* MAINTAINERS (fortran 95): Add myself, Steven Bosscher and Toon Moene.
[official-gcc.git] / libiberty / testsuite / demangle-expected
1 # This file holds test cases for the demangler.
2 # Each test consists of three lines in succession.
3 # The first line is arguments to pass to the test filter program.
4 # The second line is the mangled string.
5 # The third line is the expected output.
6 # A line starting with `#' is ignore.
7 # However blank lines in this file are NOT ignored.
9 --format=gnu
10 AddAlignment__9ivTSolverUiP12ivInteractorP7ivTGlue
11 ivTSolver::AddAlignment(unsigned int, ivInteractor *, ivTGlue *)
13 --format=gnu
14 ArrowheadIntersects__9ArrowLineP9ArrowheadR6BoxObjP7Graphic
15 ArrowLine::ArrowheadIntersects(Arrowhead *, BoxObj &, Graphic *)
17 --format=gnu
18 AtEnd__13ivRubberGroup
19 ivRubberGroup::AtEnd(void)
21 --format=gnu
22 BgFilter__9ivTSolverP12ivInteractor
23 ivTSolver::BgFilter(ivInteractor *)
25 --format=gnu
26 Check__6UArrayi
27 UArray::Check(int)
29 --format=gnu
30 CoreConstDecls__8TextCodeR7ostream
31 TextCode::CoreConstDecls(ostream &)
33 --format=gnu
34 Detach__8StateVarP12StateVarView
35 StateVar::Detach(StateVarView *)
37 --format=gnu
38 Done__9ComponentG8Iterator
39 Component::Done(Iterator)
41 --format=gnu
42 Effect__11RelateManipR7ivEvent
43 RelateManip::Effect(ivEvent &)
45 --format=gnu
46 FindFixed__FRP4CNetP4CNet
47 FindFixed(CNet *&, CNet *)
49 --format=gnu
50 Fix48_abort__FR8twolongs
51 Fix48_abort(twolongs &)
53 --format=gnu
54 GetBarInfo__15iv2_6_VScrollerP13ivPerspectiveRiT2
55 iv2_6_VScroller::GetBarInfo(ivPerspective *, int &, int &)
57 --format=gnu
58 GetBgColor__C9ivPainter
59 ivPainter::GetBgColor(void) const
61 --format=gnu
62 InsertBody__15H_PullrightMenuii
63 H_PullrightMenu::InsertBody(int, int)
65 --format=gnu
66 InsertCharacter__9TextManipc
67 TextManip::InsertCharacter(char)
69 --format=gnu
70 InsertToplevel__7ivWorldP12ivInteractorT1
71 ivWorld::InsertToplevel(ivInteractor *, ivInteractor *)
73 --format=gnu
74 InsertToplevel__7ivWorldP12ivInteractorT1iiUi
75 ivWorld::InsertToplevel(ivInteractor *, ivInteractor *, int, int, unsigned int)
77 --format=gnu
78 IsAGroup__FP11GraphicViewP11GraphicComp
79 IsAGroup(GraphicView *, GraphicComp *)
81 --format=gnu
82 IsA__10ButtonCodeUl
83 ButtonCode::IsA(unsigned long)
85 --format=gnu
86 ReadName__FR7istreamPc
87 ReadName(istream &, char *)
89 --format=gnu
90 Redraw__13StringBrowseriiii
91 StringBrowser::Redraw(int, int, int, int)
93 --format=gnu
94 Rotate__13ivTransformerf
95 ivTransformer::Rotate(float)
97 --format=gnu
98 Rotated__C13ivTransformerf
99 ivTransformer::Rotated(float) const
101 --format=gnu
102 Round__Ff
103 Round(float)
105 --format=gnu
106 SetExport__16MemberSharedNameUi
107 MemberSharedName::SetExport(unsigned int)
109 --format=gnu
110 Set__14ivControlState13ControlStatusUi
111 ivControlState::Set(ControlStatus, unsigned int)
113 --format=gnu
114 Set__5DFacePcii
115 DFace::Set(char *, int, int)
117 --format=gnu
118 VConvert__9ivTSolverP12ivInteractorRP8TElementT2
119 ivTSolver::VConvert(ivInteractor *, TElement *&, TElement *&)
121 --format=gnu
122 VConvert__9ivTSolverP7ivTGlueRP8TElement
123 ivTSolver::VConvert(ivTGlue *, TElement *&)
125 --format=gnu
126 VOrder__9ivTSolverUiRP12ivInteractorT2
127 ivTSolver::VOrder(unsigned int, ivInteractor *&, ivInteractor *&)
129 --format=gnu
130 _10PageButton$__both
131 PageButton::__both
133 --format=gnu
134 _3RNG$singleMantissa
135 RNG::singleMantissa
137 --format=gnu
138 _5IComp$_release
139 IComp::_release
141 --format=gnu
142 _$_10BitmapComp
143 BitmapComp::~BitmapComp(void)
145 --format=gnu
146 _$_9__io_defs
147 __io_defs::~__io_defs(void)
149 --format=gnu
150 _$_Q23foo3bar
151 foo::bar::~bar(void)
153 --format=gnu
154 _$_Q33foo3bar4bell
155 foo::bar::bell::~bell(void)
157 --format=gnu
158 __10ivTelltaleiP7ivGlyph
159 ivTelltale::ivTelltale(int, ivGlyph *)
161 --format=gnu
162 __10ivViewportiP12ivInteractorUi
163 ivViewport::ivViewport(int, ivInteractor *, unsigned int)
165 --format=gnu
166 __10ostrstream
167 ostrstream::ostrstream(void)
169 --format=gnu
170 __10ostrstreamPcii
171 ostrstream::ostrstream(char *, int, int)
173 --format=gnu
174 __11BitmapTablei
175 BitmapTable::BitmapTable(int)
177 --format=gnu
178 __12ViewportCodeP12ViewportComp
179 ViewportCode::ViewportCode(ViewportComp *)
181 --format=gnu
182 __12iv2_6_Borderii
183 iv2_6_Border::iv2_6_Border(int, int)
185 --format=gnu
186 __12ivBreak_Listl
187 ivBreak_List::ivBreak_List(long)
189 --format=gnu
190 __14iv2_6_MenuItemiP12ivInteractor
191 iv2_6_MenuItem::iv2_6_MenuItem(int, ivInteractor *)
193 --format=gnu
194 __20DisplayList_IteratorR11DisplayList
195 DisplayList_Iterator::DisplayList_Iterator(DisplayList &)
197 --format=gnu
198 __3fooRT0
199 foo::foo(foo &)
201 --format=gnu
202 __3fooiN31
203 foo::foo(int, int, int, int)
205 --format=gnu
206 __3fooiRT0iT2iT2
207 foo::foo(int, foo &, int, foo &, int, foo &)
209 --format=gnu
210 __6KeyMapPT0
211 KeyMap::KeyMap(KeyMap *)
213 --format=gnu
214 __8ArrowCmdP6EditorUiUi
215 ArrowCmd::ArrowCmd(Editor *, unsigned int, unsigned int)
217 --format=gnu
218 __9F_EllipseiiiiP7Graphic
219 F_Ellipse::F_Ellipse(int, int, int, int, Graphic *)
221 --format=gnu
222 __9FrameDataP9FrameCompi
223 FrameData::FrameData(FrameComp *, int)
225 --format=gnu
226 __9HVGraphicP9CanvasVarP7Graphic
227 HVGraphic::HVGraphic(CanvasVar *, Graphic *)
229 --format=gnu
230 __Q23foo3bar
231 foo::bar::bar(void)
233 --format=gnu
234 __Q33foo3bar4bell
235 foo::bar::bell::bell(void)
237 --format=gnu
238 __aa__3fooRT0
239 foo::operator&&(foo &)
241 --format=gnu
242 __aad__3fooRT0
243 foo::operator&=(foo &)
245 --format=gnu
246 __ad__3fooRT0
247 foo::operator&(foo &)
249 --format=gnu
250 __adv__3fooRT0
251 foo::operator/=(foo &)
253 --format=gnu
254 __aer__3fooRT0
255 foo::operator^=(foo &)
257 --format=gnu
258 __als__3fooRT0
259 foo::operator<<=(foo &)
261 --format=gnu
262 __amd__3fooRT0
263 foo::operator%=(foo &)
265 --format=gnu
266 __ami__3fooRT0
267 foo::operator-=(foo &)
269 --format=gnu
270 __aml__3FixRT0
271 Fix::operator*=(Fix &)
273 --format=gnu
274 __aml__5Fix16i
275 Fix16::operator*=(int)
277 --format=gnu
278 __aml__5Fix32RT0
279 Fix32::operator*=(Fix32 &)
281 --format=gnu
282 __aor__3fooRT0
283 foo::operator|=(foo &)
285 --format=gnu
286 __apl__3fooRT0
287 foo::operator+=(foo &)
289 --format=gnu
290 __ars__3fooRT0
291 foo::operator>>=(foo &)
293 --format=gnu
294 __as__3fooRT0
295 foo::operator=(foo &)
297 --format=gnu
298 __cl__3fooRT0
299 foo::operator()(foo &)
301 --format=gnu
302 __cl__6Normal
303 Normal::operator()(void)
305 --format=gnu
306 __cl__6Stringii
307 String::operator()(int, int)
309 --format=gnu
310 __cm__3fooRT0
311 foo::operator, (foo &)
313 --format=gnu
314 __co__3foo
315 foo::operator~(void)
317 --format=gnu
318 __dl__3fooPv
319 foo::operator delete(void *)
321 --format=gnu
322 __dv__3fooRT0
323 foo::operator/(foo &)
325 --format=gnu
326 __eq__3fooRT0
327 foo::operator==(foo &)
329 --format=gnu
330 __er__3fooRT0
331 foo::operator^(foo &)
333 --format=gnu
334 __ge__3fooRT0
335 foo::operator>=(foo &)
337 --format=gnu
338 __gt__3fooRT0
339 foo::operator>(foo &)
341 --format=gnu
342 __le__3fooRT0
343 foo::operator<=(foo &)
345 --format=gnu
346 __ls__3fooRT0
347 foo::operator<<(foo &)
349 --format=gnu
350 __ls__FR7ostreamPFR3ios_R3ios
351 operator<<(ostream &, ios &(*)(ios &))
353 --format=gnu
354 __ls__FR7ostreamR3Fix
355 operator<<(ostream &, Fix &)
357 --format=gnu
358 __lt__3fooRT0
359 foo::operator<(foo &)
361 --format=gnu
362 __md__3fooRT0
363 foo::operator%(foo &)
365 --format=gnu
366 __mi__3fooRT0
367 foo::operator-(foo &)
369 --format=gnu
370 __ml__3fooRT0
371 foo::operator*(foo &)
373 --format=gnu
374 __mm__3fooi
375 foo::operator--(int)
377 --format=gnu
378 __ne__3fooRT0
