Allow make from the exec directory.
[openais.git] / exec / amfsg.c
1 /** @file amfsg.c
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 MontaVista Software, Inc.
4 * Author: Steven Dake (
6 * Copyright (c) 2006 Ericsson AB.
7 * Author: Hans Feldt, Anders Eriksson, Lars Holm
8 * - Introduced AMF B.02 information model
9 * - Use DN in API and multicast messages
10 * - (Re-)Introduction of event based multicast messages
11 * - Refactoring of code into several AMF files
12 * - Component/SU restart, SU failover
13 * - Constructors/destructors
14 * - Serializers/deserializers
16 * All rights reserved.
19 * This software licensed under BSD license, the text of which follows:
21 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
22 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
24 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
25 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
26 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
27 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
28 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
29 * - Neither the name of the MontaVista Software, Inc. nor the names of its
30 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
31 * software without specific prior written permission.
45 * AMF Service Group Class Implementation
47 * This file contains functions for handling AMF-service groups(SGs). It can be
48 * viewed as the implementation of the AMF Service Group class (called SG)
49 * as described in SAI-Overview-B.02.01. The SA Forum specification
50 * SAI-AIS-AMF-B.02.01 has been used as specification of the behaviour
51 * and is referred to as 'the spec' below.
53 * The functions in this file are responsible for:
54 * -on request start the service group by instantiating the contained SUs
55 * -on request assign the service instances it protects to the in-service
56 * service units it contains respecting as many as possible of the configured
57 * requirements for the group
58 * -create and delete an SI-assignment object for each relation between
59 * an SI and an SU
60 * -order each contained SU to create and delete CSI-assignments
61 * -request the Service Instance class (SI) to execute the transfer of the
62 * HA-state set/remove requests to each component involved
63 * -fully control the execution of component failover and SU failover
64 * -on request control the execution of the initial steps of node switchover
65 * and node failover
66 * -fully handle the auto adjust procedure
68 * Currently only the 'n+m' redundancy model is implemented. It is the
69 * ambition to identify n+m specific variables and functions and add the suffix
70 * '_nplusm' to them so that they can be easily recognized.
72 * When SG is requested to assign workload to all SUs or all SUs hosted on
73 * a specific node, a procedure containing several steps is executed:
74 * <1> An algorithm is executed which assigns SIs to SUs respecting the rules
75 * that has been configured for SG. The algorithm also has to consider
76 * if assignments between som SIs and SUs already exist. The scope of this
77 * algorithm is to create SI-assignments and set up requested HA-state for
78 * each assignment but not to transfer those HA-states to the components.
79 * <2> All SI-assignments with a requested HA state == ACTIVE are transferred
80 * to the components concerned before any STANDBY assignments are
81 * transferred. All components have to acknowledge the setting of the
82 * ACTIVE HA state before the transfer of any STANDBY assignment is
83 * initiated.
84 * <3> All active assignments can not be transferred at the same time to the
85 * different components because the rules for dependencies between SI and
86 * SI cluster wide and CSI and CSI within one SI, has to be respected.
88 * SG is fully responsible for step <1> but not fully responsible for handling
89 * step <2> and <3>. However, SG uses an attribute called 'dependency level'
90 * when requsted to assign workload. This parameter refers to an integer that
91 * has been calculated initially for each SI. The 'dependency level' indicates
92 * to which extent an SI depends on other SIs such that an SI that depends on
93 * no other SI is on dependecy_level == 1, an SI that depends only on an SI on
94 * dependency_level == 1 is on dependency-level == 2.
95 * An SI that depends on several SIs gets a
96 * dependency_level that is one unit higher than the SI with the highest
97 * dependency_level it depends on. When SG is requested to assign the workload
98 * on a certain dependency level, it requests all SI objects on that level to
99 * activate (all) SI-assignments that during step <1> has been requested to
100 * assume the active HA state.
102 * SG contains the following state machines:
103 * - administrative state machine (ADSM) (NOT IN THIS RELEASE)
104 * - availability control state machine (ACSM)
106 * The availability control state machine contains three states and one of them
107 * is composite. Being a composite state means that it contains substates.
108 * The states are:
109 * - IDLE (non composite state)
111 * - MANAGING_SG (composite state)
112 * MANAGING_SG is entered at several different events which has in common
113 * the need to set up or change the assignment of SIs to SUs. Only one such
114 * event can be handled at the time. If new events occur while one event is
115 * being handled then the new event is saved and will be handled after the
116 * handling of the first event is ready (return to IDLE state has been done).
117 * MANAGING_SG handles the following events:
118 * - start (requests SG to order SU to instantiate all SUs in SG and waits
119 * for SU to indicate presence state change reports from the SUs and
120 * finally responds 'started' to the requester)
121 * - assign_si (requests SG to assign SIs to SUs according to pre-configured
122 * rules (if not already done) and transfer the HA state of
123 * the SIs on the requested SI dependency level. Then SG waits for
124 * confirmation that the HA state has been succesfully set and
125 * finally responds 'assigned' to the reqeuster)
126 * - auto_adjust (this event indicates that the auto-adjust probation timer has
127 * expired and that SG should evaluate current assignments of
128 * SIs to SUs and if needed remove current assignments and
129 * create new according to what is specified in paragraph
130 *
131 * - failover_comp (requests SG to failover a specific component according to
132 * the procedure described in paragraph
133 * - failover_su (requests SG to failover a specific SU according to the
134 * procedure described in paragraph and
135 * - switchover_node (requests SG to execute the recovery actions described
136 * in and respond to the requester when recovery
137 * is completed)
138 * - failover_node (requests SG to execute the recovery actions described
139 * in and respond to the requester when recovery is
140 * completed)
142 * 1. SG Availability Control State Machine
143 * ==========================================
145 * 1.1 State Transition Table
147 * State: Event: Action: New state:
148 * ============================================================================
149 * IDLE start A48,A28 INSTANTIATING_SUs
150 * IDLE assign_si A48,A31 ASSIGNING_ON_REQ
151 * IDLE failover_su A48,[C22]A10,A11 DEACTIVATING_DEP
152 * IDLE failover_su A48,[!C22]A12 TERMINATING_SUSP
153 * IDLE failover_node A48,[!C22]A12 TERMINATING_SUSP
154 * IDLE failover_node A48,[C22]A10,A11 DEACTIVATING_DEP
155 * IDLE failover_node A48,[C100]A34 IDLE
157 * INSTANTIATING_SUs su_state_chg [C101]A26,A53 IDLE
158 * INSTANTIATING_SUs su_state_chg [C102]A26,A53 IDLE
162 * ASSIGNING_ON_REQ ha_state_assumed [C15]A54 IDLE
165 * DEACTIVATING_DEP si_deactivated [C20] REMOVING_S-BY_ASS
166 * DEACTIVATING_DEP si_deactivated [!C20]A12 TERMINATING_SUSP
167 * TERMINATING_SUSP su_state_chg [C103]A24,A20 ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE
168 * TERMINATING_SUSP su_state_chg [C104]A24,A50 REMOVING_S-BY_ASS
169 * TERMINATING_SUSP su_state_chg [C105]A16,A17 ACTIVATING_S-BY
170 * TERMINATING_SUSP su_state_chg [C106]A20 ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE
171 * TERMINATING_SUSP su_state_chg [C108]A23 REPAIRING_SU
172 * TERMINATING_SUSP su_state_chg [C109] IDLE
175 * REMOVING_S-BY_ASS assignment_removed A51 REMOVING_S-BY_ASS
176 * REMOVING_S-BY_ASS assignment_removed [C27]&[C24] ACTIVATING_S-BY
177 * REMOVING_S-BY_ASS assignment_removed [C110]A20 ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE
178 * REMOVING_S-BY_ASS assignment_removed [C111]A23 REPAIRING_SU
179 * REMOVING_S-BY_ASS assignment_removed [C112] IDLE
181 * REMOVING_S-BY_ASS failover_node A52 REMOVING_S-BY_ASS
182 * ACTIVATING_S-BY su_activated [C2]&[C11]A20 ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE
183 * ACTIVATING_S-BY su_activated [C113]A23 REPAIRING_SU
184 * ACTIVATING_S-BY su_activated [C114] IDLE
186 * ACTIVATING_S-BY failover_node A52 ACTIVATING_S-BY
187 * ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE ha_state_assumed [C115]A23 REPAIRING_SU
188 * ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE ha_state_assumed [C116] IDLE
189 * ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE failover_su A52 ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE
190 * ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE failover_node A52 ASS_S-BY_TO_SPARE
191 * REPAIRING_SU su_state_chg [C28]A36,A37,A31 ASSIGNING_WL
192 * REPAIRING_SU su_state_chg [C28][C31] IDLE
193 * REPAIRING_SU failover_su A52 REPAIRING_SU
194 * REPAIRING_SU failover_node A52 REPAIRING_SU
195 * ASSIGNING_WL ha_state_assumed [C15] IDLE
196 * ASSIGNING_WL failover_su A52 ASSIGNING_WL
197 * ASSIGNING_WL failover_node A52 ASSIGNING_WL
199 * 1.2 State Description
200 * =====================
201 * IDLE - SG is synchronized and idle. When IDLE state is set,
202 * the oldest deferred event (if any) is recalled.
204 * SG has ordered all contained SUs to instantiate and
205 * waits for the SUs to report a change of their
206 * presence state. SG is also prepared to accept an
207 * order to assign workload in this state.
209 * SG has on request assigned workload to all service units
210 * on the requested dependency level and waits for SIs to
211 * indicate that the requested HA-state have been set to the
212 * appropriate components.
214 * SG has cleaned up all components suspected to be
215 * erroneous and waits for the concerned SUs to report a
216 * change of their presence states.
218 * This state is only applicable to the n-plus-m redundancy
219 * model. In this state, SG has initiated the removal of
220 * those assignments from standby SUs that do not match the
221 * assignments of error suspected SUs. The reason for this
222 * removal is a preparation for not violating the rule which
223 * says an SU can not have both active and standby assign-
224 * ments simultaneously in the n-plus-m redundancy model.
226 * SG has located all standby SI-assignments in the recovery
227 * scope and ordered the corresponding SI to set the active
228 * HA-state and waits for SI to indicate that the requested
229 * HA-state has been set to the appropriate components.
231 * Current SG is configured with a spare SU. In this state,
232 * SG has requested all SIs to assign the standby HA-state
233 * to the spare SU and waits for the SIs to indicate that
234 * the standby HA-state have been set.
