[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / libjava / classpath / examples / gnu / classpath / examples / CORBA / swing / README.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>Five-in-a-row v 0.0</title>
4 </head>
5 <body LANG="en-US">
6 <h1>
7 <i>Five-in-a-row
8 </i> 0.0 supplementary documentation
9 </h1>
10 <h3>Introduction and rules
11 </h3>
12 <p>
13 <i>Five-in-a-row
14 </i> is a two player strategy game. The players
15 are connected via network using CORBA-based RMI/IIOP protocol and
16 make they moves with the help of the Swing-based
17 interface. While playing, the users can also chat.
18 </p>
19 <p>The system consists of the single server and any number of
20 interconnected players. The person, willing to play, starts the
21 client and connects the server. The server redirects call to the
22 partner that has previously connected the same server, also willing
23 to play.
24 </p>
25 <p>The game desk is a field where it is possible to set O's
26 and X'es, one per move. The goal is to get five O's in a row while
27 preventing your partner from getting five X's in a row. Vertical,
28 horizontal and diagonal rows are allowed. The system detects the
29 loss-victory situation on the desk, but currently does not serve as a
30 playing partner, requiring at least two human players for this game.
31 </p>
32 <p>Both players can at any time reset the game (restarting it with
33 the same player) or leave the game (disconnecting). The disconnected
34 player can contact the game manager again, requesting to find another
35 partner.
36 </p>
37 <p>Simple as it is, the application has some features of the typical
38 role playing game that frequently just has more states, actions,
39 possible moves and also provides far richer graphics environment. The
40 game manger serves as a World-Wide-Pub where you can always find a
41 partner to play.
43 The players can made both unsynchronized (chatting, game reset and
44 leaving) and synchronized (moves) actions. The game state changes
45 while playing, and the set of the available actions depends on the
46 current state. Finally, the mouse and canvas are involved. However
47 using RMI/IIOP machinery allowed to implement all this functionality
48 with just 13 classes (plus 4 generated), all of them being rather
49 simple.
51 This example refers to the standard classes only and must be buildable
52 from your IDE as long as it has any java 1.4 compiler.
53 </p>
54 <p>
55 The used IIOP protocol must ensure interoperability, allowing players
56 to use different java virtual machines and operating systems.
57 The processors may have the opposite byte order.
58 </p>
59 <h3>Configuration and run
60 </h3>
61 <p>The game manager server executable class is
62 <i>gnu.classpath.examples.CORBA.swing.x5.X5Server
63 </i>. After start,
64 it will print to console the Internet address that must be entered to
65 the client to reach the manager.
66 </p>
67 <p>The client executable class it
68 <i>gnu.classpath.examples.CORBA.swing.x5.Demo
69 </i>.
70 </p>
71 <p>The game should run with GNU Classpath
72 0.19 and Sun Microsystems java 1.5.0_04. Due later fixed bugs it will
73 not run with the older versions of these two implementations.
74 </p>
75 <p>The game manager HTTP server uses port
76 1500. Hence all firewalls between the server and the player must be
77 configured to allow HTTP on 1500. The ports, used by the RMI/IIOP are
78 not persistent. GNU Classpath is configured to take ports 1501, 1502
79 and 1503 (the firewalls must allow to use them for RMI/IIOP). The
80 CORBA implementation other than Classpath may use different port
81 values. Unfortunately, there is no standard method to configure the
82 used port range in a vendor-independent way.
83 </p>
84 <h3>The game server
85 </h3>
86 <p>The game manager is first reachable via http:// protocol (for
87 instance http://123.456.7.89:1500). The simple server at this port
88 always serves much longer string, representing the CORBA stringified
89 object reference (IOR). The
90 <i>Five-in-a-row&nbsp;
91 </i>client uses
92 this reference to find and access the remote game server object.
93 </p>
94 <p>If the server player queue is empty, it simply queues this player.
95 If the queue is not empty, the server introduces the arrived player
96 and queued player to each other as leaves the them alone. When
97 playing, the two clients communicate with each other directly, so the
98 server is just a &ldquo;meeting point&rdquo; where the players can
99 find each other. The game server is a console-only application.
100 </p>
101 <p>The initial server http:// address must be transferred to players
102 by some other means of communication (web chat, E-mail, link in a web
103 site and so on). The server writes this address to the specified
104 file, and the client can also take the default value from the same
105 file. This is convenient when all applications run on a single
106 machine, but also may be used to transfer the address via shared
107 filesystem.
