Merged revision 156805 into branch.
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / ada / get_scos.adb
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- --
4 -- --
5 -- G E T _ S C O S --
6 -- --
7 -- B o d y --
8 -- --
9 -- Copyright (C) 2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
10 -- --
11 -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
12 -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
13 -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
14 -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15 -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16 -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
17 -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
18 -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
19 -- for a complete copy of the license. --
20 -- --
21 -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
22 -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
23 -- --
24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 with SCOs; use SCOs;
27 with Types; use Types;
29 with Ada.IO_Exceptions; use Ada.IO_Exceptions;
31 procedure Get_SCOs is
32 Dnum : Nat;
33 C : Character;
34 Loc1 : Source_Location;
35 Loc2 : Source_Location;
36 Cond : Character;
37 Dtyp : Character;
39 use ASCII;
40 -- For CR/LF
42 function At_EOL return Boolean;
43 -- Skips any spaces, then checks if we are the end of a line. If so,
44 -- returns True (but does not skip over the EOL sequence). If not,
45 -- then returns False.
47 procedure Check (C : Character);
48 -- Checks that file is positioned at given character, and if so skips past
49 -- it, If not, raises Data_Error.
51 function Get_Int return Int;
52 -- On entry the file is positioned to a digit. On return, the file is
53 -- positioned past the last digit, and the returned result is the decimal
54 -- value read. Data_Error is raised for overflow (value greater than
55 -- Int'Last), or if the initial character is not a digit.
57 procedure Get_Sloc_Range (Loc1, Loc2 : out Source_Location);
58 -- Skips initial spaces, then reads a source location range in the form
59 -- line:col-line:col and places the two source locations in Loc1 and Loc2.
60 -- Raises Data_Error if format does not match this requirement.
62 procedure Skip_EOL;
63 -- Called with the current character about to be read being LF or CR. Skips
64 -- past CR/LF characters until either a non-CR/LF character is found, or
65 -- the end of file is encountered.
67 procedure Skip_Spaces;
68 -- Skips zero or more spaces at the current position, leaving the file
69 -- positioned at the first non-blank character (or Types.EOF).
71 ------------
72 -- At_EOL --
73 ------------
75 function At_EOL return Boolean is
76 begin
77 Skip_Spaces;
78 return Nextc = CR or else Nextc = LF;
79 end At_EOL;
81 -----------
82 -- Check --
83 -----------
85 procedure Check (C : Character) is
86 begin
87 if Nextc = C then
88 Skipc;
89 else
90 raise Data_Error;
91 end if;
92 end Check;
94 -------------
95 -- Get_Int --
96 -------------
98 function Get_Int return Int is
99 Val : Int;
100 C : Character;
102 begin
103 C := Nextc;
104 Val := 0;
106 if C not in '0' .. '9' then
107 raise Data_Error;
108 end if;
110 -- Loop to read digits of integer value
112 loop
113 declare
114 pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
115 begin
116 Val := Val * 10 + (Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'));
117 end;
119 Skipc;
120 C := Nextc;
122 exit when C not in '0' .. '9';
123 end loop;
125 return Val;
127 exception
128 when Constraint_Error =>
129 raise Data_Error;
130 end Get_Int;
132 --------------------
133 -- Get_Sloc_Range --
134 --------------------
136 procedure Get_Sloc_Range (Loc1, Loc2 : out Source_Location) is