379 foo::operator!=(foo &)
381 --format=gnu
382 __nt__3foo
383 foo::operator!(void)
385 --format=gnu
386 __nw__3fooi
387 foo::operator new(int)
389 --format=gnu
390 __oo__3fooRT0
391 foo::operator||(foo &)
393 --format=gnu
394 __opPc__3foo
395 foo::operator char *(void)
397 --format=gnu
398 __opi__3foo
399 foo::operator int(void)
401 --format=gnu
402 __or__3fooRT0
403 foo::operator|(foo &)
405 --format=gnu
406 __pl__3fooRT0
407 foo::operator+(foo &)
409 --format=gnu
410 __pp__3fooi
411 foo::operator++(int)
413 --format=gnu
414 __rf__3foo
415 foo::operator->(void)
417 --format=gnu
418 __rm__3fooRT0
419 foo::operator->*(foo &)
421 --format=gnu
422 __rs__3fooRT0
423 foo::operator>>(foo &)
425 --format=gnu
426 _new_Fix__FUs
427 _new_Fix(unsigned short)
429 --format=gnu
430 _vt.foo
431 foo virtual table
433 --format=gnu
434 _vt.foo.bar
435 foo::bar virtual table
437 --format=gnu
438 _vt$foo
439 foo virtual table
441 --format=gnu
442 _vt$foo$bar
443 foo::bar virtual table
445 --format=gnu
446 append__7ivGlyphPT0
447 ivGlyph::append(ivGlyph *)
449 --format=gnu
450 clearok__FP7_win_sti
451 clearok(_win_st *, int)
453 --format=gnu
454 complexfunc2__FPFPc_i
455 complexfunc2(int (*)(char *))
457 --format=gnu
458 complexfunc3__FPFPFPl_s_i
459 complexfunc3(int (*)(short (*)(long *)))
461 --format=gnu
462 complexfunc4__FPFPFPc_s_i
463 complexfunc4(int (*)(short (*)(char *)))
465 --format=gnu
466 complexfunc5__FPFPc_PFl_i
467 complexfunc5(int (*(*)(char *))(long))
469 --format=gnu
470 complexfunc6__FPFPi_PFl_i
471 complexfunc6(int (*(*)(int *))(long))
473 --format=gnu
474 complexfunc7__FPFPFPc_i_PFl_i
475 complexfunc7(int (*(*)(int (*)(char *)))(long))
477 --format=gnu
478 foo__FiN30
479 foo(int, int, int, int)
481 --format=gnu
482 foo__FiR3fooiT1iT1
483 foo(int, foo &, int, foo &, int, foo &)
485 --format=gnu
486 foo___3barl
487 bar::foo_(long)
489 --format=gnu
490 insert__15ivClippingStacklRP8_XRegion
491 ivClippingStack::insert(long, _XRegion *&)
493 --format=gnu
494 insert__16ChooserInfo_ListlR11ChooserInfo
495 ChooserInfo_List::insert(long, ChooserInfo &)
497 --format=gnu
498 insert__17FontFamilyRepListlRP15ivFontFamilyRep
499 FontFamilyRepList::insert(long, ivFontFamilyRep *&)
501 --format=gnu
502 leaveok__FP7_win_stc
503 leaveok(_win_st *, char)
505 --format=gnu
506 left_mover__C7ivMFKitP12ivAdjustableP7ivStyle
507 ivMFKit::left_mover(ivAdjustable *, ivStyle *) const
509 --format=gnu
510 overload1arg__FSc
511 overload1arg(signed char)
513 --format=gnu
514 overload1arg__FUc
515 overload1arg(unsigned char)
517 --format=gnu
518 overload1arg__FUi
519 overload1arg(unsigned int)
521 --format=gnu
522 overload1arg__FUl
523 overload1arg(unsigned long)
525 --format=gnu
526 overload1arg__FUs
527 overload1arg(unsigned short)
529 --format=gnu
530 overload1arg__Fc
531 overload1arg(char)
533 --format=gnu
534 overload1arg__Fd
535 overload1arg(double)
537 --format=gnu
538 overload1arg__Ff
539 overload1arg(float)
541 --format=gnu
542 overload1arg__Fi
543 overload1arg(int)
545 --format=gnu
546 overload1arg__Fl
547 overload1arg(long)
549 --format=gnu
550 overload1arg__Fs
551 overload1arg(short)
553 --format=gnu
554 overload1arg__Fv
555 overload1arg(void)
557 --format=gnu
558 overloadargs__Fi
559 overloadargs(int)
561 --format=gnu
562 overloadargs__Fii
563 overloadargs(int, int)
565 --format=gnu
566 overloadargs__Fiii
567 overloadargs(int, int, int)
569 --format=gnu
570 overloadargs__Fiiii
571 overloadargs(int, int, int, int)
573 --format=gnu
574 overloadargs__Fiiiii
575 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int)
577 --format=gnu
578 overloadargs__Fiiiiii
579 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int)
581 --format=gnu
582 overloadargs__Fiiiiiii
583 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
585 --format=gnu
586 overloadargs__Fiiiiiiii
587 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
589 --format=gnu
590 overloadargs__Fiiiiiiiii
591 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
593 --format=gnu
594 overloadargs__Fiiiiiiiiii
595 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
597 --format=gnu
598 overloadargs__Fiiiiiiiiiii
599 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
601 --format=gnu
602 poke__8ivRasterUlUlffff
603 ivRaster::poke(unsigned long, unsigned long, float, float, float, float)
605 --format=gnu
606 polar__Fdd
607 polar(double, double)
609 --format=gnu
610 scale__13ivTransformerff
611 ivTransformer::scale(float, float)
613 --format=gnu
614 sgetn__7filebufPci
615 filebuf::sgetn(char *, int)
617 --format=gnu
618 shift__FP5_FrepiT0
619 shift(_Frep *, int, _Frep *)
621 --format=gnu
622 test__C6BitSeti
623 BitSet::test(int) const
625 --format=gnu
626 test__C6BitSetii
627 BitSet::test(int, int) const
629 --format=gnu
630 text_source__8Documentl
631 Document::text_source(long)
633 --format=gnu
634 variance__6Erlangd
635 Erlang::variance(double)
637 --format=gnu
638 view__14DocumentViewerP8ItemViewP11TabularItem
639 DocumentViewer::view(ItemView *, TabularItem *)
641 --format=gnu
642 xy_extents__11ivExtensionffff
643 ivExtension::xy_extents(float, float, float, float)
645 --format=gnu
646 zero__8osMemoryPvUi
647 osMemory::zero(void *, unsigned int)
649 --format=gnu
650 _2T4$N
651 T4::N
653 --format=gnu
654 _Q22T42t1$N
655 T4::t1::N
657 --format=gnu
658 get__2T1
659 T1::get(void)
661 --format=gnu
662 get__Q22T11a
663 T1::a::get(void)
665 --format=gnu
666 get__Q32T11a1b
667 T1::a::b::get(void)
669 --format=gnu
670 get__Q42T11a1b1c
671 T1::a::b::c::get(void)
673 --format=gnu
674 get__Q52T11a1b1c1d
675 T1::a::b::c::d::get(void)
677 --format=gnu
678 put__2T1i
679 T1::put(int)
681 --format=gnu
682 put__Q22T11ai
683 T1::a::put(int)
685 --format=gnu
686 put__Q32T11a1bi
687 T1::a::b::put(int)
689 --format=gnu
690 put__Q42T11a1b1ci
691 T1::a::b::c::put(int)
693 --format=gnu
694 put__Q52T11a1b1c1di
695 T1::a::b::c::d::put(int)
697 --format=gnu
698 bar__3fooPv
699 foo::bar(void *)
701 --format=gnu
702 bar__C3fooPv
703 foo::bar(void *) const
705 --format=gnu
706 __eq__3fooRT0
707 foo::operator==(foo &)
709 --format=gnu
710 __eq__C3fooR3foo
711 foo::operator==(foo &) const
713 --format=gnu
714 elem__t6vector1Zdi
715 vector<double>::elem(int)
717 --format=gnu
718 elem__t6vector1Zii
719 vector<int>::elem(int)
721 --format=gnu
722 __t6vector1Zdi
723 vector<double>::vector(int)
725 --format=gnu
726 __t6vector1Zii
727 vector<int>::vector(int)
729 --format=gnu
730 _$_t6vector1Zdi
731 vector<double>::~vector(int)
733 --format=gnu
734 _$_t6vector1Zii
735 vector<int>::~vector(int)
737 --format=gnu
738 __nw__t2T11ZcUi
739 T1<char>::operator new(unsigned int)
741 --format=gnu
742 __nw__t2T11Z1tUi
743 T1<t>::operator new(unsigned int)
745 --format=gnu
746 __dl__t2T11ZcPv
747 T1<char>::operator delete(void *)
749 --format=gnu
750 __dl__t2T11Z1tPv
751 T1<t>::operator delete(void *)
753 --format=gnu
754 __t2T11Zci
755 T1<char>::T1(int)
757 --format=gnu
758 __t2T11Zc
759 T1<char>::T1(void)
761 --format=gnu
762 __t2T11Z1ti
763 T1<t>::T1(int)
765 --format=gnu
766 __t2T11Z1t
767 T1<t>::T1(void)
769 --format=gnu
770 __Q2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3Pix
771 List<VHDLEntity>::Pix::Pix(void)
773 --format=gnu
774 __Q2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3PixPQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity7element
775 List<VHDLEntity>::Pix::Pix(List<VHDLEntity>::element *)
777 --format=gnu
778 __Q2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3PixRCQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3Pix
779 List<VHDLEntity>::Pix::Pix(List<VHDLEntity>::Pix const &)
781 --format=gnu
782 __Q2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity7elementRC10VHDLEntityPT0
783 List<VHDLEntity>::element::element(VHDLEntity const &, List<VHDLEntity>::element *)
785 --format=gnu
