i386: Use offsetable address constraint for double-word memory operands
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / m2 / gm2-libs / DynamicStrings.mod
1 (* DynamicStrings.mod provides a dynamic string type and procedures.
3 Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>.
6 This file is part of GNU Modula-2.
8 GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
11 any later version.
13 GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 General Public License for more details.
18 Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
19 permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
20 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
22 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
23 a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
24 see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
25 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *)
29 FROM libc IMPORT strlen, strncpy, write, exit, snprintf ;
30 FROM StrLib IMPORT StrLen ;
32 FROM Assertion IMPORT Assert ;
34 FROM ASCII IMPORT nul, tab, lf ;
38 MaxBuf = 127 ;
39 PoisonOn = FALSE ; (* to enable debugging of this module, turn on PoisonOn and DebugOn. *)
40 DebugOn = FALSE ;
41 CheckOn = FALSE ; (* to enable debugging of users of this module turn on *)
42 TraceOn = FALSE ; (* CheckOn and TraceOn. Enabling both of these is very expensive. *)
45 Contents = RECORD
46 buf : ARRAY [0..MaxBuf-1] OF CHAR ;
47 len : CARDINAL ;
48 next: String ;
49 END ;
51 Descriptor = POINTER TO descriptor ;
53 String = POINTER TO stringRecord ;
55 DebugInfo = RECORD
56 next: String ; (* a mechanism for tracking used/lost strings *)
57 file: ADDRESS ;
58 line: CARDINAL ;
59 proc: ADDRESS ;
60 END ;
62 stringRecord = RECORD
63 contents: Contents ;
64 head : Descriptor ;
65 debug : DebugInfo ;
66 END ;
68 desState = (inuse, marked, onlist, poisoned) ;
70 descriptor = RECORD
71 charStarUsed : BOOLEAN ; (* can we garbage collect this? *)
72 charStar : ADDRESS ;
73 charStarSize : CARDINAL ;
74 charStarValid: BOOLEAN ;
75 state : desState ;
76 garbage : String ; (* temporary strings to be destroyed
77 once this string is killed *)
78 END ;
80 frame = POINTER TO frameRec ;
81 frameRec = RECORD
82 alloc, dealloc: String ;
83 next : frame ;
84 END ;
86 VAR
87 Initialized: BOOLEAN ;
88 frameHead : frame ;
89 captured : String ; (* debugging aid. *)
92 (* writeStringDesc write out debugging information about string, s. *)
94 PROCEDURE writeStringDesc (s: String) ;
96 writeCstring (s^.debug.file) ; writeString (':') ;
97 writeCard (s^.debug.line) ; writeString (':') ;
98 writeCstring (s^.debug.proc) ; writeString (' ') ;
99 writeAddress (s) ;
100 writeString (' ') ;
101 CASE s^.head^.state OF
103 inuse : writeString ("still in use (") ; writeCard (s^.contents.len) ; writeString (") characters") |
104 marked : writeString ("marked") |
105 onlist : writeString ("on a (lost) garbage list") |
106 poisoned: writeString ("poisoned")
108 ELSE
109 writeString ("unknown state")
111 END writeStringDesc ;
115 writeNspace -
118 PROCEDURE writeNspace (n: CARDINAL) ;
120 WHILE n > 0 DO
121 writeString (' ') ;
122 DEC (n)
124 END writeNspace ;
128 DumpStringInfo -
131 PROCEDURE DumpStringInfo (s: String; i: CARDINAL) ;
133 IF s # NIL
134 THEN
135 writeNspace (i) ; writeStringDesc (s) ; writeLn ;
136 IF s^.head^.garbage # NIL
137 THEN
138 writeNspace (i) ; writeString ('garbage list:') ; writeLn ;
140 s := s^.head^.garbage ;
141 DumpStringInfo (s, i+1) ; writeLn
142 UNTIL s = NIL
145 END DumpStringInfo ;
148 PROCEDURE stop ;
149 END stop ;
153 PopAllocationExemption - test to see that all strings are deallocated, except
154 string e since the last push.
155 Post-condition: it pops to the previous allocation/deallocation
156 lists.
158 If halt is true then the application terminates
159 with an exit code of 1.
162 PROCEDURE PopAllocationExemption (halt: BOOLEAN; e: String) : String ;
164 s: String ;
165 b: BOOLEAN ;
167 Init ;
168 IF CheckOn
169 THEN
170 IF frameHead = NIL
171 THEN
172 stop ;
173 Halt ("mismatched number of PopAllocation's compared to PushAllocation's",
174 __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) ;
175 (* writeString ("mismatched number of PopAllocation's compared to PushAllocation's") *)
176 ELSE
177 IF frameHead^.alloc # NIL
178 THEN
179 b := FALSE ;
180 s := frameHead^.alloc ;
181 WHILE s # NIL DO
182 IF NOT ((e = s) OR IsOnGarbage (e, s) OR IsOnGarbage (s, e))
183 THEN
184 IF NOT b
185 THEN
186 writeString ("the following strings have been lost") ; writeLn ;
187 b := TRUE
188 END ;
189 DumpStringInfo (s, 0)
190 END ;
191 s := s^.debug.next
192 END ;
193 IF b AND halt
194 THEN
195 exit (1)
197 END ;
198 frameHead := frameHead^.next
200 END ;
201 RETURN e
202 END PopAllocationExemption ;
206 PopAllocation - test to see that all strings are deallocated since
207 the last push. Then it pops to the previous
208 allocation/deallocation lists.
210 If halt is true then the application terminates
211 with an exit code of 1.
