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3 <head>
4 <title>Mapping-Semantics Genericity</title>
5 <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
6 <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="">
7 </head>
8 <body bgcolor = "white">
11 <h1>Mapping-Semantics</h1>
13 <p>
14 This section describes genericity over different mapping-semantics. It is organized as follows.
15 </p>
16 <ol>
17 <li><a href = "#intro">Introduction</a></li>
18 <li><a href = "#ds_policy">Data Types as a Policy</a></li>
19 <li><a href = "#problem">The Basic Problem</a></li>
20 <li><a href = "#mapping_level">Mapping Levels</a></li>
21 <li><a href = "#ms_traits">Tags and Traits</a></li>
22 <li><a href = "#drawbacks">Drawbacks</a></li>
23 </ol>
26 <h2><a name = "intro">Introduction</a></h2>
28 <p>
29 <a href = "motivation.html#mapping_semantics">Motivation::Mapping Semantics</a> discussed scalability issues with the STL's non-unique-mapping associative containers; non-unique association inherently embeds linked-lists in associative containers resulting in scalability problems and other problems.
30 </p>
32 <p>
33 In <tt>pb_assoc</tt>, all containers have unique-key semantics. Each key is uniquely mapped to &quot;something&quot;.
34 </p>
37 <h2><a name = "ds_policy">Data Types as a Policy</a></h2>
39 <p>
40 All associative-containers in <tt>pb_assoc</tt> are parameterized by a data type.
41 <i>E.g.,</i> <a href = "cc_hash_assoc_cntnr.html">cc_hash_assoc_cntnr</a> is parameterized as
42 </p>
43 <pre>
44 <b>template</b>&lt;
45 <b>typename</b> Key,
46 <b>typename</b> Data,
47 ...&gt;
48 <b>class</b> <a href = "cc_hash_assoc_cntnr.html">cc_hash_assoc_cntnr</a>;
49 </pre>
51 <p>
52 There are no separate classes for maps, sets, multimaps, and multisets (as the STL has). Rather, the mapping-semantic is set by specifying the <tt>Key</tt> parameter.
53 </p>
55 <ol>
56 <li> If <tt>Data</tt> is any type (<i>e.g.</i>, <tt><b>int</b></tt> or
57 <tt>std::string</tt>), then the container is a &quot;map&quot; - it maps each <tt>Key</tt> object to a <tt>Data</tt> object.
58 </li>
59 <li> If <tt>Data</tt> is
60 <a href = "null_data_type.html"><tt>null_data_type</tt></a>,
61 then the container is a &quot;set&quot; - it stores each <tt>Key</tt> object. In this case, each <tt>Key</tt> object is not really mapped to anything (except, implicitly, to the fact that it is stored in the container object).
62 </li>
63 <li>
64 If <tt>Data</tt> is
65 <a href = "compound_data_type.html">compound_data_type</a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;</tt>,
66 then the container is a &quot;multimap&quot; - it maps each <tt>Key</tt> object into a <tt>Cntnr</tt> object. This structure is recursive - <tt>Cntnr</tt> itself can be a &quot;map&quot;, &quot;set&quot;, &quot;multimap&quot;, and so forth.
67 </li>
68 </ol>
70 <p>
71 Each container derives from one of the three containers
72 in the oval of Figure
73 <a href = "#ms_cd">
74 Data-types as a policy
75 </a>.
76 </p>
78 <ol>
79 <li><a href = "basic_assoc_cntnr.html"><tt>basic_assoc_cntnr</tt></a>
80 is the base for most instantiations of a container's <tt>Data</tt> paramter. This
81 base includes the definition of <tt>data_type</tt>, and supports
82 <tt><b>operator</b>[]</tt>.
83 </li>
84 <li><a href = "basic_assoc_cntnr_no_data.html"><tt>basic_assoc_cntnr</tt></a> is the base for a
85 <a href = "null_data_type"><tt>null_data_type</tt></a> instantiation of a container's <tt>Data</tt> paramter. This
86 base lacks the definition of <tt>data_type</tt>, and does not support
87 <tt><b>operator</b>[]</tt>.