108 </p>
109 <h3>The game client
110 </h3>
111 <p>The clients are Swing-based GUI applications, capable for remote
112 communication with each other and with the game manager. They have a
113 set of predefined states and switch between these states in
114 accordance to the preprogrammed logic. The client states are defined
115 in the
116 <i>State
117 </i> interface. They are displayed in the bottom left
118 corner of the window and are summarized in the following table:
119 </p>
121 <thead>
122 <tr BGCOLOR="#ccccff">
123 <th BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
124 Our state
125 </th>
126 <th BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
127 Partner state
128 </th>
129 <th BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
130 Possible actions
131 </th>
132 <th BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
133 Comment
134 </th>
135 </tr>
136 </thead>
137 <tbody>
138 <tr>
139 <td>
140 Disconnected
141 </td>
142 <td>
143 Partner not accessible
144 </td>
145 <td>
146 Connect
147 </td>
148 <td>
149 Initial state.
150 </td>
151 </tr>
152 <tr>
153 <td>
154 Queued
155 </td>
156 <td>
157 Partner not accessible
158 </td>
159 <td>
160 Leave
161 </td>
162 <td>
163 Queued by the game manager.
164 </td>
165 </tr>
166 <tr>
167 <td>
168 I think.
169 </td>
170 <td>
171 I wait for your move
172 </td>
173 <td>
174 Make move, reset game, leave, chat.
175 </td>
176 <td>
177 The person who waited for another player to come starts
178 the game first.
179 </td>
180 </tr>
181 <tr>
182 <td>
183 I wait for your move
184 </td>
185 <td>
186 I think
187 </td>
188 <td>
189 Chat, reset game, leave.
190 </td>
191 <td>
192 After the partner makes the move, the state changes to
193 <i>I think
194 </i>, unless the end of game situation is detected by
195 the desk analyzer.
196 </td>
197 </tr>
198 <tr>
199 <td>
200 I have lost
201 </td>
202 <td>
203 I have won
204 </td>
205 <td>
206 Chat, reset game, leave.
207 </td>
208 <td>
209 Can be entered with the help of the desk analyzer only.
210 </td>
211 </tr>
212 <tr>
213 <td>
214 I have won
215 </td>
216 <td>
217 I have lost
218 </td>
219 <td>
220 Chat, reset game, leave
221 </td>
222 <td>
223 Can be entered with the help of the desk analyzer only.
224 </td>
225 </tr>
226 <tr>
227 <td>
228 Error
229 </td>
230 <td>
232 </td>
233 <td>
234 Chat, leave
235 </td>
236 <td>
237 This should never happen under normal work, but the demo
238 program may be modified by the user.
239 </td>
240 </tr>
241 </tbody>
242 </table>
243 <br>
244 <br>
245 As it is seen, being in one of the states, the client expects to
246 be the partner client in a certain defined state, and both clients
247 change they states in a synchronized manner. Each state has its own
248 set of the available actions and each action either preserves the
249 current state (chat, reset) or changes it following the rules. For
250 this simple example, the state change rules are obvious.
251 <h3>The used RMI-IIOP architecture
252 </h3>
253 Both player and game manager servants are derived from the
254 <i>org.omg.PortableServer.Servant
255 </i> and, being servants, are simply
256 connected to the
257 <i>POA
258 </i>with
259 <i>POA.servant_to_reference
260 </i>. The
261 first remote object (game manager) is found using the stringified
262 object reference. No naming service is involved.
263 </p>
264 Where required, the CORBA objects are narrowed into required
265 player and game manager interfaces using method
266 <i>PortableRemoteObject.narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object object, Class
267 interface_class)
268 </i>, passing the actual interface of the object as
269 the second parameter. After narrowing, the remote side obtains
270 possibility to invoke remote methods, defined in the interface of
271 this object. After the first remote object is found, other objects
272 can be simply passed as the method parameters. For instance, the game
273 manager introduces another player by passing its reference as a
274 parameter to the method
275 <i>Player.start_game.