214 PROCEDURE PopAllocation (halt: BOOLEAN) ;
216 IF CheckOn
217 THEN
218 IF PopAllocationExemption (halt, NIL) = NIL
219 THEN
222 END PopAllocation ;
226 PushAllocation - pushes the current allocation/deallocation lists.
229 PROCEDURE PushAllocation ;
231 f: frame ;
233 IF CheckOn
234 THEN
235 Init ;
236 NEW (f) ;
237 WITH f^ DO
238 next := frameHead ;
239 alloc := NIL ;
240 dealloc := NIL
241 END ;
242 frameHead := f
244 END PushAllocation ;
248 doDSdbEnter -
251 PROCEDURE doDSdbEnter ;
253 IF CheckOn
254 THEN
255 PushAllocation
257 END doDSdbEnter ;
261 doDSdbExit -
264 PROCEDURE doDSdbExit (s: String) ;
266 IF CheckOn
267 THEN
268 s := PopAllocationExemption (TRUE, s)
270 END doDSdbExit ;
274 DSdbEnter -
277 PROCEDURE DSdbEnter ;
279 END DSdbEnter ;
283 DSdbExit -
286 PROCEDURE DSdbExit (s: String) ;
288 END DSdbExit ;
293 * #if defined(GM2_DEBUG_DYNAMICSTINGS)
294 * # define DSdbEnter doDSdbEnter
295 * # define DSdbExit doDSdbExit
296 * # define CheckOn TRUE
297 * # define TraceOn TRUE
298 * #endif
302 PROCEDURE Capture (s: String) : CARDINAL ;
304 captured := s ;
305 RETURN 1
306 END Capture ;
310 Min -
315 IF a < b
316 THEN
317 RETURN a
318 ELSE
319 RETURN b
321 END Min ;
325 Max -
330 IF a > b
331 THEN
332 RETURN a
333 ELSE
334 RETURN b
336 END Max ;
340 writeString - writes a string to stdout.
343 PROCEDURE writeString (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ;
345 i: INTEGER ;
347 i := write (1, ADR (a), StrLen (a))
348 END writeString ;
352 writeCstring - writes a C string to stdout.
355 PROCEDURE writeCstring (a: ADDRESS) ;
357 i: INTEGER ;
359 IF a = NIL
360 THEN
361 writeString ('(null)')
362 ELSE
363 i := write (1, a, strlen (a))
365 END writeCstring ;
369 writeCard -
372 PROCEDURE writeCard (c: CARDINAL) ;
374 ch: CHAR ;
375 i : INTEGER ;
377 IF c > 9
378 THEN
379 writeCard (c DIV 10) ;
380 writeCard (c MOD 10)
381 ELSE
382 ch := CHR (ORD ('0') + c) ;
383 i := write (1, ADR (ch), 1)
385 END writeCard ;
389 writeLongcard -
392 PROCEDURE writeLongcard (l: LONGCARD) ;
394 ch: CHAR ;
395 i : INTEGER ;
397 IF l > 16
398 THEN
399 writeLongcard (l DIV 16) ;
400 writeLongcard (l MOD 16)
401 ELSIF l < 10
402 THEN
403 ch := CHR (ORD ('0') + VAL (CARDINAL, l)) ;
404 i := write(1, ADR(ch), 1)
405 ELSIF l<16
406 THEN
407 ch := CHR (ORD ('a') + VAL(CARDINAL, l) - 10) ;
408 i := write (1, ADR (ch), 1)
410 END writeLongcard ;
414 writeAddress - writes out the address of a with a C style hex prefix.
417 PROCEDURE writeAddress (a: ADDRESS) ;
419 buffer: ARRAY [0..30] OF CHAR ;
421 snprintf (ADR (buffer), SIZE (buffer), "0x%", a) ;
422 writeString (buffer) ;
423 END writeAddress ;
427 writeLn - writes a newline.
430 PROCEDURE writeLn ;
432 ch: CHAR ;
433 i : INTEGER ;
435 ch := lf ;
436 i := write (1, ADR (ch), 1)
437 END writeLn ;
441 AssignDebug - assigns, file, and, line, information to string, s.
444 PROCEDURE AssignDebug (s: String; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL; proc: ARRAY OF CHAR) : String ;
446 f, p: ADDRESS ;
448 f := ADR (file) ;
449 p := ADR (proc) ;
450 WITH s^ DO
451 ALLOCATE (debug.file, StrLen (file) + 1) ;
452 IF strncpy(debug.file, f, StrLen(file)+1)=NIL
453 THEN
454 END ;
455 debug.line := line ;
456 ALLOCATE (debug.proc, StrLen (proc) + 1) ;
457 IF strncpy (debug.proc, p, StrLen (proc) + 1) = NIL
458 THEN
460 END ;
461 RETURN( s )
462 END AssignDebug ;
466 CopyOut - copies string, s, to a.
469 PROCEDURE CopyOut (VAR a: ARRAY OF CHAR; s: String) ;
471 i, l: CARDINAL ;
473 l := Min (HIGH (a) + 1, Length (s)) ;
474 i := 0 ;
475 WHILE i < l DO
476 a[i] := char (s, i) ;
477 INC (i)
478 END ;
479 IF i <= HIGH (a)
480 THEN
481 a[i] := nul
483 END CopyOut ;
487 IsOn - returns TRUE if, s, is on one of the debug lists.
490 PROCEDURE IsOn (list, s: String) : BOOLEAN ;
492 WHILE (list # s) AND (list # NIL) DO
493 list := list^.debug.next
494 END ;
495 RETURN list = s
496 END IsOn ;
500 AddTo - adds string, s, to, list.
503 PROCEDURE AddTo (VAR list: String; s: String) ;
505 IF list = NIL
506 THEN
507 list := s ;
508 s^.debug.next := NIL
509 ELSE
510 s^.debug.next := list ;