88 <li><a href = "basic_assoc_cntnr_compound_data.html"><tt>basic_assoc_cntnr</tt></a> is the base for a
89 <a href = "compound_data_type.html"><tt>compound_data_type</tt></a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;</tt> instantiation of a container's <tt>Data</tt> paramter. This
90 base includes the definition of <tt>data_type</tt>, and supports
91 <tt><b>operator</b>[]</tt>. It further supports some advanced functionality described in the remainder of this section.
92 </ol>
95 <h6 align = "center">
96 <a name = "ms_cd">
97 <img src = "ms_cd.jpg" width = "70%" alt = "no image">
98 </h6>
99 </a>
100 <h6 align = "center">
101 Data-types as a policy.
102 </h6>
105 <h2><a name = "problem">The Basic Problem</a></h2>
108 Consider a <tt>pb_assoc</tt> &quot;multimap&quot; mapping integers to characters.
109 Since a <tt>pb_assoc</tt> &quot;multimap&quot; is a &quot;map&quot; of &quot;sets&quot;,
110 if <tt>m</tt> is an object of this type, it is not possible to directly use
111 <tt>m.insert(std::make_pair(2, 'b')</tt> (however, it is possible to directly use
112 <tt>m[2].insert('b')</tt>). In would be nice if this method whould be supported.
113 </p>
116 Put differently, while the <tt>pb_assoc</tt> &quot;multimap&quot; can be viewed logically as the collection
117 </p>
119 { <tt><b>int</b></tt> &rarr; {<tt><b>char</b></tt>} },
120 </p>
122 It would be nice if it could simultaneously be viewed as the collection
123 </p>
125 { (<tt><b>int</b></tt>, <tt><b>char</b></tt>) },
126 </p>
127 <p><i>i.e.</i>, a &quot;set&quot; of pairs.</p>
130 In more general terms, it would be nice to be able to simultaneously
131 view a collection
132 </p>
134 { key_type_0 &rarr; { key_type_1 &rarr; { key_type_2 &rarr; { key_type_3 &rarr; { ... }}}}}
135 </p>
137 as each of the following:
138 </p>
140 { (key_type_0, key_type_1) &rarr; { key_type_2 &rarr { key_type_e &rarr; { ... }}}},
141 </p>
143 { (key_type_0, key_type_1, key_type_2) &rarr { key_type_3 &rarr; { ... }}}
144 </p>
146 { (key_type_0, key_type_1, key_type_2, key_type_3 ) &rarr { }}
147 </p>
150 </p>
154 <a href = #mapping_level">Mapping_Levels</a> discusses the mechanism
155 for these multiple views in <tt>pb_assoc</tt>
156 </p>
160 <h2><a name = "mapping_level">Mapping Levels</a></h2>
163 Each associative container in <tt>pb_assoc</tt> has
164 a <i>mapping level</i>. The mapping level is defined by
165 the instantiation of a container's <tt>Data</tt>
166 parameter:
167 </p>
169 <ol>
170 <li> If the <tt>Data</tt> parameter is instantiated
172 <a href = "null_data_type.html"><tt>null_data_type</tt></a> (<i>i.e.</i>,
173 the container is a &quot;set&quot;), then the mapping level is 1.
174 </li>
175 <li> If the <tt>Data</tt> parameter is instantiated
177 <a href = "compound_data_type.html">compound_data_type</a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;</tt>
178 (<i>i.e.</i>, the container is a &quot;multimap&quot;), then the mapping level
179 is 1 + the mapping level of <tt>Cntnr</tt>.
180 </li>
181 <li> If the <tt>Data</tt> parameter is instantiated
182 by any other type, <i>e.g.</i>, <tt><b>char</b></tt> (<i>i.e.</i>,
183 the container is a &quot;map&quot;), then the mapping level is 1.
184 </li>
185 </ol>
188 Containers can be rebound, at compile time, to different mapping levels.
189 The compound data-type specialization <a href = "basic_assoc_cntnr_compound_data.html"><tt>basic_assoc_cntnr</tt></a>
190 defines internally
191 </p>
192 <pre>
193 <b>template</b>&lt;
194 <b>int</b> Mapping_Level&gt;
195 <b>struct</b> rebind
197 <b>typedef</b>
199 other;
201 </pre>
204 (which is similar to the STL's allocator rebind mechanism).
