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[official-gcc.git] / old-autovect-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cxa / cxa4016.a
1 -- CXA4016.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed
28 -- are available, and that they produce correct results. Specifically,
29 -- check the subprograms Delete, Head, Insert, Overwrite, Replace_Slice,
30 -- Tail, Trim, and "*".
33 -- This test, when combined with tests CXA4013-15 will provide
34 -- coverage of the functionality found in package Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed.
35 -- This test contains many small, specific test cases, situations that
36 -- although common in user environments, are often difficult to generate
37 -- in large numbers in a application-based test. They represent
38 -- individual usage paradigms in-the-small.
42 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
43 -- 10 Apr 94 SAIC Modified comments in a subtest failure message.
44 -- 06 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected subtest results for ACVC 2.0.1
45 -- 14 Mar 01 RLB Added checks that the lower bound is 1, similar
46 -- to CXA4005. These changes were made to test
47 -- Defect Report 8652/0049, as reflected in
48 -- Technical Corrigendum 1.
50 --!
52 with Report;
53 with Ada.Strings;
54 with Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed;
55 with Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps;
57 procedure CXA4016 is
59 type TC_Name_Holder is access String;
60 Name : TC_Name_Holder;
62 function TC_Check (S : Wide_String) return Wide_String is
63 begin
64 if S'First /= 1 then
65 Report.Failed ("Lower bound of result of function " & Name.all &
66 " is" & Integer'Image (S'First));
67 end if;
68 return S;
69 end TC_Check;
71 procedure TC_Set_Name (N : String) is
72 begin
73 Name := new String'(N);
74 end TC_Set_Name;
76 begin
78 Report.Test("CXA4016", "Check that the subprograms defined in " &
79 "package Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed are available, " &
80 "and that they produce correct results");
82 Test_Block:
83 declare
85 package ASW renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed;
86 package Wide_Maps renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps;
88 Result_String,
89 Delete_String,
90 Insert_String,
91 Trim_String,
92 Overwrite_String : Wide_String(1..10) :=
93 (others => Ada.Strings.Wide_Space);
94 Replace_String : Wide_String(10..30) :=
95 (others => Ada.Strings.Wide_Space);
97 Source_String1 : Wide_String(1..5) := "abcde"; -- odd len wd str
98 Source_String2 : Wide_String(1..6) := "abcdef"; -- even len wd str
99 Source_String3 : Wide_String(1..12) := "abcdefghijkl";
100 Source_String4 : Wide_String(1..12) := "abcdefghij "; -- last two ch pad
101 Source_String5 : Wide_String(1..12) := " cdefghijkl"; -- first two ch pad
102 Source_String6 : Wide_String(1..12) := "abcdefabcdef";
104 Location : Natural := 0;
105 Slice_Start : Positive;
106 Slice_End,
107 Slice_Count : Natural := 0;
109 CD_Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set :=
110 Wide_Maps.To_Set("cd");
111 X_Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set :=
112 Wide_Maps.To_Set('x');
113 ABCD_Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set :=
114 Wide_Maps.To_Set("abcd");
115 A_to_F_Set : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Set :=
116 Wide_Maps.To_Set("abcdef");
118 CD_to_XY_Map : Wide_Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping :=
119 Wide_Maps.To_Mapping(From => "cd", To => "xy");
121 begin
123 -- Procedure Replace_Slice
124 -- The functionality of this procedure is similar to procedure Move,
125 -- and is tested here in the same manner, evaluated with various
126 -- combinations of parameters.
