3 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_associated
6 subroutine sub0(my_c_ptr) bind(c)
7 type(c_ptr), value :: my_c_ptr
8 type(c_ptr), pointer :: my_c_ptr_2
11 if(.not. c_associated(my_c_ptr)) then
15 if(.not. c_associated(my_c_ptr, my_c_ptr)) then
19 if(.not. c_associated(my_c_ptr, my_c_ptr, my_c_ptr)) then ! { dg-error "Too many arguments in call" }
23 if(.not. c_associated()) then ! { dg-error "Missing actual argument" }
27 if(.not. c_associated(my_c_ptr_2)) then
31 if(.not. c_associated(my_integer)) then ! { dg-error "shall have the type TYPE.C_PTR. or TYPE.C_FUNPTR." }