[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cxa / cxa5a03.a
1 -- CXA5A03.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that the functions Tan, Tanh, and Arctanh provide correct
28 -- results.
31 -- This test examines both the version of Tan, Tanh, and Arctanh
32 -- the instantiation of the Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions
33 -- with a type derived from type Float, as well as the preinstantiated
34 -- version of this package for type Float.
35 -- Prescribed results, including instances prescribed to raise
36 -- exceptions, are examined in the test cases. In addition,
37 -- certain evaluations are performed where the actual function result
38 -- is compared with the expected result (within an epsilon range of
39 -- accuracy).
42 -- The following files comprise this test:
44 -- FXA5A00.A (foundation code)
45 -- CXA5A03.A
49 -- 14 Mar 95 SAIC Initial prerelease version.
50 -- 06 Apr 95 SAIC Corrected errors in context clause references
51 -- and usage of Cycle parameter.
52 -- 13 Jun 95 SAIC Incorporated use of Dont_Optimize procedure, and
53 -- use of Result_Within_Range function overloaded for
54 -- FXA5A00.New_Float_Type.
55 -- 29 Jun 98 EDS Protected exception tests by first testing
56 -- for 'Machine_Overflows
58 --!
60 with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
61 with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
62 with FXA5A00;
63 with Report;
65 procedure CXA5A03 is
66 begin
68 Report.Test ("CXA5A03", "Check that the functions Tan, Tanh, and " &
69 "Arctanh provide correct results");
71 Test_Block:
72 declare
74 use Ada.Numerics;
75 use FXA5A00;
77 package GEF is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(New_Float);
78 package EF renames Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
80 The_Result : Float;
81 New_Float_Result : New_Float;
83 procedure Dont_Optimize_Float is new Dont_Optimize(Float);
84 procedure Dont_Optimize_New_Float is new Dont_Optimize(New_Float);
86 begin
88 -- Testing of Tan Function, both instantiated and pre-instantiated
89 -- version.
91 -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Tan with very
92 -- large (positive and negative) input values.
94 begin
95 New_Float_Result := GEF.Tan (New_Float(FXA5A00.Large));
96 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 1);
97 exception
98 when others =>
99 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on GEF.Tan with large " &
100 "positive value");
101 end;
103 begin
104 The_Result := EF.Tan (FXA5A00.Minus_Large);
105 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 2);
106 exception
107 when others =>
108 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Tan with large " &
109 "negative value");
110 end;
113 -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Tan with very
114 -- small (positive and negative) input values.
116 begin
117 New_Float_Result := GEF.Tan (New_Float(FXA5A00.Small));
118 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 3);
119 exception
120 when others =>
121 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on GEF.Tan with small " &
122 "positive value");
123 end;
125 begin
126 The_Result := EF.Tan (-FXA5A00.Small);
127 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 4);
128 exception
129 when others =>
130 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Tan with small " &
131 "negative value");
132 end;
135 -- Check prescribed result from Tan function. When the parameter X
136 -- has the value zero, the Tan function yields a result of zero.
138 if GEF.Tan(0.0) /= 0.0 or
139 EF.Tan(0.0) /= 0.0
140 then
141 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Tan function with zero " &
142 "value input parameter");
143 end if;
146 -- Check the results of the Tan function with various input parameters.
148 if not (Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tan(0.7854), 1.0, 0.001) and
149 Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tan(0.8436), 1.124, 0.001) and
150 Result_Within_Range( EF.Tan(Pi), 0.0, 0.001) and
151 Result_Within_Range( EF.Tan(-Pi), 0.0, 0.001) and
152 Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tan(0.5381), 0.597, 0.001) and
153 Result_Within_Range( EF.Tan(0.1978), 0.200, 0.001))
154 then
155 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Tan function with various " &
156 "input parameters");
157 end if;
160 -- Testing of Tan function with cycle parameter.
162 -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised by the Tan function with
163 -- specified cycle, when the value of the parameter X is an odd
164 -- multiple of the quarter cycle.
166 if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
167 begin
168 New_Float_Result := GEF.Tan(270.0, 360.0);
169 Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by GEF.Tan on odd " &
170 "multiple of the quarter cycle");
171 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 5);
172 exception
173 when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
174 when others =>
175 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by GEF.Tan on odd " &
176 "multiple of the quarter cycle");
177 end;
178 end if;
180 -- Check that the exception Numerics.Argument_Error is raised, when
181 -- the value of the parameter Cycle is zero or negative.
183 begin
184 New_Float_Result := GEF.Tan(X => 1.0, Cycle => -360.0);
185 Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by GEF.Tan when Cycle " &
186 "parameter has negative value");
187 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 6);
188 exception
189 when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
190 when others =>
191 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by GEF.Tan when Cycle " &
192 "parameter has negative value");
193 end;
195 begin
196 The_Result := EF.Tan(1.0, Cycle => 0.0);
197 Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by GEF.Tan when Cycle " &
198 "parameter has a zero value");
199 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 7);
200 exception
201 when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
202 when others =>
203 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by EF.Tan when Cycle " &
204 "parameter has a zero value");
205 end;
208 -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Tan with very
209 -- large (positive and negative) input values.
211 begin
212 New_Float_Result := GEF.Tan (New_Float(FXA5A00.Large), 360.0);
213 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 8);
214 exception
215 when others =>
216 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on GEF.Tan with large " &
217 "positive value");
218 end;
220 begin
221 The_Result := EF.Tan (FXA5A00.Minus_Large, Cycle => 360.0);
222 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 9);
223 exception
224 when others =>
225 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Tan with large " &
226 "negative value");
227 end;
230 -- Check prescribed result from Tan function with Cycle parameter.
