libgccjit: Add ability to get the alignment of a type
[official-gcc.git] / libgomp / testsuite / libgomp.fortran / allocatable7.f90
1 ! { dg-do run }
3 integer, allocatable :: a(:)
4 logical :: l
5 l = .false.
6 !$omp parallel firstprivate (a) reduction (.or.:l)
7 l = allocated (a)
8 allocate (a(10))
9 l = l .or. .not. allocated (a)
10 a = 10
11 if (any (a .ne. 10)) l = .true.
12 deallocate (a)
13 l = l .or. allocated (a)
14 !$omp end parallel
15 if (l) stop 1
16 end