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[official-gcc.git] / old-autovect-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cxa / cxaa017.a
1 -- CXAA017.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that Ada.Text_IO function Look_Ahead sets parameter End_Of_Line
28 -- to True if at the end of a line; otherwise check that it returns the
29 -- next character from a file (without consuming it), while setting
30 -- End_Of_Line to False.
31 --
32 -- Check that Ada.Text_IO function Get_Immediate will return the next
33 -- control or graphic character in parameter Item from the specified
34 -- file. Check that the version of Ada.Text_IO function Get_Immediate
35 -- with the Available parameter will, if a character is available in the
36 -- specified file, return the character in parameter Item, and set
37 -- parameter Available to True.
38 --
40 -- This test exercises specific capabilities of two Text_IO subprograms,
41 -- Look_Ahead and Get_Immediate. A file is prepared that contains a
42 -- variety of graphic and control characters on several lines.
43 -- In processing this file, a call to Look_Ahead is performed to ensure
44 -- that characters are available, then individual characters are
45 -- extracted from the current line using Get_Immediate. The characters
46 -- returned from both subprogram calls are compared with the expected
47 -- character result. Processing on each file line continues until
48 -- Look_Ahead indicates that the end of the line is next. Separate
49 -- verification is performed to ensure that all characters of each line
50 -- are processed, and that the Available and End_Of_Line parameters
51 -- of the subprograms are properly set in the appropriate instances.
52 --
54 -- This test is applicable to implementations capable of supporting
55 -- external Text_IO files.
57 --
59 -- 30 May 95 SAIC Initial prerelease version.
60 -- 01 May 96 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments for ACVC 2.1.
61 -- 26 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Allowed for non-support of some IO operations.
62 --!
64 with Ada.Text_IO;
65 package CXAA017_0 is
67 User_Defined_Input_File : aliased Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
69 end CXAA017_0;
72 with CXAA017_0; use CXAA017_0;
73 with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
74 with Ada.Exceptions;
75 with Ada.Text_IO;
76 with Report;
78 procedure CXAA017 is
80 use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
81 use Ada.Exceptions;
82 use Ada.Text_IO;
84 Non_Applicable_System : exception;
85 No_Reset : exception;
87 begin
89 Report.Test ("CXAA017", "Check that Ada.Text_IO subprograms " &
90 "Look_Ahead and Get_Immediate are available " &
91 "and produce correct results");
93 Test_Block:
94 declare
96 User_Input_Ptr : File_Access := User_Defined_Input_File'Access;
98 UDLA_Char, -- Acronym UDLA => "User Defined Look Ahead"
99 UDGI_Char, -- Acronym UDGI => "User Defined Get Immediate"
100 TC_Char : Character := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.NUL;
102 UDLA_End_Of_Line,
103 UDGI_Available : Boolean := False;
105 Char_Pos : Natural;
107 -- This string contains five ISO 646 Control characters and six ISO 646
108 -- Graphic characters:
109 TC_String_1 : constant String := STX &
110 SI &
111 DC2 &
112 CAN &
113 US &
114 Space &
115 Ampersand &
116 Solidus &
117 'A' &
118 LC_X &
119 DEL;
121 -- This string contains two ISO 6429 Control and six ISO 6429 Graphic
122 -- characters:
123 TC_String_2 : constant String := IS4 &
124 SCI &
125 Yen_Sign &
126 Masculine_Ordinal_Indicator &
127 UC_I_Grave &
128 Multiplication_Sign &
129 LC_C_Cedilla &
130 LC_Icelandic_Thorn;
132 TC_Number_Of_Strings : constant := 2;
134 type String_Access_Type is access constant String;
135 type String_Ptr_Array_Type is
136 array (1..TC_Number_Of_Strings) of String_Access_Type;
138 TC_String_Ptr_Array : String_Ptr_Array_Type :=
139 (new String'(TC_String_1),
140 new String'(TC_String_2));
144 procedure Create_New_File (The_File : in out File_Type;
145 Mode : in File_Mode;
146 Next : in Integer) is
147 begin
148 Create (The_File, Mode, Report.Legal_File_Name(Next));
149 exception
150 -- The following two exceptions can be raised if a system is not
151 -- capable of supporting external Text_IO files. The handler will
152 -- raise a user-defined exception which will result in a
153 -- Not_Applicable result for the test.
