[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / gcc.target / xstormy16 / below100.S
1 /******************************************************************
2 ***                                                             ***
3 ***     crt0 for __BELOW100__ attribute test with SID           ***
4 ***                                                             ***
5 ******************************************************************/
7                                 /*************************************/
8                                 /** Interrupt vectors at 0x8000     **/
9                                 /*************************************/
10         .section .int_vec,"ax"
11         .global _start
12         .align 1
13 _start:
14         jmpf _int_reset
15         //jmpf _int_basetimer
16         //jmpf _int_timer0
17         //jmpf _int_timer1
18         //jmpf _int_irq_4
19         //jmpf _int_irq_5
20         //jmpf _int_port0
21         //jmpf _int_port1
22         //jmpf _int_irq_8
23         //jmpf _int_irq_9
24         //jmpf _int_irq_a
25         //jmpf _int_irq_b
26         //jmpf _int_irq_c
27         //jmpf _int_irq_d
28         //jmpf _int_irq_e
29         //jmpf _int_irq_f
30                                 /*************************************/
31                                 /** reset code                      **/
32                                 /*************************************/
33         .text
34 _int_reset:
35                                 /*************************************/
36                                 /** setup stack pointer             **/
37                                 /*************************************/
38         mov sp,#__stack
39                                 /*************************************/
40                                 /** zero .bss section               **/
41                                 /*************************************/
42         mov r0,#__bss_start
43         mov r1,#__bss_end
44         mov r2,#0
45 1:      mov.w (r0++),r2
46         blt r0,r1,1b
47                                 /*************************************/
48                                 /** copy inital value for .data     **/
49                                 /*************************************/
50         mov r1,#__data_start
51         mov r3,#__data_end
52         mov r0,#@lo(__rdata)
53         mov r8,#@hi(__rdata)
54 2:      movf.w r2,(r0++)
55         bnz r0,#0,3f
56         add r8,#1
57 3:      mov.w (r1++),r2
58         blt r1,r3,2b
59                                 /*************************************/
60                                 /** call hardware init routine      **/
61                                 /*************************************/
62         callf _hwinit
63                                 /*************************************/
64                                 /** call initializaton routines     **/
65                                 /*************************************/
66         callf _init
67                                 /*************************************/
68                                 /** setup fini routines to be       **/
69                                 /**  called from exit               **/
70                                 /*************************************/
71         mov r2,#@fptr(_fini)
72         callf atexit
73                                 /*************************************/
74                                 /** call main() with empty          **/
75                                 /**  argc/argv/envp                 **/
76                                 /*************************************/
77         mov r2,#0
78         mov r3,#0
79         mov r4,#0
80         callf main
81                                 /*************************************/
82                                 /** return from main()              **/
83                                 /*************************************/
84         callf exit
85                                 /*************************************/
86                                 /** should never reach this code    **/
87                                 /*************************************/
88         jmpf _start
89                                 /*************************************/
90                                 /** default h/w initialize routine  **/
91                                 /** and default _init/_finit for    **/
92                                 /**  -nostartfiles option           **/
93                                 /*************************************/
94         .globl _hwinit
95         .weak _hwinit
96 _hwinit:
97         .globl _init
98         .weak _init
99 _init:
100         .globl _fini
101         .weak _fini
102 _fini:
103         ret
105 /******************************************************************
106 *******************************************************************
107 ***                                                             ***
108 ***       Chip information data for LC59_32K                    ***
109 ***                 Written by T.Matsukawa                      ***
110 ***                                                             ***
111 *******************************************************************
112 ******************************************************************/
114                                 /*************************************/
115                                 /** Define convenient macros        **/
116                                 /*************************************/
117 #define BCD(x)  (((x)/10)%10)*0x10+((x)%10)
118 #define BCD4(x) BCD((x)/100),BCD(x)
119 #define BCD6(x) BCD((x)/10000),BCD((x)/100),BCD(x)
120                                 /*************************************/
121                                 /** Define memory sizes             **/
122                                 /*************************************/
123 #define RAM_SIZE 0x7E00
124 #define ROM_SIZE 0x78000
125 #define VRAM_SIZE 0x0000
126 #define VRAM_ROW 0
127 #define VRAM_COLUMN 0
128 #define CGROM_SIZE 0x0000
129 #define PROTECT_SIZE 0x0000
131                                 /*************************************/
132                                 /** section ".chip_info"            **/
133                                 /*************************************/
134         .section .chip_info,"a"
135         .space  0xb8,0x00
136                                 /*************************************/
137                                 /** B8-BB : User option address     **/
138                                 /*************************************/
139         .word   0x00000
140         .global __reset_vector
141 #if 0x00000==0
142         .equ    __reset_vector,0x08000
143 #else
144         .equ    __reset_vector,0x00000
145 #endif
146                                 /*************************************/
147                                 /** BC-BF : Flash Protect address   **/
148                                 /*************************************/
149 #if PROTECT_SIZE==0
150         .word   0x00000000
151 #else
152         .word   0x08000+ROM_SIZE-PROTECT_SIZE
153 #endif
154                                 /*************************************/
155                                 /** C0-CF : Fixed string            **/
156                                 /*************************************/
157 1:      .ascii  "CHIPINFORMATION"
158 2:      .space  (0x10-(2b-1b)),0x00
159                                 /*************************************/
160                                 /** D0-DF : Chipname                **/
161                                 /*************************************/
162 1:      .ascii  "LC59_32K"
163 2:      .space  (0x10-(2b-1b)),0x00
164                                 /*************************************/
165                                 /** E0-E1 : Format version(BCD4)    **/
166                                 /*************************************/
167         .byte   0x10, 0x00
168         .space  6, 0x00
169                                 /*************************************/
170                                 /** E8-F5 : Memory sizes            **/
171                                 /*************************************/
172         .byte   BCD4(ROM_SIZE/1024)
173         .byte   BCD6(RAM_SIZE)
174         .byte   BCD6(VRAM_SIZE)
175         .byte   BCD4(VRAM_ROW)
176         .byte   BCD4(VRAM_COLUMN)
177         .byte   BCD4(CGROM_SIZE/1024)
178         .space  3, 0x00
179                                 /*************************************/
180                                 /** F9 : Package type               **/
181                                 /*************************************/
182         .byte   0xff
183         .space  6, 0x00
185                                 /*************************************/
186                                 /** In order to link BIOS in library**/
187                                 /*************************************/
188         .equ    dummy,__bios_entry