236 * In this state SG has initiated instantiation of all SUs
237 * in current recovery scope until the configured preference
238 * of number of instantiated SUs is fulfiled. SG then waits
239 * for the concerned SUs to report a change of presence
240 * state.
242 * In this state SG has initiated the assignment of workload
243 * to all or a subset of its contained SUs and waits for the
244 * concerned SIs to indicated that the requested HA-state
245 * has been assumed.
247 * 1.3 Actions
248 * ===========
249 * A1 -
250 * A2 -
251 * A3 -
252 * A4 -
253 * A5 -
254 * A6 -
255 * A7 -
256 * A8 -
257 * A9 -
258 * A10 - [foreach SI in the scope]&[foreach SI-assignment with
259 * confirmed-HA-state == ACTIVE]/set requested-ha-state = QUIESCED
260 * A11 - [foreach SI in the scope]/deactivate SI
261 * A12 - [foreach suspected SU]/terminate all components
262 * A13 -
263 * A14 -
264 * A15 -
265 * A16 - [foreach SI in the scope]&[foreach SI-assignment with
266 * confirmed-HA-state == STANDBY]/set requested-ha-state = ACTIVE
267 * A17 - [foreach SI in the scope]/activate SI
268 * A18 -
269 * A19 -
270 * A20 -
271 * A21 -
272 * A22 -
273 * A23 -
274 * A24 -
275 * A25 -
276 * A26 -
277 * A27 -
278 * A28 -
279 * A29 -
280 * A30 -
281 * A31 -
282 * A32 -
283 * A33 -
284 * A34 -
285 * A35 -
286 * A36 -
287 * A37 -
288 * A38 -
289 * A39 -
290 * A40 -
291 * A41 -
292 * A42 -
293 * A43 -
294 * A44 -
295 * A45 -
296 * A46 -
297 * A47 -
298 * A48 -
299 * A49 -
302 * 1.4 Composite Guards
303 * ====================
304 * The meaning with these guards is just to save space in the state transition
305 * table above.
306 * C100 - [C7]&[!C22]&[C20]
307 * C101 - [C12]&[C28]
308 * C102 - [C13]&[C28]
309 * C103 - [C6]&[C21]&[C11]
310 * C104 - [C6]&[C25]&[C26]
311 * C105 - [C6]&(!([C25]|[C26]))&[C24]
312 * C106 - [C6]&(!([C25]|[C26]))&[!C24]&[C11]
313 * C107 -
314 * C108 - [C6]&(!([C25]|[C26]))&[!C24]&[!C11]&[C9]&[C10]&[!C30]
315 * C109 - [C6]&(!([C25]|[C26]))&[!C24]&[!C11]&[C9]&[C10]&[C30]
316 * C110 - [C27]&[!C24]&[C11]
317 * C111 - [C27]&[!C24]&[!C11]&[C9]&[C10]&[!C30]
318 * C112 - [C27]&[!C24]&[!C11]&[C9]&[C10]&[C30]
319 * C113 - [C2]&[!C11]&[C9]&[C10]&[!C30]
320 * C114 - [C2]&[!C11]&[C9]&[C10]&[C30]
321 * C115 - [C9]&[C10]&[!C30]
322 * C116 - [C9]&[C10]&[C30]
324 * 1.4 Guards
325 * ==========
326 * C1 -
327 * C2 - all SI in the recovery scope
328 * C3 -
329 * C4 -
330 * C5 -
331 * C6 - all supected SUs or components have presence state == UNINSTANTIATED
332 * or presence state == INSTANTIATION_FAILED
333 * C7 - original event == failover node
334 * C8 -
335 * C9 - original event == failover su
336 * C10 - SaAmfSGAutoRepair == true
337 * C11 - spare SUs exist
338 * C12 - original event == start(all SUs)
339 * C13 - original event == start(node)
340 * C14 -
341 * C15 - all SI-assignments on current dependency-level have requested-ha-state
342 == confirmed-ha-state or operation failed
343 * C16 -
344 * C17 -
345 * C18 -
346 * C19 -
347 * C20 - all suspected SUs have presence state == UNINSTANTIATED or
348 presence state == xx_FAILED
349 * C21 - no SI in the scope has an SI-assignment with HA-state == STANDBY
350 * C22 - the concerned entity has ACTIVE HA-state
351 * C23 -
352 * C24 - at least one SI-assignment related to an SI in the scope has HA-state
353 == STANDBY
354 * C25 - redundancy model == N plus M
355 * C26 - at least one SU has STANDBY assignments for more SIs than those SIs
356 that are within the recovery scope
357 * C27 - no SI-assignment related to SI protected by current SG has requested
358 HA-state == REMOVED
359 * C28 - no SU has presence state == INSTANTIATING
360 * C29 -
361 * C30 - more SUs not needed or the node hosting the SU to repair is disabled.
362 * C31 - no new additional assignments needed or possible
365 #include <stdlib.h>
366 #include <errno.h>
368 #include "amf.h"
369 #include "logsys.h"
370 #include "main.h"
371 #include "util.h"
375 static int assign_si (struct amf_sg *sg, int dependency_level);
376 static void acsm_enter_activating_standby (struct amf_sg *sg);
377 static void delete_si_assignments_in_scope (struct amf_sg *sg);
378 static void acsm_enter_repairing_su (struct amf_sg *sg);
379 static void standby_su_activated_cbfn (
380 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment, int result);
381 static void dependent_si_deactivated_cbfn (
382 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment, int result);
383 static void dependent_si_deactivated_cbfn2 (struct amf_sg *sg);
384 static void assign_si_assumed_cbfn (
385 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment, int result);
386 static void acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (amf_sg_t *sg);
387 static void acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (amf_sg_t *sg);
389 static const char *sg_event_type_text[] = {
390 "Unknown",
391 "Failover SU",
392 "Failover node",
393 "Failover comp",
394 "Switchover node",
395 "Start",
396 "Autoadjust",
397 "Assign SI"
400 typedef struct sg_event {
401 amf_sg_event_type_t event_type;
402 amf_sg_t *sg;
403 amf_su_t *su;
404 amf_comp_t *comp;
405 amf_node_t *node;
406 } sg_event_t;
408 /******************************************************************************
409 * Internal (static) utility functions
410 *****************************************************************************/
412 static int is_cluster_start(amf_node_t *node_to_start)
414 return node_to_start == NULL;
417 static void sg_set_event (amf_sg_event_type_t sg_event_type,
418 amf_sg_t *sg, amf_su_t *su, amf_comp_t *comp, amf_node_t * node,
419 sg_event_t *sg_event)
421 sg_event->event_type = sg_event_type;
422 sg_event->node = node;
423 sg_event->su = su;
424 sg_event->comp = comp;
425 sg_event->sg = sg;
428 static void sg_defer_event (amf_sg_event_type_t event_type,
429 sg_event_t *sg_event)
431 ENTER("Defered event = %d", event_type);
432 amf_fifo_put (event_type, &sg_event->sg->deferred_events,
433 sizeof (sg_event_t),
434 sg_event);
437 static void sg_recall_deferred_events (amf_sg_t *sg)
439 sg_event_t sg_event;
441 ENTER ("%s", sg->name.value);
442 if (amf_fifo_get (&sg->deferred_events, &sg_event)) {
443 switch (sg_event.event_type) {
445 amf_sg_failover_su_req (,
446, sg_event.node);
447 break;
449 amf_sg_failover_node_req (,
450 sg_event.node);
451 break;
454 case SG_START_EV:
456 default:
457 dprintf("event_type = %d", sg_event.event_type);
458 break;
463 static void timer_function_sg_recall_deferred_events (void *data)
465 amf_sg_t *sg = (amf_sg_t*)data;
466 ENTER ("");
468 sg_recall_deferred_events (sg);
471 static void acsm_enter_idle (amf_sg_t *sg)
473 SaNameT dn;
475 ENTER ("sg: %s state: %d", sg->name.value, sg->avail_state);
477 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_Idle;
478 if (sg->recovery_scope.event_type != 0) {
479 switch (sg->recovery_scope.event_type) {
481 assert (sg->recovery_scope.sus[0] != NULL);
482 amf_su_dn_make (sg->recovery_scope.sus[0], &dn);
483 log_printf (
485 "'%s' %s recovery action finished",
486 dn.value,
487 sg_event_type_text[sg->recovery_scope.event_type]);
489 break;
491 amf_node_sg_failed_over (
492 sg->recovery_scope.node, sg);
493 log_printf (
495 "'%s for %s' recovery action finished",
496 sg_event_type_text[sg->recovery_scope.event_type],
497 sg->name.value);
498 break;
499 case SG_START_EV:
500 amf_application_sg_started (sg->application,
501 sg, this_amf_node);
502 break;
503 case SG_ASSIGN_SI_EV:
504 log_printf (LOG_NOTICE, "All SI assigned");
505 break;
506 default:
507 log_printf (
509 "'%s' recovery action finished",
510 sg_event_type_text[sg->recovery_scope.event_type]);
511 break;
515 if (sg->recovery_scope.sus != NULL) {
516 free ((void *)sg->recovery_scope.sus);
518 if (sg->recovery_scope.sis != NULL) {
519 free ((void *)sg->recovery_scope.sis);
521 memset (&sg->recovery_scope, 0, sizeof (struct sg_recovery_scope));
522 sg->node_to_start = NULL;
524 amf_call_function_asynchronous (
525 timer_function_sg_recall_deferred_events, sg);
528 static int su_instantiated_count (struct amf_sg *sg)
530 int cnt = 0;
531 struct amf_su *su;
533 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
534 if (su->saAmfSUPresenceState == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_INSTANTIATED)
535 cnt++;
538 return cnt;
541 static int has_any_su_in_scope_active_workload (struct amf_sg *sg)
543 struct amf_su **sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
544 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
546 while (*sus != NULL) {
547 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (*sus, NULL);
548 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
549 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState !=
551 break;
553 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (
554 *sus, si_assignment);
556 if (si_assignment != NULL) {
557 break;
559 sus++;
561 return(*sus == NULL);
564 static int is_any_si_in_scope_assigned_standby (struct amf_sg *sg)
566 struct amf_si **sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
567 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
570 * Check if there is any si in the scope which has no
571 * active assignment and at least one standby assignment.