276 </i>
277 <h3>Class and interface summary
278 </h3>
280 <col>
281 <col>
282 <tr>
283 <th COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
284 Executables classes
285 </th>
286 </tr>
287 <tr>
288 <td>
289 Demo
290 </td>
291 <td>
292 The main executable class of the game client.
293 </td>
294 </tr>
295 <tr>
296 <td>
297 X5Server
298 </td>
299 <td>
300 The main executable class of the game manager server.
301 </td>
302 </tr>
303 </table>
304 <p></p>
306 <tr BGCOLOR="#ccccff">
307 <th COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
308 Interface Summary
309 </th>
310 </tr>
311 <tr>
312 <td>
313 GameManager
314 </td>
315 <td>
316 The game manager interface.
317 </td>
318 </tr>
319 <tr>
320 <td>
321 Player
322 </td>
323 <td>
324 Defines remote methods that are invoked by another player or by
325 the challenge server.
326 </td>
327 </tr>
328 <tr>
329 <td>
330 State
331 </td>
332 <td>
333 Defines the states in that the player can be.
334 </td>
335 </tr>
336 </table>
337 &nbsp;
339 <col>
340 <col>
341 <tr BGCOLOR="#ccccff">
342 <th COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff">
343 Class Summary
344 </th>
345 </tr>
346 <tr>
347 <td>
348 _GameManager_Stub
349 </td>
350 <td>
351 Normally generated with rmic compiler, this class represents
352 the GameManager Stub on the client side.
353 </td>
354 </tr>
355 <tr>
356 <td>
357 _GameManagerImpl_Tie
358 </td>
359 <td>
360 Normally generated with rmic compiler, this class represents
361 the GameManager Tie on the client side.
362 </td>
363 </tr>
364 <tr>
365 <td>
366 _Player_Stub
367 </td>
368 <td>
369 Generate with rmic, command line rmic -iiop -poa -keep
370 gnu.classpath.examples.CORBA.swing.x5.PlayerImpl (the compiled
371 package must be present in the current folder).
372 </td>
373 </tr>
374 <tr>
375 <td>
376 _PlayerImpl_Tie
377 </td>
378 <td>
379 Generate with rmic, command line rmic -iiop -poa -keep
380 gnu.classpath.examples.CORBA.swing.x5.PlayerImpl (the compiled
381 package must be present in the current folder).
382 </td>
383 </tr>
384 <tr>
385 <td>
386 ChatConstants
387 </td>
388 <td>
389 The chat color code constants, used to indicate who is talking.
390 </td>
391 </tr>
392 <tr>
393 <td>
394 ClientFrame
395 </td>
396 <td>
397 The JFrame of the GUI client.
398 </td>
399 </tr>
400 <tr>
401 <td>
402 GameManagerImpl
403 </td>
404 <td>
405 The manager connects two players into the game.
406 </td>
407 </tr>
408 <tr>
409 <td>
410 IorReader
411 </td>
412 <td>
413 Reads the remote URL.
414 </td>
415 </tr>
416 <tr>
417 <td>
418 OrbStarter
419 </td>
420 <td>
421 Starts the ORBs, involved into this application.
422 </td>
423 </tr>
424 <tr>
425 <td>
426 PlayerImpl
427 </td>
428 <td>
429 The implementation of the PlayerCommunicator, providing the
430 local functionality.
431 </td>
432 </tr>
433 <tr>
434 <td>
435 PlayingDesk
436 </td>
437 <td>
438 Manages actions, related to the game rules and also does all
439 painting.
440 </td>
441 </tr>
442 </table>
443 <h3>See also
444 </h3>
446 <a HREF="">
447 </a>
448 </p>
450 <a HREF="">
451 </a>
452 </p>
453 <p>Copyright
454 </p>
456 <font COLOR="#b3b3b3">Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation,
457 Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free
458 software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
459 the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
460 Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
461 GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
462 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
464 General Public License for more details. You should have received a
465 copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see
466 the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
467 Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
468 Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
469 making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
470 conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
471 combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this
472 library give you permission to link this library with independent
473 modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of
474 these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting
475 executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet,
476 for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the
477 license of that module. An independent module is a module which is
478 not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
479 library, you may extend this exception to your version of the
480 library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
481 so, delete this exception statement from your version.
482 </font>
483 </p>
485 <br>
486 <br>
487 </p>
489 First version written by <a href="">
490 Audrius Me&scaron;kauskas</a>
491 </p>
492 </body>
493 </html>