128 -- Index_Error propagation when Low > Source'Last + 1
130 begin
131 ASW.Replace_Slice(Result_String,
132 Result_String'Last + 2, -- should raise exception
133 Result_String'Last,
134 "xxxxxxx");
135 Report.Failed("Index_Error not raised by Replace_Slice - 1");
136 exception
137 when Ada.Strings.Index_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
138 when others =>
139 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception from Replace_Slice - 1");
140 end;
142 -- Index_Error propagation when High < Source'First - 1
144 begin
145 ASW.Replace_Slice(Replace_String(20..30),
146 Replace_String'First,
147 Replace_String'First - 2, -- should raise exception
148 "xxxxxxx");
149 Report.Failed("Index_Error not raised by Replace_Slice - 2");
150 exception
151 when Ada.Strings.Index_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
152 when others =>
153 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception from Replace_Slice - 2");
154 end;
156 -- Justify = Left (default case)
158 Result_String := "XXXXXXXXXX";
160 ASW.Replace_Slice(Source => Result_String,
161 Low => 1,
162 High => 10,
163 By => Source_String1); -- "abcde"
165 if Result_String /= "abcde " then
166 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Replace_Slice - Justify = Left");
167 end if;
169 -- Justify = Right
171 ASW.Replace_Slice(Source => Result_String,
172 Low => 1,
173 High => Result_String'Last,
174 By => Source_String2, -- "abcdef"
175 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error,
176 Justify => Ada.Strings.Right);
178 if Result_String /= " abcdef" then
179 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Replace_Slice - Justify=Right");
180 end if;
182 -- Justify = Center (two cases, odd and even pad lengths)
184 ASW.Replace_Slice(Result_String,
186 Result_String'Last,
187 Source_String1, -- "abcde"
188 Ada.Strings.Error,
189 Ada.Strings.Center,
190 'x'); -- non-default padding.
192 if Result_String /= "xxabcdexxx" then -- Unequal padding added right
193 Report.Failed("Incorrect result, Replace_Slice - Justify=Center - 1");
194 end if;
196 ASW.Replace_Slice(Result_String,
198 Result_String'Last,
199 Source_String2, -- "abcdef"
200 Ada.Strings.Error,
201 Ada.Strings.Center);
203 if Result_String /= " abcdef " then -- Equal padding added on L/R.
204 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Replace_Slice with " &
205 "Justify = Center - 2");
206 end if;
208 -- When the source string is longer than the target string, several
209 -- cases can be examined, with the results depending on the value of
210 -- the Drop parameter.
212 -- Drop = Left
214 ASW.Replace_Slice(Result_String,
216 Result_String'Last,
217 Source_String3, -- "abcdefghijkl"
218 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
220 if Result_String /= "cdefghijkl" then
221 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Replace_Slice - Drop=Left");
222 end if;
224 -- Drop = Right
226 ASW.Replace_Slice(Result_String,
228 Result_String'Last,
229 Source_String3, -- "abcdefghijkl"
230 Ada.Strings.Right);
232 if Result_String /= "abcdefghij" then
233 Report.Failed("Incorrect result, Replace_Slice with Drop=Right");
234 end if;
236 -- Drop = Error
238 -- The effect in this case depends on the value of the justify
239 -- parameter, and on whether any characters in Source other than
240 -- Pad would fail to be copied.
242 -- Drop = Error, Justify = Left, right overflow characters are pad.
244 ASW.Replace_Slice(Result_String,
246 Result_String'Last,
247 Source_String4, -- "abcdefghij "
248 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error,
249 Justify => Ada.Strings.Left);
251 if not(Result_String = "abcdefghij") then -- leftmost 10 characters
252 Report.Failed("Incorrect result, Replace_Slice - Drop = Error - 1");
253 end if;
255 -- Drop = Error, Justify = Right, left overflow characters are pad.