154 when Use_Error | Name_Error => raise Non_Applicable_System;
155 end Create_New_File;
159 procedure Load_File (The_File : in out File_Type) is
160 -- This procedure will load several strings into the file denoted
161 -- by the input parameter. A call to New_Line will add line/page
162 -- termination characters, which will be available for processing
163 -- along with the text in the file.
164 begin
165 Put_Line (The_File, TC_String_Ptr_Array(1).all);
166 New_Line (The_File, Spacing => 1);
167 Put_Line (The_File, TC_String_Ptr_Array(2).all);
168 end Load_File;
171 begin
173 -- Create user-defined text file that will serve as the appropriate
174 -- sources of input to the procedures under test.
176 Create_New_File (User_Defined_Input_File, Out_File, 1);
178 -- Enter several lines of text into the new input file.
179 -- The characters that make up these text strings will be processed
180 -- using the procedures being exercised in this test.
182 Load_File (User_Defined_Input_File);
184 -- Check that Mode_Error is raised by Look_Ahead and Get_Immedidate
185 -- if the mode of the file object is not In_File.
186 -- Currently, the file mode is Out_File.
188 begin
189 Look_Ahead(User_Defined_Input_File, UDLA_Char, UDLA_End_Of_Line);
190 Report.Failed("Mode_Error not raised by Look_Ahead");
191 Report.Comment("This char should never be printed: " & UDLA_Char);
192 exception
193 when Mode_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
194 when The_Error : others =>
195 Report.Failed ("The following exception was raised during the " &
196 "check that Look_Ahead raised Mode_Error when " &
197 "provided a file object that is not in In_File " &
198 "mode: " & Exception_Name(The_Error));
199 end;
201 begin
202 Get_Immediate(User_Defined_Input_File, UDGI_Char);
203 Report.Failed("Mode_Error not raised by Get_Immediate");
204 Report.Comment("This char should never be printed: " & UDGI_Char);
205 exception
206 when Mode_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
207 when The_Error : others =>
208 Report.Failed ("The following exception was raised during the " &
209 "check that Get_Immediate raised Mode_Error " &
210 "when provided a file object that is not in " &
211 "In_File mode: " & Exception_Name(The_Error));
212 end;
215 -- The file will then be reset to In_File mode to properly function as
216 -- a source of input.
218 Reset1:
219 begin
220 Reset (User_Defined_Input_File, In_File);
221 exception
222 when Ada.Text_IO.Use_Error =>
223 Report.Not_Applicable
224 ( "Reset to In_File not supported for Text_IO" );
225 raise No_Reset;
226 end Reset1;
228 -- Process the input file, exercising various Text_IO
229 -- functionality, and validating the results at each step.
230 -- Note: The designated File_Access object is used in processing
231 -- the New_Default_Input_File in the second loop below.
233 -- Process characters in first line of text of each file.
235 Char_Pos := 1;
237 -- Check that the first line is not blank.
239 Look_Ahead(User_Defined_Input_File, UDLA_Char, UDLA_End_Of_Line);
241 while not UDLA_End_Of_Line loop
243 -- Use the Get_Immediate procedure on the file to get the next
244 -- available character on the current line.
246 Get_Immediate(User_Defined_Input_File, UDGI_Char);
248 -- Check that the characters returned by both procedures are the
249 -- same, and that they match the expected character from the file.
251 if UDLA_Char /= TC_String_Ptr_Array(1).all(Char_Pos) or
252 UDGI_Char /= TC_String_Ptr_Array(1).all(Char_Pos)
253 then
254 Report.Failed("Incorrect retrieval of character " &
255 Integer'Image(Char_Pos) & " of first string");
256 end if;
258 -- Increment the character position counter.
259 Char_Pos := Char_Pos + 1;
261 -- Check the next character on the line. If at the end of line,
262 -- the processing flow will exit the While loop.
264 Look_Ahead(User_Defined_Input_File, UDLA_Char, UDLA_End_Of_Line);
266 end loop;
268 -- Check to ensure that the "end of line" results returned from the
269 -- Look_Ahead procedure (used to exit the above While loop) corresponds
270 -- with the result of Function End_Of_Line.