205 the type <tt>other</tt> is the view of the container with mapping
206 level <tt>Mapping_Level</tt>. The container can be safely cast
207 to <tt>other</tt>.
208 </p>
211 As an example, consider the type
212 </p>
214 <pre>
215 <b>typedef</b>
216 <a href = "cc_hash_assoc_cntnr.html">cc_hash_assoc_cntnr</a>&lt;
217 <b>int</b>,
218 <a href = "compound_data_type.html">compound_data_type</a>&lt;
219 <a href = "tree_assoc_cntnr.html">tree_assoc_cntnr</a>&lt;
220 <b>char</b>,
221 <a href = "null_data_type.html"><tt>null_data_type</tt></a>&gt; &gt; &gt;
222 cntnr_t;
223 </pre>
225 which is a &quot;map&quot; mapping each <tt><b>int</b></tt> to
226 a &quot;set&quot; of <tt><b>char</b></tt>s. In this case, <tt>cntnr_t</tt> has mapping level 2.
227 </p>
230 An object of type <tt>cntnr_t</tt> cannot support <tt>insert(std::make_pair(2, 'b'));</tt>. On the other hand, the following code snippet shows how to do so:
231 </p>
233 <pre>
234 cntnr_t c;
236 <b>typedef</b>
237 t::rebind<1>::other
240 ((t_ &)c).insert(std::make_pair(2, 'b'));
241 </pre>
245 <a href = "../example/mapping_level_example.cpp"><tt>mapping_level_example.cpp</tt></a> shows a more detailed example.
246 </p>
250 <h2><a name = "ms_traits">Tags and Traits</a></h2>
253 It is, of course, beneficial to query types for their mapping semantics.
254 </p>
257 Each container defines internally the type <tt>ms_category</tt>
258 as its mapping-semantics tag (hopefully this name is not copyrighted
259 by some major corporation). The possible tags, shown in Figure
261 are the following:
262 </p>
264 <ol>
265 <li>
266 <a href = "basic_ms_tag.html"><tt>basic_ms_tag</tt></a>
267 is a basic mapping-semantics tag. It is the type defined by &quot;set&quot;s.
268 </li>
269 <li>
270 <a href = "data_enabled_ms_tag.html"><tt>data_enabled_ms_tag</tt></a>
271 is a mapping-semantics tag of types that have data. It is the type defined by &quot;map&quot;s.
272 </li>
273 <li>
274 <a href = "compound_data_enabled_ms_tag.html"><tt>compound_data_enabled_ms_tag</tt></a>
275 is a mapping-semantics tag of types that have compound data. It is the type defined by &quot;multimap&quot;s.
276 </li>
277 </ol>
280 Additionally, a container's mapping semantics can be queried by traits. For any
281 container <tt>Cntnr</tt>,
282 </p>
284 <pre>
285 <a href = "ms_traits.html">ms_traits</a>&lt;Cntnr&gt;::mapping_level
286 </pre>
289 indicates the mapping level of the container, for example.
290 </p>
294 <h2><a name = "drawbacks">Drawbacks</a></h2>
296 <tt>pb_assoc</tt>'s mapping-semantics design has some drawbacks compared to that of the STL.
299 <h3>Equivalent, Non-Identical Keys</h3>
302 The STL's multimaps and multisets allow storing equivalent, non-identical keys
303 [<a href = "references.html#kleft00sets">kleft00sets</a>]. For example, assume a bank maintains a data structure monitoring the accounts opened by each person. This could be modeled as the following:
304 </p>
306 <pre>
307 <i>// Name type.</i>
308 <b>typedef</b>
309 std::string
310 name;
312 <i>// Account-id type.</i>
313 <b>typedef</b>
314 <b>unsigned long</b>
315 account_id;
317 <i>// Association between a name and an account id.</i>
318 <b>class</b> opened_info
320 <b>public</b>:
323 <i>// Comparison operator.</i>
324 <b>bool</b>
325 <b></b>operator&lt;</b>
326 (<b>const</b> opened_info &r_other)
328 <i>Comparison is defined as the comparison of the names.</i>
329 <b>return</b> m_name < r_other.m_name;
333 <b>private</b>:
334 name m_name;
336 account_id m_acc_id;
339 <i>// A multiset of opened accounts.</i>
340 <b>typedef</b>
341 std::multiset&lt;
342 opened_info&gt;
343 all_opened_info;
344 </pre>
347 <tt>std::multiset</tt> can accomodate multiple equivalent, non-identical <tt>opened_info</tt> - those with the same name but different account id.
