2 ! { dg-options "-Wimplicit-procedure" }
5 ! Check for correct -Wimplicit-procedure warnings.
14 INTEGER FUNCTION my_func ()
20 SUBROUTINE test (proc
22 CALL proc () ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
31 CALL ext_sub () ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
32 PRINT *, ext_func () ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
33 PRINT *, implicit_func () ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
34 CALL my_sub () ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
35 PRINT *, my_func () ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
36 PRINT *, SIN (3.14159) ! { dg-bogus "is not explicitly declared" }
38 CALL undef_sub (1, 2, 3) ! { dg-warning "is not explicitly declared" }
39 ! Can't check undefined function, because it needs to be declared a type
40 ! in any case (and the implicit type is enough to not trigger this warning).