257 ASW.Replace_Slice(Source => Result_String,
258 Low => 1,
259 High => Result_String'Last,
260 By => Source_String5, -- " cdefghijkl"
261 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error,
262 Justify => Ada.Strings.Right);
264 if Result_String /= "cdefghijkl" then -- rightmost 10 characters
265 Report.Failed("Incorrect result, Replace_Slice - Drop = Error - 2");
266 end if;
268 -- In other cases of Drop=Error, Length_Error is propagated, such as:
270 begin
272 ASW.Replace_Slice(Source => Result_String,
273 Low => 1,
274 High => Result_String'Last,
275 By => Source_String3, -- "abcdefghijkl"
276 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error);
278 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Replace_Slice - 1");
280 exception
281 when Ada.Strings.Length_Error => null; -- OK
282 when others =>
283 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception from Replace_Slice - 3");
284 end;
287 -- Function Replace_Slice
289 TC_Set_Name ("Replace_Slice");
291 if TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abcde", 3, 3, "x"))
292 /= "abxde" or -- High = Low
293 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abc", 2, 3, "xyz")) /= "axyz" or
294 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abcd", 4, 1, "xy"))
295 /= "abcxyd" or -- High < Low
296 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abc", 2, 3, "x")) /= "ax" or
297 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("a", 1, 1, "z")) /= "z"
298 then
299 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Replace_Slice - 1");
300 end if;
302 if TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abcde", 5, 5, "z"))
303 /= "abcdz" or -- By length 1
304 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abc", 1, 3, "xyz"))
305 /= "xyz" or -- High > Low
306 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("abc", 3, 2, "xy"))
307 /= "abxyc" or -- insert
308 TC_Check (ASW.Replace_Slice("a", 1, 1, "xyz")) /= "xyz"
309 then
310 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Replace_Slice - 2");
311 end if;
315 -- Function Insert.
317 TC_Set_Name ("Insert");
319 declare
320 New_String : constant Wide_String :=
321 TC_Check (
322 ASW.Insert(Source => Source_String1(2..5), -- "bcde"
323 Before => 2,
324 New_Item => Source_String2)); -- "abcdef"
325 begin
326 if New_String /= "abcdefbcde" then
327 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert - 1");
328 end if;
329 end;
331 if TC_Check (ASW.Insert("a", 1, "z")) /= "za" or
332 TC_Check (ASW.Insert("abc", 3, "")) /= "abc" or
333 TC_Check (ASW.Insert("abc", 4, "z")) /= "abcz"
334 then
335 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert - 2");
336 end if;
338 begin
339 if TC_Check (ASW.Insert(Source => Source_String1(2..5), -- "bcde"
340 Before => Report.Ident_Int(7),
341 New_Item => Source_String2)) -- "abcdef"
342 /= "babcdefcde" then
343 Report.Failed("Index_Error not raised by Insert - 3A");
344 else
345 Report.Failed("Index_Error not raised by Insert - 3B");
346 end if;
347 exception
348 when Ada.Strings.Index_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
349 when others =>
350 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception from Insert - 3");
351 end;
354 -- Procedure Insert
356 -- Drop = Right
358 ASW.Insert(Source => Insert_String,
359 Before => 6,
360 New_Item => Source_String2, -- "abcdef"
361 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
363 if Insert_String /= " abcde" then -- last char of New_Item dropped.
364 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Insert with Drop = Right");
365 end if;
367 -- Drop = Left
369 ASW.Insert(Source => Insert_String, -- 10 char string
370 Before => 2, -- 9 chars, 2..10 available
371 New_Item => Source_String3, -- 12 characters long.
372 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left); -- truncate from Left.
374 if Insert_String /= "l abcde" then -- 10 chars, leading blank.
375 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Insert with Drop=Left");
376 end if;
378 -- Drop = Error
380 begin
381 ASW.Insert(Source => Result_String, -- 10 chars
382 Before => Result_String'Last,
383 New_Item => "abcdefghijk",
384 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error);
385 Report.Failed("Exception not raised by Procedure Insert");
386 exception
387 when Ada.Strings.Length_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception
388 when others =>
389 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Insert");
390 end;
394 -- Function Overwrite
396 TC_Set_Name ("Overwrite");
398 Overwrite_String := TC_Check (
399 ASW.Overwrite(Result_String, -- 10 chars
400 1, -- starting at pos=1
401 Source_String3(1..10)));
403 if Overwrite_String /= Source_String3(1..10) then
404 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Overwrite - 1");
405 end if;
408 if TC_Check (ASW.Overwrite("abcdef", 4, "xyz")) /= "abcxyz" or
409 TC_Check (ASW.Overwrite("a", 1, "xyz"))
410 /= "xyz" or -- chars appended
411 TC_Check (ASW.Overwrite("abc", 3, " "))
412 /= "ab " or -- blanks appended
413 TC_Check (ASW.Overwrite("abcde", 1, "z" )) /= "zbcde"
414 then
415 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Overwrite - 2");
416 end if;
420 -- Procedure Overwrite, with truncation.