348 </p>
351 In <tt>pb_assoc</tt>, however, non-unique mapping is unsupported. The equivalent to the above could be
352 </p>
354 <pre>
355 <b>typedef</b>
356 tree_assoc_cntnr&lt;
357 name,
358 compound_data_type&lt;
359 cc_hash_assoc_cntnr&lt;
360 account_id&gt; &gt; &gt;
361 all_opened_info;
362 </pre>
365 The drawback lies in the fact that the data stored in
366 <tt>all_opened_info</tt> is less encapsulated - an <tt>opened_info</tt>
367 object needs to be constructed when a specific name and account are found, and
368 an <tt>opened_info</tt> object needs to be decomposed into <tt>name</tt> and
369 <tt>account_id</tt> objects when it is inserted into a <tt>all_opened_info</tt>
370 object.
371 </p>
374 It should be noticed however, that the above drawbacks - construction and decomposition are constant-time additive drawbacks. The drawbacks of the
375 STL's associative containers are in terms of orders of growth.
376 </p>
378 <h3>Definition of <tt>value_type</tt></h3>
381 The STL's associative containers contain a pleasingly uniform definition of
382 the <tt>value_type</tt> of a container.
383 If a container is parameterized by <tt>key</tt> as its <tt>Key</tt>, and <tt>data</tt> as its <tt>Data</tt>, then its <tt>value_type</tt> is
384 <tt>std::pair&lt;<b>const</b> key, data&gt;</tt>;
385 for example, the <tt>value_type</tt> of <tt>std::map&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;</tt> is
386 <tt>std::pair&lt;<b>const int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;</tt>. Futhermore, the <tt>value_type</tt> of a container and the <tt>value_type</tt> of the container's iterators are identical.
387 </p>
390 In <tt>pb_assoc</tt>, conversely, the rules are more complex.
391 </p>
393 <p> For one, a container's
394 <tt>value_type</tt> is, in general
395 <tt>std::pair&lt;<b>const</b> Key, Data&gt;</tt>,
396 but if <tt>Data</tt> is <tt>null_data_type</tt>, then the <tt>value_type</tt>
398 <tt>Key</tt>,
399 and if
400 <tt>Data</tt> is
401 <tt>compound_data_type&lt;Cntnr&gt;</tt>, then the <tt>value_type</tt> is
402 <tt>std::pair&lt;<b>const</b> Key, Cntnr&gt;</tt>.
403 </p>
406 Futhermore, assume that <tt>Cntnr</tt> is an associative container with more than a single mapping level, and let <tt>Cntnr_</tt> be defined as
407 </p>
409 <pre>
410 <b>typedef</b>
411 <b>typename</b> Cntnr::<b>template</b> rebind&lt;i&gt;::other</tt>
412 Cntnr_;
413 </pre>
415 <i>i.e.</i>, the container rebound to a different mapping level.
416 In this case, the <tt>value_type</tt> of the rebound container is not the <tt>value_type</tt>
417 of the rebound container's iterators. <i>I.e.</i>, it is <emph>not</emph> true that
418 <tt><b>typename</b> Cntnr_::value_type</tt> is the same as
419 <tt><b>typename</b> Cntnr_::iterator::value_type</tt>. This complication never exists for the STL's container.
420 </p>
422 <h6 align = "center">
423 <a name = "reference_iterator">
424 <img src = "reference_iterator.jpg" width = "70%" alt = "no image">
425 </h6>
426 </a>
427 <h6 align = "center">
428 Iterator of a rebound type.
429 </h6>
432 <h3>Multisets</h3>
435 <tt>pb_assoc</tt> does not contain a &quot;multiset&quot; type. The closest equivalent is mapping keys to non-negative integral types, <i>e.g.</i>, <tt>size_t</tt>.
436 </p>
438 </body>
440 </html>