573 while (*sis != NULL) {
574 si_assignment = (*sis)->assigned_sis;
575 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
576 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState ==
578 break;
580 si_assignment = si_assignment->next;
582 if (si_assignment == NULL) {
583 /* There is no ACTIVE assignment ..*/
584 si_assignment = (*sis)->assigned_sis;
585 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
586 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState ==
588 break;
590 si_assignment = si_assignment->next;
592 if (si_assignment != NULL) {
593 /* .. and one STANDBY assignment*/
594 break;
597 sis++;
599 return(*sis != NULL);
603 static void acsm_enter_terminating_suspected (struct amf_sg *sg)
605 struct amf_su **sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
606 ENTER("%s",sg->name.value);
607 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_TerminatingSuspected;
609 * Terminate suspected SU(s)
611 while (*sus != 0) {
612 amf_su_terminate (*sus);
613 sus++;
617 static inline int su_presense_state_is_ored (amf_su_t *su,
618 SaAmfPresenceStateT state1,SaAmfPresenceStateT state2,
619 SaAmfPresenceStateT state3)
621 return(su->saAmfSUPresenceState == state1 || su->saAmfSUPresenceState ==
622 state2 || su->saAmfSUPresenceState == state3) ? 1 : 0;
625 static inline int su_presense_state_is_not (amf_su_t *su,
626 SaAmfPresenceStateT state1,SaAmfPresenceStateT state2,
627 SaAmfPresenceStateT state3)
629 return(su->saAmfSUPresenceState != state1 && su->saAmfSUPresenceState !=
630 state2 && su->saAmfSUPresenceState != state3) ? 1 : 0;
634 static void timer_function_dependent_si_deactivated2 (void *data)
636 amf_sg_t *sg = (amf_sg_t *)data;
638 ENTER ("");
639 dependent_si_deactivated_cbfn2 (sg);
643 static struct amf_si *si_get_dependent (struct amf_si *si)
645 struct amf_si *tmp_si = NULL;
647 if (si->depends_on != NULL) {
648 SaNameT res_arr[2];
649 int is_match;
651 if (si->depends_on->name.length < SA_MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {
652 si->depends_on->name.value[si->depends_on->name.length] = '\0';
655 is_match = sa_amf_grep ((char*)si->depends_on->name.value,
656 "safDepend=.*,safSi=(.*),safApp=.*",
657 2, res_arr);
659 if (is_match) {
660 tmp_si = amf_si_find (si->application, (char*)res_arr[1].value);
661 } else {
662 log_printf (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "distinguished name for "
663 "amf_si_depedency failed\n");
664 openais_exit_error (AIS_DONE_FATAL_ERR);
668 return tmp_si;
671 static struct amf_si *amf_dependent_get_next (struct amf_si *si,
672 struct amf_si *si_iter)
674 struct amf_si *tmp_si;
675 struct amf_application *application;
677 if (si_iter == NULL) {
678 assert(amf_cluster != NULL);
679 application = amf_cluster->application_head;
680 assert(application != NULL);
681 tmp_si = application->si_head;
682 } else {
683 tmp_si = si_iter->next;
684 if (tmp_si == NULL) {
685 application = si->application->next;
686 if (application == NULL) {
687 goto out;
692 for (; tmp_si != NULL; tmp_si = tmp_si->next) {
693 struct amf_si *depends_on_si = si_get_dependent (tmp_si);
694 while (depends_on_si != NULL) {
695 if (depends_on_si == si) {
696 goto out;
698 depends_on_si = depends_on_si->next;
702 out:
703 return tmp_si;
706 static void acsm_enter_deactivating_dependent_workload (amf_sg_t *sg)
708 struct amf_si **sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
709 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
710 int callback_pending = 0;
712 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_DeactivatingDependantWorkload;
714 ENTER("'%s'",sg->name.value);
716 * For each SI in the recovery scope, find all active
717 * assignments and request them to be deactivated.
719 while (*sis != NULL) {
720 struct amf_si *dependent_si;
721 struct amf_si *si = *sis;
722 si_assignment = si->assigned_sis;
723 dependent_si = amf_dependent_get_next (si, NULL);
725 while (dependent_si != NULL) {
726 si_assignment = dependent_si->assigned_sis;
728 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
730 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState ==
732 si_assignment->requested_ha_state =
734 callback_pending = 1;
735 amf_si_ha_state_assume (
736 si_assignment,
737 dependent_si_deactivated_cbfn);
739 si_assignment = si_assignment->next;
741 dependent_si = amf_dependent_get_next (si, dependent_si);
743 sis++;
746 if (callback_pending == 0) {
747 static poll_timer_handle dependent_si_deactivated_handle;
748 ENTER("");
749 poll_timer_add (aisexec_poll_handle, 0, sg,
750 timer_function_dependent_si_deactivated2,
751 &dependent_si_deactivated_handle);
755 * Enter function for state SG_AC_ActivatingStandby. It activates
756 * one STANDBY assignment for each SI in the recovery scope.
757 * @param sg
759 static void acsm_enter_activating_standby (struct amf_sg *sg)
761 struct amf_si **sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
762 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
763 int is_no_standby_activated = 1;
765 ENTER("'%s'",sg->name.value);
766 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_ActivatingStandby;
769 * For each SI in the recovery scope, find one standby
770 * SI assignment and activate it.
772 while (*sis != NULL) {
773 si_assignment = (*sis)->assigned_sis;
774 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
775 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState ==
777 si_assignment->requested_ha_state =
779 amf_si_ha_state_assume (
780 si_assignment, standby_su_activated_cbfn);
781 is_no_standby_activated = 0;
782 break;
784 si_assignment = si_assignment->next;
786 sis++;
789 if (is_no_standby_activated) {
791 acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (sg);
795 static void acsm_enter_repairing_su (struct amf_sg *sg)
797 struct amf_su **sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
798 int is_any_su_instantiated = 0;
801 ENTER("'%s'",sg->name.value);
802 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_ReparingSu;
804 * Instantiate SUs in current recovery scope until the configured
805 * preference is fulfiled.
807 while (*sus != NULL) {
808 if (su_instantiated_count ((*sus)->sg) <
809 (*sus)->sg->saAmfSGNumPrefInserviceSUs) {
810 struct amf_node *node =
811 amf_node_find(&((*sus)->saAmfSUHostedByNode));
812 if (node == NULL) {
813 log_printf (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
814 "Su to recover not hosted on any node\n");
815 openais_exit_error (AIS_DONE_FATAL_ERR);
817 if (node->saAmfNodeOperState == SA_AMF_OPERATIONAL_ENABLED) {
818 /* node is synchronized */
820 if (amf_su_instantiate ((*sus)) == PERFORMS_INSTANTIATING) {
821 is_any_su_instantiated = 1;
825 sus++;
828 if (is_any_su_instantiated == 0) {
829 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
833 static inline void remove_all_suspected_sus (amf_sg_t *sg)
835 amf_su_t *su;
836 ENTER("");
837 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su =su->next) {
839 amf_comp_t *component;
841 for (component = su->comp_head; component != NULL;
842 component = component->next) {
844 amf_comp_error_suspected_clear (component);
848 static int is_all_si_assigned (amf_sg_t *sg)
850 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
851 int si_assignment_cnt = 0;
852 int confirmed_assignments = 0;
853 amf_si_t *si;
855 for (si = sg->application->si_head; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
856 if (name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &sg->name)) {
858 for (si_assignment = si->assigned_sis;
859 si_assignment != NULL;
860 si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
862 si_assignment_cnt++;
863 if (si_assignment->requested_ha_state ==
864 si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState) {
866 confirmed_assignments++;
871 return (confirmed_assignments == si_assignment_cnt);
875 * Inquire if SI is assigned to SU
876 * @param si
877 * @param su
879 * @return int
881 static int is_si_assigned_to_su (amf_si_t *si, amf_su_t *su)
883 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment = 0;
884 int si_assignment_assigned_to_su = 0;
886 for (si_assignment = si->assigned_sis; si_assignment != NULL;
887 si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
889 if (si_assignment->su == su) {
890 si_assignment_assigned_to_su = 1;
891 break;
894 return si_assignment_assigned_to_su;
898 * Inquire if SU is a spare.
899 * @param sg
900 * @param su
902 * @return int
904 static int is_spare_su (amf_sg_t *sg, amf_su_t *su)
906 amf_si_t *si;
907 int spare_su = 1;
908 for (si = sg->application->si_head; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
909 if(name_match(&sg->name, &si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG)) {
910 if (is_si_assigned_to_su (si, su)) {
912 spare_su = 0;
913 break;
917 return (spare_su && su->saAmfSUPresenceState ==
921 * Inqure if it is any spare SUs covered by SG
922 * @param sg
924 * @return int
926 static int is_spare_sus (amf_sg_t *sg)
928 amf_su_t *su = NULL;
929 int spare_sus = 0;
931 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
933 if (is_spare_su(sg, su)) {
934 spare_sus = 1;
935 break;
938 return spare_sus;
942 * Provide standby assignments for the spare SUs in SG
943 * @param sg
945 static void assume_standby_si_assignment_for_spare_sus (amf_sg_t *sg)
947 ENTER("");
949 assign_si (sg, 0);
953 * Enter the AssigningStandbyToSpare state.
954 * @param sg
956 static void acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (amf_sg_t *sg)
958 ENTER("%s", sg->name.value);
960 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningStandbyToSpare;
961 if (is_spare_sus (sg)) {
962 assume_standby_si_assignment_for_spare_sus (sg);
963 } else {
964 switch (sg->recovery_scope.event_type) {
966 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
967 break;
969 acsm_enter_repairing_su (sg);
970 break;
971 default:
972 dprintf("event_type %d",sg->recovery_scope.event_type);
973 assert (0);
974 break;
980 * Checks if the si pointed out is already in the scope.
981 * @param sg
982 * @param si
984 static int is_si_in_scope(struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_si *si)
986 struct amf_si **tmp_sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
988 while (*tmp_sis != NULL) {
989 if (*tmp_sis == si) {
990 break;
992 tmp_sis++;
994 return(*tmp_sis == si);
998 * Adds the si pointed out to the scope.