511 list := s
513 END AddTo ;
517 SubFrom - removes string, s, from, list.
520 PROCEDURE SubFrom (VAR list: String; s: String) ;
522 p: String ;
524 IF list = s
525 THEN
526 list := s^.debug.next ;
527 ELSE
528 p := list ;
529 WHILE (p^.debug.next # NIL) AND (p^.debug.next # s) DO
530 p := p^.debug.next
531 END ;
532 IF p^.debug.next = s
533 THEN
534 p^.debug.next := s^.debug.next
535 ELSE
536 (* not found, quit *)
539 END ;
540 s^.debug.next := NIL
541 END SubFrom ;
545 AddAllocated - adds string, s, to the head of the allocated list.
548 PROCEDURE AddAllocated (s: String) ;
550 Init ;
551 AddTo (frameHead^.alloc, s)
552 END AddAllocated ;
556 AddDeallocated - adds string, s, to the head of the deallocated list.
559 PROCEDURE AddDeallocated (s: String) ;
561 Init ;
562 AddTo (frameHead^.dealloc, s)
563 END AddDeallocated ;
567 IsOnAllocated - returns TRUE if the string, s, has ever been allocated.
570 PROCEDURE IsOnAllocated (s: String) : BOOLEAN ;
572 f: frame ;
574 Init ;
575 f := frameHead ;
577 IF IsOn (f^.alloc, s)
578 THEN
580 ELSE
581 f := f^.next
583 UNTIL f = NIL ;
585 END IsOnAllocated ;
589 IsOnDeallocated - returns TRUE if the string, s, has ever been deallocated.
592 PROCEDURE IsOnDeallocated (s: String) : BOOLEAN ;
594 f: frame ;
596 Init ;
597 f := frameHead ;
599 IF IsOn (f^.dealloc, s)
600 THEN
602 ELSE
603 f := f^.next
605 UNTIL f = NIL ;
607 END IsOnDeallocated ;
611 SubAllocated - removes string, s, from the list of allocated strings.
614 PROCEDURE SubAllocated (s: String) ;
616 f: frame ;
618 Init ;
619 f := frameHead ;
621 IF IsOn (f^.alloc, s)
622 THEN
623 SubFrom (f^.alloc, s) ;
625 ELSE
626 f := f^.next
628 UNTIL f = NIL
629 END SubAllocated ;
633 SubDeallocated - removes string, s, from the list of deallocated strings.
636 PROCEDURE SubDeallocated (s: String) ;
638 f: frame ;
640 Init ;
641 f := frameHead ;
643 IF IsOn (f^.dealloc, s)
644 THEN
645 SubFrom (f^.dealloc, s) ;
647 ELSE
648 f := f^.next
650 UNTIL f = NIL
651 END SubDeallocated ;
655 SubDebugInfo - removes string, s, from the list of allocated strings.
658 PROCEDURE SubDebugInfo (s: String) ;
660 IF IsOnDeallocated (s)
661 THEN
662 Assert (NOT DebugOn) ;
663 (* string has already been deallocated *)
665 END ;
666 IF IsOnAllocated (s)
667 THEN
668 SubAllocated (s) ;
669 AddDeallocated (s)
670 ELSE
671 Assert (NOT DebugOn)
672 (* string has not been allocated *)
674 END SubDebugInfo ;
678 AddDebugInfo - adds string, s, to the list of allocated strings.
681 PROCEDURE AddDebugInfo (s: String) ;
683 WITH s^ DO
684 debug.next := NIL ;
685 debug.file := NIL ;
686 debug.line := 0 ;
687 debug.proc := NIL ;
688 END ;
689 IF CheckOn
690 THEN
691 AddAllocated (s)
693 END AddDebugInfo ;
697 ConcatContents - add the contents of string, a, where, h, is the
698 total length of, a. The offset is in, o.
701 PROCEDURE ConcatContents (VAR c: Contents; a: ARRAY OF CHAR; h, o: CARDINAL) ;
703 i: CARDINAL ;
705 i := c.len ;
706 WHILE (o < h) AND (i < MaxBuf) DO
707 c.buf[i] := a[o] ;
708 INC (o) ;
709 INC (i)
710 END ;
711 IF o < h
712 THEN
713 c.len := MaxBuf ;
714 NEW (c.next) ;
715 WITH c.next^ DO
716 head := NIL ;
717 contents.len := 0 ;
718 contents.next := NIL ;
719 ConcatContents (contents, a, h, o)
720 END ;
721 AddDebugInfo (c.next) ;
722 c.next := AssignDebug (c.next, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
723 ELSE
724 c.len := i
726 END ConcatContents ;
730 InitString - creates and returns a String type object.
731 Initial contents are, a.
734 PROCEDURE InitString (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) : String ;
736 s: String ;
738 NEW(s) ;
739 WITH s^ DO
740 WITH contents DO
741 len := 0 ;
742 next := NIL
743 END ;
744 ConcatContents (contents, a, StrLen (a), 0) ;
745 NEW (head) ;
746 WITH head^ DO
747 charStarUsed := FALSE ;
748 charStar := NIL ;
749 charStarSize := 0;
750 charStarValid := FALSE ;
751 garbage := NIL ;
752 state := inuse ;
754 END ;
755 AddDebugInfo (s) ;
756 IF TraceOn
757 THEN
758 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
759 END ;
760 RETURN s
761 END InitString ;
765 DeallocateCharStar - deallocates any charStar.
768 PROCEDURE DeallocateCharStar (s: String) ;
770 IF (s # NIL) AND (s^.head # NIL)
771 THEN
772 WITH s^.head^ DO
773 IF charStarUsed AND (charStar # NIL)
774 THEN
775 DEALLOCATE (charStar, charStarSize)
776 END ;
777 charStarUsed := FALSE ;
778 charStar := NIL ;
779 charStarSize := 0 ;