422 ASW.Overwrite(Source => Overwrite_String, -- 10 characters.
423 Position => 1,
424 New_Item => Source_String3, -- 12 characters.
425 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
427 if Overwrite_String /= "cdefghijkl" then
428 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Overwrite with Drop=Left");
429 end if;
431 -- The default drop value is Right, used here.
433 ASW.Overwrite(Source => Overwrite_String, -- 10 characters.
434 Position => 1,
435 New_Item => Source_String3); -- 12 characters.
437 if Overwrite_String /= "abcdefghij" then
438 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Overwrite with Drop=Right");
439 end if;
441 -- Drop = Error
443 begin
444 ASW.Overwrite(Source => Overwrite_String, -- 10 characters.
445 Position => 1,
446 New_Item => Source_String3, -- 12 characters.
447 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error);
448 Report.Failed("Exception not raised by Procedure Overwrite");
449 exception
450 when Ada.Strings.Length_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
451 when others =>
452 Report.Failed
453 ("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Overwrite");
454 end;
456 Overwrite_String := "ababababab";
457 ASW.Overwrite(Overwrite_String, Overwrite_String'Last, "z");
458 ASW.Overwrite(Overwrite_String, Overwrite_String'First,"z");
459 ASW.Overwrite(Overwrite_String, 5, "zz");
461 if Overwrite_String /= "zbabzzabaz" then
462 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Overwrite");
463 end if;
467 -- Function Delete
469 TC_Set_Name ("Delete");
471 declare
472 New_String1 : constant Wide_String := -- Returns a 4 char wide str.
473 TC_Check (ASW.Delete(Source => Source_String3,
474 From => 3,
475 Through => 10));
476 New_String2 : constant Wide_String := -- This returns Source.
477 TC_Check (ASW.Delete(Source_String3, 10, 3));
478 begin
479 if New_String1 /= "abkl" or
480 New_String2 /= Source_String3
481 then
482 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Delete - 1");
483 end if;
484 end;
486 if TC_Check (ASW.Delete("a", 1, 1))
487 /= "" or -- Source length = 1
488 TC_Check (ASW.Delete("abc", 1, 2))
489 /= "c" or -- From = Source'First
490 TC_Check (ASW.Delete("abc", 3, 3))
491 /= "ab" or -- From = Source'Last
492 TC_Check (ASW.Delete("abc", 3, 1))
493 /= "abc" -- From > Through
494 then
495 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Delete - 2");
496 end if;
500 -- Procedure Delete
502 -- Justify = Left
504 Delete_String := Source_String3(1..10); -- Initialize to "abcdefghij"
506 ASW.Delete(Source => Delete_String,
507 From => 6,
508 Through => Delete_String'Last,
509 Justify => Ada.Strings.Left,
510 Pad => 'x'); -- pad with char 'x'
512 if Delete_String /= "abcdexxxxx" then
513 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Delete - Justify = Left");
514 end if;
516 -- Justify = Right
518 ASW.Delete(Source => Delete_String, -- Remove x"s from end and
519 From => 6, -- shift right.
520 Through => Delete_String'Last,
521 Justify => Ada.Strings.Right,
522 Pad => 'x'); -- pad with char 'x' on left.
524 if Delete_String /= "xxxxxabcde" then
525 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Delete - Justify = Right");
526 end if;
528 -- Justify = Center
530 ASW.Delete(Source => Delete_String,
531 From => 1,
532 Through => 5,
533 Justify => Ada.Strings.Center,
534 Pad => 'z');
536 if Delete_String /= "zzabcdezzz" then -- extra pad char on right side.
537 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Delete - Justify = Center");
538 end if;
542 -- Function Trim
543 -- Use non-identity character sets to perform the trim operation.
545 TC_Set_Name ("Trim");
547 Trim_String := "cdabcdefcd";
549 -- Remove the "cd" from each end of the string. This will not effect
550 -- the "cd" slice at 5..6.