137 pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
139 begin
140 Skip_Spaces;
142 Loc1.Line := Logical_Line_Number (Get_Int);
143 Check (':');
144 Loc1.Col := Column_Number (Get_Int);
146 Check ('-');
148 Loc2.Line := Logical_Line_Number (Get_Int);
149 Check (':');
150 Loc2.Col := Column_Number (Get_Int);
152 exception
153 when Constraint_Error =>
154 raise Data_Error;
155 end Get_Sloc_Range;
157 --------------
158 -- Skip_EOL --
159 --------------
161 procedure Skip_EOL is
162 C : Character;
164 begin
165 loop
166 Skipc;
167 C := Nextc;
168 exit when C /= LF and then C /= CR;
170 if C = ' ' then
171 Skip_Spaces;
172 C := Nextc;
173 exit when C /= LF and then C /= CR;
174 end if;
175 end loop;
176 end Skip_EOL;
178 -----------------
179 -- Skip_Spaces --
180 -----------------
182 procedure Skip_Spaces is
183 begin
184 while Nextc = ' ' loop
185 Skipc;
186 end loop;
187 end Skip_Spaces;
189 -- Start of processing for Get_Scos
191 begin
192 SCOs.Initialize;
194 -- Loop through lines of SCO information
196 while Nextc = 'C' loop
197 Skipc;
199 C := Getc;
201 -- Make sure first line is a header line
203 if SCO_Unit_Table.Last = 0 and then C /= ' ' then
204 raise Data_Error;
205 end if;
207 -- Otherwise dispatch on type of line
209 case C is
211 -- Header entry
213 when ' ' =>
215 -- Complete previous entry if any
217 if SCO_Unit_Table.Last /= 0 then
218 SCO_Unit_Table.Table (SCO_Unit_Table.Last).To :=
219 SCO_Table.Last;
220 end if;
222 -- Scan out dependency number and file name
224 declare
225 Ptr : String_Ptr := new String (1 .. 32768);
226 N : Integer;
228 begin
229 Skip_Spaces;
230 Dnum := Get_Int;
232 Skip_Spaces;
234 N := 0;
235 while Nextc > ' ' loop
236 N := N + 1;
237 Ptr.all (N) := Getc;
238 end loop;
240 -- Make new unit table entry (will fill in To later)
242 SCO_Unit_Table.Append (
243 (File_Name => new String'(Ptr.all (1 .. N)),
244 Dep_Num => Dnum,
245 From => SCO_Table.Last + 1,
246 To => 0));
248 Free (Ptr);
249 end;
251 -- Statement entry
253 when 'S' =>
254 declare
255 Typ : Character;
256 Key : Character;
258 begin
259 Skip_Spaces;
260 Key := 'S';
262 loop
263 Typ := Nextc;
265 if Typ in '1' .. '9' then
266 Typ := ' ';
267 else
268 Skipc;
269 end if;
271 Get_Sloc_Range (Loc1, Loc2);
273 Add_SCO
274 (C1 => Key,
275 C2 => Typ,
276 From => Loc1,
277 To => Loc2,
278 Last => At_EOL);
280 exit when At_EOL;
281 Key := 's';
282 end loop;
283 end;
285 -- Decision entry
287 when 'I' | 'E' | 'P' | 'W' | 'X' =>
288 Dtyp := C;
289 Skip_Spaces;
290 C := Getc;
292 -- Case of simple condition
294 if C = 'c' or else C = 't' or else C = 'f' then
295 Cond := C;
296 Get_Sloc_Range (Loc1, Loc2);
297 Add_SCO
298 (C1 => Dtyp,
299 C2 => Cond,
300 From => Loc1,
301 To => Loc2,
302 Last => True);
304 -- Complex expression
306 else
307 Add_SCO (C1 => Dtyp, Last => False);
309 -- Loop through terms in complex expression
311 while C /= CR and then C /= LF loop
312 if C = 'c' or else C = 't' or else C = 'f' then
313 Cond := C;
314 Skipc;
315 Get_Sloc_Range (Loc1, Loc2);
316 Add_SCO
317 (C2 => Cond,
318 From => Loc1,
319 To => Loc2,
320 Last => False);
322 elsif C = '!' or else
323 C = '^' or else
324 C = '&' or else
325 C = '|'
326 then
327 Skipc;
328 Add_SCO (C1 => C, Last => False);
330 elsif C = ' ' then
331 Skip_Spaces;
333 else
334 raise Data_Error;
335 end if;
337 C := Nextc;
338 end loop;
340 -- Reset Last indication to True for last entry
342 SCO_Table.Table (SCO_Table.Last).Last := True;
343 end if;
345 when others =>
346 raise Data_Error;
347 end case;
349 Skip_EOL;
350 end loop;
352 -- Here with all SCO's stored, complete last SCO Unit table entry
354 SCO_Unit_Table.Table (SCO_Unit_Table.Last).To := SCO_Table.Last;
355 end Get_SCOs;