780 charStarValid := FALSE
783 END DeallocateCharStar ;
787 CheckPoisoned - checks for a poisoned string, s.
790 PROCEDURE CheckPoisoned (s: String) : String ;
792 IF PoisonOn AND (s # NIL) AND (s^.head # NIL) AND (s^.head^.state = poisoned)
793 THEN
794 HALT
795 END ;
796 RETURN s
797 END CheckPoisoned ;
801 KillString - frees String, s, and its contents.
802 NIL is returned.
805 PROCEDURE KillString (s: String) : String ;
807 t: String ;
809 IF PoisonOn
810 THEN
811 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
812 END ;
813 IF s # NIL
814 THEN
815 IF CheckOn
816 THEN
817 IF IsOnAllocated (s)
818 THEN
819 SubAllocated (s)
820 ELSIF IsOnDeallocated (s)
821 THEN
822 SubDeallocated (s)
824 END ;
825 WITH s^ DO
826 IF head # NIL
827 THEN
828 WITH head^ DO
829 state := poisoned ;
830 garbage := KillString (garbage) ;
831 IF NOT PoisonOn
832 THEN
833 DeallocateCharStar (s)
835 END ;
836 IF NOT PoisonOn
837 THEN
838 DISPOSE (head) ;
839 head := NIL
841 END ;
842 t := KillString (s^.contents.next) ;
843 IF NOT PoisonOn
844 THEN
845 DISPOSE (s)
848 END ;
850 END KillString ;
854 Fin - finishes with a string, it calls KillString with, s.
855 The purpose of the procedure is to provide a short cut
856 to calling KillString and then testing the return result.
859 PROCEDURE Fin (s: String) ;
861 IF KillString (s) # NIL
862 THEN
863 HALT
865 END Fin ;
869 MarkInvalid - marks the char * version of String, s, as invalid.
872 PROCEDURE MarkInvalid (s: String) ;
874 IF PoisonOn
875 THEN
876 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
877 END ;
878 IF s^.head # NIL
879 THEN
880 s^.head^.charStarValid := FALSE
882 END MarkInvalid ;
886 ConcatContentsAddress - concatenate the string, a, where, h, is the
887 total length of, a.
890 PROCEDURE ConcatContentsAddress (VAR c: Contents; a: ADDRESS; h: CARDINAL) ;
893 i, j: CARDINAL ;
895 j := 0 ;
896 i := c.len ;
897 p := a ;
898 WHILE (j < h) AND (i < MaxBuf) DO
899 c.buf[i] := p^ ;
900 INC (i) ;
901 INC (j) ;
902 INC (p)
903 END ;
904 IF j < h
905 THEN
906 c.len := MaxBuf ;
907 NEW (c.next) ;
908 WITH c.next^ DO
909 head := NIL ;
910 contents.len := 0 ;
911 contents.next := NIL ;
912 ConcatContentsAddress (contents, p, h - j)
913 END ;
914 AddDebugInfo (c.next) ;
915 IF TraceOn
916 THEN
917 c.next := AssignDebug (c.next, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
919 ELSE
920 c.len := i ;
921 c.next := NIL
923 END ConcatContentsAddress ;
927 InitStringCharStar - initializes and returns a String to contain the C string.
930 PROCEDURE InitStringCharStar (a: ADDRESS) : String ;
932 s: String ;
934 NEW (s) ;
935 WITH s^ DO
936 WITH contents DO
937 len := 0 ;
938 next := NIL
939 END ;
940 IF a#NIL
941 THEN
942 ConcatContentsAddress (contents, a, strlen (a))
943 END ;
944 NEW (head) ;
945 WITH head^ DO
946 charStarUsed := FALSE ;
947 charStar := NIL ;
948 charStarSize := 0 ;
949 charStarValid := FALSE ;
950 garbage := NIL ;
951 state := inuse
953 END ;
954 AddDebugInfo (s) ;
955 IF TraceOn
956 THEN
957 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
958 END ;
959 RETURN s
960 END InitStringCharStar ;
964 InitStringChar - initializes and returns a String to contain the single character, ch.
967 PROCEDURE InitStringChar (ch: CHAR) : String ;
969 a: ARRAY [0..1] OF CHAR ;
970 s: String ;
972 a[0] := ch ;
973 a[1] := nul ;
974 s := InitString (a) ;
975 IF TraceOn
976 THEN
977 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
978 END ;
979 RETURN s
980 END InitStringChar ;
984 Mark - marks String, s, ready for garbage collection.
987 PROCEDURE Mark (s: String) : String ;
989 IF PoisonOn
990 THEN
991 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
992 END ;
993 IF (s # NIL) AND (s^.head^.state = inuse)
994 THEN
995 s^.head^.state := marked
996 END ;
997 RETURN s
998 END Mark ;
1002 AddToGarbage - adds String, b, onto the garbage list of, a. Providing
1003 the state of b is marked. The state is then altered to
1004 onlist. String, a, is returned.
1007 PROCEDURE AddToGarbage (a, b: String) : String ;
1009 c: String ;
1010 BEGIN
1011 IF PoisonOn
1012 THEN
1013 a := CheckPoisoned (a) ;
1014 b := CheckPoisoned (b)
1015 END ;
1017 IF (a#NIL) AND (a#b) AND (a^.head^.state=marked)
1018 THEN
1019 writeString('warning trying to add to a marked string') ; writeLn
1020 END ;
1022 IF (a # b) AND (a # NIL) AND (b # NIL) AND (b^.head^.state = marked) AND (a^.head^.state = inuse)
1023 THEN
1024 c := a ;
1025 WHILE c^.head^.garbage # NIL DO
1026 c := c^.head^.garbage
1027 END ;
1028 c^.head^.garbage := b ;
1029 b^.head^.state := onlist ;