786 __Q2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity7elementRCQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity7element
787 List<VHDLEntity>::element::element(List<VHDLEntity>::element const &)
789 --format=gnu
790 __cl__C11VHDLLibraryGt4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntity
791 VHDLLibrary::operator()(PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> >) const
793 --format=gnu
794 __cl__Ct4List1Z10VHDLEntityRCQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3Pix
795 List<VHDLEntity>::operator()(List<VHDLEntity>::Pix const &) const
797 --format=gnu
798 __ne__FPvRCQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3Pix
799 operator!=(void *, List<VHDLEntity>::Pix const &)
801 --format=gnu
802 __ne__FPvRCt4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntity
803 operator!=(void *, PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> > const &)
805 --format=gnu
806 __t4List1Z10VHDLEntityRCt4List1Z10VHDLEntity
807 List<VHDLEntity>::List(List<VHDLEntity> const &)
809 --format=gnu
810 __t4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntity
811 PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> >::PixX(void)
813 --format=gnu
814 __t4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntityP14VHDLLibraryRepGQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3Pix
815 PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> >::PixX(VHDLLibraryRep *, List<VHDLEntity>::Pix)
817 --format=gnu
818 __t4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntityRCt4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntity
819 PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> >::PixX(PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> > const &)
821 --format=gnu
822 nextE__C11VHDLLibraryRt4PixX3Z11VHDLLibraryZ14VHDLLibraryRepZt4List1Z10VHDLEntity
823 VHDLLibrary::nextE(PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> > &) const
825 --format=gnu
826 next__Ct4List1Z10VHDLEntityRQ2t4List1Z10VHDLEntity3Pix
827 List<VHDLEntity>::next(List<VHDLEntity>::Pix &) const
829 --format=gnu
830 _GLOBAL_$D$set
831 global destructors keyed to set
833 --format=gnu
834 _GLOBAL_$I$set
835 global constructors keyed to set
837 --format=gnu
838 __as__t5ListS1ZUiRCt5ListS1ZUi
839 ListS<unsigned int>::operator=(ListS<unsigned int> const &)
841 --format=gnu
842 __cl__Ct5ListS1ZUiRCQ2t5ListS1ZUi3Vix
843 ListS<unsigned int>::operator()(ListS<unsigned int>::Vix const &) const
845 --format=gnu
846 __cl__Ct5SetLS1ZUiRCQ2t5SetLS1ZUi3Vix
847 SetLS<unsigned int>::operator()(SetLS<unsigned int>::Vix const &) const
849 --format=gnu
850 __t10ListS_link1ZUiRCUiPT0
851 ListS_link<unsigned int>::ListS_link(unsigned int const &, ListS_link<unsigned int> *)
853 --format=gnu
854 __t10ListS_link1ZUiRCt10ListS_link1ZUi
855 ListS_link<unsigned int>::ListS_link(ListS_link<unsigned int> const &)
857 --format=gnu
858 __t5ListS1ZUiRCt5ListS1ZUi
859 ListS<unsigned int>::ListS(ListS<unsigned int> const &)
861 --format=gnu
862 next__Ct5ListS1ZUiRQ2t5ListS1ZUi3Vix
863 ListS<unsigned int>::next(ListS<unsigned int>::Vix &) const
865 --format=gnu
866 __ne__FPvRCQ2t5SetLS1ZUi3Vix
867 operator!=(void *, SetLS<unsigned int>::Vix const &)
869 --format=gnu
870 __t8ListElem1Z5LabelRt4List1Z5Label
871 ListElem<Label>::ListElem(List<Label> &)
873 --format=gnu
874 __t8BDDHookV1ZPcRCPc
875 BDDHookV<char *>::BDDHookV(char *const &)
877 --format=gnu
878 _vt$t8BDDHookV1ZPc
879 BDDHookV<char *> virtual table
881 --format=gnu
882 __ne__FPvRCQ211BDDFunction4VixB
883 operator!=(void *, BDDFunction::VixB const &)
885 --format=gnu
886 __eq__FPvRCQ211BDDFunction4VixB
887 operator==(void *, BDDFunction::VixB const &)
889 --format=gnu
890 relativeId__CQ36T_phi210T_preserve8FPC_nextRCQ26T_phi210T_preserveRC10Parameters
891 T_phi2::T_preserve::FPC_next::relativeId(T_phi2::T_preserve const &, Parameters const &) const
893 --format=lucid
894 WS__FR7istream
895 WS(istream &)
897 --format=lucid
898 __aa__3fooFR3foo
899 foo::operator&&(foo &)
901 --format=lucid
902 __aad__3fooFR3foo
903 foo::operator&=(foo &)
905 --format=lucid
906 __ad__3fooFR3foo
907 foo::operator&(foo &)
909 --format=lucid
910 __adv__3fooFR3foo
911 foo::operator/=(foo &)
913 --format=lucid
914 __adv__7complexF7complex
915 complex::operator/=(complex)
917 --format=lucid
918 __aer__3fooFR3foo
919 foo::operator^=(foo &)
921 --format=lucid
922 __als__3fooFR3foo
923 foo::operator<<=(foo &)
925 --format=lucid
926 __amd__3fooFR3foo
927 foo::operator%=(foo &)
929 --format=lucid
930 __ami__3fooFR3foo
931 foo::operator-=(foo &)
933 --format=lucid
934 __amu__3fooFR3foo
935 foo::operator*=(foo &)
937 --format=lucid
938 __amu__7complexF7complex
939 complex::operator*=(complex)
941 --format=lucid
942 __aor__3fooFR3foo
943 foo::operator|=(foo &)
945 --format=lucid
946 __apl__3fooFR3foo
947 foo::operator+=(foo &)
949 --format=lucid
950 __ars__3fooFR3foo
951 foo::operator>>=(foo &)
953 --format=lucid
954 __as__18istream_withassignFP9streambuf
955 istream_withassign::operator=(streambuf *)
957 --format=lucid
958 __as__18istream_withassignFR7istream
959 istream_withassign::operator=(istream &)
961 --format=lucid
962 __as__3fooFR3foo
963 foo::operator=(foo &)
965 --format=lucid
966 __as__3iosFR3ios
967 ios::operator=(ios &)
969 --format=lucid
970 __cl__3fooFR3foo
971 foo::operator()(foo &)
973 --format=lucid
974 __cm__3fooFR3foo
975 foo::operator, (foo &)
977 --format=lucid
978 __co__3fooFv
979 foo::operator~(void)
981 --format=lucid
982 __ct__10istrstreamFPc
983 istrstream::istrstream(char *)
985 --format=lucid
986 __ct__10istrstreamFPci
987 istrstream::istrstream(char *, int)
989 --format=lucid
990 __ct__10ostrstreamFPciT2
991 ostrstream::ostrstream(char *, int, int)
993 --format=lucid
994 __ct__10ostrstreamFv
995 ostrstream::ostrstream(void)
997 --format=lucid
998 __ct__10smanip_intFPFR3iosi_R3iosi
999 smanip_int::smanip_int(ios &(*)(ios &, int), int)
1001 --format=lucid
1002 __ct__11fstreambaseFi
1003 fstreambase::fstreambase(int)
1005 --format=lucid
1006 __ct__11fstreambaseFiPcT1
1007 fstreambase::fstreambase(int, char *, int)
1009 --format=lucid
1010 __ct__11fstreambaseFv
1011 fstreambase::fstreambase(void)
1013 --format=lucid
1014 __ct__11smanip_longFPFR3iosl_R3iosl
1015 smanip_long::smanip_long(ios &(*)(ios &, long), long)
1017 --format=lucid
1018 __ct__11stdiostreamFP4FILE
1019 stdiostream::stdiostream(FILE *)
1021 --format=lucid
1022 __ct__12strstreambufFPFl_PvPFPv_v
1023 strstreambuf::strstreambuf(void *(*)(long), void (*)(void *))
1025 --format=lucid
1026 __ct__12strstreambufFPUciT1
1027 strstreambuf::strstreambuf(unsigned char *, int, unsigned char *)
1029 --format=lucid
1030 __ct__12strstreambufFPciT1
1031 strstreambuf::strstreambuf(char *, int, char *)
1033 --format=lucid
1034 __ct__12strstreambufFi
1035 strstreambuf::strstreambuf(int)
1037 --format=lucid
1038 __ct__12strstreambufFv
1039 strstreambuf::strstreambuf(void)
1041 --format=lucid
1042 __ct__13strstreambaseFPciT1
1043 strstreambase::strstreambase(char *, int, char *)
1045 --format=lucid
1046 __ct__3fooFR3foo
1047 foo::foo(foo &)
1049 --format=lucid
1050 __ct__3fooFi
1051 foo::foo(int)
1053 --format=lucid
1054 __ct__3fooFiN31
1055 foo::foo(int, int, int, int)
1057 --format=lucid
1058 __ct__3fooFiR3fooT1T2T1T2
1059 foo::foo(int, foo &, int, foo &, int, foo &)
1061 --format=lucid
1062 __ct__3iosFP9streambuf
1063 ios::ios(streambuf *)
1065 --format=lucid
1066 __ct__7filebufFiPcT1
1067 filebuf::filebuf(int, char *, int)
1069 --format=lucid
1070 __ct__7fstreamFiPcT1
1071 fstream::fstream(int, char *, int)
1073 --format=lucid
1074 __ct__7istreamFP9streambuf
1075 istream::istream(streambuf *)
1077 --format=lucid
1078 __ct__7istreamFP9streambufiP7ostream
1079 istream::istream(streambuf *, int, ostream *)
1081 --format=lucid
