[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / libjava / classpath / doc / / stories.wml
1 #include "include/layout.wml"
3 <set-var last-modified-author="prk">
5 <subject "GNU Classpath Success Stories">
7 <box>
8 <boxtitle><a name="jvm">Classpath::JVM</a></boxtitle>
10 <boxitem>
11 <en>
12 <p>
13 The primary target for GNU Classpath was originally <createlink
14 url="" name="Japhar">. Japhar-0.07 works out-of-the-box with
15 GNU Classpath-0.00. Current Japhar versions do not work with current versions
16 of GNU Classpath.
17 </p>
19 <p>In the meantime, many other JVM have choosen GNU Classpath as their library implementation:</p>
21 <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="6">
22 <!--tr><th>JVM</th><th>Description</th></tr-->
24 <project url="" name="AegisVM">
25 The Aegis VM Project is an on-going effort to develop a lightweight,
26 secure virtual machine for executing Java bytecode. The Aegis VM will
27 eventually feature a modular bytecode verification architecture that
28 allows user-defined static verification procedures to be integrated
29 into the VM's dynamic linking process through pluggable verification
30 modules.
31 </project>
33 <project url="" name="GCJ">
34 Although GNU Classpath cannot be directly compiled for use with
35 GCJ at this time, a lot of work has been done to merge GCJ class
36 library code and GNU Classpath class library code. This has resulted
37 in a better version of each. The current merge status between the two
38 projects is <createlink url=""
39 name="located here">.
40 </project>
42 <project url="" name="IKVM.NET">
43 A JVM for the .NET platform.
44 Runs on top of <createlink url="" name="Mono">.
45 </project>
47 <project url="" name="JAmiga">
48 A JRE implementation for the Amiga Platform.
49 </project>
51 <project url="" name="JamVM">
52 JamVM is a Java Virtual Machine which conforms to the JVM specification version 2 (blue book). In comparison to most other VM's (free and commercial) it is extremely small, with a stripped executable on PowerPC of only ~100K, and Intel 80K. However, unlike other small VMs (e.g. KVM) it is designed to support the full specification, and includes support for object finalisation, the Java Native Interface (JNI) and the Reflection API.
53 </project>
55 <project url="" name="Jaos">
56 The Jaos VM is a JVM using GNU Classpath implemented on top of the
57 <createlink url="" name="Aos/Bluebottle"> kernel.
58 This kernel offers many useful features like garbage collected memory
59 management, dynamic module loading, and object-oriented model. This makes the
60 implementation of a JVM particularly attractive and simple.
61 </project>
63 <project url="" name="JC">
64 JC is a Java virtual machine implementation that converts class
65 files into C source files using the Soot Java bytecode analysis
66 framework, compiles them with GCC, and loads them using a built-in
67 ELF object file loader.
68 </project>
70 <project url="" name="Jikes RVM">
71 Jikes RVM uses GNU Classpath for all of its libraries. Instructions for using
72 Classpath are provided in the Jikes RVM user's guide as of the Jikes RVM
73 release 2.2.1 (4/7/03). Nightly regression tests are run against the latest
74 Classpath release and the Classpath CVS head. The results are posted on the
75 jikesrvm-regression mailing list, which is archived and available on the Jikes
76 RVM home page.
77 </project>
79 <project url="" name="JNode">
80 JNode is a <i>Java New Operating System Design Effort</i>.
81 The goal is to get an simple to use and install Java operating system for personal use. Any java application should run on it, fast &amp; secure!
82 </project>
84 <project url="" name="Jupiter">
85 This VM also uses a modified version of the GNU Classpath libraries.
86 </project>
88 <project url="" name="Kaffe">
89 Kaffe OpenVM is a complete virtual machine, library framework and
90 tools for programming in the java language. It has its own
91 implementation of part of the core libraries, but uses large parts of
92 the GNU Classpath framework.
93 </project>
95 <project url="" name="Kissme">
96 This VM is almost always guaranteed to work with GNU Classpath CVS
97 source code.
98 </project>
100 <project url="" name="ORP">
101 Information about ORP
102 can also be found at <createlink url=""
103 name="">. ORP 1.10 does not work with
104 current GNU Classpath libraries. Information is available in the
105 mailing list archives.
106 </project>
108 <project url="" name="SableVM">
109 SableVM is a robust, extremely portable, efficient, and
110 specifications-compliant Java Virtual Machine that aims to be easy to
111 maintain and to extend. It features a state-of-the-art, efficient
112 interpreter engine. Its source code is very accessible and easy to
113 understand, and has many robustness features that have been the object
114 of careful design.