1030 IF CheckOn
1031 THEN
1032 SubDebugInfo (b)
1034 END ;
1035 RETURN a
1036 END AddToGarbage ;
1040 IsOnGarbage - returns TRUE if, s, is on string, e, garbage list.
1043 PROCEDURE IsOnGarbage (e, s: String) : BOOLEAN ;
1044 BEGIN
1045 IF (e # NIL) AND (s # NIL)
1046 THEN
1047 WHILE e^.head^.garbage # NIL DO
1048 IF e^.head^.garbage = s
1049 THEN
1051 ELSE
1052 e := e^.head^.garbage
1055 END ;
1057 END IsOnGarbage ;
1061 Length - returns the length of the String, s.
1064 PROCEDURE Length (s: String) : CARDINAL ;
1065 BEGIN
1066 IF s = NIL
1067 THEN
1068 RETURN 0
1069 ELSE
1070 RETURN s^.contents.len + Length (s^.contents.next)
1072 END Length ;
1076 ConCat - returns String, a, after the contents of, b, have been appended.
1079 PROCEDURE ConCat (a, b: String) : String ;
1081 t: String ;
1082 BEGIN
1083 IF PoisonOn
1084 THEN
1085 a := CheckPoisoned (a) ;
1086 b := CheckPoisoned (b)
1087 END ;
1088 IF a = b
1089 THEN
1090 RETURN ConCat (a, Mark (Dup (b)))
1091 ELSIF a # NIL
1092 THEN
1093 a := AddToGarbage (a, b) ;
1094 MarkInvalid (a) ;
1095 t := a ;
1096 WHILE b # NIL DO
1097 WHILE (t^.contents.len = MaxBuf) AND (t^.contents.next # NIL) DO
1098 t := t^.contents.next
1099 END ;
1100 ConcatContents (t^.contents, b^.contents.buf, b^.contents.len, 0) ;
1101 b := b^.contents.next
1103 END ;
1104 IF (a = NIL) AND (b # NIL)
1105 THEN
1106 HALT
1107 END ;
1108 RETURN a
1109 END ConCat ;
1113 ConCatChar - returns String, a, after character, ch, has been appended.
1116 PROCEDURE ConCatChar (a: String; ch: CHAR) : String ;
1118 b: ARRAY [0..1] OF CHAR ;
1119 t: String ;
1120 BEGIN
1121 IF PoisonOn
1122 THEN
1123 a := CheckPoisoned (a)
1124 END ;
1125 b[0] := ch ;
1126 b[1] := nul ;
1127 t := a ;
1128 MarkInvalid (a) ;
1129 WHILE (t^.contents.len = MaxBuf) AND (t^.contents.next # NIL) DO
1130 t := t^.contents.next
1131 END ;
1132 ConcatContents (t^.contents, b, 1, 0) ;
1133 RETURN a
1134 END ConCatChar ;
1138 ReplaceChar - returns string s after it has changed all occurances of from to to.
1141 PROCEDURE ReplaceChar (s: String; from, to: CHAR) : String ;
1143 t: String ;
1144 i: CARDINAL ;
1145 BEGIN
1146 t := s ;
1147 WHILE t # NIL DO
1148 i := 0 ;
1149 WHILE i < t^.contents.len DO
1150 IF t^.contents.buf[i] = from
1151 THEN
1152 t^.contents.buf[i] := to
1153 END ;
1154 INC (i)
1155 END ;
1156 t := t^.contents.next
1157 END ;
1158 RETURN s
1159 END ReplaceChar ;
1163 Assign - assigns the contents of, b, into, a.
1164 String, a, is returned.
1167 PROCEDURE Assign (a, b: String) : String ;
1168 BEGIN
1169 IF PoisonOn
1170 THEN
1171 a := CheckPoisoned (a) ;
1172 b := CheckPoisoned (b)
1173 END ;
1174 IF (a # NIL) AND (b # NIL)
1175 THEN
1176 WITH a^ DO
1177 contents.next := KillString (contents.next) ;
1178 contents.len := 0
1180 END ;
1181 RETURN ConCat (a, b)
1182 END Assign ;
1186 Dup - duplicate a String, s, returning the copy of s.
1189 PROCEDURE Dup (s: String) : String ;
1190 BEGIN
1191 IF PoisonOn
1192 THEN
1193 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1194 END ;
1195 s := Assign (InitString (''), s) ;
1196 IF TraceOn
1197 THEN
1198 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1199 END ;
1200 RETURN s
1201 END Dup ;
1205 Add - returns a new String which contains the contents of a and b.
1208 PROCEDURE Add (a, b: String) : String ;
1209 BEGIN
1210 IF PoisonOn
1211 THEN
1212 a := CheckPoisoned (a) ;
1213 b := CheckPoisoned (b)
1214 END ;
1215 a := ConCat (ConCat (InitString (''), a), b) ;
1216 IF TraceOn
1217 THEN
1218 a := AssignDebug (a, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1219 END ;
1220 RETURN a
1221 END Add ;
1225 Equal - returns TRUE if String, a, and, b, are equal.
1228 PROCEDURE Equal (a, b: String) : BOOLEAN ;
1230 i: CARDINAL ;
1231 BEGIN
1232 IF PoisonOn
1233 THEN
1234 a := CheckPoisoned (a) ;
1235 b := CheckPoisoned (b)
1236 END ;
1237 IF Length (a) = Length (b)
1238 THEN
1239 WHILE (a # NIL) AND (b # NIL) DO
1240 i := 0 ;
1241 Assert (a^.contents.len = b^.contents.len) ;
1242 WHILE i<a^.contents.len DO
1243 IF a^.contents.buf[i] # b^.contents.buf[i]
1244 THEN
1246 END ;
1247 INC (i)
1248 END ;
1249 a := a^.contents.next ;
1250 b := b^.contents.next
1251 END ;
1253 ELSE
1256 END Equal ;
1260 EqualCharStar - returns TRUE if contents of String, s, is the same as the
1261 string, a.