232 if GEF.Tan(0.0, 360.0) /= 0.0 or
233 EF.Tan(0.0, Cycle => 360.0) /= 0.0
234 then
235 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Tan function with cycle " &
236 "parameter, using a zero value input parameter");
237 end if;
240 -- Check the Tan function, with specified Cycle parameter, with a
241 -- variety of input parameters.
243 if not Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tan(30.0, 360.0), 0.577, 0.001) or
244 not Result_Within_Range( EF.Tan(57.0, 360.0), 1.540, 0.001) or
245 not Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tan(115.0, 360.0), -2.145, 0.001) or
246 not Result_Within_Range( EF.Tan(299.0, 360.0), -1.804, 0.001) or
247 not Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tan(390.0, 360.0), 0.577, 0.001) or
248 not Result_Within_Range( EF.Tan(520.0, 360.0), -0.364, 0.001)
249 then
250 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from the Tan function with " &
251 "cycle parameter, with various input parameter " &
252 "values");
253 end if;
257 -- Testing of Tanh Function, both instantiated and pre-instantiated
258 -- version.
260 -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Tan with very
261 -- large (positive and negative) input values.
263 begin
264 New_Float_Result := GEF.Tanh (New_Float(FXA5A00.Large));
265 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 10);
266 exception
267 when others =>
268 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on GEF.Tanh with large " &
269 "positive value");
270 end;
272 begin
273 The_Result := EF.Tanh (FXA5A00.Minus_Large);
274 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 11);
275 exception
276 when others =>
277 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Tanh with large " &
278 "negative value");
279 end;
282 -- Check for prescribed result of Tanh with zero value input parameter.
284 if GEF.Tanh (0.0) /= 0.0 or
285 EF.Tanh (0.0) /= 0.0
286 then
287 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Tanh with zero parameter");
288 end if;
291 -- Check the results of the Tanh function with various input
292 -- parameters.
294 if not (FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tanh(2.99), 0.995, 0.001) and
295 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tanh(0.130), 0.129, 0.001) and
296 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range( EF.Tanh(Pi), 0.996, 0.001) and
297 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range( EF.Tanh(-Pi), -0.996, 0.001) and
298 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tanh(0.60), 0.537, 0.001) and
299 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range( EF.Tanh(1.04), 0.778, 0.001) and
300 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Tanh(1.55), 0.914, 0.001) and
301 FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range( EF.Tanh(-2.14), -0.973, 0.001))
302 then
303 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Tanh function with various " &
304 "input parameters");
305 end if;
309 -- Testing of Arctanh Function, both instantiated and pre-instantiated
310 -- version.
312 -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised by the Arctanh function
313 -- when the absolute value of the parameter X is one.
315 if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
316 begin
317 New_Float_Result := GEF.Arctanh(X => 1.0);
318 Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Function Arctanh " &
319 "when provided a parameter value of 1.0");
320 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 12);
321 exception
322 when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
323 when others =>
324 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Arctanh "
325 & "when provided a parameter value of 1.0");
326 end;
327 end if;
329 if Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
330 begin
331 The_Result := EF.Arctanh(-1.0);
332 Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Function Arctanh " &
333 "when provided a parameter value of -1.0");
334 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 13);
335 exception
336 when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
337 when others =>
338 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Arctanh "
339 & "when provided a parameter value of -1.0");
340 end;
341 end if;
343 -- Check that Function Arctanh raises Argument_Error when the absolute
344 -- value of the parameter X exceeds one.
346 begin
347 New_Float_Result := GEF.Arctanh(New_Float(FXA5A00.One_Plus_Delta));
348 Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by Function Arctanh " &
349 "when provided a parameter value greater than 1.0");
350 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 14);
351 exception
352 when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
353 when others =>
354 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Arctanh " &
355 "when provided a parameter value greater than 1.0");
356 end;
359 begin
360 The_Result := EF.Arctanh(FXA5A00.Minus_One_Minus_Delta);
361 Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by Function Arctanh " &
362 "when provided a parameter value less than -1.0");
363 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 15);
364 exception
365 when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
366 when others =>
367 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Arctanh " &
368 "when provided a parameter value less than -1.0");
369 end;
372 begin
373 New_Float_Result := GEF.Arctanh(New_Float(FXA5A00.Large));
374 Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by Function Arctanh " &
375 "when provided a large positive parameter value");
376 Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 16);
377 exception
378 when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
379 when others =>
380 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Arctanh " &
381 "when provided a large positive parameter value");
382 end;
385 begin
386 The_Result := EF.Arctanh(FXA5A00.Minus_Large);
387 Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by Function Arctanh " &
388 "when provided a large negative parameter value");
389 Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 17);
390 exception
391 when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
392 when others =>
393 Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Arctanh " &
394 "when provided a large negative parameter value");
395 end;
398 -- Prescribed results for Function Arctanh with zero input value.
400 if GEF.Arctanh(0.0) /= 0.0 or
401 EF.Arctanh(0.0) /= 0.0
402 then
403 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Arctanh with a " &
404 "parameter value of zero");
405 end if;
408 -- Check the results of the Arctanh function with various input
409 -- parameters.
411 if not (Result_Within_Range(GEF.Arctanh(0.15), 0.151, 0.001) and
412 Result_Within_Range( EF.Arctanh(0.44), 0.472, 0.001) and
413 Result_Within_Range(GEF.Arctanh(0.81), 1.127, 0.001) and
414 Result_Within_Range( EF.Arctanh(0.99), 2.647, 0.001))
415 then
416 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Arctanh function with " &
417 "various input parameters");
418 end if;
420 exception
421 when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Test_Block");
422 end Test_Block;
424 Report.Result;
426 end CXA5A03;