1082 __ct__7istreamFiPcT1
1083 istream::istream(int, char *, int)
1085 --format=lucid
1086 __ct__7istreamFiT1P7ostream
1087 istream::istream(int, int, ostream *)
1089 --format=lucid
1090 __ct__7ostreamFP9streambuf
1091 ostream::ostream(streambuf *)
1093 --format=lucid
1094 __ct__7ostreamFiPc
1095 ostream::ostream(int, char *)
1097 --format=lucid
1098 __ct__8ifstreamFiPcT1
1099 ifstream::ifstream(int, char *, int)
1101 --format=lucid
1102 __ct__Q23foo3barFv
1103 foo::bar::bar(void)
1105 --format=lucid
1106 __ct__Q33foo3bar4bellFv
1107 foo::bar::bell::bell(void)
1109 --format=lucid
1110 __dl__3fooSFPv
1111 foo::operator delete(void *) static
1113 --format=lucid
1114 __dl__FPv
1115 operator delete(void *)
1117 --format=lucid
1118 __dt__10istrstreamFv
1119 istrstream::~istrstream(void)
1121 --format=lucid
1122 __dt__Q23foo3barFv
1123 foo::bar::~bar(void)
1125 --format=lucid
1126 __dt__Q33foo3bar4bellFv
1127 foo::bar::bell::~bell(void)
1129 --format=lucid
1130 __dv__3fooFR3foo
1131 foo::operator/(foo &)
1133 --format=lucid
1134 __dv__F7complexT1
1135 operator/(complex, complex)
1137 --format=lucid
1138 __eq__3fooFR3foo
1139 foo::operator==(foo &)
1141 --format=lucid
1142 __er__3fooFR3foo
1143 foo::operator^(foo &)
1145 --format=lucid
1146 __ge__3fooFR3foo
1147 foo::operator>=(foo &)
1149 --format=lucid
1150 __gt__3fooFR3foo
1151 foo::operator>(foo &)
1153 --format=lucid
1154 __le__3fooFR3foo
1155 foo::operator<=(foo &)
1157 --format=lucid
1158 __ls__3fooFR3foo
1159 foo::operator<<(foo &)
1161 --format=lucid
1162 __ls__7ostreamFP9streambuf
1163 ostream::operator<<(streambuf *)
1165 --format=lucid
1166 __ls__7ostreamFPFR3ios_R3ios
1167 ostream::operator<<(ios &(*)(ios &))
1169 --format=lucid
1170 __ls__7ostreamFPv
1171 ostream::operator<<(void *)
1173 --format=lucid
1174 __ls__7ostreamFUi
1175 ostream::operator<<(unsigned int)
1177 --format=lucid
1178 __ls__7ostreamFUl
1179 ostream::operator<<(unsigned long)
1181 --format=lucid
1182 __ls__7ostreamFd
1183 ostream::operator<<(double)
1185 --format=lucid
1186 __ls__7ostreamFf
1187 ostream::operator<<(float)
1189 --format=lucid
1190 __ls__7ostreamFi
1191 ostream::operator<<(int)
1193 --format=lucid
1194 __ls__7ostreamFl
1195 ostream::operator<<(long)
1197 --format=lucid
1198 __ls__FR7ostream7complex
1199 operator<<(ostream &, complex)
1201 --format=lucid
1202 __lt__3fooFR3foo
1203 foo::operator<(foo &)
1205 --format=lucid
1206 __md__3fooFR3foo
1207 foo::operator%(foo &)
1209 --format=lucid
1210 __mi__3fooFR3foo
1211 foo::operator-(foo &)
1213 --format=lucid
1214 __ml__3fooFR3foo
1215 foo::operator*(foo &)
1217 --format=lucid
1218 __ml__F7complexT1
1219 operator*(complex, complex)
1221 --format=lucid
1222 __mm__3fooFi
1223 foo::operator--(int)
1225 --format=lucid
1226 __ne__3fooFR3foo
1227 foo::operator!=(foo &)
1229 --format=lucid
1230 __nt__3fooFv
1231 foo::operator!(void)
1233 --format=lucid
1234 __nw__3fooSFi
1235 foo::operator new(int) static
1237 --format=lucid
1238 __nw__FUi
1239 operator new(unsigned int)
1241 --format=lucid
1242 __nw__FUiPv
1243 operator new(unsigned int, void *)
1245 --format=lucid
1246 __oo__3fooFR3foo
1247 foo::operator||(foo &)
1249 --format=lucid
1250 __opPc__3fooFv
1251 foo::operator char *(void)
1253 --format=lucid
1254 __opi__3fooFv
1255 foo::operator int(void)
1257 --format=lucid
1258 __or__3fooFR3foo
1259 foo::operator|(foo &)
1261 --format=lucid
1262 __pl__3fooFR3foo
1263 foo::operator+(foo &)
1265 --format=lucid
1266 __pp__3fooFi
1267 foo::operator++(int)
1269 --format=lucid
1270 __pt__3fooFv
1271 foo::operator->(void)
1273 --format=lucid
1274 __rm__3fooFR3foo
1275 foo::operator->*(foo &)
1277 --format=lucid
1278 __rs__3fooFR3foo
1279 foo::operator>>(foo &)
1281 --format=lucid
1282 __rs__7istreamFP9streambuf
1283 istream::operator>>(streambuf *)
1285 --format=lucid
1286 __rs__7istreamFPFR3ios_R3ios
1287 istream::operator>>(ios &(*)(ios &))
1289 --format=lucid
1290 __rs__7istreamFPFR7istream_R7istream
1291 istream::operator>>(istream &(*)(istream &))
1293 --format=lucid
1294 __rs__7istreamFPUc
1295 istream::operator>>(unsigned char *)
1297 --format=lucid
1298 __rs__7istreamFPc
1299 istream::operator>>(char *)
1301 --format=lucid
1302 __rs__7istreamFRUi
1303 istream::operator>>(unsigned int &)
1305 --format=lucid
1306 __rs__7istreamFRUl
1307 istream::operator>>(unsigned long &)
1309 --format=lucid
1310 __rs__7istreamFRUs
1311 istream::operator>>(unsigned short &)
1313 --format=lucid
1314 __rs__7istreamFRd
1315 istream::operator>>(double &)
1317 --format=lucid
1318 __rs__7istreamFRf
1319 istream::operator>>(float &)
1321 --format=lucid
1322 __rs__7istreamFRi
1323 istream::operator>>(int &)
1325 --format=lucid
1326 __rs__7istreamFRl
1327 istream::operator>>(long &)
1329 --format=lucid
1330 __rs__7istreamFRs
1331 istream::operator>>(short &)
1333 --format=lucid
1334 __rs__FR7istreamR7complex
1335 operator>>(istream &, complex &)
1337 --format=lucid
1338 __vtbl__10istrstream
1339 istrstream virtual table
1341 --format=lucid
1342 __vtbl__17ostream__iostream__19iostream_withassign
1343 iostream_withassign::ostream__iostream virtual table
1345 --format=lucid
1346 __vtbl__3ios
1347 ios virtual table
1349 --format=lucid
1350 __vtbl__3ios__13strstreambase
1351 strstreambase::ios virtual table
1353 --format=lucid
1354 abs__F7complex
1355 abs(complex)
1357 --format=lucid
1358 allocate__9streambufFv
1359 streambuf::allocate(void)
1361 --format=lucid
1362 attach__11fstreambaseFi
1363 fstreambase::attach(int)
1365 --format=lucid
1366 bitalloc__3iosSFv
1367 ios::bitalloc(void) static
1369 --format=lucid
1370 chr__FiT1
1371 chr(int, int)
1373 --format=lucid
1374 complex_error__FR11c_exception
1375 complex_error(c_exception &)
1377 --format=lucid
1378 complexfunc2__FPFPc_i
1379 complexfunc2(int (*)(char *))
1381 --format=lucid
1382 complexfunc3__FPFPFPl_s_i
1383 complexfunc3(int (*)(short (*)(long *)))
1385 --format=lucid
1386 complexfunc4__FPFPFPc_s_i
1387 complexfunc4(int (*)(short (*)(char *)))
1389 --format=lucid
1390 complexfunc5__FPFPc_PFl_i
1391 complexfunc5(int (*(*)(char *))(long))
1393 --format=lucid
1394 complexfunc6__FPFPi_PFl_i
1395 complexfunc6(int (*(*)(int *))(long))
1397 --format=lucid
1398 complexfunc7__FPFPFPc_i_PFl_i
1399 complexfunc7(int (*(*)(int (*)(char *)))(long))
1401 --format=lucid
1402 complicated_put__7ostreamFc
1403 ostream::complicated_put(char)
1405 --format=lucid
1406 conv10__FlPc
1407 conv10(long, char *)
1409 --format=lucid
1410 conv16__FUlPc
1411 conv16(unsigned long, char *)
1413 --format=lucid
1414 dec__FR3ios
1415 dec(ios &)
1417 --format=lucid
1418 dec__Fli
1419 dec(long, int)
1421 --format=lucid
1422 dofield__FP7ostreamPciT2T3
1423 dofield(ostream *, char *, int, char *, int)
1425 --format=lucid
1426 flags__3iosFl
1427 ios::flags(long)
1429 --format=lucid
1430 flags__3iosFv
1431 ios::flags(void)
1433 --format=lucid
1434 foo__FiN31
1435 foo(int, int, int, int)
1437 --format=lucid
1438 foo__FiR3fooT1T2T1T2
1439 foo(int, foo &, int, foo &, int, foo &)
1441 --format=lucid
1442 foo___3barFl
1443 bar::foo_(long)
1445 --format=lucid
1446 get__7istreamFPcic
1447 istream::get(char *, int, char)
1449 --format=lucid
1450 get__7istreamFR9streambufc
1451 istream::get(streambuf &, char)
1453 --format=lucid
1454 get_complicated__7istreamFRUc
1455 istream::get_complicated(unsigned char &)
1457 --format=lucid
1458 get_complicated__7istreamFRc
1459 istream::get_complicated(char &)
1461 --format=lucid
1462 getline__7istreamFPUcic
1463 istream::getline(unsigned char *, int, char)
1465 --format=lucid
1466 getline__7istreamFPcic
1467 istream::getline(char *, int, char)
1469 --format=lucid
1470 ignore__7istreamFiT1
1471 istream::ignore(int, int)
1473 --format=lucid
1474 init__12strstreambufFPciT1
1475 strstreambuf::init(char *, int, char *)
1477 --format=lucid