1264 PROCEDURE EqualCharStar (s: String; a: ADDRESS) : BOOLEAN ;
1266 t: String ;
1267 BEGIN
1268 IF PoisonOn
1269 THEN
1270 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1271 END ;
1272 t := InitStringCharStar (a) ;
1273 IF TraceOn
1274 THEN
1275 t := AssignDebug (t, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1276 END ;
1277 t := AddToGarbage (t, s) ;
1278 IF Equal (t, s)
1279 THEN
1280 t := KillString (t) ;
1282 ELSE
1283 t := KillString (t) ;
1286 END EqualCharStar ;
1290 EqualArray - returns TRUE if contents of String, s, is the same as the
1291 string, a.
1294 PROCEDURE EqualArray (s: String; a: ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN ;
1296 t: String ;
1297 BEGIN
1298 IF PoisonOn
1299 THEN
1300 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1301 END ;
1302 t := InitString (a) ;
1303 IF TraceOn
1304 THEN
1305 t := AssignDebug (t, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1306 END ;
1307 t := AddToGarbage (t, s) ;
1308 IF Equal (t, s)
1309 THEN
1310 t := KillString (t) ;
1312 ELSE
1313 t := KillString (t) ;
1316 END EqualArray ;
1320 Mult - returns a new string which is n concatenations of String, s.
1323 PROCEDURE Mult (s: String; n: CARDINAL) : String ;
1324 BEGIN
1325 IF PoisonOn
1326 THEN
1327 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1328 END ;
1329 IF n<=0
1330 THEN
1331 s := AddToGarbage (InitString (''), s)
1332 ELSE
1333 s := ConCat (Mult (s, n-1), s)
1334 END ;
1335 IF TraceOn
1336 THEN
1337 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1338 END ;
1339 RETURN s
1340 END Mult ;
1344 Slice - returns a new string which contains the elements
1345 low..high-1
1347 strings start at element 0
1348 Slice(s, 0, 2) will return elements 0, 1 but not 2
1349 Slice(s, 1, 3) will return elements 1, 2 but not 3
1350 Slice(s, 2, 0) will return elements 2..max
1351 Slice(s, 3, -1) will return elements 3..max-1
1352 Slice(s, 4, -2) will return elements 4..max-2
1355 PROCEDURE Slice (s: String; low, high: INTEGER) : String ;
1357 d, t : String ;
1358 start, stop, o: INTEGER ;
1359 BEGIN
1360 IF PoisonOn
1361 THEN
1362 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1363 END ;
1364 IF low < 0
1365 THEN
1366 low := VAL (INTEGER, Length (s)) + low
1367 END ;
1368 IF high <= 0
1369 THEN
1370 high := VAL (INTEGER, Length (s)) + high
1371 ELSE
1372 (* make sure high is <= Length (s) *)
1373 high := Min (Length (s), high)
1374 END ;
1375 d := InitString ('') ;
1376 d := AddToGarbage (d, s) ;
1377 o := 0 ;
1378 t := d ;
1379 WHILE s # NIL DO
1380 IF low < o + VAL (INTEGER, s^.contents.len)
1381 THEN
1382 IF o > high
1383 THEN
1384 s := NIL
1385 ELSE
1386 (* found sliceable unit *)
1387 IF low < o
1388 THEN
1389 start := 0
1390 ELSE
1391 start := low - o
1392 END ;
1393 stop := Max (Min (MaxBuf, high - o), 0) ;
1394 WHILE t^.contents.len = MaxBuf DO
1395 IF t^.contents.next = NIL
1396 THEN
1397 NEW (t^.contents.next) ;
1398 WITH t^.contents.next^ DO
1399 head := NIL ;
1400 contents.len := 0
1401 END ;
1402 AddDebugInfo (t^.contents.next) ;
1403 IF TraceOn
1404 THEN
1405 t^.contents.next := AssignDebug (t^.contents.next, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1407 END ;
1408 t := t^.contents.next
1409 END ;
1410 ConcatContentsAddress (t^.contents,
1411 ADR (s^.contents.buf[start]), stop - start) ;
1412 INC (o, s^.contents.len) ;
1413 s := s^.contents.next
1415 ELSE
1416 INC (o, s^.contents.len) ;
1417 s := s^.contents.next
1418 END ;
1419 END ;
1420 IF TraceOn
1421 THEN
1422 d := AssignDebug (d, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1423 END ;
1424 RETURN d
1425 END Slice ;
1429 Index - returns the indice of the first occurance of, ch, in
1430 String, s. -1 is returned if, ch, does not exist.
1431 The search starts at position, o.
1434 PROCEDURE Index (s: String; ch: CHAR; o: CARDINAL) : INTEGER ;
1436 i, k: CARDINAL ;
1437 BEGIN
1438 IF PoisonOn
1439 THEN
1440 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1441 END ;
1442 k := 0 ;
1443 WHILE s # NIL DO
1444 WITH s^ DO
1445 IF k + contents.len < o
1446 THEN
1447 INC (k, contents.len)
1448 ELSE
1449 i := o - k ;
1450 WHILE i < contents.len DO
1451 IF contents.buf[i] = ch
1452 THEN
1453 RETURN k + i
1454 END ;
1455 INC (i)
1456 END ;
1457 INC (k, i) ;
1458 o := k
1460 END ;
1461 s := s^.contents.next
1462 END ;
1463 RETURN -1
1464 END Index ;
1468 RIndex - returns the indice of the last occurance of, ch,
1469 in String, s. The search starts at position, o.
1470 -1 is returned if, ch, is not found. The search
1471 is performed left to right.
1474 PROCEDURE RIndex (s: String; ch: CHAR; o: CARDINAL) : INTEGER ;
1476 i, k: CARDINAL ;
1477 j : INTEGER ;
1478 BEGIN
1479 IF PoisonOn
1480 THEN
1481 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1482 END ;
1483 j := -1 ;
1484 k := 0 ;
1485 WHILE s # NIL DO
1486 WITH s^ DO
1487 IF k + contents.len < o
1488 THEN
1489 INC (k, contents.len)
1490 ELSE
1491 IF o < k
1492 THEN
1493 i := 0
1494 ELSE
1495 i := o - k
1496 END ;
1497 WHILE i < contents.len DO
1498 IF contents.buf[i] = ch
1499 THEN
1500 j := k
1501 END ;
1502 INC (k) ;
1503 INC (i)
1506 END ;
1507 s := s^.contents.next
1508 END ;
1509 RETURN j
1510 END RIndex ;
1514 ReverseIndex - returns the indice of the last occurance of ch
1515 in String s. The search starts at position o
1516 and searches from right to left. The start position
1517 may be indexed negatively from the right (-1 is the
1518 last index).