999 * @param sg
1000 * @param si
1002 static void add_si_to_scope ( struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_si *si)
1004 int number_of_si = 2; /* It shall be at least two */
1005 struct amf_si **tmp_sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
1007 ENTER ("'%s'", si->name.value);
1009 while (*tmp_sis != NULL) {
1010 number_of_si++;
1011 tmp_sis++;
1014 sg->recovery_scope.sis = (struct amf_si **)
1015 realloc((void *)sg->recovery_scope.sis,
1016 sizeof (struct amf_si *)*number_of_si);
1017 assert (sg->recovery_scope.sis != NULL);
1019 tmp_sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
1020 while (*tmp_sis != NULL) {
1021 tmp_sis++;
1024 *tmp_sis = si;
1025 *(++tmp_sis) = NULL;
1029 * Adds the ssu pointed out to the scope.
1030 * @param sg
1031 * @param su
1033 static void add_su_to_scope (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_su *su)
1035 int number_of_su = 2; /* It shall be at least two */
1036 struct amf_su **tmp_sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1038 ENTER ("'%s'", su->name.value);
1039 while (*tmp_sus != NULL) {
1040 number_of_su++;
1041 tmp_sus++;
1043 sg->recovery_scope.sus = (struct amf_su **)
1044 realloc((void *)sg->recovery_scope.sus,
1045 sizeof (struct amf_su *)*number_of_su);
1046 assert (sg->recovery_scope.sus != NULL);
1048 tmp_sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1049 while (*tmp_sus != NULL) {
1050 tmp_sus++;
1053 *tmp_sus = su;
1054 *(++tmp_sus) = NULL;
1058 * Set recovery scope for failover SU.
1059 * @param sg
1060 * @param su
1063 static void set_scope_for_failover_su (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_su *su)
1065 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
1066 struct amf_si **sis;
1067 struct amf_su **sus;
1068 SaNameT dn;
1070 sg->recovery_scope.event_type = SG_FAILOVER_SU_EV;
1071 sg->recovery_scope.node = NULL;
1072 sg->recovery_scope.comp = NULL;
1073 sg->recovery_scope.sus = (struct amf_su **)
1074 calloc (2, sizeof (struct amf_su *));
1075 sg->recovery_scope.sis = (struct amf_si **)
1076 calloc (1, sizeof (struct amf_si *));
1078 assert ((sg->recovery_scope.sus != NULL) &&
1079 (sg->recovery_scope.sis != NULL));
1080 sg->recovery_scope.sus[0] = su;
1082 amf_su_dn_make (sg->recovery_scope.sus[0], &dn);
1083 log_printf (
1084 LOG_NOTICE, "'%s' for %s recovery action started",
1085 sg_event_type_text[sg->recovery_scope.event_type],
1086 dn.value);
1088 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, NULL);
1089 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
1090 if (is_si_in_scope(sg, si_assignment->si) == 0) {
1091 add_si_to_scope(sg,si_assignment->si );
1093 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, si_assignment);
1096 sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1097 dprintf("The following sus are within the scope:\n");
1098 while (*sus != NULL) {
1099 dprintf("%s\n", (*sus)->name.value);
1100 sus++;
1102 sis= sg->recovery_scope.sis;
1103 dprintf("The following sis are within the scope:\n");
1104 while (*sis != NULL) {
1105 dprintf("%s\n", (*sis)->name.value);
1106 sis++;
1110 static void set_scope_for_failover_node (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_node *node)
1112 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
1113 struct amf_si **sis;
1114 struct amf_su **sus;
1115 struct amf_su *su;
1117 ENTER ("'%s'", node->name.value);
1118 sg->recovery_scope.event_type = SG_FAILOVER_NODE_EV;
1119 sg->recovery_scope.node = node;
1120 sg->recovery_scope.comp = NULL;
1121 sg->recovery_scope.sus = (struct amf_su **)
1122 calloc (1, sizeof (struct amf_su *));
1123 sg->recovery_scope.sis = (struct amf_si **)
1124 calloc (1, sizeof (struct amf_si *));
1126 log_printf (
1127 LOG_NOTICE, "'%s' for node %s recovery action started",
1128 sg_event_type_text[sg->recovery_scope.event_type],
1129 node->name.value);
1131 assert ((sg->recovery_scope.sus != NULL) &&
1132 (sg->recovery_scope.sis != NULL));
1133 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
1134 if (name_match (&node->name, &su->saAmfSUHostedByNode)) {
1135 add_su_to_scope (sg, su);
1139 sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1140 while (*sus != 0) {
1141 su = *sus;
1142 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, NULL);
1143 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
1144 if (is_si_in_scope(sg, si_assignment->si) == 0) {
1145 add_si_to_scope(sg, si_assignment->si );
1147 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (
1148 su, si_assignment);
1150 sus++;
1153 sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1154 dprintf("The following sus are within the scope:\n");
1155 while (*sus != NULL) {
1156 dprintf("%s\n", (*sus)->name.value);
1157 sus++;
1159 sis = sg->recovery_scope.sis;
1160 dprintf("The following sis are within the scope:\n");
1161 while (*sis != NULL) {
1162 dprintf("%s\n", (*sis)->name.value);
1163 sis++;
1167 static void delete_si_assignment (amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment)
1169 amf_csi_t *csi;
1170 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment_tmp;
1171 amf_si_assignment_t **prev = &si_assignment->si->assigned_sis;
1173 for (csi = si_assignment->si->csi_head; csi != NULL; csi = csi->next) {
1174 amf_csi_delete_assignments (csi, si_assignment->su);
1177 for (si_assignment_tmp = si_assignment->si->assigned_sis;
1178 si_assignment_tmp != NULL;
1179 si_assignment_tmp = si_assignment_tmp->next) {
1181 if (si_assignment_tmp == si_assignment) {
1183 amf_si_assignment_t *to_be_removed = si_assignment_tmp;
1184 *prev = si_assignment_tmp->next;
1185 dprintf ("SI assignment %s unlinked",
1186 to_be_removed->name.value);
1187 free (to_be_removed);
1188 } else {
1189 prev = &si_assignment_tmp->next;
1195 * Delete all SI assignments and all CSI assignments
1196 * by requesting all contained components.
1197 * @param su
1199 static void delete_si_assignments (struct amf_su *su)
1201 struct amf_csi *csi;
1202 struct amf_si *si;
1203 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
1204 struct amf_si_assignment **prev;
1206 ENTER ("'%s'", su->name.value);
1208 for (si = su->sg->application->si_head; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
1210 prev = &si->assigned_sis;
1212 if (!name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &su->sg->name)) {
1213 continue;
1216 for (csi = si->csi_head; csi != NULL; csi = csi->next) {
1217 amf_csi_delete_assignments (csi, su);
1220 for (si_assignment = si->assigned_sis; si_assignment != NULL;
1221 si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
1222 if (si_assignment->su == su) {
1223 struct amf_si_assignment *tmp = si_assignment;
1224 *prev = si_assignment->next;
1225 dprintf ("SI assignment %s unlinked", tmp->name.value);
1226 free (tmp);
1227 } else {
1228 prev = &si_assignment->next;
1235 * Delete all SI assignments and all CSI assignments in current
1236 * recovery scope.
1237 * @param sg
1239 static void delete_si_assignments_in_scope (struct amf_sg *sg)
1241 struct amf_su **sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1243 while (*sus != NULL) {
1244 delete_si_assignments (*sus);
1245 sus++;
1250 * Given an SI, find and return the SU assigned as standby
1251 * @param si
1253 * @return amf_su_t*
1255 static amf_su_t *find_standby_su (amf_si_t *si)
1257 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment;
1258 amf_su_t *standby_su = NULL;
1260 si_assignment = si->assigned_sis;
1261 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
1262 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState == SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY) {
1263 standby_su = si_assignment->su;
1264 break;
1266 si_assignment = si_assignment->next;
1269 return standby_su;
1272 static int no_si_assignment_is_requested_to_be_removed (amf_sg_t *sg)
1274 amf_si_t *si;
1275 int no_to_be_removed = 1;
1277 for (si = sg->application->si_head; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
1279 if (name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &sg->name)) {
1280 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment = 0;
1281 for (si_assignment = si->assigned_sis; si_assignment != NULL;
1282 si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
1283 if (si_assignment->requested_ha_state ==
1286 no_to_be_removed = 0;
1287 goto out;
1292 out:
1293 return no_to_be_removed;
1296 static void removed_si_assignment_callback_fn (void *si_assignment_in)
1298 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment = si_assignment_in;
1300 ENTER("");
1301 delete_si_assignment (si_assignment);
1304 * if all si assignments are remove then change state
1306 if (no_si_assignment_is_requested_to_be_removed (si_assignment->su->sg)) {
1307 acsm_enter_activating_standby (si_assignment->su->sg);
1313 * @param sg
1315 * @return int, number of removed SI assignments
1317 static int remove_standby_si_assignments (amf_sg_t *sg)
1319 struct amf_si **sis = sg->recovery_scope.sis;
1320 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
1321 amf_su_t *standby_su;
1322 int removed = 0;
1324 ENTER("'%s'", sg->name.value);
1327 * For each SI in the recovery scope, find a standby
1328 * SU, then remove all 'standby SI assignment' not in
1329 * the recovery scope.
1331 while (*sis != NULL) {
1332 standby_su = find_standby_su (*sis);
1333 if (standby_su != NULL) {
1334 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (standby_su, NULL);
1335 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
1337 amf_si_t **sia;
1338 int in_recovery_scope;
1340 for (sia = sg->recovery_scope.sis, in_recovery_scope = 0;
1341 *sia != NULL; sia++) {
1342 if (name_match (&si_assignment->si->name, &(*sia)->name)) {
1343 in_recovery_scope = 1;
1348 * The si_assignment found with standby hastate is not in the
1349 * recovery scope. The found si_assignment will then be
1350 * requested to be removed once.
