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[official-gcc.git] / old-autovect-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cxb / cxb3012.a
1 -- CXB3012.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that Procedure Update modifies the value pointed to by
28 -- the chars_ptr parameter Item, starting at the position
29 -- corresponding to parameter Offset, using the chars in
30 -- char_array parameter Chars.
32 -- Check that the version of Procedure Update with a String parameter
33 -- behaves in the manner described above, but with the character
34 -- values in the String overwriting the char values in Item.
36 -- Check that both of the above versions of Procedure Update will
37 -- propagate Update_Error if Check is True, and if the length of
38 -- the new chars in Chars, when overlaid starting from position
39 -- Offset, will overwrite the first nul in Item.
42 -- This test checks two versions of Procedure Update. In the first
43 -- version of the procedure, the parameter Chars indicates a char_array
44 -- argument. These char_array parameters are provided through the use
45 -- of the To_C function (with String IN parameter), both with and
46 -- without a terminating nul. In the case below where a terminating nul
47 -- char is appended, the effect of "updating" the value pointed to by the
48 -- Item parameter will include its shortening, due to the insertion of
49 -- this additional nul in the middle of the char_array.
51 -- In the second version of Procedure Update evaluated here, the string
52 -- parameter Str is used to modify the char_array pointed to by Item.
54 -- Finally, both versions of the procedure are evaluated to ensure that
55 -- they propagate Update_Error and Dereference_Error under the proper
56 -- conditions.
58 -- This test assumes that the following characters are all included
59 -- in the implementation defined type Interfaces.C.char:
60 -- ' ', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '-' and '.'.
63 -- This test is applicable to all implementations that provide
64 -- package Interfaces.C.Strings. If an implementation provides
65 -- package Interfaces.C.Strings, this test must compile, execute,
66 -- and report "PASSED".
70 -- 05 Oct 95 SAIC Initial prerelease version.
71 -- 13 May 96 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments for ACVC 2.1.
72 -- 26 Oct 96 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments.
73 -- 14 Sep 99 RLB Removed incorrect and unnecessary
74 -- Unchecked_Conversion. Added check for raising
75 -- of Dereference_Error for Update (From Technical
76 -- Corrigendum 1).
77 -- 07 Jan 05 RLB Modified to reflect change to Update by AI-242
78 -- (which is expected to be part of Amendment 1).
79 -- [This version allows either semantics.]
81 --!
83 with Report;
84 with Ada.Exceptions;
85 with Interfaces.C.Strings; -- N/A => ERROR
87 procedure CXB3012 is
88 begin
90 Report.Test ("CXB3012", "Check that both versions of Procedure Update " &
91 "produce correct results");
93 Test_Block:
94 declare
96 package IC renames Interfaces.C;
97 package ICS renames Interfaces.C.Strings;
98 use Ada.Exceptions;
100 use type IC.char;
101 use type IC.char_array;
102 use type IC.size_t;
103 use type ICS.chars_ptr;
105 TC_String_1 : String(1..1) := "J";
106 TC_String_2 : String(1..2) := "Ab";
107 TC_String_3 : String(1..3) := "xyz";
108 TC_String_4 : String(1..4) := "ACVC";
109 TC_String_5 : String(1..5) := "1a2b3";
110 TC_String_6 : String(1..6) := "---...";
111 TC_String_7 : String(1..7) := "AABBBAA";
112 TC_String_8 : String(1..8) := "aBcDeFgH";
113 TC_String_9 : String(1..9) := "JustATest";
114 TC_String_10 : String(1..10) := "0123456789";
116 TC_Result_String_1 : constant String := "JXXXXXXXXX";
117 TC_Result_String_2 : constant String := "XXXXXXXXAb";
118 TC_Result_String_3 : constant String := "XXXxyz";
119 TC_Result_String_4 : constant String := "XACVC";
120 TC_Result_String_5 : constant String := "1a2b3";
121 TC_Result_String_6 : constant String := "XXX---...";
123 TC_Amd_Result_String_4 :
124 constant String := "XACVCXXXXX";
125 TC_Amd_Result_String_5 :
126 constant String := "1a2b3XXXXX";
127 TC_Amd_Result_String_6 :
128 constant String := "XXX---...X";
129 TC_Amd_Result_String_9 :
130 constant String := "JustATestX";
132 TC_char_array : IC.char_array(0..10) := IC.To_C("XXXXXXXXXX");
133 TC_Result_char_array : IC.char_array(0..10) := IC.To_C("XXXXXXXXXX");
134 TC_chars_ptr : ICS.chars_ptr;
135 TC_Length : IC.size_t;
137 begin
139 -- Check that Procedure Update modifies the value pointed to by
140 -- the chars_ptr parameter Item, starting at the position
141 -- corresponding to parameter Offset, using the chars in
142 -- char_array parameter Chars.
