2 ! { dg-compile-aux-modules "test_common_binding_labels_3.f03" }
3 module test_common_binding_labels_3_main
4 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
5 integer(c_int), bind(c, name="my_common_block") :: my_int ! { dg-error "COMMON block at .1. with binding label my_common_block uses the same global identifier as entity at .2." }
6 end module test_common_binding_labels_3_main
9 use test_common_binding_labels_3_main
10 use test_common_binding_labels_3 ! { dg-error "COMMON block at .1. with binding label my_common_block uses the same global identifier as entity at .2." }
12 ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "test_common_binding_labels_3" } }