1352 if (!in_recovery_scope &&
1353 si_assignment->requested_ha_state !=
1356 amf_si_assignment_remove (si_assignment,
1357 removed_si_assignment_callback_fn);
1358 removed++;
1360 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (standby_su,
1361 si_assignment);
1364 sis++;
1367 return removed;
1371 * Entry function for state 'removing standby assignments'
1372 * @param sg
1374 static void acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (amf_sg_t *sg)
1376 ENTER("SG: %s", sg->name.value);
1377 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_RemovingStandbyAssignments;
1379 if (sg->saAmfSGRedundancyModel == SA_AMF_NPM_REDUNDANCY_MODEL) {
1380 if (!remove_standby_si_assignments (sg)) {
1381 acsm_enter_activating_standby (sg);
1386 static inline int div_round (int a, int b)
1388 int res;
1390 assert (b != 0);
1391 res = a / b;
1392 if ((a % b) != 0)
1393 res++;
1394 return res;
1397 static int no_su_has_presence_state (
1398 struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_node *node_to_start,
1399 SaAmfPresenceStateT state)
1401 struct amf_su *su;
1402 int no_su_has_presence_state = 1;
1404 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
1406 if (su->saAmfSUPresenceState == state) {
1407 if (node_to_start == NULL) {
1408 no_su_has_presence_state = 0;
1409 break;
1410 } else {
1411 if (name_match(&node_to_start->name,
1412 &su->saAmfSUHostedByNode)) {
1413 no_su_has_presence_state = 0;
1414 break;
1420 return no_su_has_presence_state;
1423 #if COMPILE_OUT
1424 static int all_su_in_scope_has_presence_state (
1425 struct amf_sg *sg, SaAmfPresenceStateT state)
1427 struct amf_su **sus= sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1429 while (*sus != NULL) {
1430 if ((*sus)->saAmfSUPresenceState != state) {
1431 break;
1433 sus++;
1435 return(*sus == NULL);
1437 #endif
1438 static int all_su_in_scope_has_either_two_presence_state (
1439 amf_sg_t *sg,
1440 SaAmfPresenceStateT state1,
1441 SaAmfPresenceStateT state2)
1443 struct amf_su **sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1445 while (*sus != NULL) {
1446 if (!((*sus)->saAmfSUPresenceState == state1 ||
1447 (*sus)->saAmfSUPresenceState == state2)) {
1448 break;
1450 sus++;
1452 return (*sus == NULL);
1456 static int all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state (amf_sg_t *sg,
1457 SaAmfPresenceStateT state1, SaAmfPresenceStateT state2,
1458 SaAmfPresenceStateT state3)
1460 struct amf_su **sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
1462 while (*sus != NULL) {
1463 if (!((*sus)->saAmfSUPresenceState == state1 ||
1464 (*sus)->saAmfSUPresenceState == state2 ||
1465 (*sus)->saAmfSUPresenceState == state3)) {
1466 break;
1468 sus++;
1470 return (*sus == NULL);
1476 * Get number of SIs protected by the specified SG.
1477 * @param sg
1479 * @return int
1481 static int sg_si_count_get (struct amf_sg *sg)
1483 struct amf_si *si;
1484 int cnt = 0;
1486 for (si = sg->application->si_head; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
1487 if (name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &sg->name)) {
1488 cnt += 1;
1491 return(cnt);
1494 static int amf_si_get_saAmfSINumReqActiveAssignments(struct amf_si *si)
1496 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment = si->assigned_sis;
1497 int number_of_req_active_assignments = 0;
1499 for (; si_assignment != NULL; si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
1501 if (si_assignment->requested_ha_state == SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE) {
1502 number_of_req_active_assignments++;
1505 return number_of_req_active_assignments;
1508 static int amf_si_get_saAmfSINumReqStandbyAssignments(struct amf_si *si)
1510 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment = si->assigned_sis;
1511 int number_of_req_active_assignments = 0;
1513 for (; si_assignment != NULL; si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
1514 if (si_assignment->requested_ha_state == SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY) {
1515 number_of_req_active_assignments++;
1518 return number_of_req_active_assignments;
1521 static int sg_assign_active_nplusm (struct amf_sg *sg, int su_active_assign)
1523 struct amf_su *su;
1524 struct amf_si *si;
1525 int assigned = 0;
1526 int assign_to_su = 0;
1527 int total_assigned = 0;
1528 int si_left;
1529 int si_total;
1530 int su_left_to_assign = su_active_assign;
1531 ENTER("SG: %s", sg->name.value);
1533 si_total = sg_si_count_get (sg);
1534 si_left = si_total;
1535 assign_to_su = div_round (si_left, su_active_assign);
1536 if (assign_to_su > sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs) {
1537 assign_to_su = sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs;
1540 su = sg->su_head;
1541 while (su != NULL && su_left_to_assign > 0) {
1542 if (amf_su_get_saAmfSUReadinessState (su) !=
1544 amf_su_get_saAmfSUNumCurrActiveSIs (su) == assign_to_su ||
1545 amf_su_get_saAmfSUNumCurrStandbySIs (su) > 0) {
1547 su = su->next;
1548 continue; /* Not in service */
1551 si = sg->application->si_head;
1552 assigned = 0;
1553 assign_to_su = div_round (si_left, su_left_to_assign);
1554 if (assign_to_su > sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs) {
1555 assign_to_su = sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs;
1557 while (si != NULL) {
1558 if (name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &sg->name) &&
1559 assigned < assign_to_su &&
1560 amf_si_get_saAmfSINumReqActiveAssignments(si) == 0) {
1561 assigned += 1;
1562 total_assigned += 1;
1563 amf_su_assign_si (su, si, SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE);
1566 si = si->next;
1568 su = su->next;
1569 su_left_to_assign -= 1;
1570 si_left -= assigned;
1571 dprintf (" su_left_to_assign =%d, si_left=%d\n",
1572 su_left_to_assign, si_left);
1575 assert (total_assigned <= si_total);
1576 if (total_assigned == 0) {
1577 dprintf ("Info: No SIs assigned");
1580 return total_assigned;
1583 static int sg_assign_standby_nplusm (struct amf_sg *sg, int su_standby_assign)
1585 struct amf_su *su;
1586 struct amf_si *si;
1587 int assigned = 0;
1588 int assign_to_su = 0;
1589 int total_assigned = 0;
1590 int si_left;
1591 int si_total;
1592 int su_left_to_assign = su_standby_assign;
1594 ENTER ("'%s'", sg->name.value);
1596 if (su_standby_assign == 0) {
1597 return 0;
1599 si_total = sg_si_count_get (sg);
1600 si_left = si_total;
1601 assign_to_su = div_round (si_left, su_standby_assign);
1602 if (assign_to_su > sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs) {
1603 assign_to_su = sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs;
1606 su = sg->su_head;
1607 while (su != NULL && su_left_to_assign > 0) {
1608 if (amf_su_get_saAmfSUReadinessState (su) !=
1610 amf_su_get_saAmfSUNumCurrActiveSIs (su) > 0 ||
1611 amf_su_get_saAmfSUNumCurrStandbySIs (su) ==
1612 assign_to_su) {
1614 su = su->next;
1615 continue; /* Not available for assignment */
1618 si = sg->application->si_head;
1619 assigned = 0;
1620 assign_to_su = div_round (si_left, su_left_to_assign);
1621 if (assign_to_su > sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs) {
1622 assign_to_su = sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs;
1624 while (si != NULL) {
1625 if (name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &sg->name) &&
1626 assigned < assign_to_su &&
1627 amf_si_get_saAmfSINumReqStandbyAssignments (si) == 0) {
1628 assigned += 1;
1629 total_assigned += 1;
1630 amf_su_assign_si (su, si, SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY);
1632 si = si->next;
1634 su_left_to_assign -= 1;
1635 si_left -= assigned;
1636 dprintf (" su_left_to_assign =%d, si_left=%d\n",
1637 su_left_to_assign, si_left);
1639 su = su->next;
1642 assert (total_assigned <= si_total);
1643 if (total_assigned == 0) {
1644 dprintf ("Info: No SIs assigned!");
1647 return total_assigned;
1650 static int su_inservice_count_get (struct amf_sg *sg)
1652 struct amf_su *su;
1653 int answer = 0;
1655 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
1656 if (amf_su_get_saAmfSUReadinessState (su) ==
1659 answer += 1;
1662 return(answer);
1665 static int su_active_out_of_service_count_get (amf_sg_t *sg)
1667 int active_out_of_service_count = 0;
1668 amf_su_t *su;
1669 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
1670 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment;
1671 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, NULL);
1672 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
1673 if ((si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState == SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE) &&
1674 (amf_su_get_saAmfSUReadinessState (su) ==
1676 active_out_of_service_count += 1;
1678 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, si_assignment);
1681 return active_out_of_service_count;
1685 static int su_standby_out_of_service_count_get (amf_sg_t *sg)
1687 int active_out_of_service_count = 0;
1688 amf_su_t *su;
1689 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
1690 amf_si_assignment_t *si_assignment;
1691 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, NULL);
1692 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
1693 if ((si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState == SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY) &&
1694 (amf_su_get_saAmfSUReadinessState (su) ==
1696 active_out_of_service_count += 1;
1698 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment (su, si_assignment);
1701 return active_out_of_service_count;
1705 * This function calculates the number of active and standby assignments that
1706 * shall be done according to what is configured and the number of in-service
1707 * SUs available. This function leaves possible existing assignments as they are
1708 * but possibly adds new assignments. This function also initiates the transfer
1709 * of the calculated assignments to the SUs that shall execute them.
1711 * TODO: dependency_level not used, hard coded
1712 * @param sg
1713 * @param dependency_level
1714 * @return - the sum of assignments initiated
1716 static int assign_si (struct amf_sg *sg, int dependency_level)
1718 int active_sus_needed = 0;
1719 int standby_sus_needed = 0;
1720 int inservice_count;
1721 int su_active_assign;
1722 int su_standby_assign;
1723 int su_spare_assign;
1724 int assigned = 0;
1725 int active_out_of_service = 0;
1726 int standby_out_of_service = 0;
1727 ENTER ("'%s'", sg->name.value);
1730 * Phase 1: Calculate assignments and create all runtime objects in
1731 * information model. Do not do the actual assignment, done in
1732 * phase 2.
