144 <string>Forest</string>
2145 </property>
2146 </item>
2147 <item>
2148 <property name="text">
2149 <string>City</string>
2150 </property>
2151 </item>
2152 <item>
2153 <property name="text">
2154 <string>Mountains</string>
2155 </property>
2156 </item>
2157 <item>
2158 <property name="text">
2159 <string>Quarry</string>
2160 </property>
2161 </item>
2162 <item>
2163 <property name="text">
2164 <string>Plain</string>
2165 </property>
2166 </item>
2167 <item>
2168 <property name="text">
2169 <string>ParkingLot</string>
2170 </property>
2171 </item>
2172 <item>
2173 <property name="text">
2174 <string>SewerPipe</string>
2175 </property>
2176 </item>
2177 <item>
2178 <property name="text">
2179 <string>Underwater</string>
2180 </property>
2181 </item>
2182 <item>
2183 <property name="text">
2184 <string>Drugged</string>
2185 </property>
2186 </item>
2187 <item>
2188 <property name="text">
2189 <string>Dizzy</string>
2190 </property>
2191 </item>
2192 <item>
2193 <property name="text">
2194 <string>Psychotic</string>
2195 </property>
2196 </item>
2197 </widget>
2198 </widget>
2199 </widget>
2200 <widget class="QPushButton" name="closeCancelButton">
2201 <property name="geometry">
2202 <rect>
2203 <x>370</x>
2204 <y>405</y>
2205 <width>91</width>
2206 <height>25</height>
2207 </rect>
2208 </property>
2209 <property name="text">
2210 <string>Cancel</string>
2211 </property>
2212 <property name="icon">
2213 <iconset theme="window-close">
2214 <normaloff/>
2215 </iconset>
2216 </property>
2217 </widget>
2218 </widget>
2219 <widget class="QMenuBar" name="menuBar">
2220 <property name="geometry">
2221 <rect>
2222 <x>0</x>
2223 <y>0</y>
2224 <width>564</width>
2225 <height>19</height>
2226 </rect>
2227 </property>
2228 <widget class="QMenu" name="menuFile">
2229 <property name="title">
2230 <string>&amp;File</string>
2231 </property>
2232 <addaction name="actionLoad"/>
2233 <addaction name="actionSave_As"/>
2234 <addaction name="separator"/>
2235 <addaction name="actionQuit"/>
2236 </widget>
2237 <widget class="QMenu" name="menuHelp">
2238 <property name="title">
2239 <string>&amp;Help</string>
2240 </property>
2241 <addaction name="actionAbout"/>
2242 </widget>
2243 <addaction name="menuFile"/>
2244 <addaction name="menuHelp"/>
2245 </widget>
2246 <action name="actionQuit">
2247 <property name="icon">
2248 <iconset theme="application-exit">
2249 <normaloff/>
2250 </iconset>
2251 </property>
2252 <property name="text">
2253 <string>&amp;Quit</string>
2254 </property>
2255 </action>
2256 <action name="actionSave_As">
2257 <property name="icon">
2258 <iconset theme="document-save-as">
2259 <normaloff/>
2260 </iconset>
2261 </property>
2262 <property name="text">
2263 <string>Save &amp;As...</string>
2264 </property>
2265 <property name="toolTip">
2266 <string>Save Configuration As</string>
2267 </property>
2268 </action>
2269 <action name="actionLoad">
2270 <property name="icon">
2271 <iconset theme="document-open">
2272 <normaloff/>
2273 </iconset>
2274 </property>
2275 <property name="text">
2276 <string>&amp;Load...</string>
2277 </property>
2278 <property name="toolTip">
2279 <string>Load Configuration File</string>
2280 </property>
2281 </action>
2282 <action name="actionAbout">
2283 <property name="text">
2284 <string>&amp;About...</string>
2285 </property>
2286 </action>
2287 </widget>
2288 <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>
2289 <resources/>
2290 <connections>
2291 <connection>
2292 <sender>actionQuit</sender>
2293 <signal>activated()</signal>
2294 <receiver>MainWindow</receiver>
2295 <slot>close()</slot>
2296 <hints>
2297 <hint type="sourcelabel">
2298 <x>-1</x>
2299 <y>-1</y>
2300 </hint>
2301 <hint type="destinationlabel">
2302 <x>267</x>
2303 <y>181</y>
2304 </hint>
2305 </hints>
2306 </connection>
2307 <connection>
2308 <sender>backendListWidget</sender>
2309 <signal>currentRowChanged(int)</signal>
2310 <receiver>backendStackedWidget</receiver>
2311 <slot>setCurrentIndex(int)</slot>
2312 <hints>
2313 <hint type="sourcelabel">
2314 <x>69</x>
2315 <y>233</y>
2316 </hint>
2317 <hint type="destinationlabel">
2318 <x>329</x>
2319 <y>232</y>
2320 </hint>
2321 </hints>
2322 </connection>
2323 </connections>
2324 <slots>
2325 <slot>ShowHRTFContextMenu(QPoint)</slot>
2326 </slots>
2327 </ui>