Add a new tune avx256_avoid_vec_perm for SRF.
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / gnat.dg /
1 package Loop_Optimization1 is
3 type Number is range 0 .. 127;
5 type Group_List is array (Positive range <>) of Number;
7 subtype Index is Natural range 1 .. 5;
9 function Groups (T : Integer) return Group_List;
10 pragma Import (Ada, Groups);
12 type Group_Chain (Length : Index := 1) is record
13 Groups : Group_List(1 .. Length);
14 end record;
16 type Group_Chain_List is array (Positive range <>) of Group_Chain;
18 function Group_Chains (T : Integer) return Group_Chain_List;
19 pragma Import (Ada, Group_Chains);
21 type R (I : Boolean) is null record;
23 type R_Access is access R;
25 type R_List is array (Positive range <>) of R_Access;
27 type R_List_Access is access R_List;
29 type D is record
30 L : R_List_Access;
31 end record;
33 procedure Create (A : in out D; Val : Integer);
35 end Loop_Optimization1;