1736 * Calculate number of SUs to assign to active or standby state
1738 inservice_count = su_inservice_count_get (sg);
1739 active_out_of_service = su_active_out_of_service_count_get(sg);
1740 standby_out_of_service = su_standby_out_of_service_count_get(sg);
1741 if (sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs > 0) {
1743 active_sus_needed = div_round (
1744 sg_si_count_get (sg),
1745 sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs);
1746 } else {
1747 log_printf (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ERROR: saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs == 0 !!");
1748 openais_exit_error (AIS_DONE_FATAL_ERR);
1751 if (sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs > 0) {
1752 standby_sus_needed = div_round (
1753 sg_si_count_get (sg),
1754 sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs);
1755 } else {
1756 log_printf (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ERROR: saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs == 0 !!");
1757 openais_exit_error (AIS_DONE_FATAL_ERR);
1761 dprintf ("(inservice=%d) (active_sus_needed=%d) (standby_sus_needed=%d)"
1762 "\n",
1763 inservice_count, active_sus_needed, standby_sus_needed);
1765 /* Determine number of active and standby service units
1766 * to assign based upon reduction procedure
1768 if ((inservice_count < active_sus_needed - active_out_of_service)) {
1769 dprintf ("assignment VI - partial assignment with SIs drop outs\n");
1771 su_active_assign = inservice_count;
1772 su_standby_assign = 0;
1773 su_spare_assign = 0;
1774 } else
1775 if ((inservice_count < active_sus_needed - active_out_of_service +
1776 standby_sus_needed)) {
1777 dprintf ("assignment V - partial assignment with reduction of"
1778 " standby units\n");
1780 su_active_assign = active_sus_needed;
1781 su_standby_assign = inservice_count - active_sus_needed - active_out_of_service;
1782 su_spare_assign = 0;
1783 } else
1784 if ((inservice_count < sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs + standby_sus_needed)) {
1785 dprintf ("IV: full assignment with reduction of active service"
1786 " units\n");
1787 su_active_assign = inservice_count - standby_sus_needed;
1788 su_standby_assign = standby_sus_needed;
1789 su_spare_assign = 0;
1790 } else
1791 if ((inservice_count <
1792 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs + sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs)) {
1793 dprintf ("III: full assignment with reduction of standby service"
1794 " units\n");
1795 su_active_assign = sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs;
1796 su_standby_assign = inservice_count - sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs;
1797 su_spare_assign = 0;
1798 } else
1799 if ((inservice_count ==
1800 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs + sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs)) {
1801 if (sg->saAmfSGNumPrefInserviceSUs > inservice_count) {
1802 dprintf ("II: full assignment with spare reduction\n");
1803 } else {
1804 dprintf ("II: full assignment without spares\n");
1807 su_active_assign = sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs;
1808 su_standby_assign = sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs;
1809 su_spare_assign = 0;
1810 } else {
1811 dprintf ("I: full assignment with spares\n");
1812 su_active_assign = sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs;
1813 su_standby_assign = sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs;
1814 su_spare_assign = inservice_count -
1815 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs - sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs;
1818 dprintf ("(inservice=%d) (assigning active=%d) (assigning standby=%d)"
1819 " (assigning spares=%d)\n",
1820 inservice_count, su_active_assign, su_standby_assign, su_spare_assign);
1822 if (inservice_count > 0) {
1823 assigned = sg_assign_active_nplusm (sg, su_active_assign);
1824 assigned += sg_assign_standby_nplusm (sg, su_standby_assign);
1825 sg->saAmfSGNumCurrAssignedSUs = inservice_count;
1828 * Phase 2: do the actual assignment to the component
1829 * TODO: first do active, then standby
1832 struct amf_si *si;
1833 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
1835 for (si = sg->application->si_head; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
1836 if (name_match (&si->saAmfSIProtectedbySG, &sg->name)) {
1837 for (si_assignment = si->assigned_sis;
1838 si_assignment != NULL;
1839 si_assignment = si_assignment->next) {
1841 if (si_assignment->requested_ha_state !=
1842 si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState) {
1843 amf_si_ha_state_assume (
1844 si_assignment, assign_si_assumed_cbfn);
1852 LEAVE ("'%s'", sg->name.value);
1853 return assigned;
1856 #ifdef COMPILE_OUT
1857 static void remove_si_in_scope (amf_sg_t *sg, amf_si_t *si)
1859 int i;
1860 int j;
1861 amf_si_t **sis = sg->recovery_scope.sis;
1862 amf_si_t **new_sis = amf_calloc (1, sizeof (amf_si_t*));
1864 for (i = 0,j = 0; sis[i] != NULL; i++) {
1865 if (sis[i] == si) {
1866 continue;
1868 new_sis[j] = sis[i];
1869 new_sis = amf_realloc (new_sis, j + sizeof (amf_si_t *));
1870 j++;
1873 sg->recovery_scope.sis = new_sis;
1875 #endif
1877 #ifdef COMPILE_OUT
1878 static void remove_sis_for_term_failed_su_from_scope (amf_sg_t *sg,
1879 amf_su_t *su)
1881 amf_comp_t *component;
1884 * foreach component with presense state termiantion failed in su
1887 for (component = su->comp_head; component != NULL;
1888 component = component->next) {
1890 amf_csi_assignment_t *csi_assignment;
1892 if (component->saAmfCompPresenceState !=
1894 continue;
1897 csi_assignment = amf_comp_get_next_csi_assignment (component, NULL);
1899 while (csi_assignment != NULL) {
1901 remove_si_in_scope (sg, csi_assignment->csi->si);
1902 csi_assignment = amf_comp_get_next_csi_assignment (component, NULL);
1906 #endif
1909 * This function returns 1 if the redundancy model is N plus M and at least one
1910 * component of the specified SU has an active HA-state, else the function
1911 * returns 0.
1912 * @param sg
1913 * @param su
1914 * @return int
1916 static int is_comp_in_active_ha_state_nplusm (
1917 amf_sg_t *sg, amf_su_t *su)
1919 amf_comp_t *component;
1920 amf_csi_assignment_t *csi_assignment;
1921 int comp_is_in_active_ha_state = 0;
1923 if(sg->saAmfSGRedundancyModel == SA_AMF_NPM_REDUNDANCY_MODEL) {
1924 for (component = su->comp_head; component != NULL;
1925 component = component->next) {
1926 csi_assignment = amf_comp_get_next_csi_assignment(component, NULL);
1927 while (csi_assignment != NULL) {
1928 if (csi_assignment->saAmfCSICompHAState == SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE) {
1929 comp_is_in_active_ha_state = 1;
1930 goto out;
1932 csi_assignment = amf_comp_get_next_csi_assignment(component,
1933 csi_assignment);
1937 out:
1938 return comp_is_in_active_ha_state;
1942 * This function handles a change of presence state reported by an SU contained
1943 * in specified SG. The new presence state is INSTANTIATED.
1944 * @param sg
1945 * @param su
1947 static void sg_su_state_changed_to_instantiated (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_su *su)
1949 ENTER("%s %s",sg->name.value, su->name.value);
1950 switch (sg->avail_state) {
1951 case SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits:
1952 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
1954 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
1956 break;
1957 case SG_AC_ReparingSu:
1958 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
1960 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state(
1961 su->sg,
1965 su->sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningWorkload;
1966 if (assign_si (sg, 0) == 0) {
1967 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
1969 } else {
1970 dprintf ("avail-state: %u", sg->avail_state);
1971 assert (0);
1974 break;
1975 default:
1976 dprintf ("avail-state: %u", sg->avail_state);
1977 assert (0);
1978 break;
1983 * This function handles a change of presence state reported by an SU contained
1984 * in specified SG. The new presence state is UNINSTANTIATED.
1985 * @param sg
1986 * @param su
1988 static void amf_sg_su_state_changed_to_uninstantiated (amf_sg_t *sg,
1989 amf_su_t *su)
1991 ENTER("%s %s",sg->name.value, su->name.value);
1992 switch (sg->avail_state) {
1993 case SG_AC_TerminatingSuspected:
1994 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
1996 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_two_presence_state (sg,
2000 delete_si_assignments_in_scope (sg);
2002 if (is_any_si_in_scope_assigned_standby (sg)) {
2003 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2004 acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (sg);
2005 } else { /*is_no_si_in_scope_assigned_standby*/
2006 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2007 acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (sg);
2011 break;
2012 case SG_AC_ReparingSu:
2013 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
2015 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state(
2016 su->sg,
2020 su->sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningWorkload;
2021 if (assign_si (sg, 0) == 0) {
2022 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2026 break;
2027 default:
2028 log_printf (LOG_ERR, "sg avail_state = %d", sg->avail_state);
2029 assert (0);
2030 break;
2035 * This function handles a change of presence state reported by an SU contained
2036 * in specified SG. The new presence state is TERMINATION_FAILED.
2037 * @param sg
2038 * @param su
2040 static void amf_sg_su_state_changed_to_termination_failed (amf_sg_t *sg,
2041 amf_su_t *su)
2043 ENTER("%s %s",sg->name.value, su->name.value);
2044 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
2046 if (is_comp_in_active_ha_state_nplusm (sg, su)) {
2047 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2048 goto out;
2051 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_two_presence_state (sg,
2055 delete_si_assignments_in_scope (sg);
2057 if (is_any_si_in_scope_assigned_standby (sg)) {
2058 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2059 acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (sg);
2060 } else { /*is_no_si_in_scope_assigned_standby*/
2061 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2062 acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (sg);
2066 out:
2067 return;
2071 * This function handles a change of presence state reported by an SU contained
2072 * in specified SG. The new presence state is INSTANTIATION_FAILED.
2073 * @param sg
2074 * @param su
2076 static void amf_sg_su_state_changed_to_instantiation_failed (amf_sg_t *sg,
2077 amf_su_t *su)
2079 ENTER("%s %s",sg->name.value, su->name.value);
2080 switch (sg->avail_state) {
2081 case SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits:
2082 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
2084 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2086 break;
2087 case SG_AC_ReparingSu:
2088 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
2090 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state(
2091 su->sg,
2095 su->sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningWorkload;
2096 if (assign_si (sg, 0) == 0) {
2097 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2101 break;
2102 default:
2103 /* TODO: Insert the assert (0) until solving defers in SU */
2104 dprintf("sg->avail_state = %d", sg->avail_state);
2105 break;
2109 /******************************************************************************
2110 * Event methods
2111 *****************************************************************************/
2114 * This function starts all SUs in the SG or all SUs on a specified node.
2115 * @param sg
2116 * @param node - Node on which all SUs shall be started or
2117 * NULL indicating that all SUs on all nodes shall be started.