552 declare
553 New_String : constant Wide_String :=
554 TC_Check (ASW.Trim(Source => Trim_String,
555 Left => CD_Set, Right => CD_Set));
556 begin
557 if New_String /= Source_String2 then -- string "abcdef"
558 Report.Failed
559 ("Incorrect result from Trim with wide character sets");
560 end if;
561 end;
563 if TC_Check (ASW.Trim("abcdef", Wide_Maps.Null_Set, Wide_Maps.Null_Set))
564 /= "abcdef" then
565 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Trim with Null sets");
566 end if;
568 if TC_Check (ASW.Trim("cdxx", CD_Set, X_Set)) /= "" then
569 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Trim, wide string removal");
570 end if;
573 -- Procedure Trim
575 -- Justify = Right
577 ASW.Trim(Source => Trim_String,
578 Left => CD_Set,
579 Right => CD_Set,
580 Justify => Ada.Strings.Right,
581 Pad => 'x');
583 if Trim_String /= "xxxxabcdef" then
584 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Trim with Justify = Right");
585 end if;
587 -- Justify = Left
589 ASW.Trim(Source => Trim_String,
590 Left => X_Set,
591 Right => Wide_Maps.Null_Set,
592 Justify => Ada.Strings.Left,
593 Pad => ' ');
595 if Trim_String /= "abcdef " then -- Padded with 4 blanks on right.
596 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Trim with Justify = Left");
597 end if;
599 -- Justify = Center
601 ASW.Trim(Source => Trim_String,
602 Left => ABCD_Set,
603 Right => CD_Set,
604 Justify => Ada.Strings.Center,
605 Pad => 'x');
607 if Trim_String /= "xxef xx" then -- Padded with 4 pad chars on L/R
608 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Trim with Justify = Center");
609 end if;
613 -- Function Head, testing use of padding.
615 TC_Set_Name ("Head");
617 -- Use the wide characters of Source_String1 ("abcde") and pad the
618 -- last five wide characters of Result_String with 'x' wide characters.
620 Result_String := TC_CHeck (ASW.Head(Source_String1, 10, 'x'));
622 if Result_String /= "abcdexxxxx" then
623 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Head with padding");
624 end if;
626 if TC_Check (ASW.Head(" ab ", 2)) /= " " or
627 TC_Check (ASW.Head("a", 6, 'A')) /= "aAAAAA" or
628 TC_Check (ASW.Head(ASW.Head("abc ", 7, 'x'), 10, 'X'))
629 /= "abc xxXXX"
630 then
631 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Head");
632 end if;
636 -- Function Tail, testing use of padding.
638 TC_Set_Name ("Tail");
640 -- Use the wide characters of Source_String1 ("abcde") and pad the
641 -- first five wide characters of Result_String with 'x' wide characters.
643 Result_String := TC_Check (ASW.Tail(Source_String1, 10, 'x'));
645 if Result_String /= "xxxxxabcde" then
646 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Tail with padding");
647 end if;
649 if TC_Check (ASW.Tail("abcde ", 5))
650 /= "cde " or -- blanks, back
651 TC_Check (ASW.Tail(" abc ", 8, ' '))
652 /= " abc " or -- blanks, front/back
653 TC_Check (ASW.Tail("", 5, 'Z'))
654 /= "ZZZZZ" or -- pad characters only
655 TC_Check (ASW.Tail("abc", 0))
656 /= "" or -- null result
657 TC_Check (ASW.Tail(ASW.Tail(" abc ", 6, 'x'),
659 'X')) /= "XXXXx abc "
660 then
661 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Tail");
662 end if;
666 -- Function "*" - with (Natural, Wide_String) parameters
668 TC_Set_Name ("""*""");
670 if TC_Check (ASW."*"(3, Source_String1)) /= "abcdeabcdeabcde" or
671 TC_Check (ASW."*"(2, Source_String2)) /= Source_String6 or
672 TC_Check (ASW."*"(4, Source_String1(1..2))) /= "abababab" or
673 TC_Check (ASW."*"(0, Source_String1)) /= ""
674 then
675 Report.Failed
676 ("Incorrect result from Function ""*"" with wide strings");
677 end if;
679 exception
680 when others => Report.Failed("Exception raised in Test_Block");
681 end Test_Block;
683 Report.Result;
685 end CXA4016;