1519 The return value if ch is found will always be positive.
1520 -1 is returned if ch is not found.
1523 PROCEDURE ReverseIndex (s: String; ch: CHAR; o: INTEGER) : INTEGER ;
1525 c: CARDINAL ;
1526 BEGIN
1527 IF PoisonOn
1528 THEN
1529 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1530 END ;
1531 IF o < 0
1532 THEN
1533 o := VAL (INTEGER, Length (s)) + o ;
1534 IF o < 0
1535 THEN
1536 RETURN -1
1538 END ;
1539 IF VAL (CARDINAL, o) < Length (s)
1540 THEN
1541 WHILE o >= 0 DO
1542 IF char (s, o) = ch
1543 THEN
1544 RETURN o
1545 ELSE
1546 DEC (o)
1549 END ;
1550 RETURN -1
1551 END ReverseIndex ;
1555 RemoveComment - assuming that, comment, is a comment delimiter
1556 which indicates anything to its right is a comment
1557 then strip off the comment and also any white space
1558 on the remaining right hand side.
1559 It leaves any white space on the left hand side alone.
1562 PROCEDURE RemoveComment (s: String; comment: CHAR) : String ;
1564 i: INTEGER ;
1565 BEGIN
1566 i := Index (s, comment, 0) ;
1567 IF i = 0
1568 THEN
1569 s := InitString ('')
1570 ELSIF i > 0
1571 THEN
1572 s := RemoveWhitePostfix (Slice (Mark (s), 0, i))
1573 END ;
1574 IF TraceOn
1575 THEN
1576 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1577 END ;
1578 RETURN s
1579 END RemoveComment ;
1583 char - returns the character, ch, at position, i, in String, s.
1586 PROCEDURE char (s: String; i: INTEGER) : CHAR ;
1588 c: CARDINAL ;
1589 BEGIN
1590 IF PoisonOn
1591 THEN
1592 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1593 END ;
1594 IF i<0
1595 THEN
1596 c := VAL (CARDINAL, VAL (INTEGER, Length (s)) + i)
1597 ELSE
1598 c := i
1599 END ;
1600 WHILE (s # NIL) AND (c >= s^.contents.len) DO
1601 DEC (c, s^.contents.len) ;
1602 s := s^.contents.next
1603 END ;
1604 IF (s = NIL) OR (c >= s^.contents.len)
1605 THEN
1606 RETURN nul
1607 ELSE
1608 RETURN s^.contents.buf[c]
1610 END char ;
1614 string - returns the C style char * of String, s.
1617 PROCEDURE string (s: String) : ADDRESS ;
1619 a : String ;
1620 l, i: CARDINAL ;
1621 p : POINTER TO CHAR ;
1622 BEGIN
1623 IF PoisonOn
1624 THEN
1625 s := CheckPoisoned (s)
1626 END ;
1627 IF s = NIL
1628 THEN
1630 ELSE
1631 IF NOT s^.head^.charStarValid
1632 THEN
1633 l := Length (s) ;
1634 WITH s^.head^ DO
1635 IF NOT (charStarUsed AND (charStarSize > l))
1636 THEN
1637 DeallocateCharStar (s) ;
1638 ALLOCATE (charStar, l+1) ;
1639 charStarSize := l+1 ;
1640 charStarUsed := TRUE
1641 END ;
1642 p := charStar ;
1643 END ;
1644 a := s ;
1646 i := 0 ;
1647 WHILE i < a^.contents.len DO
1648 p^ := a^.contents.buf[i] ;
1649 INC (i) ;
1650 INC (p)
1651 END ;
1652 a := a^.contents.next
1653 END ;
1654 p^ := nul ;
1655 s^.head^.charStarValid := TRUE
1656 END ;
1657 RETURN s^.head^.charStar
1659 END string ;
1663 IsWhite - returns TRUE if, ch, is a space or a tab.
1666 PROCEDURE IsWhite (ch: CHAR) : BOOLEAN ;
1667 BEGIN
1668 RETURN (ch = ' ') OR (ch = tab)
1669 END IsWhite ;
1673 RemoveWhitePrefix - removes any leading white space from String, s.
1674 A new string is returned.
1677 PROCEDURE RemoveWhitePrefix (s: String) : String ;
1679 i: CARDINAL ;
1680 BEGIN
1681 i := 0 ;
1682 WHILE IsWhite (char (s, i)) DO
1683 INC (i)
1684 END ;
1685 s := Slice (s, INTEGER (i), 0) ;
1686 IF TraceOn
1687 THEN
1688 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1689 END ;
1690 RETURN s
1691 END RemoveWhitePrefix ;
1695 RemoveWhitePostfix - removes any leading white space from String, s.
1696 A new string is returned.
1699 PROCEDURE RemoveWhitePostfix (s: String) : String ;
1701 i: INTEGER ;
1702 BEGIN
1703 i := VAL(INTEGER, Length (s)) - 1 ;
1704 WHILE (i >= 0) AND IsWhite (char (s, i)) DO
1705 DEC (i)
1706 END ;
1707 s := Slice (s, 0, i+1) ;
1708 IF TraceOn
1709 THEN
1710 s := AssignDebug (s, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
1711 END ;
1712 RETURN s
1713 END RemoveWhitePostfix ;
1717 ToUpper - returns string, s, after it has had its lower case characters
1718 replaced by upper case characters.