1478 init__3iosFP9streambuf
1479 ios::init(streambuf *)
1481 --format=lucid
1482 initcount__13Iostream_init
1483 Iostream_init::initcount
1485 --format=lucid
1486 ipfx__7istreamFi
1487 istream::ipfx(int)
1489 --format=lucid
1490 ls_complicated__7ostreamFUc
1491 ostream::ls_complicated(unsigned char)
1493 --format=lucid
1494 ls_complicated__7ostreamFc
1495 ostream::ls_complicated(char)
1497 --format=lucid
1498 overload1arg__FSc
1499 overload1arg(signed char)
1501 --format=lucid
1502 overload1arg__FUc
1503 overload1arg(unsigned char)
1505 --format=lucid
1506 overload1arg__FUi
1507 overload1arg(unsigned int)
1509 --format=lucid
1510 overload1arg__FUl
1511 overload1arg(unsigned long)
1513 --format=lucid
1514 overload1arg__FUs
1515 overload1arg(unsigned short)
1517 --format=lucid
1518 overload1arg__Fc
1519 overload1arg(char)
1521 --format=lucid
1522 overload1arg__Fd
1523 overload1arg(double)
1525 --format=lucid
1526 overload1arg__Ff
1527 overload1arg(float)
1529 --format=lucid
1530 overload1arg__Fi
1531 overload1arg(int)
1533 --format=lucid
1534 overload1arg__Fl
1535 overload1arg(long)
1537 --format=lucid
1538 overload1arg__Fs
1539 overload1arg(short)
1541 --format=lucid
1542 overload1arg__Fv
1543 overload1arg(void)
1545 --format=lucid
1546 overloadargs__FiN21
1547 overloadargs(int, int, int)
1549 --format=lucid
1550 overloadargs__FiN31
1551 overloadargs(int, int, int, int)
1553 --format=lucid
1554 overloadargs__FiN41
1555 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int)
1557 --format=lucid
1558 overloadargs__FiN51
1559 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int)
1561 --format=lucid
1562 overloadargs__FiN61
1563 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
1565 --format=lucid
1566 overloadargs__FiN71
1567 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
1569 --format=lucid
1570 overloadargs__FiN81
1571 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
1573 --format=lucid
1574 overloadargs__FiN91
1575 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
1577 --format=lucid
1578 overloadargs__FiN91N11
1579 overloadargs(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
1581 --format=lucid
1582 overloadargs__FiT1
1583 overloadargs(int, int)
1585 --format=lucid
1586 polar__FdT1
1587 polar(double, double)
1589 --format=lucid
1590 pow__F7complexT1
1591 pow(complex, complex)
1593 --format=lucid
1594 pow__F7complexd
1595 pow(complex, double)
1597 --format=lucid
1598 pow__F7complexi
1599 pow(complex, int)
1601 --format=lucid
1602 pow__Fd7complex
1603 pow(double, complex)
1605 --format=lucid
1606 pstart__FPciT2
1607 pstart(char *, int, int)
1609 --format=lucid
1610 put__7ostreamFc
1611 ostream::put(char)
1613 --format=lucid
1614 read__7istreamFPci
1615 istream::read(char *, int)
1617 --format=lucid
1618 resetiosflags__FR3iosl
1619 resetiosflags(ios &, long)
1621 --format=lucid
1622 restore_errno__FRi
1623 restore_errno(int &)
1625 --format=lucid
1626 rs_complicated__7istreamFRUc
1627 istream::rs_complicated(unsigned char &)
1629 --format=lucid
1630 rs_complicated__7istreamFRc
1631 istream::rs_complicated(char &)
1633 --format=lucid
1634 seekg__7istreamFl8seek_dir
1635 istream::seekg(long, seek_dir)
1637 --format=lucid
1638 seekoff__12strstreambufFl8seek_diri
1639 strstreambuf::seekoff(long, seek_dir, int)
1641 --format=lucid
1642 seekoff__9streambufFlQ2_3ios12ios_seek_diri
1643 streambuf::seekoff(long, ios::ios_seek_dir, int)
1645 --format=lucid
1646 seekpos__9streambufFli
1647 streambuf::seekpos(long, int)
1649 --format=lucid
1650 set_new_handler__FPFv_v
1651 set_new_handler(void (*)(void))
1653 --format=lucid
1654 setb__9streambufFPcT1i
1655 streambuf::setb(char *, char *, int)
1657 --format=lucid
1658 setb__FR3iosi
1659 setb(ios &, int)
1661 --format=lucid
1662 setbuf__11fstreambaseFPci
1663 fstreambase::setbuf(char *, int)
1665 --format=lucid
1666 setbuf__9streambufFPUci
1667 streambuf::setbuf(unsigned char *, int)
1669 --format=lucid
1670 setbuf__9streambufFPciT2
1671 streambuf::setbuf(char *, int, int)
1673 --format=lucid
1674 setf__3iosFlT1
1675 ios::setf(long, long)
1677 --format=lucid
1678 setfill__FR3iosi
1679 setfill(ios &, int)
1681 --format=lucid
1682 setg__9streambufFPcN21
1683 streambuf::setg(char *, char *, char *)
1685 --format=lucid
1686 setp__9streambufFPcT1
1687 streambuf::setp(char *, char *)
1689 --format=lucid
1690 tie__3iosFP7ostream
1691 ios::tie(ostream *)
1693 --format=lucid
1694 uconv10__FUlPc
1695 uconv10(unsigned long, char *)
1697 --format=lucid
1698 xget__7istreamFPc
1699 istream::xget(char *)
1701 --format=lucid
1702 xsgetn__9streambufFPci
1703 streambuf::xsgetn(char *, int)
1705 --format=arm
1706 __dt__21T5__pt__11_PFiPPdPv_iFv
1707 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::~T5(void)
1709 --format=arm
1710 __ct__1cFi
1711 c::c(int)
1713 --format=arm
1714 __dt__11T5__pt__2_iFv
1715 T5<int>::~T5(void)
1717 --format=arm
1718 __dt__11T5__pt__2_cFv
1719 T5<char>::~T5(void)
1721 --format=arm
1722 __ct__2T2Fi
1723 T2::T2(int)
1725 --format=arm
1726 __dt__2T1Fv
1727 T1::~T1(void)
1729 --format=arm
1730 __dt__12T5__pt__3_1xFv
1731 T5<x>::~T5(void)
1733 --format=arm
1734 __dt__17T5__pt__8_PFcPv_iFv
1735 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::~T5(void)
1737 --format=arm
1738 __ct__21T5__pt__11_PFiPPdPv_iFi
1739 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::T5(int)
1741 --format=arm
1742 __amd__FR2T2i
1743 operator%=(T2 &, int)
1745 --format=arm
1746 __adv__FR2T2i
1747 operator/=(T2 &, int)
1749 --format=arm
1750 __amu__FR2T2i
1751 operator*=(T2 &, int)
1753 --format=arm
1754 __ami__FR2T2i
1755 operator-=(T2 &, int)
1757 --format=arm
1758 __apl__FR2T2i
1759 operator+=(T2 &, int)
1761 --format=arm
1762 __nw__2T1SFUi
1763 T1::operator new(unsigned int) static
1765 --format=arm
1766 __dl__2T1SFPv
1767 T1::operator delete(void *) static
1769 --format=arm
1770 put__2T7SFi
1771 T7::put(int) static
1773 --format=arm
1774 __dl__12T5__pt__3_1xSFPv
1775 T5<x>::operator delete(void *) static
1777 --format=arm
1778 h__FUc
1779 h(unsigned char)
1781 --format=arm
1782 f__Fic
1783 f(int, char)
1785 --format=arm
1786 h__FUi
1787 h(unsigned int)
1789 --format=arm
1790 h__Fci
1791 h(char, int)
1793 --format=arm
1794 h__FUl
1795 h(unsigned long)
1797 --format=arm
1798 h__Fcl
1799 h(char, long)
1801 --format=arm
1802 h__FUs
1803 h(unsigned short)
1805 --format=arm
1806 h__Fcs
1807 h(char, short)
1809 --format=arm
1810 X__12T5__pt__3_1x
1811 T5<x>::X
1813 --format=arm
1814 __ct__11T5__pt__2_iFi
1815 T5<int>::T5(int)
1817 --format=arm
1818 __ct__11T5__pt__2_cFi
1819 T5<char>::T5(int)
1821 --format=arm
1822 h__FcT1
1823 h(char, char)
1825 --format=arm
1826 f__Ficd
1827 f(int, char, double)
1829 --format=arm
1830 __dl__17T5__pt__8_PFcPv_iSFPv
1831 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::operator delete(void *) static
1833 --format=arm
1834 X__17T5__pt__8_PFcPv_i
1835 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::X
1837 --format=arm
1838 __ct__12T5__pt__3_1xFi
1839 T5<x>::T5(int)
1841 --format=arm
1842 __dl__21T5__pt__11_PFiPPdPv_iSFPv
1843 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::operator delete(void *) static
1845 --format=arm
1846 __std__foo
1847 global destructors keyed to foo
1849 --format=arm
1850 __sti__bar
1851 global constructors keyed to bar
1853 --format=arm
1854 f__FicdPcPFci_v
1855 f(int, char, double, char *, void (*)(char, int))
1857 --format=arm
1858 f__FicdPcPFic_v
1859 f(int, char, double, char *, void (*)(int, char))
1861 --format=arm
1862 get__2T7SFv
1863 T7::get(void) static
1865 --format=arm
1866 X__21T5__pt__11_PFiPPdPv_i
1867 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::X
1869 --format=arm
1870 __dl__11T5__pt__2_iSFPv
1871 T5<int>::operator delete(void *) static
1873 --format=arm
1874 __dl__11T5__pt__2_cSFPv
