2017-09-26 Thomas Koenig <tkoenig@gcc.gnu.org>
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / gfortran.dg / dtio_5.f90
1 ! { dg-do run }
3 ! This test is based on the second case in the PGInsider article at
4 ! https://www.pgroup.com/lit/articles/insider/v6n2a3.htm
6 ! The complete original code is at:
7 ! https://www.pgroup.com/lit/samples/pginsider/stack.f90
9 ! Thanks to Mark LeAir.
11 ! Copyright (c) 2015, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
13 ! NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
14 ! and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
15 ! and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
16 ! distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
17 ! license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
26 module stack_mod
28 type, abstract :: stack
29 private
30 class(*), allocatable :: item ! an item on the stack
31 class(stack), pointer :: next=>null() ! next item on the stack
32 contains
33 procedure :: empty ! returns true if stack is empty
34 procedure :: delete ! empties the stack
35 end type stack
37 type, extends(stack) :: integer_stack
38 contains
39 procedure :: push => push_integer ! add integer item to stack
40 procedure :: pop => pop_integer ! remove integer item from stack
41 procedure :: compare => compare_integer ! compare with an integer array
42 end type integer_stack
44 type, extends(integer_stack) :: io_stack
45 contains
46 procedure,private :: wio_stack
47 procedure,private :: rio_stack
48 procedure,private :: dump_stack
49 generic :: write(unformatted) => wio_stack ! write stack item to file
50 generic :: read(unformatted) => rio_stack ! push item from file
51 generic :: write(formatted) => dump_stack ! print all items from stack
52 end type io_stack
54 contains
56 subroutine rio_stack (dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg)
58 ! read item from file and add it to stack
60 class(io_stack), intent(inout) :: dtv
61 integer, intent(in) :: unit
62 integer, intent(out) :: iostat
63 character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg
65 integer :: item
67 read(unit,IOSTAT=iostat,IOMSG=iomsg) item
69 if (iostat .ne. 0) then
70 call dtv%push(item)
71 endif
73 end subroutine rio_stack
75 subroutine wio_stack(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg)
77 ! pop an item from stack and write it to file
79 class(io_stack), intent(in) :: dtv
80 integer, intent(in) :: unit
81 integer, intent(out) :: iostat
82 character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg
83 integer :: item
85 item = dtv%pop()
86 write(unit,IOSTAT=iostat,IOMSG=iomsg) item
88 end subroutine wio_stack
90 subroutine dump_stack(dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg)
92 ! Pop all items off stack and write them out to unit
93 ! Assumes default LISTDIRECTED output
95 class(io_stack), intent(in) :: dtv
96 integer, intent(in) :: unit
97 character(len=*), intent(in) :: iotype
98 integer, intent(in) :: v_list(:)
99 integer, intent(out) :: iostat
100 character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg
101 character(len=80) :: buffer
102 integer :: item
104 if (iotype .ne. 'LISTDIRECTED') then
105 ! Error
106 iomsg = 'dump_stack: unsupported iotype'
107 iostat = 1
108 else
109 iostat = 0
110 do while( (.not. dtv%empty()) .and. (iostat .eq. 0) )
111 item = dtv%pop()
112 write(unit, '(I6/)',IOSTAT=iostat,IOMSG=iomsg) item
113 enddo
114 endif
115 end subroutine dump_stack
117 logical function empty(this)
118 class(stack) :: this
119 if (.not.associated(this%next)) then
120 empty = .true.
121 else
122 empty = .false.
123 end if
124 end function empty
126 subroutine push_integer(this,item)
127 class(integer_stack) :: this
128 integer :: item
129 type(integer_stack), allocatable :: new_item
131 allocate(new_item)
132 allocate(new_item%item, source=item)
133 new_item%next => this%next
134 allocate(this%next, source=new_item)
135 end subroutine push_integer
137 function pop_integer(this) result(item)
138 class(integer_stack) :: this
139 class(stack), pointer :: dealloc_item
140 integer item
142 if (this%empty()) then
143 stop 'Error! pop_integer invoked on empty stack'
144 endif
145 select type(top=>this%next)
146 type is (integer_stack)
147 select type(i => top%item)
148 type is(integer)
149 item = i
150 class default
151 stop 'Error #1! pop_integer encountered non-integer stack item'
152 end select
153 dealloc_item => this%next
154 this%next => top%next
155 deallocate(dealloc_item)
156 class default
157 stop 'Error #2! pop_integer encountered non-integer_stack item'
158 end select
159 end function pop_integer
161 ! gfortran addition to check read/write
162 logical function compare_integer (this, array, error)
163 class(integer_stack), target :: this
164 class(stack), pointer :: ptr, next
165 integer :: array(:), i, j, error
166 compare_integer = .true.
167 ptr => this
168 do j = 0, size (array, 1)
169 if (compare_integer .eqv. .false.) return
170 select type (ptr)
171 type is (integer_stack)
172 select type(k => ptr%item)
173 type is(integer)
174 if (k .ne. array(j)) error = 1
175 class default
176 error = 2
177 compare_integer = .false.
178 end select
179 class default
180 if (j .ne. 0) then
181 error = 3
182 compare_integer = .false.
183 end if
184 end select
185 next => ptr%next
186 if (associated (next)) then
187 ptr => next
188 else if (j .ne. size (array, 1)) then
189 error = 4
190 compare_integer = .false.
191 end if
192 end do
193 end function
195 subroutine delete (this)
196 class(stack), target :: this
197 class(stack), pointer :: ptr1, ptr2
198 ptr1 => this%next
199 ptr2 => ptr1%next
200 do while (associated (ptr1))
201 deallocate (ptr1)
202 ptr1 => ptr2
203 if (associated (ptr1)) ptr2 => ptr1%next
204 end do
205 end subroutine
207 end module stack_mod
209 program stack_demo
211 use stack_mod
212 implicit none
214 integer i, k(10), error
215 class(io_stack), allocatable :: stk
216 allocate(stk)
218 k = [3,1,7,0,2,9,4,8,5,6]
220 ! step 1: set up an 'output' file > changed to 'scratch'
222 open(10, status='scratch', form='unformatted')
224 ! step 2: add values to stack
226 do i=1,10
227 ! write(*,*) 'Adding ',i,' to the stack'
228 call stk%push(k(i))
229 enddo
231 ! step 3: pop values from stack and write them to file
233 ! write(*,*)
234 ! write(*,*) 'Removing each item from stack and writing it to file.'
235 ! write(*,*)
236 do while(.not.stk%empty())
237 write(10) stk
238 enddo
240 ! step 4: close file and reopen it for read > changed to rewind.
242 rewind(10)
244 ! step 5: read values back into stack
245 ! write(*,*) 'Reading each value from file and adding it to stack:'
246 do while(.true.)
247 read(10,END=9999) i
248 ! write(*,*), 'Reading ',i,' from file. Adding it to stack'
249 call stk%push(i)
250 enddo
252 9999 continue
254 ! step 6: Dump stack to standard out
256 ! write(*,*)
257 ! write(*,*), 'Removing every element from stack and writing it to screen:'
258 ! write(*,*) stk
260 ! gfortran addition to check read/write
261 if (.not. stk%compare (k, error)) then
262 select case (error)
263 case(1)
264 print *, "values do not match"
265 case(2)
266 print *, "non integer found in stack"
267 case(3)
268 print *, "type mismatch in stack"
269 case(4)
270 print *, "too few values in stack"
271 end select
272 call abort
273 end if
275 close(10)
277 ! Clean up - valgrind indicates no leaks.
278 call stk%delete
279 deallocate (stk)
280 end program stack_demo