1719 The string, s, is not duplicated.
1722 PROCEDURE ToUpper (s: String) : String ;
1724 ch: CHAR ;
1725 i : CARDINAL ;
1726 t : String ;
1727 BEGIN
1728 IF s # NIL
1729 THEN
1730 MarkInvalid (s) ;
1731 t := s ;
1732 WHILE t # NIL DO
1733 WITH t^ DO
1734 i := 0 ;
1735 WHILE i < contents.len DO
1736 ch := contents.buf[i] ;
1737 IF (ch >= 'a') AND (ch <= 'z')
1738 THEN
1739 contents.buf[i] := CHR (ORD (ch) - ORD ('a') + ORD ('A'))
1740 END ;
1741 INC (i)
1743 END ;
1744 t := t^.contents.next
1746 END ;
1747 RETURN s
1748 END ToUpper ;
1752 ToLower - returns string, s, after it has had its upper case characters
1753 replaced by lower case characters.
1754 The string, s, is not duplicated.
1757 PROCEDURE ToLower (s: String) : String ;
1759 ch: CHAR ;
1760 i : CARDINAL ;
1761 t : String ;
1762 BEGIN
1763 IF s # NIL
1764 THEN
1765 MarkInvalid (s) ;
1766 t := s ;
1767 WHILE t # NIL DO
1768 WITH t^ DO
1769 i := 0 ;
1770 WHILE i < contents.len DO
1771 ch := contents.buf[i] ;
1772 IF (ch >= 'A') AND (ch <= 'Z')
1773 THEN
1774 contents.buf[i] := CHR (ORD (ch) - ORD ('A') + ORD ('a'))
1775 END ;
1776 INC (i)
1778 END ;
1779 t := t^.contents.next
1781 END ;
1782 RETURN s
1783 END ToLower ;
1787 InitStringDB - the debug version of InitString.
1790 PROCEDURE InitStringDB (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) : String ;
1791 BEGIN
1792 RETURN AssignDebug (InitString (a), file, line, 'InitString')
1793 END InitStringDB ;
1797 InitStringCharStarDB - the debug version of InitStringCharStar.
1800 PROCEDURE InitStringCharStarDB (a: ADDRESS; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) : String ;
1801 BEGIN
1802 RETURN AssignDebug (InitStringCharStar (a), file, line, 'InitStringCharStar')
1803 END InitStringCharStarDB ;
1807 InitStringCharDB - the debug version of InitStringChar.
1810 PROCEDURE InitStringCharDB (ch: CHAR; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) : String ;
1811 BEGIN
1812 RETURN AssignDebug (InitStringChar (ch), file, line, 'InitStringChar')
1813 END InitStringCharDB ;
1817 MultDB - the debug version of MultDB.
1820 PROCEDURE MultDB (s: String; n: CARDINAL; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) : String ;
1821 BEGIN
1822 RETURN AssignDebug (Mult (s, n), file, line, 'Mult')
1823 END MultDB ;
1827 DupDB - the debug version of Dup.
1830 PROCEDURE DupDB (s: String; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) : String ;
1831 BEGIN
1832 RETURN AssignDebug (Dup (s), file, line, 'Dup')
1833 END DupDB ;
1837 SliceDB - debug version of Slice.
1840 PROCEDURE SliceDB (s: String; low, high: INTEGER;
1841 file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) : String ;
1842 BEGIN
1843 DSdbEnter ;
1844 s := AssignDebug (Slice (s, low, high), file, line, 'Slice') ;
1845 DSdbExit (s) ;
1846 RETURN s
1847 END SliceDB ;
1851 DumpState -
1854 PROCEDURE DumpState (s: String) ;
1855 BEGIN
1856 CASE s^.head^.state OF
1858 inuse : writeString ("still in use (") ; writeCard (s^.contents.len) ; writeString (") characters") |
1859 marked : writeString ("marked") |
1860 onlist : writeString ("on a garbage list") |
1861 poisoned: writeString ("poisoned")
1863 ELSE
1864 writeString ("unknown state")
1866 END DumpState ;
1870 DumpStringSynopsis -
1873 PROCEDURE DumpStringSynopsis (s: String) ;
1874 BEGIN
1875 writeCstring (s^.debug.file) ; writeString (':') ;
1876 writeCard (s^.debug.line) ; writeString (':') ;
1877 writeCstring (s^.debug.proc) ;
1878 writeString (' string ') ;
1879 writeAddress (s) ;
1880 writeString (' ') ;
1881 DumpState (s) ;
1882 IF IsOnAllocated (s)
1883 THEN
1884 writeString (' globally allocated')
1885 ELSIF IsOnDeallocated (s)
1886 THEN
1887 writeString (' globally deallocated')
1888 ELSE
1889 writeString (' globally unknown')
1890 END ;
1891 writeLn
1892 END DumpStringSynopsis ;
1896 DumpString - displays the contents of string, s.
1899 PROCEDURE DumpString (s: String) ;
1901 t: String ;
1902 BEGIN
1903 IF s # NIL
1904 THEN
1905 DumpStringSynopsis (s) ;
1906 IF (s^.head # NIL) AND (s^.head^.garbage # NIL)
1907 THEN
1908 writeString ('display chained strings on the garbage list') ; writeLn ;
1909 t := s^.head^.garbage ;
1910 WHILE t # NIL DO
1911 DumpStringSynopsis (t) ;
1912 t := t^.head^.garbage
1916 END DumpString ;
1920 Init - initialize the module.
1923 PROCEDURE Init ;
1924 BEGIN
1925 IF NOT Initialized
1926 THEN
1927 Initialized := TRUE ;
1928 frameHead := NIL ;
1929 PushAllocation ;
1931 END Init ;
1934 BEGIN
1935 Initialized := FALSE ;
1936 Init
1937 END DynamicStrings.