272 if not End_Of_Line(User_Defined_Input_File)
273 then
274 Report.Failed("Result of procedure Look_Ahead that indicated " &
275 "being at the end of the line does not correspond " &
276 "with the result of function End_Of_Line");
277 end if;
279 -- Check that all characters in the string were processed.
281 if Char_Pos-1 /= TC_String_1'Length then
282 Report.Failed("Not all of the characters on the first line " &
283 "were processed");
284 end if;
287 -- Call procedure Skip_Line to advance beyond the end of the first line.
289 Skip_Line(User_Defined_Input_File);
292 -- Process the second line in the file (a blank line).
294 Look_Ahead(User_Input_Ptr.all, UDLA_Char, UDLA_End_Of_Line);
296 if not UDLA_End_Of_Line then
297 Report.Failed("Incorrect end of line determination from procedure " &
298 "Look_Ahead when processing a blank line");
299 end if;
301 -- Call procedure Skip_Line to advance beyond the end of the second line.
303 Skip_Line(User_Input_Ptr.all);
306 -- Process characters in the third line of the file (second line
307 -- of text)
308 -- Note: The version of Get_Immediate used in processing this line has
309 -- the Boolean parameter Available.
311 Char_Pos := 1;
313 -- Check whether the line is blank (i.e., at end of line, page, or file).
315 Look_Ahead(User_Input_Ptr.all, UDLA_Char, UDLA_End_Of_Line);
317 while not UDLA_End_Of_Line loop
319 -- Use the Get_Immediate procedure on the file to get access to the
320 -- next character on the current line.
322 Get_Immediate(User_Input_Ptr.all, UDGI_Char, UDGI_Available);
324 -- Check that the Available parameter of Get_Immediate was set
325 -- to indicate that a character was available in the file.
326 -- Check that the characters returned by both procedures are the
327 -- same, and they all match the expected character from the file.
329 if not UDGI_Available or
330 UDLA_Char /= TC_String_Ptr_Array(2).all(Char_Pos) or
331 UDGI_Char /= TC_String_Ptr_Array(2).all(Char_Pos)
332 then
333 Report.Failed("Incorrect retrieval of character " &
334 Integer'Image(Char_Pos) & " of second string");
335 end if;
337 -- Increment the character position counter.
339 Char_Pos := Char_Pos + 1;
341 -- Check the next character on the line. If at the end of line,
342 -- the processing flow will exit the While loop.
344 Look_Ahead(User_Input_Ptr.all, UDLA_Char, UDLA_End_Of_Line);
346 end loop;
348 -- Check to ensure that the "end of line" results returned from the
349 -- Look_Ahead procedure (used to exit the above While loop) corresponds
350 -- with the result of Function End_Of_Line.
352 if not End_Of_Line(User_Defined_Input_File)
353 then
354 Report.Failed("Result of procedure Look_Ahead that indicated " &
355 "being at the end of the line does not correspond " &
356 "with the result of function End_Of_Line");
357 end if;
359 -- Check that all characters in the second string were processed.
361 if Char_Pos-1 /= TC_String_2'Length then
362 Report.Failed("Not all of the characters on the second line " &
363 "were processed");
364 end if;
367 Deletion:
368 begin
369 -- Delete the user defined file.
371 if Is_Open(User_Defined_Input_File) then
372 Delete(User_Defined_Input_File);
373 else
374 Open(User_Defined_Input_File, Out_File, Report.Legal_File_Name(1));
375 Delete(User_Defined_Input_File);
376 end if;
377 exception
378 when others =>
379 Report.Failed
380 ( "Delete not properly implemented for Text_IO" );
381 end Deletion;
384 exception
386 when No_Reset =>
387 null;
389 when Non_Applicable_System =>
390 Report.Not_Applicable("System not capable of supporting external " &
391 "text files -- Name_Error/Use_Error raised " &
392 "during text file creation");
393 when The_Error : others =>
394 Report.Failed ("The following exception was raised in the " &
395 "Test_Block: " & Exception_Name(The_Error));
396 end Test_Block;
398 Report.Result;
400 end CXAA017;