2118 * @return - No of SUs that has been attempted to start
2120 int amf_sg_start (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_node *node)
2123 sg->recovery_scope.event_type = SG_START_EV;
2124 ENTER ("'%s'", sg->name.value);
2125 int instantiated_sus = 0;
2127 switch (sg->avail_state) {
2128 case SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits:
2129 case SG_AC_Idle: {
2131 amf_su_t *su;
2132 sg_avail_control_state_t old_avail_state = sg->avail_state;
2134 ENTER ("'%s'", sg->name.value);
2136 sg->node_to_start = node;
2138 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits;
2140 for (su = sg->su_head;
2141 (su != NULL) &&
2142 (instantiated_sus < sg->saAmfSGNumPrefInserviceSUs);
2143 su = su->next) {
2145 if (is_cluster_start (node)) {
2147 amf_su_instantiate (su);
2148 instantiated_sus++;
2150 } else { /*is_not_cluster_start*/
2153 * Node start, match if SU is hosted on the
2154 * specified node
2157 if (name_match (&node->name,
2158 &su->saAmfSUHostedByNode)) {
2159 amf_su_instantiate (su);
2160 instantiated_sus++;
2165 if (instantiated_sus == 0) {
2166 sg->avail_state = old_avail_state;
2168 break;
2170 case SG_AC_DeactivatingDependantWorkload:
2171 case SG_AC_TerminatingSuspected:
2172 case SG_AC_ActivatingStandby:
2173 case SG_AC_AssigningStandbyToSpare:
2174 case SG_AC_ReparingComponent:
2175 case SG_AC_ReparingSu:
2176 case SG_AC_AssigningOnRequest:
2177 case SG_AC_RemovingAssignment:
2178 case SG_AC_AssigningActiveworkload:
2179 case SG_AC_AssigningAutoAdjust:
2180 case SG_AC_AssigningWorkload:
2181 case SG_AC_WaitingAfterOperationFailed:
2182 case SG_AC_RemovingStandbyAssignments:
2183 default:
2184 assert (0);
2185 break;
2187 return instantiated_sus;
2191 * This function initiates assignment of the subset of the workload which
2192 * matches the specified workload dependency level, to all SUs contained in the
2193 * SG according to the requirements specified in the configuration.
2194 * @param sg -
2195 * @param dependency_level - Dependency level to assign
2196 * @return - No of SUs that has been attempted to start
2198 int amf_sg_assign_si_req (struct amf_sg *sg, int dependency_level)
2200 /* TODO: Introduce state control in this function
2202 int posible_to_assign_si;
2203 sg->recovery_scope.event_type = SG_ASSIGN_SI_EV;
2204 sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningOnRequest;
2206 if ((posible_to_assign_si = assign_si (sg, dependency_level)) == 0) {
2207 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2209 return posible_to_assign_si;
2213 * This function is called because an error has been detected and the analysis
2214 * (done elsewhere) indicated that this error shall be recovered by a Node
2215 * failover. This function initiates the recovery action 'Node failover'.
2216 * @param sg
2217 * @param su - SU to failover
2218 * @param node -
2220 void amf_sg_failover_node_req (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_node *node)
2222 ENTER("'%s, %s'",node->name.value, sg->name.value);
2223 sg_event_t sg_event;
2225 switch (sg->avail_state) {
2226 case SG_AC_Idle:
2227 set_scope_for_failover_node(sg, node);
2228 if (has_any_su_in_scope_active_workload (sg)) {
2229 acsm_enter_deactivating_dependent_workload (sg);
2230 } else {
2231 amf_su_t **sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
2234 * Select next state depending on if some
2235 * SU in the scope needs to be terminated.
2237 while (*sus != NULL) {
2239 amf_su_t *su = *sus;
2240 ENTER("SU %s pr_state='%d'",su->name.value,
2241 su->saAmfSUPresenceState);
2243 if (su_presense_state_is_ored (su,
2247 sus++;
2248 continue;
2250 break;
2253 if (*sus != NULL) {
2254 acsm_enter_terminating_suspected (sg);
2255 } else {
2256 delete_si_assignments_in_scope (sg);
2257 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2261 break;
2262 case SG_AC_DeactivatingDependantWorkload:
2263 case SG_AC_TerminatingSuspected:
2264 case SG_AC_ActivatingStandby:
2265 case SG_AC_AssigningStandbyToSpare:
2266 case SG_AC_ReparingComponent:
2267 case SG_AC_ReparingSu:
2268 case SG_AC_AssigningOnRequest:
2269 case SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits:
2270 case SG_AC_RemovingAssignment:
2271 case SG_AC_AssigningActiveworkload:
2272 case SG_AC_AssigningAutoAdjust:
2273 case SG_AC_AssigningWorkload:
2274 case SG_AC_WaitingAfterOperationFailed:
2275 case SG_AC_RemovingStandbyAssignments:
2276 sg_set_event (SG_FAILOVER_NODE_EV, sg, 0, 0, node, &sg_event);
2277 sg_defer_event (SG_FAILOVER_NODE_EV, &sg_event);
2278 break;
2279 default:
2280 assert (0);
2281 break;
2287 * This function is called because an error has been detected and the analysis
2288 * (done elsewhere) indicated that this error shall be recovered by an SU
2289 * failover. This function initiates the recovery action 'SU failover'.
2290 * @param sg
2291 * @param su - SU to failover
2292 * @param node -
2294 void amf_sg_failover_su_req (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_su *su,
2295 struct amf_node *node)
2297 ENTER ("%s", su->name.value);
2298 sg_event_t sg_event;
2300 switch (sg->avail_state) {
2301 case SG_AC_Idle:
2302 su->su_failover_cnt += 1;
2303 set_scope_for_failover_su (sg, su);
2304 if (has_any_su_in_scope_active_workload (sg)) {
2305 acsm_enter_deactivating_dependent_workload (sg);
2306 } else {
2307 acsm_enter_terminating_suspected (sg);
2309 break;
2310 case SG_AC_DeactivatingDependantWorkload:
2311 case SG_AC_TerminatingSuspected:
2312 case SG_AC_ActivatingStandby:
2313 case SG_AC_AssigningStandbyToSpare:
2314 case SG_AC_ReparingComponent:
2315 case SG_AC_ReparingSu:
2316 case SG_AC_AssigningOnRequest:
2317 case SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits:
2318 case SG_AC_RemovingAssignment:
2319 case SG_AC_AssigningActiveworkload:
2320 case SG_AC_AssigningAutoAdjust:
2321 case SG_AC_AssigningWorkload:
2322 case SG_AC_WaitingAfterOperationFailed:
2323 case SG_AC_RemovingStandbyAssignments:
2324 sg_set_event (SG_FAILOVER_SU_EV, sg, su, 0, 0, &sg_event);
2325 sg_defer_event (SG_FAILOVER_SU_EV, &sg_event);
2326 break;
2327 default:
2328 assert (0);
2329 break;
2333 /******************************************************************************
2334 * Event response methods
2335 *****************************************************************************/
2337 #ifdef COMPILE_OUT
2338 void amf_sg_su_state_changed_2 (struct amf_sg *sg,
2339 struct amf_su *su, SaAmfStateT type, int state)
2341 ENTER ("'%s' SU '%s' state %s",
2342 sg->name.value, su->name.value, amf_presence_state(state));
2344 if (type == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_STATE) {
2346 if (sg->avail_state == SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits) {
2347 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
2349 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2351 } else if (sg->avail_state == SG_AC_ReparingSu) {
2352 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state(
2353 su->sg,
2357 su->sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningWorkload;
2358 if (assign_si (sg, 0) == 0) {
2359 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2362 } else {
2363 dprintf ("avail-state: %u", sg->avail_state);
2364 assert (0);
2366 } else {
2367 dprintf ("avail-state: %u", sg->avail_state);
2368 assert (0);
2370 } else if (state == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_UNINSTANTIATED) {
2371 if (sg->avail_state == SG_AC_TerminatingSuspected) {
2372 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_two_presence_state (sg,
2376 delete_si_assignments_in_scope (sg);
2378 if (is_any_si_in_scope_assigned_standby (sg)) {
2379 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2380 acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (sg);
2381 } else { /*is_no_si_in_scope_assigned_standby*/
2382 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2383 acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (sg);
2386 } else if (sg->avail_state == SG_AC_ReparingSu) {
2387 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state(
2388 su->sg,
2392 su->sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningWorkload;
2393 if (assign_si (sg, 0) == 0) {
2394 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2396 } else {
2397 dprintf("%d",sg->avail_state);
2398 assert (0);
2401 } else if (state == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_TERMINATION_FAILED) {
2403 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_two_presence_state (sg,
2406 is_any_si_in_scope_assigned_standby (sg)) {
2407 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2409 acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (sg);
2411 } else if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_two_presence_state (sg,
2414 !is_any_si_in_scope_assigned_standby (sg)) {
2416 remove_all_suspected_sus (sg);
2417 acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare (sg);
2419 } else {
2421 remove_sis_for_term_failed_su_from_scope (sg, su);
2423 } else if (state == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_INSTANTIATING) {
2424 ; /* nop */
2425 } else if (state == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_INSTANTIATION_FAILED) {
2426 if (sg->avail_state == SG_AC_InstantiatingServiceUnits) {
2427 if (no_su_has_presence_state(sg, sg->node_to_start,
2429 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2432 } else if (sg->avail_state == SG_AC_ReparingSu) {
2433 if (all_su_in_scope_has_either_of_three_presence_state(
2434 su->sg,
2438 su->sg->avail_state = SG_AC_AssigningWorkload;
2439 if (assign_si (sg, 0) == 0) {
2440 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2443 } else {
2444 /* TODO: Insert the assert (0) until solving defers in SU */
2445 dprintf("sg->avail_state = %d, su instantiation state = %d",
2446 sg->avail_state, state);
2448 } else {
2449 dprintf("sg->avail_state = %d, su instantiation state = %d",
2450 sg->avail_state, state);
2451 assert (0);
2455 #endif
2458 * SU indicates to SG that one of its state machines has changed state.
2459 * @param sg - SG which contains the SU that has changed state
2460 * @param su - SU which has changed state
2461 * @param type - Indicates which state machine that has changed state
2462 * @param state - The new state that has been assumed.