1875 T5<char>::operator delete(void *) static
1877 --format=arm
1878 h__Fc
1879 h(char)
1881 --format=arm
1882 h__Fd
1883 h(double)
1885 --format=arm
1886 h__Ff
1887 h(float)
1889 --format=arm
1890 h__Fi
1891 h(int)
1893 --format=arm
1894 f__Fi
1895 f(int)
1897 --format=arm
1898 h__Fl
1899 h(long)
1901 --format=arm
1902 h__Fs
1903 h(short)
1905 --format=arm
1906 X__11T5__pt__2_c
1907 T5<char>::X
1909 --format=arm
1910 X__11T5__pt__2_i
1911 T5<int>::X
1913 --format=arm
1914 __ct__17T5__pt__8_PFcPv_iFi
1915 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::T5(int)
1917 --format=arm
1918 f__FicdPc
1919 f(int, char, double, char *)
1921 --format=arm
1922 __nw__FUi
1923 operator new(unsigned int)
1925 --format=arm
1926 __ct__Q3_2T11a1bSFi
1927 T1::a::b::b(int) static
1929 --format=arm
1930 __dt__Q3_2T11a1bSFi
1931 T1::a::b::~b(int) static
1933 --format=arm
1934 put__Q3_2T11a1bSFi
1935 T1::a::b::put(int) static
1937 --format=arm
1938 get__Q2_2T11aSFv
1939 T1::a::get(void) static
1941 --format=arm
1942 put__2T1SFi
1943 T1::put(int) static
1945 --format=arm
1946 put__Q5_2T11a1b1c1dSFi
1947 T1::a::b::c::d::put(int) static
1949 --format=arm
1950 get__Q4_2T11a1b1cSFv
1951 T1::a::b::c::get(void) static
1953 --format=arm
1954 put__Q2_2T11aSFi
1955 T1::a::put(int) static
1957 --format=arm
1958 put__Q4_2T11a1b1cSFi
1959 T1::a::b::c::put(int) static
1961 --format=arm
1962 get__Q3_2T11a1bSFv
1963 T1::a::b::get(void) static
1965 --format=arm
1966 get__2T1SFv
1967 T1::get(void) static
1969 --format=arm
1970 get__Q5_2T11a1b1c1dSFv
1971 T1::a::b::c::d::get(void) static
1973 --format=arm
1974 __dt__11T1__pt__2_cFv
1975 T1<char>::~T1(void)
1977 --format=arm
1978 __dt__12T1__pt__3_1tFv
1979 T1<t>::~T1(void)
1981 --format=arm
1982 __dl__12T1__pt__3_1tSFPv
1983 T1<t>::operator delete(void *) static
1985 --format=arm
1986 __ct__11T1__pt__2_cFi
1987 T1<char>::T1(int)
1989 --format=arm
1990 __ct__11T1__pt__2_cFv
1991 T1<char>::T1(void)
1993 --format=arm
1994 __ct__12T1__pt__3_1tFi
1995 T1<t>::T1(int)
1997 --format=arm
1998 __ct__12T1__pt__3_1tFv
1999 T1<t>::T1(void)
2001 --format=arm
2002 __dl__11T1__pt__2_cSFPv
2003 T1<char>::operator delete(void *) static
2005 --format=arm
2006 bar__3fooFPv
2007 foo::bar(void *)
2009 --format=arm
2010 bar__3fooCFPv
2011 foo::bar(void *) const
2013 --format=arm
2014 __eq__3fooFR3foo
2015 foo::operator==(foo &)
2017 --format=arm
2018 __eq__3fooCFR3foo
2019 foo::operator==(foo &) const
2021 --format=arm
2022 elem__15vector__pt__2_dFi
2023 vector<double>::elem(int)
2025 --format=arm
2026 elem__15vector__pt__2_iFi
2027 vector<int>::elem(int)
2029 --format=arm
2030 __ct__15vector__pt__2_dFi
2031 vector<double>::vector(int)
2033 --format=arm
2034 __ct__15vector__pt__2_iFi
2035 vector<int>::vector(int)
2037 --format=arm
2038 __ct__25DListNode__pt__9_R6RLabelFR6RLabelP25DListNode__pt__9_R6RLabelT2
2039 DListNode<RLabel &>::DListNode(RLabel &, DListNode<RLabel &> *, DListNode<RLabel &> *)
2041 --format=arm
2042 bar__3fooFiT16FooBar
2043 foo::bar(int, int, FooBar)
2045 --format=arm
2046 bar__3fooFPiN51PdN37PcN211T1iN215
2047 foo::bar(int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, double *, double *, double *, double *, char *, char *, char *, int *, int, int, int)
2049 --format=hp
2050 __amd__FR2T2i
2051 operator%=(T2 &, int)
2053 --format=hp
2054 __adv__FR2T2i
2055 operator/=(T2 &, int)
2057 --format=hp
2058 __amu__FR2T2i
2059 operator*=(T2 &, int)
2061 --format=hp
2062 __ami__FR2T2i
2063 operator-=(T2 &, int)
2065 --format=hp
2066 __apl__FR2T2i
2067 operator+=(T2 &, int)
2069 --format=hp
2070 __nw__2T1SFUi
2071 T1::operator new(unsigned int) static
2073 --format=hp
2074 __dl__2T1SFPv
2075 T1::operator delete(void *) static
2077 --format=hp
2078 put__2T7SFi
2079 T7::put(int) static
2081 --format=hp
2082 h__FUc
2083 h(unsigned char)
2085 --format=hp
2086 f__Fic
2087 f(int, char)
2089 --format=hp
2090 h__FUi
2091 h(unsigned int)
2093 --format=hp
2094 h__Fci
2095 h(char, int)
2097 --format=hp
2098 h__FUl
2099 h(unsigned long)
2101 --format=hp
2102 h__Fcl
2103 h(char, long)
2105 --format=hp
2106 h__FUs
2107 h(unsigned short)
2109 --format=hp
2110 h__Fcs
2111 h(char, short)
2113 --format=hp
2114 h__FcT1
2115 h(char, char)
2117 --format=hp
2118 f__Ficd
2119 f(int, char, double)
2121 --format=hp
2122 f__FicdPcPFci_v
2123 f(int, char, double, char *, void (*)(char, int))
2125 --format=hp
2126 f__FicdPcPFic_v
2127 f(int, char, double, char *, void (*)(int, char))
2129 --format=hp
2130 get__2T7SFv
2131 T7::get(void) static
2133 --format=hp
2134 h__Fc
2135 h(char)
2137 --format=hp
2138 h__Fd
2139 h(double)
2141 --format=hp
2142 h__Ff
2143 h(float)
2145 --format=hp
2146 h__Fi
2147 h(int)
2149 --format=hp
2150 f__Fi
2151 f(int)
2153 --format=hp
2154 h__Fl
2155 h(long)
2157 --format=hp
2158 h__Fs
2159 h(short)
2161 --format=hp
2162 f__FicdPc
2163 f(int, char, double, char *)
2165 --format=hp
2166 __nw__FUi
2167 operator new(unsigned int)
2169 --format=hp
2170 __ct__Q3_2T11a1bSFi
2171 T1::a::b::b(int) static
2173 --format=hp
2174 __dt__Q3_2T11a1bSFi
2175 T1::a::b::~b(int) static
2177 --format=hp
2178 put__Q3_2T11a1bSFi
2179 T1::a::b::put(int) static
2181 --format=hp
2182 get__Q2_2T11aSFv
2183 T1::a::get(void) static
2185 --format=hp
2186 put__2T1SFi
2187 T1::put(int) static
2189 --format=hp
2190 put__Q5_2T11a1b1c1dSFi
2191 T1::a::b::c::d::put(int) static
2193 --format=hp
2194 get__Q4_2T11a1b1cSFv
2195 T1::a::b::c::get(void) static
2197 --format=hp
2198 put__Q2_2T11aSFi
2199 T1::a::put(int) static
2201 --format=hp
2202 put__Q4_2T11a1b1cSFi
2203 T1::a::b::c::put(int) static
2205 --format=hp
2206 get__Q3_2T11a1bSFv
2207 T1::a::b::get(void) static
2209 --format=hp
2210 get__2T1SFv
2211 T1::get(void) static
2213 --format=hp
2214 get__Q5_2T11a1b1c1dSFv
2215 T1::a::b::c::d::get(void) static
2217 --format=hp
2218 bar__3fooFPv
2219 foo::bar(void *)
2221 --format=hp
2222 bar__3fooCFPv
2223 foo::bar(void *) const
2225 --format=hp
2226 __eq__3fooFR3foo
2227 foo::operator==(foo &)
2229 --format=hp
2230 __eq__3fooCFR3foo
2231 foo::operator==(foo &) const
2233 --format=hp
2234 bar__3fooFiT16FooBar
2235 foo::bar(int, int, FooBar)
2237 --format=hp
2238 bar__3fooFPiN51PdN37PcN211T1iN215
2239 foo::bar(int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, double *, double *, double *, double *, char *, char *, char *, int *, int, int, int)
2241 --format=hp
2242 __dt__2T5XTPFiPPdPv_i__Fv
2243 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::~T5(void)
2245 --format=hp
2246 __ct__1cFi
2247 c::c(int)
2249 --format=hp
2250 __dt__2T5XTi__Fv
2251 T5<int>::~T5(void)
2253 --format=hp
2254 __dt__2T5XTc__Fv
2255 T5<char>::~T5(void)
2257 --format=hp
2258 __ct__2T2Fi
2259 T2::T2(int)
2261 --format=hp
2262 __dt__2T1Fv
2263 T1::~T1(void)
2265 --format=hp
2266 __dt__2T5XT1x__Fv
2267 T5<x>::~T5(void)
2269 --format=hp
2270 __dt__2T5XTPFcPv_i__Fv
2271 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::~T5(void)
2273 --format=hp
2274 __ct__2T5XTPFiPPdPv_i__Fi
2275 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::T5(int)
2277 --format=hp
2278 __dl__2T5XT1x__SFPv
2279 T5<x>::operator delete(void *) static
2281 --format=hp
2282 X__2T5XT1x
2283 T5<x>::X
2285 --format=hp
2286 __ct__2T5XTi__Fi
2287 T5<int>::T5(int)
2289 --format=hp
2290 __ct__2T5XTc__Fi
2291 T5<char>::T5(int)
2293 --format=hp
2294 __dl__2T5XTPFcPv_i__SFPv
2295 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::operator delete(void *) static
2297 --format=hp
2298 X__2T5XTPFcPv_i
2299 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::X
2301 --format=hp
2302 __ct__2T5XT1x__Fi
2303 T5<x>::T5(int)
2305 --format=hp
2306 __dl__2T5XTPFiPPdPv_i__SFPv
2307 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::operator delete(void *) static
2309 --format=hp
2310 X__2T5XTPFiPPdPv_i