143 -- Note: If parameter Chars contains a nul char (such as a
144 -- terminating nul), the result may be the overall shortening
145 -- of parameter Item.
147 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
149 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
150 Offset => 0,
151 Chars => IC.To_C(TC_String_1, False), -- No nul char.
152 Check => True);
154 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) /= TC_Result_String_1 then
155 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 1");
156 end if;
157 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
160 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
161 ICS.Update(TC_chars_ptr,
162 Offset => ICS.Strlen(TC_chars_ptr) - 2,
163 Chars => IC.To_C(TC_String_2, False), -- No nul char.
164 Check => True);
166 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) /= TC_Result_String_2 then
167 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 2");
168 end if;
169 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
172 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
173 ICS.Update(TC_chars_ptr,
175 Chars => IC.To_C(TC_String_3), -- Nul appended, shortens
176 Check => False); -- array.
178 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) /= TC_Result_String_3 then
179 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 3");
180 end if;
181 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
184 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
185 ICS.Update(TC_chars_ptr,
187 IC.To_C(TC_String_10), -- Complete replacement of array.
188 Check => False);
190 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) /= TC_String_10 then
191 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 4");
192 end if;
194 -- Perform a character-by-character comparison of the result of
195 -- Procedure Update. Note that char_array lower bound is 0, and
196 -- that the nul char is not compared with any character in the
197 -- string (since the string is not nul terminated).
198 begin
199 TC_Length := ICS.Strlen(TC_chars_ptr);
200 TC_Result_char_array(0..10) := ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr);
201 for i in 0..TC_Length-1 loop
202 if TC_Result_char_array(i) /=
203 IC.To_C(TC_String_10(Integer(i+1)))
204 then
205 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from the character-by-" &
206 "character evaluation of the result of " &
207 "Procedure Update");
208 end if;
209 end loop;
210 exception
211 when others =>
212 Report.Failed("Exception raised during the character-by-" &
213 "character evaluation of the result of " &
214 "Procedure Update");
215 end;
216 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
220 -- Check that the version of Procedure Update with a String rather
221 -- than a char_array parameter behaves in the manner described above,
222 -- but with the character values in the String overwriting the char
223 -- values in Item.
225 -- Note: In Ada 95, In each of the cases below, the String parameter
226 -- Str is treated as if it were nul terminated, which means that
227 -- the char_array pointed to by TC_chars_ptr will be "shortened"
228 -- so that it ends after the last character of the Str
229 -- parameter. For Ada 2005, this rule is dropped, so the
230 -- number of characters remains the same.