2465 void amf_sg_su_state_changed (struct amf_sg *sg, struct amf_su *su,
2466 SaAmfStateT type, int state)
2468 ENTER ("'%s' SU '%s' state %s",
2469 sg->name.value, su->name.value, amf_presence_state(state));
2471 if (sg->avail_state != SG_AC_Idle) {
2472 if (type == SA_AMF_PRESENCE_STATE) {
2473 switch (state) {
2475 sg_su_state_changed_to_instantiated(sg, su);
2476 break;
2478 amf_sg_su_state_changed_to_uninstantiated(sg, su);
2479 break;
2481 amf_sg_su_state_changed_to_termination_failed(sg, su);
2482 break;
2484 ; /* nop */
2485 break;
2487 amf_sg_su_state_changed_to_instantiation_failed(sg, su);
2488 break;
2490 ; /* nop */
2491 break;
2492 default :
2493 dprintf("sg->avail_state = %d, su instantiation state = %d",
2494 sg->avail_state, state);
2495 assert (0);
2496 break;
2503 * Callback function used by SI when there is no dependent SI to
2504 * deactivate.
2505 * @param sg
2507 static void dependent_si_deactivated_cbfn2 (struct amf_sg *sg)
2509 struct amf_su **sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
2511 ENTER("'%s'", sg->name.value);
2514 * Select next state depending on if some
2515 * SU in the scope needs to be terminated.
2518 while (*sus != NULL) {
2519 amf_su_t *su = *sus;
2521 ENTER("SU %s pr_state='%d'",su->name.value,
2522 su->saAmfSUPresenceState);
2524 if (su_presense_state_is_ored (su,
2528 sus++;
2529 continue;
2531 break;
2534 if (*sus != NULL) {
2535 acsm_enter_terminating_suspected (sg);
2536 } else {
2537 delete_si_assignments_in_scope(sg);
2538 acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (sg);
2543 * Callback function used by SI when an SI has been deactivated, i.e.
2544 * transitioned from active HA-state to any other state.
2545 * @param si_assignment
2546 * @param result - Indicates the result of the operation.
2548 static void dependent_si_deactivated_cbfn (
2549 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment, int result)
2551 struct amf_sg *sg = si_assignment->su->sg;
2552 struct amf_su **sus = sg->recovery_scope.sus;
2553 struct amf_su *su;
2555 ENTER ("'%s', %d", si_assignment->si->name.value, result);
2558 * If all SI assignments for all SUs in the SG are not pending,
2559 * goto next state (TerminatingSuspected).
2561 for (su = sg->su_head ; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
2562 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment;
2563 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment(su, NULL);
2565 while (si_assignment != NULL) {
2566 if (si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState !=
2567 si_assignment->requested_ha_state) {
2568 goto still_wating;
2570 si_assignment = amf_su_get_next_si_assignment(su,
2571 si_assignment);
2575 still_wating:
2577 if (su == NULL) {
2578 sus = si_assignment->su->sg->recovery_scope.sus;
2581 * Select next state depending on if some
2582 * SU in the scope is needs to be terminated.
2585 while (*sus != NULL) {
2586 if (su_presense_state_is_not (*sus,
2590 break;
2592 sus++;
2594 if (*sus != NULL) {
2595 acsm_enter_terminating_suspected (sg);
2596 } else {
2597 acsm_enter_removing_standby_assignments (sg);
2600 LEAVE("");
2604 * Callback function used by SI to indicate an SI has assumed a new HA-state or
2605 * that the attempt to do so failed.
2606 * @param si_assignment
2607 * @param result - Indicates the result of the operation.
2609 static void assign_si_assumed_cbfn (
2610 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment, int result)
2612 struct amf_sg *sg = si_assignment->su->sg;
2613 int si_assignment_cnt = 0;
2614 int confirmed_assignments = 0;
2616 ENTER ("'%s', %d", si_assignment->si->name.value, result);
2619 switch (sg->avail_state) {
2620 case SG_AC_AssigningOnRequest:
2621 if (is_all_si_assigned (sg)) {
2622 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2623 amf_application_sg_assigned (sg->application, sg);
2624 } else {
2625 dprintf ("%d, %d", si_assignment_cnt, confirmed_assignments);
2627 break;
2628 case SG_AC_AssigningWorkload:
2630 if (is_all_si_assigned(sg)) {
2631 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2633 break;
2635 case SG_AC_AssigningStandbyToSpare:
2637 if(is_all_si_assigned (sg)) {
2639 * All si_assignments has asumed
2640 * Prescense state SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY
2642 switch (sg->recovery_scope.event_type) {
2644 acsm_enter_idle (sg);
2645 break;
2646 case SG_FAILOVER_SU_EV:
2647 if (sg->saAmfSGAutoRepair == SA_TRUE) {
2648 acsm_enter_repairing_su (sg);
2650 break;
2651 default:
2652 assert (0);
2653 break;
2655 } else {
2656 si_assignment->saAmfSISUHAState = SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY;
2659 break;
2660 default:
2661 dprintf ("%d, %d, %d", sg->avail_state, si_assignment_cnt,
2662 confirmed_assignments);
2663 amf_runtime_attributes_print (amf_cluster);
2664 assert (0);
2665 break;
2670 * Callback function used by SI when an SI has been activated, i.e. transitioned
2671 * from any HA-state to an active HA-state.
2672 * @param si_assignment
2673 * @param result - Indicates the result of the operation.
2675 static void standby_su_activated_cbfn (
2676 struct amf_si_assignment *si_assignment, int result)
2678 struct amf_su **sus = si_assignment->su->sg->recovery_scope.sus;
2679 struct amf_si **sis = si_assignment->su->sg->recovery_scope.sis;
2681 ENTER ("'%s', %d", si_assignment->si->name.value, result);
2684 * If all SI assignments for all SIs in the scope are activated, goto next
2685 * state.
2688 while (*sis != NULL) {
2689 if ((*sis)->assigned_sis != NULL &&
2690 (*sis)->assigned_sis->saAmfSISUHAState != SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE) {
2691 break;
2693 sis++;
2696 if (*sis == NULL) {
2698 acsm_enter_assigning_standby_to_spare ((*sus)->sg);
2702 /******************************************************************************
2703 * General methods
2704 *****************************************************************************/
2707 * Constructor for SG objects. Adds SG to the list owned by
2708 * the specified application. Always returns a valid SG
2709 * object, out-of-memory problems are handled here. Default
2710 * values are initialized.
2711 * @param sg
2712 * @param name
2714 * @return struct amf_sg*
2717 struct amf_sg *amf_sg_new (struct amf_application *app, char *name)
2719 struct amf_sg *sg = amf_calloc (1, sizeof (struct amf_sg));
2721 setSaNameT (&sg->name, name);
2722 sg->saAmfSGAdminState = SA_AMF_ADMIN_UNLOCKED;
2723 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs = 1;
2724 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs = 1;
2725 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefInserviceSUs = ~0;
2726 sg->saAmfSGNumPrefAssignedSUs = ~0;
2727 sg->saAmfSGCompRestartProb = -1;
2728 sg->saAmfSGCompRestartMax = ~0;
2729 sg->saAmfSGSuRestartProb = -1;
2730 sg->saAmfSGSuRestartMax = ~0;
2731 sg->saAmfSGAutoAdjustProb = -1;
2732 sg->saAmfSGAutoRepair = SA_TRUE;
2733 sg->application = app;
2734 sg->next = app->sg_head;
2735 app->sg_head = sg;
2736 sg->deferred_events = NULL;
2738 return sg;
2741 void amf_sg_delete (struct amf_sg *sg)
2743 struct amf_su *su;
2745 for (su = sg->su_head; su != NULL;) {
2746 struct amf_su *tmp = su;
2747 su = su->next;
2748 amf_su_delete (tmp);
2751 free (sg);
2754 void *amf_sg_serialize (struct amf_sg *sg, int *len)
2756 char *buf = NULL;
2757 int offset = 0, size = 0;
2759 TRACE8 ("%s", sg->name.value);
2761 buf = amf_serialize_SaNameT (buf, &size, &offset, &sg->name);
2762 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGRedundancyModel);
2763 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2764 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGAutoAdjust);
2765 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2766 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs);
2767 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2768 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs);
2769 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2770 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumPrefInserviceSUs);
2771 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2772 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumPrefAssignedSUs);
2773 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2774 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs);
2775 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2776 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs);
2777 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2778 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGCompRestartProb);
2779 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2780 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGCompRestartMax);
2781 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2782 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGSuRestartProb);
2783 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2784 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGSuRestartMax);
2785 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2786 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGAutoAdjustProb);
2787 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2788 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGAutoRepair);
2789 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2790 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGAdminState);
2791 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2792 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumCurrAssignedSUs);
2793 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2794 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumCurrNonInstantiatedSpareSUs);
2795 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2796 buf, &size, &offset, sg->saAmfSGNumCurrInstantiatedSpareSUs);
2797 buf = amf_serialize_SaStringT (
2798 buf, &size, &offset, sg->clccli_path);
2799 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2800 buf, &size, &offset, sg->avail_state);
2801 buf = amf_serialize_SaUint32T (
2802 buf, &size, &offset, sg->recovery_scope.event_type);
2804 *len = offset;
2806 return buf;
2809 struct amf_sg *amf_sg_deserialize (struct amf_application *app, char *buf)
2811 char *tmp = buf;
2812 struct amf_sg *sg = amf_sg_new (app, "");
2814 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaNameT (tmp, &sg->name);
2815 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGRedundancyModel);
2816 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGAutoAdjust);
2817 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumPrefActiveSUs);
2818 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumPrefStandbySUs);
2819 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumPrefInserviceSUs);
2820 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumPrefAssignedSUs);
2821 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGMaxActiveSIsperSUs);
2822 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGMaxStandbySIsperSUs);
2823 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGCompRestartProb);
2824 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGCompRestartMax);
2825 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGSuRestartProb);
2826 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGSuRestartMax);
2827 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGAutoAdjustProb);
2828 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGAutoRepair);
2829 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGAdminState);
2830 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumCurrAssignedSUs);
2831 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumCurrNonInstantiatedSpareSUs);
2832 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->saAmfSGNumCurrInstantiatedSpareSUs);
2833 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaStringT (tmp, &sg->clccli_path);
2834 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->avail_state);
2835 tmp = amf_deserialize_SaUint32T (tmp, &sg->recovery_scope.event_type);
2837 return sg;
2840 struct amf_sg *amf_sg_find (struct amf_application *app, char *name)
2842 struct amf_sg *sg;
2844 for (sg = app->sg_head; sg != NULL; sg = sg->next) {
2845 if (sg->name.length == strlen(name) &&
2846 strncmp (name, (char*)sg->name.value, sg->name.length) == 0) {
2847 break;
2851 return sg;