2311 T5<int (*)(int, double **, void *)>::X
2313 --format=hp
2314 __dl__2T5XTi__SFPv
2315 T5<int>::operator delete(void *) static
2317 --format=hp
2318 __dl__2T5XTc__SFPv
2319 T5<char>::operator delete(void *) static
2321 --format=hp
2322 X__2T5XTc
2323 T5<char>::X
2325 --format=hp
2326 X__2T5XTi
2327 T5<int>::X
2329 --format=hp
2330 __ct__2T5XTPFcPv_i__Fi
2331 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::T5(int)
2333 --format=hp
2334 __dt__2T1XTc__Fv
2335 T1<char>::~T1(void)
2337 --format=hp
2338 __dt__2T1XT1t__Fv
2339 T1<t>::~T1(void)
2341 --format=hp
2342 __dl__2T1XT1t__SFPv
2343 T1<t>::operator delete(void *) static
2345 --format=hp
2346 __ct__2T1XTc__Fi
2347 T1<char>::T1(int)
2349 --format=hp
2350 __ct__2T1XTc__Fv
2351 T1<char>::T1(void)
2353 --format=hp
2354 __ct__2T1XT1t__Fi
2355 T1<t>::T1(int)
2357 --format=hp
2358 __ct__2T1XT1t__Fv
2359 T1<t>::T1(void)
2361 --format=hp
2362 __dl__2T1XTc__SFPv
2363 T1<char>::operator delete(void *) static
2365 --format=hp
2366 elem__6vectorXTd__Fi
2367 vector<double>::elem(int)
2369 --format=hp
2370 elem__6vectorXTi__Fi
2371 vector<int>::elem(int)
2373 --format=hp
2374 __ct__6vectorXTd__Fi
2375 vector<double>::vector(int)
2377 --format=hp
2378 __ct__6vectorXTi__Fi
2379 vector<int>::vector(int)
2381 --format=hp
2382 __ct__9DListNodeXTR6RLabel__FR6RLabelP9DListNodeXTR6RLabel_T2
2383 DListNode<RLabel &>::DListNode(RLabel &, DListNode<RLabel &> *, DListNode<RLabel &> *)
2385 --format=hp
2386 elem__6vectorXTiUP34__Fi
2387 vector<int,34U>::elem(int)
2389 --format=hp
2390 elem__6vectorXUP2701Td__Fi
2391 vector<2701U,double>::elem(int)
2393 --format=hp
2394 elem__6vectorXTiSP334__Fi
2395 vector<int,334>::elem(int)
2397 --format=hp
2398 elem__6vectorXTiSN67__Fi
2399 vector<int,-67>::elem(int)
2401 --format=hp
2402 elem__6vectorXTiSM__SCFPPd
2403 vector<int,-2147483648>::elem(double **) static const
2405 --format=hp
2406 elem__6vectorXTiSN67UP4000TRs__Fi
2407 vector<int,-67,4000U,short &>::elem(int)
2409 --format=hp
2410 elem__6vectorXTiSN67TRdTFPv_i__Fi
2411 vector<int,-67,double &,int (void *)>::elem(int)
2413 --format=hp
2414 X__6vectorXTiSN67TdTPvUP5TRs
2415 vector<int,-67,double,void *,5U,short &>::X
2417 --format=hp
2418 elem__6vectorXTiA3foo__Fi
2419 vector<int,&foo>::elem(int)
2421 --format=hp
2422 elem__6vectorXTiA3fooTPvA5Label__FiPPvT2
2423 vector<int,&foo,void *,&Label>::elem(int, void **, void **)
2425 --format=hp
2426 elem__6vectorXTiSN42A3foo__Fi
2427 vector<int,-42,&foo>::elem(int)
2429 --format=hp
2430 __ct__2T5XTPFcPv_i__Fi_2
2431 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::T5(int)
2433 --format=hp
2434 __ct__2T5XTPFcPv_i__Fi_19
2435 T5<int (*)(char, void *)>::T5(int)
2437 --format=hp
2438 f__FicdPcPFci_v_34
2439 f(int, char, double, char *, void (*)(char, int))
2441 --format=hp
2442 spec__13Spec<#1,#1.*>XTiTPi_FPi
2443 Spec<int,int *>::spec(int *)
2445 --format=hp
2446 spec__16Spec<#1,#1.&,#1>XTiTRiTi_FPi
2447 Spec<int,int &,int>::spec(int *)
2449 --format=hp
2450 add__XTc_FcT1
2451 add<char>(char, char)
2453 --format=hp
2454 add__XTcSP9A5label_FcPPlT1
2455 add<char,9,&label>(char, long **, char)
2457 --format=hp
2458 add__XTPfTFPd_f_FcT1
2459 add<float *,float (double *)>(char, char)
2461 --format=hp
2462 unLink__12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator_Fv
2463 basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char>,allocator>::unLink(void)
2465 # A regression test with no args.  This used to cause a segv.
2467 _Utf390_1__1_9223372036854775807__9223372036854775
2468 _Utf390_1__1_9223372036854775807__9223372036854775
2470 --format=gnu
2471 call__H1Z4Test_RX01_t1C2ZX01PMX01FPX01i_vQ2X016output
2472 C<Test, Test::output> call<Test>(Test &)
2474 --format=gnu
2475 fn__FPQ21n1cPMQ21n1cFPQ21n1c_i
2476 fn(n::c *, int (n::c::*)(n::c *))
2478 --format=gnu
2479 f__FGt3Bar1i2G1i
2480 f(Bar<2>, i)
2482 --format=gnu
2483 f__FGt3Bar1i21i
2484 f(Bar<21>, int)
2486 --format=gnu
2487 f__FGt3Bar1i2G4XY_t
2488 f(Bar<2>, XY_t)
2490 --format=gnu
2491 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZRCiZt2NA1Ui9_X01_i
2492 int foo<TA<int const &, NA<9> > >(TA<int const &, NA<9> >)
2494 --format=gnu
2495 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZcZt2NA1Ui20_X01_i
2496 int foo<TA<char, NA<20> > >(TA<char, NA<20> >)
2498 --format=gnu
2499 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZiZt8N___A___1Ui99_X01_i
2500 int foo<TA<int, N___A___<99> > >(TA<int, N___A___<99> >)
2502 --format=gnu
2503 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZRCiZt2NA1im1_X01_i
2504 int foo<TA<int const &, NA<-1> > >(TA<int const &, NA<-1> >)
2506 --format=gnu
2507 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZRCiZt2NA1im9_X01_i
2508 int foo<TA<int const &, NA<-9> > >(TA<int const &, NA<-9> >)
2510 --format=gnu
2511 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZcZt2NA1i_m20__X01_i
2512 int foo<TA<char, NA<-20> > >(TA<char, NA<-20> >)
2514 --format=gnu
2515 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZcZt2NA1im1_X01_i
2516 int foo<TA<char, NA<-1> > >(TA<char, NA<-1> >)
2518 --format=gnu
2519 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZiZt4N__A1im9_X01_i
2520 int foo<TA<int, N__A<-9> > >(TA<int, N__A<-9> >)
2522 --format=gnu
2523 foo__H1Zt2TA2ZiZt4N__A1i_m99__X01_i
2524 int foo<TA<int, N__A<-99> > >(TA<int, N__A<-99> >)
2526 --format=gnu
2527 __opi__t2TA2ZiZt4N__A1i9
2528 TA<int, N__A<9> >::operator int(void)
2530 --format=gnu
2531 __opi__t2TA2ZiZt8N___A___1i_m99_
2532 TA<int, N___A___<-99> >::operator int(void)
2534 --format=gnu
2535 foo___bar__baz_____H1Zt2TA2ZiZt8N___A___1i99_X01_i
2536 int foo___bar__baz___<TA<int, N___A___<99> > >(TA<int, N___A___<99> >)
2538 --format=gnu
2539 foo__bar___foobar_____t2TA2ZiZt8N___A___1i_m99_
2540 TA<int, N___A___<-99> >::foo__bar___foobar___(void)
2542 --format=gnu
2543 foo__bar___foobar_____t2TA2ZiZt4N__A1i9
2544 TA<int, N__A<9> >::foo__bar___foobar___(void)
2546 --format=gnu
2547 __tfP8sockaddr
2548 sockaddr * type_info function
2550 --format=gnu
2551 __tfPQ25libcwt16option_event_tct1Z12burst_app_ct
2552 libcw::option_event_tct<burst_app_ct> * type_info function
2554 --format=gnu
2555 __tiP8sockaddr
2556 sockaddr * type_info node
2558 --format=gnu
2559 __tiPQ25libcwt16option_event_tct1Z12burst_app_ct
2560 libcw::option_event_tct<burst_app_ct> * type_info node
2562 --format=gnu
2563 _27_GLOBAL_.N.__12burst_app_ct.app_instance
2564 {anonymous}::app_instance
2566 --format=gnu
2567 _26_GLOBAL_$N$_tmp_n.iilg4Gya$app_instance
2568 {anonymous}::app_instance
2570 --format=java
2571 _ZN4java3awt10ScrollPane7addImplEPNS0_9ComponentEPNS_4lang6ObjectEi
2572 java.awt.ScrollPane.addImpl(java.awt.Component, java.lang.Object, int)
2574 --format=java
2575 _ZN4java3awt4geom15AffineTransform9getMatrixEP6JArrayIdE
2576 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform.getMatrix(double[])
2578 --format=java
2579 _ZN23Mangle$Inner$InnerInner3fooEP6JArrayIPS0_IiEEdPS0_IPS0_IPS0_IPS0_IPN4java4lang6StringEEEEEPS0_IPS0_IPN6MangleEEE
2580 Mangle$Inner$InnerInner.foo(int[][], double, java.lang.String[][][][], Mangle[][])
2582 --format=java
2583 _ZN6JArray1tEP6JArrayIPS_E
2584 JArray.t(JArray[])
2586 --format=java
2587 _ZN4Prim1iEibcdfwPN4java4lang6StringEsx
2588 Prim.i(int, boolean, byte, double, float, char, java.lang.String, short, long)
2590 --format=java
2591 _ZN4java4util14Map__U24_Entry11class__U24_E
2592 java.util.Map$Entry.class$
2594 --format=hp
2595 _Utf58_0_1__1_2147483647__2147483648
2596 _Utf58_0_1__1_2147483647__2147483648
2598 --format=gnu-v3
2599 St9bad_alloc
2600 std::bad_alloc
2602 --format=gnu-v3
2603 _ZN1f1fE
2604 f::f
2606 --format=gnu-v3
2607 _Z1fv
2610 --format=gnu-v3
2611 _Z1fi
2612 f(int)
2614 --format=gnu-v3
2615 _Z3foo3bar
2616 foo(bar)
2618 --format=gnu-v3
2619 _Zrm1XS_
2620 operator%(X, X)
