PR target/83368
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / gfortran.dg / subref_array_pointer_2.f90
1 ! { dg-do run }
2 ! Test the fix for PRs29396, 29606, 30625 and 30871, in which pointers
3 ! to arrays with subreferences did not work.
5 type :: t
6 real :: r
7 integer :: i
8 character(3) :: chr
9 end type t
11 type :: t2
12 real :: r(2, 2)
13 integer :: i
14 character(3) :: chr
15 end type t2
17 type :: s
18 type(t), pointer :: t(:)
19 end type s
21 integer, parameter :: sh(2) = (/2,2/)
22 real, parameter :: a1(2,2) = reshape ((/1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0/),sh)
23 real, parameter :: a2(2,2) = reshape ((/5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0/),sh)
25 type(t), target :: tar1(2) = (/t(1.0, 2, "abc"), t(3.0, 4, "efg")/)
26 character(4), target :: tar2(2) = (/"abcd","efgh"/)
27 type(s), target :: tar3
28 character(2), target :: tar4(2) = (/"ab","cd"/)
29 type(t2), target :: tar5(2) = (/t2(a1, 2, "abc"), t2(a2, 4, "efg")/)
31 integer, pointer :: ptr(:)
32 character(2), pointer :: ptr2(:)
33 real, pointer :: ptr3(:)
35 !_______________component subreference___________
36 ptr => tar1%i
37 ptr = ptr + 1 ! check the scalarizer is OK
39 if (any (ptr .ne. (/3, 5/))) call abort ()
40 if (any ((/ptr(1), ptr(2)/) .ne. (/3, 5/))) call abort ()
41 if (any (tar1%i .ne. (/3, 5/))) call abort ()
43 ! Make sure that the other components are not touched.
44 if (any (tar1%r .ne. (/1.0, 3.0/))) call abort ()
45 if (any (tar1%chr .ne. (/"abc", "efg"/))) call abort ()
47 ! Check that the pointer is passed correctly as an actual argument.
48 call foo (ptr)
49 if (any (tar1%i .ne. (/2, 4/))) call abort ()
51 ! And that dummy pointers are OK too.
52 call bar (ptr)
53 if (any (tar1%i .ne. (/101, 103/))) call abort ()
55 !_______________substring subreference___________
56 ptr2 => tar2(:)(2:3)
57 ptr2 = ptr2(:)(2:2)//"z" ! again, check the scalarizer
59 if (any (ptr2 .ne. (/"cz", "gz"/))) call abort ()
60 if (any ((/ptr2(1), ptr2(2)/) .ne. (/"cz", "gz"/))) call abort ()
61 if (any (tar2 .ne. (/"aczd", "egzh"/))) call abort ()
63 !_______________substring component subreference___________
64 ptr2 => tar1(:)%chr(1:2)
65 ptr2 = ptr2(:)(2:2)//"q" ! yet again, check the scalarizer
66 if (any (ptr2 .ne. (/"bq","fq"/))) call abort ()
67 if (any (tar1%chr .ne. (/"bqc","fqg"/))) call abort ()
69 !_______________trailing array element subreference___________
70 ptr3 => tar5%r(1,2)
71 ptr3 = (/99.0, 999.0/)
72 if (any (tar5(1)%r .ne. reshape ((/1.0,2.0,99.0,4.0/), sh))) call abort ()
73 if (any (tar5(2)%r .ne. reshape ((/5.0,6.0,999.0,8.0/), sh))) call abort ()
75 !_______________forall assignment___________
76 ptr2 => tar2(:)(1:2)
77 forall (i = 1:2) ptr2(i)(1:1) = "z"
78 if (any (tar2 .ne. (/"zczd", "zgzh"/))) call abort ()
80 !_______________something more complicated___________
81 tar3%t => tar1
82 ptr3 => tar3%t%r
83 ptr3 = cos (ptr3)
84 if (any (abs(ptr3 - (/cos(1.0_4), cos(3.0_4)/)) >= epsilon(1.0_4))) call abort ()
86 ptr2 => tar3%t(:)%chr(2:3)
87 ptr2 = " x"
88 if (any (tar1%chr .ne. (/"b x", "f x"/))) call abort ()
90 !_______________check non-subref works still___________
91 ptr2 => tar4
92 if (any (ptr2 .ne. (/"ab","cd"/))) call abort ()
94 contains
95 subroutine foo (arg)
96 integer :: arg(:)
97 arg = arg - 1
98 end subroutine
99 subroutine bar (arg)
100 integer, pointer :: arg(:)
101 arg = arg + 99
102 end subroutine