115 </project>
117 <project url="" name="CACAO">
118 CACAO is a research Java Virtual Machine developed at the Vienna
119 University of Technology. It has a compile-only approach, which means
120 there is no interpreter at all but a JIT compiler ported to different
121 architectures, like Alpha, i386, MIPS, PowerPC, and x86_64. The main
122 aim of CACAO is to keep the JIT compilation time as small as possible
123 while producing quite fast code.
124 </project>
126 </table>
127 </en>
129 <H4>Other projects using GNU classpath</H4>
130 <en>
131 <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="6">
132 <!--tr><th>Project</th><th>Description</th></tr-->
133 <project url="" name="Flex Compiler">
134 FLEX is a compiler infrastructure written in Java for Java. Applications
135 include a program analysis and transformation framework for distributed
136 and embedded systems. Native backends exist for the StrongARM and MIPS
137 processors; it can also generate portable C code that can run on any
138 platform with gcc.
139 </project>
140 </table>
141 </en>
143 </boxitem>
145 <!--
146 <boxtitle><a name="applications">Classpath::Applications</a></boxtitle>
147 <boxitem>
148 Having an application running on a JVM using classpath implicitly proves that
149 classpath is fit enough for its purpose.
150 <p>The following free software applications have been run on classpath-based environments:
151 <ul>
152 <li>Eclipse (on gcj)
153 </ul>
154 </boxitem>
157 <boxtitle><a name="research">Classpath::Research</a></boxtitle>
158 <boxitem>
159 <p>Many research projects have choosen GNU Classpath as their implementation of choice for
160 the Java Libraries, mostly because it is free software, which means the freedom to use,
161 analyze, and change the code for one's purposes.</p>
164 # Shortcut for table entries
166 <define-tag entry endtag=required>
167 <preserve name>
168 <set-var %attributes>
169 <tr>
170 <td valign="top"><get-var name></td>
171 <td>%body</td>
172 </tr>
173 <restore name>
174 </define-tag>
176 <p>The following research projects are using GNU Classpath:
177 <table border="0" cellpadding="6">
178 <!--tr><th>Project</th><th>Description</th>
179 </tr-->
181 <entry name="Intel's ORP">
182 <createlink url="" name="ORP"> (Open Runtime Platform) is an open source research infrastructure project that provides these features thus enabling the rapid evolution of systems research of dynamic compilation and memory management.
184 <p>[<createlink name="Publications" url="">]
185 </entry>
187 <entry name="IBM's Jikes RVM">
188 <createlink url="" name="Jikes RVM"> (the Jikes Research Virtual Machine) provides the research community with a flexible open testbed to prototype virtual machine technologies and experiment with a large variety of design alternatives. The virtual machine infrastructure in the Jikes RVM release was independently developed as part of the JalapeƱo research project at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
190 <p>[<createlink name="Publications" url="">]
191 </entry>
193 <entry name="SableVM">
194 <createlink url="" name="SableVM"> SableVM is a
195 highly portable and efficient Java virtual machine, using
196 state-of-the-art interpratation techniques. Its goals are to be
197 reasonably small, fast, and compliant with the various specifications
198 (JVM specification, JNI, invocation interface, etc.).
200 <p> The initial development of SableVM was done as part of the
201 Ph.D. research project of <createlink name="Etienne Gagnon"
202 url="">. Continuing development of
203 SableVM project involves the <createlink name="Sable Research Group"
204 url=""> (McGill University and Universite
205 du Quebec a Montreal), and other generous <createlink name="Free
206 software contributors"
207 url="">.
209 <p>[<createlink name="SableVM Documents" url="">]
210 <br>[<createlink name="Sable Publications (Papers)" url="">]
211 </entry>
213 <entry name="Jaos">
214 <createlink name="Jaos" url=""> (Java on Active Object System) is a Java Virtual Machine for the Bluebottle System and a case study in interoperability between the Oberon and Java Languages.
216 <p>Jaos was developed as part of Patrik Reali's Ph.D research project at the <createlink name="Programming Languages and Run-Time Systems Research Group" url=""> at <createlink name="ETH Zurich" url="">.
218 <p>[<createlink name="Publications" url="">]
219 </entry>
221 </table>
223 </boxitem>
225 </box>