232 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
233 ICS.Update(TC_chars_ptr, 1, TC_String_4, False);
235 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Result_String_4 then
236 Report.Comment("Ada 95 result from Procedure Update - 5");
237 elsif ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Amd_Result_String_4 then
238 Report.Comment("Amendment 1 result from Procedure Update - 5");
239 else
240 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 5");
241 end if;
242 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
245 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
246 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
247 Offset => 0,
248 Str => TC_String_5);
250 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Result_String_5 then
251 Report.Comment("Ada 95 result from Procedure Update - 6");
252 elsif ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Amd_Result_String_5 then
253 Report.Comment("Amendment 1 result from Procedure Update - 6");
254 else
255 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 6");
256 end if;
257 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
260 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
261 ICS.Update(TC_chars_ptr,
263 Str => TC_String_6,
264 Check => True);
266 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Result_String_6 then
267 Report.Comment("Ada 95 result from Procedure Update - 7");
268 elsif ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Amd_Result_String_6 then
269 Report.Comment("Amendment 1 result from Procedure Update - 7");
270 else
271 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 7");
272 end if;
273 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
276 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
277 ICS.Update(TC_chars_ptr, 0, TC_String_9, True);
279 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_String_9 then
280 Report.Comment("Ada 95 result from Procedure Update - 8");
281 elsif ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_Amd_Result_String_9 then
282 Report.Comment("Amendment 1 result from Procedure Update - 8");
283 else
284 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 8");
285 end if;
286 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
288 -- Check what happens if the string and array are the same size (this
289 -- is the case that caused the change made by the Amendment).
290 begin
291 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
292 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
293 Offset => 0,
294 Str => TC_String_10,
295 Check => True);
296 if ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) = TC_String_10 then
297 Report.Comment("Amendment 1 result from Procedure Update - 9");
298 else
299 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Update - 9");
300 end if;
301 exception
302 when ICS.Update_Error =>
303 Report.Comment("Ada 95 exception expected from Procedure Update - 9");
304 when others =>
305 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Update " &
306 "with Str parameter - 9");
307 end;
308 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
311 -- Check that both of the above versions of Procedure Update will
312 -- propagate Update_Error if Check is True, and if the length of
313 -- the new chars in Chars, when overlaid starting from position
314 -- Offset, will overwrite the first nul in Item.
316 begin
317 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
318 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
319 Offset => 5,
320 Chars => IC.To_C(TC_String_7),
321 Check => True);
322 Report.Failed("Update_Error not raised by Procedure Update with " &
323 "Chars parameter");
324 Report.Comment(ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) & "used here to defeat " &
325 "optimization - should never be printed");
326 exception
327 when ICS.Update_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
328 when others =>
329 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Update " &
330 "with Chars parameter");
331 end;
333 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
335 begin
336 TC_chars_ptr := ICS.New_Char_Array(TC_char_array);
337 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
338 Offset => ICS.Strlen(TC_chars_ptr),
339 Str => TC_String_8); -- Default Check parameter value.
340 Report.Failed("Update_Error not raised by Procedure Update with " &
341 "Str parameter");
342 Report.Comment(ICS.Value(TC_chars_ptr) & "used here to defeat " &
343 "optimization - should never be printed");
344 exception
345 when ICS.Update_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
346 when others =>
347 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Update " &
348 "with Str parameter");
349 end;
351 ICS.Free(TC_chars_ptr);
353 -- Check that both of the above versions of Procedure Update will
354 -- propagate Dereference_Error if Item is Null_Ptr.
355 -- Note: Free sets TC_chars_ptr to Null_Ptr.
357 begin
358 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
359 Offset => 5,
360 Chars => IC.To_C(TC_String_7),
361 Check => True);
362 Report.Failed("Dereference_Error not raised by Procedure Update with " &
363 "Chars parameter");
364 exception
365 when ICS.Dereference_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
366 when others =>
367 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Update " &
368 "with Chars parameter");
369 end;
371 begin
372 ICS.Update(Item => TC_chars_ptr,
373 Offset => ICS.Strlen(TC_chars_ptr),
374 Str => TC_String_8); -- Default Check parameter value.
375 Report.Failed("Dereference_Error not raised by Procedure Update with " &
376 "Str parameter");
377 exception
378 when ICS.Dereference_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
379 when others =>
380 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Update " &
381 "with Str parameter");
382 end;
384 exception
385 when The_Error : others =>
386 Report.Failed ("The following exception was raised in the " &
387 "Test_Block: " & Exception_Name(The_Error));
388 end Test_Block;
390 Report.Result;
392 end CXB3012;