2622 --format=gnu-v3
2623 _ZplR1XS0_
2624 operator+(X&, X&)
2626 --format=gnu-v3
2627 _ZlsRK1XS1_
2628 operator<<(X const&, X const&)
2630 --format=gnu-v3
2631 _ZN3FooIA4_iE3barE
2632 Foo<int[4]>::bar
2634 --format=gnu-v3
2635 _Z1fIiEvi
2636 void f<int>(int)
2638 --format=gnu-v3
2639 _Z5firstI3DuoEvS0_
2640 void first<Duo>(Duo)
2642 --format=gnu-v3
2643 _Z5firstI3DuoEvT_
2644 void first<Duo>(Duo)
2646 --format=gnu-v3
2647 _Z3fooIiFvdEiEvv
2648 void foo<int, void ()(double), int>()
2650 --format=gnu-v3
2651 _ZN1N1fE
2652 N::f
2654 --format=gnu-v3
2655 _ZN6System5Sound4beepEv
2656 System::Sound::beep()
2658 --format=gnu-v3
2659 _ZN5Arena5levelE
2660 Arena::level
2662 --format=gnu-v3
2663 _ZN5StackIiiE5levelE
2664 Stack<int, int>::level
2666 --format=gnu-v3
2667 _Z1fI1XEvPVN1AIT_E1TE
2668 void f<X>(A<X>::T volatile*)
2670 --format=gnu-v3
2671 _ZngILi42EEvN1AIXplT_Li2EEE1TE
2672 void operator-<42>(A<(42) + (2)>::T)
2674 --format=gnu-v3
2675 _Z4makeI7FactoryiET_IT0_Ev
2676 Factory<int> make<Factory, int>()
2678 --format=gnu-v3
2679 _Z4makeI7FactoryiET_IT0_Ev
2680 Factory<int> make<Factory, int>()
2682 --format=gnu-v3
2683 _Z3foo5Hello5WorldS0_S_
2684 foo(Hello, World, World, Hello)
2686 --format=gnu-v3
2687 _Z3fooPM2ABi
2688 foo(int AB::**)
2690 --format=gnu-v3
2691 _ZlsRSoRKSs
2692 operator<<(std::ostream&, std::string const&)
2694 --format=gnu-v3
2695 _ZTI7a_class
2696 typeinfo for a_class
2698 --format=gnu-v3
2699 U4_farrVKPi
2700 int* restrict volatile const _far
2702 --format=gnu-v3
2703 _Z3fooILi2EEvRAplT_Li1E_i
2704 void foo<2>(int (&) [(2) + (1)])
2706 --format=gnu-v3
2707 _Z1fM1AKFvvE
2708 f(void (A::*)() const)
2710 --format=gnu-v3
2711 _Z3fooc
2712 foo(char)
2714 --format=gnu-v3
2715 2CBIL_Z3foocEE
2716 CB<foo(char)>
2718 --format=gnu-v3
2719 2CBIL_Z7IsEmptyEE
2720 CB<IsEmpty>
2722 --format=gnu-v3
2723 _ZZN1N1fEiE1p
2724 N::f(int)::p
2726 --format=gnu-v3
2727 _ZZN1N1fEiEs
2728 N::f(int)::string literal
2730 --format=gnu-v3
2731 _Z1fPFvvEM1SFvvE
2732 f(void (*)(), void (S::*)())
2734 --format=gnu-v3
2735 _ZN1N1TIiiE2mfES0_IddE
2736 N::T<int, int>::mf(N::T<double, double>)
2738 --format=gnu-v3
2739 _ZSt5state
2740 std::state
2742 --format=gnu-v3
2743 _ZNSt3_In4wardE
2744 std::_In::ward
2746 --format=gnu-v3
2747 _Z1fKPFiiE
2748 f(int (* const)(int))
2750 --format=gnu-v3
2751 _Z1fAszL_ZZNK1N1A1fEvE3foo_0E_i
2752 f(int[sizeof(N::A::f() const::foo)])
2754 --format=gnu-v3
2755 _Z1fA37_iPS_
2756 f(int[37], int (*) [37])
2758 --format=gnu-v3
2759 _Z1fM1AFivEPS0_
2760 f(int (A::*)(), int (*)())
2762 --format=gnu-v3
2763 _Z1fPFPA1_ivE
2764 f(int (*(*)()) [1])
2766 --format=gnu-v3
2767 _Z1fPKM1AFivE
2768 f(int (A::* const*)())
2770 --format=gnu-v3
2771 _Z1jM1AFivEPS1_
2772 j(int (A::*)(), int (A::**)())
2774 --format=gnu-v3
2775 _Z1sPA37_iPS0_
2776 s(int (*) [37], int (**) [37])
2778 --format=gnu-v3
2779 _Z3fooA30_A_i
2780 foo(int[30][])
2782 --format=gnu-v3
2783 _Z3kooPA28_A30_i
2784 koo(int (*) [28][30])
2786 --format=gnu-v3
2787 _ZlsRKU3fooU4bart1XS0_
2788 operator<<(X bart foo const&, X bart)
2790 --format=gnu-v3
2791 _ZlsRKU3fooU4bart1XS2_
2792 operator<<(X bart foo const&, X bart foo const)
2794 --format=gnu-v3
2795 _Z1fM1AKFivE
2796 f(int (A::*)() const)
2798 --format=gnu-v3
2799 _Z3absILi11EEvv
2800 void abs<11>()
2802 --format=gnu-v3
2803 _ZN1AIfEcvT_IiEEv
2804 A<float>::operator int<int>()
2806 --format=gnu-v3
2807 _ZN12libcw_app_ct10add_optionIS_EEvMT_FvPKcES3_cS3_S3_
2808 void libcw_app_ct::add_option<libcw_app_ct>(void (libcw_app_ct::*)(char const*), char const*, char, char const*, char const*)
2810 --format=gnu-v3
2811 _ZGVN5libcw24_GLOBAL__N_cbll.cc0ZhUKa23compiler_bug_workaroundISt6vectorINS_13omanip_id_tctINS_5debug32memblk_types_manipulator_data_ctEEESaIS6_EEE3idsE
2812 guard variable for libcw::(anonymous namespace)::compiler_bug_workaround<std::vector<libcw::omanip_id_tct<libcw::debug::memblk_types_manipulator_data_ct>, std::allocator<libcw::omanip_id_tct<libcw::debug::memblk_types_manipulator_data_ct> > > >::ids
2814 --format=gnu-v3
2815 _ZN5libcw5debug13cwprint_usingINS_9_private_12GlobalObjectEEENS0_17cwprint_using_tctIT_EERKS5_MS5_KFvRSt7ostreamE
2816 libcw::debug::cwprint_using_tct<libcw::_private_::GlobalObject> libcw::debug::cwprint_using<libcw::_private_::GlobalObject>(libcw::_private_::GlobalObject const&, void (libcw::_private_::GlobalObject::*)(std::ostream&) const)
2818 --format=gnu-v3
2819 _ZNKSt14priority_queueIP27timer_event_request_base_ctSt5dequeIS1_SaIS1_EE13timer_greaterE3topEv
2820 std::priority_queue<timer_event_request_base_ct*, std::deque<timer_event_request_base_ct*, std::allocator<timer_event_request_base_ct*> >, timer_greater>::top() const
2822 --format=gnu-v3
2823 _ZNKSt15_Deque_iteratorIP15memory_block_stRKS1_PS2_EeqERKS5_
2824 std::_Deque_iterator<memory_block_st*, memory_block_st* const&, memory_block_st* const*>::operator==(std::_Deque_iterator<memory_block_st*, memory_block_st* const&, memory_block_st* const*> const&) const
2826 --format=gnu-v3
2827 _ZNKSt17__normal_iteratorIPK6optionSt6vectorIS0_SaIS0_EEEmiERKS6_
2828 std::__normal_iterator<option const*, std::vector<option, std::allocator<option> > >::operator-(std::__normal_iterator<option const*, std::vector<option, std::allocator<option> > > const&) const
2830 --format=gnu-v3
2831 _ZNSbIcSt11char_traitsIcEN5libcw5debug27no_alloc_checking_allocatorEE12_S_constructIPcEES6_T_S7_RKS3_
2832 char* std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, libcw::debug::no_alloc_checking_allocator>::_S_construct<char*>(char*, char*, libcw::debug::no_alloc_checking_allocator const&)
2834 --format=gnu-v3
2835 _Z1fI1APS0_PKS0_EvT_T0_T1_PA4_S3_M1CS8_
2836 void f<A, A*, A const*>(A, A*, A const*, A const* (*) [4], A const* (* C::*) [4])
2838 --format=gnu-v3
2839 _Z3fooiPiPS_PS0_PS1_PS2_PS3_PS4_PS5_PS6_PS7_PS8_PS9_PSA_PSB_PSC_
2840 foo(int, int*, int**, int***, int****, int*****, int******, int*******, int********, int*********, int**********, int***********, int************, int*************, int**************, int***************)
2842 --format=gnu-v3
2844 std::D<A*, A*&, A**> std::B<std::D<A*, A* const&, A* const*>, std::D<A*, A*&, A**>, A*>(std::D<A*, A* const&, A* const*>, std::D<A*, A* const&, A* const*>, std::D<A*, A*&, A**>, A**)
2846 --format=gnu-v3
2847 _X11TransParseAddress
2848 _X11TransParseAddress
2850 --format=gnu-v3
2851 _ZNSt13_Alloc_traitsISbIcSt18string_char_traitsIcEN5libcw5debug9_private_17allocator_adaptorIcSt24__default_alloc_templateILb0ELi327664EELb1EEEENS5_IS9_S7_Lb1EEEE15_S_instancelessE
2852 std::_Alloc_traits<std::basic_string<char, std::string_char_traits<char>, libcw::debug::_private_::allocator_adaptor<char, std::__default_alloc_template<false, 327664>, true> >, libcw::debug::_private_::allocator_adaptor<std::basic_string<char, std::string_char_traits<char>, libcw::debug::_private_::allocator_adaptor<char, std::__default_alloc_template<false, 327664>, true> >, std::__default_alloc_template<false, 327664>, true> >::_S_instanceless
2854 --format=gnu-v3
2855 _GLOBAL__I__Z2fnv
2856 global constructors keyed to fn()
2858 --format=gnu-v3
2859 _Z1rM1GFivEMS_KFivES_M1HFivES1_4whatIKS_E5what2IS8_ES3_
2860 r(int (G::*)(), int (G::*)() const, G, int (H::*)(), int (G::*)(), what<G const>, what2<G const>, int (G::*)() const)
2862 # This caused an infinite loop.
2863 # We still don't demangle this correctly, but at least we don't hang.
2864 --format=auto
2865 __CPR212____ct__Q3_3std141list__tm__128_Q2_3edm41THandle__tm__26_Q2_4emid15EMparticleChunkQ2_3std68allocator__tm__51_Q2_3edmJ37J14const_iteratorFRCQ3_3std18list__tm__7_Z1ZZ2Z8iterator
2866 __CPR212____ct__Q3_3std141list__tm__128_Q2_3edm41THandle__tm__26_Q2_4emid15EMparticleChunkQ2_3std68allocator__tm__51_Q2_3edmJ37J14const_iteratorFRCQ3_3std18list__tm__7_Z1ZZ2Z8iterator